  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    Technical Manual

    Centre de recherche sur lenvironnement alpin (CREALP)

    HydroCosmos SA

    RS M!ER"E

    RS M!ER"E # Technical Manual v$%&

    October 2015

    For Software version

    Approved for Public Release. Distribution Unliited

  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    Centre de recherche sur lenvironnement alpin (CREALP)

    HydroCosmos SA


    avier ARCA HER!A!*E+ !R"A#P

    avier PARE*ES AR,-.LA UP$

    Alain /.EH! !R"A#P

    0astien R.,-ER %&dro!osos S.A.

    Please refer t'is tec'nical anual as (

    arc1a Hern2nde34 %4 Paredes Ar5uiola4 %4 /oehn4 A% and Ro5uier4 0% ($6&7)% RS MINERVE Technical manual v2.1% RSM!ER"E roup4 S8it3erland%

  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae /120


    -ec'nical )anual ....................................................................................................................... 1

    Foreword ................................................................................................................................ /

    !'apter 1. *ntroduction ...................................................................................................... 5

    1.1. )anuals structure ................................................................................................... 5

    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description .............................................. 3

    2.1. #ist of ob4ects ........................................................................................................... 3

    2.2. $irtual eat'er Station ........................................................................................... 6

    2.7. Snow89S) odel description ............................................................................... 12

    2./. Runoff :S)); odel description ....................................................................... 1/

    2.5. 9S) odel description ......................................................................................... 15

    2.3. SO!O+- odel description ................................................................................... 1

  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 5120

    /.7. S'uffled !opleE "voluation , Universit& of AriCona ........................................... 5?

    /./. Unifor Adaptive )onte !arlo ............................................................................. 35

    /.5. !oupled #atin %&percube and Rosenbroc ............................................................ 36

    !'apter 5. $isual =asic Scripts .......................................................................................... 61

    5.1. *ntroduction to $isual =asic Scripts ....................................................................... 61

    5.2. Application Start .................................................................................................... 62

    5.7. )odel preparation ................................................................................................. 67

    5./. Siulation and reports ..........................................................................................

  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae /120


    RS )*+"R$" is a software for t'e siulation of free surface run8off flow foration and

    propaation. *t odels copleE '&droloical and '&draulic networs accordin to a sei8

    distributed conceptual sc'ee. *n addition to particular '&droloical processes suc' as

    snowelt lacier elt surface and underround flow '&draulic control eleents :e..ates spillwa&s diversions 4unctions turbines and pups; are also included.

    -'e lobal anal&sis of a '&droloic8'&draulic networ is essential in nuerous decision8

    ain situations suc' as t'e anaeent or plannin of water resources t'e optiiCation

    of '&dropower plant operations t'e desin and reulation of spillwa&s or t'e developent

    of appropriate flood protection concepts. RS )*+"R$" aes suc' anal&ses accessible to a

    broad public t'rou' its user8friendl& interface and its valuable possibilities. *n addition

    t'ans to its odular fraewor t'e software can be developed and adapted to specific

    needs or issues.

    RS )*+"R$" contains different '&droloical odels for rain9all#runo994 such as SM

    S.C.!T SAC#SMA R: and H0". -'e cobination of '&draulic structure odels

    :reservoirs turbines spillwa&sG; can also reproduce copleE '&dropower sc'ees. *n

    addition a hydropo8er model coputes t'e net 'ei't and t'e linear pressure losses

    providin ener& production values and total incoe based on t'e turbine perforance and

    on t'e sale price of ener&. A consumption modelcalculates water deficits for consuptive

    uses of cities industries andor ariculture. A structure e99iciency model coputes

    disc'are losses in a structure suc' a canal or a pipe b& considerin a siple efficienc&


    -'e RS E;pertmodule specificall& created for researc' or copleE studies enables in8dept'

    evaluation of '&droloic and '&draulic results. Time#slice simulationfacilitates t'e anal&sisof lare data sets wit'out overloadin t'e coputer eor&. Scenario simulation

    introduced t'e possibilit& of siulatin ultiple weat'er scenarios or several sets of

    paraeters and initial conditions to stud& t'e variabilit& and sensitivit& of t'e odel results.

    -'e automatic calincia; collaborate toiprove RS )*+"R$" and use it to support postraduate courses in !ivil "nineerin and

    "nvironental Sciences. Ot'er collaborations suc' as wit' t'e Hydro&6 Association

    copleent and en'ance t'e developent of RS )*+"R$".

  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    !'apter 1. *ntroduction

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 5120

    Chapter &% ntroduction

    -'e Routin S&ste ** prora was developed at t'e #aborator& of %&draulic !onstructions

    :#!%; at t'e "cole Pol&tec'niBue FHdHrale de #ausanne :"PF#; :Dubois et al. 2000I 9arcJa

    %ernKndeC et al. 2006;.

    -'e prora presented 'ereafter RS )*+"R$" is based on t'e sae concept t'an Routin

    S&ste **. RS )*+"R$" is developed b& t'e !R"A#P and %&dro!osos SA wit' t'e

    collaboration of t'e #aborator& of %&draulic !onstructions :#!%; at t'e "cole Pol&tec'niBue

    FHdHrale de #ausanne :"PF#; and t'e Universitat PolitLcnica de $alLncia :UP$;.

    &%&% Manuals structure

    -'e presented -ec'nical anual is oranised in ei't c'apters(

    1. *ntroduction

    2. %&droloical and '&draulic odels description

    7. Perforance indicators

    /. !alibration alorit's

    5. $isual basic scripts

    3. Files forats

    6. Database forats

  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 3120

    Chapter $% Hydrolo?ical and hydraulics models description

    -'is c'apter presents t'e '&droloical ob4ects eEistin in RS )*+"R$" software.


    List o9 ounction:ob4ect wit'out paraeters or paired data;

    o -ie Series :see 2.11;

    o Source :ob4ect wit'out paraeters or paired data but onl& a lin to t'e database;

    o !oparator :ob4ect wit'out an& paraeters or paired data;

    o Sub8odel:ob4ect wit'out an& paraeters or paired data;

    o 9roup *nterface:ob4ect wit'out an& paraeters or paired data;


    o Reservoir :see 2.12;

    o #evel8Disc'are relation %@ :see 2.17;

    o -urbine :see 2.1/;

    o -urbineD= :ob4ect wit'out paraeters or paired data but onl& a lin to t'e


    o %&dropower :see 2.15;o Diversion :see 2.13;

    o !onsuer :see 2.16;

    o Structure "fficienc& :see 2.1

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    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae

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    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae ?120

    = CoeffTs!

    $ %&' + (i,s

    $ (



    = CoeffETPs!

    $ %&' + (i,s$ (i,s%&' )


  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 10120

    R value is a location dependent :latitude and lonitude; ont'l& averae of t'e lobal


    -'e lobal radiation R is obtained in X'2da& fro t'e Global horizontal radiation

    dataset provided b& t'e Surface eteoroloical and Solar "ner& :SS"; web portal

    sponsored b& t'e +ASAs Applied Science Prora :'ttp(eosweb.larc.nasa.ovsse;. -'isdata coes as a rid :latitude and lonitude; and is coposed of ont'l& averaed values.

    Rdata taes into account 22 &ear ont'l& averae :>ul& 1?une 2005;. -'e latitude and

    t'e lonitude values indicate t'e lower left corner of a 1E1 deree reion. +eative values

    are sout' and westI positive values are nort' and east. =oundaries of t'e 8?081

  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 11120

    c) .udin

    Oudin :200/; proposes followin eBuation for t'e calculation of "-P(


    J /K J FJ + .(11 23 4 . = 1 23 . :A.12;with "-P( potential evapotranspiration XdI Re( eEtra8terrestrial radiation X)> 82 d81 I -( Airteperature XV! I Z( water densit& constant value of 1000 X

    7 I [( latent 'eat of vaporiCation

    constant value of 2.23 X)>.

    Oudin et'od coefficients :5 and 100; were optiiCed for t'e '&droloical odellin on t'e

    basis of a stud& realiCed on an& worldwide waters'eds :Oudin 200/;.

    #atitude are onl& necessar& for obtainin Revalues

    -'e eEtra8terrestrial radiation Reis calculated as follows(

    /K= D6HJ JL Jsi9MJsi9N+si9LJOosMJOosN :A.17; = ( + 161 J Oos J Q J RSH. :A.1/;L = A?OOos:A9MJ:A9N :A.15;N = 1671Jsi9 J Q J RH. (6 :A.13;


    1 + ZU 23 UVWXY [ RS= D. J UVWXY ( + ZU 23 UVWXY \ ]W _]` _] = Xa_RS= D. J UVWXY + ZU 23 UVWXY \ ]W _]` _] = 3]^b_ :A.16;

    withdr( relative distance Sun8"art' X8 I ( solar declination Xrad I >d( >ulian da& X8 I ( latitude

    neative in t'e sout' 'eisp'ere XradI ( 'our anle of t'e sun XradI month( ont' of t'e &ear 1

    to 12 X8 I D (da& of t'e ont' X8.

    d) -ni9orm ETP

    -'e user can also set a unifor "-P for t'e w'ole siulation period and for t'e entire basin.

    = cV_33 J d :A.1

  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 12120

    $%B% Sno8#SM model description

    -'e Snow89S) odel :Fiure 2; is coposed of two sub8odels w'ic' siulate t'e

    transient evolution of t'e snow pac :accuulation and elt; as a function of t'e

    teperature :-; and precipitation :P; producin an eBuivalent precipitation :PeB; w'ic' can

    be used as an input variable b& t'e SA!8S)A or 9R/> odel.

    /i?ure $ Snow89S) odel


  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 17120

    = 1 23 [ h' = h'jh h' 23 h'[ [ h = ( 23 4 h :=.7;with P\( liBuid precipitation X#-I ( separation factorI P( precipitation X#-I +( solid precipitation

    X#-I -: teperature XV!I -cp1( iniu critical teperature for liBuid precipitation XV!I -cp2(aEiu critical teperature for solid precipitation XV!.

    *f t'e observed teperature is lower t'an -cp1 onl& solid precipitation is produced. *f t'e

    teperature is 'i'er t'an -cp2 onl& liBuid precipitation is produced. *f t'e teperature

    observed is found between t'ese two critical values liBuid and solid precipitation are

    produced. -'e solid precipitation :+; is used as input for t'e snow pac var&in its content

    as a function of elt or freeCin. -'e snowelt calculation is perfored as follows(kl= m%J ( + nJ J h 23 4 hkl= m%J h 23 h


    pjX = g klkl g + pjXkl\ qljX :=.5;with )+( snowelt or freeCin X#-I An: deree8da& snowelt coefficient X#-V!; bp:precipitation

    coefficient due to elt X-#I -cf( critical snowelt teperature XV!I %( snow 'ei't X#I +( water

    content X#I dt( tie step X-.

    -'e eBuivalent precipitation :PeB; is produced b& t'e water content of t'e snow :equations

    =.6 to=.8;(

    r = qljp :=.3;

    K= + qljX 23 p = 1K= 1 23 p 4 1 _X r rhtK= r rht J pjX 23 p 4 1 _X r 4 rht :=.6;qljX = + kl K :=.

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    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 1/120

    $%:% Runo99 (SMM) model description

    -'e S)) :Stor ater )anaeent )odel; odel presented 'ereafter was developed

    b& )etcalf and "dd& :1?61;.

    /i?ure B S)) Runoff odel

    Tao( averae slope of t'e plane X8I #( lent' of t'e plane X#I A(run8off surface X#2.

    -'e variable for t'e initial condition associated to t'e odel is %r. -'e paraeter to ad4ust is

    . -'e ot'er paraeters :>o # A; are supposed to be constant.

    -'e S)) odel supplied b& a '&etorap' of net rainfall :i+et; provides a '&drorap'

    downstrea of t'e surface :@;.

  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 15120

    $%7% SM model description

    -'e 9S) odel :Fiure /; is coposed of 5 sub8odels two correspondin to t'e Snow8

    9S) odel and t'e ot'er t'ree correspondin to t'e lacier odel. -'e 'ereafter present

    odel allows an eas& construction of t'is ind of coposition.

    Fro t'e inputs of precipitation :P; and teperature :-; t'e snow odel creates an

    eBuivalent precipitation :PeB; w'ic' is transferred to t'e lacier odel. -'e sae accounts

    for t'e 'ei't of t'e snow :%snow; and t'e teperature :-;.

    *n t'e lacier odel t'e eBuivalent precipitation is transferred to t'e linear snow reservoir

    :Rsn; and finall& to t'e outlet of t'e sub8catc'ent :@snow;. =esides t'e sub8odel of t'e

    lacier elt creates a flow w'en t'e 'ei't of snow is Cero :% snowW0;. -'is lacier flow :PeB9#;

    is transferred to t'e linear lacier reservoir :Rl; and t'e resultin flow :@lacier; to t'e outlet

    of t'e sub8catc'ent.

    -'e final flow :@tot; produced b& t'e sub8catc'ent is t'e addition of t'e two flows :@lacierand @snow;.

  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 13120

    /i?ure : 9S) odel


  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 16120

    -'e eBuivalent precipitation :PeB; is produced b& t'e water content of t'e snow :equations

    .6 to.8;(r = qljp :F.3;K= + qljX 23 p = 1K= 1 23 p 4 1 _X r rhtK= r rht J pjX 23 p 4 1 _X r 4 rht :F.6;qljX = + kl K :F.

  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 1

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    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 1?120


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    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 20120

    with )+( snowelt or freeCin X#-I An: deree8da& snowelt coefficient X#-V!; bp:precipitation

    coefficient due to elt X-#I -cf( critical snowelt teperature XV!I %( snow 'ei't X#I +( water

    content X#I dt( tie step X-.

    -'e eBuivalent precipitation :PeB; is produced b& t'e water content of t'e snow :equations

    G.6 to G.8;(r = qljp :9.3;K= + qljX 23 p = 1K= 1 23 p 4 1 _X r rhtK= r rht J pjX 23 p 4 1 _X r 4 rht :9.6;qljX = + kl K :9.

  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 21120

    -'e input variables of t'e odel are t'e precipitation :P; t'e teperature :-; and t'e

    potential evapotranspiration :"-P;. -'e output value is t'e eBuivalent precipitation :PeB;.

    -'e outflow disc'are @tot coposed b& t'e base disc'are :@9R7; and t'e run8off disc'are

    :@r; is finall& transferred to t'e outlet of t'e sub8catc'ent.

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    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 22120

    $%D% H0" model description

    -'e interated rainfall8runoff odel %=$ :=erstr_ 1?63 1??2; is coposed of a snow

    function a 'uidit& reservoir and two :upper and lower; soil storae reservoirs. -'e

    structure of t'e ipleented odel is presented in t'e Fiure 3.

    /i?ure %=$ odel

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    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 27120


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    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 2/120

    with )sn( snowelt or freeCin X#-I C)a*: deree8da& eltin factor X#-V!I C%( refreeCin

    factor X8ITT()( critical snowelt teperature XV!I +snow( snow 'ei't X#I +water( water content X#I

    dt( tie step X-.

    -'e eBuivalent precipitation :'eq; is produced b& t'e water content of t'e snow :equations


  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 25120

    with 2per( Percolation storae coefficient X1- I 2u( *nterflow storae coefficient X1- I i'er(

    Percolation intensit& X#- I u( *nterflow X#7-.

    Afterwards t'e lower reservoir :or baseflow reservoir; correspondin to t'e lower soil

    storae is calculated as presented in eBuations %.13 and %.16

    yjX = 2 5J yy \ 1 :%.13;z = 5J y J m :%.16;

    with(5( #ower reservoir water level X#I 2l( =aseflow storae coefficient X1-I l( =aseflow X#7-.

    And finall& t'e total outflow is(zuvu= zt+ z+ z :%.1

  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 23120

    $%% R: model description

    -'e 9R/> odel is a lobal '&droloical odel wit' four paraeters developed b& Perrin et

    al. :2007;. *t is an epirical odel :Fiure 6; but its structure is siilar to t'e conceptual

    odels. *t taes into account t'e 'uidit& and contains two reservoirs :production and

    routin;. Unit '&drorap's are also associated for t'e '&droloical be'aviour of t'e basin.

    /i?ure D 9R/> odel

  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 26120


  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 2

  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 2?120

    z = X / + z + 2 J X J ( ( + / + z + 2 J Xdx ' :*.1/;

    withiF ( eEc'ane function X#- I 2 ( water eEc'ane coefficient positive for contributions neative

    for losses due to infiltration or Cero w'en no eEc'ane is produced X#I R ( water level in t'e routin

    reservoir X# I 7 ( one da& capacit& of routin reservoir X#I @r( unitar& routin reservoir outflow


    -'e variation of t'e water level in t'e routin reservoir is(/jX = z 2 z/ \ 1 :*.15;-'e outflow @1 fro '&drorap' U%2 'as also t'e sae eEc'ane for providin t'e

    copleentar& flow @d(

    z = z( + 2 :*.13;with@d( unitar& copleentar& outflow X#-.Finall& t'e odel outflows are calculated as presented in eBuations *.16 and *.1< and t'e

    total flow at t'e outlet @tot as presented in eBuation *.1?(z = z J m :*.16;z = z J m :*.1

  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 70120

    $%F% SAC#SMA model description

    -'e SA!8S)A :Fiure

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    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 71120


  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 72120

    -'e aEiu fraction of an additional ipervious area due to saturation :Adimp;. *t

    represents t'e aEiu portion of reservoirs and teporar& waters'eds contained

    in t'e basin.

    -'us t'e peranent pervious area fraction of t'e basin is calculated followin eBuation >.1

    ]_] = ( X2U + m2U` :>.1;withParea ( peranent pervious area fraction of t'e basin X8 I Pcti ( peranent ipervious areafraction X8 I Adip ( aEiu fraction of an additional ipervious area due to saturation X8.

    *t is wort' entionin t'at t'e be'aviour of t'e additional ipervious area i't be purel&

    pervious purel& ipervious or iEed dependin on t'e storae of t'e peranent pervious

    and ipervious areas. -'e pervious capacit& :or fraction; of t'is area will decrease as t'e

    rainfall rows.

    As s'own in t'e Fiure

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    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 77120

    with -( relative content of Upper Qone -ension ater X8I F( relative content of Upper Qone Free

    ater X8I UCtr( infiltration transfer fro t'e Free ater storae to t'e -ension ater storae X#-I

    UCtw!( t'e Upper Qone-ension ater storae X#I UCtw)aE( t'e Upper Qone -ension ater capacit&

    X#I UCfw!( t'e Upper Qone Free ater storae X#I UCfw)aE( t'e Upper Qone Free ater capacit&


    Alt'ou' free water is present durin fillin of Upper Qone -ension ater :b& infiltration;

    t'is free water is rapidl& transfored into Upper Qone -ension ater until tension water

    relative content reBuireents are satisfied.1

    *n addition w'en t'e Upper Qone -ension ater volue 'as been filled eEcess oisture

    above t'e Upper Qone-ension ater capacit& is accuulated in t'e Upper Qone Free ater.

    -pper +one /ree ater stora?e

    -'is storae represents t'e water not attac'ed to t'e soil particles and free to ove under

    ravitational forces. -'e water t'at reac'es t'is reservoir coes fro t'e infiltration of t'e

    Upper Qone-ension ater storae

    -'e followin concepts are defined(

    -'e Upper Qone ree ,ater )a*imum capacit& :-398Ma;; is t'e aEiu Free

    ater storae adissible in t'e Upper Qone.

    -'e Upper Qoneree ,ater Content :-398C; is t'e Free ater stored in t'e Upper

    Qoneat an& iven tie.

    -'e $nterlow depletion rate :-3G; represents t'e portion of t'e Upper Qone Free

    ater t'at is transferred outside as interflow.

    -'e water a& be depleted b& evapotranspiration percolation to t'e #ower Qone or

    'oriContal flow :surface runoff and interflow;.

    On t'e one 'and t'e percolation to t'e #ower Qone is coputed prior to t'e interflow

    coputation as it is its preferred pat'. *t depends on t'e deficienc& of t'e #ower Qone

    oisture volues on t'e soil properties and on t'e water relative storae in t'is reservoir.

    -'e first 2 factors define t'e percolation deand fro t'e #ower Qone :DDA;. -'is deand

    represents t'e percolation in case of total percolation availabilit& on t'e Upper Qone Free

    ater storae.

    ]b_ = y3`k] y` +y3bk] yb :>.3;

    Z/ =yXk] yXc + y3`k] y3`c + y3bk] y3bcyXk] +y3`k] +y3bk] :>.6;ZZm = ]b_ ( + `_ Z/{K :>.

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    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 7/120

    percolation rates X8I D"FR( relative #ower Qonewater deficienc& X8I ReEp( s'ape paraeter of t'e

    percolation curve X8.

    -'e effective percolation depends on t'e percolation deand and t'e ratio between t'e

    Upper Qone Free ater content and t'e Upper Qone Free ater capacit& as s'own in

    eBuation >.?. *n addition t'e effective percolation is liited b& t'e 'uidit& content in t'eUpper Qone and also b& t'e deficienc& in t'e #ower Qone :eBuations >.10 and >.11

    respectivel&;(/c = ZZm 3c3k] :>.?;/c 3cjX :>.10;/c yXk]yXc + y3`k] y3`c + y3bk]y3bcjX :>.11;

    with P"R!( real percolation X#-I DDA( #ower Qone aEiu percolation deand X#-I UCfw!(

    Upper Qone Free ater content X#I UCfw)aE(Upper Qone Free ater capacit& X#.

    On t'e ot'er 'and t'e interflow occurs onl& w'en t'e rate of precipitation eEceed t'e rate

    at w'ic' downward otion can occur fro t'e Upper Qone Free ater. *t depends on t'e

    water content and on its interflow depletion rate UC as s'own in eBuation >.12(z%uKtv|= 3c ]_] m :>.12;with@interflow( interflow X#

    7-I UC( interflow depletion rate fro t'e Upper Qone Free water storae


    I UCfw!( Upper Qone Free ater content X#I Parea ( pervious area fraction of t'e basin X8I A(

    surface of t'e basin X#2.

    )oreover w'en t'e Upper Qone Free ater storae is copletel& full and t'e precipitation

    intensit& eEceeds bot' t'e percolation rate and t'e aEiu interflow drainae capacit&t'e eEcess precipitation results in surface runoff @SurfRunoff.

    Lo8er +one Tension ater stora?e

    -'is storae represents t'e sei8saturated Cone. *t c'aracteriCes t'e volue of oisture in

    t'e lower soils w'ic' will be claied b& dr& soil particles w'en oisture fro a wettin front

    reac'es t'at dept'. -'e water is consued t'rou' evapotranspiration proportionall& to

    t'e reainin "-P of t'e Upper Qone -ension ater storae.

    -'e water reac'in t'is reservoir coes fro t'e Upper Qone percolation. One fraction

    :Pfree; of t'is percolation oes directl& to t'e Free ater storaes even if t'e -ension

    ater storae is not &et full and t'e ot'er fraction :18Pfree; oes to t'e -ension aterstorae of t'e #ower Qone

    2.-'e water also reac'es t'is storae fro transfers between

    t'e ot'er #ower Qone Free ater storaes.

    -'e followin concepts are defined(

    -'e #ower Qone Tension ,ater )a*imum capacit& :L3t8Ma;; is t'e aEiu

    -ension ater storae adissible in t'e #ower Qone.

    2*f t'e -ension ater storae of t'e #ower Qone is copletel& full t'en percolation oes entirel& to t'e 2 Free

    ater storaes.

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    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 75120

    -'e #ower QoneTension ,ater Content :L3t8C; is t'e -ension ater stored in t'e

    #ower Qone at an& iven tie.

    *f t'e relative content of -ension ater :ratio between its content and its aEiu storae;

    is saller t'an t'e relative content of Free ater t'e incoin eEcess is transferred fro

    Free ater to -ension ater. -'e eEpressions of bot' ratios are s'own in eBuations >.17 to>.15( /q = /b_ y3`k] +y3bk] :>.17;

    = yXcyXk] :>.1/; = y3`c +y3bc /qy3`k] +y3bk] /q :>.15;

    with -( relative content of #ower Qone -ension ater X8I F( relative content of #ower Qone Free

    ater X8I RF( #ower Qone Free ater not transferable to #ower Qone -ension ater susceptible

    to becoe baseflow X#I Rserv( fraction of #ower Qone Free ater not transferable to #ower Qone-ension aterX8.

    *f t'e relative content of t'e #ower Qone -ension ater is saller t'an t'e relative fullness

    of t'e lobal #ower Qone a water transfer D"# occurs fro t'e #ower Qone Free

    Suppleentar& reservoir to t'e #ower Qone -ension ater reservoir as described b& t'e

    followin eBuations(

    / = y3`c + y3bc + yXc /qy3`k] +y3bk] +yXk] /q :>.13;

    Zy = yXk] / jX :>.16;

    withD"#( t'e Free8-ension ater transfer in t'e #ower Qone X#-I R( ratio between t'e available

    water for evapotranspiration and t'e total water content in t'e w'ole #ower Qone X8I RF( #ower

    Qone Free ater not transferable to #ower Qone -ension ater susceptible to becoe baseflow X#.

    Lo8er +one Primary and Supplementary /ree ater stora?es

    -'is storae represents t'e saturated Cone of t'e subsoil i.e. t'e aBuifer. -'ere are two

    t&pes of #ower Qone Free ater( a priar& t&pe wit' a ver& slow drainin providin baseflow

    over lon periods of tie and a suppleentar& t&pe w'ic' suppleents t'e baseflow after

    a period of relativel& recent rainfall.

    -'e water t'at reac'es t'ese storaes coes fro t'e 'reefraction of t'e percolation oft'e Upper Qone Free ater. -'is fraction is distributed into t'e priar& and suppleentar&

    storaes accordin to t'eir deficienc& of water.

    -'e followin concepts are defined(

    -'e #ower Qoneprimar7 ree ,ater )a*imumcapacit& :L39pMa;; is t'e aEiu

    priar& water storae adissible in t'e #ower Qone.

    -'e #ower Qoneprimar7 ree ,ater Content:L39pC; is t'e priar& Free ater stored

    in t'e #ower Qone at an& iven tie.

    -'e epletion rate o the 5ower 9one primar7 ree ,ater stora/e :L3pG; is t'e

    portion of priar& Free ater t'at drains as baseflow per da&.

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    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 73120

    -'e #ower Qone supplementar7 ree ,ater )a*imum capacit& :L39sMa;; is t'e

    aEiu suppleentar& water storae adissible in t'e #ower Qone.

    -'e #ower Qonesupplementar7 ree ,ater Content:L39sC; is t'e suppleentar& Free

    ater stored in t'e #ower Qone at an& iven tie.

    -'e epletion rate o the 5ower 9one supplementar7 ree ,ater stora/e:L3sG; is t'e

    portion of suppleentar& Free ater t'at drains as baseflow per da&.

    -'e drained water leavin t'ese two storaes :priar& flow @priar&and suppleentar& flow

    @suppleentar&; follows t'e Darc&s law and fors t'e baseflow of t'e #ower Qone @#ower Qoneas

    s'own in eBuations >.1< to >.20(ztGt= y` y3`c ]_] m :>.1.1?;z~v|Kt v%K= ztGt+ zKK%uGt


    with @priar&( priar& baseflow X#7-I @suppleentar&( suppleentar& baseflow X#

    7-I @#ower Qone( total

    baseflow produced in t'e #ower Qone X#7-I #Cp( depletion rate of t'e #ower Qone priar& Free

    ater storae X-81

    I #Cfp!( #ower Qone priar& Free ater !ontent X#I #Cs( depletion rate of t'e

    #ower Qone suppleentar& Free ater storae X-81

    I #Cfs!( #ower Qone suppleentar& Free ater

    !ontent X#I Parea ( pervious area fraction of t'e basin X8I A( surface of t'e basin X#2.

    -'e odel allows includin baseflow losses called subsurface flow @SubSurf due to t'e

    eEistence of eoloical faults fractured rocs etc. t'at lead to filtrations t'rou'out t'e

    aBuifer. -'e (ideparaeter captures t'ese losses as s'own in eBuation >.21(

    zt= 2_ zGKv| :>.21;

    withSide( ratio of deep percolation fro #ower Qone Free ater storaes X8 @baseflow( #ower Qone

    Free ater volue actuall& interated to t'e c'annel outflow '&drorap's X#7-I @SubSurf( disc'are

    lost into t'e aBuifer X#7-.

    And so t'is (ideparaeter is used to correct t'e baseflow as follows(zGKv|=z~v|Kt v%K(+2_ :>.22;zt= 2_ z~v|Kt v%K(+2_ :>.27;

    Evapotranspiration-'e real evapotranspirations are obtained fro eac' -ension ater storae fro t'e

    transfers between Free ater and -ension ater storaes fro riverside veetation and

    fro ipervious areas. -'e& are described 'ereafter.

    ETR1( evapotranspiration fro t'e Upper Qone -ension ater reservoir. *f t'is

    reservoir is not full t'e evapotranspiration is proportional to its content :eBuation


    /( = XcXk] Xc


    with"-P( potential evapotranspiration X#-.

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    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 76120

    -'e reainin evapotranspiration deand R"D and t'e updated content of water in

    t'e Upper Qone -ension ater reservoir UCtw! are t'en calculated(/Z = /( :>.25;XcjX = /( :>.23; ETR2( evapotranspiration fro t'e Upper Qone Free ater reservoir. -'is

    evapotranspiration is eBual to t'e reainin R"D left b& t'e -ension ater reservoir

    but it is liited b& t'e Upper Qone Free ater content UCfw!(/ = i9/Z3cjX :>.26;-'en t'e reainin evapotranspiration R"D#C fro t'e #ower Qone is(/Zy = /Z / :>.2.72;

    {'= /(6Xuu' :>.77;withAdi!( su of t'e Upper Qoneand #ower Qone -ension ater !ontent in t'e 4dimp

    area X8I $"-R1( evapotranspirated water fro t'e Upper Qone -ension ater reservoir in a

    tie step X#.

    "ac' evapotranspiration value is wei'ted based on t'e portion of t'e basin area in w'ic' it

    is produced. -'e total evapotranspiration is finall&(

    /XVX]^ =/(+/+/ ]_] + /7 /2] + /. m2U` m :>.7/;

    with "-Rtotal( total evapotranspiration X#7-I Parea( pervious area fraction of t'e basin X8I Riva(

    riparian veetarian area fraction X8I Pcti( peranent ipervious area fraction of t'e basin X8I

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    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 7

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    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 7?120

    $%&6% Channel routin? description

    -'e c'annel routin can be solved b& t'e St8$enant )usinu8!une or ineatic wave.

    -'e t'ree possibilities are presented 'ereafter and t'eir paraeters in -able ?.

    Ta0 8 Slope 0


    s Stricler coefficient 10 to ?0

    nSec 8 +uber of sections :St. $enant onl&; 0

    @*ni 7s *nitial disc'are 8

    ST% "E!A!T routin?

    -'e St. $enant eBuations solvin t'e 1D unstead& flow are(mX+ z= 1 :.1;zX+ zm + '= m R R + :.2;with A( cross sectional flow area X#

    2I @( disc'are X#

    7-I >0( botto slopeI >f( friction slope X8I *1(

    profile coefficient X#7I *2( coefficient for cross sectional variation X#


    "Buation .1 eEpresses t'e ass conservation w'ile eBuation .2 ensures t'e conservation

    of oentu. -'e ter *1 taes into account t'e s'ape of t'e transversal profile and is

    calculated as follows(

    '= Y J n :.7;-'e ter b represents t'e cross sectional variation for t'e level and constitutes an

    interation variable accordin to Fiure ?. St. $enant eBuations can be solved in RS )*+"R$"

    for a trapeCoidal profile :Fiure 10;(

    /i?ure F Descriptive setc' for paraeters

    used in t'e calculation of *1

    /i?ure &6 -ransversal profile available for t'e

    coputation of c'annel routinFor t'is trapeCoidal section t'e eBuation definin *1is reduced to(

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    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae /0120

    '= J Y + U J Yx :./;with =( widt' of t'e base of t'e transversal profile X#I '( water level X#I ( side ban relation

    coefficient :1 vertical 'oriContal; X8.

    -'e friction slope >fis calculated accordin to )annin8Stricler(

    R = z JzmJ 5J /x :.5;/= my :.3;

    with>f( friction slope X8I ( Stricler coefficient X#17

    -I R'( '&draulic radius X#I A( flow area X#2I #p(

    wetted perieter X#.

    -'e ter *2taes into account t'e variation of t'e section alon t'e c'annel. *n t'e case of a

    prisatic c'annel *2is eBual to Cero. *n eneral *2is(

    = Y n&

    :.6;For a prisatic c'annel eBuations .1 and .2 are solved b& t'e "uler et'od :first order; as follows(

    m' %'= m'%X z' % z% :.

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    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae /1120

    Routin? accordin? to MusGin?um#Cun?e

    Rulin out t'e first two ters of eBuation .2 &ields(

    '= m J R + :.10;

    -'is new eBuation corresponds to t'e approEiation of t'e diffusive wave. it' t'e

    suppleentar& '&pot'esis of a prisatic c'annel :!une 1??1; it is possible to eEpress

    eBuation .2 as follows(zX+ zZ ZY z Z z z = 1 :.11;with=( widt' of t'e botto of t'e transversal profile X#I D( disc'are rate X#


    -'e disc'are rate is t'e capacit& of a cross section of a c'annel to transport a certain flow

    and is defined as(

    z = Z R' :.12;"Buation .11 is an eBuation wit' partial derivatives of parabolic t&pe w'ic' represents t'e

    convection and t'e diffusion of t'e variable @. %ence t'e flow transported wit' a velocit& c

    :eBuation .17; and diffused wit' a diffusion coefficient :eBuation .1/;(

    = z Z ZY :.17;

    N = Z

    J z :.1/;

    =ased on t'e '&pot'esis of a clearl& defined relation between t'e flow @ and t'e water level

    ' eBuation .11 is reduced to(zX+ zm z= 1 :.15;-'is eBuation is called M eBuation of t'e ineatic wave N and describes t'e siple

    convection of t'e flow wit' a velocit& c accordin to eBuation .17. *t can be solved b& t'e

    followin nuerical finite difference sc'ee(

    zX d z%'


    + ( + d z'%'


    X :.13;

    z( z' %' z%' + ( z' % z% :.16;Appl&in t'is sc'ee to eBuation.15 &ields(d z%' z% + ( + d z' %' z' %X


    ( z' %' z%' + ( z'% z% = 1


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    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae /2120

    e can eEpress t'e solution of t'is eBuation as a function of t'e unnown variable @4Y1nY1

    nael&(z' %'= c' z%'+ c z%+ cx z' % :.1?;wit'(

    c'= 5d X5( d + Xc= 5d + X5( d + X


    =5( d X5( d + X


    5 = :.21; =z' % z%m'% m% :.22;

    %ere '&draulic enineers i't reconiCe t'e eBuation of )usinu :=oillat 1?

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    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae /7120

    Routin? accordin? to the Ginematic 8ave

    -'e ineatic wave odel is t'e sipler routin odel w'ere t'e ters of inertia and

    pressure of t'e St. $enant eBuations are supposed to be neliible. As a conseBuence t'e

    cineatic '&pot'esis supposes t'at t'e ravit& forces are identical t'ou' wit' an opposite

    sin to t'e friction forces. -'is iplies t'at t'ere is an eEplicit relations'ip between t'e flowand t'e water level :easured noral water dept';.

    -'e eBuation of t'e cineatic wave as presented in t'e previous c'apter is presented as

    follows(zX+ zm z= 1 :.23;-'is is a siple eBuation of convection w'ic' indicates t'at t'e flow @ is transported

    downstrea wit' a celerit& c w'ic' is defined as(

    =zm :.26;-'is rat'er siple odel transports eac' point of t'e '&drorap' fro upstrea to

    downstrea wit' a velocit& c. Since no diffusive ter appears in t'e eBuation t'e pea

    disc'are reains constant and is not reduced. On t'e contrar& t'e eneral be'aviour of a

    flood is odified since 'i' disc'ares are transferred downstrea ore rapidl& t'an sall


    -'e initial paraeters are identical to t'ose of t'e odel of t'e diffusive wave. -'e

    eoetr& for t'e transversal profiles also corresponds to t'e sae t'an for t'e )usinu8

    !une et'od :trapeCoidal c'annels Fiure 10;. Opposite to t'e odel of t'e diffusive

    wave no reduction of t'e flood is produced as entioned previousl&. -'e solution is

    perfored accordin to t'e followin eBuations(

    =z' % z%m'% m% :.2

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    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae //120

    $%&&% Time series

    *n t'is ob4ect teporar& series of flow precipitation teperature or "-P can be directl&

    introduced. -'e tie is incorporated in seconds and t'e associated values in t'eir

    correspondin units in tabular for M t Xs , value Xdependin on t'e series N.


  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae /5120

    $%&$% Reservoir

    -'e transient evolution of a water volue in a reservoir is described b& t'e followin

    retention eBuation(

    X = zK z :#.1;with( volue in t'e reservoir X#7I @e( inflow in t'e reservoir X#7-I @s( outflow X#7-.

    Usuall& reservoirs are eBuipped wit' turbines pups and spillwa&s dependin on t'e water

    level in t'e reservoir. -o solve eBuation #.1 it is necessar& to now t'e outflow as a function

    of t'e water volue in t'e reservoir. -'is operation is possible if relation between t'e

    water level and t'e water volue is nown :-able 11;.


  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae /3120

    $%&B% Level#*ischar?e Relation (H,)

    -'e %@ ob4ect provides an outflow dependin on a level in a reservoir. -'e outflow is

    calculated b& t'e 'elp of a M #evel , Disc'are N relation :-able 12;. %ence t'e disc'are in

    t'en calculated as follows(

    zvuv|%= 1 23 p%[ p'zvuv|%= zSK,+ p' p% zvuv|,' zvuv|,p' p 23 p[ p%[ p' :).1;with @outflow

    n( disc'are at instant n X#

    7-I %

    n( water level at instant n X#I @outflowi( disc'are flow for

    a water level %iX#7-I %i( reservoir water level X#.


  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae /6120

    $%&:% Tur

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    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae /?120

    e = J Z :O.5;with [( friction factor X8I ( rou'ness X#I Re( Re&nolds nuber X8I( velocit& X#-I ( ineaticviscosit& X#


    -'e eBuation +./ is solved for t'e rane of disc'ares of t'e paired data @8 providin t'epaired data relation M Disc'are :@; , Friction factor :[; N for user inforation.

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    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 50120

    $%&% *iversion

    -'is ob4ect needs t'e paired data relation M *nflow , Diverted flow N as inforation as well

    as t'e incoin '&drorap'. -'e relation describes t'e be'aviour of t'e diversion and is

    enerated b& t'e user w'o perfors a calculation for t'e be'aviour of t'e diversion and

    t'en creates t'e relation M *nflow , Diverted flow N.

    it' t'is inforation t'e Diversion calculates t'e diverted '&drorap' and t'e downstrea

    '&drorap' as presented in eBuation ).1(z%= zSv|%%+ zSKtuKS% :P.1;with@up

    n( total flow upstrea at instant n X#

    7-I @diverted

    n( diverted flow at instant n X#

    7-I @down


    downstrea flow at instant n X#7-.


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    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 51120

    $%&D% Consumer

    A series in t'e database is used as t'e consuation deand of t'e !onsuer ob4ect. *f no

    inforation about consuation eEists in t'e database t'e paraeter Default @DeandT

    is used for t'e w'ole period of t'e siulation as unifor deand.

    it' t'is inforation t'e !onsuer calculates t'e consued disc'are as well as t'e

    downstrea '&drorap' as presented in eBuation P.1. At t'e sae tie t'e ob4ect also

    calculates t'e s'ortfall disc'are series durin t'e siulation period.zhv%KS%= zSKG%S%zSv|%%= z% zSKG%S%zvtG%= 1 23 zSKG%S% z%


    = z%

    zSv|%%= 1zvtG%= zSKG%S% z% 23 zSKG%S%4 z% :@.1;

    with@consuedn( consued disc'are at instant n X#

    7-I @deand

    n( deanded consuation at instant

    n X#7-I @down

    n( downstrea flow at instant n X#

    7-I @up

    n( total flow upstrea at instant n X#



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    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 52120

    $%&% Structure e99iciency

    -'is ob4ect needs an efficienc& coefficient as inforation to describe t'e efficienc& of a

    structure suc' a canal or a pipe as well as t'e incoin '&drorap'.

    An efficienc& of 1 provides an output flow eBuivalent to t'e input '&drorap'. An efficienc&of 0 enerates a coplete loss of t'e input.

    -'e downstrea '&drorap' is calculate as presented in eBuation @.1 and @.2 (zSv|%%= z%J EffiOie9OB :R.1;zvu%= z%J ( EffiOie9OB :R.2;with @up

    n( total flow upstrea at instant n X#

    7-I @lost

    n( lost flow at instant n X#

    7-I @down


    downstrea flow at instant n X#7-.


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    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 57120

    $%&F% Sensor

    -'is ob4ect can be lined to an& ot'er ob4ect and send inforation to t'e states of a

    reulation eac' tie a t'res'old is eEceeded or values decrease below a t'res'old.

    -'e t'res'old values are specified b& user in t'e ob4ect.Ta

  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    !'apter 2. %&droloical and '&draulics odels description

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 5/120

    $%$6% Re?ulation and State

    'en a reulation is selected a sub8odel is autoaticall& enerated. *nside t'is ob4ect

    several M States N can be created. -'e c'oice about w'ic' state is active is carried out as a

    function of t'e t'res'olds inforation :fro t'e Sensors;.

    A t&pical eEaple of reulation is t'e ipleentation of a turbine pup law as a function

    of t'e water level in t'e reservoir. -'us inside ever& State several ob4ects are introduced as

    a function of t'e deands :turbine pup diversion etc;.

    Once all ob4ects are correctl& lined transitions between States are also introduced

    dependin on operators and defined t'res'olds fro sensors :-able 1?;.


  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    !'apter 7. Perforance indicators

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 55120

    Chapter B% Per9ormance indicators

    -'e !oparator ob4ect provides seven indicators values presented 'ereafter.


    !ash coe99icient-'e +as'8Sutcliffe criteria :+as' and Sutcliffe 1?60; is used to assess t'e predictive power

    of '&droloical odels :A4ai et al. 200/I Sc'aefli and al 2005I >ordan 2006I $iviroli et al.

    200?I 9arcJa %ernKndeC et al. 2011;. *t is defined as presented in "B. *+D.1.

    g]bY = ( $ z,u ztK,uuu&u$ ztK,u ztKuu&u *+D.1with ash( +as'8Sutcliffe odel efficienc& coefficient X8I @sit( siulated disc'are at tie t X#


    @reft( observed disc'are at tie t X#7-I ref( averae observed disc'are for t'e considered period


    *t varies fro 8j to 1 wit' 1 represenkn t'e best perforance of t'e odel and Cero t'e

    sae perforance t'an assuin t'e averae of all t'e observations at eac' tie step.

    B%$% !ash coe99icient 9or lo?arithm values

    -'e +as'8Sutcliffe coefficient for loarit' flow values :+as'8ln; is used to assess t'e

    '&droloical odels perforance for low flows :rause et al. 2005I +brea et al. 2011;. *t

    is defined as presented in "B. *+D.2.

    As;9= ( 9z,u9ztK,uuu&u$ 9ztK,u9ztKuu&u *+D.2with ashln( +as'8Sutcliffe coefficient for lo values X8.

    *t varies fro 8j to 1 wit' 1 represenkn t'e best perforance of t'e odel.

    B%B% Pearson Correlation Coe99icient

    -'e Pearson correlation coefficient s'ows t'e covariabilit& of t'e siulated and observed

    disc'ares wit'out penaliCin for bias :A'aouc'a and %abib 2010I an et al. 2011;. *t

    is defined as presented in "B. *+D.7.

    _]bVW = $ z,u z J ztK,u ztKuu&u$ z,u zuu&u J $ ztK,u ztKuu&u *+D.7with 'earson( Pearson !orrelation !oefficient X8I si( averae siulated disc'are for t'e

    considered period X#7-.

    *t varies fro 81 to 1 wit' 1 representin t'e best perforance of t'e odel.



  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    !'apter 7. Perforance indicators

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 53120

    B%:% Ilin?#upta E99iciency

    -'e lin89upta efficienc& :9upta et al. 200?; provides an indicator w'ic' facilitates t'e

    lobal anal&sis based on different coponents :correlation bias and variabilit&; for

    '&droloical odellin issues.

    lin et al. :2012; proposed a revised version of t'is indicator to ensure t'at t'e bias and

    variabilit& ratios are not cross8correlated. -'is update is proposed as indicator in

    RS )*+"R$" :"B. *+D./;(

    5 = ( ? ( + (+ ( *+D./with 9"( odified 9"8statistic X8Ir( correlation coefficient between siulated and reference

    values X8I m( ratio between t'e ean of t'e siulated values and t'e ean of t'e reference ones X8

    I ( variabilit& ratio i.e. ratio between t'e coefficient of variation of t'e siulated values and t'e

    coefficient of variation of t'e reference ones X8.

    *t varies fro 0 to 1 wit' 1 representin t'e best perforance.

    B%7% 0ias Score

    -'e =ias Score :=S; is a s&etric estiation of t'e atc' between t'e averae siulation

    and averae observation :an et al. 2011;. *t is defined as presented in "B. *+D.5.

    = ( AzztK, ztKz (


    with -(( =ias Score X8.

    *t varies fro 0 to 1 wit' 1 representin t'e best perforance of t'e odel.

    B%% Relative Root Mean S5uare Error

    -'e Relative Root )ean SBuare "rror :RR)S"; is defined as t'e R)S" noraliCed to t'e

    ean of t'e observed values :Fe&en et al. 2000I "l8+asr et al. 2005I %eppner et al. 2003;

    and is presented in "B. *+D.3.

    //k =$ z,u ztK,uuu&u

    WztK *+D.3

    with RR)S"( relative R)S" X8I n( nuber of values X8.

    *t varies fro 0 to Yj. -'e saller RR)S" t'e beer t'e odel perforance is.

    B%D% Relative "olume 0ias

    -'e Relative $olue =ias :R$= soeties called differentl& corresponds in t'is case to t'e

    relative error between t'e siulated and t'e observed volues durin t'e studied period

    :A4ai and al 200/I Sc'aefli and al 2005I )oriasi et al. 2006I A'aouc'a and %abib

    2010; accordin to "B. *+D.6.

  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1


    !'apter 7. Perforance indicators

    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 56120

    / =$ z,u ztK,uuu&u$ ztK,uuu&u *+D.6with R$=( relative volue bias between forecast and observation for t'e considered period X8.

    -'e R$= varies fro 8j to Yj. An indeE near to Cero indicates a ood perforance of t'e

    siulation. +eative values are returned w'en siulated disc'are is in averae saller

    t'an t'e averae of t'e observed disc'are :deficit odel; w'ile positive values ean t'e

    opposite :overae odel;.

    B%% !ormali3ed PeaG Error

    -'e +oraliCed Pea "rror :+P"; indicates t'e relative error between t'e siulated and t'e

    observed flow peas :)asoudi and %abaieb 1??7I Sun and al 2000I A4ai and al 200/I

    9abellani and al 2006;. *t is coputed accordin to *+D.< -O *+D.10.

    g = // *+D.ournal of "nineerin "ducation 23:/; ?378?67.

    A4ai +. . 9upta %. aener -. and Soroos'ian S. :200/;. Calibration o a semi

    distributed h7drolo/i model or streamlow estimation alon/ a rier s7stem. >ournal of

    %&drolo& 2?

  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1



    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 113120

    Duan @. Soroos'ian S. and 9upta $. :1??2;. Eetie and Eiient Global ?ptimization or

    Coneptual %ainall%uno )odels. ater Resources )anaeent $ol. 2. RoBuier =. and Paredes ArBuiola >. :2015;. RS )*+"R$" ,

    Users anual v2.1. RS )*+"R$" 9roup SwitCerland.

    9abellani S. =oni 9. Ferraris #. von %ardenber >. and ProvenCale A. :2006;. 'ropa/ation

    o unertaint7 rom rainall to runo: 4 ase stud7 with a stohasti rainall /enerator.

    Advances in ater Resources 70 203182061.

    9arcJa %ernKndeC >. >ordan F. Dubois >. and =oillat >.8#. :2006;. %outin/ (7stem $$. lowmodellin/ in h7drauli s7stems. !ounication 72 du #aboratoire de !onstructions

    %&drauliBues "d. A. Sc'leiss #ausanne.

    9arcJa %ernKndeC >. :2011;. Flood anaeent in a copleE river basin wit' a real8tie

    decision support s&ste based on '&droloical forecasts. P'D -'esis +V50?7 "cole

    Pol&tec'niBue FHdHrale de #ausanne "PF# SwitCerland.

    9ils . R. Ric'ardson S. and Spieel'alter D. >. :1??3; )arQo Chain )onte Carlo in

    'ratie. !'apan and %all #ondon 512p.

    9upta %. $. lin %. ilaC . . and )artineC 9. F. :200?;. eomposition o the mean

    squared error and (E perormane riteria: $mpliations or improin/ h7drolo/ialmodellin/. >ournal of %&drolo& $ol. 766 ournal of #ae Sciences $ol 12 +o. / 70/871/.

    %eppner !. S. Ran @. $anderwaa >. ". and #oaue :2003;.4ddin/ sediment transport

    to the inte/rated h7drolo/7 model $n+): eelopment and testin/. Advances in ater

    Resources 2? :3; ?708?/7.

    >ereia' ". Sisson S.A. S'ara A. )ars'all #. :2012;. Eiient h7drolo/ial model

    parameter optimization with (equential )onte Carlo samplin/. "nvironental )odellin

    and Software 7

  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1



    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 116120

    >ordan F. :2006;. )odLle de prHvision et de estion des crues 8 optiisation des opHrations

    des aHnaeents '&droHlectriBues accuulation pour la rHduction des dHbits de crue.

    -'esis Report +V7611 "cole Pol&tec'niBue FHdHrale de #ausanne "PF# #ausanne.

    aali ). Ponnabala . and Soulis " D. :2017;. Comparison o seeral heuristi

    approahes to alibration o ,4TC54(( h7drolo/i model. !anadian ater Resources

    >ournal $ol. 7. and )a Q. :2011;. Rosenbroc artificial bee colon& alorit' for accurate

    lobal optiiCation of nuerical functions. *nforation Sciences 1

  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1



    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 11. A. and )ead R. :1?35;. 4 (imple* )ethod or untion minimization. !oputer

    >ournal $ol. 6 +o. / 70ournal of %&drolo& 26? 26582

  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1



    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 11?120

    *nternational )ulti8S&posius on !oputer and !oputational Sciences %anC'ou

    Q'e4ian !'ina 707870

  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1



    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual Pae 120120


    RS )*+"R$" is developed b& t'e researc' center CREALP and t'e enineerin office

    HydroCosmos SA wit' t'e collaboration of two universities :Ecole Polytechni5ue /=d=rale

    de Lausanneand -niversitat Polit>cnica de "al>ncia; and t'e Hydro&6 Association.

    e would lie to t'an sincerel& t'ese oraniCations for t'eir support.

    *n addition we would lie to eEpress our ratitude to t'e people w'o 'ave personall&

    contributed to t'e iproveent of t'e prora and its docuentation in particular(

    StHp'ane )ic'eloud1+Hstor #era

    2 AleE Dionisio8!alado

    1 +icolas Re&

    7 "dar =elda


    Sauel Alesina1 AurHlien !laude

    1and >avier FluiEK SanartJn


    1!entre de rec'erc'e sur lenvironent alpin 8 !R"A#P


    UniversitH Pol&tec'niBue de $alence 8 UP$7%&dro!osos SA

    XS*9+"- F*+ D" DO!U)"+-

  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1



    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual A.1

    Appendi;' List o9 noti9ications 9rom pre#simulation and post#

    simulation reports

    -'e list of notifications :notes warnins and fatal; of t'e pre8 and post8siulation reports

    are presented 'ereafter.

    A%&% solated o

  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1



    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual A.2

    Post8Siulation Report


    *f t'is ob4ect does not find data for

    Precipitation -eperature or "-P in an&

    station of t'e database wit'in in t'e radius of

    researc' researc' radius is eEtended until

    findin one.

    !o precipitation 9ound

    8ithin search radius o9

    virtual 8eather station

    UStation &U% Radius e;tended

    to satis9y !o% min o9 stations%

    Sno8#SM model description

    Pre8siulation report


    *f t'is ob4ect eEists and is connected to ot'er

    ob4ects but not all Snow89S) odel inputs

    are available.

    The o

  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1



    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual A.7

    S.C.!T model description

    Pre8siulation report

    /atal*f t'is ob4ect eEists and is not isolated but

    not all SO!O+- odel inputs are available.

    The o

  • 7/25/2019 Rs Minerve Technical Manual.v2.1



    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual A./

    A%:% Standard o

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    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual A.5

    A%7% Structures o

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    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual A.3


    Pre8siulation report

    /atal*f t'is ob4ect is used and is not isolated but

    t'e %8@ paired data is not provided.

    H, UH, &Uis missin? H#,

    paired data%

    Post8Siulation Report


    -'e coputed siulation runs even if t'e

    level is eBual or over t'e aEiu level

    proposed in t'e relation %8@. *n t'at case

    t'e outflow is ept as t'e aEiu

    disc'are eEistin in t'e relation %8@.

    The ma;imum level o9 H,

    UH, &U has

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    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual A.6


    Pre8siulation report

    /atal*f t'is ob4ect if used and is not isolated but

    t'e @8 paired data is not provided.

    Hydropo8er UHydropo8er

    &Uis missin? paired data


    arnin?*f a source ob4ect eEists and no database is

    connected to t'e odel.

    Missin? data

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    RS )*+"R$" , -ec'nical )anual A.

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