

    RS Dashboard Overview  


    1. RS Dashboard 

    1.1 PacBio® RS Dashboard  



    Welcome to the Pacific Biosciences® RS Dashboard Overview 




    1.2 Introduction 



    In this module, we will showcase the new features of the RS Dashboard.

    In particular, we will discuss:

    Getting to the RS Dashboard

    Runs Tab

    Performance Tab

    Download Tab

    And we will have a brief discussion on metrics in the RS Dashboard.




    1.3 Convenient Information Access 



    There are many ways to access metrics information from PacBio analytical runs.

    RS Touch can give product metrics, read lengths, Signal to Noise Ratios, Polymerase Rates and Histograms.

    SMRT® Portal can show data from adapter dimers, short inserts, spike-in control loading

    RS Remote can monitor runs, create and view reports, and give product metrics.

    stsPlots from devnet uses Scripts using "R" troubleshooting loading phenomenon.

    With the new RS Dashboard, we have ability to collate all of the instrument and sample data in one convenient place.




    1.4 Key Features 



    The RS Dashboard is comprehensive QC tool combining metrics from RS Touch, RS Remote and SMRT® Portal

    RS Dashboard gives a quick performance view across single SMRT® Cells with comprehensive metrics of histograms of the cells within a run.

    It helps a user quickly glance at trends, yield per cell and Reads of Insert to determine library size.

    The system performance display shows historical trends of runs, movies and uptime on a system for a given time period.

    There is also an email feedback to PacBio directly within the interface. This is for customers to send ideas to PacBio developers.




    1.5 Getting to RS Dashboard 



    There are two ways to get to the RS Dashboard:

    The easiest way to access RS Dashboard is via a web browser. Just type in the URL into your web browser including the name of your system.

    You can also access RS Dashboard via RS Remote. Click on the View Data tab and click on the View Report Link.




    1.6 RS Dashboard Help Link 



    The RS Dashboard Help Directory provides information on specific functionalities within the RS Dashboard interface.




    1.7 Runs Tab 



    First, we will describe the RS Dashboard Runs Tab.




    1.8 Runs Tab Overview 



    The RS Dashboard has three tabs to view the functionality of this interface: The Runs Tab, Performance Tab and Download Tab.

    The Runs Tab enables users to view information about single or multiple runs on your instrument within a specified timeframe.




    1.9 Runs Tab Map 



    Here is the main page of RS Dashboard with the Runs Tab selected.

    Please click on the red buttons for more information on the navigation within the Runs Tab page.

    When you are finished, please click the Next button on the lower right corner of the screen to continue.




    1.10 Dashboard Performance Tab 



    Next we will show the RS Dashboard Performance Tab




    1.11 Performance Tab Overview 



    The RS Dashboard Performance Tab enables viewing of system performance data for your instrument over a specified time range.




    1.12 Performance Tab Map 



    Here is the RS Dashboard with the Performance Tab selected.

    Please click on the red buttons for more information on the navigation within the Performance Tab page.

    When you are finished, please click the Next button on the lower right corner of the screen to continue.




    1.13 RS Dashboard Download Tab 



    Next we will discuss the RS Dashboard Download Tab




    1.14 Download Tab Overview 



    The Download Tab creates tables from data within a specified time range.

    You can download data from runs, movies and uptime.




    1.15 Download Tab Map 



    Here is the main page of RS Dashboard with the Download Tab selected.

    Please click on the red buttons for more information on the navigation within the Download Tab page.

    When you are finished, please click the Next button on the lower right corner of the screen.




    1.16 RS Dashboard Extras 



    There are several other functions available within the RS Dashboard interface.

    Here we will show the use of the following:

    The Calculator

    The RS Remote Download

    The Email Feedback feature

    and the Help Directory.




    1.17 Calculator Link 



    From the Calculator link, you can access the Sample Calculator.




    1.18 Download RS Remote Link 



    You can download RS Remote from the download RS Remote link.




    1.19 Email Feedback Link 



    The Email Feedback link gives users a way to directly send ideas to the PacBio software developers.

    Note: This is not intended for trouble shooting.

    Please contact PacBio Tech Support for specific questions/issues.




    1.20 RS Dashboard Help Link 



    The RS Dashboard Help Directory provides more information on the specific functionalities of the RS Dashboard interface.




    1.21 Run Metrics  



    Here are some definitions of the run metrics.

    Please click on the red buttons for more information on run metrics.

    When you are finished, please click on the Next button on the lower right corner of the screen to continue.




    1.22 Summary  



    In summary, we have reviewed the new features of the RS Dashboard.

    In particular, we have seen:

    Getting to the RS Dashboard

    The Runs Tab

    The Performance Tab

    and the Download Tab.

    Finally, we covered metrics and additional features within RS Dashboard.




    1.23 Thank You 



    Thank you for your participation. For more information, please contact your local PacBio Field Applications Specialist (FAS) or PacBio account representative.  


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