Page 1: Ros..ncn, rndazat, I’Uch, ,Roae 20 per copy Men in Uniform Messenger/WM1970/2-5-1970.pdfDon’t forgct the fish fry next weekFriday, Feb. 13, at the Weidman School. Adults $1.75,

--.‘a Ros..ncn,Coltrndazat, I’Uch, ,Roae

bc UItetctman lt,cncnciecVOL. VI, NO. 31

Eulah McAlvey of rural Farwellis retiring at the end of thisschool year, after 30 years ofservice.

For the past eight years Mrs.McAlvey has been ElementaryPrincipal at the Bath School, inClinton County.

All other years of her service

Weidman, Mich. 48893

were spent in teaching in Isabella County, except her firstfive months, which were in Eaton County.

Mrs. McAlvey received bothher Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree from Central Michigan University, the latter in 1962.

She and her husband, Ed, willretire on their farm five milesnorth of Beal City, where Mr.McAlvey was born.

They plan to relax and enjoylife, with perhaps some traveling, after this spring.

Congratulations on a long andproductive career in teaching,Mrs. McAlvey.


Don’t forgct the fish fry nextweekFriday, Feb. 13, at theWeidman School. Adults $1.75,all you can eat. Everyone invited.

Harry Herman, Lions Reporter

Thursday, February 5, 1970


The Weidman Public Libraryreceived a check from the Weidman Business Association for $50the past week.

Many groups and individualshave donated time, work, money and books and material forthe building. Ed Fox donatedthree fluorescent lights last week.

Benn Johnson has been doing thewiring of the building, and hasdonated considerable material.Don Starr and Jim Carrick havehelped Benn on the work.

Completion and occupancy ofthe building is scheduled for thenear future..


Monday, Ground Hog Day, wasa snosteroo, with a real blizzardthat stayed with us all day.

Just before sundown the sky suddenly cleared, and Esther Stanley reported the old boy could seehis shadow, out their way.

20 per copy

Men in Uniform(Editor’s Note: Ruth Momany

loaned us the following letter, tcprint excerpts, and we herebygive you the account of Christmas at the home of M/Sgt. andMrs. Ross Momany, Jr., in Germany):

We had a very nice Christmas--felt we were really extra richlyblessed.

Ross had been so puny, with theears and throat, but just wasn’trecuperating. They had finallyput him on penicillin, but itdidn’t seem to be doing anygood, either. It was just one ofthose very stubborn viruses,

We hade finished earlier thanusual Christmas Eve, and werepleased at the early hour we wereretiring (about 1 a.m.)

He had taken his medicine justprevious to going to bed. Notmuch later he began to itch,then scratching furiously.

When I put on the bedside lamphe was just covered with hives--all over his body, and so big.

We figured it was an allergicreaction to something. Then thehives just spread out, for he wasswelling so rapidly.

We dressed to go to the clinic,but he kept falling. When wegot to the car he was just barelyable to shuffle, and could hardly talk, for his mouth and tonguewere so swollen.

Thank God the clinic is onlyabout 10 minutes from here for,by the time we arrived, he’dlost Ms speech and had no control of his body.

He was fighting so hard forbreath I was terrified he’d notdraw the next one. (He said it isa very queer feeling to be awareof things but unable to react orrespond in any manner.)

I ran inside for help, and fourcorpsmen came running. He fellout of the car when the door wasopened, and we caught him before he Mt the ground.

(Naturally, the first questionwas “What has he been drinking?”)

Happily, we’d grabbed themedicines when we left the houseso they hurried him inside andgave him three quick shots. Hadsome difficulty with that, forthe veins collapsed a couple oftimes.)

We feel certain that he wouldnot he here to tell about it hadnot everyone (including the twoof us) acted as quickly as they

(Continued on Next Page)

tHE ORIGINAL STORE OF GEORGE DRALLETTE--Above photo taken probably in1906 or 1907. Shown among the people gathered at the front of the store areMr. Drallette, Best Favreau, meat cutter at the Drallette store, and others youmay recognize. Note the team of oxen at the back of the store, and the bevyof young ladies standing on the wagon for the picture. The photo is from afolder of “Beauty Spots and Thots”, also containing the calendar for thatyear (which was used up and tom off long ago). Photo loaned the Messengerby Leon McAsthur.



Page 2: Ros..ncn, rndazat, I’Uch, ,Roae 20 per copy Men in Uniform Messenger/WM1970/2-5-1970.pdfDon’t forgct the fish fry next weekFriday, Feb. 13, at the Weidman School. Adults $1.75,

WEIDMAN MESSENGER Thursday, february 5, 1970

Men in Uniform(Continued fromPage 1)

did.He spent the rest of the night

and most of the day in the hospital.

Of course, we’d not wakenedthe children when we left so hurriedly and, when I left him inthe wee small hours of ChristmasMorning, I didn’t waken them toworry them.

When they woke early, expecting all the ftm and excitementthey were greatly shocked to leanhe was hospitalized.

He had said he didn’t want themto have their day ruined, butwhen I suggested they open theirgifts and do everything as usual,they all preferred to wait until hecould be with us.

When I phoned the hospital hewas still in the intensive careward, but the nurse said he wasdoing well.

Some friends dropped in, andwhen they left we ate breakfastand went to visit him. He’d seena doctor, and was told he couldcome home on pass, but had totake temperatures hourly, takemedicine, and return the nextmorning.

So, about 1.30 p.m. we gothome, put the turkey in to roast,and enjoyed a wonderful, albeitemotional, day together. Wewere all so grateful.he was alive.

He went back the following dayand was released about noon.Since then, his ear and throatinfection has completely clearedup. He has a card and dog tagdeclaring his allergy to any ofthe “cillins”, and it’s on hugeletters across his medical records. If he ever has it again hemight not recover, and they


.s. WRAP-ONtcIc,I,c





were quite concerned his heartmight have been overtaxed bythis experience. He’s feeling better than he has felt in months,and we’re just grateful to havehim around.

Perhaps an experiance such asthis is good to make peoplerealize how very fortunate theyare, and how quickly life issnuffed out, so one should be prepared (if one can truly be fullyprepared for death), but we tendto take our existence for granted,without being grateful to God forthat existence. I pray we won’tever have an experience likethat again, and we’re all humblygrateful to God, for we came soclose to losing him.

(Jan. 16): We got official word:our assignment will be Hq. USAFSS, San Antonio, Texas. We’llbe guaranteed a three—year tour,and that will put him up to retirement time; so, unless something unforeseen occurs, a

assignment, whichwe’d hoped for.

Love from us all,Ross, Arnie & Clan


S. W. ShermanGoldi Dutehr, Reporter

Mr.and Mrs. Jack Gaudard andfamily of Midland spent Sundaywith Mr.and Mrs. Ervin Dutcher.Mrs. Ronna Dutcher and Sandraalso had dinner with them.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Beutlerand children visited her folks,Mr.and Mrs. Stanley Sanderson,in St. Charles Saturday.

Mr.and Mrs. James Beutler ofRosebush spent Sunday eveningwith the Howard Beutlers.

Mr.and Mrs. Bruce Van Nockerand family and Hilda Tabor, allof Lansing, spent the weekendwith Mrs. Catherine McDaniel.

Mr.and Mrs. Theodore Caseand Burgess were Wednesday supper guests of Mr.and Mrs. Richard Dutcher and Douglas.

Mr.and Mrs. Robert Dutcherand children of Midland and Mr.and Mrs. Jim Dutcher and Kimhad Sunday dinner with the Clayton Dutchers.

Mr. and Mrs. Ted Case andchildren of Barryton and Mrs.Neal Wetbeck and baby and Mr.and Mrs. Theodore Case spentSaturday evening with Mr. andMrs. Richard Dutcher and Douglas. Mr • and Mrs. Dutcher andson were Sunday dinner guests ofher folks, the Theodore Cases.

Butch Hardenburgh of WarrenDunes spent the weekend with hishis folks, the Harry Hardenburghs

Mr.and Mrs. H. J. Kuipers ofMidland were Sunday afternoonvisitors at the Harry Gatehousehome, to see Hazel Davis. Theyall drove around Lake Isabella.

The Gary Gatehouse familyspent Saturday evening and hadlunch with his folks, the HarryGatehouses.

Clayton Dutcher called on theOrrie Menihews Tuesday morning. Clyde Beutler was a caller.

Mrs. Marion Beutler and Laureland Donald called Sunday afternoon.

Mr.and Mrs. Carl Hardenburghand family of Pierson visitedEmory Dell and the Harry Handenburghs Sunday.

Mr.and Mrs. Alan Marshalland children visited her folks,the Clarence Chaffees, Sundayevening.

Beatrice and Vadah Gatehouseand Vicki, and Hazel Davis andKim Thren visited Luanne Maeder Saturday afternoon.

Bernadette Pung and John Glennvisited the Dale Gatehouses Sunday.

Percy Secord is spending a fewdays with the Clayton Dutchers.


Mrs. Leah Scharrer returnedSaturday after a two week’s stayin CMC Hospital, for removalof gall bladder. She was feelingbetter.


DaggettFuneral Home


Local ItemsMrs. Ted Smith was scheduled

to enter the Midland hospitalThursday, for surgery on hershoulder Friday.The surgery isfor calcium-deposit removal.

Beth Jackson of Mt. Pleasantspent Sunday and Sunday nightwith Blanche Cliff and MildredTompkins.

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Embreyreceived word from Carl andDaisy Embrey in Palmetto, F la.,saying they were really enjoyingthe Florida weather. Leila Shookvisited them a few days lastweek in Palmetto. Carl andDaisy have been having a wonderful winter in Florida, and planto come back to Michigan aboutthe first of April.

Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Kirvancame Friday and took Mrs.Emily Wood to visit her brother,Dewey Cain, at Redoak, whohas been ill.HOME PAPER FOR THE WESTHALF OF ISABELLA COUNTY

Ph. 644-3516Ph. 644-3613


Branch Office: Bernard R. Pitts

RE c £51 1E Sales Representative

ELTON H. MILLERREALTY of Realtors. Ph. 644-3465 or

664- 3437






BILL BARZPh. 644-3452Weidman




WEIDMANPhone 644-3631

Weidman Ph. 644-2200

Phone 382-5566

Page 3: Ros..ncn, rndazat, I’Uch, ,Roae 20 per copy Men in Uniform Messenger/WM1970/2-5-1970.pdfDon’t forgct the fish fry next weekFriday, Feb. 13, at the Weidman School. Adults $1.75,



for ortli nary ad; spec e rate ofSot per colunm inch for thoseol longe length. Card of Thanlo75t, wiLts very long. Ph. 644-2000, Weidman.

FAMILY RESTAURANT- -InWeidman. Open 7 a.m. to7 p.m. Specials every day.Try our meals.


EOR SALE-- 14-ft. over cabcamper, $400.00. Sleeps four.See at 5676 XV. Jordan Road,Coidwater Lake. Tel. 644—3967.



Give your Valentine hearts andflowers all in one, as a

C-A-K-Eof any flavor.

Valentine Special only $2. 50.Order Now--To be assured youwon’t forget. For Valentines ofany age, from the little Miss toGrandma.

Call 644-2107, and order early.

FOR SALE--Pole lamp, also anoil painting. Both in good condition. Ph. 644-3467.

Feb. 5t1

SORRY SAL is now a merry gal.She used Blue Lustre rug andupholstery cleaner. Rent electric shampooer $1 at Fox Hardware, Weidman.

Feb. Sti



Care/of %anl:aI wish to thank all the rela

tives, friends and neighbors forthe many cards and letters sentme while I was in the hospital.

Thanks to the Weidman UnitedMethodist Church for the lovelymum plant. I also want to thankthe Weidman Rebekah Lodge forthe very pretty yellow mumplanter; and Edna Schultz for thebeautiful African violet.

A special Thank-You to Rev.Lawrence Smith and Rev. Marvin Eldridge for calling on me,and to Jim Palmer for plowingout my driveway.

This has all greatly been appreciated.

JarJof%aJJWe wish to express our appre

ciation for the many acts of kindness to our family at the deathof our beloved son and brother,Raymond Gardner.

Your sympathy and help weregreatly appreciated.

Mrs. ma GillettSisters of RaymondAnd His family



Clyde McNeilly of nra! Searsdied last Wednesday, Jan. 28,at Kelsey Memorial Hospitalin Lakeview.

He was born April 13, 1885,in Orient Township, OsceolaCounty, and lived in that areahis entire life. He was a retiredfarmer.

He is survived by six sons andtwo daughters, one of whom isMrs. Edward (Evelyn) Kowaleskiof Remus; and 39 grandchildrenand 68 great-grandchildren.

Funeral services were held at1 p.m. Sat3irday in the BarrvtonChurch of God, with Rev.Wayne Lyon officiating. Burialwas in the East Fort Cemeteryat Barryton.

Dr. Kowaleski and his family

have many friends throughoutthis area, who offer sympathy.

EMMA E. PERRYEmma E. Perry died Tuesday,

Jan. 27, at the Ardis NursingHome in Farwell, at age 92.

She was born August 30, 1877,in Lake Placid, N. Y.

She is survived by one son,Vaness Cook, of Gilmore; a daughterMrs. Cecil Bouchey, of Clare;four brothers, James and GeorgePins of Gilmore, Lloyd Pitts ofParis, Calif., and Eli Pins ofDayton, 0.; one sister, Mrs.Clara Burgess, of Mason; and 13grndchildren, 32 great-grandchildren, and five step-daughters.

Funeral services were held Friday, Jan. 30, from the CokerFuneral Home in Farwell, withGeorge Getchell officiating.

Burial was in the Gilmore Cemetery.

A Rebekah memorial servicewas held Thursday, Jan. 29, atthe funeral home, by the GoldLeaf Lodge of Farwell, of whichshe was a life member.


OkjgarjRAYMOND EARL GARDNERRaymond Earl Gardner of Lan

sing died Jan. 24 at a convalescent home in Lansing, after along illness.

He was the son of Mrs. ma Gil-len of Weidman. He was bornand raised in this area.

He was employed by Oldsmobile in the maintenance department until his retirement, andwas a member of CIO Local 652.He was 58 years old.

He is survived by a son, Larry,of Lansing; two grandchildren;his mother, Mrs. Gillett; threesisters, Mrs. John &vin of SixLakes, Mrs. Edwin Boerema ofWyoming, and Mrs. Felix Stevens of Sanford.

Services were held last Mon-

- -

day, Jan. 26, in the Jessen Funeral Home in Lansing. interment was in the Forest Hill Cemetery here.

Mrs. Gillett and her familyhave the deepest sympathy oftheir many friends.


An adult-education class onunderstanding and preparationof income-tax reports startedMonday evening in the Weidmanschool, led by George Millerof the University faculty at Mt.Pleasant. George is an expertaccountant, and we are fortunatein having him lead this class.

Atter this week the class willmeet Thursday evenings, at 7o’clock, in the Weidman school.

Anyone wishing to sign up forthis class who has not yet enrolled, may yet do so, the Messenger was advised this week.

A class in cake decorating willbeing this Thursday evening at7, at Remus.Saturday, Feb. 7, a class in

judo will begin at Barryton, at1 o’clock in the afternoon. Girlsand women in this class will begiven sell-protection instruction,according to Mike Behnke, director of the project.

A class in Bishop sewing willbe offered in three sections, onein Remus, one in Barryton andone in Weidman.

Classes will meet Tuesday eve—thngs at 7.30 in Weidman andRemus, and Thursday eveningsat 7.30 in Barryton.

Anyone wishing to join may attend any class, according to theinstructors, Mrs. Alma Dosenbery and Mrs. Donna Cox.

Fee for the course will be $10for eight weeks.

Local ItemsDale Bywater returned home

from Spain the weekend, and heand his family visited Mrs. EthelBywater Sunday. They are staying in an apartment in Midlanduntil their household goods arrive, after which they will livein their home there. Dale started work Monday at the Dowplant in Midland, on auditing.

Thursday, February 5, 1970 WETDMANJjPSSENGER


liflriöman IflnitirnqvrPUBLISHER: Censtance Skinner. Editor: Constance Skinner.

Tel. 644—2000, Weidmin. Address 6298 Air Line Rd.,Weidmasi, Micli. 48893.

SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $5 per year loc*!ly. Anywi,ctc in theworld, $7.50.

Second—Class postage paid at Weidman, Michigan.Published at Weidman, Isabella County, Michigan, each Thurs

day except tlit the ian week of June and first week of July;and the Christmas and New Year’s issues, are combined.

Address all mail to: The Weidman Messenger, Weidman, Michigum 48893.

Leah Scharrer.

Feb. 5t2p







Snow plowing service - Night or day

Phone 644-2500 or 644-3541


Phone 644-2500. - Weidman

Page 4: Ros..ncn, rndazat, I’Uch, ,Roae 20 per copy Men in Uniform Messenger/WM1970/2-5-1970.pdfDon’t forgct the fish fry next weekFriday, Feb. 13, at the Weidman School. Adults $1.75,

WEIDMAN MESSENGER Thursday, February 5, 1970

Walker CreekNews

Esther Stanley, Reporter


Mrs. Thomas Loomis and Mrs.Charles Loomis were hostesses ata pink and blue shower honoringMrs. Keith Loomis at the Thomas Loomis home Wednesday eve-fling.

The mother-to-be receivedmany beautiful and useful gifts.The hostesses served a deliciouslunch.

Mrs. Warren Leiter and MrsLyle Denslow were among thoseattending the event.

The Thomas, Charles and Virgil Loomis families were Saturday evening visitors of Mr. andMrs. Keith Loomis and daughters.

Mrs. Harry Dosenberry visitedMrs. Margaret Denslow at CMCHospital in Mt. Pleasant Saturday afternoon.

Mr.and Mrs. Clyde Dosenberryand Blanc of Coldwater Lakewere visitors during the weekendat his parents’ home.

Mr.and Mrs. Lou Gray visitedMr. and Mrs. Clarence Ley atConklin Friday. Mrs. Ley returned with them to spend a fewdays. They were Sunday dinnerguests of Mr. and Mrs. Max Grayof Midland, calling on Mr. andMrs. Duane Gray and Mr. andMrs. Loren Gray and theft families in Mt. Pleasant, enroutehome.

The Gary Portengas have beenhaving the flu the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Denslowwere Saturday supper guests ofMr. and Mrs. Micky Dargitz andfamily of rural Remus. Theywere Sunday dinner guests of Mr.and Mrs. Lewis Abbott of Blanchard.

Mrs. Juanita Struble, who hadsurgery Wednesday at the Mt.Pleasant hospital, returned tothe home of her son-in-law anddaughter, Mr.and Mrs. DaleDenslow, Saturday, where sheplanned to stay a while.

Mr. and Mrs. Marion Johnson ofWhm and Mrs. Leona Courser ofMt. Pleasant visited Mr. and Mrs.Keith Thompson and Roddy Sunday, and were luncheon guests.

Mrs. Craig Thompson, who hadsurgery on her leg at the Big Rap!ids hospital the first of the week,is recuperating at the home ofher parents, Mr.and Mrs. &cilWilliams, of Barryton. Mrs.Thompson’s leg was injured lastMay in a car accident. Sure hopeit will be fine now, Jan!

Arthur Loomis visited Mr. andMrs. Warren Leiter and familyand ha Leiter, Friday. Mr. andMrs. Roy Sisco and Wendell Sisco of Mt. Pleasant and Mrs.Ethel McLean were Sunday visitors.

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Schrockand Philip attended a birthday

dinner for Olin Bowen of westBrinton the previous Sunday. Mrs.Schrock and Philip visited herparents, Mr. and Mrs. EdmundOwens, of Lake, Sunday afternoon.

Mr.and Mrs. Jack Coon wereSunday evening visitors at theSchrock home.

Mr. and Mrs • Edward Marshallof Coleman are now living intheir mobile home at the cornerof the Stanley woodlot. Visitingthem during the week were Mr.and Mrs. Perle Hanner of FarwellMr.and Mrs. Glenn Gorby ofLake Thirteen, Mr. and Mrs.Clyde Monroe, Mr.and Mrs. Russell Stanley, and Howard Johnson. Mr.and Mrs. Earl Marshallof Coleman and Mr. and Mrs.Stanley visited them Sunday aftemoon.

Arthur Schrock was home fromhis work at CMU in Mt. Pleasant Friday. He was ill with theflu.

Rodney Schrock took hisdaughter, Debbie, to the doctorSunday, with the same ailment.Might as well mention it now,this “ole” reporter has beenbouting it out for most a weekwith the same ole thing, andhope to win out soon. But Gee!This awful snow storm Mondaydoesn’t make us very cheerful!

Mr.and Mrs. Charles Voss andStacey visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilmot and family atWeidman Sunday aftemoon.

Mrs. Ward Loomis of ShermanCity visited Mr.and Mrs. OttoSkalitzky Sunday afternoon.

Mr.and Mrs. Otis Conley visited Mr.and Mrs. Eddie Rodmanat Crooked Lake Friday evening.They attended a square danceparty at the Pullen School inMt. Pleasant Saturday evening.

Mr.and Mrs. Barry Conley andson were Sunday dinner guestsof his parents.

Mr.and Mrs. Conley and Mr.and Mrs. Leo Denslow attendedthe movie, “This Is My Alaska,”at Clare Sunday evening.

Mrs. Lena St. John, Mrs. Clayton Beutler and Mrs. ClarenceConley were at the LakeviewClinic Friday. Mary went withthem as far as Remus, practicing for a musical event.

Mrs. St. John, Mrs. Beutlerand Mary went to Big RapidsSaturday, where Mrs. St.Johnvisited Mrs. Jennie Krauser,while Mrs. Beutler took Maryto Ferris State College, whereshe participated with the Chippewa Hills Band in a music conc cit.

Mr. and Mrs. Beutler and Mr.and Mrs. Harold Straus enjoyeddinner Thursday evening at theHotel Chieftain in Mt. Pleasant.The occasion was the celebration of the birthdays of Mrs.Straus and Mrs. Beutler. HappyBirthday, Fern and Dorothea!

They called on Mr.and Mrs.Othel B cutler of Rosebush enroute home. Mr.and Mrs. Beuticr had recently returned from

Florida, where they were bothhurt quite seriously in an autoaccident. Mrs. Beutler had herleg in a cast. Clayton spentFriday with them, also.

Dr. Spaulding, the veterinarian of Mt. Pleasant, visited th&Stanley farm Saturday evening,as some of the cows were ill.Our road is blocked for throughtraffic, as the bridge is out, butthe crane and other machinerywere silent Monday morning.

While Ground Hog Day blew inwith freezing rain, deeply overcast sides and ensuing snow, andwe gloated all day that the oleground hog just couldn’t see hisshadow——just before sunset thesides cleared. If the ole fellowwas awake, here we go again!

---0---Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Kimball

of Bay City were Sunday afternoon callers of Connie Skinner.Mr. Kimball is an old friend ofPaul Roe, and he and his wifeare also old friends of the Roefamily, when Paul, Allys andConnie were working on the BayCity Times during the l930s and‘40s. The Kimballs enjoyed adrive around Lake of the Hillswhile here.

Toby Warner spent the weekend with Larry Johnson.


CoidwaterEsther Ski,wer, Reporter

Dawn Flaugher and family ofAlma called on her brother andfamily, the Don Lofgrens, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs • Kenneth Routheaux and boys of St. Louis andElana Miller of Farwell spentthe weekend with Mr.and Mrs.Harold Skinner and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Chelsea Lathamand family called on Mr.andMrs. Dewey Olger Sunday.

Mrs. Gerald Latham was admitted to the Clare hospitalFriday.

Mr.and Mrs. Dale Letson andfamily of Mt. Pleasant spentSaturday with Mr.and Mrs.Dewey Olger. Ted and Steve spentSaturday evening with Mr. andMrs. Dale Olger. Mr.and Mrs.Letson came back Sunday andpicked up the boys. Mr.andMrs. Jim Latham and the Let-sons were dinner guests Saturday.

---0---Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Epps of De

troit spent the weekend at theircottage on Lake of the Hills.They entertained guests fromdown—state while here,

LIONS CLUB•Y 13 5:30




Weidman, Michigan 48893Phone: 644-3465

Page 5: Ros..ncn, rndazat, I’Uch, ,Roae 20 per copy Men in Uniform Messenger/WM1970/2-5-1970.pdfDon’t forgct the fish fry next weekFriday, Feb. 13, at the Weidman School. Adults $1.75,

Beal CityDora Smith, Reporter

Ed and Leona Faber are enjoying a long trip, going by planeto California, then on to Arizona. They will be gone a month.

Callers at the Tony Schaferhome Friday evening were Mr.and Mrs. Ed Schafer and Mr.andMrs • Ed Kavanaugh.

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Oaks andfamily of Grand Rapids spent theweekend with Mr. and Mrs,FrankSchafer and family.

Mr.and Mrs. Bill Andrews ofSt. Johns spent the weekend withMr.and Mrs. Asa Andrews.

Janice Smith spent the weekend with her brother-in-law andsister, Mr.and Mrs. Joe Travis,and family, at Shepherd.

Mrs. Ann Schafer and son,Allen, went to Ontonagon to attend Mr. Sirzio’s funeral Feb. 2.

Mr.and Mrs. Ed Blasen andTheresa and Delores Rau andBrian spent Sunday with theBill Trowbridge family at Midland.


Coidwater LakcMarjorie Schafer, Reporter

Hi:Well, we certainly had a beau

tiful weekend, but I don’t thinkthe ground hog saw his shadowMonday, as it was snowing.

St. Joseph the Worker Schoolwas closed a couple of days lastweek because of so many pupilsand teachers absent with flu.

Don and Judy Schafer caneover and played cards with usWednesday. Friday evening wewent down and played cardswith Ed’s folks, the Tony Schafers.

Rick Klumpp and Jerry Schaferattended a going-away party forRod Klumpp of Mt. PleasantSaturday evening. Rod left Monday for the Marines.

Mr.and Mrs. Jim Lawler andfamily of Leaton had supper Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs.Albert Tilmann and family.

The Leonard Lueders spent theweekend with Ms parents, Mr.and Mrs. Emil Lueder.

Our granddaughter, JosetteSchafer, was burned badly onher face, hands and stomachSaturday when she fell on a hotregister at her aunt’s home inMt. Pleasant.

Robert Schafer attended a classparty at the Charles Ludwighome Saturday evening.

Well, guess that’s it for thisweek. Now I must get readyand go fishing with my husband.


Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hermanand Mrs. Cleda Navarre of Sherman City spent the weekendwith Mr. and Mrs. Del Bongardat Haslett.

Mr.and Mrs. Gale Brien ofShepherd spent Saturday afternoon and were supper guests ofMrs. Nina Forbes. Mr.and Mrs.Russell Wilson were callers.

Two RiversBlanche Carr, Reporter

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kennedyare the grandparents of a new baby girl, born to theft daughterand son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.Bryant Perszyk, of Tacoma,Wash., Jan. 28.

Blanche Carr has a new granddaughter, weighing seven pounds,11 ounces, born Feb. 1 to Mr.and Mrs. Norman Carr at theGratiot Community Hospital. Shehas been named Melissa Rae.

Ronald Sandelius entered CMCHospital Sunday for surgery.

Chris Larson was dischargedfrom CMC Hospital last Tuesday.Mr. and Mrs. Louis Larson visitedthe folks Sunday.

Mr.and Mrs. David Freeze ofrural Shepherd were Sundayguests at the Dwight Aungsthome.

Mr. and Mrs. Homer Moses ofMt. Pleasant visited Nettie Baker Sunday. Mrs • Oral Buntingwas a Thursday caller.

Mrs. Chris Larson attended aplay at the Douglas McArthurSchool in Saginaw Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Flaugherand children were Saturdayguests of the Ray Flaughers.

Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs.Basil Rogers were Mrss LynnJohnson of Mt. Pleasant andMinnie Flaugher.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bartholomew of Blanchard were Tuesdayguests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lieder. The Lieders spent Thursday with Mr.and Mrs. HermanLueder of rural Remus. Mr.andMrs. David Siefferlien of WalledLake and the Arnold Kruegerswere Sunday visitors of the JackLieders.

Mrs. Herman Martin has beenill with flu the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harvey andfamily of Lansing and Mr.andMrs. Wm. Sweet and childrenof Mt. Pleasant were Sundayguests of Mrs. Florence Harvey.In the afternoon the Sweets andMrs. Harvey visited Mr. and Mrs.John Harvey of Chippewa Lake.

Mr. and Mrs. Terry Martinwere Friday evening guests ofthe Charles Garretts. Saturdayevening the Terry Leiters visitedand Sunday evening, Mr.andMrs. Clayton Garrett and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Mrles Buntingand Douglas of Mt. Pleasantspent Friday evening at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Oral Bunting.Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Rayborn ofBelding were Saturday guests.

Mr. and Mrs. Oral Bunting wereSunday evening guests of Mr. andMrs. John Bunting.

Mrs. Dwight Aungst and Tim-my had lunch with Blanche Cmvin Weidman Monday.

---0---Mr. and Mrs. James Kurtz and

family, who have been visitinghis parents, Mr.and Mrs. FrankGoodrich, moved to Duluth,Mm., the weekend.

West GilmoreLena Cole, Reporter

Mr.and Mrs. Lane Chapmanare the proud parents of a babydaughter, born Feb. 1 at CMCHospital. She has been namedAmy Sue. Mr.and Mrs. Gaylord Hart are the proud grandparents. Mrs. Charlotte Hartis the proud great-grandmother.

Sunday visitors of Mrs. Hartwere Mr.and Mrs. Milton Shilling of Grand Rapids, Mrs. Paul-cite Strong and three childrenof Vermontville; Mrs. TomBierschbach of Beal City, andMr. and Mrs. Wayne Curtis.Raymond Breck and StanleyShaner were also guests.

Paul Cole, Dan Kripa andDick Mahon and Steve Kripaattended wrestling matches atSaginaw Friday night.

Mr.and Mrs. John Wixsonare the parents of a baby daughter. Mrs. Beulah Wixson is theproud grandmother. Beulah istending the three Wixson boyswhile their mother has been inthe hospital.

Mary Lou Moss dl returned toher home in South Bend, md.,after visiting the Paul Colesand working at the Home andTraining School.

Sunday guests of the PaulColes were Mr. and Mrs. JuliusAilbee, Mr.and Mrs. Dan Kripa, and Mr.and Mrs. RobertMyers and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wixsonof Lake City are moving nearBealCity.


McCLAINPhone Basvyton 382-5445Weidman 644—2155

N. BroomfieldMrs. Bertha Rhode, a former

resident of this areas is a patient at the Mt. Pleasant hospital, with a hip fracture.

Mr.and Mrs. Paul Lueder andRalph and Terry had Sundaydinner with Harold Rhode andhis mother.

Mr.and Mrs. Richard Cookand family had Sunday dinnerwith the Jack Cook family.

Mr.and Mrs. Richard Luederspent Saturday in Lansing.

Mr. and Mrs. Orves Cook andMr.and Mrs. Rudy Nagy of Mt.Pleasant are spending sometime in Florida.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hines andMr. and Mrs. Ervin Dutcher, Sr.,spent Tuesday evening withMrs. E.R.Rhode and Harold.

Mr.and Mrs. Emil Lueder, andthe Leonard Lueders of Holtspent Saturday evening with Mr.and Mrs. Richard Lueder. Sunday guests were the CecilSteeles of St. Louis, Mrs. Kathleen Haney and baby of Win,and Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Lueder.

Mrs. Ed Clare of Mt. Pleasantspent a few days with her sister,Mrs. Roy Adams.

Mrs. Myra Hummel, a former resident of this area, is apatient at the Mt. PleasantMedical Facility.

---0- - -

Ida Bazaire called on her children, the Lewis Bazaires, northof Brinton, Sunday.

Thursday, Febniary 5, 1970 WEDMAN MESSENGER


1966 CHEVROLET 1/2 TON PICKUP. 6 cyl., standard shift.


and power steering. Extra sharp.

1966 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4-DOOR. 8 cyl., automatic.

1967 OLDSMOBILE 4-DR. SEDAN. Automatic transmission,power steering and brakes.


1964 CHEVROLET B AIR 4-DR. 6 cyl., automatic.

1966 CHEVROLET IMPALA SPORT COUPE. S cyl., automatic


1966 PONTIAC TEMPEST 2-DR. 6 cyl., standard shift.

1966 PONTIAC 4-DOOR HARDTOP. Automatic. Power

steering and power brakes.



Page 6: Ros..ncn, rndazat, I’Uch, ,Roae 20 per copy Men in Uniform Messenger/WM1970/2-5-1970.pdfDon’t forgct the fish fry next weekFriday, Feb. 13, at the Weidman School. Adults $1.75,

WEIDMAN MESSENGER Thursday, February 5, 1970


Rev. Lawrence Smith, PastorChurch School, 10 a.m.Worship, 11 a.m.M.Y.F., Sunday, 6p.m.Thursday evening, 7.30, choir

rehearsal.Thursday, Feb. 5, the WSCS

will meet at the church at 2. 30p.m. Hostess, Catherine Rescoe.

BROOMEIEID ZION LUTHERANLocated six miles south of Weid

man on Coidwater Road.Rev. Edwin Schme]zer, Pastor.Sunday School, 9.15 a.m.Worship Service, 10.30 a.m.Ladies’ Aid meets on second

Wednesday of each month.*****

WED MAN BAPTIST CHURCHRev. Marvin Eldridge, PastorSunday School, 10 a.m.Morning Service, 11 a.m.Choir practice (Sunday), 6.45

p.m.Evening Service, 7.30 p.m.Friday, Feb. 6, C.M.A. meet

ing.Sunday evening, Feb. 8, we

will have a film-strip and recordon Cedarville College, at 7.30p.m.

There was a nice attendance atSunday school Sunday morning.



4 1/2 miles west and 1/2 milesouth of Weidman.

Donald 0. Wolfgang, Sr.,

Pastor. Telephone 644-3604.Sunday Services:Morning Worship, 11 a.m.Sunday School, 10 a.m.Youth Service, 6.45 p.m.Evening Preaching, 7. 30 p.m.Mid-week Service:Wednesday prayer meeting,

7.30 p.m.*****

GILMORE CHURCH OF CHRISTGeorge Getchel, PastorAnnouncing a new worship

hour:from now until Easter, we will

be conducting only one worshiphour each Sunday morning. Thetime will be 9.30. Bible Schoolwill begin at 10.30. DuringEaster and perhaps through thesummer we will be going backto two worship services Sundaymornings. This will be announced later. We thank God for ourgrowing pains. Everyone welcome.

Junior Youth Rally Saturday,Feb. 7. We will leave thechurch at 2. The rally is at theCoe Church. Let’s bring homethe trophy.

Next Tuesday evening theWomen’s Fellowship group willmeet at the home of Mrs. LoisGraham. Ladies, bring yourBetty Crocker coupons for amissionary project.

Miss Sue Sanders has movedto the home of her parents, Mr.and Mrs. Earl Sanders, fromPontiac. Miss Sanders is a floraldesigner, and is employed at EvaEva’s Florist Shop in Mt. Pleasant, formerly Snyder’s.

Brinton NewsFrances Beck, Reporter

A group of friends and relatives gathered at the CommunityHall in Brinton, honoring FrankSowle with a party on his retire—ment from the Dow ChemicalCompany in Midland.

Flossie and Don Scott and Mr.and Mrs. Dale Mercer were inLansing Tuesday, at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Truman Scott.Elaine was going from there toAnn Arbor, where she will enterUniversity Hospital for observation.

Mrs. Whaley and her daughter,Margaret Sisco, were in Mt.Pleasant Friday. Margaret alsocalled on her mother Sunday.

Eunice La Londe and FrancesBeck called at the Coker Funeral Home in Farwell Friday, paying their respects to Mrs. JennieMuir of Lake. Mrs. Muir was themother of Calvin Tryon ofLake. The family have the sympathy of the community.

Josephine Wade of Lake calledon her sister, Mrs. Conley, inBrinton, Saturday.

Shannon La Londe and RuthScott were absent from schoollast week, due to sickness.

Mrs. Flossie Forbes left Detroit by plane Sunday for Hollywood, Florida, where she willspend the rest of the winter withher daughter,_Irene.



Emily Geasler of Grand Rapidsspent Saturday with her parents,Ray and Joyce Geasler.

Nora Geasler received word ofthe death of Jay Corey of Houghton Lake. Mr. Corey was a cousin of Mrs. Geasler. At onetime they lived in Brinton, inthe house now owned by Mr.andMrs. Russell Wright.

Ralph and Nora Geasler calledon their sister, Mrs. Hazel Graham, Friday, and were also inClare.

Mr.and Mrs. Paul Wise andson of Grand Rapids spent Sunday at the Ken Baker home.

John and Jack Baker, sons ofMr.and Mrs. Ken Baker, weregraduates from Central Michigan University Jan. 24, bothreceiving their Bachelor ofScience of Education degrees.Congratulations to John andJack. The boys started theirteaching careers at Big RapidsFeb. 2.

Mr.and Mrs. Boyd Cheadle ofLansing spent Sunday with Mr.and Mrs. Ken Baker.

---0---Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hagerman

and son, Sean, of Mt. Pleasantwere Sunday dinner guests ofhis mother, Mrs. Vera Hagerman.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnsonand Jane and Kathleen of Mt.Pleasant were Sunday eveningguests of his mother, Mrs. KitJohnson.








Weidman State BankWILL BE


(Lincoln’s Birthday)

We Welcome Your Patronage WithFriendly and Efficient Service




(r7ttS STOREI, , (, WElD MAN


Page 7: Ros..ncn, rndazat, I’Uch, ,Roae 20 per copy Men in Uniform Messenger/WM1970/2-5-1970.pdfDon’t forgct the fish fry next weekFriday, Feb. 13, at the Weidman School. Adults $1.75,

Thursday, February 5, 1970 WEIDMAN MF,SPNGFI

Around HorrJessie Rosencrntz, Reporter


Word has been received of thedeath of Marvel Miller, a former resident of this area. Shespent several years in a wheelchair, following a stroke. Shedied in a rest home in OrangeCity, Fla. , Jan. 26. She was 78.

Funeral services were held lastThursday at the Stebbins FuneralHome in Edmore, with burial inthe Edmore cemetery.

Many around here will remember her.


Mr. and Mrs. Vance Wood andGale and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Suman were Saturday eveningcallers of Mrs. Flora Wood.

Mr. and Mrs. Benn Johnson andfamily spent Sunday at Horse-head Lake.

Mrs. Betty Thompson attendeda Senior High solo ensemble festival at Ferris State College Saturday. Bob and Bill Thompsonand several others from theneighborhood took part.

Mrs. Thompson called on Mrs.Mildred Terry and her motherTuesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Garth Lawrenceand Pam were Sunday dinnerand supper guests of his mother,Mrs. Nettle Lawrence.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Oplinger attended an NFO meeting at St.Johns Saturday evening.

Kenny Oplinger attended awedding shower for Mr. and Mrs.Brian Howard at Chippewa LakeSaturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Johnson andchildren spent Friday eveningwith her parents, the GeraldDents. Mr.and Mrs. Chuck Roberts and family were weekendguests. Mr.and Mrs. Ralph McCreight and family, Mr. andMrs. Benn Johaison and familyand Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Kirvan were Saturday eveningguests. All the Dent childrenand their families were Saturday evening and Sunday guests,celebrating Evelyn’s birthday,which was Saturday, and Mabel’s birthday, Sunday.

Mr.and Mrs. Bruce Chapmanwere Sunday dinner guests ofher parents, the Gerald Loseys.

Mr. and Mrs. Orlan Denslowwere Sunday dinner guests ofhis mother, Mrs. Eva Denslow.Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Swan andTracy and Cheryl were afternoon callers.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wrightof Pontiac were weekend guestsof his mother and husband, thePaul Millers.

Mrs. Paul Miller and Mrs.Tom Waid were business callers in Clare and Harrison Wednesday. Paul and Tom spentthe day hanging doors at theWaids’ new home at CrookedLake.

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Oppermanof Mt. Pleasant, Mr.and Mrs.Elwood Miller and Mr. and Mrs.

Dick Touchinski spent last weekin the Big Bay area, snowmobiling.

Mrs. Ethel Mclean is spending a couple of weeks with herson and wife, the Elwood Millers.

Sunday callers at the GeraldLosey home were Mr. and Mrs.Al Cochran and Mick, Mr.andMrs. Howard Jackson and Bruce,Mrs. Jan Gross and Amy Sue,Bob Gross and friend of Lansing.Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hines wereThursday evening guests.

Mr. and Mrs. Alden Acker ofDurand were Saturday dinnerguests of their grandparents, Mr.and Mrs. Jay Denslow. Mrs.Acker is the former Sue AnnDunn.

Mr.and Mrs. Bernard Tubandtand Allen of Lansing were Sunday dinner guests of the Den-slows.

Mr.and Mrs. Jay Denslow visited their daughter, Eula Dunn,at CMC Hospital several timeslast week. Eula has been seriously ill.


In theEditor’s MailTampa, Fla (Thursday)Dear Connie:

Although we are far away, weoften think of you. Why thingshappen like they do, we don’tunderstand. I hope this findsyou well.

The winter in Florida has notbeen the greatest, either. Wehad beautiful red and white poinsettias, nine feet high, butaround the first of January itfroze them to the ground. Itfroze most of the flowers in thepark.

Love and the best of everything.Elizabeth and Leo Neubecker


Dear Connie:We think of you often, and

had hoped maybe you folkscould have wandered out thisway, as we would like to haveseen you folks.

Hope you will get out westsome of these days.

We are having a normal winter. Have about 10 inches ofsnow and the weather hasn’tbeen below zero here in our valley, and no wind. However,theweather has been colder in other areas, with wind.

We are in a protected areahere.

Hope you are well.As ever,Annetta BellowsCalder, Idaho


Dear Connie:Sorry I let my subscription

lapse, but here it is. I keepthinking it’s foolish to take it,but when Friday comes I’mlooking for it in the mail box.

So many names aren’t familiar to me any more, but lots offolks from the Brinton area,Walker Creek and Weidman I

still know.Hope you have a very prosper

ous New Year of 1970.Best regards.Mabel Cummings, Barryton.




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Page 8: Ros..ncn, rndazat, I’Uch, ,Roae 20 per copy Men in Uniform Messenger/WM1970/2-5-1970.pdfDon’t forgct the fish fry next weekFriday, Feb. 13, at the Weidman School. Adults $1.75,

WEIDMAN MESSENGER Thursday, February 5, 1970


Jan. 28, 1970

High Team Series: Beal CityTavern 3074.

High mdv. Game: Bill Todd594, Bob Lyon 587, Larry Mason 579. High mdv. Game: BillTodd 246, Roy Adams 227, BobLyon 219.

GUYS & DOLLSJan. 30, 1970

Ecker-Eldred 17 3McArthur-Anderson 14 6Lyon-Sharrar 11.5 8.3Lawens-Pantenburg 10 10Bleise—Straus 9 11Green-McConnell 9 11Bierschbach-Zill 9 11Thon-Blake 9 11Foster-Moore 9 11Nolte-Cook 8.5 11.5

Moore-Long 7 13

Blehm-Moore 7 13High Team Series: Thon &

Blake 2454. High Team Game:Ecker & Eldred 909.

High Series, Men: Loren Eldred551, Bob Moore 548, Bob Bleise547.

High Game, Men: Bob Moore213, Bob Lyon 212, Loren Eldred 211.

High Series, Women: MaryBlake 583, Barb Moore 564, Sue

Ecker 534.High Game, Women: Sue Eck

er 208, Mary Blake 205, DeeLawens 201, Barb Moore 201.


Feb. 9, Weidman boys vs. Barryton, there, 6.30

Feb. 9, Weidman girls vs. Barryton, there, 7.30.

Feb. 9, Weidman men vs. Barryton, there, 8.

Feb. 11, Weidman women vs.

Remus, there, 8.Feb. 16, Weidman women vs.

unknowns, here. practice.*****

The Weidman boys won overMecosta, 69-58, Monday evening. They whipped the sameteam last Wednesday evening,91-74,.there. The Weidmanboys are the only unbeatenteam in the league. None ofthe boys on the Weidman teamis playing on any ChippewaHills School team. If they winthe series, they will challengethe faculty.


At the Rebekali card party lastTuesday afternoon, eight tablesof pepper were in play.

first prize was won by LeoraSchumacher, and Frank Beanwon first for the men.

Low prize went to HermioneSmith, and pepper prize waswon by Ruby Douglas. Thedoor prize was won by MadaPung.

The next party will be Feb.10, at the LOOf Hall in Weidman.


North WeidmanElvali Gott, Reporter

Mr. and Mrs. Micky Abbott andboys and Mrs. Lois Knollenbergand family enjoyed a pot-luckdinner with Mrs. Muriel Millerand family Sunday, after church.

Ruth Gott of Farwell spent theweekend with her ‘andparents,Mr.and Mrs. John Gott, and attended church Sunday. AlbertGott and Larry were callers.

Laura Latham entered the hospital last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Milo Handy ofHarrison called on Ward Dellone day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Conley ofMt. Pleasant called on her parents, Mr.and Mrs. EdOlger,Sunday. Mrs. Gertrude Wood ofGilmore was a Saturday visitor.

Local ItemsMr.and Mrs. Harvey Brien and

son, Michael, of Mt. Pleasantwere Sunday dinner guests of Mr,Nina Forbes.

Rev, and Mrs. Lawrence Smithwere on the road to recoverythe first of the week, after athree-weeks’ seige of flu andpneumonia.

Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Allen wereSunday callers at the George McClam, Jr., home. Mrs. LoisHines of Winchester Dam was aSaturday afternoon Visitor.

Mrs. ma Campbell was admitted to CMC Hospital Jan. 30 asa heart patient, and was in theintensive care division over theweekend, undergoing manytests and treatments, to improve her health. Mrs. Campbell and her husband, Cohn,are the former owners and publishers of the Barryton Press.Mr.Campbell, with Mr.and Mrs.Clarence Brand, and Mr. andMrs. Eugene Brand and daughter, were Sunday dinner guestsof Mr.and Mrs. James Campbell, west of the city of Mt.Pleasant.

Mr. and Mrs. John Pyle andson of Flint were Sunday dinnerguests of Mrs. Emily WoodMargaret Kirvan did some in

terior painting for Mrs. Wood


Marchiando & RauWeidman BankBeal City TavernHousehold Appi.Wentworth IGACentral ConcreteBeal City ServicePabst Blue RibbonSchlitz BeerLowery NorthernGiant Super Mkt.Coleman Funi.

W L10 2

8 48 47 57 56 66 66 65 75 73 91 11

---0---The Jerry Horstmans now have

a telephone: No. 644-2512.---0---


Mr. and Mrs. Homer Crawford

of near Evart spent Sunday after

noon with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde

Beutler. They are cousins of the

Beutlers. Mr.and Mrs. Jim Beut

1cr were callers.

Deana and Michael St. John,

children of Mr.and Mrs. Garold

St. John, returned from CMC

Hospital Saturday, after having

their tonsils removed Thursday.

Mrs. Orville Bates of Clare stay

ed with the St. John children

from Thursday till Saturday.




in matchingcolors








Serving 5’. 30 to 7. 30

Admission: Adults $1. 75Children under 12, $1.00

MENU--fish, all you can eat;French fries; salad; rolls—butter; coffee; dessert.

Phone 6443631 Wei

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