
Romans 12:18; Galatians 2:11-14

Biblical Boundaries

Week of February 27 - March 5, 2011

1. In his sermon, pastor Paul made the statement, “Some boundaries are not about division—they’re about respect. Living without boundaries doesn’t create greater unity—it leads to greater chaos. By keeping personal boundaries we respect the marriages, decisions, roles, and lives of other people. We need boundaries in our personal lives.” What boundaries have you set in place for your life?

2. Are there any boundaries between you and God that need to come down?

3. Each of us have various sets of relationships. Some close, some not so much. Discuss the boundaries you have set for yourself and why. As a group, how can you learn from each other or encourage each other to set proper boundaries?

4. Pastor Paul made reference to the boundaries Jesus set for Himself. Jesus had set boundaries in place for His time, His priorities, and His relationships. As a group, gather examples from Scripture that fit in each of these categories; then discuss applications for us today.

5. How can the setting of proper boundaries actively be used to point people to God and your relationship with Him? Do your current boundaries (or lack thereof) help point people to Christ and your honoring Him?

Group Study/Reflection

“Live relationally, love responsively”








February 27, 2011, Life Baptist Church Paul GotthardtAvailable as podcast on iTunes and as downloadable sermon at

Sermon OutlineFebruary 27, 2011, Life Baptist Church Paul GotthardtAvailable as podcast on iTunes and as downloadable sermon at

At LIFE, we are passionate about making disciples. According to Scripture, a disciple is someone who pursues Christ by loving God, uniting with

believers, serving the world, and entrusting the Gospel.

1. Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there a particular point, verse or comment that caught your attention, challenged you or raised a question?

2. Is there anyone that you have let in "too close" and need to establish boundaries with based on the biblical principles shared? How can you do this in a loving and respectful way?

3. How can the setting of proper boundaries help you “to be at peace with all men?”

Discipleship Guide

Goal for this lesson:

Personal Study/Reflection:

Biblical boundaries show respect, preserve order, enhance effectiveness, and provide protection when relating to others.

Romans 12:18, “If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men.”  Being at peace with all men does not mean having the same level of relationship with all men.

Big Truth: The closer a person gets to you—the greater the _____________ they have on you.

Bigger Warning: When relationships are not filtered through Scripture—we remove ourselves from God’s designed _____________ .

BIBLICAL BOUNDARIES FOR PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS: •God establishes boundaries with marriage: Ephesians 5:31•God established a boundary between believers and

unbelievers: 2 Corinthians 6:14•God established boundaries between believers when sin

dominates someone’s life. 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15; 1 Corinthians 5:6-13•God established boundaries for relating to godlessness in the

last days: 1 Timothy 3:1-5•God gave boundaries for dealing with fools: Proverbs 13:20•There are boundaries for relating to those who slander/gossip:

Proverbs 16:28; Proverbs 20:19•There are boundaries to protect us from people given to

anger/hot-tempered: Proverbs 22:24-25•There are boundaries for people who guarantee debts:

Proverbs 22:26•God set boundaries on association with the wicked: Psalm 1

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