Page 1: Roman History An overview of Roman history from its mythological roots to the Fall of Rome

Roman History

An overview of Roman history from its mythological roots to the

Fall of Rome.

Page 2: Roman History An overview of Roman history from its mythological roots to the Fall of Rome

How it all began…..mythologically speaking

Aeneas: a story told by Virgil•His destiny was to start the race of Latin people.•Fought in the Trojan War, a famous Greek battle•Aeneas wandered the Mediterranean region, much like the famous Odysseus.•Fell in love with the queen, Dido, in the city of Carthage•Abandoned Dido, who killed herself, and headed to Rome to fulfill his destiny

Page 3: Roman History An overview of Roman history from its mythological roots to the Fall of Rome

Romulus and Remus

•Descendents of Aeneas•Considered a threat and sent down the Tiber River•Were found and raised by a “she-wolf” named Lupa•Founded the city of Rome in 753BCE.

Page 4: Roman History An overview of Roman history from its mythological roots to the Fall of Rome

The Etruscans: a.k.a. the people who lived in Italy before the Romans and greatly

contributed to the Roman culture

•The Etruscans were ruled by kings.

•The Romans rebelled.

•They expelled Tarquin the Proud, the last Etruscan king, from Rome in 509BCE.

•Greatly contributed to the Roman religion

Page 5: Roman History An overview of Roman history from its mythological roots to the Fall of Rome

Structure of the Roman Republic

Page 6: Roman History An overview of Roman history from its mythological roots to the Fall of Rome

Three Branches of American GovernmentOur government structure is based on the Roman model. Both have three branches that have some ability to check the power of the other branches. In Rome, this was only effective during the Republican Period.

Page 7: Roman History An overview of Roman history from its mythological roots to the Fall of Rome

What was the Republic like?•The Romans incorporated Etruscan and Greek influences into their culture.•It was the time period when the elements of society were established that led to Rome’s greatness•Rome becomes a world power by dominating the Mediterranean region.•After three Punic Wars with Carthage, Rome experienced rapid growth.

Page 8: Roman History An overview of Roman history from its mythological roots to the Fall of Rome

Julius Caesar•Was NOT the first emperor of Rome•Accumulated wealth and used it for celebrations and building projects•Reorganized the republican government to handle its growing size and challenges•Became a “god” because he was popular with the people•The Senate feared he was becoming a king, so they assassinated him in 44 BCE.

Page 9: Roman History An overview of Roman history from its mythological roots to the Fall of Rome

Caesar Augustus

•First Emperor of Rome: 27 BCE•Began the Pax Romana: 200 years of peace and prosperity•Spread trade and ideas throughout the empire•Wanted to be the first among equals•Founded the Julio-Claudian line

Page 10: Roman History An overview of Roman history from its mythological roots to the Fall of Rome

Hall of Shame:The “Bad” Emperors

Caligula (37 CE): made a horse a senator

Nero (64 CE): played a lyre while watching Rome burn

•These rulers created instability in a growing empire.

Page 11: Roman History An overview of Roman history from its mythological roots to the Fall of Rome

Hall of Fame:The “Good” Rulers

Trajan (108 CE): chose not to seek out Christians for persecution, built the Circus Maximus and Trajan’s Forum

Hadrian (117 CE): built a stone wall to protect Roman Britain; had a variety of interests (geometry, painting, etc.); began the Pantheon

Marcus Aurelius (161 CE): philosopher-ruler, had to protect the empire from the Germans

Page 12: Roman History An overview of Roman history from its mythological roots to the Fall of Rome

Fall of RomeCauses:•Political•Economic•End of Loyalties•Barbarian Invasions

410-476 CE: Germans conquer the city of Rome

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