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ABSTRACTRollover crashes are often difficult to reconstruct in detailbecause of their chaotic nature. Historically, vehicle speeds inrollover crashes have been calculated using a simple slide-to-stop formula with empirically derived drag factors. Roll ratesare typically calculated in an average sense over the entirerollover or a segment of it in which vehicle roll angles areknown at various positions. A unified model to describe thetranslational and rotational vehicle dynamics throughout therollover sequence is lacking. We propose a pseudo-cylindrical model of a rolling vehicle in which the rotationaland translational dynamics are coupled to each other based onthe average frictional forces developed during groundcontacts. We describe the model as pseudo-cylindricalbecause vertical motion is ignored but the ground reactionforce is not constrained to act directly underneath the centerof gravity of the vehicle. The tumbling phase of a rollover ismodeled in three distinct phases: an initial brief airbornephase between roll initiation and the first ground contact, anearly phase in which relative sliding between the perimeter ofthe vehicle and the ground causes the roll rate to increase, anda later phase in which the vehicle rolls without sliding and theroll rate decreases. In the early phase, the average vehicledeceleration is higher and is governed by sliding friction. Inthe later phase, the average vehicle deceleration is lower andis governed by geometric factors. Model predictions were fitto data from 12 well-documented rollover crashes in order toderive empirical values for the model parameters. In 11 out ofthe 12 rollovers studied, the model predictions matched theactual results with good accuracy. The results validate theunderlying physical principles of the model and provide datathat can be used to apply the model to real world rollovers.

The proposed model provides a physical basis forunderstanding vehicle dynamics in rollovers and may be usedin certain cases to improve the accuracy of a rolloverreconstruction.

INTRODUCTIONRollover crashes have been studied extensively from anaccident reconstruction perspective. Rollovers are difficult tomodel with precision because they involve complex three-dimensional vehicle dynamics and multiple impacts, often tothe same part of the vehicle, occurring over a long period oftime. Due to their chaotic nature and sensitivity to smallchanges in initial conditions, the individual impacts thatoccur in rollover crash tests are generally not repeatable orpredictable. Efforts have been made to model individualimpacts in rollover crash tests using either impulse-momentum equations [13] or computational modelingpackages [12, 14]. However, the usefulness of complicatedmodels in reconstructing real world crashes is limited by theirfidelity and by the amount of information typically availableto the reconstructionist.

In practice, real world rollovers are usually reconstructedusing simple models. Historically and up to the present,vehicle speed during the tumbling phase of a rollover crashhas been calculated using a simple slide-to-stop formula [4-5,8-9, 11]. Recently, investigators have suggested that theaccuracy of rollover reconstruction can be improved using avariable deceleration rate approach [3, 15]. There is goodempirical support for such an approach. Detailed video-basedreconstructions of rollover tests have shown that thedeceleration rate of a tumbling vehicle in a rollover is notconstant, but is typically higher during the early portion of

An Integrated Model of Rolling and Sliding inRollover Crashes



James Funk, Jeffrey Wirth, Enrique Bonugli and Richard WatsonBiodynamic Research Corp

Alan AsayWoolley Engineering Research

Copyright © 2012 SAE International


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the rollover and lower during the later portion of the rollover[1, 3, 6-7, 11, 15, 17-18].

Vehicle roll rate is also typically calculated using simplemethods. The average roll rate over the entire rollover or aportion of it is calculated by dividing the number of rolls bytime, where time is calculated based on an assumption ofconstant deceleration in translational velocity. It has beenobserved in multi-rollover crash tests that the roll ratetypically rises monotonically, usually peaks sometime in theearly part the rollover, then decreases monotonically at aslower rate than it rose [1-2, 3, 6-7, 11, 13, 15, 17]. It hasfurther been noted that the time of peak roll rate oftencoincides with a knee in the translational velocity vs. timecurve, corresponding to a decrease in the vehicle'stranslational deceleration rate [1, 3, 17].

In this paper, we propose a model for rollover crashes inwhich the rotational and translational dynamics of a rollingvehicle are coupled to each other based on the averagefrictional forces developed during ground contacts.Somewhat similar models were proposed by Chen andGuenther [4] and Rose and Beauchamp [15]. The Chen andGuenther [4] model utilized a constant deceleration approachto model the translational velocity of the vehicle. Theytheorized that in the early part of a rollover, the roll rate ofthe vehicle increases due to Coulomb friction as a result ofthe tangential velocity of the vehicle perimeter being lowerthan the vehicle's translational velocity. In the later part of therollover, they theorized that the opposite phenomenon occurs:the roll rate decreases because the tangential velocity of thevehicle perimeter exceeds the translational velocity of thevehicle's center of gravity, and the relative sliding betweenthe ground and vehicle results in frictional forces that slowthe roll velocity of the vehicle until it reaches its point of rest.Rose and Beauchamp [15] presented several approaches tomodeling a variable deceleration rate during rollovers. Theseapproaches were something of a hybrid between modelingempirical data and applying impulse-momentum equationsthey had previously developed for modeling individualground impacts in rollovers [13]. However, their methods didnot explicitly link translational and rotational vehicledynamics throughout the rollover sequence.

In our model, we theorize that friction due to relative slidingbetween the vehicle perimeter and the ground is themechanism by which the roll rate increases early in therollover, in agreement with Chen and Guenther [4] and Roseand Beauchamp [15]. We propose that once the tangentialvelocity of the vehicle's perimeter catches up to thetranslational velocity of the vehicle's center of gravity,relative sliding between the vehicle's perimeter and theground ceases, consistent with the findings of Rose andBeauchamp [15]. During the later part of the rollover, wepropose that the vehicle rolls without sliding and deceleratesboth translationally and rotationally at a rate governed by

geometric factors. Our proposed model is bilinear and allowsfor a prediction of the overall translational and rotationalvehicle dynamics in an average sense during both phases ofthe rollover sequence. The proposed model predicts a higherlevel of translational deceleration early in the rollovercompared to later in the rollover, with the transition occurringat the time of peak roll rate. Thus, the proposed modelprovides a theoretical explanation for several phenomena thathave been observed empirically in high speed rollover tests.

THEORYThe proposed model is two-dimensional and focuses on thetranslational motion of the vehicle's center of gravity and therotation of the vehicle about its roll axis. All motion isassumed to occur in the plane perpendicular to thelongitudinal axis of the vehicle. Pitch, yaw, longitudinalmotion, vertical motion, and impacts to the vehicle are allneglected. In high speed rollovers, there is typically a briefairborne phase immediately after all four tires lift off theground and cease leaving tire marks. Our proposed modelbegins at the first vehicle-to-ground contact after rollinitiation. In the equations that follow, parameters with a 0subscript indicate values at the time of roll initiation (end oftire marks). Roll initiation defines the zero point for both timeand distance. Parameters with a 1 subscript indicate values atthe time of the beginning of the sliding rollover phase (orconstant values throughout the sliding phase), defined by theinitial vehicle-to-ground contact. Parameters with a 2subscript indicate values at the time of the beginning of therolling phase (or constant values throughout the rollingphase). Final values at the end of the rollover are denoted bythe f subscript. The initial conditions at the time of firstground contact (t1) are given by:





Vehicle-to-ground interaction is modeled using a free bodydiagram (Figure 1). The vehicle is modeled as a cylinder inone important respect: vertical motion is neglected.Therefore, throughout the rollover, the vertical groundreaction force is simply the weight of the vehicle. Also, theheight of the vehicle's center of gravity is assumed to beconstant throughout the rollover and equivalent to the radius

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(r) of a cylinder having a circumference equal to twice thesum of the overall height (H) and width (W) of the vehicle:


Figure 1. Free body diagram of a rolling vehicle.

A model of a purely cylindrical vehicle rolling on flat groundwould place the contact point between the vehicle and grounddirectly below the vehicle's center of gravity. The problemwith that approach is that the ground reaction force vectorwill always point behind the vehicle's center of gravity (ifthere is friction) or straight up through the vehicle's center ofgravity (if there is no friction). In a purely cylindrical model,the ground reaction force vector can never act in front of thevehicle's center of gravity, and therefore the vehicle's roll ratecan never decrease and the cylindrical vehicle can never stoprolling. The reason that a real vehicle slows down andeventually stops rolling is that it rolls more like a squarewheel or a lumpy cylinder, with the impact point between thevehicle and the ground often being in front of the vehicle'scenter of gravity. In order to capture that necessaryphenomenon in our model, we allowed the contact pointbetween the perimeter of the vehicle and the ground (h) to beforward or rearward of the vehicle's center of gravity, withforward being defined as positive. Because relaxing theconstraint that ground contact must occur directly below thevehicle's center of gravity implies a non-circular shape for the

vehicle cross-section, we use the term “pseudo-cylindrical” todescribe the model.

The interaction between the ground contact location and themagnitude of the frictional force acting on the vehicledetermines whether the impact force vector passes behind thevehicle's center of gravity, causing the vehicle's roll rate toincrease, or forward of the vehicle's center of gravity, causingthe vehicle's roll rate to decrease. At the beginning of arollover, there is usually relative sliding between the vehicleand the ground, because the tangential velocity of theperimeter of the vehicle is less than the translational velocityof the vehicle's center of gravity. Therefore, the highestpossible frictional force is developed between the vehicle andthe ground, which is the sliding coefficient of friction (fs).Applying this kinetic constraint, the translational accelerationrate of the vehicle for the early “sliding” phase of the rollover(a1) is obtained by summing the forces in the direction oftravel and setting them equal to zero:


Cancelling the vehicle mass (m) term and solving for (a)yields:


The negative sign indicates that the vehicle is decelerating.Applying the constant deceleration rate from equation (4), thetime-varying translational velocity and displacement of thevehicle during the sliding phase of the rollover (t1 < t < t2) isobtained from standard equations of motion:



The rotational acceleration rate (α) of the vehicle is obtainedby summing the moments about the center of gravity of thevehicle and setting them equal to zero:


where (I) is the roll moment of inertia of the vehicle about itscenter of gravity, which can also be expressed in terms of thevehicle's mass (m) and radius of gyration (k):

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Substituting equation (7) into equation (6) and solving for (α)yields:


The time-varying roll velocity and roll angle of the vehicleduring the sliding phase of the rollover (t1 < t < t2) areobtained from equations of motion:



Unless the impact location (h1) is far forward of the vehicle'scenter of gravity, the frictional force caused by the relativesliding between the perimeter of the vehicle and the groundwill tend to increase the roll rate of the vehicle. As the rollrate of the vehicle increases and the translational speed of thevehicle decreases, the tangential velocity of the vehicle'sperimeter catches up to the translational velocity of thevehicle's center of gravity. When those velocities equalize,the following kinematic constraint is satisfied:


The time at which relative sliding between the vehicle andground stops (t2) is obtained by substituting equations (5a)and (9a) into equation (10) and solving for t:


This time point marks the transition between the early phaseof the rollover, in which the vehicle rolls and slides along theground, and the later phase of the rollover, in which thevehicle rolls over the ground without sliding. For brevity,these phases will be termed the “sliding” and “rolling”phases, respectively. The translational velocity (v2), distancefrom the trip point (d2), roll velocity (ω2), and roll angle (θ2)at this transition point can be calculated by substitutingequation (10) into equations (5a), (5b), (9a), and (9b),respectively.

Once there is no longer any relative sliding between thevehicle and the ground, the frictional force acting on thevehicle is no longer constrained to be the maximum availablefriction force. Instead, the frictional force will be whatevervalue satisfies the kinematic constraint in equation (10) andprevents relative sliding between the vehicle and the ground,so long as the frictional force required to do so does notexceed the maximum available friction force (fs). Thefrictional force (f2) acting during the rolling phase of therollover is obtained by expanding equation (10) withsubstitutions of equations (5a), (9a), and (8) (substituting 2for 1 in the subscripts):


Since the kinematic constraint in equation (10) applies at thetime of transition between the first and second phases of therollover, it is known that v2 = ω2r. Once these terms aredropped out, the time variable (t − t2) also cancels, yieldingthe following constant friction value for the rolling phase ofthe rollover:


The acceleration rate (a2) during the rolling phase of therollover sequence is calculated by summing the forces alongthe direction of vehicle travel, setting them equal to zero(equation 2), and solving for (a):


This value is constant and depends only on geometric factors.Applying the constant deceleration rate from equation (14),the time-varying translational velocity and displacement ofthe vehicle during the rolling phase of the rollover (t2 < t < tf)is obtained from standard equations of motion:



The rotational acceleration rate (α2) of the vehicle is obtainedby summing the moments about the center of gravity of the

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vehicle, setting them equal to zero (equation 6), substitutingequations (7) and (13), then solving for (α):


The time-varying roll velocity and roll angle of the vehicleduring the rolling phase of the rollover (t2 < t < tf) areobtained from equations of motion:



The rollover ends when the translational and roll velocitiesreach zero. The total rollover time (tf) is obtained by setting ω= 0 in equation (17a) and solving for (t):


The final roll distance (df) and roll angle (θf) are obtained bysubstituting equation (18) into equations (15b) and (17b),respectively.

The end result is a bilinear model of vehicle dynamicsbetween the first ground contact and rest (Figure 2). Theessential parameters of the model can be conciselysummarized with only four parameters (Table 1). These fourparameters are the constant translational and rotationalacceleration rates for the sliding and rolling phases of therollover. The predicted translational deceleration is higher inthe first phase of the rollover than the second phase. Thepredicted roll velocity is a triangular-shaped function inwhich the peak roll rate occurs at the transition between thefirst and second phases of the rollover.

Table 1. Model parameters.

Figure 2. Illustration of vehicle dynamics predicted bythe proposed rollover model.

Although a real vehicle rollover consists of a series ofdiscrete ground impacts, the model proposed here neglectsimpacts and assumes constant deceleration in each phase ofthe rollover. This approach is commonly used in other areasof accident reconstruction. For example, skip skids andpedestrian tumbling also consist of a series of discrete groundimpacts and airborne phases, but they are modeled using aconstant deceleration assumption. This assumption is validbecause the average deceleration of an object that tumbles toa stop in a series of ground impacts and airborne phases isequivalent to the constant deceleration that would occur dueto simple frictional sliding [16]. Therefore, the proposedmodel should accurately predict the rollover dynamics in anaverage sense. However, some error in the calculated vehicledynamics is expected at intermediate points in the rolloversequence, due to the chaotic nature of the individual groundimpacts.

METHODSThe goal of this paper was to validate the theoretical modelusing data from rollover crashes in which the relevant vehicledynamics throughout the rollover could be determined indetail. Specifically, it was necessary to determine the timehistories for the vehicle's roll rate and the translationalvelocity of the vehicle's center of gravity. Although roll ratetime histories have been published for a large number ofrollover crash tests and real world rollover crashes, relativelyfew investigators have conducted the detailed video-basedanalysis necessary to obtain the translational velocity timehistory of a rolling vehicle. We were able to extractsufficiently accurate and detailed vehicle dynamics data from11 rollover crash tests and 1 real world rollover described inthe literature [1-2, 11, 17-18]. This sample includes 3 dollyrollover tests, 8 steer-induced rollover crash tests, and 1 steer-induced real world rollover (Table 2). All of the rolloversstudied were high-speed, multi-roll events.

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Data from two dolly rollover tests conducted by Orlowski etal. [11] and one dolly rollover conducted by Thomas et al.[18] were obtained by digitizing the graphs published in thepapers. Data from a reconstructed real world rollover werepublished in tabular form by Anderson et al. [1]. Digital datafrom five steer-induced rollover tests were provided to us byStevens et al. [17]. Data for three steer-induced rollover testswere obtained from direct collaboration with Asay et al. [2]with additional analysis performed by the authors. Thisadditional analysis resulted in estimates for the roll initiationvelocities in tests A1, A2, and A8 that were 5 - 12 mph lowerthan the values reported by Asay et al. [2]. This discrepancyis due to differences in the methods of analysis. In the Asaytests the GPS and non-contact speed data became unreliableduring the tripping process. The prior published trip speeds[2] were extrapolations from the last reliable speedmeasurement prior to the end of trip (uncorrected for antennarotation). The trip velocities reported in the present studywere calculated by dividing the distance of travel by the timeof travel of the center of gravity of the vehicle during theinitial airborne phase between trip and the first groundcontact. The present method resulted in lower estimated tripspeeds, which suggests that more speed reduction took placeduring the trip phase than previously reported in [2].However, based on a sensitivity analysis, we estimate that ourtrip speed calculations could be in error by up to 6.8% - 10%.

Parameters of the proposed model were optimized by fittingthe model predictions to the data from each rollover crashes.Three model parameters were fit to the data: the slidingcoefficient of friction between the vehicle and the ground (fs),and the locations of the effective contact point between theperimeter of the vehicle and the ground during the first (h1)and second (h2) phases of the rollover. Inputs to the modelincluded the effective radius (r) and radius of gyration (k) ofthe vehicle; the translational velocity (v0), roll rate (ω0), androll angle (θ0) at the time of roll initiation; and the time offirst ground contact after roll initiation (t1). If these

parameters were not provided in the published data, wedetermined them through our own analysis. The three modelparameters (fs, h1, and h2) were optimized such that thepredicted translational and rotational vehicle dynamicsmatched the known values as closely as possible. Predictedtranslational vehicle dynamics were fit to either a set ofdiscrete vehicle positions at known times or a reconstructedvelocity vs. time curve, depending on what data wereavailable. Predicted rotational vehicle dynamics were fit toeither a set of discrete roll angles at known times or ameasured roll rate vs. time curve, depending again on whatdata were available. The model parameters were constrainedto predict the exact roll distance (df) and number of rolls (θf)that occurred in the actual rollover. The goodness of fit of themodels was quantified using the correlation coefficient (R2).The optimization was accomplished by using the Solverroutine in Microsoft Excel to maximize the average R2 valueof both the translational and rotational vehicle dynamics.Different variations on this optimization scheme wereinvestigated and found to have a minimal effect on theresults.

RESULTSThe overall vehicle dynamics in the rollover crashes studiedwere remarkably similar. In accordance with the predictionsof the model, the translational over-the-ground velocity of therolling vehicles typically decelerated more quickly in theearly part of the rollover and more slowly later in therollover. Likewise, the roll rate typically increased rapidlyjust before four wheel lift, leveled briefly during the vehicle'sinitial airborne phase, increased again as the vehicle slidwhile rolling, then decreased during the later part of therollover as the vehicle rolled without sliding. In all tests, thecalculated relative sliding velocity between the perimeter ofthe vehicle and the ground (v - ωr) was highest at theinitiation of the rollover, then decreased to approximatelyzero and remained there until the end of the rollover (Figure3). There were no instances where the tangential velocity of

Table 2. Summary of rollovers analyzed.

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the vehicle perimeter exceeded the translational velocity ofthe center of gravity of the vehicle to an extent that exceededthe calculation error. Models fit with optimized parametersreplicated the vehicle dynamics with good accuracy in 11 outof the 12 rollover crashes studied (Figures App1, App2,App3, App4, App5, App6, App7, App8, App9, App10,App11, App12 in the Appendix). The models fit therotational vehicle dynamics well (R2 > 0.76 in all tests) andthe translational vehicle dynamics exceptionally well (R2 >0.95 in all tests) (Table 3).

Figure 3. Relative sliding velocity between the perimeterof the vehicle and the ground (v-ωr) for test A1.

The only rollover crash that the model could not fit well wastest S0. In this test, the vehicle's roll rate decreased uponlanding after the initial airborne phase, rather than increasinglike all the others (Figure App6). This unexpected behavioroccurred because the vehicle landed on its far side roof railjust after the one half roll point and slid for some distance.After nearly stopping its rotation, the vehicle suddenly beganrolling again while still sliding. Thereafter, the vehicledynamics were typical of the other rollover crashes. Thesliding phase of this crash could not be effectively modeled inan average sense because the rollover dynamics varied sodramatically. Therefore, it was necessary to break the slidingphase of the rollover into two parts when modeling test S0.The sliding coefficient of friction fs was assumed to remainconstant throughout both parts of the sliding phase, but thelocation of ground contact (h1) was assumed to differ in thetwo parts of the sliding phase. The effective impact location(h1) was quite far forward of the vehicle's center of gravity(2.80 feet) as the roll rate initially slowed down, but moved topoint closer to the vehicle's center of gravity (0.68 feet) whenthe vehicle began rolling again (Table 3). Using this modifiedapproach, the model was able to effectively model the vehicledynamics of test S0.

There was considerable variation in the values of theoptimized model parameters. Nonetheless, certain trendsemerged. The optimized coefficient of friction (fs) valuesvaried widely (0.48 - 1.48), reflecting deceleration kinematicsthat ranged from sliding over a hard surface to digging into asoft surface. The average contact locations between thevehicle perimeter and the ground were always in front of thevehicle's center of gravity, typically by about a foot and ahalf. The method by which the rollover was initiated (dollyvs. steer) did not appear to have much effect on the vehicledynamics. However, the type of surface over which thevehicle traveled when it was in the sliding phase of therollover appeared to strongly affect the vehicle dynamicsduring the sliding phase of the rollover. It was observed thatthe translational and roll acceleration rates during the slidingphase of the rollover were correlated, with higher values seenin vehicles that slid over dirt compared to pavement (Figure4). During the rolling phase of the rollover, the translationaland roll deceleration rates were even more highly correlated,as expected (Figure 5). However, the surface over which thevehicle rolled did not appear to affect its deceleration rateduring this stage of the rollover. The deceleration rates duringthe rolling portion of the rollover ranged from 0.21 - 0.40.These values were considerably lower than the slidingfriction coefficients, which would be expected since thevehicles were generally not sliding during this phase of therollover.

Figure 4. Relationship between fit values fortranslational and roll acceleration during the sliding

phase of the rollovers (excluding test S0).

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Figure 5. Relationship between fit values fortranslational and roll acceleration during the rolling

phase of the rollovers.

Vehicles that slid on a dirt surface also stopped slidingrelatively sooner than vehicles that slid on pavement. Thetransition from rolling and sliding to rolling without slidingcan be quantified in terms of time, roll angle, or distance.This transition point corresponds to the time of peak roll rateand the knee in the translational velocity curve. On average,vehicles that rolled over dirt transitioned from sliding torolling 19% of the way through the rollover in terms of time(t2/tf), 25% of the way through the rollover in terms of rollangle (θ2/θf), and 38% of the way through the rollover interms of distance (d2/df). The corresponding numbers forvehicles that slid over pavement were 29%, 35%, and 55%for time, roll angle, and distance, respectively. Almost all ofthe vehicles that slid over dirt transitioned from sliding torolling sooner than vehicles that slid over pavement. The oneexception was test S4 in which the vehicle slid over dirt buttransitioned from sliding to rolling relatively late in therollover. However, it should be noted that the available datain terms of both translational and rotational vehicle dynamics

Table 3. Results of the model fits.

*Test S0 required the sliding phase to be broken into two parts with a single fs value and two different h1 values, both of which aregiven.

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were rather sparse in this test (Figure App10). In general,model parameters affected by sliding dynamics (e.g., f1 andd2/df) were significantly affected by the type of groundsurface, whereas model parameters that were governed bygeometric factors (e.g. f2 and h) were not (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Comparison of optimized model parametersbetween rollovers occurring on pavement vs. dirt.

DISCUSSIONThis paper presents a relatively simple analytical model basedon the hypothesis that the tumbling phase of a rolloverconsists of three distinct phases: an initial brief airbornephase between roll initiation and the first ground contact, anearly phase in which the vehicle rolls while also sliding alongthe ground, and a later phase in which the vehicle rollswithout sliding. Model parameters that determine thetranslational and rotational acceleration rates of the vehicleduring both the sliding and rolling phases of the rollover werefit to information from detailed reconstructions of 12 rollovercrashes (Table 3). These results provide a starting point forthe reconstructionist wishing to use this model. The accuracyof these optimized parameters was limited by the availabledata. In every case, there was substantially more and betterinformation available pertaining to the rotational dynamicscompared to the translational dynamics. In several rollovertests, a roll rate sensor provided excellent information. Whenintegrated over time, the data from the roll rate sensorsalways predicted the total number of rolls with goodaccuracy. In cases where the vehicle was not instrumentedwith a roll rate sensor, video analysis was performed toobtain roll angles (usually in quarter roll intervals) at discretetime points. Although not as detailed as data from a roll ratesensor, the video analyses of the rotational vehicle dynamicsprovided good information. In several cases, video analysisresults were validated by a favorable comparison to roll ratesensor measurements (analysis not shown).

On the other hand, translational vehicle dynamics were muchmore difficult to determine. Currently, there is no sensor thatcan be used to directly measure the translational velocity of arolling vehicle. Painstaking analysis of video, ground,vehicle, and sensor evidence is required to accuratelydetermine the location of the rolling vehicle's center ofgravity at discrete time points. In some cases, the exacttiming and location of the vehicle could only be determinedwith good accuracy at 3 or 4 positions between roll initiationand rest. As a consequence, it is difficult to accuratelydetermine the translational deceleration of a rolling vehicle,particularly in lower severity rollovers where fewerintermediate vehicle positions can be pinpointed. Because thesliding coefficient of friction (fs) was largely fit to thetranslational velocity data early in the rollover, this modelparameter probably has the greatest uncertainty associatedwith its optimized values, which were quite variable.Optimized values for the effective ground contact locations(h1 and h2) utilized the roll rate data, as well, and aretherefore probably more accurate.

In spite of the inevitable uncertainties, the analysis yieldedintuitive results. The optimized sliding coefficient of friction(fs) values ranged from 0.48 - 0.85 for vehicles rolling whilesliding on pavement. Although these values are somewhathigher than the expected friction value for metal sliding onpavement, they are expected to be somewhat inflated becausethey incorporate the initial ground impact. For vehiclesrolling while sliding on dirt, the optimized coefficient offriction (fs) values were significantly higher, ranging from0.63 - 1.48 (p = 0.01). This result was also expected, becausea vehicle may encounter more mechanical resistance whendigging into soft ground. The type of surface over which thevehicle rolled during the early portion of the rollover was theonly factor that seemed to have a substantial effect on theresults. We believe that the overall higher drag factors thathave been reported for vehicles rolling over dirt as opposed topavement [3, 10] are the result of increased friction duringthe early part of the rollover when the perimeter of thevehicle digs into the ground as it slides. Once the vehicletransitioned to rolling without sliding, we observed that itsdeceleration rate was governed by geometric factors, ratherthan the surface over which it was rolling. It is notable thatour analysis confirmed that the average location of theground force vector (h) was always in front of the vehicle'scenter of gravity during both phases of all the rolloversstudied. This result was also expected given the non-cylindrical cross-sectional shape of a rolling vehicle. Theeffective ground contact location during the rolling phase (h2)showed the least amount of variation, likely because theidiosyncratic effects of high-severity ground impacts werelower in the lower-energy later portion of the rollover. Theaverage vehicle deceleration late in the rollover ranged from0.21 - 0.40 in the 12 rollovers studied, which is in agreementwith the analyses of previous investigators [1, 3, 17].

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The main contribution of our model is that it provides atheoretical basis for linking the translational and rotationaldynamics of a rolling vehicle throughout the rolloversequence based on the simple concept of Coulomb friction.The fact that we were able to achieve excellent fits with theempirical data from actual rollover crashes validates thetheory behind the model. We believe that our model strikes agood balance between accuracy and complexity. As a bilinearmodel, it is more complex and accurate than a simple linearconstant deceleration model (which is also implicitly basedon the concept of Coulomb friction). However, it is muchsimpler than an impact-by-impact level reconstruction. Roseet al. [13, 15] presented a detailed impulse-momentumanalysis that can be applied to individual ground impacts.Their equations are considerably more complex than oursbecause they incorporate vertical motion, but both approachesutilize the same physical principles. Although greateraccuracy can be achieved by characterizing individualimpacts, there is typically not enough information availablein real world reconstructions to completely characterize eachindividual ground impact. Therefore, applying a physics-based model that is accurate in an average sense can be usefuland practical.

Based on our sample of 12 rollover crashes, we conclude thatthe vehicle dynamics in a “typical” rollover will follow thegeneral pattern shown in Figure 2. Rose and Beauchamp [15]have noted that roll rate time history often plateaus for aperiod of time near its peak, rather than following thepredicted triangular pattern of Figure 2. We noticed thatbehavior in several of the rollovers we studied, as well. Thephysical interpretation of a plateau rather than a triangularpeak in the roll rate data is that the vehicle transitioned fromsliding to rolling upon landing from an airborne phase.Although our model does not distinguish ground impacts andairborne phases, the error associated with this simplifyingassumption appeared to be minimal. However, the modelpredictions showed substantial error when the vehicle rollwas “atypical” and did not follow the general pattern ofvehicle dynamics shown in Figure 2. Test S0 is a goodexample of how successive individual impacts can have suchdifferent effects on the vehicle dynamics that it is simply notpossible to lump them together and characterize them in anaverage sense. In test S0, the vehicle's roll rate decreasedearly in the roll and the vehicle slid for a long distance beforethe roll rate increased again. Wilson et al. [19] also conducteda steer-induced rollover test and reported unusual vehicledynamics with a long period of sliding in the middle of therollover. Both of these tests were conducted on pavement.These tests highlight the need for the reconstructionist to bealert for evidence that indicates a long period of sliding in themiddle of a rollover or any other unusual vehicle dynamics.

CONCLUSIONS1. Translational and rotational vehicle dynamics in a rollovercrash are linked to each other based on the forces developedduring ground contacts. A relatively simple model wasdeveloped in which the tumbling phase of a vehicle rolloverwas broken into three phases: an initial brief airborne phasebetween roll initiation and the first ground contact, an earlyphase in which sliding between the vehicle and the groundcauses the roll rate to increase, and a later phase in which thevehicle rolls without sliding and the roll rate decreases. Usingoptimized frictional and geometric parameters, the model wasable to match the vehicle dynamics of 12 rollover crashes inwhich detailed reconstruction information was available.

2. The model predicts that a rolling vehicle will decelerate ina bilinear fashion. In the rollovers studied, the decelerationrate was higher early in the rollover when the vehicle wasrolling and sliding (0.84 ± 0.33 g) and lower in the later partof the rollover when the vehicle was rolling without sliding(0.27 ± 0.06 g). The roll acceleration values were 495 ± 328deg/s2 during the sliding phase and −143 ± 33 deg/s2 duringthe rolling phase of the rollover. The average decelerationfrom the end of tire marks to rest was 0.41 ± 0.07 g.

3. The deceleration rate during the sliding phase of therollover was significantly higher when the vehicle was rollingand sliding on dirt (1.05 ± 0.34 g) as opposed to pavement(0.64 ± 0.16 g) (p < 0.01). The deceleration rate during therolling phase of the rollover was not affected by the surfaceover which it was rolling because there was no relativesliding between the perimeter of the vehicle and the ground.

4. The transition from sliding to rolling typically occurredrelatively early in the rollover. On average, vehicles that slidover dirt transitioned from sliding to rolling 19% of the waythrough the rollover in terms of time, 26% of the way throughthe rollover in terms of roll angle, and 38% of the waythrough the rollover in terms of distance. The correspondingnumbers for vehicles that slid over pavement were 29%,35%, and 55% for time, roll angle, and distance, respectively.The peak roll rate is predicted to occur at the time oftransition from rolling to sliding.

5. The effective contact point between the perimeter of thevehicle and the ground was always in front of the vehicle'scenter of gravity when averaged over any particular rolloverphase in the rollovers studied. On average, the effectivecontact point was 1.7 feet in front of the vehicle's center ofgravity during the sliding phase of the rollover and 1.3 feet infront of the vehicle's center of gravity during the rolling phaseof the rollover.

6. The proposed model can effectively predict rolloverdynamics in a “typical” rollover in which the vehicledynamics follow the general pattern shown in Figure 2.However, in some cases, idiosyncratic impacts can causeunusual rollover dynamics that render the model inapplicable.

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The reconstructionist should be alert for evidence of unusualrollover dynamics before attempting to apply this model.

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CONTACT INFORMATIONJames R. FunkBiodynamic Research Corporation5711 University Heights Blvd., Suite 100San Antonio, TX 78249Phone: 210-691-0281Fax: [email protected]

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe would like to thank Ron Woolley for his assistance withthe rollover testing, Michael Bruins for his work in digitizingdata from graphs in printed papers, and Don Stevens and hisco-authors for sharing their test data with us.


Translational acceleration

vTranslational velocity

Page 12: Rollover Crashes Published 04/16/2012 - BRC crashes are often difficult to reconstruct in detail because of their

dTranslational position

αRoll acceleration

ωRoll velocity

θRoll angle

mVehicle mass

IVehicle moment of inertia

kVehicle radius of gyration

HVehicle height

WVehicle width

rVehicle radius

gGravitational constant (32.2 ft/s2)

hDistance forward of vehicle CG where ground forceeffectively acts on vehicle perimeter

fDrag factor


0Subscript indicating a value at the time of rollinitiation

1Subscript indicating a value at the time of initialground contact or during the sliding phase of therollover

2Subscript indicating a value at the time when thevehicle stops sliding or during the rolling phase of therollover

fSubscript indicating a final value at the end of therollover

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Figure App1. Test data and model fits for test O5.

Figure App2. Test data and model fits for test O6.

Figure App3. Test data and model fits for test T6.

Page 14: Rollover Crashes Published 04/16/2012 - BRC crashes are often difficult to reconstruct in detail because of their

Figure App4. Test data and modified model fits for test S0.

Figure App5. Test data and model fits for test S1.

Figure App6. Test data and model fits for test S2.

Page 15: Rollover Crashes Published 04/16/2012 - BRC crashes are often difficult to reconstruct in detail because of their

Figure App7. Test data and model fits for test S3.

Figure App8. Test data and model fits for test S4.

Figure App9. Test data and model fits for test A1. The roll rate sensor clipped during the test, so video analysis was performedto determine roll rate.

Page 16: Rollover Crashes Published 04/16/2012 - BRC crashes are often difficult to reconstruct in detail because of their

Figure App10. Test data and model fits for test A2.

Figure App11. Test data and model fits for test A8. The roll rate sensor failed early in the test, so video analysis was performedto determine roll rate.

Figure App12. Test data and model fits for test AN.

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