

EDUCATORYou will act as an educator when employees

and team members are new, when you are new to a team, when processes or conditions change, and when discussing performance expectations with your direct reports. Additionally, you will most likely educate when you hold or attend meetings, write and distribute policies, manuals, or other documents, and provide cross-training opportunities.

When acting as a sponsor, you assume your employees have the skills they

need to perform their current jobs and work to provide opportunities for

them to showcase their talents and strengths. Additionally, you are

expected to support employee career development, even if it means that

the employee will move to position outside your team.


COACH You will be coaching an employee when you are explaining, encouraging, planning, correcting, or just checking in with your employees.

COUNSELCounseling is used when an employee’s

problems impact performance and is intended to mitigate any further action, including formal disciplinary action. The employee should solve the problem and your role is to be positive, supportive, and encouraging in that process.

DIRECTORDirecting is used when performance problems

continue and assumes you have educated, coached, and counseled. During “directing” conversations, you should make recommended alternatives and consequences clear, be calm and serious, get your school or department HR involved, and make sure the meeting is thoroughly documented.


Mishandling Employee Complaint Issues.

Failing To Apply Policies, Procedures And Employee Discipline Consistently.

Failure To Give Constant Feedback (Good And Bad) To Employees And Failure To Document Problems.

Failing To Conduct Honest & Effective Performance Reviews.

Failing To Understand & Follow The Ever-changing Wage & Hour Laws.

Creating A Perception Of Retaliation.

Failing To Manage And Resolve Conflict Before It Escalates Into Workplace Violence Or Litigation.

Failing To Promptly Respond To Leave And Accommodation Requests.

Carelessly Using E-mail.Failing To Keep Good Records.


The videotape recorder is played back while the teacher, the supervisor and the observers review the videotape to reassess the re –teaching.

H. SECOND CRITIQUE It is needless to underscore at this point the value of appreciating the strengths of the teacher and of being tactful in giving suggestions. As far as the relative merits of directional and non-directional styles of supervision are concerned, the latter seems to be more complimentary to expectations.

This may end the demonstration of a teaching skill or method. However, re-teaching may be agreed upon if necessary…an appraisal and review. The cycle is repeated as often as necessary in order to demonstrate skill acquisition and improvement.


- a process designed to support and enhance an individual’s acquisition of the motivation, autonomy, self-awareness and skills necessary to effectively

accomplish the job at hand. - a useful tool in helping supervisor more accurately to assess the needs and

help in the development of the supervisee both within stages and between stages

of development. - supervisors need to have a range of styles and approaches which are

modified as the counsellor gains in experience and enters different definable developmental

stages. - It’s important not to apply this model too rigidly but it can be useful map for

matching the right supervisee to the right supervisor, or to explore

difficulties in the supervision relationship.

Level 1 : Self- Centred - Supervisees treated by the supervisor being similar to childhoodSupervisees dependence on the supervisor. - Supervisees can be anxious,insecure about their role and own ability to fulfill it, lacking insight but highly motivated. - To cope with the normal anxiety of supervisee, supervisor needs to provide a clearly structured environment which includes positive feedback and encouragement and balancing support to the supervisees. Level 2 : Client Centred - Supervisees can feel to the supervisor like parenting an adolescent. - The supervisees have overcome their initial anxieties and begin to fluctuate between dependence and autonomy and between over-confidence and being overwhelmed. - Supervisor needs to be less structured to the supervisees and didactic than with level 1 supervisees but a good deal of emotional holding is necessary.

Level 3 : Process Centred - Supervisee in normal human development treated as to early adulthood. - Supervisees shows increased professional self-confidence with only conditional dependency on the supervisor. - Supervision becomes more collegial, with sharing and exemplification augmented by professional and personal confrontation.

Level 4 : Process in Context Centred - Supervisees are being full maturity . - Level 3 integrated. - Supervisee has reached ‘master’ level characterized by personal autonomy, insightful awareness, personal security, stable motivation and an aware- ness of the need to confront his or her own personal and professional problems. - Supervisees have also become supervisors themselves and this can greatly consolidate and deepen their own learning.  

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