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The DGMS’ purposes are to promote:

1. Interest, knowledge, lapidary art skills, and metal-working (embodying the use of polished gems and minerals when appropriate).

2. Interest in rock and mineral collection, and increase knowledge of geology and related earth sciences. This includes holding annual shows, sharing of common interests, and a better understanding of member activities.


“We had another successful InterGem show and our club was again well represented…”

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President: Diana Case First vice president: Jim Senseman Second vice president (shop): David Pirnie Treasurer: Jack Sorrow Secretary: Burt Breedlove 6th member: Mike Russell RokTok editors: Mike Andrews and Sean Neeley

Monthly meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7pm at The American Legion Hall, 10205 # 105 Plano Rd., Dallas 75238.

Shop address & phone number:

Dallas Gem & Mineral Society PO Box 550395 Dallas, TX 75355-0395 214-349-2022

Lapidary workshop hours are Mondays & Thursdays, 6-9pm, Saturdays, 8am-1pm.

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Table of Contents

Meeting Minutes……………………………….4

From the Prez...………………………………..6

DGMS’s 59th

Annual Show...…………………7-10

Noteworthy December Dates...………………11

Amazing Minerals by Dan Costian...………12

Rock Facts that Rock...………………………13

Rocking the Zodiac by Neal


Classes at Our Shop...…………………………17

December Birthdays & Rain Report...………18

December Birthstones...……………………….19

December Texas Gem & Mineral Shows...…20

Other Local Gem & Mineral Clubs…………...21

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Dallas Gem and Mineral Society General Meeting

10205 Plano Rd. Suite 104 November 28, 2016

Call to Order: 7:23 p.m.

The primary focus of the meeting was the Annual Show. Club members cut, assembled and readied materials for the show. This involved cutting out papers, identifying rocks, completing silent auction tags and preparing necklaces.


Diana Case, President

1. Members working at the show are to sign in and sign out, so that everyone will know who is on site and available to assist at any given moment. Wear name tags.

2. New guests were introduced: Jay & John Taylor; James Leavings; Trey & Deb Thompson.

3. The show floor plan is ready and available for whoever needs it. 4. The membership contact list is not yet ready for publication, but we are in

process of getting everyone’s permission to publish contact info. 5. We have a signed contract with Hampton Inn for the 2017 show. 6. We need several more display cases. Members are encouraged to bring their

personal display items to display at the show. So far, three people have indicated that they have items to bring for display.

7. We are still in need of members to act as “floaters” to provide relief for vendors and members to take breaks.

8. The Christmas party is next month on the 3rd Tuesday meeting night. Stephanie will set up a web site for food signups. Gifts should be rock-related and valued under $20.

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Officer Reports:

Jim Senseman, 1st V.P. (Programs)

1. Jim explained the basics of the show for newer members. The club will provide coffee and donuts for our members at the show. No food sales allowed.

2. Jim indicated that guests at the meeting should go next door and they will be shown around the shop during the meal break.

David Pirnie, 2nd V.P. (Lapidary Shop)

1. Show: We will need 8 or 9 able bodied people (no more) Thursday evening to load the truck at the shop and storage unit. Then people Friday to unload and set up at the show.

2. Shop: Two 18 inch saws are currently down due to motor and blade issues. We need another 12 inch saw.

3. Schedule: The shop will be closed until the Monday after Thanksgiving.

Darrell Harrison, Show Chair

1. It is OK to bring your own lunch/snacks to the show, but there will be no food sales allowed.

2. Friday (set up day) is a good time to be there because wholesale prices are often available.

3. Club members can sign the back of the Show Card to get families in free. 4. Teachers and scouts get free admission.

New Business: A motion was made by Dan Eley that the gift exchange this year NOT be the “Chinese” style, as the last few years. This was quickly seconded. There was virtually no discussion. The vote was 15 to 10 in favor of NOT having a “Chinese” gift exchange.

Adjourn: It was moved, seconded and carried that the meeting be adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Members continued working on show-related projects after the formal meeting was closed.

Raffle: The evening’s proceeds were not available at time of writing


ü Members signed-in: 34 ü Guests: 5


Burt Breedlove, Secretary

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Thank you all for coming to the meeting and helping to give our annual show a good start! We had a good time cutting up all the tickets for the show. We had a table full of people learning how make sliding knots and putting little trinkets on them for the kids corner. One table did rock identification. I had a great time, and I hope you did too. It was organized chaos that was loads of fun.

(The following was written before the show.) It does look like we're gonna have a great show with lots of vendors. I'm afraid I spent about a hundred dollars looking around on Friday before we opened. Ha ha. Can't wait to cut into my white Jasper! Johnnie has been taking pictures of the setup so we will share our “herding cats” stories in pictures.

I want to give a special thanks to Richard and Joan Shepard for redoing both of our tumblers - the little one for our raffle tickets, and the big one for the show grand prize, Gorgeous! Perfect! Thank you so much.

Stephanie has been taking notes for a lesson learned, so our new outline will prevent several trips to the shop and store. That is going to be very helpful. I want to thank all the people who helped set up on Friday, and all those that will be working the show Saturday and Sunday, we couldn't do this without you. This includes the musclemen who do all the heavy lifting to the ladies who set up show booths and boxes. Thank you very much!! I also want to thank you for letting me be your president this last year. I have enjoyed all the lessons learned, herding cats, teaching, taking classes, and making new friends that comes with this job. Thank you!

Yours truly,

Diana Case

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What an awesome time! So many sights and sounds to behold. Raw gems, jewelry, art, kids’ activities, and more. DGMS’s 2016 gem show rocked in more ways than one. Our club runs like a well-oiled machine from prep for this event to execution. Thanks to everyone for making this a sensational success. Now check out this rock eye candy:

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Ø Tuesday, December 20: DGMS

meeting at 7pm, gift-giving, and

holiday potluck.

Ø Sunday, December 25: Christmas


Ø Mondays: December 5, 12, 19; shop open 6-9pm.

Ø Thursdays: December 1, 8,15; shop open 6-9pm.

Ø Saturdays: December 6, 13; shop open 8am-1pm.

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HUMBLE-CUT SILICATES (V: micas): 1 – amesite (Russia); 2 – green mavinite on ruby(India); 3 – cerasite/sakuraite (Japan); 4 – star muscovite (Brazil); 5 – lepidolite replacing muscovite (Afghanistan); 6 – margarite (MA); 7 – sericite (China); 8 – biotite (Canada); 9 – phengite (NC); 10 – clintonite (UT); 11 – phlogopite (Canada); 12 – fuchsite (Brazil).

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ROCK FACTS THAT ROCK Ø Tourmalines and quartz develop an electrical

charge when heated, and tourmaline jewelry will attract dust when displayed under hot lights.

Ø There is a brilliant, manmade white stone called moissanite, which can fool a jewelry store diamond tester. (Depending on what type tester they have).

Ø The big “ruby” in the royal crown of England is actually a red spinel.

Ø Ivory imitations are carved from corozo nuts, tagua nuts, and duom palm nuts.

Ø If allowed to sit in moist or humid conditions too long, hematite jewelry has such a high iron content that it will rust.

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ROCKING THE ZODIAC - A SATIRICAL LOOK INTO THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STONES & STARS by Neal Chisholm CAUTION!!! If you are a believer or practitioner in crystal power, then read no further. For the average, run-of-the-mill, down-to-earth, level-headed rock hound, I present the following essay. The day after Thanksgiving, I did not go shopping, but spent the day rearranging the bookshelves in my library. I came across “Healing Crystals and Gemstones” by Flora Peschek-Bohmer and Gisela Schreiber and was intrigued by the title and glossy, full-color picture on the cover. Personally, I have never had a sick gemstone in my life and I’m not sure how the information in this book would cure one if I did happen to have a diamond with the flu or a garnet with the mumps. I have had a few gallstones over the years, but they don’t look anything like the stones in this book, which, I might add, has wonderful full color photos. The beautiful rocks and stones in the book are quite different from the grainy black and white MRI images of my gall stones, which, although I am personally attached to them, or they to me, nobody cares about. Aside from the pictures, I’m not sure why I bought the book, other than it was on sale. I don’t really believe in the pseudo-science of astronomy or the psycho-babble of new-age alternate healing methods, especially the mystical powers attributed to certain precious or semi-precious stones.

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I certainly don’t believe common road gravel can cure anything at all, except pothole. But, like I said, the pictures are nice. Here is what I learned about the signs of the zodiac and their relationship to stones: Capricorn (12-22 to 1-20) is linked to onyx, tourmaline and malachite, which can reveal a person’s deep unconscious wishes, much like hypnosis, but without staring at a swinging watch. Capricorns should also wear moss agate - the mossier, the better. This will bring them good luck. However, for the moss agate to be effective, it has to touch the skin, which explains all those sandals made from moss agate slabs at my local shoe store. Aquarius (1-21 to 2-19) Those born under the water-sign, which should not be confused with being born under water (e.g. whales and dolphins), should wear amazonite, labradorite, malachite, aquamarine, topaz and turquoise - ah, in addition to regular clothes. The turquoise is essential to counteract the infamous Aquarian mood swings, which are as frequent as the tides. Pisces (2-20 to 3-20) Favorite piscine expressions are ‘gone fishing’, ‘go fish’ and ‘fish or cut bait’. In addition to lemon butter and dill sauce, they favor opal, amethyst and blue sapphires. I once made the mistake of offering a pink sapphire to a Pisces and got 6 stitches for my effort. Blue sapphire fosters a high level of spirituality, loyalty, divinity and toughness, as well as good aim. Aries (3-21 to 4-20) are aligned with garnet, carnelian, ruby and red jasper. Ruby is very helpful when you are lost and is known as the GPS of the gem world, however, it must be recharged daily. No; lithium ion batteries should not be connected to your rubies. Also, red jasper heightens the Aries sexual prowess. The book did not have pictures illustrating this point. Taurus (4-21 to 5-20) No bull. A Taurus should wear zircon, rhodochrosite, rose quartz and banded agate. If the agates are un-banded, sign them to a recording contract and put them on a tour bus. Taurus should also wear chrysocolla, which relives anxiety, promotes good eye sight, is an antidote for poisons and relieves hangovers, which will be needed while on tour with The Agates. Gemini (5-21 to 6-21) The original Jekyll and Hyde. Gemini do everything in pairs, so they need 2 of the following stones; citrine, carnelians, ambers and yellow sapphires, which come in hand for healing nervous disorders and keeping track of 2 of everything. Cancer (6-22 to 7-22) The crab favors emerald (don’t we all), moonstone, aventurine, opal, chrysocolla and jade, which must be kept in a cancer’s pocket at all times. This presents a dilemma, as the jade must be

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recharged, every few days, in a large amethyst geode. Maybe this explains why people born under the crab sign wear cargo pants. Leo (7-23 to 8-23) Leo should wear larimar to protect them from exhaustion and give them strength. This is absolutely necessary, since no one likes a lazy, listless, lethargic lion, except African goat herders. Leo favors any rock crystals, but is most attracted to large, flawless diamonds, which they hoard in their lion’s den. Virgo (8-24 to 9-23) The virgin. They like topaz, carnelian, citrine and jasper, however if you place a Virgo and an Aries in a room with red jasper - ah - never mind. This essay has to keep a ‘G’ rating. Virgo should also wear tiger-eye to cure their perfectionism and chase away red jasper loving Aries. Libra (9-24 to 10-23) Tourmaline, aquamarine, smoky quartz (mesquite or hickory) and star sapphires are useful to chase away evil demons and welcome good demons, assuming there are good demons. Libra should also keep jade by their bedside to promote health, vitality and to remove bowel blockages. Scorpio (10-24 to 11-22) The best stones for the scorpion sign are garnet, spinel, tourmaline and obsidian, especially if they are large enough to crawl under to get out of the desert sun. They should also keep a supply of egg-size hematite stones in a pouch with their sling in case of attacks by marauding giants, ogres and Philistines. Sagittarius (11-23 to 12-21) The archer sign likes lapis lazuli, obsidian, aventurine, Herkimer diamonds (because Leo is hoarding all the real diamonds), sodalite, apatite, jade, malachite, chalcedony, spinel, zircon, topaz, moonstone, amethyst, opal, rose quartz, and tourmaline, which is especially necessary to give Sagittarius the strength to carry around all those other rocks. Remember, seek real medical advice for real health conditions. Rocks only cure rock-pox, and then only when polished correctly. I noticed the authors of “Healing Crystals and Gemstones” did not cite a single reference to a scholarly publication or medical journal in their book, so I guess they made it all up.

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Please call to register, or put your name on the list to be called when the class is scheduled. Most classes take a minimum of 4 people to make. Feel free to call the following to register, too, or with questions.

Johnnie: 972-881-0104 The shop: 214-349-2022 Wire Wrapping:

1. Basket bezel 2. Braided bezel 3. Gem tree, standing 4. Gem tree, necklace 5. With cabs 6. With prongs

Other Crafts:

1. Beading 2. Kumihimo, Japanese braiding 3. Metalsmithing 4. Metal clay 5. Molds

The shop qualifying fee is $30. It is for 4 classes, 3 hours


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Please wish the following Sagittariuses and Capricorns in our group very happy birthdays!

Russell Wechelman - December 10

Martha Stegall - December 14

Carole Varney - December 17

Penina Kasikwa - December 19

Kevin Keeling – December 21

Curtis Oliver - December 31

Continue to pray for these members and their health concerns.

Bobby and Vicki Thornton

Monika Brown Frank Reyes

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December birthdays are associated with (left to right) tanzanite, blue topaz, and turquoise.

Tanzanite (far left) is found only in Tanzania. Blue topaz (middle) is ideal for sculptures’ carvings. Turquoise is believed to protect the wearer from harm.

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2-4— EL PASO, TEXAS: Annual show; El Paso Mineral and Gem Society, Inc., El Maida Shriners Hall; 6331 Alabama; Fri. 10-6, Sat. 10 -6, Sun. 10-5; Free Admission; contact Louie Provencio, 4233 Canterbury Dr., El Paso, TX 79902; e-mail: [email protected]; Web site:

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Arlington G&M Club, 1408 Gibbons, Arlington, 1st Tuesday, at 7:30 pm�

Cowtown Gem, Mineral & Glass Club,

3300 Bryant-Irving Road, Ft Worth; 2nd Tues., at 7:00 pm�

Dallas Bead Society, address pending; 3rd Thursday at 7:30 pm�

Dallas Gem & Mineral Society, 10205 Plano Rd, Dallas; 3rd Tuesday, at 7:00 pm�

Dallas Paleo Society, EMGI (Bldg. H, Brookhaven College, 3939 Valley View Ln); 2nd Wednesday at 7:30 pm

Fort Worth Gem & Mineral Club, 3545 Bryan Avenue, Fort Worth; 4th Tuesday at 7:30 pm

Lockheed-Mar ‘n Stone Steppers, 3400 Bryant-Irving Road, Fort Worth; 2nd Tuesday at 7:30 pm

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