
Illy proud ofour Town and

boCb »T» ROCKAWAY RECORD If lt'i Newi, Adi., or JobPrinting, phoni Roek»w»jr220; we art elwiyi (lad

to serve yon


%e Here and Receive Playhouse Tickets

$1.00<jt basket Peaches

. basket Potatoes 75c

•Forequarter of Lamb, Ib. -Legs of LamUb. - - -Bottom Round Corn Beef Ib.Gfanrk Roast, 1b. - - -fresh Ground Beef. Ib. - -Bacon, whole or half strip, Ib.'Cross Rib Roast, Ib. - -Hound Steak or Roast, Ib. -


Fresh Chicken, Ib. 35c

lagan's Cash MarketMAIN ST. TEL. 6 2 ROCKAWAY, N. J.

"Journey's End" New Source OfNow AtPlayhouse| Water Pageant! At The Jungles Revenue Developsri,,,N PMm-Nome Time A» | , , W r r i w t o , )U(,ITO,, ,,,„ H w T h f l n « , „„,» .TiTwtHI llw.1,1. J I.,,,*,,,,,.,,,,,, , ^ " l ( | V r i w ( r M M

* K»<'H<» f r o n d * ill Burl ier H o w i e ' s Lull' / . , . . „ (.. 1.....1.. » . . _ - „ . . . . ' . . . .I l i iv j

HtiimllliK room only l i ineted the Into

(Oiiii'i'H .vtmlei'dity fur Hie H I M ulliiw

llIK of III'" K"'lll llll'tlll'l'. i IJIIIty Illlll

j F r i d a y wil l hi' I lie liml Hhuwlngfi, Ve»

lerdiiy iiflei'iiiion ul Mil) the (I, H

Tin. i:i11ll 111 wuter piiKeiini uf I

lii'Min I,like ( - o m i n w i l l y I | m , Umh

NtiturdityThe hunt miller wiiy

liuiiiii1 (iiiu^tt>'H (itilf Cnuriii' on

ii»'w Klivit' MlKhwtiy, hi Km-lui-

Electrified-'» (iolf /.em- In Heir I II Opi-rntluiii..- I'nrtlim

«f I'inier Nuppl)' Kunilhheil !»•

>>« JfrNej Power mid l.hrht

IIIIIIIII four u'l'hiek, iiuiler llir i l l iv« n y , n t in ir lr i l h u m . IHHVIIH uf ell- With Hie flinl s c c l l m . uf Hit- l l e l a -

I'.iiJlVtH. , . " I " " 1 " 1 " n i " " " i IIIMIt'l IMC Ull'l'l'. ; nilinmruM J,"HI'IH Hilling |||(. 11| |'(.( WII 1'f, 1 Jl I'klHVJ J| [|,, A WeHfC'll Hull

M M , . . , were «„ , . ,„ . „, „ , , , „ „ „ , , , „ „ „, , „. ,. „„ , „„„ „_. • y ,,.,,„ ^ I .H , |ri|, *< «- a -Z : : , ; ; ™ m u * w "'••• \*™>"" • • • • " • • > • •••'"•• « • • > * • - - • » " • • » - ^ ^ : , „ , ; ; ;

,.,.'. . I , ! ' " Ki"'" ' " " " "'"' ' ' • • • • » • I Kl"*' i l l< «"'-" '•"'' *l"- » ' • l l r l l l l l n i i K ' l l l | l l d l l l l l . , l l « l , . | , , | , | , . B,,,V|,.,, „ , j , , , . u s

i n l . i I I I " I H l i y l i m l U v n e i i i i l h , , , , , ! ^ , , , „ , , , , . „ , „ „ . „ , , u l , | i u l l h . v H i . - i l , ) , , . | l r , , , , , | , M i V , , , , i l | l , V | | | , „ , . , . ] D i i v r r c > , [ i , . , l c , l t n b - , ' , , 1 , 1 | , v I I , , . , , , , , ' f

' ' " " l>(t''" ""l!k""-' """1"1' " " > » < l e d l l , e p l ' u e , , ! , , , , , ; h . . , , e n r . u r . , 1 e , . , , , e . , , I | , v l , , v „ „ . , „ - , „ , , I o f t h e v , , , , ' , I, , , , , v ,Z' ',' o , ' " ~» m II y e n r P h i , . In , „ . . , , , , „ , , „ „ „ . . : A l U . t , , „ p , ' , , e , , , n | , , , , l , i , , l , „ „ . ; , , ! , l M . i l > 1 l l , , , i , , , , : l , , v , I I . H . V , . „ „ , t,... ! r. . r I l i e A , , , ; , „ . „ , „ , , , , , „ , . .

., M I l l l M i r i i l i i K . n o |,, I , , , I ' h e l ' h . l i H l j i i . v i . ' i M i i i ' , , , . , , , , ! M l l l e l i w i l l , l o i ' i i l c l n t " l l l l ' P ' m u l l e i n ' " n l i ; | i , - , t n t n l , . a m i p . n l f j i \ V n l c m w i l l l i r n p , | „ „ , 1 , , ' , , , , , ' u , , , ,llnil IKIIIUIIIIH null ntlui i inn liiivo ' Chili II:,n , i..111. l l i . i i

I ; ; ; ; , . , ; ; r k l " p " " " h i ' " " " " T - « « • - " • • ' • » ^ * » * • T ' . - . J I : ..u,,.„ , „„„' , . > » • . „ , , . ,,,,.,.„,„„,.;;,. ,„; ; : ; ,IU|' ''""IfWIiyn". Tllle. m i l ' liti'd il j o l pill rt.ui. Ituvv nlv.' ,>lir ,|,,,| | n ' » ' l i l i ' h In til.- ALIIIM-IIIIMI S.VH ,,'1,1,.,,

Not u n m i n d f u l nf nil l l ir li'iM'iirH mii n l i i l i i l n i ' i ' ( i l l r u i i i ' i M ' . l i i i l i ' i ' i l I I

I I Vacation TimeiWr*'"^

Why be anxious about your valuable pap-ers, etc., while on your trip.; Unt a SAFE DEPOSIT BOX m our

c, and your vacation will be an enjoyable

Du can rent a box for as low as $3 per


,.. [ i i i i i i inmiv , '„„ , '„„ , '„„ I, ',1 «i He,,,,. ! wliiiilnr. IH •!«.•. U..W.I r . n l I , ! " " 1 " " • | l 1 » h '•'"•'•••" ' ""• 1 1 " r t l l " r »

Hie purl of Hie le ( :hm of i idmlren i .'f i m ,-.• nf worn , Hen |>i'h-e In | i'DV r l e v e l m u l A v r , KlU'iihelli, N. .1.: \!""' v ' 1 " " 1 " 's'"'"1""1 '" ll"1 • ' l < ' ' ' t r | H« 1

'Moiiriie.v'i, Hud," r i f f i i i i y t l i i l i u i l H i r - l l illvli.h.n went 10 llu' Aiiirn I ' I . I - ! Wlllli 'lilllp.1', U'li i . ihni, N. ,1.; .luy """ >'»"'»1'""'. »™< " 1 1 ,H

iillKli. IIH |iriiiluei-ni, miiile mi luvtnl -1 i-.v''; (timt I'l-i'i'in.-mliir, n " l lu l l i lnr ' Mni'l-liy, l i idlnu l.nlie, U n i v l l l e , N. I; """"> '" I V l l v l l l r '" " l " I'1''1'"1'1'1 "'"'I

able law ul Hi,' very „„„' , | , , , n , , . l II,',,. I,". Lo l l l e l lohrownlil . ' , Wlunn- i i . X. , l . ; ; " ! ""/ '•le.'trlll.'il v, „ . I.,»•,.,•, nmlprimurve II. ('. Hliei'rlff'n piny In let- '"' - ' • " " 'ler , iiplrlt nml nenluni , And, If ml, ml

i'ii ci'llli'limi ran Im relied u|inn, IIi l i a

".Imii'iicy'ii Knil" In II iilnry of l l r l l -

I.HII uFl'li'i'in In II dllM-oul ui HI. (JIHIII .

till III Mlireh, 1IIIS 'I'lii' n lory opi'im,,,. , ,„. ,,,11,-y (ipellll I I'l'lll'cnrllllln1, "Till' Hii)1 Si'lillli;" WH

with till-in rinnlllK In the front fur j nwnnlr i l I'lriit lii'lue. Houl No. (ill. ".•'the i r l i n n nr.iiln nl »K dnyn nf l lv l i ico n l y l(io yuiilii i n n n llu- t lernmi i front

lint- nix iliiyn of I'IIIIUK ami tilei-pliiM

In it ilnrli, v i le IIIII.II'I:Imiiii l cul i l iy-

l iole , (if HIIIIIIIIIIK MIIIHII;!I imidily

H'rllclli'N of wnr wur thill imii iehow

< - , > , . . , i i , . , n i i i i i u i l l , . \ . , , , ; : . . . . I , , , , „ • , n i I , , , , ,

T i n - r o w l i o i i t i l l v l i l n i , U n i t , i r | , . , K i i l l i r i l n r a l u r l i , K I - I I V I I , N , . 1 , ; N i i i ' i u u : "IMJ '" H ' " » r i l l n i ' l l n v l l l r m u , . .

w i i ' I ' l i p l n r e i l h y I I I I I I I N o , N l , « ' m i l l e d l l o l d K i i i l l l i , N e w Y o r k , i i m l C U n n l , - \ 'r l '" n e w C l l h o n H l u i l , , , , „ , ' U ( ) | .

" I ' l n i : H i - H i ; . H e l l " , w h i l e l i m i t N o . N S , K I I I X K I I I I I , C n l i l w r l l , N . ,|. j I n n . l . \ . ,|,, , , f , | u , A I I M I I . | U ( | , , | , s y , , l ( , m


1|'I,'|' ' f " " l ' o m l l u b i ' i i n " T h e l . u v , ' ! '|.|,|H , , , , , i m l u | ( 1 | ) l | , „ „ , „ , „ , . , , j | , , , . ; " > ' « ' H i o i i r n „ , ,,-||| ,,,,IM,|y Uw

"'" ' , I l l l u r e H o l t ' ( • n u r i i e w l l h i | , i | - , . | i o r i i U K , 1'1''1'"'1'' ' ' » ' ' l ' R , v f o r l h i ' » o p o r l l o i l K o rIii tin- Citnn,. dlvlrii.n, Html No. SJ, j ,'„,,,„,„,, , ,„„ H]milhm | 1 ; , , U l l f ! '"" l^Wv,w,,,uin's elret,. | | | , , | „„„„,

•"'"•™'»i"»' '"nic Ih.y Seoul,:'1 W m . , ,p , , , , , ,,, <>x-t<U>. I lor nuioim,hll,-H luii l ieiJ '"" l l '"' w l l l < 1" !"'" '" I hi- I rrr lmry

C l i r u i (Jliei'ii nml I l i i Triiluml I log".

euiiie nut i m m i l , A llih'il I'l'l/." WIIH

r.lvrii Hit- linn! i-iilllli-il " W h f ' i i e c " .

The iiioliii'liiin! illvhdiiu inh'e win,

iiwuii le i l l o I Inn I Nn, Sit, r,'pi'e>n-ntlii|!

"Klrelr lr HIIIUVIIJ'",

A Inir.i- tliniiii', ntreiiiiii'il Hie luinli'iA n d (lie moll jtml; they It-ll y n n i i i ; of the hike In nee Ilie proreHiilon piini,

' I'.v drlnl i . T h e RVCIII th lnn l» mil tn iiloui1. l lm liil.u, Thin In mi nn il ill-

'"'' " ' '"''••' ' '"i! In hup] In jfiilr whleli Ii, looki-d fiiiwiiril

ni-eniK HO H | | | V ,

i-ni—fur Ihey IIIIIMV Ilie very hoi l l

of ll Hei'iiiiin iitlncli unil I ,new

t h e r e In no niippurt lit Hielr reur, Tl . ev

do I'hlldliili thlii|;n to nmiinu thr iu -

neh'i'i;, lo luiilie Hie Hnie piui:i, h e u d l yiiioiioiiuiy In I \vi(h tlvnilly tor«

II l ieii i i l l lul IIIIII linpiirtiiiil i'Vi'i',1 not

only liy Hie rimidiulN uf liuUiui l * n l f

inn nl"" Hie Mirriiiiiiilliir. i iniiiiiuniUrn,

Thiiin- In cluin',1' nl Ilie nfftitr l eave

iinllilni; iiiiiloiie tu iiuil.e II u iineei-iM.

nml Hill1' mi i i i l priil»e In iliii' Hi,'in lor'•"'• ' l l l l t l l l ( 1 ) ' mi1111 W'licenl, . „ „ „ , , , „ , , „ „ „ . „ ,„•„,„,,

The lender of them- Hum In l'«l>lillHU||u,|,. unllrlln; cl'lovlii.Hliuiliope, only Iwi'iity-oiie yt'ni'K ol)), _ _ _ _ _

but Hire.* ynui'N In the thick of It imil j . « . , . .

now holillim onto coui'iiKO only hy ex-! \ V | | | I m p F O V C(it'tmlvii ilrlllldllK. Kin*, limiiilniillve,'

eoiirnuiiouH, wnr him »h«tt«led lilt*

nerves uliiumt, in Hie livriUdiin pnlul,

yet he IK M o v e d mill obeyed hy IIIH

inon-—ovoti OHIIOIIIC, IIIH K'CIUHI lu

commuml nml twlee IIIH IIKC. It In the

iii'i'lvul of young liulelKh, newmil lleii-

teniint Jiint out of Hi'lionl, Hmt

tlio (lniinii. Itnleliih, only

II ll lf Illtuil piiptlllll i i l l i rsr III Hi!,;

Hi't'llou, tin tu'W i't'itttircn n»'e einiHtnnl

ly Ili'llIK iitldnl lor Illr cl't'llti'l' I'lljl')'


iii'i veil hy New ,lei:ie.v I ' I IWIT iV- I.IRIII

Co. The ( i l l h c i i S l n t l o n him u lnl inl

enpnel ly of nfi.iMln K, W, iinii In lu-M '•- " > r , i . M . i , M n , i i m | ; i r i i i r i ' r i l j l i y - ' " ' " " - i m l i l -

i i i e n l o f t h e p i i i i ' , i u : i i , v i l , , . w i d e - ! ' ' ' " " " " ' H ' 1 ' ' 1 ' w l l h l h | 1 M h h l l e t o w i i. . , . ' I Hliilliii. I ..n.. . . . . . .uwiilii' iniiiiiiRer Hllvlc Oillerim,

A npi't lnl nll'er Is iiiinle tor next

Snlui i l i iy nml Hiinilny of a p i i / e (if

$;!.(l(i In every Koll'ri' who nileeei'iln In

niiikhu1. ll»> l' !> font i lrlve til mie.

A Mimppy pi'iiKi'inn of (•.oinl nuis lewill lir KIVCII i n IIIIIII

ill hi.

M l hHtulliiii imil oi l ier AHHOVIKIIMI IHOUIII.

1 iiK iinllM : i n l l l i ; l i i t h l y IllllUHlllnl-


Ilii' Kinies uf IVtiimylviniln nnd N e w


coinl music j „

M Hiriitv Borough Schools- I Opened Wednesday

To Name Successor • j mm»v,m i . ' i i , , , „, wu_m

At Next GatheringSn|i('iliileiiili-iil lliiKiirl

rinds Nell' In (Idil Slliiiithin

ixxzxxizzn » • • • » • « • . » • • « « » • • « • .

rourFursare valuable and

mid be protected * * •1 modern cold storage vault will protect

jni from fire, theft and moths. Our rates: reasonable.

Rational Union Banklfc Dover, N. J. •

« 111 i

i i i i y ulluUetMi,In II lioro-woi'HlilpiH'i1 and SliinlKipe,

fl'loiul of IIIH pi'tip KI'IIDO! IIII.VH mill

fliiiii IHI uf IIIH nlntui'. l» IIIH lu'i'o, Whin

Is tlmir Jonrntiy's mid?

Missionary ReturnsTo Africa

pShonghum Hospital

nml Uiilliiitt'rs Hull! ( o n .


A Ktirvoy uf euinilllinis nl SIIOIIHIIIIIII

Suiuiliirluiii MOI'IIK County luiHplHil.

wim the Hiihji-ei of nn Informiil eon-

fsronit' Tuemlny lifter mum of Hie

Uoiird of Pi'tieluildiirH mill four nieiii-

« nt tin- liiinril nf lnnniiKut'K ot Hie

Hiirvey win roqiiMtod hy the

him I'll of iiiiiiuiKi'rM to (leti-rmlne what

nhould lie lo UHMICI'IIIKU the fi.c-

| Illtltw for treiilnieiit of tllhuriuilonU.

— — j It linn lii'ini I'onct-ileil itonernlly Iliul

MNH Until M, l.leliiiiiin Nulled Siiiuhiy (ho |\rWe\i! lnmltnltmi, hull! lipiiiox-

on N. S, Kebnr liniiloly I'lfli-vii yeiii'K IIKO, i* not niliipt-

ed to lU'enenl IIOIKU,

In IIlull School

I The Kiiekiuvii)' IloroiiKh 1'ublk:

' .Si'honlB iipi-iii'il Weiliu-Hduy fi«' tin-

Full term. In the Unroll , School thi>

eiirollmeiil reiuhed ,1117, tlioro being

:'"'! In the Ki'iulex, nml 1!M In tliu High

Si'luwl, the liii'tseNi nuniher over ro-


Dr. J. llnwiiril llnlHiirt, I'oiinly mi)i.

erlillendi-lil of HI'IIOOIH, IIIIIN lilniMt-il

hi II lu'ciilliii' Hliuiitlon with no rniii-J

ei'KBin- iipiml.ilt'il hy the State Uonril j , , .""' w"Hll l l |Kt«m School n total.of Kdiirnllnii In Ink., ..I I1" ' 1 S | Wl'''(' enrolled,

The 1119(1 KWulfj, «-||| | l e , 8 f u i | o w s : .

-• Curtis. 8u|iorvlaliiK Prln-

p ynl' ICdlU'iillon to tuke IIIH i

Dr. 1III1HIII'I» iinnultv IIH miperln-

leiiileiil-eiiierlUiH of the eminly m-hixil

Hvuli'in expei'leil lo lii'iflu Si'lit, 1. The

Suite Ki'hiinl lnw »ny« thill lh» »ii|H'i-


8ti'Vt>n ,1. l l o r n a i o , r i i y s l c n l E d u -t i' - •• it 'otion,

Intenilent of the eouiily Bynleni (diiill Kmlmri.,, n i- ,m....,i» .„, ,i , , , , i i.i. „ Mitheilm- ll, l(,,,,,ij., M l l 8 l Q a r | ( tI'eliinlll mi duly until 111* mirei-MHOr In


No »IIIT, 'SMI | ' fur l ir . llulmii't win High S d i o o l - n o r c i l h y 1> W e l l s

ln> ii|ipu!ni.«i| u m l l tlii« Stii lv lloiil'd A u u o I.. Hewi t t , Ktnol M ToWlisetlil

mooln Scpti'iuliM' IS mid K |H ,ioi n I H r t i \> C '

MIHS Hulh M. I.U'lMniiuii. u mlsiihm-

nry lu Frdtieli Went ACi'le.u, who liml

Hpent the liml yenr on it iilrloliith wllh

Mr. liml MI'H. (leorKi- II. Whltlilim,'of

Miiln Hireel, Milled for Africa, Humliiy

on llu- Went Ki-luir.

MIHH hhliniiiiiii. who In i. unlive nf

II. I.OIIIH, Mo., iitlenilctl the Nynelv

MlHHloiinry TrnlnlllK Hi'huol ut NyuvU

On leriiniiiieiiiliillon nf Wllllmn ,1.

Kllln, uniti' coillllllsuhnier of IIIHIUH-

tlnim nnd niii'iii'ii'H, lit'. Sleplu'ii A.

DQUKIHH. (Ullii'i'lnti'iiilt'iit «f Vulliy

Vlow, l'«HnnU' Cnunty HniiuuvvUmi. w»ft

n Hludy tin- slliintlou, HU

mooln Scpti'iuliM' IS mid K |H ,ioi n

inwlllvo thing Unit out' will l»< (lion,

Whi'iliiM1 the imnully will Htnn '«•«

Mcliednli'il nil Si'pli'iuliiM1 1 w wln»llioi'

lii' ri'KUlui' nupei'liilomleiit's snliiry

\>, Ciiiinn, Myrtle K Plctehsrlliiitel M. w,,,,!,,.,', ,inme» II. Uuiikel'Wiliitun I'lillllps,

Uniminiu1 Helmut—Irniit Klonbuum,

>fi>ll.v ('. llmvoll, Mnrlmi S. Rosi!-'i rKUlui nupeiliilomleiits snliiry . ( . llmvoll, Mnrlmi S. Rosi!-

wlll I'oiillunu or hoth iir nelllioi', IN II , wiirno IMI'K,), SIIIIIII J, Crnlof (Mrs!)

m t i i>l l l l U i I' W l l l

I i n r . n i i i i i e IM l l l l l i e r t

report pruhnlily wi l l he tieled <i|>n» J | |u . 8 ln! , . llonril nml ItFi'lilny ui n moetliiK or the iniituiiti'i'KIt wi l l ilii-n In- l-eferretl to I tit* frei-

mid WIIH Kriidiiuted w l l h tin- I'IIIHSI o l : | l 0 l l . ( M .H , „„ , m i l J . b l, H1V,,(1 t.0,IH|«|t.i-:i

W'2. Af ter hev Ki'udimilo.i s h e ">»MI j | | o l , 1 | ( , x | \vt>(liii».-nlnv hy III,- hi t ler ,Of MI'lTllilU " I till. HIL I I I I I - . I 1 --

nf Hie .Miiillsun HIIIOOIS l< »!uli'il for

the riuiiily piwliIon Ii Is known Hun

inline Is under ronnldernilon hy

: possible Hint

Ihv nu-ellliRi

j on Si-

Mllln Chni ie l , Whii i ' lon, for n yenr.

SnlllUK In I hi' full nl V.'Tl lor Fi'iiiiri',

Me.nliei'ii of Hie liminl i\f liuiuiiw-vn

is what you make itce it safe against loss from fire and wind-

storm with a policy from *

E. J. MATTHEWS & SONSVest Main S*roct Itockawny, N. J.

HIII- npeut II yenr In

nt rnrhi. At llu- completion of her

eoiirtii' Hht- left for her Kliillou In S l i ; j

lirl, Fri-ni'li West Al'rleu, nml there

nerved i. term of five yeiii'.i undi-r Hit-1

lluiird of tin- riwlntliin nml Mlmihm-I

ury Allliimi' Soelely.

In iilti'iiiliiiiii' nt the

Dr, .1. W'llhu'ileiinfi<ri'iii'i> w e r e

piv. i l i lent , o f

Dover: Pr, Kllery ». I'eeli,

Knim-r uiitl Dr. IC, A. McAlpln.

Mmli- I'll | Soli. I'llulil

('. N. llnplei'. of ltoi'hiiwny, in

The Hlmrp turn nt the loi' i iei '

Ohliroll nnd Wull « l , , ,e l i , wi l l he Im-

inool UIIOKIIIIII. , Hi-leu ('. Witlllnn, Aims H, Nichols

It l» uiulei'slooil In i-iluenHonnl elr-; l>'!'."'l1'. „ , . . , „ '

,l, ,t Wiiller II, Hiivls. supervisor1 n " s l l l i 1 K l l > " S«-lu.ol-A.inB It, Wall-IIIB. i.Mr*.), PrliH'Ipnl.

JoMi-phlno .MI'I.IHIKIIIIII, 1,,'im A.

Hull I. l.llllnii Ossro, Doriilhi'ii A,

I'.'iitleiiuiii. Kvelyn II, Hire (Mrs.),

Miirjoi'te Ihnmini llnxol 11, Hnwl-

hits, M, Suviiiliie, Itelm C.

W'eiit'iie, I'l'i-thynnlii Flehtor.

Keih'i'iil Audit'. Itnhl llnpiiteoiiu' l i es -

rrulillililoii IIKI'IIIS opi'i'iilln^ out (if

N'i>\vnrk lii>oili|in.rters pnld tin nnex-

lu'cli-il vlsll In Kiiy's restiHirnnt, Nol-

IIUV Point. l.uUt- HopitleiiUK, Thnrs-

idiiy iiflernooli unil sel/i-il n qlluntlty

(of lu-er nnd li,|lior. They nisi) tnolc

Iwo prisoners. Kreil.rleli Allilno, TT'

j Osliorne pine,', Newark, nml t-i-nrKP

i Srlineff.T, of 111. Arllnplon, both tit

' win-in were luler relenseil In

|The SunshineGolf Course

A I'ire ('Him' on Sniihil'tt CIIIIIM-,

THO SIIIIW-I Vnilileillle Kiciy Mirhl

A RH«M- of "SinitniT." Hull' will h

Ii plnyer nf Sunshine I

dully from III;

I KlVell III'" In111111 ,\l uiv (!,

llu> timisl

„ , . , , IUIII twiuity-fivi, iiilmiieii of diitil In-proved hv I he C'ounly Uoiird ol I1 ret-- . ,1 , • , , , , striiellon with the Orhm peoiile, hnvhodlors. rl.e eorm-r will ho vonndi'.l , n|.

off, whleh Will v..aillre ,, mimher "I | „,„„„.,„„,,, ,,,„, ,,„, , .„„

lm1 t'oursi-, nl

luinoun.'.-il Ilmt i


off, which will require a nuniher

foot of His

1y, 'flip euti'l> hnaln will lie veinovi'il

nnd Hot hneli imnie ilhiliini'r. A new

will he pl.t down hy Hn-

Frt-oholdorn nt their expeiine, l'nr n

nuniher of yenrn thin I'lirner linn lieen

ll iliiliRoronH npot lo liolh mi In tlvtvern

nnd lH'ilenlrlunn. It will eertiiluly he

ll RI'BIII Imin'ovoment,

nnrly held TnoHihiy evenlni: lu

honor of Minn (Iliulys IJIIIIK. ul tho

home of lu-r pnronlB, Mr, nnd Mid.

Clmrlcs l.nttlK, wun (itti'iidod hy twen-

ty RIK-HtH. Till- l.llttlB'H IIVO (111 Mlipll-


t w t , l l t j . . r l V ( , m | m i l l , , , ,„• , | , , ,n , „ . ,

," ' 'N I, I '

M\ "«eli. Tile ,„,«, „!«,

MiMinnii. ' M M U I | ,',„. HI , , | , ) W I ,S , s,. in. |W_ ;

Thin nhowM Orion S e r v i c e eiiu turn , T m s h ( , , v , , ,„• v«mU<vlll , . are K l ven .

out i i v lumni very t i n l . They Intentl In 1 u(lMi- „ , K . ; w 1 | m , u , . ; w w m i ., t

s h o w nt the all ulrln iniirhie m e e t nt , . | l m i ) , , , ,„• | , , . , ,K v m i , mi.h , l n , , , , A n .

Il i inovt-r I'Ti'lil. S u m l a y , St-pl. 21m. I,, , , , , , , , p, , , . . , , . ! , , , , , , j , m i | 1 w | , | , „ , „ , p]im-

_ p Hiiinliiy i i f le i 'mion nt (our oVIoek .

'I'lW Vlnj'M's Url imnlle t ' luh lielil I Un Tu.-si lny evenln i : , All l i tntor IIIH .-.

Iln first oiit l l id liml Sunihiy, T h e (Till) Knve nil fXhlh l l i on uf IIIH wi'rsll l l i ir 111 H 111.

chl ir tere i l a hux nml moloi'eil to H l y i n - i w l l l i llu- iiuiii CIIHIIK IIIIIKIIIOI'. al t h e ; l iver, .tie. .ion vvn

pin I'nrk, A [iiiecimnfnlly pleamtnt tiny r i tvn in i i ' s Kutr, Morvla I'hiliw, thvn dent ot l iork i iwi iy ,

wnn the Kcnerul n o l n o f e a c h ine iu l i er . ' the eourt i -sy of tin- S u n s h i n e L i n k s . ' IIIK for

T h e Ilex! rt-isuliii' m o n t h l y niet-tlni: H" nlim wave nn exh lh l t lnn y e s t e n l u y Mini'. I

w i l l he hold on Thuruihiy. S e p t , I l l h . I to the puhl lc ut Hie |.\ifil d e a l e r s i lenly n

nt t h e l i w w nt' Mls« . lullu U r l l n , s a l e s r o o m ul Homitou, home ,

MoMiitalnvh-w hote l , w h e r e

•eil n iHUintliy HI1 whlnltey nml

Morris Mil ler , Hie p r o i i r l c -

> w a s n l s o la ter relt-nseil In



(Ji-ei'm- ,li.l> I'nssrM , \ « n j

*i'Ke ,loh, of nejir Hovi-r, .lied

inorijhiK a! lir. Mills KunlturlHM,

\'n. He hud heen .serlonily

Monthly, with ranoi-r of tho

.loh WHS formerly n rosi-

lle luul heen llv-

sevi'inl yi-nrs neiii' Sweden

Us wife. Kittle .loll, died Hlld-

hoiil two weeks ;i^« nt lu-i"



jtrv»Crafty Andy Carnegie

Stirred Up Student*«ure when Ani)-ew Caruegie w»s

visiting his sUttr-in-liiv »» JekyllIsland she told iiira the cnM not getsny letters from her sows who were»t Yale. She was amious stmut then).Carnegie bet her h* woiUd have ftletter from them us scum KS the mailoiuld reavh New Haven utid return.The bet was accepted.

He wrote the boys that their motherwas worried about them; that he wa.«visiting her; that all were very wellat their home; and gave them oiliernews that would i n t m n them. Thenhe added that he was endowing fTi foreach, and he signed himself their af-fectionate uncle.

But he did not enclose the J10.As he told the story himself (recalls

Mr. Morris), his twinkling little eyesenjoyed the slyness of it immensely.

i Then, In two or three days, a re-ply came. It revealed the atrocious

oriEts with the laws which regulate C'T'r- °' "" " T f **" ""'"^ '"* I h l t " ' *""* ^ " ^ l° S™d '"*their conduct on the road) T T '' m U 5 ' 6 '0 P b e f ° r e M ! U ' r l n s M bills- H e shm]i SPI"f " l e m « 0 D r e -«, uuuuu^i vu me TUUU, | l b e , n I ( i r s M . t i o n o r ( , r o S B W , i k i and r e . j M^he t^ys were nearly dead broke,

main s tanding unlil green is shown. — • - . . . . , , . — , — „ „;

Amber means that vehicles

-hirlt laws uas crvawd

j.f-if i ,-uuMon in the minus ut t < t-

••lists Ihe ar t ic le dealing wi-h

O.e di:,bir light. *Or. perhaps i! won: 1

ft i u i t i r tu say tjiat this is merely

anu th i r part ol the law with whi.'l.

:u<,iuibts havi- iieplecH-d 10 fanniiar-

;^t themselves. For th t law itself is

i't-rieitly ami \* tai-ily u n ' k r -

>t1101I if iftrefully read.

Properly observed by nmioriM- ih*'

amber light in a most useful device.

It will help prevent traffic snarls s-ndreduce the pedestrian death loll snUproperty damage resulting fr,un col-lisions.

The State traffic art pn.viu;- for(Editors -V.H: This seres of articles I > , ,- ,

U three-color liclu system, re.-!, am-by the Commissioner of Motor Ve-', , , . .

iher and green, tlreen. 01 corns1, is

HOCk AWAY B£5_ 0 B P

Winnie Lightner

h i d e s i£ being presented by the Hock-

away Record as i ts pa r t in the cam-

paign of education t o lamil iarUe mot-

, > ( , r m i s b i , , u , o r , r a I , k . U ) p H s u b i e c t

, 0 | h ( , s a ( e , v 0 , 0 I , ) e r s Q r l l ) f ^ ^

X. DRIVING SIGNALSPerhaps it it* l«Einess. perhaps it is

downright bad manners, at any rate,whatever the cause, the widespreadl&Hure of motorists to signal their in-

street cars must stop before enteringtlie intersection ur crosswalk, "unHsswhen the amber so appears the ve-hicle or street car is MI close to t V

H e had outwitted his nephews and

a n ( j ' won his be t ; the power of his moneyw»s demonst ra ted—Kansas City Star .

t tn t lon to drivers behind when about j j n u . r s . d i o n Hint j , , . a n not be stopped1o s tar t , s top or turn resul ts in p r o V i w i , | ] J n fi(lv f e e l -

ably as many accidents a? any other j T n e l , lolloWf „ pmvisitm in the.single bad driving habit. i I a w 0 I 1 t h ( . a r a b e r jjg),, 1 h a t f e w l n > , . .

orists seem to unders tand. If the ve-

hicle is within fifty feet of an inlei -

.MlM-rience to give hand signals. l t j B f v , i o n W hen the ilght tu rns amberM H I ' I . The best proof ,,1 that is furn- i 1 1 ) t . l a l v s a v s ..,1)f V(,, | i (,1(. ,.„. ,,,.,,-,

i»hed by professional , haufkur* of I , a r , n a } . p r o m , d a ( T O S S „ „ , im.Tsi..

private v,, ,s. Waul i how scrupulously : l i i n l o r n , a k ( ? r i g h ( ( ) r M | , u n i r -

mi-Many motorists apparently consider

it an indication of overiautiun or in-

t U y signal when th.-y imcml to j „ j s f u n l l e r p i . o v j d e ( i , , l i l t - „ „ v ( , .

change their .-our,.... and tin n let the h k . 1 ( . s ,„. s l m . ( , . „ „ s h a l ] ,,,„.,,. , ; , ,

non-signaling motorist ask himself if h m , r S l , ( . l i o n o r m ) S S K - a i k if nut with-

there isn't a reason, based on l o n g e i - i i u , h i s d i 5 U u u . < , „ , f i f t v f w , w h n , ,;,,

p n i e n c e . for their i-arcful aclion. | a l l l t ) ( . r i s , ^ , ^ , . . ( - , 1 . but must v.ait !or

.As a mat ter of fan. s ignal ing when , , h f g r m l , 0 m>tnT a l ( 1 | | > , .-

t u rn ing or stoppiuft isn't primari ly T u r e ] p f a , a m ) ) ( f . . ^ ^ m

an unselfish act to protect the other . . p r e l ) a , . ( , I (, F t [ l ) , - „ ]Jc.Vt,,. 1 ] 1 ( , i t l f

ftllow. It 's actually a measure of j . . g 0 . . B u , j f a ,1 1 0 l 0 I . j : , l i p w i l l l h l f i f t v

self-protertion. How many drivers Ue{ n f a D i n U , r S i . t . l j t J U v v , l f n , l l e , i g h l

Dave had their fender crumpled, l h e k l u r n j ! ,imheT h e m a v p m . e t , d a c ! < ) S S

bumpers ripped ' use. rear end and ; T h e a m , , e r U ( , h t i s p r i B i a r i l v j n .

transmission damaged, often beyond | t e t l d e d l o e i v f p c d e s t r j a n R m D p p o r .repair, because they failed to signal

oncoming dr ivers?

It is a simple precaution, requires

little efort, and in countless instances

has prevented ser ious ac i ldcnts arid

proper ty damage. So important is it

that it has been made a part of the

traffic law.

Many motoris ts seem lo tliink t h a t !

' Couldn't Ptu Up ThatI Chance for E««y Moneyj "One reason why auto insurancei ra tes are no cheaper tliftn they are ,"

says an aulo t-luli official, "is the ten-! denry of most people to ma

nor accidents in the Iwpe oflarger fcdjiistrin-Ms. Motl of the in-sur«ih-e niniiifiiii*-- ).':\e the pdlirylii'hk-r tbi j t»pl;<-!it of ihtj di'iibt andtherefuie buse. their prt-in:t:ni Mites ac-I'didiitpiy.

"I em soriy to SH.i tlii.t tlie- rnaji'i-ilyof policy liMhli-r... s*-i in lo he likeJpnes.

"Jones, yon l;nf.\v, hli^ been In Gc(,3!isi<iii but It was so ins.-gnifictinttliftt he pfls^i-f! It np wiDiout a thoagliLNext diiy. howeier, he met » friendwho j , s l ; e j :

" 'llelln, Jones, I tlicni^lst you wereseriously injured In fill accident yes-

i lerilny?'" So I discovered when 1 read tlie

[ morning papers," admitted Jones, add-ing. 'I'm on my way home to bedright now find have sent for mylawyer.*"


THURSDAY, 8HFn-.Mtj£|i

IVAVID HART, Plamblng andI All Repair VUrt

Dirt in

Charming Winnie Lightntr, featuredplayer in "She Couldn't Ss> No," Uknown a« the tomboy of the screen.Wist Lightner appeared for severalyears in the "Scandals." Her wcrik in"Geld DiflQers" brought her much(a v or able mention, and ihe has ap-peared to excellent advantage in etheria:king pictures.

the Heating PlantBlamed (or Fuel Waste.

Ti,t re :s a tremen'lous wastage ofim.i mil fuel oil during the ueBtinj-ens"!). iiue to the fact that norae own-i is do not keep tleir beating BjEtemscli.n. Many heating plants are liter-ully !.:itil with soot and dnst, and, ac-rcirdiug to the UollaDd institute ofriiermoloty of Holland, Uicll^ theliny condition is responsible fot un-satisfactory functioning of the beat-ing system and consequent waste.

In substantiation of tlie foregoing,•he institute quotes from a report bsihe United States Bureau of Standardsto the effect that eveB a thin coat of

jsuot, one-eifhth Inch, cuts down ai plant's effiolem-y 28 per ceut, ami ai quarter ioch of soot will result In ai 48 per cent cut In operating efficiency.' This eipUins why difficulty was cs-

ouie owners in


Bldg., MainKOCKAWAV, s. ±°


Painter andResidence: 75 Jackson



Analyzed as the Purest Sprit, «*iroduced. Taken from a


ipring. More Btiomiatiug aresiling thaD otber watttb

(iEOKGE ¥.

For MeditationB , LEONARD A. BARRETT


imltalnier & Funeral D|te(Careful service and prompt m

given to all c&ils, day or aTel ilocittwiv «j

Funeral Parlors— Main SlJttOCKAWAY, N. J,

acuum Cleang es Accumula-tloni of This Sort sr,d Permits of

as Shown at Right.

tnnity to cross a street in safely anilit eliminates the situation foundwhere two-light systems are used inwhich a pedestrian is frequently mar-ooned dangerously in mid-street hy achange of lights.

•The amber light also makes unnec-

oring public obtains a greater under-standing of Us meaning.

iessary abrupt stops hy vehicles, and'thus eliminates the danper of rear

it is a matter of courtesy, a custom j e n t ( l r a s i)es,that has grown up among drivers. It j There has been much discussion ofisn't. It if legally mandatory, and t]le amber light, but I feel it servesIfiilure to siptud can W prosi-cuteii as a niosi valuable purpose. It can beleckless driving. j made increasitgly useful as the mot-

Tile law OK the subject is direct'----anil easily understood. It providesthat Ihe "driver of any vehicle upon» highway before starling, stopping,backing or turning from a direct line, -fshall first see that such movementtan be made in safety, and if any ped-estrian may be affected by such move-ment, shall give a clearly audible sig-nal by sounding the horn, and when-ever the operation of any other ve-hicle may be affected by such move-ment, ssall give a signal, as requiredin this section, plainly visible to thedriver of such other vehicle or ped-estrian of the intention to make suchmovement."

What signals should be given? Thefubjret is not a matter of individualchoice. Carefully and explicitly thelav sets forth tht signals the motor-ist muet give.

After providing that approved me-chanical or electrical signal devicesmay be used, the law stipulates thatwherever the signal is given by meanspf the the hand and arm, the drivershall Indicate his intention to start,or stop, or turn by extending thehand and arm from and beyond thetide ol the vehicle.

"For a right turn," the law says,"make a sweeping motion from therear to the front to indicate to driv-ers of vehicles behind that they maypass to the left. For a left turn, pointvith index finger to the left, to indi-cate to drivers of vehicles behind thatbe intends to turn ;ji that direction."When stopping or slowing up. keepthe iirm and hand in a steady po^i-"ion. with p:ilm to the rear."

This doesn't nu-an signaling by poli-inp the fingers over the window, nor'Joes il moan lianpinc tlie arm limplyi:long the body of the car. as manymotorists think. It means the hand;ind arm must be fully extended, soi:s to be clearly visible from behind.A signal given half-lioartedly. or thewrong signal—for instance, pointing1o the left when a right turn is con-templated—often can he as dangerousas no signal at all.

The effort required to give propersignals is insignificant. The result-ing good is tremendous. It is linleenough to a?k a motorist as a gentle-man ami as n citizen holdinc a valu-able privilege so to conduct himselfon the road that he causes no unnec-essary inconvenience and dangerothers. General adoption of signa'.-will prevent many accidents. Contin-ued failure to signal soon will callior drastic police action.


No Place Like HomeA person is hurt every 30 seconds

In the American home. The troubleis that is where the jaywalkers, thespeed boys, the youngsters tvho racefur crossings, the idiot who takes theurons fide of the strct, the daredevilsat Intersections, the morons on thewheel, the drunk drivers, the aged, thehaliies that play In tlie street, the nb-tctil-minded, the fellows who racethrough signals, the near-Eiplited, theroad hogs, the slow pokes, folks wheare just learnii:; to drive, the childrenwho nre too yn«n~ to get « license,the careless, the incompetent, tbrscamp who gets nuid, fill live.—lu-Anceles Times.

a i l i , , , l b their homc-s warm in last! winter's cold wi-i.tbcr. The eoot and'dirt in the tieaun^ syitem interferedUvith delivery of bent when it wasi most needed.1 There is only one mm-dy for a con

i n : is a mystery bfiiuse it cannot \ m i m 0 { m s ' ^ lim h t(, B(]b.iefiued Joseph U.(.k 61lid: j rf ^ ^ ,.„,„,_ i l ldU(11 t h e

•t is the power which nets. I he L l l i l n I 1 , 0 a „,;„„„,.„ c U . a n i n g h e .philosopher S>per,eer, defined We m f (vre ,,,c M , h e n t i M U S 0 B muts

tlie eternal energy. Dr. <,, C "1 | w l e n ECOt En(1 m r , a r e c l c a n e j out,



Huber, the noted anatomist ;itd

they of Michigan, defined life

as "Tlie continuous adjustment of ex-ternal iind internal relations." Theseefforts to tell what life is Ere only

descriptions, t e II-us how life func-tions. They are notdefinitions iti thesense thnt theytell what life is. Ifnny person canwrite n satisfac-

draft troubles may be eliminated,combustion is more thorough, moreheat is extracted from the fuelburned, miii the home Is more satis-factorily heated at less espeufee.

Formerly this was a illrty, messyJob. Now it is accomplished as easilyus tlie vacuum cleaning of the interiorof the borne, isnd UMK-h tbe sameCleaning of liesiting plants is nowo\»ne by means of u giant vacuumcleaner that comes to the Job mount-ed on a motor trutk. The cleaner is

tory definition of j o l t a c i i e d , 0 VBrions openings in thelife he will render | l > e a t i n g p lBnt^ , D t i u d i n g ,,,e c l l l m n e y i

no small contribu- | u n ( J ,,,e p o w e r f u l s w l i l ( n (l{ t h e f a n

ticm to a very in- inv% o u t , h e <]ivt a n ( , s()(Uj | o r t . l n g

terestinp subject. !{ i W o {he fcag {Of )al(,T d i s p o s a ,_ T , l t

Life is a m\stery , c p E t 0{ fl j ( ib of ( h ) g sOT) , s ^ [bm

the price of n ton of coal, thoughmany times thnt will be saved in thecourse of a year in eliminating fuelwaste and cleaning expenses.

Men! Choose Your NewFall Hat Here

Make Sure It Is the Right Hat for You!

Here is a season when it is amazingly easy to make amistake in choosing one's new hat which is why wesuggest that you choose here and obviate any such errors.We have chosen our collection with exceeding care andskill and present only those examples of the modewhich we feel sure are right. At this season there are new-styles, shapes and colors,

$330 - $4.85Knox Hats, $8 and $10Caps, $1.50 and $1.90

38-12 West Blarknell Street phone Dover 92



CsrpeDter anil liulldaEstliaates Givta

1t\,4t V. 0. ted3«l»Wng u SpecialljKOt'KAWAY, X. J,

J H. BLA.NCHARD & CO,* Manufacturers Of

B0CKAWAY I1A5B MADE DOSwith or wilhout handles

All kinds of Edge Tools mi UnMowers Sharpened

Union Street I'htrae

JOHN H. CRANEContractor

Carpenter and BuilderTeL M14

Main Street, Itockaway, >'. 1,

because it cannotbe analyzed. Wecannot put it into« c r u c i b l e and (

U A. B«rretL Pf"""3 o o t " s s e ' |i-reL It is £lso im- !

possible to place life in a test tabe for jthe purpose of examination. The rea- Json is thnt we rannot handle, tnsteor see life. It is in.possible .'or us to irecognize life by any of the fivesenses by which we recognise ether |things in this world. We are con-scious of life only through its mani-festations.

Life Is also a myslery because wecannot destroy IL Pound tbe cake ofjeast all yon please you cannot de-stroy the power of fermentation.Death does not destroy life. It isonly an .incident in the developmentef life. Nature knows nothing aboutdeath. What is called death is onlya transition into other forms of ex-istence. The dying leaves of autumnmake more beautiful the foliage of , U o l ) a l A „ , ^ ,„„, ,g fte c l M n .ttf , s p r l n s ' v ing oi the beating systems.

Life courses through the realms of j l n ] i e u of „ g r i n l J , e „.,.„,thought defying definition, analysis b r c o m S i h r u s , ^ M ( , s h o V ( , | s

J RO0ZTailor

Wall Street, Roctsranj, S. J,

Cleaning, Pressing and Dyduia Specialty

Work Done Promptly and Neatlfiii

r.uaranteed to give Satisfaction

Soot and Dust Blown Into40-Foot Dirt Bag.

Machinery has again come to the1 rescue of the home owner ID Ihe ac-I complishment ot one of the most

menial and disagreeable of jobs, onewhich has heretofore been a mussy,dirty and undesirable Job, says theHollaed Institute of Thermology of



West Main StreetKdctanay, Sew Jcrsej

Ererything In Hardware

'aints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushei,6|

$6000 Salesmangood paint salesman costs I"''

ear. A poor one costs more. He»I) price; not to quality. Bloj'aste! Sell to yourself! Post w lrect to you; by mail; without-«*ren: shipped Fresh From Fa*J

•efore it lias settled. S('<-, Le>4 .'•>!.inc., J-3.25 a gallon. CM Lvad "M»il Asbestine &Z.S5, delivertd i» I™way.

Charles H. Tost Taint ft17J WJliam St, S. !• „

and destruction. We do cot knowwhat It is. The most serious queMion,however, is not What Is life? Whatare we going to do with it? Is tliemore important issue. This is trueespecially when we remember that 90per cent of the economic failures aredne to moral defects.

The real quality of one's life is notnecessarily measured by what oneachieves. Xot what vre do but whatwe honestly tried to do is tlie ulti-mate test of tbe vnlue of one's life.Not what we arc but what we arestriving to he are the records whichtell the final story. It is tbe upwardand outward purpose in life that fivescharacter its strength, power andbeauty.

((Q. 1130. Western Newppnppr Union.>

neatly uniformed operators arrive inthe job with the big mechanical clean-er mounted on a motor truck. Thecleaner parts include a powerful suc-tion fan, several lengths of flexiblepiping and a 40-foot dirt bag. Tbe

ENTHUSIASM ie a rare and beauti-ful thing, bnt ot times I've found

it expensive. I recall the time 1 waspaid S3 for operating a stereopticonfor a minister. So deeply did his inll;onfl his pictures move me that I con-tributed $5 to the collection plate andhad to borrow carfare to get home.

The first time I met a famous hu-morist I begged or borrowed all ofIlls books ana reaa them avidly. Itnearly ruined a beautiful friendship.I found he repeated, and much of thespontaneity of his conversation waslost to me.

The best attitude to taie Is that ofa doctor. He prescribes cod liver oillor his patients but never takes anyhimself— Fred Barton.

(©, m t , Bu

Cleanliness Characteri«s the Use olthe Giant Vacuum Cleaner forCleaning the Heating System.

attendants put the giant suction cleaner ln operation, ami the powerful suetion draws the soot and dnst ac-cumulations from every part of theheating, system, blowing ti)e dirt intcthe dirt bag:.

Without muss, fuss or dust the heatlag syetem is llutroughly cleaned antready to give more efficient heathi'service when fall brings the firs*touch of trust. Many vacuum cleaners of tliis type are in use throughoutthe country, but according t 0 the Hoiland Institute ot Therroolog? t0 Eecure the best raQlt9 it ! s advlsablto engage one eqnippea w i t h a ,,,-.pottered motor and suction fan.

For White Teeth I

and a Sweet BreaA

tinA perfect and imperative tinsome mat will make W./"of your teeth! First—^le"L P

yLiquid, month washan assurance of a swee

fPKt DT>

c™(U.00, 5«c and 25c r.Klenzo Dental Crcmf - „, white tc-eth (50c "f'^Third—Klenzo Tooth Drow19 styles from which to en"with bristles that slny fns ' '35c and 50c). Sold only"" 1

all Stores.

Sold only at Rexnll Stoics.

GERARD'SMain St »•-•<"««• Sl *



5. Boys To Model This CoachWith "U" Scholarships as Goat

wly Jormed Fi»h«r Body Crafti-man'» Guild eSsrt $50,000 in

award' to youths

ioit '< tour»•'

ti r,ii IU the bojB of A n u r k u in J»I1 , j n u r n n t toduy of the formau ..I tin I " 1 " " Uo<1>' Craftaimu, ,I ,,[](i ui Drtuiiutition deduulcd* . irokiJin cl Kiutdllon in manual

in liini i iiiiliituuti the idi'ulu uif " fcuil<i»nt

iihd more


i iiill* I o U r o t i u i i

nun i I h i r ( ^ l<in 1 civilitf iiv ui "> * < • ' * ^ s ^ o . o o o wt u i to Hit- tovn v ho build tin- MtiiuiiitiiM nudth at u Napoleonic

( t(h lllL t i n . i u t »i olitMl lo t-vi-tyI in the nation In tWferi thtMi^rh, \ I md 1" i n l u u t Owing to theriiur-ion* iuuii»it-(»M rt I Ii to 15 yciiis.iiiilttni'HB itJtd Jf lo l'J years; with,,,,, I i iide t J itwli

) H d C

[ -orif1

i iide t J t . p1 iblni Hods Cl ifl&nmn'a Guild

H « lu< utionul pi o»:ram an- n|ion-UUII IH t dm Uoreaml uuius.-

I->au iud rd natiorml cuin-i r o t thf Uo\ t t o u t e o f Anii-r-

U f h a i i aiiid \\ illmm A l i b h t r , p r e s i d e n t oftin 5 i^ht i Hoti> C. orpor&tiori , IHK uvc Pi*• f idcn t T h e h o n o r a r y

tdiiifi of )U<ipiB of Hi* Gui ld i,

1 ?K *,'1:

if' Oit tollovung nalicnuHyicatoroS Halt* r president, Cnr-

hnology; M. L.iJntUiin piiiKicnt <Horf;iu Inetituteof IfthnoloRi M I Coolcy. dran

A (hitctturf I ni\*fMty of Miohi-c<iii O I V iVlh Ir dean, College ofY i Lii\etrini Unt\er»uty of Alubuinu;\\ I Dururid Stanford University;I A l l i t t h tock <lem, College d1 ngincf riiu Olno State University;p S Kmiball d<an. Coltrpe of

Polytechnicinginurm*, <Lorm»K KolbP, prc-flidpnt.Institute of Brooklyn. Hubert A.Millifeun, California Inst i tute oiTeclinnlopy; It. L. Sackott, dean offiiijinccrinj,'. Pennsylvania State Col-1*RO" B*iv. T. A. Burner. C. S. C ,<lciin, Coilepo of KnKineerinK, Uiii-vorsity of Notre Dame; and K. W.Stran'on, president. Mupsuchutu>ttsInstitution of Technology.

Tin) Fisher Body Craft sm an 'eduild lius beon organised lor thepurpoep of encouraging and Btirmiltit-inp craftsmanship and the de-velop-mttit of manual skill nroonR the boys«f America. It was frit that with thepresent trend toward IIIKJIIV developedmachinery, there ^ a s danger that thenext genernlion would crow tu man-hood unskilled in any erntt und tti;itthe Pitinction of real arltsuns mightresult

It is our endeavor to foster, inso-far m wo are- able, that spirit ol lineworkmanship which pcrmculed the•craft puiWn of bygone cv-ntiiricp."eaid Mr. Fisher in itxplniniiii: theainii and purposes of the Guild

The boys eligible to become num-bers of the'Guild and compete in IMFcontent poon will bo knocking in thedo^ra of industry eepkinK tls-Mr s d nin (heir life-work. We believe Hinttbcj will come better cnuipped

Model of Napoleoaic COJILIJ boys ofniilim will make in ediualiuiml contestfostoied by the Fialirr Huti.v (hraftsaian*gGuild. IHSVI, Dan UfarJ, nutiooa) com*

sioiuv of tin- .toy Scouts ol \mericaand houorurj president of (be guild.

through thu training received ac GuildineinbtTr*, und l l u u b y bo enublod to

nipn'hfiibivi) j)luntn 1 hut it. will be

beenasy for

every boy in the a^f limit to ffitf r t_ .oontfcei. To olJtttia Ihiu nationwideiW'vetiKvtjility, the en tire (Icalcr orjfan-izution ui tiem'iul Motors, ot whichtin- Fisher Body Corporation is hdivision, hut* been drafted into cervice. Kuch of these 2U.000 motor catdealers hue been eupplic-d with en.rolltneiit blanks with wbieli 10 enrolltlio youthful entrants. In additionthey will ad vino und nudist the con-tcntunts in uny quvstionti which may

At the conclusion of ihn contest,'coach models matte in etate In,the country will IJL* judged fleparatelyund acuonliiig to juniur and seniorgroups. The boys nMjmtRoil tho be«tcruftBmen in both groups und in eaoh.s\n\v will be Riven n trip to DetroitiiH KUe3ta of the Guild und J60 in

T he fovir Jirst awarda ofKcliolarbliips inuy bi* iibi'd ut fi1uiiiveruity selected by tht1 for'.U'''1youiiK craftsmen. TIH*^; ^-holur-ricover u full collf'k'C (xnyeary. In ihe junior divthe winners nuiy m>* ticollege age, the ^cii'Jr'rsheld in trust by H:n Onwinners are preivtrc:'. tunivt-reity of tit

In additioniiwurdt- und thu l 'r:r**>« boyfi. t tu r i v i!i Ifur buildrrs i>1 1hi- r-'zmodel in both di1.ifi •.and other CH-.'I ;iVi.*i-merits on u;irU- rl*>:model


ol piof f.Mr


rneialerait, ' l i m e :.•Thcw npiMilnl y-'wTdivided ainoM! T?I

i h f

p.-! t paiiitrrn?*v.ill \.c oi)--'a;:y

juiiior and Oijin each of thy elates.


Ind of Rainbow Stops Play-time of Osages.

Pawliuska, 01:1a.—The OsaRC In-l«ns liave fo\ini] tlie end of tlie rnin-ow utter traversing a golden lane ofil guiliera that have poured millions(dollars into their trlhal treasury.

known ns the richest class r tIn tiie world, they face batik-

optcv now.playtime of tlie Osages has

mled. Witliln the last three monthstic tribe has been undergoing a

•track to tlie ordinary way of['ulefsiee neighbors o( the In-

ians Speculate op the outcome of thisdjustment Meaawhllc, tlie Osascsre not worried particularly esceiu furlie constant [iress of creditors.Oil wells that gave the Osages n life

<< fuse and provided means for reck-fss spondlng crglea no longer hold

of inexhaustible wealth. When'awn Kind, Bifheart, and Lookout,

chieftains, saw oil magnates n?>w from Tulsa In airplanes nnd dropmnilreJs of thousands of dollnrs Intnfle bids for leases, they told their'«ple wealth from their tillls waateraal.

1'ej realize now the oil "piny"' " m o v f | l to the EOUOI into the lniid'• He Semlnoles and the white plo-'«'« around Oklahoma City.« e adjustnient has raised two prob-

™>-flae Is social and the other eco-lomic.

Proiperlty Too Much.Oil pjirond Its greasy mantle of pold"the brood reservation and poured

»°"> than f30O,00O,OOO into the tribal

iion T h° O s o g M h a v e b c o n sonltptl'I, BtCOpCU IB Pin flnrt li'i ye* fi»)f

v ""•'" o f power contained In theirlP«isive automobile., "y h"Te been the victims of the

(MM p r o s t ) c r i |y w'll'l' nt once re-igj| BcIli on i1 Brtef upon tliein. Sliwe

. Klipn oil prospecting started 1>I,U C n M l M l ™ u r t records Bhowtar i EC° r ( 's h a v e lle™ k»1(111 f " rw licadrlcht BO o t h e r s m l g h t cow

MM I T S l ° n O t "• A ^""K ° ' f<rar

,. K mS «f tlie Osive- Is serv-IOU !'nS '" ""'"Mtiow With the fa-

rMura',. c f ' 1 | ' < l < l r i S l l t '"""lor plot.•Ijlit K . 5 lmm* fw their •- •

passed a law nrovldini;convicted of klllinR

stiould not share tlie estate.

Innumerable Intermarriages withwhites and linlfbreeds for the purposeof sharing in estate have been ef-fected. The halfbreeds and white rel-atives are tlie ones that suffer fromthe present depression. In 1921 thegovernment gave all Osages with lessthan one-half pure Indian blood theright to Bell the surface of their al-lotted lands. They are the ones whoraised the moan of the redman acrosstiia miles of beautiful tree clnd hillsand wrouRtit sadness in tlie liuid ofthe once mighty people.

Until 10-1 every enrolled Osapedrew alt money credited to him. Tliegovernment then reduced payments.Then certificates o( "competency"were Issued, until now there are onlyabout GOO Indlnns who cannot tlmweverything that is due them ami spendIt us they wish.

Carousal l< Ended.

In flush years Clio lands yielded ?i(i,-000,000 annually. Many families drew$100,000 annually. Tlie blanket Indiansdrew J13.S0O eacli In 1925. Xuw tlieunrestricted Indian gets £(,"> >veel;Ij.The full Wood gels alummonthly.





BOTHfmd theii Investment Requirements

in Associated Gold Debenture Bonds• V'HE banket is entrusted with investing hundred dollar units have been purchased,_|_ the funds of others. Safety is his last largely by small investors in the areas scrv-

obligation to his depositors.The wage earner ed by the Associated System.also seeks safety hrst. He carefully guards These investors have scrutinized the Goldhis limited capital, accumulated gradually Debenture Bonds and have found to theirihrough hard work and sacrilicc satisfaction that they combine a high degree

The bankei also has an obligation to his of safety., a yield of over 5'/4% and readyinstitution. He must make money. The wage- marketability They also know theCompany-arner is racing against time foi financial is ably managed. Its gross earnings haveindependence. A yield that will enable them grown steadily for many years.both to make good these aims is the second Gold Debenture- Bonds are priced at therequirement They alsc want the assurance market to yield over 5'/*%• This security maytjhai when they need money there will bean be purchased out of income at the rate ofimmediate market for their securities. $10 monthly per $100 principal amount after

Over $30,000,000 have been invested by an initial payment of $10.banks, insurance companies and other con- For information about the long successfulservative investors in Associated Gas and record of the Company behind these bondsElectric Company Gold Debenture Bonds due and to invest — ask any employee at the1968. During the last two months 18,000 one nearest Associated System office.

Associated Gas and Electric Securities Companym Incorporated


New Jersey Power and Light Company

SO Vi. lUurkKdl SU Dover, X. J.


Rendezvous for Scientists inOctober.

.—"Iln Cnn Mnml" Intlie soulli Pacific will In October liethe rendezvous for ninny distinruishedscientists, nssemhled tliere to otisc-vean eclipse of tlie sun.

"Tin Can Island," which also en-Joys tlie more dignified nntue of Nliin-fou, will be In the pnth of totfiliiy fortile eclijise, wlilcli will be visible ovt-rtlie south Pacific on October "1 mid22, according to the location of ilie

S.'ix) I observer with reference to the IIIUT-: national dale line.

Boiling Point of WaterThe boiling point of water varies

with the pressure. In water under or-dinary conditions It Is 212 degreesFahrenheit or 100 decrees Centigrade,but It becomes less with lessened at-mospheric pressure, ns In ascendingft mountain, beinc lowered about onedegree Fahrenheit for every 550 feetof ascent or one decree ContiBrade -forevery 9C1 feet. Tlie boiling point ofwater at the summit of Sit. Wane(15,731 feet) Is about 85 depreesCenti-prade. It would take less heat toraise the temperature of water to S3degrees Centlnrade than it would taketo raise It to 100 decrees Centigrade.Thus water would boil more quicklyat liiglicr level.

Now that tlie Osagos have spent A]tliouirli Information regarding fur-more than $22;i.O0O,0OO and tlie !UW0 j eipn observers Is yet unavailable l»'re.or more oil wells (hat used to How [ It Is known that at least four Anurl-from B.OOO to 15.000 barrels daily have i enn institutions will send sclentisls insettled down to a production often as | N'iuafou. Some observers niay locate

low as 5 barrels dally, the Indiansdo not see bow they can rise abovethe quagmire because of fast livingand 10 years of ceneral rnnmsal.

Fifteen mixed bloods recently appiled for bnnkruptc.T air.l If a derisionof the Circuit Court or Appeals is fa-vorable in a case now prmlins: a tri-bal attorney has estimaavl that l.MXimore raised ttiun full bloods, who owebetween S&'iO ami ?K..0i» eacli, willapply fur bankruptcy i'1 wvi1 theirheadriphts from altnchnn'iii. \ lieailriRlit is now worth about S'AO1*). IIformerly was uonli $'">.»'»i.

A Prototype

The Calais [H'II.V SMI..>II

In tlie basement <>f tin- <"ii.v

witli its barred •>''" I"1'-'- f

sldcwiill; (hiit lead< to ibv '

A. [ i l l s i n c s s Uli l l l i i : i N ' ' ' I :

w a l k i n c p a s t o n e " f ( h e

w h e r e a x i i l ' i r . « l n > l i - i ' l I'

hillK (on fivi'ly wa-i < 'i'11'1'-hulled with t l" 1 s a iu l a t '

d y ! G n i - us a nmti ' l i?"

" .Sure ." ' iviilicd H»' Im-i :" ' -"

w h o hiiuded hi" 1 " l l 1" ! " " ' '"


"Jlev, ISiidily, llii-" " 1 " J |

Boratcblit lK.-M'tmivl. .I»H"'

r! ' i ; tllP

I 11 111-'A illil'lU'Sll) i!lll>iHi' WU<

lli'.v. I'.lld

themselves on tlie small Island ofNuraklta, also In (be path of totaltiy.

Commander C. H. J. Keppler, Vnlt-ed States navy, will lie In administra-tive charse of the eclipse expeditionfrom (lie United States naval observa-tory. This will be his second eclipseexpedition, as lie commanded the suc-cessful expedition lo ilollo, PhilippineIslands, for 'tlie eclipse in .May. Ifi-li.

l.ieut. II.' C. Kellers, United .Statesnavy, will be Ilie medical ofllcer of tlieexpedition. In addition to Iris medicalduties, lie will also collect speoimoMof fauna nnd flora, and will havech.irge of the nioteorolojrii'iil ol»scrva-tions. l ie luis been on two prc-viotNscientific expeditions td disdmt ci»r-nor^ of tlie world, and is sniii lo In1

cMraonlinarily well (inalitii'il for diedillicult tasks which nre f o r o w n .

Ilt'van P. Slinrpless. Junitir astron-omer, will hftvc c'ini"E" of tlio rnnmal[ilioto^rapiiy for the observatory rtiid

will have wltli him a 15-foot c:iiiie~i,l)c>idps other small ones. rin>to^r:i[iliyIi cunsiiltM'Cd an extremely Inipnitunt

111:111. i |inrt of the expedition's work.Ilesidcs these rneriihen of the staff

at the naval olisprvntory, distln-,,,! (.tiished scientists from educationnl In-

Gtitntlons will accompany Hie expedl-


p J hate to lake medicine^^as a rule, but every child loves thetaste of Cnsloria. This pure vegetablepreparation is just as good as it tastes;just us bland und just as harmless us therecipe reads.

When Baby's cry warns of colic, afew drops of Castoria hashitn soothed,asleep again in a jiffy. Nothing is morevaluable in diurrheu. When coaledtongue or had breath tell of constipation,vise its gentle aid lo cleanse and regulatea child's bowels. In colds or children'sdiseases, you should use it lo keepthe system from clogging.

Castoria is sold in every drug store;the genuine always bears Chas. H.Fletcher's signature.

on house paint!

WrE*I.L show you how you cansave,

me. If I l'In litre."—I'

1 wmildn'l bet l t )n- C A S T O R I A

save, money by buying yourpaint on tlie yearagc basis. We'llprove to you that Dcvoe is themost economical paint in the world.

Not because Devoe is a bargainpaint. But because it has yearagtwhich means the same to paint as

mileage does (0 tires—because it lasts from oneto three years longer than other paints.

And because it spreads further—because agallon of Devoe covers 15% (0 40% more surfacethan does a gallon of any other paint made.

Paint your home—it's a shrewd investment IBut see us first—let us show you why yearagcis the only sound basis on which to buy paint!

J. H. Jackson Lumber Companyj . \ . A. Whiirton, N. J.

Hurled Oil Pole

While iKljusiinn ">><• "I tl

liKlits at the new niiniuiui'i- RH

inslalled nt the I'nitvd (ivill- on the

state highway betweiMi Dover ami

Ituckaway. Kdwnrd Wiilsli. 1'2 years

<ild. :ni employee uf tin- ni/iiiileiianri'

Uepartmem nf the New .lerscy Power

' i rown s e v e r ' 1 lcet to l!ie a r o u n d .

| He WHS r u s ' i l l in the Dover C e n -

liciod- it ' i 'ul H o s p i t a l wlu'l'i- it w a s fnuiid t | u ( .

•iuu>t> i t|l< s u t t e r e d uiuny Hn\i>es und a l i r a s -

in i h r l i o n s . Mis ioui l i i in i i is i"iiort>>d f a v o r -


iithi 'i- «ini'U'yi-e> w h o wi- r r n e a r b y

iiil i t was l i i r t i i na te l inn he w a i

and Light Company enine in rontaclwith n high power lino and

t h r o w n I'rnni t h e pule , o t h e r w i s e h e

wat ' mis;.,!


Rockaway RecordEuterod I'oiit Office, ltmtttwuy. N, J

n« Hiinuni! Cluim Millar

AN INDhll'KNDKNT WKKKI.YiHHiied lOverv Thursday

OSl'AU I'BKU, 1'rcnMeut-Miiliugor8IDNKV C 0 U 4 N 8 , Editor

Office ZitU—Hmiiuwuy-IIUIIKO 255M4-M Dover

: Main Street, Itockuwuy, N. J

Tl l l ' l tHDAY, HKI'TKMllKK I. IM"

Ml. Mull'- ( hitll'iniili~lt11>

I l i ' f u r i ' 10. l l e r l r i i n i M o l l •n-i-iiiiit.'

, l , , , | n i i . • n f H i " K e n u l i l l . ' n i i H l u l i '

C l ' l l l l ' l l l < I I U U l l l ' C H i " I l l ' l l l l l l l l i ' U "

j l l l l l y 111 N l ' W . l l T H i ' V l l i l l IHil l l i lV l ' VCI>

K i n n l l i n k . T w i > l i e n i i i c r u t l c I ' n l l c d

H t u t t ' i * H i ' i i u l i U f i u ' e i e i . - n l i " W n i l i -

I n p l i m w l l i ' l l K i i l l l l i l l ' i i t n i : I m f l l i i l i i n r

I t n n i ' . T i n ' l i i n i T i i n r . - . | | l | > » " " h e l d h l

U c t i i o e r u i " > ' ' i i i u H c r ) t n i . u n t i l : w

. | i . | . , l , . y 1 , ' T . n i l I " l i ' " l . i l n « " l ' ' " • •'•

. 1 I l e u i m L i t i r : : n M - ' 111' I " i n ' " '

v l l l l i - l i . l ; i l l i ' i n i l i l . n i l i i ' l l | ' ' "

l i i i | i i i r l i i n i u i l l i i I n n • " I " 1 ' " " • ' "

n l l i i . i - H l n n S i r n l i ' l l r : • a l n n i '

I l i l n i ' . " I " r . : > h i i i i l ' i - A I ' i v i l i i j

l i . . . H i I l i c I ' U ' I I I m i " I I ' J . " > H t : n i n v

i l l c l i i l l i t l ( c | > i l l . l i c a i r I l l i i l I I I n i l

l i r i i h u h l l i l ) l l o n ' l l i " ! l i l i i l i l i . u i l l l d

C l l l l > | | ; | . : , U l l | . I l l M i l - I ' l l ' : n l i ' l l l l l l !

v i i l i l c i ' I , I ) I H I ' l M A l l M " • •! I I '

c a n y I I , i h c r c u i c - ' I n l i n e u i 1 1 - ! • • • • !

i l i n M l \ I s I ' l l II I l l l I ' l l l l i ' l l S i l l l ' V S r l l . ' l

t i l l ' i l l ' M r . l . l i l i ' i i l l I I I ' l i n V i ' l M i l l " . U ' i ' l l .

I h e i v n i l • u l i o i v c i l M u l l l ! i < ' I >". ;' 11 ' I '

v u l u * c u ' v U ' d I ' V c i U l i l u r . I n '•!' ' : l ; i U '

^ I l l l I I %N 111»< h 11 I n r 1 h r l i r : : l I l l l l r i l l

n i n n y y i ' i n ' i - M n y l i i ' i t n i l I I I >l h u p

j | | . | I l l l l l Wl l \ , |H|| || l l loL l ! ||'l I l l '

. ' l i i i l r m i l l i i ' K i ' i i n l i l l r i i n • ' l u l l '

I'enlrul Ciniiiiiliii'i' hml .i rood ili'nl Indo with Ilir ninth r iintl we hii}i|ii'li Inknow II in hr illil.

It In I l l l l i ' w o n d e r H m l M r . , \ l< irr . .v ,

h i j i e l ' l ' e e l l y l u i p n y l u h a v e t h e u m u

nKi'MU'ii l ui III" I ' I I M I I U I I I ' . n l o r t ' l i ' i ' i l n i i

I n t l i i ' t u i l e , liuiii'.-.i i i m l c u i n i i e l e i i '

l i n n l h i ill' M r . Iv l l o r t r u m .Mm I. T i n

J c r i i e y i i i i t n .


Maturt In Half of Normal Tim* In

Experiment! Conducted by


ttmUcll r o t

Have you loohed In youi1 "t^v Vw'<

to mil' ir you Imv* liny chair* (hut you

do lined? The loeal U'Kloii I'oil

nendu ill luimt twenty, uiul will l»»

(dad to cull for muni) If IIUIKIIMI when

uiul wlmre tu call. Anynnn (lonli'lng

ID di.niltl) toward the |juiiliti«e of fulil-

Nl, I .nii lM.-l' l i i i i l l i fe « I I H miwilei l ( i l i a ( t > [ m , U l ( j Vm[ q u m i o r a I l l t t y

1111 Bi1" m"n!"y ' T V . T r T w ' i , ™ I ' » ' <"• » ' • o r iiIie ll0""r'""'H llitle exiiei'lnienlnl Biii'den hero «li*n „ , .hliidi'iitl

ii|wlik> ilowii iiml i i i i i l i i r | In Imlf ll»'

noi'iiwil tiling.

Wit Ii lln> nlil of I'lK'iiili'iiU, ullru-vlo-li't niyH, Ini'iinili'Ki'i'iit «l<'i'lrlo Hk'lil"mill X I U J K , iiiiiniH ivi'i'ii iniiilii lu l""<'tliclr HI'IIM' nf utn-^iI.v iiml »|"'11111 •1"' l r


idiiilr, i iml y o u r ( loimlHm w'.U, bt>

g i i m l l y u n p r e o l a t e d . Only 11"1 ' t t t ' '

Unit Hoi'kilmi I ' M IIIIH JUKI rm

I n (irjflinlaMl iiniiiiplH l lm vi ' lerai in

In iiiukc thin i i | i | i«ul. II wi l l <«!««

noun' t i m e fill' III" i'llinln •'« nf till' I'l'Hl

lo r e a c h II MIIIKIJ w l i c i c lln-y w i l l luUf

i-iii1!' of tin' l.i'Rlmi'h wo iU , Hint t h el i m N n l i n i e t h e s r o l l l i i l w h i l e o i l i e r *

( j n n v d u r u m l l ' i 1 i i l u h l " u d e r I h e H e a l -

, , , , . , , 1 , , f M l l i l i ' l l l H . j l ' " » l > » > l > " « I " " e e i ' l . T l i l " I I " 1

i n . , I , h y t i n ' u l i l o f u l n l l l l l l l l l i l M I ' c l ' l l M i l i u m , i r ( U i - l i . I ' l i l l l 1 1 1 ' " , l i o c l . d i - l !

u l i l . - l i . ' . I , I , ' h i . " I I l i c p l i i u I N i n u i i ' ' " ' j i ' , , , , , w . | . | , , „ „ „ , , , i m y i i i i i . l i t n n i ' c | i l . l

l.ll'Hii'l Illid llljl l l lull' i I'1)'' Irlotli- i l l lzcll l l pl'ld'lel1 I'llllll'd t'l.lll

I I I l l i i ; I l l l i ) ; O l I 111- I ' O ' d ' iplrlhii'.V ' l l l ' l l

. . i l n i l i i l ' - l , 1 . . . I I ' l ' i i ' l i i i ' H v . ' I h e t ' . n i i l u i i l

" , l - , „ 1 1 : 1 , 1 1 H : I , , I v l l h I . h . l l l : < l ' " " ' < « ' ' " ^ > . e , l , . . , , , ; , l r c « ' " « »

m i l l , M r I - i i i . ' i i r e n u l l i > I ' I < - n ' >-i I I n . l o l l n l u i l I h e I ' " I m c d i <

1 , . 1 1 1 ' l f i I ' n i i i i i l i y I n i l ; i y . ' T h e h n . l l i j u i i n v n i i - e l i r . r , o l ' t l i r

u r n i ' , n n i | i " I | t l . m l ' i I ' M ' " . ' ' ' 1 I " 1 ' I , . i i . ' h « l l l h e h e l d i l i r . ( T h l l i ' i . d i i . v I

n i n e i i i ' . i i n l i ' i i d u l l y f i ' i . i n : . ) i i ' ' » H i i > : ' . '. < ~ v < • 11 j i . j - i n i l i e " l u T u m i H u l l m i d n i l

i l - 1 " " ' ' ' ' 1 H'1' j l " ' ' ' I'1""1'1' " \ \ , , i ' | , | War veli 'min n l " Hivlted IIhn-'C rhel i )'.lllillll.ll.\ llli'i.'i'.vili!' l i fh l . i ^

Alili'iliuhlli' ( l u l l I j n l u l ' . c - l l c l l i i i u n

Motor Vehic le Cnii i inhmlimer l l o f l -

IIIUII'H I'U|II|III1KI\ »Kiiluv.t d r u n k e n

III'IVIM'H IH Mlronnly Indorsed hy tin

KeyHtnne A u t o m o b i l e I ' lub nf N e w

J e r s e y , wlih'li IIHHITIH In II Htnieiiieiit

that "IluMe In uu phicc on Ilio IIIKII-

U'uyn for the i i iu l iu vchlcl i ' i i | iernlui

w h o linn MO l i t t le ueimc of rcii|i<niii!lill-

Ity IIH In iit leinii i id dr ive » i d h ' under

Hie iul'liiciii'i' of lutoNlciiiii.'i,"

" W e lire," siuyn Uu' n i n l e m e n t , 'Mhov-

o i l lJ i ly lu ii i 'conl wllli CouiiulMiloiier

llofl'niau'H ut l l iu i le nn i l i n i i l v i i dr lv-

<irn. Wllli iht> lilRlnvnyH nf the Mulo

leemll iK wl lh truffle, II la CHKI'IIIIIII

.Mini e v e r y niiornloi' III'IIIK lo IIIH timli

wif Hitfely (iiii'tulliiK n nioloi ' eiir it

«'lenr l in i l i i uiul u Htcutly luiud, NoUi-

JMK f ine wi l l (In. Till' ejnol'KelK leu illlll

hnr,nnln «( i .viment-ilny a i r niierutloii

re i i l i lre nil lliu rthlll mid JiidKiiiiient

.Uiul uny molorlHt mm offer.

"The riul i helleveH wllli Commln-

tdniiiir Hoffiiiiin Hint every inolorlnt

niciiKcd of <1 in ii ki'ii IM NH IH, lunvever,

c m Hied to u HIIUIII'I' (h'lil, Il ls trhil

mi sucli n mi Hhoultl \m

iiuu'kcil hy the Hiifi'KiiurdH Hint mir-

rnnml lu'i'Minis ncciiHdd of oilier t'l'lmo

•id1 eillinl KHivlly. Tin. ('OIIIIIIIHHIIIIUM',.

•ni'tlL't' Hint pliysli'luiiH wlin lutvo liro-

i ioimced ik.ft.niUintn Intnxluuloil 'ho

jirommt nt Ihi' IrluU IH ontlrely wiir-

viinted. We liuow nt n o DIIHU' IH-

HliiiieeH In h n i l i irniedure where du-

(ei idnms live I'ntivjeted nml mi

Ihe Htri'iiKtli of a ct'i'llfliinli. Hl«iied liy

uu ahscill wlthcHi-


Import >lmli' In AM

V, S,

One lo Ihe ileidelliiu of game hlnli-

In Ihh ciiiinlry, M wim nt'ceHwnry li

liiiike the IIIKKI'HI liuiiiirtntlou of llvi

IdrdH and I'KKI* this yeiir tor reHloek-

liiK imr|ioni'H. neeordlim to Ihe Amerl-

vllll (iunie I'rutccllve Aiwielutlnii, 't'lu

United Slnten liniiorlcd im.rjl hoh-

whlt i . iiunll i'rom Mexico during tin

Mi'iuion I'liilhiK April 'In. 'I'he Idnls

w e r e inuul up stmdc where tilnhi ni'i

'I'liii II. S, lliii'eiiii of IdnluKlciil Miv-

vey ih'elui'i'il Uils hi the f;i'ciii('!it mini'

licr of (|tuill ever Imported tn thl'

country diuinn one m'luuni, 'I'Ueldi'd'

were hl'^illillit hi uu I'IIIIHWM: Iil,!i2;

1 7 III Unitli' I'IIIIH, ami 11.77'". III'IMVIIII-

vll le. Not a MIIIIIII' hlrd .vim rcpnrlci

mi dhcaiicil.

1'eniiltn were Imuicil for the lin-

liortatloii ol' more tlxin ...soil IUIIIU

lilviln' I'KHS I'ruiii HiinhiMd, Mom uf

Ihe iiormlta were fnv iihensuni em

Cnlc l i inu U p V.'itl, B u l l . t .

If u HIIOIRUU IS llri'il illi'iH'tli,' IIIUMIII

of mi iili'iilnni', wl l l i ln n few KI'I'IIIIIII

Ilio i>lniie wil l run rl^lit into tlio Hliot.

i W l u i w (ii'ii, Wi l l i am MIlcliiOl (In

"SUywiiyit"), Ti l ls Is lii'i'iitiso Ilic HIIIII

IIIU mi Inltlnl volncll.v of IHnl foci u

Nfi'nml, wlili'li fu l l s niT vovy nuildlj1 ,

nnil l nl. ill) j n n l s II linn oiil.Vjfnlioiii. l;i;l

fee l vi>liicll,v li-fl, nnil nl ldii yni'ils It

Inw ninic. An nli'|)liun> KOIIIK 1IHI

inlU'fl nn linur riCTi's KM j'linlti In I wo

cuivn i, wlili'li ilnoH lint ulvo Ilio sliut

1'S1 lit Oltiji,

I I l i l i ' l ' I h i , l i l l l n i h i l i ' l l l i ' i i l l i i c o l , l o

M i l l , | l i l | , | i , . r l l i i i i i h ' l i n ' l i i n i l ( ' " H i l l T i n . l l o r l i u u ' i i y l l o i v l l l i l ! I ' o l i l l l i l l l i ' i

i i « h l l e i . . l i n n i i h i n l i i i n i i l i i r e t l l u j K l | | | 1 | ( c l l H , , | H , | , ' ) n n o u n c l o n l f . l i l

Inill1 Ihi, nurii ,il Ihiic tinilcl a lli'iil jm r i i l <<l' r i i i i l l i . i i u i i ' i l i r . l t t .

T n i i i i i i i i p i . m l ' . r U c i i t h e " i n .v"

• e n t i i i c n t I ' . r e w :!'.'. l i i c h c r i , v. I d l e " m i -

l i v e d " | i l ; i n l \ c l l i c i ' H ' l M e u n d e r I h e

n i n e r . l ' e e u l l i i U ' v l ' e i i l u l U l i i l i ; . , I ' l C W u l i l y

'.'(I h l . ' l l e : ! .

' I ' l i e c o t t o n i ' X | . e r l l l i e l l t t i l .wi I l i e l l l d e d

i. , | U : i i H ' f I I'M i |'i-l ;l IIII iv I n

:' :! M i ' i ' l m 1 1 . l i n n r u i n e d u n d e r a t e n i -

p e n i l l l l ' i ) o f till ( l c : : l ( ' c i . r o i i c h c i l II

l n ' l l ' J i l n f : i l I ' M 1 >•• •. f u r t h e c o i i l l i i i i o i H

II. '1.1 e > ; | . e i i l i . e il u h l l e I l i c H I I I I I C | i l i i l l l

U ' l l h o l l t a l ' l l l h ' l u l I , ' I I h i l l w i l l m l

a v e r i i ! ; i j l e i i i p e r n t t i i o o f .SI) i l e i ' . i ' o c t

( ; i ' iuv o n l y I I I n i ' l i c s . C i i i l n i i c n m h i f i

u n i l e i ' i i n r i i i i i l I ' o i n l l i l i n e i I n i c i n i i e i ' i i -

I l l i ' i ' o f III) d e l i v e r s | ; i v w III I l l e l i e i .

Ill l l i ' a l l n u H C C I I H w l l t l e l i e n d e i l h i t i n *

• i l l l l l e l l t III M i l l i e rn. ' ieM f o l l l l d l ln> I ' m . I s

K l ' l i w l n r ; l l h i i v e I h e i i l l l ' l ' i i r e n l l l l e | l u >

N t e m o l U u . p l a n t r,''''.v i l o w n w u r d li

IH h c l l e v c d D i a l I l l e e l l e l l l l c l l l I n j u r e d

I he- M'Oil l l e u r H i e I'net c u p .

T h e l i e l l e f Hul l I l l e N m y n e l . i s e l e e -

l i v e l y i i j inn I'nsl i i r o w l n i ; l l ' i u i e i l e d

I l i c M u d c u i H t o i ^ i i e r h i i i ' i i t w l l l i Hie-i l l

n i ,vn.

t ' s l l i i i i i i u n t i i r d n e e d , Intl r e n n i v l i i i ;

t h e " H O I ' I " r a y s I h e K I ' I U V I I I el' I l i e n e e d

a i i x r i ' l n i ' d e i l . II IH h i ' l l c v i ' i l Uni t I h "

r i ' i n n v i i l o f I l i e s i i " s o f t " rnyH I n j i l i e i l

I h e s e i ' d ,

''i"s su , i :

Immigration Cut 13.GPer Cent in 1929-'3O

U ' I I * 1 I I I I I ; I ( i n . - - T l n > I 'n l t iMl S l n t e N , I'm1

n i n n y y o a r s e a l l e i l H i e w o r l d ' s " i n i ' l l l i i u

p o t , " IM I'IM'IMVIIII; n R i i i i i l l e i ' q n a n l l l y d l

n e w I n K i w I l e i i l M l o l i e n s s l i u l l i i t i ' i l c . 'i

yen r,

Sli i l lsl lcs cmiiplled hy tlio IIIIIIIIKIII-

tlon htiipim uliriw l!l,(l |ii'i' ecu! fowor

ll 11 c m en mo here to live illirliu' I he

lliii'nl your, hurlni! Ihe pprlnil (lie

I'nlti'il Htn|e» netil liiick tn Ilii'lr hiiinii

lull tin nioro aliens I linn ever liefnre,

lnlcrentlnn reaiillN of Hie new Im

inlsrnllon Inw wel'n rovenleil hi the

ImriMiit'ii IIIIIIIJ'HIK. Wllli mloplliin of

Ilic lllilliinill nrltflns plnn, lnilill|(riillnii

from llri'iit llrltnlti niul iiortliein Irn-

Inuii Inrromwd hy Ill.S per ei>nt, from

s:i,n70 iii nv.'s-'ifi tn :I«,.IIW in irav:w,

wldlo tlint of Kiiropi' an a WIIDIO d"


Coinpurnllvo Rlnllslleii on liiiniluni-

lion to tti(> \Inltrd Stnles for HDIIW of

Ilio \v0rld'iH(tidlnirOTuirtrl<>!rfollow:

Country 192!-'8!l 1»2l>-'afi[Tinned <,):» 3,711Great n i l u l n nml Nnrlli-

crn iri'iMiii nn.tvTn nnjntilrliih l'TooBlivU r.fW'2 H'1'71(leriiinii)' 411,7111 "211,(011

l l e l t v i ' i ' i i T l i r I t o i L i i n i i y I l l l l l i l l u i

n m l L u u n A i i i i o i i u t l i i i l o f I t o i - l i l i v v i i y ,

N . . 1 . . a i i ' o i ' p o i ' i i i l i i i i i , I ' o i n i d i i l i i i u i l ,

n m l A l i ' M i n d e r W, I l i n w n . I d " I ' ,

l l r i n v n , m i d H e n v l l l i ' I ' m i i I ' i i i l i i l e n ,

I n c . , l a I ' l H p n r i i l l o i i l , I ' . ' l . ' i i i l n i l 1 .

l ' ' l . l a . I'm1 n u l l ' n l 11101 l | : a f ' . e d p r e i n -


I t i ' l u r n i i l i l i ' N i i v e i n t i i ' i ' " ' ' H i , A I ) .

l ! i : in .

I , K ( ) N I'1.. 4 ' H M K ,

t l u l l i ' l l o i 1 .

H y v l r l l l e ol1 t h e n i l s l l i l c l l w i ' l l

(if ['"I'll l i ' i i c l in i In m y l i i n i d i i . I 11I111II

c x p i i i i e f o r 1 , a l e a t P u b l i c V i ' i i d n e . n l

t h e 1 ' i u i r l l l o u i i e I n M o i l l i i l o w n , N . .1

on MOMIAY, l i l l ' T H I N I ' V - M M I lIIAV (II' HDI'IDJIIIKIt M'XI', \ . II.,11111(1 lictwi'i'ii llm lioiini of I'.! M. uiulTi o'clock I'. M., Ihlil Is In uny at ~ii'i'liiik In Hie nj'lcriiiinn nl uulil dayt I't'evii'lluK llnii'l. nil lilnl cul'tlllili'nel or purci'l nl land uiul |ii'iin!iu'ii

ei'idiiafter niirtleuliirl.v iliuiri'lheiliillnalc, lyliif; and IIUIIIK In the 'I'mvn-

|i of Deiivl l le 111 tin' Cminly otMorris mid Hlalc of New J o i w y .

llelnn li«l No. I In Illovli I! mi In-cati'i! on Ilic "Kovlui'il Map of Hen

vllln I'ltt'l: KiilitU'ti11 mild map nuutoliy ('. I,. Rliii'llnilnlc, (', 10. and I'lleiIn II.' Monlii Cnnnly (Mcrirn Ofl'leiJune I, IHM Ilio number IMI Case l>Said lot In lll'ly feel trout nn MyortAvenue by one hundred niul ITI'ly-twiami slxty-Hcvci) luiiulri'dllui fetd deej

I I I K I'lilmuvninl Hond Uy nevenlycljtlit mid Iwnlvii hiiiiilredlliH fi'i'l

iiK lot CIRIII liy one « mfifty I'ent IIIOIIK lol Number two. lieIlik" purl of tin' millie IH'I'IUISCH CUMvnynil liy .IIIIIII O'doiiiior mill wife Ulli'iivlllu I'ark lOHlutu hy ilecd iccnnli ' iIn llooli ll-lll of DeoilK I'm' Morrl'County on PIIRCH I2li Air,

nliiK ulno |iurt of tlm Hiiuin ]irniii-IHOH roiivoyml hy Miiry K. Mliiiiliiuiir

V'I'IHI 8. M>BV» hy iltiml iluluil l )e-ciiiiihiM' Ui, 111211 mid recordml H I Till, \K\\ In Hook X-2H of IHwdH foeMorris Culllily ptiKim II Xr nml :ilil.Jei't to Ihe Niimn nxcnplliiliH, ri'servu-llotm mid I'eHtrlflliDiH, us iiKiutloucd

mild deed from Krcd H. Mynni, to.I0I111 H, (I'Coniior.

'I'hc npimixlmiilfi iiiuoiiiil due 1111IH t'Xt'i'Ullmi 1» $7,l)|)!l.fi7 IIKHIIICM

HIIOI'IITH oxi'ciitloii foiiH.Hilled AiiKiiHt aillh, lllllll,

Pit Mil H, MVMUH,flliuvlff.

Adv, Milliner nml Itoiiknwny Ueioni.I', P.—»2«,40 Htl

CiMliuln 14,440 WMMi'Sli'o 40,154 12,703

A totnt ot tA.Q t RUBIIH wvrft tU*p i r l i i l

Depretiion in JapanReduces Shrine Gifts

Tokyo,—(Iml.K nnd men alike- lire

siiD'erluR from (lie llnnneliil depression

In .lu|uin.

l>ally oiinti'lliullniifi In the Kwun-

noil li'iuple III 1'ai'lt—Tokyo's

"Coney lslniid"--hnve ilr»ppi<il from

jri(ll) to $ l i \ neci'Nslliillii); nil cnllre

rovlslnu of the teniple's IIIIIIKIM. Mure

II11111 I I'.'.IIOO Shlnlii shrines as well

us inniiy HudillilHt ami clrMliin

cliuiilii's tliriniKlioiit Ihe eni|dre lire

siilTei'lrtR from decreased roviiiiie.

Tlii're IN no li'swiilim In Ihe niiinlier

nl' wiM'Hliliiers, hnwever, us scores prny

dully nl every Iciuple for helter husl-

IH-.S ronillt lulls nml n reliirn of prim

peril y.

\Vlilli- Minimi) 1" » i |» ' r lo i I " u | u "

Ii1"'lrl'»Trinr»»"< M - i " ^ «f •""•"'"^

H i n d i . I . " I ' " ' - ' " ' " " ' . . 1 " " 1 1 ' : . . "as ,vo,n,.., j u i . « ! »


„„ woiw" «.uW detect ".wieK "

,,,,,m further 1 In « """"I"11 " '

m f \ n ,m« tmuilriHl hut «-v-

,„,,! men n.(-'i)«nl«"l » U i n v " ' " ,"11P

la tw.. liundrod 11ml H"? Hi"""!'"''-

No in Eilhtf CUM

llliliiu'd Hrlliftley Sliurlilmi (IT.1I-

IIJIIS) irlHli (linniiill»l «iwl I'l'lllli'liiii

„;„, Kdniiind lliuk" ( i r a n u l ) , Knit-

Hun HiaiVsiiiuii mid onilor, ure l.olli

iicillli'il «IUi the pun wldi'h follow*

When linked lo IHIV «l '<'»al l l 1 " '"

,,,,,..,, ,.„ 11 MUM owed, Hie Imperil

in-ill I.ut willy reply WIIH:

•II in not In my Inli'ii'it to I»i.v Hi'1

(.rini'ipnl '• In II I")1 prliii'l|dt> to I'll}'ui>> h i i c r i - i t . "

NOTICK•I In. i i e e i i o i i o r p e r n n i m w h o d e -

. l l n M ' d | i i l l l Of I l l e f r I I I T i i u f I ' " ' I f t

Ki l l 1 i n u i i . n m l I h " K i i i u l t i of I ' M ' "

l l i ' i i i l i ' i i i n p n i p e t ' l . . . i n c l i i u n v n , m i d

II . i n n , ' I n t o i l r i ' i m l i e l l u l l l d u t e l l

i l a . i n u i i t h i n i h i t e , u i ' t l o i i « I H h e

. t a i l e d i i i - . i i l i i ' i l I h e ' l l


I5y Day or Weekal Ilir

Rockaway HouseIIIIII Mntn S

Hin:i(ui"s SAI.I:

Grasshopper Horde loKilled by Sand Storm

Kphniln, Wnsh.-'ITio l.est wny to

Ulll t;rnssliopiiei'ii Is to filurl n HIIIUI-

-|:IIin. Arnold Snililierltii;nli>, ilrlviin:

from Weiinli'hee toward Moses ('nil'

lei1, eiu'ountered n Hiidden wltiilsionu

and tdi.ppcd Ids cur In Iho lee of 11

saci'lnitsh lieihse. Afler Ihe hhnv lie

found In the Hniid, nn riitiiilni: lionnls

and l.i'lwcon wheel nniikes. n peek of crjisHlioppei'H, every onn inliius

Us lii'iid,

I'rehliloric City Found

iMmli'lil.--Tlio Kiln of 11 pivlilsliirliV

vlllnue IIIIH heeu iini'iivereil outsldo tills

eiiplliil. on IniHl iniivlinsod hy llm atntii

for Imllillni! 11 university city. Stu-

di'iili IIIIVCI bi'cn Intrusted with the

'NpliiniU'iii of 1)10 pi'i'lilslurk1 ullu 811I1I

10 tiuto ti'Din a,«oo n. u

I l t twoon Tilt. Huckiiwiiy Iliilldliu;nnd Loan Axnoelutlon, ('<>in|iluluiiiil.mill .loiin 11. Durum, lOll'/.nhe.tli T.Dimiiit nnd Wllllutn Him, Defendaiihi.

Kl. I'll, fin' rtiiU\ nf iuovlKii^iul pvi'in-

Iti'lurutihle Niiveiuhuv JBtli, A. IV,

Id'HlN 10, (K)NIO.Mnllidtoi',

liy virtue o( tin. uliove idiiled w i l tof l''lerl It'iulan In my hiuulH, I nliullexpone for mile nl I'lihlle Voudiie ulIlle Couil IIOIIHO In MolTlntinvii, N, ,1.on HIIMI.W. Till: i'UKN'I'Y.MMillIIAV OK SHI'TMIIHIt Ni:XT, \. II,,lllllll heUvei'ii Ihe hotii'a (if 13 |\1, uiul5 o'eloeU 1*. M,, Unit hi to nay nt I'o'clock 111 Ihe nflernooil (if nnjil iliiy,(ptevullliiK time*, nil tluwe t'ortnluIIIIH, iraelH or inuTtdn of lnnd midpreiulneii hereliiuftei' iiurlleulliily d(i-iiiullieil, idllmli', lylni', null ludni; luthe Towimhlp of Huiuiver In tlio I'mui-ly of Mnrrl.'i mid Hlute u( New JetHoy.

Helm; I wo of Ilio loin uiimml In udeed lroin the Arthur 1). Oriuio Coui-luiny, n loi'iiomtliin of Now Jeriuiy,tn the nnlil Wllllnm Him tinted Octo-hi'i1 lillh, 11125, ri'cordoil In llooli S-!|iid1 Ueedii, piiRew 'i'.Ul ^ic, uud lire ihw

Hirlhed nn loin nuiiiliei'Od three hunil-red nnd nliiidy-l'lvo Cllir.) nnd tltnu-hundred nnd nlimly-nlx (»!lll) InJlltick"(!" on iiiup i.f Ituluhow Lakeii, Nurlli-wi'Hl Seelhm", Hiirvtiyotl Alli'tiul I.lllSil, hy Murtlmlnle fc llrnhiiier, IO11-

llellH: Ihe mtniti luiiihi nnd iiriimhie 1i.imveyed to llm «ntil John IV Dnrnnimid Mllanheth T, lluruiil, hln wife, liyW'Ullum Him uud wlt>. hy dowl ihittnlApril 1, l!U!i, nnd recorded in theMorris County Clerk's iifllce.

Suhjeot to rejitrletlouH,The upriroxhniite . iitiuilllit line 01,

thhi nxcuillloil In J2.L'1I,SII henlilwHheilff'ii oxiMHitlim ((.on.


THAT IIKJ (jl I'NTIONII'1 nml her could only tun' Intollm future. If i.lii' only luit'Wivliellici' lior liny uuil ul l l woiildKi'nw up idi'oiiK and hii|>p,v,Slie'ii ilulnr, tlw htwl idle eini,She s e e s to It they luivu plentyof imi1 mnul triwli milk eiich duj'





l'-HlOl) S, MYI'HIS,

v Shi'vlH,Adv. lliuiner nuit Itncknwny Hecoril.

r. R—jsa.os siu

'Tol. I»uv«r a

Tiulnj nml li'liliiv VI SIIIIWH


Sntiirilii) 11 (Jreiil llnel


with A'HTOK

Jliiiuluy-'I'iK'silii)1-!) I'lcliircs

Ki:x 1,1: vsi; in



RIGHTWlilllesdii) Only

Jack Mulhall


Rockaway Park Cakest i | ] . y c a r r c H l d i ' i i l i i i l n ' l i i t i i i i n i i y w l l h B i m i m t ' i t i m l w

Choice Lots ut Advantageous Prices

Easy Terms of Payment

Lakeside Development Co. Inc., Owners

I'. (1. pi»1 Main Hi runt

I'd. 1 Hooknviu)

/ . ' •


HighwayAn the uliorteiil a n d heiil roi i ten l u i l w e e i i del'

Illl lr ini lnlu, (he linilii hl|sliwiiyi> «''" I'hiwviihy wine ninli .rl i i ls Waudi ' i l i iR nl'Udil, uidlii',iddti vuudiL, tuuity ttuieii t'.i'ls Mic v i ' i i ture iumiod r i v e r Inlo Iroi i lde ,

T h e r e ' s 11 pnrnl le l III l i f e . 'I'n wl it f ln i i i i idulMiilVty ami liidepi'iidciu1!'. tr i ivel Ihe tiui in r o a dol ihi'U'l, SiivtiU'. mnnethliu1: w i u i l u i ' l y , eve^iIhoiif.h l lm tuuiHIn(:• m a y hi' miial ! yvlll li'iul t othe point f rom w h i c h youv !«".( e l iu i i ceu (<i Retii l icad i n n lie iii'U'.t'd

l l n v e you nn iH'comil licri1'.1 U' not n w e l -roii ic uwiillM you,

'M 1111I1I mi I'lici'lJiiif nrcls.K.m> nml "Mr.

j | | j011 Spi'i'lul ihrll'ls iit'i'imiils ot' $r,.OIt

nml up.

The National Iron Bankof Morrislown

nrrl«t(iwii IV»nv Jorsny


Open Hnltirita)' lOi'i'iiliiKii from 7 tn !l

Golf at Barnee Google's, "The Talk ofthe State"

'I1 ho orlirlnul IIIIWHI «f lilir U»U VmnwH in Now ,1I>IM«JVluy w\ww thrillH nro mtprmno nnd HUIH ia rowartlotl liyour

Special Saturday and Sunday FeatureAll iilnyom ninkliiK tlio fli'stlmU. in om< will ht> uwnidcil•:(.<»» In Mish.

A program of popular tlutuo IUUBIO will bo furnlslioileach wool; outl by tin. Moonlight Hiunbltir OivliOHlnitor our imtvons tMitovlnlmnoul.Ai'llclw cli.Tkoil f iw of rlinrKt> al tlio (Muli Howso.

Barnee Google's 18 Hole Golf Course« I i h Us unli|iio liiiminls nml «ln-illlik^r 125 font Urh.<.


under Personal uiaiiageiiient ofSilvic Odierno

Want ColumnMinimum OIKIVKO for nda In thla ont-IIIIIII -lUe for ar> wonU nr liwu, i'ns|,nmst Avcnmiwny nil nfln.

Hill HlTivT-Twtriniuw li7T)eu-vll le. Until liuve luieu rceei i l ly i-omi.

Viiled Ilinrtniulily unit are In exvi ' l lwu

nuidlt l im, Wuler nml idei'lrli'lly. l » .

tinlvv «t Mm. K, UvH* Tnild, V,U Mii|i-

lu Ave,, Unilviiwiiy ol' Tel. Kucluiwny

VMl ISKNT- A : i -nwm tint In Uto

Kox htU'lc hnlltlluK, w n l l otretd: n

7-rouni liniise, nil IniiiriivenuMitu,

HIWIIII lu'iil. liiniulry, Wnll stroi»t.

row. ' i sUni at o iwe . Hoelviiwny Uwd

I'Miiti' Ciiiutmiij-, ( lenvce R VhiUev,

1UKUA1NS-1 nimml dhiliiK worn

tnhle $5, 1 old-tiinHlnniH\ dveaaov

Jl.Kti, 1 nldehniii'd if7, \ wniilmtiind } | ,

' 1 vdillUK ltowellnlt lied i\, 1 mnUon-

tmy tnldf nr., 1 (him' hum. JI2, i M,,r,

I'lsi eliidi fl , (intl nlliei' unotul urtloleii,

U K, Yi.mig, £87 Main ativul,

' SKMMiWSTUK- A SUorwln.'wu.llitina Pnlnt. Ttuwi on your Wl l l la ()r

wonil work given « hunt, rtutauU.wnatiHhto nnl»h-wlih mi cRKaiieiiKlonii, Kaaloat «( nil ;ia(n(B t« n W \yIhu'lloy'a I'tilnt aioro, r,2 N, anaa«xSt., l l o v r "

Kim IIKNV—Aimrtiaont liv .hotwo nit Mnln Stroot I<tnht«,aua am, inqutro Pioya Hllw!

l''«r Kent—Sove i i - i on iu IIIUISC, .ill

lni|iriivouu.Ht», »t\ l y i l s i , w t . RM

f . I H l , Imiuhv of K Unilinei', Ruck'

iiy, N , ,1, j*tl

A I'll Rood Iilons ''"'I"1

I'oollup; amivll wvvlu^

pvovitli' funds to build liom

tl-.'i world old idoa Iiml

ok oC ouv highly suixo^t

RockawayBuilding & Loan

AssociationUeo. E. Fisher


lioiik ovor your oftloo si111'1"1 '

: k a w a y Record! lm"m T"^' <•••»'«"

Local Briefs«r avenue,Memorial HoapiUI,

'"'„,,' lui- mi operation, 1» said

n ,,,.,-,-y. or Philadelphia, ipent

rl0(,h.,,ll(, with l.!» iwrent., Mr.

,„ , I, C, HertT. of

| |n l.,,w Stale Highway b«-

mhnin>wr uiul CUeiter la ex-, „, |H, cnmiiletal


MI-H. < illliert llcxUiu, Jr., ut


,-lle I.'

• l i l l ' i

,,p,,ut Urn week-end withx Mr, anil MI'H.Hniilley ISenoli.

lilneHC liiundry-

, |he nhl liulld-

and Weiil New

IOHIII building ut


Hi -Mil J l

. theDenvllle Towntthlp Committee, Wed-nemlay ulghl. with mop* defining theboundary line beum-n MountainLakes Uorougli ami tjeiiv|Ue Town-ship. For uoine time here has been adlBpule over the matter, the tax mansnot agreeing. After going | l l t 0 t | l e

mailer thorouKlily, It was discoveredun error hud been made In the draw-lug of the maim, und the mutter wasnettled, Ml. Lukes reeelvliiK the bene-fit of the doubt.

A communlcullnu [,•„„, n.vrauiMoore complained of Hie managementof tile lVnvllleplait! »HH open

(•rill. His nald thenlnlil, ami tlierc

wan mui'li inline IIIIII CIIIII'IIHIOII iiris

IIIK from IIUHI-H :in<l ear stoppli,*. Un-


'IKST F K E S B m & U N CHVBCHKev, Eldred C. Kulzenga, Pastor

Rockeway, N, J.

1 lie correct way for every adver-tisement, letter, news article to ue-gin IK to gay vacation time is over—we Khould get down to business. Thatmakes us all BO disgUBted we don'twant to read any more.

Sunday morning we have our regu-!«r Communion service. Every mem-ber should make an effort to be ureu-e it. If there are any who wish toJoin the church will they speak t')the ])a«tur.

Ki'v. Kulzenga will take, for his

l l l l i i R ,

WHM l l

r I I I R I I I

n i , ( | i ( m , |

(III imiiiiin HI

111! I '1111111111! 'dhliiwlli.

lill'hl.l 1,111,!'

it. Molt, of 1,11|

u - l . i n u i y « ' H l i H i "

M o i l . " M l l l . v " hns

I'ni l i i n 11'11> 1 " I'IHI1-

i ld- i l ;t,-V,Mill c o i l l l -

i |>. 'K »1

,. nnil fniii l ly u r e now

Win, 'I'eeti- p iu j i e f l y

:iii',-,-l, T h e y f o r m e r l y

nviMiue. Mr. llei'Hn re-

ed hl» new Imnie frnni

Inn: IniilKIit « h n i n e lit

-n-i a m i Is m»v l lv ln i :

ler Mk i


•I'll.- ri

w o r M i ;i

Cl i - i ' l ,

M l . I l i -o i - l , ,

ppcarwice l.iW

I l l l c i " l l n l l l A ] ! '

' I " I I l i c ] n : i : i i <- i>n<I iMr, i

' I V | ] ] (• :-l 111 i t l l l . l|,< ;,.- 1,,-d I

I n e o l n m i l l l i c a h - n i l l i f , ne

' f l i l i i l l : - . V e i j U f . t i n e , i n , ,

I I I I M I mi , ) , - I l i ' h iB . T i n . in;

U r . l n i i w . <'oi

e c i i i i n i u n l o n t a l k , " W h a t A r t W e D r i v -

ing A l . " W h a t Is t h e c h u r c h t r y i n g

lo d o t h i s c h u r c h in j i u r t i c u l a r ,

S t i n d a y e v e n i n g w e w i l l a d m i n i s t e r

c o m m u n i o n a t U n i o n I ' l i u p p l

W e a r e h a | i | , y to h e a r t h a i M r . I ' l a l t

did s n w e l l w h i l e I h e p a s t o r war- oli

III:-, v n r a l i o u . M r . I ' l n i l Im-: c u m - t o

; h n n n in K a n s a ; ; < ' i ly. Mo. Ih-

II he h a c k t h e In: I ol t l i i ; i n n n l l i .

T in- i.l.iy j - i v e n by Hie Y u u n i ; l ' e o p l -

V n i n n C h a p e l w;u ; v e r y : u c c e s s l n l .

T ln-y l-eiilizi-il i iho l l ! illll.llll i a i t s

il III

' . in i l lon ol'


wanC o i i i i n l l l c

KU1.MI1 Klh.

t ' i . • l u i i l d l u .

l eee i i l i ' d . I I

' i i i l n

,,:,l nwliliiii. or Kel lar uv-

|l;l,i i-flurued from Nrwbui'iUi,

wlieiT he spi '" ' two weeks wlili

irlo innl mint, Mr. u l u i M v " '

., Honil. Mr. and Mm. llonil

(he wi'i'li-eml ut the Iluwklnii

meil wllli cTluilnnlly assau l t im;

•Irr-ii-yeiii'-old islrl, Tony Tlnello,

led lo the Mor-

miiilv .hill. Stitiinhiy hy .llcoord-

isi'lili II. Treii|;uvi', i)f Wlinrtmi.

allack took place hint

uwjillI I I L

nvy. Tlni'Ue. IK held to-llou of tlie grand jury.,I|I "II" til' the Stale l'ollee are(iiatni'liilily housed tu new heud-TII on ihe Whlppniiy road, foini-liiimvn as tlw "I'rlncess Lodge",ay was moving tiny when they•imi froiu tin' headquarters Ihc.vleil In Madison avenue. Morrls-fn, the pusl live'years. •

iM'Irks & Tuylor, proprietors ofMloiutl Miii-Hot, have movoil Intonew more In tho Kropacownklnj on West Main street. Tho

Ion Is II few dool'8 from theinviiy Hank. The new store roomwen fitted up with new fixturesimenlK u fine nnpinirani'o.

.' weekly list ot revocations ofnOullo. ilrlvers llranses, nnnounc-lilny by Motor Voltlclc Comlhls-• Hoftiniiii Ineliules Steve nor-tllniTls Homl, lloi'kuwny; Mlc'i-

riorney, of Wtinrtoii lost theirills because ot drunken drivingTrillium Ill-own, of Tost Lane,'ilsle,, had Ills HUnpciuled for a

ini'U a:, ;l inyear:; ai;n. nlul uaa ve.-ik'nini-. bccail-a-lie illil not »p|irove of Ihe rode.

Tin" InliliiK up of a iillinhrr nf onl-Innnrert referrlni: lo rnailn In IndlnnLake ivei-e read by the Clerk andthere la'inj; on objections all werenusiH'il mill uil»|)lwl. The slveels areNorth Kluii-e Itnail, Merrle Trail. Itelk-ens Trail, Luke Avenue, liaxl SlionHoml. Uolnliow Trail and HighlandTrull.

A reiiuesl from ii nuinlier of resl-j dentil of the Diamond Spiini; section,aakliil', tov lmliei" ]irotei'llon, was laidon Ihe (able lor further action. Theeoniiniliee fell e.xlni police wan badlyneeded, especially at nluhl, but thereWii« no mniiey available to providefor aanie. In making up tile buiUcelfor l!i:il, the matter wouhl In eon-stilered.

I inuiiiiiiili ' i l ( i imnlalnt Airnlnsl Don.

il l le Crll l

'* Klhel Jliiynlo I.UIUBIIOD, forty1 iilil, died Mimdiiy ut Memorlnllt*l, Mnnhtown, ntlor a alipvt

»«. sin' liiul lu'en livlitK \vllli licv•IT. Mm. l.llllnii iAiniBilen. at III-ii. I'ltneriil nervlees were hold

in 3 i>, Illhcrnln.William Jnnita, of the Methodistl'li (iffli'liiled. Iiitoi'inoiit wasl» lh\> faintly plot nl tlu\ Vves-

rlim tYnu'ii'ry, Uocliawny. Slu1

n nn-mbor ol' IliinlliiK Cliaptor,lf «t Kasli'rii Slur, ul Hockiuvny.ill's luu' inothor, ahu la survived

lirollmr, Uay.

liVnl Iliiovor bus mlvlsed O.tailmnii-r, nalloiuil I'ommander

In' Anierlciin 1,,'gloii, that lip willn III Hi,. iuwnliiK aesslon of

's iraUwiml ennventtnn Ini't, li, liwtoiul of attomlini,'hail boon iimlcr consldcra-

iii i\, r ,|U, t ' |vs l l t m o ,,,

'.v nt Hie l,,'K|,)ii, 'ii proaliU'lit"H'-il Sliiios, uiul a rormor, win i,(, n ro ! l l,,,t ,1( „ lm(|,



it,,, nrniintzntloii."1|1 I'l'Mlilont l'oi)||,iROl this year,"» Hlu'Wlsi. iii'iM.pteil an In'vim-


10 '-""mis N,,W|U.|C ciimlol Snlvn-'™y Hand, ilollKlite.l » ,rn

11 v l lu liourd tbem last Sutiinlay"W11 ri'11|l<1v li roueeri In imvn.

r I'li'liiiled ninny exeellent

;i;,,l'"Rl" " " l o "X'-ornts from

> fliiiriieler, Thev had .IOIDIHIH"S """"R Ohlllly. « w l S(-ore,l In

llKtll« mnnliera-iill lold a

8 • "Is eoiieert was one of a

IWt t '"'U'<1|lrt arri>»B<'<l ">

w n [ the Dover Snlvnllmi Army

Tlie party making a coniplalnl be-fore tin: Ilenvllle Townahip ('oininlt-lee, Wi'duemhiy evenliiK, tigulnst theeonduel of the IVnvlllc drill wllhave u hard matter, from what weleurn from other Denvllle resldentHprovliiK hla ns»ei'tions.

We have frequently visited thc-(Irlll, both ut nlKlit and day, and Inall our travels we huve never seen ubetter conducted place. It Is mosKiiiiltary and clean, and managed Ina manner having attractions thabrings It mam pstrons. These are Imost courteous maiuiKGr, efficient andpolite waiters, and the best of cooks,and because of this the Grill 1B welpatronized. Of course 'the place iaopen lute at night, and perhaps earlyIn the morning, but where Is thereKi'lll that Is not open at these hours.People visit the lakes up the line andpiny golf or dance until midnight, andthen on their way home they wansomething to eat, and they of courseslot) where they know everything iRood, Kxpeiience has taught themthis.

We lieileve the residents of Den-vllle, us a wliolo, take pride in thisKi'lll, and regard It as an asset. ThereIs little doubt when Mr. Brock, fieproprietor, who has been summonedto iippear before the Township Cointnlllee next Wednesday, will he easlljable to vindicate to charges broiighhy his neighbor. •

Bid for FameThe late l.ullier Iliiiliiink sulil em'

ilny to u I.os Anp'les reporter:"Almost any mint can sui'i'eeil If hi

aim Is H T ( 1 " " l l in 'VI "" ' 'ndont bail alms.

"A Imm-balred musician nisheil InIo the klli'beii and said to Ills wife:

"'Al lusl. love, I have faini' wlllilimy Ki'iisp.'

"l!,iw so?' the iiiior ivonian nskei,mul she looked up nt him from Ihewnsblub rather skeptically.

•••You know Meiidcl-s.'linN "Vi,lliis March"?'

11 'Yes.'•"Well. I'm colas to «nli> n

voroe March".'"Britlnny Druiil Slon?«

Itrlilimy. Hie "I"""1 "'' ""' s

one of the ohlesi lands In thel t l l l | Its Priild stom'i "f bud; IhoiisnmN of yeursthe fhrlslhin era and, hk.' thSloiielienre, I" l'.""^'1"1- ; l"'iinmuilly hy thiiu-aiiids.

St. Mill", on the ''onsl, nas ipeurain'e of n h'.rs'1 '•ll|l1 •'' 1""i|

stands on n ro*!' I"'"1"-"1'1

siirnninili'il by '"as:n-orehullt hi ilioSlst---,| wnlnst tho 1'nM.eli um IIlrlllsh. Th» I own I* »<">"" " f l ; l 'Welsh monk innnivl M- 'Maclou. who held n l '^l '"l" ' l c

the Sixth century.

b . ' up

or. 1

:ni:l I'

w a l l s v h l i ' l '

i e i ' i i l u ry n-sn

' - i : - I ' l i l a l i o u .

l ' . \ I ' l l i l l ( : f ' l ' l V

ll ihe prayeri the m-ua] Mi('. !•:. Hoei.-ly

r<-: will I n f i l l l a t e r

i iervlce v.-ll! be bel l i

• - anil p l ace ,

at t;:l!n S u n d a y e v e n -

are Hearing completion forthe moi,»t«r bazaar to be held at St.Cecilia's Parish Hall on Sept. IS, It)atid 2D. The large committee, com-prising representative*) of the var-ious parish societies has been veryentbuttlatic and Is doing all possibleto make the event an outstandingsuccess. They have provided featuresfor eacli night, On Thursday a NewKngland Supper will be served by themembers of the Altar Society. Kul!and. plenty of the different coursesin tills sappi-r is assured to all whopartake. Un Friday a popular or-chestra will furnish music for moderuand *jl.i iashioiteii dancing. Saturday

ll he known an "SurpriseA wide variety ol UHela! ar~

night 'Night",licks 1

lie !„

( ti-rli ii

f ree di

au'ay eThe W,\

u l , - i i


I1R Otlll-1'!

Oil", tllWl

and in,lor tin-

i Die var-Ihere wil l

:: and I;ui-

ellie.s and

lioini-. A

SII:TII<H>IS'I' I:I'ISCI»I'AI, tuiiittiiKev. V. S, Uensoii, l ' a s to r

Sunday, Kept, Till, l!i:!U

Hi A. !\l. Illhle Sehonl, classes for

I uges.

II A. M. Kaci'ainent. of the Lord's

ippcr will Ite adniinlHteriMl.

Ii: Ij I1. M. Kpwnrth I,i".iRiie Service

7:30 levelling Service.

Subject "Cur Transcendent Mom-


Kpworlli League Business meeting

and Coif Tourney, Saturday after-

noon, Sepl. llth. nt I k i l r a n d ' s Inland.

Car s will he at the church lit '.1 o'clock.

A nieeliiiK nf the Official Hoard

with Ihe archllect will lie held on

I. Mil, to receive

to the church.

prize ot s .i,*) will In- e,ivei:

•ar will be opii; Hatiinhiy af-

tcrntiiin Im tlie chi ldren and K|ip,ia

feahi ies liave l)i-eii a r ranged lor th

entei lainijK in, juilfr,iug li'on: Hie el

foil:, hijlic exiK-nded by the lueln-

belli ol lla- commit tee. We mas' look

forward tu Iliree niglits of leal en-

()n WeiliK-Mlay evi-nin^' Ihe Lud-

ion ii( the Altar .Society belli a meet-

ing In make arangenieiit:; for tin1

SupiH'r to be held on tlie Iir:;t nicht

of the l lazaar.

There will he a meet ing of thone

Interested in hiiwiine, on Thuvsday

evening in the Howliiii: Alleys. A

schedule ioi the coming season wiil

be arr.'ui^cil.

Next Sunday af ternoon at. !l o'clock

there will be a meet ing held in lioon-

lon of the Ml. CiiriiK'l Ciiilld. This is

the lirst ineetiiip: .since June and it

IK expected that there will be much of

interest discussed.

Monday evening, Sell

bids for the addilion

Card of Thanks

We wish to take this means ofthanklni,' our neighbors and friendsfor Ihelr kindness In us iluriiiK theIllness anil dealh of our beloveddaughter and sister. Miss K. MaynieLiiiiisilon.

Richards, Sr., those who donated cars,the members of the Kastern Star andthe Daughters of Liberty, the MasonicBrothers that acted as pallbearers,those who sent flowers, Kev. WilliamJames, the singers and Funeral Dir-ector George 13. Whltluim.


New 1»81 Mate* White OnMuroon

Thirty-five states will change thecolor combination for automobile li-cense plates hi 1M1. there will hetwenty-six different combinations us-ed throughout the country.

New Jersey's 1931 plates will bewhite on maroon: Connecticut hasalso choseii white on maroon, whileFlorida hns white on dark maroon.Black on yellow will he used on NewYork State plates and Pennsylvaniawill have gold on blue.


alocal W. 0. T. II. will hold its

first fall meeting at the home of Mrs.Joseph i*1. Tut tie, on Church streetnext Wednesday afternoon, Septem-ber lnth, at Ihree o'clock.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Redmond, ofKasi Main street, entertained overLabor Day, Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeShupp, their daughter Kima, and Curl,Brandon, all of Lehman, Pa.

A chimbnUi~vill lie held at lliver-dale I'ark. Denvllle. Saturday after-noon, September 6th. Bake will hiput on at four o'clock, rain or shineThe bake is being held by Fred Lidleand Theodore Beam. Tickets areUll'fe

The Morris County Past Councilor'sAssociation, Jr. O. U. A. M., will meetIn Butlea- on Tuesday evening, SeptII. Several delegations from othercounties will he present. Movies otthe picnic held Aug. 30 at Lake Lenorewill be Bliown. All brothers are wel-


Rend the Popular Books(small fee) at the

Rockaway HouseSoda Shop

Wall und Main Streets


Lehigh GoalItitiiminoiis Coal

Tel. Itockmrny -108


Prompt Deliveries

:xxxxxxm I X C

Frederic/a & Taylor

National MarketlY lionilinn lit (il .Main Street

Telephone 122

Extra Special

111 Our IS'elY

Suii't Premium Hum, U>Kollcil Shoulder Liuiili. Hi.Cross Hil» Itimsl. boneless. Hi.Pi'iine ltlli Ilonst, InClinch Koast, Hi.h'resli Iiocnl Fowl. Hi1 Hi. lioll ituMorltixic Si|iini'es, HiCull Hums, Hi









Fall Weather Suggestions

Fire Placef a

ScreensAndironsand Tools

$6.00 to $27.50

Electric HeatersTakes the chill away.

$3.50 to $7.50—;—

"Perfection"Oil Heaters

$6.25 to $11.75

LAWN SEEDNow i.s the t ime to SIM' Your L a w n .

Blue (Jrass, Red Fop Wonderlawn andWhite Clover. All are good seeds. Ask UsAbout Them.

S. H Berry Hardware Co.Telephone !M7

Store Hours: 7:,'!0 A. M. In <!:M I'. )L Saiuriliijs !l:l»0 1'. M.

Dover, N. J.

United States Flag SetsFor Street Decoration

SPECIFICATIONS:Flag—3x5 feet, high grade fast color cotton, with sewed

stars mid seweil stripes.

Pole—12 foot Columbia nickel plated steel, j'-Jt inch diam-eter, jointed, with solid brass eagle and rope.

iST>diet—Broadway pole holder with bar and cap. Capmade of iioii-corroKive brass with lip which preventswater entering socket. Holder permanently set inground at curb or on lawn.

Price, $6.00 complete, deliveredAny legionnaire of Kockden Post will take your order. Ask to see his

membership card before you piiy, or mail your order direct, stating

youv stvoot adilress.

Make checks or money orders payable to

Rockden Post, No. 175, American LegionROCKAWAY, NEW JERSEY \

Note: Whatever profits accrue from the sale oC these flag sets will lie

expended in community service and relief by Rockden Post.

PlayhouseToday & Friday ADMISSION

Mat. 15r-:i."irKrc. LVx'-ilOo

;t Shows Daily2:20-7-1).

See II In Hover!

A drama—not of Homes or Cowards—but of Men who wt'rt- given a

dark , damp diiB-out in exchange for their home—Wlio were taught to

kil l—and then paid for it—Who were taken from safety and sent into

physical danger and mental te r ror and to rment !

AUCTION SALEOf Real Estate and Persona! Property

W. A. anil V. K. HKMI Vlf'TKIMlKUSI'IKUIC ll'.'.'i .Madison, N. ,1.

The uniler-Kieneil will sell at l'liblie Auction, all of her furni ture etc.,loKether with her liousi- ami lot, located at

lVost Main Street, corner oi Kljcrol't 'lerniccU(t( KAW.W, N. J.

Tuesday, September 9, 1930(in cucinu' at II A. M.

The aliove Heal lOstnle cim.sists of a .seven room house, corner lot,SO by 2(11) fl. Healllifnl simile and fruit t rees, berry bushes, grapes ,vegetable garden etc.

Household effects, dinini; room suite, bed room furni ture , beaut i -ful electr ic hillip, l ibrary table, two leather upholstered a rmcha i r s ,wari lrohe. one new refr igerator , one old refviKevntor, ki tchen cabinet,new li lenoak heatiiiK slnvc. i;as raiiKe. lai'Ke cook nuiKC, Ambassadorradio \ ' ie trola, painted beilrnom suite, b lankets , quilts , jiortiei'i's. lawnKwinK and liannnock. r ims and carpets , hook-rugs, chairs , rockers ,small tables, mission set, window cur ta ins ami drupes, luiveli chai rs ,couch, brk ' -a-brae , clnOks. ilisbes, g lassware , mi r rors , kitchen uten-sils etc., lawn mower, garden lonls, also tlie garden vegetables.

This will he an absolute sale of everything. The pro | rty willand must he sold to the highest bidder to satisfy tlie claims. This willbe a grea t oppor tuni ty for home-seekers to buy a home, at your ownprice, lleuiilil'ully loi-aled and very desirable. A very little moneydown will p rocure this place.

Keul Es ta te will be sold al about 11 o'clock, lie sure to bo onhand.

Sales positive by order of Mrs. William I'eers.


Electric Power in N. J.Up 12.6% in Six Months

Production of electric powerin New Jersey for the first halfof 1930 showed an increase of12.6 percent over the figures forlast year, according to statisticsof the U. S. Geological Surveycompiled by the Mew JerseyPublic Utility Information Com-mittee. The total for the lirstsix months of this ywir was1,184,565,000 kilowatt-hours uscompared with 1,051,.'l%),000kilowatt-hours for the sameperiod last year, a Kain of 1H3,-226,000 kilowatt-hours.

The total of eii'rtih' currentgenerated by water jnuvtr inthat period showed a divieii.He.the total for the six iimntlis of11)30 being l!i,ti7ii,00U kilowult-hours as coniiuucil with 1(5,557,-000 kilowatt-hours for the fustsix months of last year.

Electric RR. Wage Bill$424,000,000 Last Year

During 1 yiil> tlic clef I ric hi reelrailways of the United Slates pniilout $424,000,000 in waft''"- 'Ji"M

represents .'!(i.7 percent of the totnlrevenue of the industry und Mpercent of the total operating ex-pense, reports the New Jersey 1'uh-lic Utility Informnliun CtMinniltee.Other operaliiiR expenses took#357,000,000 or percent of thisjjroas revenue,

Patronafre during the year VUH-about the same as in the iirei-oiliiii:

.year although the number of pas-sengers carried in street curs de-creased slightly and the number•el passengers on buses operated by•electriclines increased. Pitsseujreracarried in street cara totaled 14,-"740,000,000 and the number of hut•riders totaled 1,01)0,000,000.

Insolation Big Saver,< In Cooking and Heating

Proper insulation oC a |»as ranga«ven results in marked economy inthe preparation of food, accordingto figures compiled by the U. S.Department of Agriculture. Testsshow that the cost of an oven-.cooked dinner for six persons, us-ing manufactured gas at $1 perthousand cubic feet, is two cents inan insulated oven as compared"with a cost of 3.3 cents in an oventhat is not insulated. Tluit is asaving of over sixty pen-eat.

The use of insulation in the con-struction of homes or in the altera-tion of homes already built hasnbout the same relative value, re.marks the New Jersey Public"Utility Information Committee.Properly insulated homes can boIieated with gas with a maximum«f comfort and a minimum of carea t a cost usually no higher thanthat of other fuels.

Telephone Service NowI 98 Percent Errorlessi

Improvement in the. quality oftelephone service is evidenced fromstatistics showing that more thanninety-eight percent of nil calls•are now handled without error,comments the, New Jersey PublicUtility Information Committee.The remaining two percent iscaused largely by numbers whichare called or passed incorrectly.

Calls resulting in "busy" reportsamount to about 3 percent of thetotal of incomplete^ calls. Someof these "busy" reports arc due tothe lack of a sufficient number ofsubscribers' trunk lines to care forrush hours, and to party lines onwhich from two to ten subscribershave access to the same line. ThoNew Jersey Bell Telephone Com-pany has at present approximately£,600 operators handling localcalls and 1,000 operators handlingtoll and long distance calls.

Over ?500,00O,000 has beenclipped from the public's electriclight and power bills during thalast three years through rate re-ductions mado possible by consoli-dations and interconnections inthe power business.

Better health nnd a greater con-tentment with his surroundings isbrought to the industrial workerby proper lighting of factories,mills, and other work places. Bet-ter lighting hes considerably re-duced accidents, costly for boththo worker nnd tho employer.Fewer errors nnd imperfectionsmake for a better quality of goods.

Commercial PrincipleGresluiiu's law IH it principle In

finance anil political economy, fornm-luted nlioiit the inhl(!li» of the Wx-'tocnlli century by Sir Thomas(ireslinin, founder <>f the LondonItoynl exohniiKc The principle Is: "Itnilmoney drives out nood monoy fromvlreuliitlon. The good coin (full weightnnd Maudlin! In purity) will ho hunril-ed and the worn nnd thin, or ll^lucoins, will V>e \iseu. Good money willalso he used for export to other coun-tries, where It will obtnln more In ex-change, wlille tho light coins will boused ut home, thus depredating thenutlonal currency."



There U a fulut suspicion In mylnj that I uiuit be advancing iu

years ; because I s«*e filings in thenewspapers whk'li remind me of othert i n g wliteh certainly happened faruway find long ««o. There Is, for ex-umptt\ the death of lltut git1 tit ligureIn aviation, Itlenn H. CurlUs. Thefirst time I ever BBW Mr. Ountoa WHSat Brescdu, northern Italian city utthe foot of the Alps. Thai wus In 11HW.

• * *

Tltwe college boys of imlay, whohop Into their plain's ami drive [o apolo mutch, B bout euro or a foot hull

e, prolmhly don't IPUK'HIIH'I- imieliUI fi\ivli vng'ut*8 us tUv Au/.itul orliiumie, or iilimit such avhilui^ UH

iHf:ntii^c, I'aultum, Ituger.s Pom-, i.ffe\ ]m\ V'vvbw, I ,ti t tin in, initluanU'i'.. YVt uuist <if Unit K«"1>1M*

e thc-ir Ilvi-H to uv la I urn Ix-fnreI'H \viti{,!,.-i Juuj f.vo\\ u .'in M ronjt.

t binlnien of thin tiny tU't1(MhrI Itt l nitliy

toHtill 1- t u n v t i ; . lii

HHMoci t i l ed w i t h ititf, r 'HUjn

ivhlrl i tli '-y lent t h e i r immi 'S,

t h e s e HIT- Hit- Wr lnh lH , S i u i h i s

Ili-try K u r i i u m , t h e V u l s l n i i s .

fiiul C u r l h s .

The first roal uvlullon inwl vtnHheld in Krunre, ill Helms. Nohinlywent very fisr 11> HVV (1ml out1, il W»Hfelt Unit (liis flying lmslMt*ns urns ,|IIM(a Mtiml; tin\t It never iviilly would ht»[irartlfal. Hul they did juvtlv wellut lU'IniH, so, vvlien tin- aeootid inertwas lu'ld In Ituly, nt Hrt'Hi'iu, we di'-rldcd to no uml fief It. ltrcHeln winorowdoi!. We stayed in tlip sunn1 ho-tel with (ilt'iin OurtisH nnd Home »fIht" other flytTH, lint arrlvfd no sliorllyheforo tho nidet that we were glvt'Uthe proprietor's own room. I neverliuve forgollcii the family photogrnphijon those walls. They certainly lvert*not taken by IIHI I'hyfe oi1 nny oftht\sp fashloniihle pliutogrnplilo arlhtH,

• # •

Thnt certiilnly was a gmU meet,Hlprlot wa.s thpr« with the little mow-phme In which he had lately down tin)channel on thut early morning whenHubert Lnthuni, with IIIH Itir^rr An-tolnptle itluue, wus waiting for tliewind to Ro down. And the VoUtiM,Henry l^ftrnmii, AVHbur Wright n'iid, }tlilnlc, Stmloa Dumont, nil nero onhnnd. The luiRe crowd, which run (hoscale from royalty to penNiuit*, cmi^lit(i nhnrp hrenth mid then e?thiiU*d tiunited "Ah!" as the first plnne lefttho ground. Our 'nh' wns ns loud nsnny of the rest. None cf this presentgeneriitlon ever will get Unit lihl; oulof BeclnK it luan tly.

I'll* Wright plane J l i lnt have miywheels thru. It hud Mi*, tud theyhnd to build a tripod and a track toset It Into lh« air. It couldn't be (otoff the (round. Mont of t i n planeshad bicycle wheels. CHenD Curtis*won the prlie for dlalance flight.Somebody, probably Latham, broke thealtitude record In a Volsln plane. Hemust have rliieu almost a thousmiJfeet. Olenn Curtlm prophetled thattlie day would coma when man wouldfly the ocean. People laughed gentlyat Ids euthualaam; but he lived to neethat day. What will thla preaent generatlon live to »eer That meet »lBrescia with those rickety, fertile.linnd-made planea waa only only twenty-one y e a n ago. What about thi'next twenty-one years? I.Ike the uuuiwho never had aurfered from deliriumtrt'Uiens, we haven't seen anything yet

• # •

Another thing which takes me b a dhrough the years Is the eartliquuke

j) the purple Aiipeiinlue portion ofDuly. They my Vesuvius is growlingHKHIII. I cllinhcd Vesuvius once willtho lust crowd ll|) bcftire H lilt'W l|shoniiel off. Thtit old hill IIUH B redhoi disposition. Isul the eurthniuilu'Is whnt brings hmk incinorieK, mn\ nut|ill'UHtiiit, ones. It hcpl'i'lled we werein Sicily I liu yi-nr uf till' I'llrthlluut.i'and tut Into Mwnlnu (is Soon us they :

Would let 11',. 'lillit Wt'H U pleilUl" Itnliody who fiiiw It lur^ets. Dend, th • 'IliK mul Injured; liulneli'Hs, frS^hteiiril :people, who hud lost nil Ihey pus.sos.sed; luolhors \vho tuui InM llieirchildren; chlldveti win) hnd lo.'il llieirjnuents; (secat piles of crushed Jminr.|ilii4ter and tlehris where biillditij;* nmlstreets hnd been; walls lefl KUIIUIIII::with dui'.niMits of Ilimva slicking outnnd tiiipporliiiK uitlclcs of fiirnliuieThe Red (YONS did u good Job I here,hut there me Rome things beyond hu [ninn uld. I


Kritaiu in Jerusalem.Coming, • Little Italian.Marriage Is Education.Weapon Against Reds.

A League of Nalloutt committee ul>-pointed to watch natlona exercisingmandates for so-called "inferior i»eo-plus" criticizes Britain severely tor In-compeitnry In connection with lastyeav's nuirderuutt r iou in Jertimiifin.

Tho Urltlsli Idea was lo crlllci/eutheia and more or less liosa thel.i'iiBuo of Notions, nnil criticism IIIHHnot Rlt wi-ll on thi' Hrltlsh sUtniiii-U.

Sackcloth Old Symbolof Mourninj for Dead

l iNSurkclolli Is i

In tlif Bllile 11 w«» 8of a (lurk ™lur I

C I I t<"«-lur*«f «««<"' ' " ' l r -

! Smith's Wcllumiry "f I '" ' l i i l l l e I 1 1 "" ' 8

: ™ vcrwn to siilirtnnlliile the mute-

i „(,<» or blucU.; r K) . ; j_" i clothe l l» lit'ii«'i>

ure dm-lured: ' " • ll"iwi,^Illr. In) The |i)i,l,ui,|,. . ,.

lite- of thft tlixubk. miii . ' " ' " " ( i n

I lie province of t'illi-la In Asia Minor, hji




tillt l




e i



„l i tI'd


, \


I ' l

• I I

replies thatmurders Weiof iilul

nliecli'dYnll," el

th thuni;iiil ionor t i l , Ik



llrlllt i l



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r i m


Ji' ,le


(1h i



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II! ! •





I lie l i a i i i i i . i - „ , v.

In wh ich Wits fciluiiled Titi'Mis, t h e lui- | |

t h e . cll> of SI. r i m l , wliu l;m'\v iitui

nl l lniex fo l lowed t h e Ir inle uf l e n t ^

iiuiker , ihut Is, t h e m a U i i ; : <'f l e u 1 * i,

o u t n f e l l l i ' l i i i n . 1 1 n - c l n t h i i u i i l c ( i f >>

K o a l h ' h u l l ' . ' I ' l i i - i c h i l l i w n s i l n > s n r l . - J',

c l o l h (if t i n - n i i c l i ' i i l l i e l H e v v i . I t w n s ' f

u s c i l f o r n i i i K i i u r h . i c l . s i i i i d t o r n i u L i n ; 1 :

r o i i r l i j ' i i i r n i i ' i i i . s I I M - I I b y iM<»mi i<T : , , 'w h i c h were In ex i t "'II

l i . - . i l ( I n - s i . i n , l u l l l i t

w e r e w i l l l i u v c r t i l e

H i e u i i l c r R i i n i i c l i t .

cimr-.-i worn

il"1'1 " s " " > '1"''1 ' " I1'"™ "''

W o m a n Miltrar.t ' In (h i s e i iun t ry In

en yi ' imi (ihl ainj ll:i iiiiiMHient^ a:.I.

coi'iil'iillv. "Whi i l h a v e w o m e n dini r ' !"

T i n y h a v e d o n e m a n y thlnr,:1 . ani l ,

l i np i i r t i i i i l , I l i i ' j

lit. a s h , " W h i t

I t i i v t i - prill-



want ?"Women

wiieii Ilievins', inoliihthe nioal ii!a politics.

Willil v. hat IH Iare not <leriive<

HIDII in- |i:!'• illsm,nweii'ill and unefn

tliey nry

Illustrated hooks mi' coining luiiRiiln. Tho return of IlliiHirntlonsstnrted with pvlvn«t edltlims, oft™reprints wllh new llluslrntlmis. TIICM1

sold for ahout ¥15. Hut now some ofthe reuulnr Issues of hnoliH have pic-tures UlustrutluR the text.

* • *

At lenst two of Ihc Klrls netted In(he police raid on lOnrl Carroll's "Vim-

?s" were formerly art ists ' models.One of them, when dressed for Ihi'street, Is a quiet, ladylike person hap-pily uiiirrled, who spends her Sundny.swith her htudmnd'u family lu the. conn-iry. In her nrllst model dnys she nev-er posed for the figure.

• • •

Wnllnce Irwln's ynmiRcat aon hasJust hod his nppemllx rcnioved. Thntiilvcs the family n linltliiK nvernge ofLOW, us bolh Mr. nnd Mrs. Irwln nndtheir other noil pnrlcil with their an-pendlxi's some time nun.

Anxious Hours in theMiddle of the Night

then you'll appreciate constant

Hot Water!"M-O-t-h-e-f"—a plaintive cry, from the chiMthat has played too hard—perhaps eaten too much—and is suffering from the age old ailment—"tummyache." Every mother knows the quickest relief—the1 hot water bottle. But in the few minutes deby,waiting for the water to heat, minutes that drag -intohours for the baby—the pain in the "tummy"is not nearly so great as the pain of seeming lackof attention.

In homes Humphrey equipped, the wateris always hot—piping hot—ready for anyemergency—ready for every convenience.And when you consider that automatic hotwater service actually costs less per gallonthan water heated in any other way, itis surprising that any home is without it.

Order your Humphrey today.Easy terms.


JERSEY CENTRALPower and Light Co.

Men with neilis liiKi'.er around thantho tops or Ihelr bends used In siiy:

"Women I'Ui'.hl mil to vole until Iheyliccnnie us brave ns men."

j Whnt would lliey say of Mrs. 11. J.Little? Addressing the Women's Civic

' Chili In Atluntic City lust week, shehciinl the Ncn-iims of two chlldri'il

I that had fiillen fnun « rowhnnt nndj were drownlnit. She run from tlio plat-

form, Jumped lulu the waler fullyiliviised, saved n little Klrl und bo>piseven nnd elclit yearn old.

And »lw illd ni»l even Inke herKlllHSCd Off.

The liwiicfi'llcr Koimilntiim tni-nounces Hint psliincosls, or "parro!fever." resemlilcs n mild n tine It of yel-low fever.

Ladies with pet pnirotn slinuhl knowthnt "man probably contracts the (Un-ease |>y way of the noso und mouth."HuryhiK your fnco In tlio soft feathersof u parrot Is diiiiRorous. And thnt isInto of tlio leathers, or fur, of nnyanimal.

lMncess Mui'le. .lone. Crown l'rlneiuinot Italy, wilo of tho KIIIR'S heir, ex-pects |i baby.

It It la a boy, and lives, It will boKing some dny, Mussolini on the onehftuil and possibilities of revolution onthe otliLT ncniilitliiK,

In Italy, ns In France, In tho olddnyB, no woman can rule.

Tl\o French loi Knllonr, which pre-vented It, was explained politely by aTrench King to an Inquiring woman:

"Prance must havo no woman ontho throne because under such circum-stances a ninn might govern France.With a man on thu thrimo somo wo-man will be always the real ruler, nnexcellent thing for tlio country."

Miss Fannlo Hurst, brilliant youni;creature, who once, nnnouncod she diduot live with her husband nil Ibe limeand took breakfast with him only oc-cnsfonnlly, now discovers mnrrhiKos"are not nuule In heaven."

Marriage, aho says, la a businessarrangement and should he consideredas such. However, nenlua Is rarely, Ifevor, sound on the marrhiRo question,and this young lady ta a Routus.

Marriage la not In tho least n mutterof business, It Is a mailer of educn-tlon.

Women hro gradually uiukliiK menwhat nature did not mnko them. Mo-nogamlst, loyal, dependable. It lohard, patlont work for tho women,nnd a severe training for tho men, buteventually tho thing will be done, al-though It may talto 1,000,000 years.

A wondorlul old German Is Von Hln-douburg, President of the Itepublic.Ho had rotlrod, was "ThrouKh with nc-tlve life," ns ho thought. When thownr started ho went Into tho army tofight and aliono moro brilliantly thannny other.

Germany made him l'rosldent of thoRepublic, wisely rolyhiR on his loyaltyto hla word ot honor to outweigh anyloyalty to the Knlspr.

Now, In Ills olKlity-thlrd year, VonHlndenhuiK starts at sunrise eaeh dny(or hla chamois hunting In tho moun-tains of Bavaria, nnd returns at nightwith a flno chamois buck, sleopnBoundly anil starts off again onchmorning.

His "blood pressure" does notbotlicr him.

Mr. Lchuian, Lloutcnant Oovernorof New York, rlch-and Intelligent, tellsothers <K the prosperous clans thnt thoboat weapon against Communism mulradicalism generally Is HIGH WAGES."lending to prosperity, happlnoas, licitleaped nml prlilo In home mid coun-try."

Mr. Lehman Is right. All the nl-leKod Russian proiragamln mnHlplIoilhy a thousand could not crento usriany dlsnatlnllcd "radlcnls" In thincountry na a year or two of ilopressloufollowed by a foolish attempt to re-ducn wtigea.

(0 IHi'i, Kins Fcalurn Sridlrmc, Inc.)

1 ' f I f l . I i ' \ ' i ' l ' | ( ' I ' ) I - I ' l - i i l i \ ' K l \ i ' i i H i n tI h r I . . 1 ! .... i i . r l l r i l l i i a l i . e u n : < l i l t I o i l l l e e d1111,1 I H I M K I I < n i l l r ' i l r i ' i i i l l i u c l i \ I l i iT u u ' l ! : < i i l | > r n n i n i l l l e e , i t ' t h e T < > U ' l i : i h l | in l U i i r l , i i ( V i i . \ . n l i i i v i ' . u l n r n i l | i n i r i i i . i l .i n . , - I n . h i I M I A I I K I I M ;::: I t i i l n . m u l { It l m l t l i r i n i i i i i ' w i l l l i e l u k i - n l i |, Il l l l l l l , r r o n . s l H t l i H l n m l l i i . n l l u n i K i ul i y s n l i l T n w i i : . h l | i I ' l i i i i i n l l l e i ' , n l n i r t

H i m - : i i | ) , , i n i i i ' l i n i ' i l l l u ; n f n n l i l ' I ' m vf l i i | i • ' o t i n i i l t t • • « - . I n l i t - l i > - l c l n l t I n - ( l l i l IT u v v l i H ; i l l , K ( n l . a ( V » \ , N . . 1 . , n u " 'I c i l l l i . - r f,. l ! i : ! H , i l l }i i i ' r t o e k 1 ' . M ( . - , . ,l U ' l l l S a \ i i u r T i m i ' ) , a l w h l r t i l i m e 1 ( 1 1 ( 1 Il i l n e e a l l | . i l : , , i : n i h i n , I , i t h e r e i n i , rw l i n i - f I m i i h i m a y l i e l i l l i ' e t i ' i l l l i i ' i v b yM i l l h i ' t i l M ' i i a l l i i p i i o i ' l i i u l l y I n h el u ' i i v i l I ' n i n ' t ' i n i n s ' . I h c v i M i n 1

I ' I I I . - i t , . M I K I I K I L ' l l , t ' . ' l l l i .

K I l . A N K .!. I K I U i O l . l , .'T i lU ' l l . ' i h lp I ' l e r l t .

(lu . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , „ ,I I I I I M H I I . I W I I i ' ( i w u » h l | i Kimil , III liltT i twn . ih l i i i)l' Hi»i-luiwa>', n iu l t o u e i i u h ' i !hy tn i ie l in tu ' o r <-nniliiniliilli>ii e e r t i i i l l

ml.'i r i ' i io l i i ' i l t h e i i i f u r , n m l t o v n c n t t '' l l l l l l l JHHIIOIKI ill' .HUll! pil-Hl-Ilt I'OlllliIII I D I m p r o v e mild n i ' c l lo i i No . I of,lil i-oiiil nn w h l i n e i l , e lmi iKei l u n d r e .

loea l i ' i l im uf i i ivMtld , p i i i -mianl lo t l iolunvlnldi iM of C h i i t i t c r 'i\l V. L. I'.ild,

•flu. nml to provlili. for die tllinne-„ of liu. cost tlleicof.WIII'.'IUOAS. II IH inulm.'d'il to widen,

eluume anil lei -I'C. No. I of luo Uiii'kuwiiy-llvci'n , ,,m

..oiul. tin Olihiiliroveil lolvn^hh) roud lrIhe TOWIIHIIIP of Koeluiwuy, at) showi

. . > ..., , „„ , ,.,..iii HI i-i,iitieiiiiinthin tin' Innils i-i'iiulri'il fur Hint putlio.'ie. mul nliio to vuente certnin por-tloHN of in-osent roud. hi'l-ehiufti-r niori

per. m ui l l l lVII I'KUl Ol l l l t i

iin])iovenii'iit. hi neeordiinee with thelirovlslons of I'hniili'r 1)17. P. l>. tftlfi,uliri nincndnii'lit.i uml nli|>|)loinentKIhoroto; mid.

WIIKIUCAH. II In prnpoKpil lo ninkcnppllciillou l(> tin- (•iilinty of Morris for('nunty Alii on nuld rouil Iniproviunentlu the nuioiiiit uf S:..('(1(1 mat

WHI'IHIOAH, lirovlHlon luui lirretofore'en made hy onn or nioro budget np-

. .'oiirliitliinn In the iiulnullt of $10,111)0for the Township's Hliure of the costof MIIIII hniirovi'iui'iil: nnd

WHKIIIOAK, Hie 'I'owntilllp hliM alsoheri'tut'nre upprolirluled the sum of?l!.fi(lo for eii^liHM'i-'ti Eii'rvh'cM In con-nection with the milking nf. mild lin-lii'DviMiipnl; nmlDViinpnl; nud

WIIKIIKAN, II IB neiM'Hsury to llinkol iKhtlUollul u p i n o W l U

i c i i t V I f i - l i i l n iiK i i i ' L i i u i i y - t i r

AMIwlii-'M, eliiuiMi' unitlliiliB of Nci:. 4

I'ond Uoiul,l

mil .-nipplemenl and iinu'uuiiu'ott

I n C l i a l K 11 \ Hi K, w j 1

l l t ' l w e t ' l i l ' h i I ' l i p i i j

j I l l l l l i l i n i ; A- I ' O i . n i l u t l t i l i i t l

O r i u i K i ' , N . J . C i i M i p l i i i i i i m i , , , ) !

o l d ( l l a r i i l d ) II. Dnluinl , (. | „;, ji lnnl i i .

I'M. I'll. I'd!1 mil l ' (il l i m r l p M JiHlili. 1

H i ' l u r n n l i l e N d v e i n h e r M;|, J

li.'lll. ' I

ANIIHKW .1. V\\\\,i

H>' virll le ol' the nhove utiilidi,''lei-! KUCIIIH in my liunila, 1 ,[t

!m;io for Hale ul I'uhllc Vcniliitt::mirl. i loimo in M<>n'intiin,>j N.l londli j . I lie I ' l l t ieiill i ilnj n| Jlier ni 'vl , A. !»., 111.11) hi'lvi'i'iillynf 12 M, nnd f> o'clock P. M.,nay ut 2 o'clock In ilir ui'iiHiild ilny, (I'riH'iilllni; tliuci, ii1'ollnivlnK Irani, or ptuccl of lm:(lii'i.'inlni'B linrcliiufler imi'tlviilsi),ticrlliod, Hltuuli', lylni: ami btfeitlio TuWHHlilp of Donvllli! In the0ty of MorrlH anil Mlnli1 ut N

STAKTINO nl n point In tiiiHide of Hllliildo Avenue, HHII!peltliiK elgli ly-ono and nevinty-t|ghiIiiinilreiltliH of u foot from tlioeast coi 'ner of Fox Hill UiiwUili'ltle' Avenue on a ciuirBi1 nf pnatty-olKlit tloRi'eiiH forly mliiuUiand nmnl i iK thi'iici! (1)1 Ht h ierliiin poitloiiH of

ll r l

lid Imlleiiteil on iiuip of HIL lit Ktv.if .'.iilil riiiiil, til. ,I In tlit< Oirie

'owlislilp Cleric on AUR. L'S, HKIO, nnd) uciiiiUv liy i l l

wlislilp Cleuc.iiiiUv liy


LS, HKIO, nndor conileimiu-

lons of jiroiurtli'iilKt-ly


hirelt; mul

WIIIOItlOAH. It la inoixiiied lo liutirovi)ivlth liUunltnous peilelrutldii linieuduinnahl See. N'l). -I of snld roud H.'i widened.['hiuiKi'it mid relocated im iifornsntd.rroni tin- end of Hoc. No. :i of Hiild road,iiorlliciiy towurihi (ireen I'onil for nillstaiu'i' of l.r, mile:! more or less; nml

WIIKJIHAH. llm fHllmnteil emit nfItllltl llnlu-OVl-'lDiMlt IH 345,1)111), exclusivenf t'liiiinoer's fees nnd eo:i| of miiulr-IHK: iii'i'i.Hsiiry rl^lit nf wayii; and

WIIHUIOAS, H IP propowil lo ninlicilipllciithm lo the Ktnte UlBlnvay Onia-

.iilsslnn for Townshlli Aid on mild roudhniM-nvcnii'iit In the nlnount of fllO.OIMI,I.AI...7 a n ) l m o u n ( t l ( lt in tiN,.,,NH of 7fi

(cut of the out hunted cost of tho

K A , II IB neiMHsury to llinkoill iKhtlUollul upin-oWln.Unu to coveri)Ht of l l

etlDii 1. Thnt SiH'tlon So. < of thU(ieUu\vi\y-(!i-i'i-n I'ond llouil, lie whlen

d elinnifi'rt n d l

. . . „ .-,.» u l l l l^ HIUII I'Oll

and Imlleiitott on Null) lna|)Seel Ion 2. Thnt the port hum ot 11

old Itoeliiiwuy-Urcen !'( 'twi'en upprosliiiati' Htutlunit u|ipr(i\liiiii(t< tsh n w

I'XllnnillnlH'd; mild viiciitlon to hueoni^lVeetlve when the new road IH roil i lo t i i l .

.-ii'euon a. That Wee. No. 4 of mildUiicUliway-llri'en I'ond Holiil. as wlilon-IMI, ('liniiKPd anil relocntod as nforeHuhl,lie Imiiroved from the end of Woe. No. IIof Hiild i'ond northerly lownrils CVIMMI

| \'iuu\ for n ulHlunee nf 1,5 nilli'H niori'I itr lemi with hltllitihiollH lienetril.tloli

i. l i v • i-> " " - - •

Sec t ion I. T h a t t h e HIM I

KnO„1^VlS1™hn;!rrH^11"I^wh* W " . Kfor in.. ,,,,',,1:.n,"\!.".lu":"l'V anproprhit

rilinud b>I ' l i i u l i t il l i (

111 l( - , • I

' l l l l l l lS i - c l U . I I

HliMK la


l i :• I ' l l l l

M 1 11,1,

' I ' l i i lt III. •

N I K lr11 i 'N S\\,\

twoK ( ) 1 HHHH nix niinulefi enBt^ T H nix niinulefi enBttt

eight foot and forty-l'lw m\red t l iH of u foot t o a Hiulto n\&

o r ; l l u ' i i c e ( 2 ) s o u t h Ililrty-ml l i n l n u l e s U-CH!K o s elKlitoon inlnules UCH! (|[|j

to n stiiltii nud corner; Unitnorth ttlxtr-twn decrcca sin n!ijwest one hundred nud n[|y.ghuiidrctUhH of n fool to «ataliicant Hlclo of IIlllslilc Avenue;(U(•U

l Avenue;..e nuld cunt Hide ot

side Avenue nor th forty-eightdi,forty nilnuteu caul I'lfly-tltrec I«:twoiity-iiovoii hundredthii of n ttho point, or place. n( ltenlnulai.

The approx lmnle amount ilnthis execut ion In M.O07.9S kSheriff 's execut ion fees.

Dated Augus t Kith, 1930.

PKKI) 9. MVKliSltcrllll

Adv. In tho Ilitnner nndlteconl .— P. P . $2:i.1(1.

IN" CHANCBHV Ol ' NHW JRRBKotwvon—Max Mlnlz. Comiilik

nnd (leorge Slinw. Allda Him* iH . .UICUHOII Lunihiu'Co,, I vfenil

I'l. fu. for Hale nf niintKUKi'd

Itotuvnnble Noveinlii'r Jinil, Aiti;to.


l iy v i r t u e o r t h e nl iove Hinted mli K l I

liy vir tue or the nliove Hinted mlMori Kiii'lim In my liundn. IHIUIIII«»' m>l at r h l l V d l tht

' " t n n e e of 128.18 foel "mnl'e'ol• ifM "1«l<li< Mile of P o x MIII Uoiul; ^"«>l\

XOTICK TO ciii:inr<"18

Kstutc 0{ Clurenw I,. Beni'li. mto tho order of * S ^

iiniinvi' 1110 ahovo itlulci'tnlHiiJ 1 *

horoby Klvon 10 »1> H,0(1 "living claims ngnlnst I In' " 1:mi Clarence I.. Reach., laic of l'1! f]

ii dooonsod, liler onth or nffl

on or before I In' ' * 'Febnmry, n « t , I"1'"'

roni tho (l<tf of ftii

nnd any Creditor neKloi'lliiR |0

In mm exhibit Uln, lief or lliolr'undor oath or affirmation w ,tlmo so limited will lie fnrevff MJof hla, her or their net ion"KnliiBt tho AdmiiilHtriitor.

Dated tho MlovoiUh dnyA. D, 1030.


16 W. IllncU«'i'll S|I|i 7(5 novcr.»


oull, County WorkertHonored for Aid in


Mmunoiilh ciiiinty telephontIVI', heHi riven cltrttimiB hy th«!,,,.>• Hell Telephone CumpiiityL',,'t nml Inlelltgent nervliTJL in eliiell.ellfltia wlldtt tll«

f ( i i i n - i i t « i i o c i i d u i i R i X ' u d .

„ me Franklin M, Luther,|,.|. V. ni:|ii>. Walter J. CuUilliifrI M>inn S Kumioui



HOltBKUAUIBH IH i,ui, ,,f the jH w l l l l U U t W l l h - l l I n t n l . 11,11


li,, li,IIH: tmii rltnttoiiK (fiirnrrod

ui,,l cu i i i l l i i i ' l im, IJIJIII I c l i ' i i h o n t

, „ , , „ n u l l - e i t i i t i iniH for t h e i r

[,'illiiv'iiii: nn i i n l o m o l ' l l o iiecl-

M i l l l l l i ' " ' * " . N. J . T w o BIB-

, rni,hnl isinl In 1I" ! " " " ' i ! b a d l y

I mil nmilii ie W I T H W'Vill ln-i-

1 ,,f U n i t O r t i u c e . W h e n t!i.fl

nml lliil'li i;i'i'lvi!d im lliu w ( i , i : ,

[[Mill fill, I-'f th l : 1U,M;I'|1|:.IIM, Mi l , .

'lulllvnn, i.iiffei'liit! f r o m Inte i ' l t l i lilNil iiii ' i iritllonn oil h e r h'K.

men nlopiH'il u IHlKfiliiK I ' t l l"-

u,l nii.hMl Hid Injui ' i i i l t " 6

n i io iv n m t i i f ; i ' m e i i l « liml

j,il'i(li. In Inive t< mil'P.ooit In !<••

itl. All «f th« Injured recuv-

Aid Injtireil Children

II hu'fi) ii" truck mid a him,iiiii,: llni driver und (seventeenchildren, collided ni'iir Ituiinion•Inlier, llnpp, it tidniihiiiie repair-

ra,i iiiui or Hni Unit tu urrlvu onalii, 'l'lie him WIIH nlinoiil coin-ileinolliihcil "I'd lioveritl of (ltd

,n injured. Hupp K»vo Unit ftldot Iho Jajui<ul hi'turu n dnc.tornml iimiliutiil In HiKliit; tin mi-

us child lo a honidliU. Thonil recovered.

unit, n telephone limtuller, re-hlH clliillon for IIIH action In in:-alii whin he c d lit thu homo116 Kaplan, nt Allenwotiii, lo in-tolophdiio and wan told hy Mr.that Mm. Kiipltm hud miildimly

j BorlmiBly 111. Emmonu' flrutwnn to cllnth n tiilophono |>ole,on a circuit nml pans n cull to

ulnl l'loiiiiiiiil chk't oporntor. Hhoitoil him witli tt Mtato troopernomliiod to uonil an nmliulniife,thor thnn Attempt to uxpliiln tlio

m ot Mr, Kiiplnn's rculdenco ho-ot lt> luolutod location, lOmmonngod to meet tint ambulance, nt tlio

[wood utfttlon. Mrs. Kitplnn WIIHill to A Spring Ltilto hospital

glio recovered.

BY TELEVISIONkmpion L i p R e a d e r[Heart" Teacher in Un-

usual Experiment

jottior of tho far roachlnK pomtl-

ot two-way television wim

(OBlrntod mieconnfnlly when «

K womun who hath mm nml

I'H'1 with her eyed wiui nhlo to

on n tidephono convorsntlon in

>x|)orlinoiit In two-way plcturlal

[voles trnnnmtaHlon for the donf

lioril of hcnrlnc

Isa Kvelyn l'nrry, niitlonul lip

Ing ctinmplon, nut In a television

fi In tho Hell Lnborntorlon, nt 403

street, Now York, and tallied

her teacher, Minn Mneln 1'lenn,

plinnalnillnr liooth In the Anier-

Telophono nml TolORrapli bit lid-

tit 195 Ilrondwny. Tho two IIIIIOB

ridlni; tho women wan DrldKod hy[skill ot tho eiiKlnccra and tholr

IwndlcnpR In not holng able toplainly tho hnninn volco wore

fcomo hy tholr nblllty to "Union11

Wtchlus tho movements of thoformliiK syllnhleB.

WovlHlon clrcnltfl wero con-[ml inch could BOO on the ucroon™ Imr tlio lmaRo ot tho other.tclorhono wire, however,

la"y carrion tlio voice wnfl din-Mod In Minn Pnrry'a booth. Minn" WR«n to nponk, nml Minn 1'nrry

not liolp IntcrniptliiR.!" eho said, oitRerly, "I can hunrword,"

Tnlki to Reporterwninii npoko n t lciiRth, niuler-

»K oach othor porfoetly nmlJ * now=P»por man took tho ulnoo>'» HOBS In tho booth. Ho Bpoko",,' ' f t r fy nnd tho younB womnn,. """y 'ord. roplyliiB I,B qnlcldy™»«i tho voico of tho newspaperUttuallyworo rtinchlng her. Whon• 'Was oxpronBotl mirprlno nt MIBB^ wins nhlo to illBtliiBiilBh woriln"My, tho tattov ropuod; . . I t . 8 m

""""IR In clnna with yon,"u , ° "1 0 »n roader depondn enki,."?0!1 n v l m view ot hln con-

Ptvrtuor, the tent proved"HBotrauBmliiBlon wnn renohlnR

"ce»on, nccorrtInK to Dr, 11, K. Ivon,'C'M ol tho oxporlmentB.„ col>vorBntlon» In which Mica

ill. f fR0li h v l c o rivonlod tlioI

ill. f fR0li h v l c o rivonlod tlioi I,, I, ' A1(ll!I>'i<lor Braham HOII,

von to,, „ Ul0 ,B, h0M

t Z i . vlslon Rnd l i w>« I>|B

; 7««"visible Bpooch," which the

, J l *"' ^oncl i tclophotao ox-„ , i ! ' o»mbltehod in Pivrla Int»t i - I . w l t h Hovo"

J f '' Ot flft)r

i Zl£ totnl ot

"I" »re» o t wW<:U w o l n

m u n y w o u l d bo niont ndi icUuit In ,;!vo

u p till) lioracrudlHli tmucn which IIIIIIH

netit tu hol lml litief, nr Ihn

horsuradlBh v h l e h nceiiiH uu n. , i , ,.i i

a n ncco in iutn i inc i i i vt rtt1 n\ : , I I I H t,i

t h e Imlf-Hliell, II, Uicrefore , In i.nnii

t h i n g of v e r y llvt ly Inttreiii in

t h a t llll Hlllllll port Inn of II,,,

h d l ' H l i l ' l i d l B h e i ' i i | i In t h r c i i l e i i i

(li'Blrut'tlon hy im nn.cei | , t i , i .

1 'Ytn i ! H i e ^ r o w t - i i i ' i-i

In l i i i e i l e d il t i n i n n f " I m in r t 1

H u t I n i r i i i ' i ' i i d l i h i i i . | - In i n

p o r l i i i i t o u r , I n M h i i . t i n r l ,,

i t l o i i i - I h e r e m o i , h n n l u i i i ,

l i i ' r t t , l i i i i i i l f i l I n h i i r h t i i i i i n

e i u c n i f l i e l , A . L n i t i i ' n u ;

t i i r e i , | - , i ' in u h , I I i t e v o l e i i t ,

I t i j - i . t h o i i, i i a d i i . i i III M i c h

Kt w .ft n . i \ r , u It H i ' II hi j r i

lurri hill.v In a inlmir uuy in< : t i l l l i l l i n n ! l i u t i l i l i n i ; l i i l e i , ,

T h t l i i n l i e n l i ; ! ' t i i e i n y o l I h ill 1

^ i ' n o i ' 1 I N I h e h o i ' i , i l i i i i h . h f l e n l i , r !

14 K l i n t l l t m . i r l v v h l i ' h i n i i . v l i t : i ' l i i i t i l i

h y d i ' l l i i l i n M i i | n i . i , I I, I , , , - 1 . a m i i

d o w n l l r , h i i c l i n r m i i t h l i u ' k i u i i l

l o w n p n l l e d h e e l l i i , A l l i i c K i i m o n

o n t l i i i I t i i v e i i u t l n i n , f t n d l r l i , i \

H i e n u u ' j ^ i h i , h l i l t ' h t ' d f r m i i t ' l ' i i i t h - '

J M i n l t t ' f l n i l H i t ' l e i i v e u , h t i r r i i u ' h l l n I h e

H l l ' l l i i i n f l i ' u v t ' i i o r h l l n I h e h i n t ; o f

( h o l i i i i ' i i e r a i l t i i h i l i , i l l ' I i . m . l l y , i l m

I H K t i h o t , i l l y A i i f i n i l , i i l n i i h , H i m u r n

Infolded will din ofl' imd mil l e f o v e runtil lull: full.

fil'iivvi'ln Who have n i i l l i i i i l i.evei'eloiiiit'H Ititve nvvnltt'iii'd tn Iho tint Ilmtthey delayed too Inn,; III iiihiplliiKinmnaircH of enlitrol. They will, how-ever , brolll from nxiMirlemii liy i*:it-t ing im eai'lli'i- Dttirt next teannii. Inthin connt'i'lIon, nn milliiirll.v iiohilnout Ihn nocowilly of npniyliii; early.Tho huotlo he|-;lint llu i l iutnicHvowork when tht, Unit lumill leiiveii up-pear. Hgcii urn depiiidlod where thtil n n m , nniy enter tho nteniti nn noonRII ha tched . Therefore , to liiiniro innsl-linnii c l l le leney of coiilrel, tlui inliiltb e e t l e iniii't ho Itllleil l ielmi' II liiynltd OKfW. ^

lntei i idvu iitinly of nieiinii of controltlilii In i llu lit helui; iiiiidiietetl In

Liuilti t'oiiiity, Mluuouil, wherointnnt County A(:eut 11. L. Kenton

iiiinlo IIMII'J of many klndu ot In-

"ni'ly tiTiitiiiunt n( hori-eiijilltli w i t h Ijiiiliinitieltl frmii uttitckit nf the tit ti t iett lr . Aliovt,

t l c t troynl nrmly till of e uniw

flutiBlllcnlp unveilomfinillftli tlrit hf

'ii crop.

i i t ' i ' l l i ' l i l t v i . M i ' . E U ' i i t n i i n ' j i n r t i i t l u i U U P

o f i i l i i i i i n t t i l l l i l i n w n I n i i l i i i t ' i i i i i In t h e

l i ' i i l i , h u t t l u i t I n w w i ' i r l i ' i i i n l t l u i l

Wl ' l ' t ) (if l l t l l c l l V t l l k l r ,

l l u w t i v t ' i , I n u I ' h r i i l i i i 1 I t ' l t i ' r t i t

I l i i l h e r i u l l l i l i I ' l i i w r r i i iif Hi t - i l i i . t r l r t .

M r . l i i ' i i t o n i i t i i l e i i : " T h i n . u i u H b l m i i

h i t i t ' l i u : i l m i i n d M' l l l i l i i u l u i i i t U i i m l l l '

i : i i t t i n r D u t n x n m l t i | i | i i i i ' i M i l l y v e r y

KtHii l l t t i t i l l j i i i i ' n l i t ' h i r . i i h l i i l i i i ' t l . "

l ' ) x | l h l l ) l h l K U l l ' I l l r l l l t i l l nT i M ' o r i ' l l l i r o

I n n u i l i l i i i ; t h o l i ' i i l i i , M r . U i ' i i l o n w i y i i :

" C l l ^ c i l W t T O l l l i u l n o f l l l l l i l l l l l l l l ' K i '

( n u i n c . l i I n c o v r r i i o v t ' i n l | i l i n t i i , T i m

p l i u i t i t w e i ' o t l i i i i t r i S n v n | i i ' i i . v t i l w i t h t l i o

i f H f H ' o n t . I I I I I I I ' I ' I I I I M n m l i i r - l l i i w n n


The MaroonedMountaineerBy LEETE STONE

I'I' W A S (icoi'Hi) I.iine'H wH'oml mini-nier In tlio hlntcr n-Kloiia of the

Houthern inoiintnlns. l l o hud KOIIO llrutto reotiperiito from uevero Btriiln HHC-fi'rtMl durlnit tl,« miiTt'Nsfnl Hiuiervlslonof u dllllenlt niuliM'tiikliiK. Utterlycliiiviiieil with lliu pliituremiito envli'im-iiKMit, Gi'wjin I't'turnnl n fiecontl UCII-Hon In an cll'ort te m>our« fi'oin lhi>stnto n wi'lliiti of Innd In n lovelymountain viillcy, l i e itletnreil n wnu-nier l ionio; II spncloiiK loilce s l n i e t u r oof loi;«. with II treiiiendoiiH llii'pliu-Knml nil Hint Imrituiilv-cH with KOIUIconi f i i i t fur men,

T h o s i lo MIIS |u>i'fivt II run mini ,plnlenn-lll;i! Insot thnt Ilio «ij;i>n hud(lilNi'lli'd In a uniilinil nsi'enl <it plueywooilH, rlslni; from I lip ninny of ilI'luii'inlnc lnlit" nhont mi iitit' In e \ .pimse, A« fur us ileorm* cimlil seet h e i e wns just uiie eyesore lit thep e r s p c i i l v e frmn what he liopiMl wouldmien lie tho wlile vernniln of iil.i fi'leml-ly linl|ii>—n iiimuiliiliii'cr'ii I'lililn. l';:l,vnml mikept, IIH fringe llttereil with IIborder of rusty Mn CIIIIH, II mooil Innn open, ^rnssy swnle Just ht'lmv Ihednni. Kiisy enim^li, lie rensoiiei!. I'nythe niomiliilneer, whom lie n u v l y(,'llnipswl, n siillli'leiit sum of moneyto move .

On a ruin duy when the lilll ulrWIIH nn restful IIM wine, ( i eor te

^pi'imi,' on IIIH powerful tihii'U snilillii',Huh Hoy, nml rode tho 10 milt"* lo(lie l iny Kellleineul which honsleil tin1

nenrest post olllce. There, nt lust, liefmiml fuvortililo wnvil froni llm shut1

I'oKurdlnc Ilia purrhiisi", A s trep pricewits unmet! fur wild Iniiil hut (leiirnewnn ^liiii to puy li. In his mind's c \ en l w n y s WIIH Hie- i ihtiire of n ih'i'|i, wideinillH' HvlitK' l'ooin "Illi imiKslvely InvltliiK lent hern clnilm; bis ninnyIIOOUK; .mil u s low buriilni; henit l i lire,T h e n thero came to him tho feellnnthat t h U home In Ihe hills should biiven mistress us well us n miisler. Hillthe thiuiRlit wits sperilll.v I'ollliiiulsheilheenuso AVOIIICII IIIIII lint tl^meil tif-l ive ly In Oenrre's husj life.

Soon nl'ler mquli l i iR Mile t" tils InndO e o w wns surprised, whi le rltllni:Roll liny over n nini'ow letl|;>'. to neehis neighbor who lived In the tifilvcnhln below the dnni s lep out us IIfrom nowhere directly In his put li. Aleuii Winchester nestled In (lie c i w l ;of tlio niitlve's i inn.

"Sli'liiiKiili; I hain't l o i n ' to si i ireynli, Noni1 nt nil. .lest wunler In-fohin J'er 'iwon'l lit1 heiillhy fer ,vuhlull Inillil one o' Iliein fiincj' p lu ie s an'br ine J'l'1' f«'iel|in friends down Inlcrour woods . They's innre'ii oiw o' IKround 'ere, mid' we menus II. Jes l tell-In1 JMIII, Hull's n i l !" The spenkor'sdlnc'y lenther sinulnls made no soundus bo turned nliriiplly nml in''1"1'!Into the Ihlek iiiidcihnisli, dKihilnhu:to wait for n reply,

Another mile nml lieoice wns verjnenr Ids own Inpil. wl'i'ii imotlier and

vllully dllTi'i'enl vision uiiilei'lulh'.eil InHie imiTcnv nu l l i l l i vn ly uliriiil Verydifferent Indeed I A symphony nt s l im^li'lhooil In ileiiii s i i itthcti i:lii|;lituuwllli tho hint of yoiini; riutitui«'e timlmoro thiin n hint uf solh'lltide In r y eHint wi'i'o wide, tluik Inslietl mill nlii'iivenly him1.

llhieli l lnh Hoy renreil Ills lieml Inei|Ulne I'tiiisteriiiitltiii, iintl l ieorui1 nfa suildeu snw the Inilrv l innet of l-'iitr|Hilinlii(; in his fcuilnine hes l lny , Aslim, brown Inillil ri.u'lieil nlofl nmlenressed Hull Hoy's s i lken iiuso. Tin1

Kli'l hreiillieil will) dlllleiilty nml Kpnkrwith enrneKliiesM:

"Listen, please, I snw Kiitlwr Ntopyou. I heiird whin he s i i ld;uni l |ilen»e.oh pleuse, be eurel'iil. Inul's one ntIhti nil! t ime iiitniiilnliieei's— feud millili;ht men, I cull Iliein. l i e IhlnUs yourInnd IS tils. You see, I live with myunlit over In S i n n e r s - no l o liluli seliiiolt h e n 1 ; but he l ives ulono IIHIIIDK IIIII)hiinlliii: the Innd you'vo luuiKlit, l>nytui n e e V

"1 s e e nml I'll heed," t,eiirni> nnmvercd,

T h e oltl s loi 'y: love at Ih'st 1,'llinpse,Fur ii month t h e m were s to len meet-lii|!» In Kl'etMl, sec luded vls tns ef thecrent forest until a SIIITOII trolli wasplighted. (Scon;!1 l.ulie BIUI^-III HI.nioiintiiliieer futlier wit h Kenerousoffers. Hefusnls untl s terner vvni'iilniiswero tho answer, T w i c e n bill leis inned the creen lenves Ilmt InnsheiltJeortii^s luit us ho rode the lonelyIIIIIIH,

Then Ihe imforcel l i i l i lo nlKht; Ibrnlclit Oeoi'Ki' l.nno left Ills sweellii'iirtut her 1,'nle and I'nceil Hob Hoy linnii'In the fiifc of a ihivl iu: ruin; Hie i i^hilit1 wiiUened to llud her i :hos lw l i l l rnml sl inking hesltte his uriuy cot In hislonely cubln.

"It's n eloudliiirsl, Jlcirs," MI slit-cnlletl him, "nml 1'iul Ihid's on tin1

roof tit his enhln with Die wil ier rrinnIhe dam rlshij; riiuud him, It's u himtired feet rlRht now In Hint spot nmllie cnu't sw l in l"

"('nine tin I" I.line shouted nhnve Hiefury nf tho ttownpoiir eu i s lde . "l.t'itveIt tu old lltih Ho.v."

It's all il setpiel, or iiiiotliei' s toryIbe ilush of (leor^c l.tiuo mid liKniiiiiiiliiln swee lhenr l tit the eilr.e ofthe I'oiirlni: torrent, the bold plunr,i'of Hob Ito.v. his nnHiilit sln:i:i:h' to Ih,'center of the niiielstrom where Hiedrenched mounta ineer I'IIIHK, l ee lhcrlllliiKi whi le the Hill wtitelietl (reinlilrli on tbe hillside.

All Hull mutters Is the rescued IIH.IHItnlneiT's reply In ( i ennie ' s reiiuesi onthe way lini'l; l o bis tdini'l; above thernarlni! waters:

"Ttilie 'er If yuh wnnt 'er, (ml nhciiln't see why yuh do. She's lull o'book leiirnln1, und she's toi't'iil liuw lonuilio n corii-iuuii","

Rullcllng Llf»Your life Is « Htrueturo which yon

IITO tuilldlui;, und for which ytm selrtitho materials. As you clioose lietweeii BlniHirlly mid pretense, mllvltymnl Inei'llii, liitliiisliisin mid Inilllferonce, hope and dcspulr, so ,voii luilhlto fnllure or s\ieo<1ns,--t;rlt.

l over tlui Hull liltilllltl Ihe |ihintti.M'htt tiii.cM weiti then plueeil null allll'ie lliliiiht'C of Iniieetn tvet'o enlli'.htnml mil In Ilituii, Wti fiiiinii liuil innnlnl III" hcHlcii were killed In I! mienwlu'i'e we limited thu phuitii with tinillluli'il liuto\, mnl wheiii II iiihlinnnf nut' iutit HIIIIIX nml one purl I'lnitter Piii'in wnn uiiod," Olhor eximrl,meiilii pi'iivod It ni edoetlve,

'Uleiiihilii nf the Hi'ntiiii'lll tcnt'iu'chlnlinriitoi1)' nt Cli'Vi'lniiil, llhln, whereliutnx wan ib'vetopetl, niti ciui|iei'iilln(jIn Iliullui; im nun of ihcflilni! (heifcYtuilatlonii of the irtiuhlctioinc luirtiO'llllllnh Melt heelle, ©

Citbrnnhip in Atlicno

l.oolu-i! Upon SeriouslyIn modern ihiyti the iilTiili'» nf ctllei.

nml sillies und niilhuis me tllHeusnednml ntled upon, mu liy nil ihe elll^ens,tint by u few rcprosenlnlhos of IhcseoltlttoiiN, eleeletl h.v them or chosenliy n lilnlier iintbnrlty, These coinlilll'llllvely few leulslilltirs assemble nltho deslunuleil pluee und net for thel'loplti I In1)' reprciteiit, Hi I In niielciilAthwiH It WIIN soiiiewhnl tllffert1!!!.All cltlgciiH wen1 Invited lo Join III theilelinles In Ihe iisseuihly IIIIIIK und niloltbseiiM no Invited had n rlKhl lit volei l l w l l y fer or niiiilnst the IUWH thaiwore discussed, Ami they llslened Intho Krcnt uitii IIH they lulked nhouttho liieimuron ii|i for a vole er Hie pop-\ih\iT, such ni'ettt ones us Theinhiltt-cleH, l'erleles nml lienitislhenes, aintiut;tho Hrenlcsl nrntol's the world hni*ver Hnen. And then Ihey voted.

Tho l'n,v\, list Ibis plneo of usseinlilyWIIH culleil, Is purl I.v In ruins now, Inn«omo of It Is si III to dc seen on nMil across from Ihe Acropolis ofAthens. The speakers' phitfunn, wiihIm three steps, Is liiiinedhilely la Ihefol'Pk'rolind nf the picture, The listenIIIR Athenian cllh'ons snt on the groundnow Rloplui! nvvny lo Ihe left, lnil.nlthnt Hint1 prolinbly level, Thu groundthey occupied WIIH Inclosed liy n rlr-euhir wnll, Tills wns nn open nil1

"eoncress," und n lively plneo lit times,piirlleiilarly when soiuo liiiperlnnlquestion \vii!t up for ttehnte.

Two ether famous Imlldlncs, tin1

Acropolis and Ihe rnrllienon, nrc Justto tho led uf the |'iij'\, neross n Hlliihldepression ulnl en the iielKhl'orlni; hilliivrrlunlihiK Ihi' niedern elly e( Athens.

Provincetovvn Not the

OMi'M Civpp Cod Townri'Ovllicctuwn, liecuust1 itf Hit1 fuel

that the IMIKI'IIU Vnlliers slnyeil therewhile they were looklni: for the rlisluslt« for their colony, bus titunellinesbeen ri'imrded us Hie oldest of thenumy famous towns on I'npe Toil,Hut properly Him henor helmm* inNnndwlch. The Ihst perinniient iti'l-HprH at I'ltiylncelown cnnie In theitolRhhorbiiod ef IIISO, lull ^nnilwlchWRH founded In 1KIT.

isKiulwlch, like llostnn, WIIH mi Inlolerunt town In ihe eiii'ly days. Weworry n uond ilenl over Inioleinnee Ineiir own em, Iml It IH well to he reminded thnt tolerance has nlwnysliwu n rure virtue. The first sellU'i'pltKiied n Inw Hint lie oilier fumlllccould coine to live In the towu milthey hud seeured the permission elthe, minister nud the church nulhnrltics.—

When Wntltinnlon I'lril111 1SIN, when Tniiuhull e\lilhltetl In

KnnPUll ball Ills Innionit pietwr« ot Hie KIKIIIIIK of the I'eelnriitlonof luilopendence, he prevnlled upoi;tho venerable .lehn Athiuis to ItutpectIt Apin'ovlni: the iniliitlri:. the latte:liollllltl to the ilnor M'\l to the eliuliof Hmiciioli niul snld, "There, Hint Ittho doer out et which Wnsliluiilm,rushed wlieu 1 lltst iilludeil to him it1

tli« n\nn t>ost tpiiilltled for eoiniiinii.h'iIn clilof of«the Aiuerleiui uriuy."



Nht)-Kh)' « nl ( uu-i'i'mllii1 Iliinklnir nml I iiiinnhil SIIIIFHX

2% INTERESTOn clirrklnif IUCIMIUIK 15(111 In *IO.IHM)

3% INTEREST( h i i l i i ' t ' l i IIILT n i i ' i i i i n t s 4111,0110 a II il u v t ' r

4'/2% INTERESTOn SIIVIIIKN Aciiniiith in' ijtri.llll mnl I'pniird

01 I II I It s


nml TrUHl OfficerAHHINImiL ('ashlerAHSlHlllllt ('{lllllil1!-


inn ii ionsMi A K I. Ii AIII'M.I I'l-t'iihluntItKHKICr K IIHHKI1; l . n w y e rW AII11 i AM I ' l i l : ! , I , . . \ In r r c n l i l c i i l ; TrciiH. M o r r i s Co , Knvlnf.H lUinliIll'll-iltV I ' l lKV Vlre-l ' i- i ' l i l i lenlI d i N I I V \V, l-'HICI > l l n i l i e rA l i ' l ' l l l ' l l A. MAIi i lTKItH Amel ' l en i i Te l . 61 T e l . l l o .nil. IIAVIII II, MeALI'IN TMiMeeli . JU. MKIH'IIAN'I1 , . , , . Mi-reliitnt. m i i l l l l A It, SALMON LitwyerT l l l r t l A i l W. HTIIKKTKK Hliiimn I'olrii leiimHKTH K TIKiMAH, Jr. Kelli Tliiiiniiii I'lm:li Co.IIAItOLII II. VAN NA'ITA MillTh' I'liilni! Lliinliei I Ciml Co,I-:U<II-:NI<: V H ' K L H I I Henl KutnUi


The MORRIS COUNTY SAVINGS BANK£1 South Street , cor . i h l l i i r t S l i i ' i t


A Milt mil Ninlllfts Ilnnk

Tlui ONLY SiniiifXK llnnk In Morris ('o



Intirt-ist l'alil HIm-o 102H

/2%atthc rate of

Culnril Phj-.lcul Vigor—Vlvarloumiraii—n Shapely Flgvre

II yftn'ro fill—removp ihp cmiftrlKIMISCIIKN SALTS iimiiilu tho

»l« iiiinrrnl Fiilln your lieily uruum,ItlmulH and ncrvrti iiunil luive In ltint>lieu iiropt'rly.

Wlirii >our vitnl itr dnn {nil lo per-form lliplr work corrrrlly—miir bowelsmill klilnrvs oiin'l tin,in oil lltnl vwislonmlrrial—lirdtrn yon renll;c li—yon'ioItriiwIlIK Milcounly full

Try h u l l n I r n n p o o i i d i l ofKIIHSaiKN SALTS in u ilnsn uf lintwnler every niornlnn—In llireo weekn^el on tho rifnlc* nml null1 lutw munyVOllllil:! of fill lllivr VOllli'lnil,

Aiisetit ( h e r JKI.VWl.OOU DollnrB

Niillonnl nud Hlnle llunlui mid Triint Companion nro NOT flavlnmlhinlin, und Huvlni'.B or Thrift liepiinltiirn In Mich limtltutloim liuvo NOTHie npoellil prnleiilun of the. :-iivliii:n Hunk Luwn of the Hlnto ot NewJei'noy.


SAM CIARDICorner Muln ami Wisl Neu StrcctN, Kocknwnjr

Cleaning and PressingOur work IH dono thorough und elotlusn nuido to look new

Wo IIIHO tlyo any liliul of ^iirmont and do mondingFelt anil Straw llniii (IUMUKMI mnl niado to look like new.

All OrdoiH OIIHIHI Ktir and Dollvcrcd

Tulp]>hon» ltix'Umvuy 421

How One Woman Lost20 Pounds of Fat

Lout Ilrr Double Chin—Litnt Her Prominent Hipi—LOHI Her S l i l

Notion nlno that you hive ( l inedin rnciKy—your skin li clearer—youreyrit «pnrklii wiih illorliiim health—you*ferl yiiuiiKer ill Itody—knrncr in mlnit.KltlLSCIIKN will tlvo ony lal ixraonn joyouit »nr|iriH,>. nn (l!io lioltlo of KRDSCIIENSALTS lln-h four \veeU).l(rvcnihl»(ii' l liottie tlocitu't convinco you thjiU tin' en»le>l, niifeiil nml mnwl » ly ti)Juno (nt—If you don't fed a utiperl*improveiiiciit ill linalth—no glorloualyrne.rgnlln—viRiiiuiinly nlivc—youciniincy eliully rclurucil.

Firnl Brick Moiiso In

Quaker City Preservedtin LullMlnvvlit' ilrlvc, In Hie Wt^t

pnrli, nenr Thirty felirlh si reel Illi'lISIriiril uveiiiie, Nlniitls the llrst b i l e sIHMINO hullt In ri i l lndelphln, u«nrlli'le In the I'llthitlt'l|itilit Itci'nnl.

Wlllluin IN nn Inillt It fur Ills :l;iiu:h-I er, Lelltln, when Ihoy l lvn l ut Miukcim i e e t lieHvecn I'linil mid Second. Tin1

founder VWIH a tnmi of Hhn|ile IIIIIIIINnml lie ordered Ihe bouse hull! philuand Miinll, or led lirleli, two siorlen1IH.-I), nml wit I) n liiunll ii'iir inhlllloii,

II WIIN the III'M house III Ihe elly tohnve li cetltir nml n turret .

Vov muny yenrs It sloutl en Lil lt l i ieouvl, whi le o ther sti'ueturcH ni'evv upiironnd It aluiost hldliii; II from view.For n whi le a l ter LCHHU'H denib IIwait UKIMI lor u tiivecli.

l''lllllll,\ III ISSII, l\a mi oulcollle ofHie hlsltirle Intercut It Inspired tlnr111]! Hie releliriitlon nr the lileenlennlnl uiinlversni'y or Ihe foutullni; ofreuiiMjIvnnln, It HUH carefully tidier,down nnd It'crecled mi IIH |II'CM'HIFile In Ihe park.

Here's Instant ReliefFrom Bunion Pains

and Soft CornsAriunlly Rrdnrcn lht> Swelling—Soft

< ion is Pry Ulpln Hn nntl Can\\v rirki'd Oil

(!rt n iwo-nniior Imtilo of MooneVTninaKl Oil (full PtrrnitfM toilny. Everyv. HI ^lorkcil (tniftKiKt IIUH thU, nml it willinlmT iIm iiiOamnintioit, mirnirs'i, nmlpulti much <iiiirkrr limn tiny remedy youever iiM'd,

Your rmnitum niny \n> so nwollcn amiinllaninl thnt ymi Iiilnk >mi on n't Rt>iniiitlirr hlrp, Your PIKKVI niny fiM'l na iflliry aic nit Iini; ilftht into llir ilr-li, YouIrrl vick nil over wiih tin* [mill IUHI.tor-ture mul jirny fur (jiiirk rrlirf, Wlinl'n Itv

Two or ihrrr ii|iii1irutl<m* <»( Moonp'rtrnirtiild Oil and in lillrrn inlntilcn nilllu1 pnlti ami •n»n!in«r» (HiHiim'airi. A f«winiMt- ti|i(>lii'i»l!unnnl i('i;ntar intnvnlw midthe «\v(']|hi|; rnhuT".

And «« for noil n»rn», u frw n|l|iUco-\\(\\\* iMrli nlfilit nl IIIHI timr nml llicy jn»tK'rm \n rilnivrl rinht up mill wrulr off1,

Dru^M" (uiarmilrc Mnoiuri KmrraldOil lo itul )tiii," fuol Uovihlcs or tiuinry.uuk.



DoverMix* Maljmlc Snillli. »t Norlli Sun-

f ix am-i'!. has re turned frmn n gi l ls '

xuiuUKT (IIHIII i" .Maine, where flit

M'UH nil iiiKlrurtrcHS ill ill'l mid Jleellle-


MIKS MnruuiTlU' Y. ( 'humble, of

Mountain uvi'iiue. lias i i t u n x c l from |

u t r ip to ('iillfiiniiii wliffc Klie spent |


lniivps in l'ulerson. Midland Park!nil IJogolH. i


DenvilleMrs. Manser Kievulcd and uon llay- Krancls Huff, of Kensington ^^ ^ ^ ^avenue, has returned from a visit with ; J7Ji7 a"tw7"fc"eeks tour of New Yorkrelatives in Bridgeport, Cum.. j aMf u n d C | | n a ( l H

Mr. und Mrs. Wilfred Kculs and, M r a n ( 1 Ml.g rjscur Smith, ot tlu1

sun have moved from Shavvrstown, niarapnd Spring Koad, entertainedI'a... to Ford uvrnuf*.

Mr. and Mrs. talpli E. Kill",Die KUiiiincr will) )"*r alhtfr.

licv. iimi Mrs. N'ntliiiniol

of l l lnihmiin avt'iiue. liuvi' had a»

their guests, Mr. und Mia. (icurgc A.

Angle mid iluuglili'i', (if lk ' lvldere.

MIBS Nora 1'U'l'sim, cif West Wai'k-

well Blri'tt, is vlnltlnR Mrs, Mury J-.

Woodruff, in Oci'un (iruvo.

Mr. imd Mrs. William Kivey, of

Hlehurds avenue, liad IIH ilu'ir clients;

last week, .Mi's. Aiiliii ' Watson and

ihl ldiun, ill' Ncwiiiirl Nuw**, Yii.

Mrs. Harry lli'st, of l l iwl i » l m ' t ,

fiitprtnini'd 11 munlior <il frh nils iit

licr lionn1 liu-ii Ki-ldny iiip,iit "I » inl*"-

j Hraliitrep, Mass., lave returned homellrooku, I after visiting the former's sister, Mm.

Mil H» KKlievt, in Boontun street.

Mrs. Freil Bailey and children, otBclieiiiiectady, N. Y.. are visiting Mm.Bailey's slater, M»B- Jerry Gatfney.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hart, ofWliarlon, have returned from a motortrl|> to vurlous liolnls ot Interest Inthe South.

ThimiiiH llnrton a ml Chnrli-n

twelve guestB at a surprise party Suturday evening in honorFof,tbe birth-day of Arthur Phillip*", of New YorkCity,

Mr. and Mrs. George Altman, ofNew York City. Mr. and Mrs. HerbertAltniun and two children, and Mr. andMrs. Kdgur Altman, of Mayfalr, wereguests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. AlfredBtppcl, of the Fox Hill Road.

Miss Martha Siebke, of East Orange,spent the wwk-rnd with her father,Hugo Siebke.

A bus load of Ih'iivlllt'ites »i>enl

Suiiclay-9::iO A. M. Chuuh SiUuoi

i n , ) l I l r g e of Mr, Klmvr June**, 5»>'~ j

crlntendeut. j

10-45 A. M. Morning worship; child-j

reii's sermon; sermon by Hie pastor, j

"Through tlie Door of Persist™''**." j

7:00 P. M. Epworth Leaguis mid

Bible Forum.

S-.OU P. M. Evening worship. H "

pastor will preach on "The Clreutmss

of Little Things."Monday—Official Board riieetlue at

S:t'O P. M.

Tuesday--Sunday School Hoard

meeting at 8:00 P. M.

Wednesday—Prniary " l l l i J"111"1'

| Leagues will nii'd at 3:M 1'. M- Pn?-

er meeting at K:00 P. M.

ThurHduy—Kolldwsliip Snpiier at

I":ml I1.>. of llrldKi'port, Conn., are visiting! Sunday at Ciiney Island,

rvllulli'inm nliiiw>-|- I'm'

Moore, of Crnnt >;\n-i-t.

Will will C . ' inp ' Woodl

bntok In the n ra r future


ol Mill


T. lliu'ton, In 1'i'iin Ave.

•. nml Mrs. •><*l>'» " • Skvlloii,as their

of Cen-

Mr, nml Mi**. Curl .Searine am!

daui;li!er, of Htuteii Island, have re-

turned lionie afli'i' vlsitliu: tin- forni-

i'l''rt fiilber. .Aloii/ii I! Heiii'lm1., h*

Kllinbi'tli iilrect.

Mrs. Willliuii II. I

Kill, l(1ritnk Vi't'dwn

Tllltd, Itl'l' SJI

lantlc City.

K n

Mr. ami Mi" Kia

'isoii and ju'anil-

, in' Itorkuwiiy

tew days In Al-

iih II. millions, ill'

Lnscy street, llini us guests over tile

Yiefli-tml mid Imlliluy, Mr. and Mrs.

Irwlu t;. Whit ford and sons, of I'nt-


Mr. nuil Mrs. ('neuter Smith uml

three children ot First street, have

returned from n month's visit with

relatives in Indiana.

The local schools opened yesterday

with a large nttendance. Several new

teachers have been engaged and the

Me-Fni'hm street Hclinol has been com-

Iiloti'ly rearraiiKcd with all the sev-

enth Kt'K'k chisser* on the thivtl Hoov.

The iiiuniorliiiii Is now located on the

first floor.

Mr. mid Mrs. ('IIUHMICC I'ndev

and son, Kohert, of Harvard street,

are enjoying a \veek'H vacation with

Mulllit Hope avenue, liave.

pile;-!, Miss lUnnchc I'ieree,

tral Kail:-, H. 1.

Mr. and Mrs. I1'. <'. I Jut ii 111 I'll and

Aliis iKira r'inn have returned from

a visit willi friend" «l Nicholson, I'a.

ih'. nnd Mrs. Ji'uw C. Stoiidni-i) ami

ehildien, of I'lllliidclphin, were re-

cent r.ii"slii of Mi'H.K toddard'H ninlli-

er. Mrs. Crny. In HnMclol|ili avenue.

,Mi:-s "''ranees A. lloain, of Orange,

lias lieeii vbiltliiM her i;raii(linnllier,

.Mrs. Aliee ('use, ill Mii]ile avenue.

John Kubei'l. of Princeton aveimo,

inolored In Trenton on Monday where

hi; attended the Stale Fulr.

Hurry I lumen, of Washington, 1).

C , spent the week-end and holiday

willi hh parents, Mr. and Mrs. I.OUIH

llnusea, in I'assaie street.

Mr. mill Mrs. William Scully, und

noil, nl' Kamhiliih iivenue, spent the

week-end with relatives In New


Mrs. Alfred Nielsen, who him been

slaying* with her brother-in-law and

slstor-ln-hnv, Mr. and Mrs. Henry

Nielsen, o( Thompson avenue, left

yeslenluy for H'glitstn<.vn, where she

will make her home, Mr. Nielsen hn*)

opened a new luneh ear in IlightK-


Mies lUiui t f Heiley, of ltelniar, N.

J., was the week-end guest of her par-

ents, lit Indian Lake.

John H. Hall ami daughter, Alma,

spent tin: wceli-enii at Valley Finer ,


Mr. and MI'H. ('. l'tirdy, of Miami,

are vIsllliiK Mr. and Mrn. Ira Mitchell,

of Moi'i'hiiiiwii ltnail.

Mr. and Mrs. Rohei't Kwuld and

son, (if Ilelmar, N. .1., spent the week-

end with the former's iiiuimttt, Mr.

and Mi«. Henry liwald.

Mr. and Mvu. Arthur IMillllim rr-

turnril to their lionie 111 New York

City ufler spending the summer at

the home of Mr. iind Mm. Oscar

Smith, of 1-Mnniontl Spring Road,

Mr. nml Mrs. Stewart Chambers, of

the Morrintown road, have had as

gui'iits, Mr. and Mrs. Holier). Kerr , of


The. May and Anna Kins, ol'

Back toSchoolOutfitsSpecial For Ncliool

All wool Knickers

All wool Sweaters

$2.25 and $2.95Boys' Novelty andPlain color Blouses

98cBoys' Socks

50c pairI'litin and fancy colors.

For the little follow!

Wash-tub Suits

Cheviot nntl Tweed pants,broadcloth waist. Age yto 10.

The Suit With TwoPair Knickers

$Q.85Age 7 to 16

All wool line tailored ofCassimeres and Cheviot?.Tan and Gray mixtures.

Other Suits

$12.50 and $15.00

PREP SUITSAge 16 to 20 years

For the college or highschool chap. Tailored offine woolens In Tweed anilHerringbone mixtures. Innew shades of Tan andGray.


Wilmington, Del., ave spending Hoine-tlme with their uncle and aunt, Mr.and MI'H. Lewis DickerBon, of theMorrlHtown roail.

Mr. und Mrs. Fred W. Fugle, ofTwin Oaks, are enlertaliiing the hit-ter's sister, Miss Catherine LaSalle,of Ilulllinore.

Mr. and Mrs, Kaymond F. May, ofHnlnbow Lakes, have bad as guestsMr. nml Mis. ICdwurd Menile, of Laur-Itim, I.. I.

Miss Until Dlckcrsoii, of Tubnr,, llu.' week-end luul I^abor l)»vlit Tuekerton.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tonkin, ot Tu-bor, are the parents of a baby daugh-ter horn recently.

Tlie Misses Dorothy and Muriel Coi-ns, of Veron, huve been guests of

Mr. and Mrs. Jor.erih McCartney, ofthe Morrlatown road.

The annual water carnival ot CedarLake was held Saturday,

Mr, and Mrs. A. Selden Walker, ofCedar Lake, spent the week-end atBelniar.

Willlnm Force, Si\, of Hoboken, hasbeen spending some time with hisson-in-law and daughter, Mr. andMrs. John Cooper, of Indian Lake.William Force, J r . , ' of Union City,has also been a guest at the Cooperhome.

Misses Helen and Mazle Barnes, ofRock Illdge, have had as guests theMisses Ellen and Madeline Scott, ofJersey City.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Martin, of Jer-sey City were week-end guests of Mr.und Mrs. J. C. Barnes.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Booth, of Ced-nr Luke, have as a guest their son,Dr. Willlnm K. Booth, who will RO toJohn* Hopkins Hospital at Baltimoretills (all.

John Witgenlmch, of Newark, nndMr. nnd Mrs. Charles Snydcr, of Irv-lngton, were week-end guents of Mr.

iund Mrs. Daniel Snyder, ot DenvilleGardens,

Mrs. h. Iva Lash, of Morris Avenueentertained the local W. C. T. V. ather home Thursday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schneider, otndlun Lake, are spending two months'


Hi'V. Andrew B. Wood, l'astor

Cliimli School classes Inr all linen |

,i! :i:'Mi Sunday nioniine;.

At lll:-lii Hev. Wood will preach.

The Yininc People's meeting will

iic held at 7 o'clock.

KveMiH", woi'ship at 7:-'^ with Kvv.

Wiiiilt pieacllillK-

Tuesday evenliin, Heplember llth,

the Annual MectliiK of I he Church

will In1 held licfilniilng at 7 o'clock.


"MAN" will be Hie subject of the

Li'Ssoii-KiM'inoi] in all CiiurcheH of

Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, Septem-

ber 7, W.HI.

The (ioldeii Text is : "Thou hast

dealt well with thy servant, 0 Lord,

according unto tliy word. Thy hands

have made me and fashioned me"

tl'siihus 119:115, 73).

Among tlie citations which comprise

the Lesson-Sermon is the following

from the Hible: "Then said Jesus until

bis disciples, If liny mini will come

afler me. li't him deny himself, nnd

take up his cross, ami follow me"

(Matthew 1(1:21).

The Lesson-Sermon alau includes

the following imstuiKe from tlie Chris-

tian Science text hook. "Selenqe and I

Health with Key to the Scriptures" i

by Mury linker lOildy: "The individ-

uality of man Is no less tangible be-

cause it is spiritinil and because his

lift1 is not at the nitvcy ul' matter. Tho

u'staniUnp; ot! his spiritual iiuli-

iduallty makes man more real, more

ormidable hi truth, and enables him

o conquer sin, disease, and death"

p. 317).

Quality Always- - T e l e p M

Sirloin Steak, Ib. - -Fresh Hamburg, lb. -Plate Meat, Ib. - -Prime Rib Roast, lb. -

Fancy Fresh Fowl, lb. -Fancy Fresh Broilers, lb.

Lgs of Spring Lamb, lb. - -Shoulders of Spring Lamb, lb. -Breast of Lamb - - - - 2 lb. for2

1 lb. Roll BrookfieldButter, •

Legs of Milk-fed Veal, lb. - •Shoulders of Milk-fed Veal, lb.

Swift Premium Whole Hams, lb.

Dixie Bacon, lb. - - -

Fresh $ggs, doz.

20Other Suits

$16.50 and $25.00MorrlstoivnV Largest Men's nnil Hoys' Shop

Telephone 111

34 Speedwell Avenue, Morristown, N. J.

traveling in Europe.

Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Peterson andson, Kichord, returned to their homent Carlcton, Neb., Sunday after spendin); a month with MrB. Peterson'sbrother-in-law and slater, Mr. nmlMrs. W. C. Clark, of Orchard street.

Residents of tho Diamond Springsection were greatly disturbed latiSunday night when a "treasure bunt-ing" party ran wild through the mainroad. It Is said there were about fortcars in tho procession, and sometimesthey van two abreast at a aiieeil ofsome forty miles an hour. How aaccident was avoided cannot be un-derstood.* Chief of Pollco Klnsey wascalled nnd soon endod tho "trensurohunt". Because ol the prominence ofthe fiimllien of tho youngsters in thowild riding, no complaint was madeagainst anyone. Should they ever re-peat tho performance, they will learnit will be a "troublo hunt".


Economical JustificationUsual Reticence.


Washington.—A woman's provoihlnlreticence where use la concerned haseconomic if not Mhlctil Justification Inour modern Industrial system, accord-Ing to officials of Hit United Stateswomen's bureau.

The woman over twi-nty-elclit \vho»tells her employer the truth about herage Is likely to find herself out of aJob, says Miss Mury V. Itohlnson, di-rector of tlie bureau's division ot pub-lic Information.

The bureau finds the term, "olderworker," Is belnj; nprilled to nil wom-en employees between the ages oftwenty-eight and slxty-plght, tun] tliatIt Is "fairly typical" for Industrialconcerns to employ only women un-der thirty,

"With the problem of finding workbecoming more acute for women intheir thirties, nnhirally to the womenof over forty forced to seek a j,,u thesituation seems almost hopeless," MIsgRobinson sold.

"Many women In their fifties, da-spite years of satisfactory imd loyalservice, are kept through wrong typesof efficiency methods In constant draadof losing their positions; und. those,who Itave crossed tlie sixty mark, eventhough still bale, fit und useful, gen-erally are regarded as hopelessly be-yond tho deud Hue of employment,"

The women's bureau recently nindoa survey of women linnd workers inthe cigar industry, where hundredshave been thrown out of work by fnc-tory mci-Rors and Installation of auto-matic cigar making machines.

A number o[ iliose questionedfrankly admitted prevaricating nbouttheir age In their effort to find newwork.

Miss Robinson raises tlie questionIf It Isn't "a shortsighted civilization"that oltera wage standards too low toprovide snvlngs that would Insureagainst unemployment, ana nge stand-ards coo low to provide jobs for capa-ble applicants.

Tonkin & Hoffman StcGENERAL MERCHANDISETelephone orders (,'iven special attention.

Tel. 101 51HiberniaAJ

Fritlny nnd Siitiirdtty Spt

on Sugar—,"> ll>. pa, J i |2 pa. to a customer

SPECIALS FOB WEEKSugar, lbOctagon Soap, 5 cakesMatches 2 pa IA-l Metal Polish, can IWelch Grape Juice if

Clicquot Ginger Ale 2 bottles tLux, large pa3 Toilet Tissue (1 face cloth free)Wheaties 2

Slierwin-Williams Paints and OilsNew Perfection and Florence Stoves and Ranges

Linoleums, Rugs, Window ShadesFirst Class Delivery Service Free

ELMER D. SNOOK-REAL ESTATE|Eslntrs, fiirins, dwellings, Inls nnd clc.

I'OT snle, rent or raclinngcListings Miintcd

Gnder-CQNCRETE BLOCKS-Sand |CISDEKS l>y truck or car loml


Cole AVP. k ("Miter St.MOUBISTOWN, N. 3.

Off. Tel. Mi>rr. 1828 — Itcs. T*l. 1K!T

Originated in GermanySlcat, a card game now known

tltroURliont tlie world, originated InAltenbcrB, Gerranny, In lfJUl. writesflcorgo I'. Ilmnlircclit In the WISCOHRIHStntc Journal. Up to 1S17 the Italiangame of tarook lidd full g\v«y ovcithe card-plnjInR public In 'heir dubsand societies in Gcrnmn.v. lint In Unityear Wreck bc|;mi to bn rcphui'il bysc'linfliopf, which liccnme the nuctcuVof the modern .


Scranton-Lehigh, Old Company's LeWand Plymouth Red Ash Coal

Strait & Freeman Coal Cil'hone 12 or 'l-\y

J , H- DLANCHARD & CO.Manufacturers Ot


•"HH or without handlesAll U a d R o, E ( ) g 0 T o o I a n n

Mowers SharpenedUnion Street Itocla™, T.

I ROOZI J t Tailor

Wall Street,Cleaning, Pressing

Work Dono Prompl'y »"'Guaranteed to glv

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