  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment



  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    Marketing strategies and promotionalcampaigns are essential part in yourrecruitment process.

    Positioning our brand and making people toWANT to know our product is the first step tofind our final and most suitable EP Profiles

    So, use your imagination and take some ideasfrom here to Boost your Recruitment!

  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    Remember that before starting any strategy orpromo activity you should have defined:

    1. Your target audience2. The message and key info (with timeline)

    3. Your final or packaged product

  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    The Marketing Campaign for EP Recruitmentshould be a priority for both OGX andMarketing areas. Make sure your teams arecompletely alligned and committed to achievethe goals.

    Train all the members together and teach them

    how to work with synergy!!

  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    Now is time to select the channels you will usefor your campaign. Take into account the costof each one in terms of money, time and

    human resources.

    Make sure that you have at least one personresponsible for each channel.

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    Traditional channels: TV-Radio-Press

    Internet and Web 2.0

    Physical promotion

    Personal Selling Events

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    Traditional Internet Physical Personal Events

    - Press release (local and

    university newspaper)

    - Radio spot

    - TV announcement

    - Radio/TV show


    - Create your own viral


    - Screensaver on unis


    - E-mail promo for


    - Social Networks

    - Members Personalmessage (Msn, fbk,


    - University website


    - AIESEC web site

    - Life Size models

    - Stand

    - Chalk walk

    - Helium Ballons with


    - Posters and flyers (make

    them original)

    - AIESEC Pyramids- Candies-card

    - Restroom stickers

    - Post it on campus/

    - Special offer or


    - Grafiti wall

    - Sign on the grass

    - open me box

    - Partner support

    - Ribbon on trees

    - See the world

    - Frame on cars windows

    - Person carrying a sign

    - Classroom visits

    - Mouth to mouth

    - Public intervention

    - AIESEC T-shirt day

    - Universitys events

    - External events

    - Flash mob

    - Global Village

    - Food Sample/festival

    - Issue based conference

    - Internal contest

  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    For traditional channels themain thing is to stablish thecontact. No matter if is theUniversity Media or anexternal, you shouldcontact them and offer theproposal of giving you anspace in theirshow/newspaper. Look for

    youth Radio/TV stations andtry to have this space topromote your recruitment.

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    Having a promotionalvideo for your website,social networks and events

    will help you to spreadyour recruitmentcampaign among studentmarket. You can createyour own video or just useone of the existing!

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    Contac your University and ask for a space intheir website or computer labs to put a banneror screensaver promoting your recruitment; inthis way you will be targeting directly to your


  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    Although is the simplest andeasiest way to reach some ofyour target audience you mustbe very careful in the disign and

    content of your e-mailpromotion. Be catchy and makepeople ask for moreinformation. Dont forget to

    include all the main informationand select the appropiatesubject title. Is mailing notSpaming!!!

  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    Nowadays its almostimpossible not usingsocial networks asFacebook, Twitter,

    LinkedIn and some other.But be really carefulwhen promoting youropportunities; focus on

    your target, give theright information andremember always torespect our branding.

  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    In a recruitment processmembers involvement isalways needed. Encourageyour LC members to

    promote your recruitmentthrough their personalFacebook status, msnnick, tweets, and evenpersonal e-mail to theirfriends. This method is

    excellent to create a viralmessage and to make thewhole LC be committedwith your exchange goals!

    Dont forget to have yourLC website completelyupdated and with all therequired information for

    your recruitmentcampaign.

  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    One of the most popular ways to promote the organization isthe AIESEC stand in your campus. For the complete successof this tactic make sure to find the appropiate place and

    hours to have it. Train all the people who will be in the standand have all the necessary logistic and promotionalequipment (flyers, cards, computer, product sheets, etc) togive the best service to your audience.

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  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    If your university has a hugecampus, why dont to spread themessage by using the floor? Justget some pieces of chalk and putyour homepage on the floor,people will be wondering what isabout and will check it. You canalso use catchy words/messages toinvite people to your stand.

    Note: Be sure you have thepermission of your university fordoing that!

  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    Use helium ballons with the AIESEC logo or tiesome flyer on it to create an alternative way topromote your campaign. Put the ballons in placescrowed and where people can easily see them.

  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    Another regular promotionaltactic, which if is well targetedcan be really effective. Make anattractive and different design,

    you can make posters as apostcard or use the Im anAIESECer campaign. For flyersyou can print an internationalrecipe or an interesting fact

    about a country in the backside, this will encourage peopleto actually look at it instead ofjust throwing it away.

  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    A different way topresent your informationis creating little pyramids

    or cubes with the maininformation on it. Thenleave them on the tablesof cafeterias, libraries,classrooms, etc. In thisway people willdefenitely have to take alook on them!

  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    To make a different type of flyer or card, why

    dont you make them more attractive by puttingit some candies? Just staple one candy to eachflyer and make people want one!

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    If you put AIESECstickers on therestrooms wallremember to be sure

    that they will not bedamaged. Use themirrors and thedoors to place them.

    During yourrecruitment campaignyou can select a dayfor your memberswear one AIESEC T-

    shirt, showing supportto the LC andencouraging otherpeople to ask aboutAIESEC

  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    You can develop aspecial offer toincentive people: i.e.bring 5 of your friends

    and receive a specialdiscount, or apply inthe first week andreceive a freeconference in the LC,


    Use the traditionalPost-its writtingsomething relatedyour recruitment onthem and place a big

    ammount of them in avisible place.

  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    You can ask for a empty wall in your campus or just

    place lots of flipcharts on the wall and create a GrafitiWall to promote your recruitment. Let people writtethe countries they want to visit, their thoughts aboutglobal issues, etc. Then you can ask each person toinvite another to draw something on your wall

  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    If your university has a big campus, try using bigsigns on the grass guiding people to yourinformation sessions or just promoting theexchange programs.


  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    Another idea for using the campusis leaving boxes around the grasswith the message open me,then inside you will have littlenotes promoting your recruitmentand with a final message like this:Now close me and leave tosomeone else can open me again.You can costumize the boxes

    according the countries yourepromoting to make them moreattractive and catchy.

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    Find one of your strongest TN taker orpartners and ask them to writte a littleparagraph showing support to AIESEC and theexchange programs. This will make theprograms more attractive.

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    Once again, you canuse your naturalcampus, such as treesto make a different

    and creativepromotion. Just add awide colorful ribbonto the trees and put

    some AIESEC flyers onit, people will see itand they will need tocheck what is it.

  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    This a different an uniqueidea to attrack people oncampus, just build a pair ofbinoculars with blackcardboard and at the end of

    them add a board to placedifferent world images (besure you can change them),the let people to look at itand try to identify wich

    country is it. You can giveprizes as candies for thosewho guess.

  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    Make with pasteboardstylish frames for windowscars and put in thempictures of worldslandscapes; at the top adda message that sayssomething like: you couldbe having this view, joinAIESEC internship

    program. Place them inall the cars of yourcampus, drivers will haveto see them!

  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    If you have extremelymotivating and dynamicmembers use them topromote your recruitment

    personally by carryng a nicead on their bodys andinviting people to the standor info sessions. The personshould be in most popular

    places around the campus.Note: Use at least twopeople so they wont feelalone!

  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    One of the most effective

    tactics to promote theprogram is to ask for a briefspace on classes and give afast but effective AIESECmessage. Invite people tothe stand and informationsession and if the professorallows you give some flyers.Make sure you have the

    permission for doing thisbefore interrupting anyclass!

    This method is perfectto spread the messagein a fast way. Just inviteyour LC members toshare with all their

    friends about the AIESECexchange program andmake them attend to aninfo session.

  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    Use a public intervention to promote internships(mainly GCDP) can be an impactful way to get toyour target. Just select one of the AIESEC globalissues and with your recruitment team approach

    every person in your campus. Ask them somequestions, give them some facts or create any otherinteresting but short content about the topic. At theend remember to give them AIESEC information and

    invite them to stand/session

  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    Creating a flash mob toimpulse your campaign isa great idea to involveyour LC members andmake a huge impactonyour campus. Be sureyou have practicedenough and that youhave a big and visited

    place to do it. Be ascreative as you want todesign it!!

  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    You can also use yourinterns to promote yourOGX recruitmentcampaign! Just invitethem to make a smallglobal village or foodfestival in the campus,and make sure they willpromote the internshipopportunities amongstudents. This tactic is a

    useful way to let theaudience experience alittle bit about othercultures and becomemore interested in the


  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    Selecting a global issueand creating the space (asa conference, webminar,panel, etc) to people getinvolve with it is a goodstrategy to give theaudience something morethan just the promotion.At the end you can just

    give a brief explanation ofthe internshipsopportunities.

  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    Not only the externalaudience is important.Make sure you have yourinternal campaign amongLC members to encourage

    people going onexchange. Creating acontest to people cancompete and have a finalprize can be one of the

    tactis to promote therecruitment at theinternal level.

  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    No matter if is in yourcampus or if is it an externalone, an event is always agreat opportunity to reach abig amount of people. Lookfor events that are allignedwith the organization andmake the proposal to be partof them. Place a stand if

    possible and make sure yourpeople is completely trainedto sell the exchange products

  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment


    For each tactic check the cost, humanresources and impact it will cause so you canbe prepared.

    Plan with a timeline the dates andresponsibles of each marketing activity

    Share your results after appying any tacticwith other LCs

    Be innovative and think in more creativepromo strategies and tactis!

  • 7/31/2019 Rock Your Recruitment





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