


TUESDAY, MAY 29, 2018 – 7:00 PM




Mr. Richard Young, President

Mrs. Jane Luciano, Vice President

Ms. Leslie Dee

Mrs. Sharon DeVito

Mr. Vito Galluccio

Mr. Thomas Halm

Mr. Craig Heilman

Mrs. Lisa Temple

Mr. Scott Veisz


Dr. Kathleen A. Foster


Dr. Kim Tew


Ms. Beth Brooks


Sydney Flyge


Sophie Billings

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 1 of 51



May 29, 2018


Board President Rich Young called the May 29, 2018 meeting of the Robbinsville Board of Education to order

at 6:09 PM. He read the Statement of Public Meetings and Adherence to School Ethics Act and led the flag



Ms. Dee Present Mr. Galluccio Present Mrs. Temple Present

Mrs. DeVito Present Mr. Heilman Present Mr. Veisz Present

Mr. Halm Absent Mrs. Luciano Present Mr. Young Present


On motion of Mrs. Luciano and seconded by Ms. Dee, the Robbinsville Board of Education voted to convene

in Executive Session at 6:12 PM to discuss the following topics.








Mr. Young read the following statement about school security.

First, I’d like to thank everyone who is here tonight as part of our continued effort to improve security in

the Robbinsville School System. As many of you know, all of us on the Board have children, spouses,

friends and colleagues who spend a significant portion of their lives in our buildings. Collectively, more

than anything else, we want nothing more than to keep all of them safe.

School Security is a National Problem

As we’ve seen recent events unfold in far too many schools nationwide, these incidents send chills through

all of us. It has led us to ask over and over again, are we doing enough and can we do more? The reality

is that our district has taken great strides, many strong steps, not just this year, but over the past several

years to increase the ways that our children, teachers and staff remain safe and secure. Many of these

measures you’ve seen…including new entrance ways at Sharon and Pond – and soon the High School.

Other measures we don’t talk about publicly because we don’t want the bad actors to know all of our

plans. Keep in mind, all of us sitting at this table have a vested and personal interest in ensuring we’re

doing whatever needs to be done in other to keep our facilities, staff and staff safe and secure.

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New Security Initiatives in Robbinsville

Just this year, we’ve embarked on several new initiatives. First, starting in September, we will have a

permanent and dedicated school resource officers... full-time members of the Robbinsville Police force...

in each Robbinsville school. They will be armed. They will spend their days proactively and reactively

looking at situations in real-time. The two new officers will be in addition to Patrolman Ed Vincent. We

will formally introduce them to you in a few minutes. In the meantime, our police department has stepped-

up their patrols and presence at all of our facilities.

In addition, we intend to construct a new, more secure entrance at Robbinsville High School. It will be

similar to what’s now in place at Sharon and Pond. Simply put, there will be a series of barriers or check

points before someone is admitted into our facilities. We are also looking to construct new barriers at the

front and back of the high school – permanent poles or bollards --- essentially what you see now at Sharon

and Pond. Our goal is to have this new secure entrance in place in the fall.

Please keep in mind, Sharon and Pond are not being neglected. After the shooting at Sandy Hook school

in Connecticut several years ago, our district did a major top to bottom security study. A vast majority of

the recommendations were put in place since that time. While we were doing major additions and

renovations both Sharon and Pond, several of these new security measures and enhancements were

implemented or constructed during the renovation period. This includes an extensive camera network in

all of our schools which includes a direct connection to our police department. We intend to add

additional cameras over the next few months.

School Security is more than Physical Enhancements

It’s important to remember that school security is more than just physical changes. Our goal as a school

system and our goal as a community is to help identify those who might be considering doing something

dangerous before it occurs. Over the past couple of years, prudent parents and students have brought

potential issues to our attention that may have prevented an incident from happening. That doesn’t mean

a dangerous situation was imminent. It means that a particular situation was unstable and we were able

to work with our police department and our school leaders to potentially prevent an incident. When this

happens, this collective effort provides an opportunity to offer help to someone who may need it.

We’re also making improvements that don’t cost anything. We’re working to create a culture of safety

that doesn’t require large amounts of capital, such as educating the students on the importance of "saying

something if they see something”. We also want to end so-called tailgating… not celebrations before or

after games…but the practice of holding open a door for strangers.

And while we’re talking about preventing situations, one of the recommendations that we’ve been hearing

consistently is that we need to increase the number of counselors in our schools. We listened and that’s

happening. Our high school will open this fall if with a new, full-time guidance counselor on staff. We’re

also bringing in a new firm that will greatly help us with identifying and working with students with

behavioral or social issues. The goal is to offer help to those students who need assistance long before

anything occurs. The current system that we’ve been using in the high school will be re-deployed to offer

similar services to students at both Pond and Sharon.

In addition, I’m happy to report that Robbinsville will be a part of Mercer County Rapid Response

Partnership. This group brings together local police, fire, rescue, and school officials to implement a

unified response to any incident in the county, including school safety & security events. The goal is to

create common language and organized response protocols & responsibilities with multiple respondents

from surrounding towns to a single scene. Robbinsville will an active participant in this initiative. Our

facilities head Kim Keener and High School principal Molly Avery are active members of this


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School Security is a Top Priority

The bottom line for all of you to know is that this board and this district have made school security its

number one priority. I think we can all agree in that we could have the best academic programs in the

world, but if our buildings, students and staff are not secure, it means nothing. We also need to keep mind

each enhancement comes at a cost. Personally, I believe that even if we had a bottomless pot of funding –

and you know that we do not -- none of us could sit here and give a 100 percent guarantee that we can

ever fully prevent an adverse security incident. We live in an open society. And when we live that way, we

must do whatever we can to prevent risks, but there’s never an ultimate and fool-proof guarantee.

Going forward, we intend to have a special meeting focused on school security in the next few weeks. As

soon as we have a firm date, we’ll let all of you know. In the meantime, we continue to look at your

recommendations and others. If we find that we’re lacking in a certain area, we will take steps to improve

our systems.

School Resource Officer Introduction

Now, I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce Robbinsville Police Lt. Michael Polaski who is a true

friend and partner to our district. He, along with Chief Nitti and our town’s police director, Mayor Dave

Fried, have been invaluable partners in our efforts to improve security. After the shooting at the Parkland

school in Florida in February, Dr. Foster and I got on the phone with Mayor Fried. We said we need

dedicated officers in each school. Within a second, our Mayor committed to making that happen. And the

town is assuming the majority of these costs for the next couple of years.

Personally, I am thrilled knowing that we will have a fulltime police presence in our buildings. With all

that we’ve seen over the past few years, it’s hard to imagine operating a school in 2018 without them. As I

said, they will play both a proactive and reactive role in our buildings -- including the monitoring of a new

school security tip line that will be established so that someone can anonymously report a tip that will be

reviewed by those who know best.

Lt. Mike Polaski of the Robbinsville Police Department introduced Ed Vincent, the district’s current SRO.

He also introduced Det. Kevin Colgan, the PRMS SRO, and Melyssa Alonso, the SES SRO. Both new

positions will be effective in September 2018.

Mrs. Luciano noted that the new Mental Health Therapeutic Wrap-around Program will contain a training

component for all teachers.


Assistant Superintendent Kim Tew introduced the Principals of each school. The Principals, in turn,

recognized the Educators of the Year and spoke about their accomplishments and relationships with both

their colleagues and the students they serve.

RHS: Jeff Fisher – Social Studies

PRMS: Nicole Rokoszak – Grade 7 ELA

SES: Claire Corliss – School Psychologist

C. KUDOS TO RHS WINTER ATHLETES - Curtis Wyers, Athletic Director

Mr. Wyers introduced several senior winter athletes. The students shared information about their sport and

their plans to continue competing in college.

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A. SHANNON GAFGEN – Expressed appreciation that Board and Township are working together /

Commented on importance of transparency and communication.

B. DEB BAER – Emphasized the importance of creating an environment where kids feel safe and able to

share their troubles without judgement.

C. MR. BREDEN – Reminded the Board that parents are here to help the Board be successful.

D. TINA INVERSO – Asked if the Board had reached a decision regarding continued busing of PRMS

Saran Woods students.

E. NOUSHIN KANANI – Asked questions related to security protocol for the RHS Commons, the security

audit, and a recent recommendation of bullet proof glass.

F. KISLAY KAUSHIK – Asked about the district’s cyber-security plan.

G. AARON HOBART – Suggested a more standardized approach to the homework tool. Affirmed that there

is a hard balance between creating a secure environment and a learning space that motivates students


H. KEVIN GRETCZEK – Requested an update on bathroom cleanliness.

I. JOHN RUCH – Asked that teachers provide context to the grades posted in Genesis.

J. JANCIE SADULA – Indicated that residents of Saran Woods are not happy with the idea that PRMS

students may have to walk to school.

K. ELISE KLASSEN – Thanked the Board for their support regarding student safety Asked if elimination of

back packs has been considered and questioned types of drills that occur.

L. CHRIS CAPP – Expressed appreciation for transportation letter and asked if the district could send a

preemptive letter stating the rules of bus conduct to parents prior to September.

M. SHAINA CIACCIO – Stated that she is happy with the security additions and asked if SPROWTS

participate in drilling.

N. AHMED CHOPRA – In light of recent school bus accident, inquired about bus driver background


O. TOM CHIANESE – Expressed concern about security during after school hours.


A. 2017-2018 MERIT GOALS

Dr. Foster provided an overview of her 2017-2018 merit goals (two qualitative and two quantitative) and

described how the indicators have been met.

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SCHOOL 3H 3F 4H 4F KF 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Total

RHS 244 234 262 240 980

PRMS 236 266 252 314 1068

SES 5 3 19 4 179 221 223 211 258 1123

SPROWT 6 10 16

SUBTOTAL 11 3 29 4 179 221 223 211 258 236 266 252 314 244 234 262 240 3187

OOD 1 1 2 3 6 2 5 6 12 38

TOTAL 11 3 29 5 180 221 223 211 258 236 268 255 320 246 239 268 252 3225

SCHOOL July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June

RHS 981 987 993 987 988 989 984 983 981 981 980

PRMS 1027 1041 1047 1050 1054 1060 1065 1067 1069 1067 1068

SES 1030 1084 1092 1100 1099 1103 1108 1111 1118 1122 1123

SPROWT 5 16 17 16 16 16 15 17 15 16 16

SUBTOTAL 3043 3128 3149 3153 3157 3168 3172 3178 3183 3186 3187

OOD 37 40 40 39 39 39 39 39 40 39 38

TOTAL 3080 3168 3189 3192 3196 3207 3211 3217 3223 3225 3225


Ms. Brooks informed the Board and members of the public that plans to construct a vestibule in the RHS front

entrance are underway. The architect is drawing plans and a report will be presented in June to the FFT

Committee. She also indicated that the district received six proposals for the Legal Services RFP. Three firms

will be recommended for interviews. June 4 and June 12 were floated as possible dates for holding the



Student Government President Sydney Flyge reported on the following matters.

Sports and Clubs Update

Executive Council 2018-2019

o Kelly Herbert, President

o Hannah James, Vice President

o Joe Consiglio, Treasurer

o Danny Frascella, Secretary

o Jack Gillmer, Social Director


Sophie Billings reported on the following Pond and Sharon matters.


2018-2019 Student Council Officers

Q & A Walk / Run

Final Council meeting for reflection

Spirit Day


Barnes & Noble Summer Kickoff

Destination Imagination Global Finals

5th Grade Poster & Essay Contest

Knight of Achievement

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Ms. Dee reported on the following items discussed during the May 9, 2018 meeting of the Education,

Development and Policy Committee.

2018-2019 District Calendar Revisions: The group look at the proposed revisions of moving spring

break up a week, moving the October PD day to November 7th, the date of Diwali, and adding two half

days in the spring for contracted IEP writing time. Kathie will send out possible revisions for 2019-2020

that have similar changes.

Difference Card Presentation: The members listened to a presentation by the Difference Card company

and our insurance broker about the possibility of utilizing the difference card program to partially maintain

our current benefit package but partially self-insure and save the district money. The committee discussed

the possibility of a July 1st start date, but it is a fast turn-around and staff will need training on how to use

the program. Kathie and Beth will look more into how/when to best roll out the changes.

Additional Items of Discussion: Mr. Heilman asked about self-defense in PE. It is not in the PE

standards, but we do have self-defense training as part of our Senior Safety & Awareness program. This

took place on May 10th this year!

Next Meeting: Tuesday, June 12, 2018

B. PERSONNEL – Mrs. Jane Luciano, Chair

Review of Regular Personnel Agenda and May Reappointment Agenda: The May board meeting

personnel agenda includes all the annual reappointments of returning staff for the 2018-2019 school year.

Administrators’ salaries are at the 2017-2018 rate. They are currently in negotiations and when the

contract is settled, they will be re-approve at the new rate. Additional appointments include the

instructional coaches, fall athletic coaches, curriculum writers, chaperones, and summer work. New Hires

include 3 new teachers at RHS. The Math, PE/Health, and Guidance Counselor positions are reallocated

from retirements and will assist with increased enrollment at the high school.

Staff Recommended for Tenure: The Administrative Team reviewed the 21 staff members receiving

tenure. They are listed on the agenda separately. All 21 teachers have gone through a rigorous 4 year

Induction Program and have demonstrated the qualities that Robbinsville embodies including a student-

centered approach, knowledgeable at their craft, reflective professional learners, and a desire to contribute

to the school community.



Attorney RFP – The district received 6 proposals and had RFP opening on May 23rd. A summary of the

hourly rates for each proposal was reviewed. Discussion took place on whether to interview the firms (all,

some, or none) and whether to appoint at the next board meeting or hold a special meeting. The agreement

would be for the period July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019.

2018-2019 Professional Services Contract Renewals – FFT reviewed the competitive contracting report

presented on the three vendors that submitted proposals for the Comprehensive Therapeutic Mental Health

Program. Effective School Solutions (ESS) received the highest rating score of 85.33 for technical,

management, and cost criteria. The recommendation is to award the competitive contract to ESS.

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Central Jersey Waste Renewal – It was recommended to renew the last year of the contract to Central

Jersey Waste for the period July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019 at the CPI increase of 1.51%.

Upper Freehold Ice Hockey and Swimming – The 2018-19 rates are based upon the actual cost for the

2017-18. The recommended charge to Upper Freehold for the 2018-19 school year is $1,500/student for

Ice Hockey (down $500) and $800/student for Swimming (up $300). These amounts were provided to

Upper Freehold. The district is waiting for board approval.

Sale/Leaseback of Textbooks – Ms. Brooks discussed the program that Paterson using for leasing

textbooks and did not recommend this approach. The district can lease new textbooks but Paterson was

using the current textbooks as collateral for a loan.

Health Benefits Difference Card Approach – An update was provided on the potential use of the health

benefits difference card for the 2018-19 school year. AJ Gallagher, the district’s health benefits broker,

presented the difference card to union representatives. The unions had concern over the use and training

of the difference card for the employees and were not comfortable with the program. Discussion took

place of different starts times, such as July or September. FFT is recommending moving forward with

implementation of the difference card for a July 1st start date.

Update on Custodial Contract – Ms. Brooks provided an update on the current custodial contract and

discussed potential options for next year.

Update on Projected Surplus – Ms. Brooks discussed the projected surplus balance for the 2017-18

school year and recommended the purchased of a 24 passenger school bus that will be needed with the

growing populations. FFT supported the recommendation. She also recommended that additional surplus

should be put into a capital reserve account for future capital needs.

Security – A lengthy discussion took place on the security concern and needs of the district. Ideas will be

taken to the security committee for further evaluation.

Food Services – Recommend purchase of new equipment: steamer and pizza oven from 2005. Renew

contract and price increase recommendation of 0.05.

2016-2017 – SES $2.90 PRMS $2.95

2017-2018 – SES $3.05 PRMS $3.10

2018-2019 – SES $3.10 PRMS $3.15

Transportation - FFT reviewed the monthly transportation report. There were questions regarding bus

15. Ms. Brooks stated that there was 1 day the bus did not show up in the AM. The transportation office

ran the run to pick up any students. Upon further investigation it was determined there was an issue with

the pickup time. The transportation office is working on a correcting the issue.

Update on Saran Woods Walk – Facilities will work on getting cost estimates for extending the curbing

at the end of the access road leading to Pond. Also the district will work with the township to see about

making the crossing at Saran Road safer.

Policy Update – Ms. Brooks stated that the transportation policy will be included in the student handbook

and that parents will be required to sign off on the policy at the beginning of the school year.


RHS Media Center Project is on schedule. No issues or concerns at this time.

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 8 of 51

RHS Main Entry Vestibule Update – Ms. Brooks went over three design options discussed with the

architect. Mr. Halm felt that all the entrances at RHS should eventually be changed by replacing the glass

doors with metal doors. There is potential funding available from the media project to create a vestibule

but it will require attorney review. More to come with additional design options.

RHS Concrete Update – Ms. Keener discussed redesigning the back entrance at RHS to include more

grass and less concrete. Mr. Halm discussed that more grass will lead to more mud at the bottom of the

walkway and wanted to see other options. The architect will provide cost estimates once the design option

is agreed upon. More to come with additional design options.

Pond Basketball Enclosure – Ms. Brooks discussed the project with the architect to determine Pond

expansion opportunities if needed in the future. Spiezle stated that the best option for an addition to Pond

would be where the basketball court is located. The right back is wetlands and could not be an option.

The right side of Pond is another viable option but parking on the side would be impacted. FFT discussed

the option of the potential joint project with the town in creating an enclosure around the basketball courts,

to include offices and bathrooms. The land however would deed to be permanently deeded to the


ESIP – Exit meeting on the LGEA (local government energy audit) will take place on June 1st.

Next Meeting – Wednesday, June 13, 2018

D. COMMUNITY RELATIONS – Mr. Craig Heilman, Chair

Mr. Heilman reported on the following items of discussion at the May1, 2018 Community Relations


Difference Card Discussion / Presentation: The members listened to a presentation by the Difference

Card company and our insurance broker about the possibility of utilizing the difference card program to

partially maintain our current benefit package but partially self-insure and save the district money. The

committee discussed the possibility of a July 1st start date, but it is a fast turn-around and staff will need

training on how to use the program. Dr. Foster and Ms. Brooks indicated that they would look more into

how/when to best roll out the changes.

A Senior Moment Update: The three senior citizens will be presenting in various classrooms sometime

the week of May 29th. The seniors include:

Dominick Critelli will work with Tracy Rowohlt for Career Exploration

Matt Mannino will work with Brian Williams and Birch Wilson, music

Judy Filliponi will work with Gina Policastro, Media Center Specialist for a special display

Other Agenda Items: Mr. Heilman suggested asking the Security Committee to ask police to do Public

Service Announcements during RHS football games.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, June 5. 2018

E. AD HOC SECURITY – Mr. Scott Veisz

Mr. Veisz reported that a meeting of the Security Committee is scheduled to take place on Monday, June

4, 2018. He noted that a parent meeting will take place on June 21, 2018 at 7:00 at Robbinsville High


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F. NEGOTIATIONS – Mrs. Jane Luciano, Chair

Mrs. Luciano reported that the first negotiations session for the Robbinsville Principals and Supervisors

Association took place on May 24, 2018. The second session is scheduled for June 4th.


On motion of Mrs. Luciano and seconded by Ms. Dee the Robbinsville Board of Education voted 8-0 to

approve the minutes of the following meetings. Mr. Halm was absent.

April 24, 2018 Executive Session (Attachment #1)

April 24, 2018 Public Session (Attachment #2)

May 9, 2018 Executive Session (Attachment #3)

May 9, 2018 Public Session (Attachment #4)


On motion of Mrs. Luciano and seconded by Mr. Galluccio, the Robbinsville Board of Education voted 8-0 to

table items XIII.G and XIII.H3. Mr. Halm was absent.

On motion of Mrs. Luciano and seconded by Mr. Heilman, the Robbinsville Board of Education voted 8-0 to

approve Annual Resolutions for 2018-2019 XIII.A-BB as amended. Mr. Halm was absent.

A. Qualified Purchasing Agent – 2018-2019

WHEREAS, the Public School Contracts Law gives boards of education the ability to establish their bid

threshold at $40,000.00; and

WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-3a, permits a bid threshold of $40,000.00 if a Qualified Purchasing Agent

is appointed and also grants the authorization to negotiate and award such contracts below the bid

threshold; and

WHEREAS, N.J.A.C. 5:34-5 et seq. establishes the criteria for qualifying as a Qualified Purchasing Agent;


WHEREAS, Beth Brooks possesses the designation of Qualified Purchasing Agent as issued by the

Director of the Division of Local Government Services in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:34-5 et seq.; and

WHEREAS, the Robbinsville Board of Education desires to establish the bid threshold at $40,000.00 as

provided in N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-3; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the governing body of the Robbinsville Board of Education in the County of Mercer, in

the State of New Jersey, hereby establishes its bid threshold at $40,000.00.

B. Financial Depositories

Motion to approve the following financial institutions as official depositories for the School District’s

funds for the 2018-2019 school year.

Investors Bank

NJARM (New Jersey Asset & Rebate Management Program)

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C. Authorization to Mandate Direct Deposit

Motion to designate Investors Bank, the district’s banking institution, to administer the direct deposit

program for all district employees as per requirements of N.J.S.A.52:14-15h. All employees shall receive

their net pay via direct deposit for the 2018-2019 school year. The Robbinsville Board of Education will

make exception to this resolution for the following employee payments:

Athletic and co-curricular stipends

June 30th payments to staff members that have not checked out appropriately for the year

Final check upon termination

Note: The Principal or his / her designee shall notify the Business Office by the close of business on June 20, 2018 as to those

employees that have not checked out appropriately.

D. Petty Cash Accounts

Motion to approve petty cash amounts as indicated for the 2018-2019 school year.

Administrative $200.00

Pond Road Middle School $200.00

Sharon Elementary School

Robbinsville Extended Day



Special Education $500.00

E. Name Stamps

Motion to approve name stamps for the Board President, Treasurer of School Monies, School Business

Administrator, and Superintendent on all checks to vendors as well as on all checks generated from the

payroll and agency accounts for the 2018-2019 school year.

F. Substitute Rates

Motion to approve substitute rates for the 2018-2019 school year as indicated. Note: Hourly rates are

based upon 7.25 hour days.

Position Rate Per Day Rate Per Hour Certified Teacher $ 95.00 $ 13.10 Non-certified Teacher $ 85.00 $ 11.72 Nurse $150.00 $ 20.69 Athletic Trainer $150.00 $20.69 Bus Driver N/A $ 22.35 Bus Aide N/A $ 12.10 Secretary / Clerk N/A $ 10.34

G. Board Agents – TABLED

Motion to appoint the following individuals as Board Agents for the 2018-2019 school year as indicated.

Position Name

School Board Secretary Beth Brooks

Public Agency Compliance Officer Beth Brooks

Custodian of Public Records Beth Brooks

504 Officer Rajneet Bajnath

Right to Know Officer Kimberly Keener

Asbestos Program Manager Kimberly Keener

Integrated Pest Mgmt. Coordinator Kimberly Keener

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Position Name

Indoor Air Quality Coordinator Kimberly Keener

Designated Person Kimberly Keener

School Safety Specialist Kimberly Keener

School Safety Specialist Molly Avery

Affirmative Action Officer Cara O’Connor

Homeless Liaison Kristina Mannino

District Educational Stability Liaison Kristina Mannino

Title IX Coordinator Curtis Wyers

Anti-Bullying District Coordinator Kim Tew

Anti-Bullying School Specialist – SES Kim White

Anti-Bullying School Specialist – PRMS Marci Singer

Anti-Bullying School Specialist – RHS Anna Hernandez

H. Auxiliary Personnel

Appoint the following individuals / entities to serve in the capacities indicated for the 2018-2019 school


1. Architect of Record

Spiezle Group

120 Sanhican Drive

Trenton, NJ 08619

Contracted Fee: N/A

2. Attorney – Bond Counsel

McManimon & Scotland, LLC

75 Livingston Avenue

Roseland, NJ 07068

Contracted Fee: Partner: $215 per hour / Legal Assistant: $135 per hour

3. Attorney – Special Services – TABLED

Methfessel & Werbel

2025 Lincoln Highway, Suite 200

Edison, NJ 08818

Contracted Fee: Partner & Counsel: $185 per hour / Associate: $150 per hour / Paralegal: $55 per hour

4. Auditor

Holman Frenia Allison, PC

618 Stokes Road

Medford, NJ 08055

Contracted Fee: $32,900

5. Financial Advisor

Acacia Financial Group

13000 Lincoln Drive West

Marlton, NJ 08053

Contracted Fee:

Lease Purchasing: $ 2,000 - $ 3,500

Referendum Bond Issuance: $10,000 - $12,500

Refunding of Debt: $10,000 - $11,500

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6. Health Benefit Consultant

Gallagher Benefit Services

707 State Road

Princeton, NJ 08542

7. Insurance Broker

Gallagher, O’Gorman, & Young

707 State Road

Princeton, NJ 08542

8. School Physician

Dr. Mark Magariello

6 Haines Drive

Robbinsville, NJ 08691

Contracted Fee: $12,000

9. Treasurer of School Monies

Pablo Canela

7015 Cottage Avenue

North Bergen, NJ 07047

Contracted Fee: $5,400

I. District Policies & Bylaws

Motion to adopt the district’s Policies and Bylaws for the 2018-2019 school year and the Board of

Education approve Robert’s Rules of Order, revised, for its parliamentary procedures relating to board


J. Curriculum Adoption

Motion to adopt all written curriculum specifically aligned with the most recent State Board of Education

adopted version of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards for the 2018-2019 school year as indicated.

Comprehensive Health & Physical Education Science

English Social Studies

English as Second Language Technology

Gifted and Talented Visual & Performing Arts

Guidance World Languages

Mathematics 21st Century Life & Careers

Computer Science

K. Enrollment in NJSIAA

Motion to approve the enrollment of Robbinsville School District as a member of the New Jersey State

Interscholastic Athletic Association (NJSIAA) to participate in approved interschool programs sponsored

by the NJSIAA for the 2018-2019 school year.

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L. Official Newspaper

Motion to establish The Trenton Times as the official newspaper for district announcements for the 2018-

2019 school year and direct the School Business Administrator / Board Secretary to advertise in other

newspapers as appropriate. For the purpose of cooperative bidding through Educational Data, the official

newspaper shall be The Newark Star Ledger.

M. Signature Authorization

Designate the following authorized individuals to sign checks on behalf of the Board of Education for the

2018-2019 school year:

Account Name

Required #

Signatures Sch


l B





























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Current 4 X X X X

Payroll 1 X X X

Agency 1 X X X

Unemployment 1 X X

Robbinsville Extended Day 1 X X X

Food Service 1 X X

Administrative Petty Cash 1 X X

RHS Scholarship 1 X X

School Petty Cash 2


Special Education Petty Cash 2 X X X X

R.E.D. Petty Cash 2 X X X X

Student Activity 2 X X X X

Capital Reserve 1 X X

Maintenance Reserve 1 X X

RHS School Store 2 X

N. Transfer of Funds & Hand Checks

Motion to authorize the School Business Administrator / Board Secretary to transfer budget funds and

issue hand checks for ratification at Board of Education meetings for the 2018-2019 school year.

O. Chart of Accounts

Motion to designate the 2017-2018 Revised New Jersey Chart of Accounts (COA) to provide dimensions

and types of allowable budgetary transactions.

P. Mileage Reimbursement Rate

Motion to approve the rate of $.31 per mile for the 2018-2019 school year.

Q. Third Party Administrator of 403B Plan Provider

Motion to approve OMNI as the third party administrator for the district’s 403B Plan providers for the

2018-2019 school year as indicated.

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 14 of 51


The Legend Group

Lincoln Investment


Security Benefit & Life

R. 457 Plan Provider

Motion to approve AXA/Equitable as the district’s 457 Plan provider for the 2018-2019 school year.

S. State Contract Purchasing

Motion to adopt a resolution authorizing The Procurement of Goods and Services through State Agency

for the 2018-2019 school year.

WHEREAS, Title 18A:18A-10 provides that “A board of education, without advertising for bids, or after

having rejected all bids obtained pursuant to advertising therefore, by resolution may purchase any goods

or services pursuant to contract or contracts for such goods or services entered into on behalf of the State

by the Divisions of Purchase and Property”, and

WHEREAS, the Robbinsville Board of Education has the need, on a timely basis, to procure goods and

services utilizing state contracts, and

WHEREAS, the Robbinsville Board of Education desires to authorize its purchasing agent for the 2018-

2019 school year to make any and all purchases necessary to meet the needs of the school district

throughout the school year,

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Robbinsville Board of Education does hereby authorize

the district purchasing agent to make purchases of goods and services entered into on behalf of the State by

the Division of Purchase and Property utilizing various vendors that have State Contracts. The Purchasing

Agent shall make known to the Board and Commodity / Service, Vendor and State Contract Number


T. Grant Application

Motion to authorize the Superintendent of Schools, or designee, to sign and file all grant applications to the

United States government and state government for educational program grants and to represent the

District as required in reference to such grant applications for the 2018-2019 school year.

U. District-wide Manuals / Plans

Motion to approve the following District-wide Manuals and Plans for the 2018-2019 school year.

Standard Operating Procedures Manual

Transportation Manual

Long Range Facilities Plan

Professional Development Plan

Mentor Plan

Technology Plan

V. Educational Data Services, Inc.

Motion to approve Educational Data Services, Inc. as a New Jersey Cooperative Bidding Program for

school and custodial supplies and trades bid. The licensing and maintenance fee for the 2018-2019 school

year is $6,080.00.

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 15 of 51

W. Frontline Technologies

Motion to approve a contract with Frontline Technologies Group, LLC, PO Box 780577, Philadelphia, PA

in an amount not to exceed $28,759.96 for the period dating July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

X. Genesis Student Data Base

Motion to approve a contract with Genesis Educational Services, Inc., 300 Buckelew Avenue, Jamesburg,

NJ in the amount of $19,208.50 for the period dating July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

Y. Systems 3000, Inc.

Motion to approve a contract with Systems 3000, Inc. 615 Hope Road, Eatontown, NJ in the amount of

$21,089.00 for budgetary, payroll and human resource software for the period dating from July 1, 2018

through June 30, 2019. Based upon the 2017-2018 numbers, Employee Portal Fees will be approximately

$5,298.00. The total contract will equal $26,387.00.

Z. Strauss Esmay Associates, LLP

Motion to approve a contract with Strauss Esmay Associates, LLP, 1886 Hinds Road, Suite 1, Toms River,

NJ in the amount of $5,205.00 for policy review services for the period dating July 1, 2018 through June

30, 2019.

AA. Claims Auditor Pre-Payment Authority

Approve that the Business Administrator/Board Secretary be designated as the Board of Education’s

Claims Auditor for the 2018-2019 school year with authority, as provided by 18A:19-2 amended, to direct

pre-payment of claims for Debt Service, Payroll, Fixed Charges and any other claim or demand which

would be in the best interest of the Board to pay promptly.

BB. Participation in Co-Op Purchasing

Approve the district’s participation in the following Co-Op purchasing programs for 2018 – 2019:

Hunterdon County Educational Services Commission

Educational Services Commission of New Jersey

Western States Contracting Alliance


A. PERSONNEL (A.1 – 24 & Reappointments)

On motion of Mrs. Luciano and seconded by Ms. Dee, the Robbinsville Board of Education upon

recommendation of the Superintendent voted 6-0-2 to approve personnel resolutions A.1-24 below and on

pages 29-51 including the 2018-2019 annual reappointments with the exception of Personnel item A.12

(Payment of Superintendent’s Merit Goals) and item b (Non-affiliate Staff) on the reappointment agenda.

Mr. Veisz and Mr. Young abstained. Mr. Halm was absent.


Motion to request payment to the Superintendent in the amount of $20,300.00 per employment

agreement for completion of merit goals for 2017-2018 as indicated.

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 16 of 51

Quantitative Goal #1 – 3.3% of Annual Salary = $5,775.00

Maintain a strong academic culture in Robbinsville

The Superintendent will facilitate an audit of the current 6-8 curriculum to directly address the NJ

Student Learning Standards and improve foundational math, critical thinking, and problem solving

skills. Resources leveraged to specifically address Algebra I and mathematical mindset.

Evidence of Completion

1. Research best practices understanding the NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics)

standards and the math program.

2. Expect and inspect teacher training at the 6-8 level in math.

3. Math Supervisor and math coaches will lead a series of math workshops designed to support

rigorous mathematical practices and routines to create consistency in instruction.

Quantitative Goal #2 – 3.3% of Annual Salary = $5,775.00

Maintain Sound Fiscal Practices

The Superintendent will make recommendations to evaluate alternate revenue sources or reductions in

appropriations and ways to reduce non-instructional costs.

Evidence of Completion

1. Evaluate new opportunities to generate additional revenue (solar PPA, cell tower, and advertising

on school property)

2. Review cost avoidance strategies such as extending the impact of the Cenergistic program and use

of clean energy

3. Reduce non-instructional costs – increase transportation efficiency and walking communities

4. Continue partnering with Enernoc to maximize opportunities through Demand Response program

Qualitative Goal #1 – 2.5% of Annual Salary = $4,375.00

Maintain a strong academic culture in Robbinsville

Using identified Robbinsville Ready skills (core college and career readiness skills) the Superintendent

will implement the professional development plan for the 2017-2018 school year so that all PreK-12

staff begin emphasizing these core skills in their instruction and assessment.

Evidence of Completion

1. Meet with the Pre-K-12 Staff Committee to determine which skills they think are necessary for

students to thrive in the 21st century and define what it means to be “Robbinsville Ready.”

2. Implement the professional development plan for the 2017-2018 school year that incorporates

workshops on how to embed the core Robbinsville Ready skills into PreK-12 instruction and


Qualitative Goal #2 – 2.5% of Annual Salary = $4,375.00

Promote a healthy school culture

The Superintendent will promote a safe and inclusive culture for all students both within the school

day and extra-curricular activities as they build the capacity for good citizenship.

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 17 of 51

Evidence of Completion

1. Train staff in recognizing and emphasizing responsible use of Social Media for students.

2. Provide workshop training in understanding the use of Social Media.

3. Leverage the Guidance Counselors and the School Safety Teams to plan embedded school

experiences so students learn to advocate for themselves and each other.



Motion to approve an employment agreement between the Robbinsville Board of Education and

Superintendent Kathie Foster in the amount of $178,500.00 for the period dating from July 1, 2018

through June 30, 2019.



Motion to approve an employment agreement between the Robbinsville Board of Education and

Assistant Superintendent Kim Tew in the amount of $137,600.00 dollars for the period dating from

July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.



Motion to approve an employment agreement between the Robbinsville Board of Education and

School Business Administrator / Board Secretary Beth Brooks in the amount of $145,187.00 for the

period dating from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.


Motion to grant authority to the Superintendent to hire district personnel in between monthly meetings

of the Board of Education during the period dating from May 30, 2018 through September 25, 2018.


Motion to permit all 2018-2019 Board approved coaching staff to work out with their teams on a

voluntary basis per NJSIAA Guidelines during the period dating from June 11, 2018 – August 31,



Motion to approve all 2018-2019 Board approved coaching staff to oversee student workouts in the

RHS weight room during the period dating from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.


Motion to approve all faculty and staff members for event staff work during the 2018-2019 school year

at the rate of $42.49 per event.


Motion to approve all faculty for event supervision work during the 2018-2019 school year at the rate

of $132.61 per event.

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 18 of 51



Motion to approve 2018-2019 Instructional Assistants to accompany students, as needed, to after

school activities as denoted in student IEPs. Each individual will be compensated at the designated

hourly rate.


Motion to approve all 2018-2019 RHS & PRMS staff to serve as chaperones on an as needed basis at

the rate of $22.00 per hour.


Motion to approve all 2018-2019 RHS staff to serve as detention advisors as needed at the rate of

$26.52 per hour.



Motion to approve a contract with Sandy Romano, Foundations for Learning, at the rate of $350.00

per diem. Mrs. Romano will complete staff evaluations at Sharon Elementary School during the

period of K-8 Curriculum Supervisor Amanda Carpena’s absence during the period dating from

September 12, 2018 through November 1, 2018. The contract will not exceed 24 days or $8,400.00.


On motion of Ms. Dee and seconded by Mrs. Luciano, the Robbinsville Board of Education upon

recommendation of the Superintendent voted 8-0 to approve Education, Development and Policy

resolutions B.1-8 as indicated. Mr. Halm was absent.


Motion to accept without modification the Superintendent’s Report on Harassment, Intimidation and

Bullying for the period ending May 29, 2018.


Motion to approve a 2018-2019 grant application to the New Jersey Child Assault Prevention program

for funding in the amount of $2,251.20 as indicated.

Teen CAP – Grade 8 $1,454.60

Elementary CAP – PK-6 $ 796.60

Total $2,251.20

3. APPROVE 2018-2019 CALENDAR REVISIONS (Attachment #6)

Motion to approve revisions to the 2018-2019 district calendar.


Motion to approve Dyesha Cruz to serve as an intern for the Robbinsville High School Guidance

Department during the Fall 2018 semester pending criminal history clearance.

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 19 of 51


Motion to approve a list of books to be weeded from the RHS Media Center.


a. Accept Bids: Comprehensive Therapeutic Mental Health Wrap-Around Program

Motion to accept the following bids to establish a Comprehensive Therapeutic Mental Health

Wrap-Around Program for the 2018-2019 school year.

Vendor Cost

First Children Services $ 12,500.00 / Student (16 Students)

Rutgers UBHC $225,363.00

Effective School Solutions $280,000.00

b. Award Bid: Effective School Solutions

Motion to approve a contract with Effective School Solutions (ESS) in the amount of $280,000.00

as the provider of the comprehensive therapeutic mental health wrap-around program for the 2018-

2019 school year.

c. Approve Tuition Contract: Hampton Academy

Motion to approve a tuition contract with Hampton Academy in the amount of $10,531.50 for

student #290487 during the period dating from April 23, 2018 through June 20, 2018.

d. Approve Tuition Adjustment: Newgrange School of Princeton

Motion to approve a 2016-2017 tuition adjustment for the Newgrange School of Princeton in the

amount of $1,069.02 for student # 21002 in accordance with the New Jersey Administrative Code.

e. Approve Tuition Adjustment: Eden Autism Services

Motion to approve a 2016-2017 tuition adjustment for Eden Autism Services in the amount of

$11,719.44 for students #200031, #552, and #260544 in accordance with the New Jersey

Administrative Code.

f. Approve Contract: Learning Ally

Motion to approve a contract with Learning Ally to purchase e-books for Sharon Elementary,

Pond Road Middle and Robbinsville High School for the amount of $2,398.50 for the period of

July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

g. Approve Contract: Epic Health Care

Motion to approve a contract with Epic Health Care in the amount of $91,875.00 for one to one

nursing care for student 290436 as indicated.

Period Cost

July 1, 2018 – August 30, 2018 $13,125.00

September 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019 $78,750.00

Total $91,875.00

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 20 of 51

h. Approve Contract: Educational Services Commission of Burlington County Special Services

Motion to approve the Educational Services Commission of Burlington County Special Services

School District to provide professional services as needed for the period dating from July 1, 2018

through June 30, 2019.

i. Approve Tuition Contract: Collier School

Motion to approve a tuition contract with Collier School in the amount of $68,880.00 for student

#240138 as indicated.

Term Amount

July 5, 2018 – August 10, 2018 $ 9,840.00

September 6, 2018 – June 30, 2019 $59,040.00

Total $68,880.00


Motion to approve the following conferences, workshops and seminars for district staff to meet

professional development requirements.

Name Workshop Title Date(s) Location Registration



Catherine Solewin Time Travel 101

5/22/2018 (rescheduled

from1.23.18) Princeton $0.00 $0.00

Lisa Caroselli Disrupt Trauma Conference 5/31/2018 Piscataway $0.00 $0.00

Kim Tew

Educational Policy & School

Law Seminar 6/1/2018 Lincroft $0.00 $39.49

Cara O'Connor

Educational Policy & School

Law Seminar 6/1/2018 Lincroft $0.00 $0.00

Sharon DeVito

NJSBA 3rd Annual Security

Conference 6/1/2018 West Windsor $99.00 $0.00

Lisa Temple

NJSBA 3rd Annual Security

Conference 6/1/2018 West Windsor $99.00 $0.00

Leslie Dee Annual BOE Retreat TBD RHS $10.00 $0.00

Sharon DeVito Annual BOE Retreat TBD RHS $10.00 $0.00

Vito Galluccio Annual BOE Retreat TBD RHS $10.00 $0.00

Tom Halm Annual BOE Retreat TBD RHS $10.00 $0.00

Craig Heilman Annual BOE Retreat TBD RHS $10.00 $0.00

Jane Luciano Annual BOE Retreat TBD RHS $10.00 $0.00

Lisa Temple Annual BOE Retreat TBD RHS $10.00 $0.00

Scott Veisz Annual BOE Retreat TBD RHS $10.00 $0.00

Richard Young Annual BOE Retreat TBD RHS $10.00 $0.00

Kathie Foster Annual BOE Retreat TBD RHS $10.00 $0.00

Kim Tew Annual BOE Retreat TBD RHS $10.00 $0.00

Beth Brooks Annual BOE Retreat TBD RHS $10.00 $0.00

Cara O'Connor The Essentials of HR Law 6/19/2018 Princeton $199.00 $0.00


$517.00 $39.49

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 21 of 51


a. Field Trips –Robbinsville High School

Motion to approve the following field trip(s) for Robbinsville High School to take place during the

2018-2019 school year as indicated. With the exception of Community-Based Instruction (CBI),

the district will incur no admission/transportation costs.

Month/Year Class Destination Cost / Pupil Purpose

5/18 Project Unify RHS N/A Field Day

5/18 Italian Club Princeton Art Museum $10.00 Supports Curriculum

6/18 Drama Club NYC $50.00 Performance

6/18 SOAR TCNJ N/A Play Unified

b. Field Trips –Sharon Elementary School

Motion to approve the following field trip(s) for Sharon Elementary School to take place during

the 2018-2019 school year as indicated. With the exception of Community-Based Instruction

(CBI), the district will incur no admission/transportation costs.

Month/Year Class Destination Cost / Pupil Purpose

6/18 4th Grade PRMS N/A Visit Pond (3 Days)

6/18 Pre-K TCNJ N/A Play Unified


On motion of Ms. Dee and seconded by Mrs. Luciano, the Robbinsville Board of Education upon

recommendation of the Superintendent voted 8-0 to approve Finance, Facilities and Transportation

resolutions C.1-3 as indicated. Mr. Halm was absent.


a. Bills and Claims: May 29, 2018 (Attachment #8)

Motion to approve payment of the Bills & Claims List in the amount of $3,831,672.12 for the

period ending May 29, 2018 as indicated.

Accounts Payable


11 - General Fund $ 1,170,325.22

12 - Capital Outlay $ 36,017.46

20 - Special Revenue $ 26,249.62

30 - Capital Projects $ -

40 - Debt Service $ -

60 - Food Service Fund $ 79,773.47

61 - R.E.D. $ 4,761.63

Unemployment $ 898.07

Hand Checks 204,044.72

Subtotal $ 1,522,070.19

Payroll: 4/30/18 $ 1,147,598.37

Payroll: 5/15/18 $ 1,162,003.56

Total $ 3,831,672.12

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 22 of 51

b. Certification of Board Secretary

Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.12I3 I, Beth Brooks, Board Secretary/School Business

Administrator, certify that as of April 30, 2018 no line item account has encumbrances and

expenditures which in total exceed the line item appropriation in violation of 6A:23-22.12(a).

c. Report of the Board Secretary (Attachment #9)

Motion to accept the Report of the Board Secretary for the period ending April 30, 2018.

d. Report of the Treasurer (Attachment #10)

Motion to accept the Report of the Treasurer for the period April 30, 2018.

e. Approve Transfer Report: May 29, 2018

Motion to approve transfers totaling $177,354.94 for the period ending May 29, 2018.

Account From Account To Description Amount

11-000-291-260-07-01 11-000-291-241-07-01

Workers Comp PERS Additional DCRP Fees $ 1,994.14

11-000-219-500-04-01-000 11-150-100-320-04-01 Outsourced vendor

Prof Dev Academic Instruction provided home instruction $ 17,000.00

11-000-219-800-04-01-000 11-150-100-320-04-01 Outsourced vendor

Subscriptions Academic Instruction provided home instruction $ 8,000.00

11-000-221-320-09-01 11-000-221-600-09-01

District Workshops Supplies K-5 instructional material $ 15,000.00

11-000-221-500-09-01 11-000-221-600-09-01

Travel Expense Supplies K-5 instructional material $ 1,800.00

11-000-221-500-09-01 11-190-100-640-09-00 HS Math Textbooks /

Travel Expense Textbooks increased enrollment $ 8,200.00

11-000-100-562-04-01 12-000-252-730-08-00

Other LEA Admin Tech Equipment Storage Access Network $ 70,000.00

11-000-262-622-05-03 11-000-262-621-05-03

PRMS Electric PRMS Gas Reallocate utilities $ 10,000.00

11-000-262-622-05-03 11-000-262-490-05-03

PRMS Electric PRMS Water Reallocate utilities $ 5,000.00

11-000-262-622-05-01 11-000-262-621-05-01

RHS Electric RHS Gas Reallocate utilities $ 16,000.00

11-000-262-622-05-01 11-000-262-490-05-01

RHS Electric RHS Water Reallocate utilities $ 6,500.00

11-000-270-420-07-02 11-000-270-514-07-01

Vehicle Maintenance Special Ed Routes Additional routes $ 13,918.56

11-000-270-514-07-01 11-000-270-515-07-01

Special Ed Routes Jointures Additional Jointure fees $ 2,635.75

11-000-270-512-07-04 11-401-100-800-01-01 Trans-Airport

Class Trip RHS Co-Curr Misc Robotics trip refund $ 703.37

11-000-240-600-02-01-050 11-000-270-161-07-22

SES Principal Supply Field Trip 4th Grade visits to PRMS $ 603.12

Total $ 177,354.94

f. Establish Health Co-Payment Coordination Plan

Motion to establish an Employer Health Co-Payment Coordination Plan with EB Employee

Solutions, LLC. The plan (Difference Card) qualifies as a health reimbursement arrangement

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 23 of 51

(HRA) with the employer and will be effective July 1, 2018. There is an initial start-up fee of

$4,500.00 and annual cost to the district totaling 10% of the savings.

g. Approve Waiver of Health Benefits Program 2018-2019

Motion to approve and adopt a Waiver of Health Benefits Program effective for the period dating

from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019 for non-affiliate staff.

Medical $1,750.00

Dental $ 200.00

Prescription $ 500.00

h. Renew Contract: Central Jersey Waste and Recycling, Inc.

Motion to renew a contract with Central Jersey Waste and Recycling, Inc., Ewing, NJ in the

amount of $36,516.71 for the period dating July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019. This is the final


i. Accept SAIF Safety Grant

Motion to accept a grant from the New Jersey School Insurance Group in the amount of $4237.53

for use during the 2018-2019 school year. The funds are designated to add two security monitors /

cameras to the Robbinsville High School Main Office.

j. Authorize Disposal: Kitchen Equipment

Motion to authorize disposal of kitchen equipment as indicated. utilize

Cleveland Double Stack Steamer

Model# 24CGM200

Serial# 84647-04A-01

Blodgett Conveyor Pizza Oven (Table Top)

Model #: MT1820E00030

Serial#: 224510204

k. Authorize Purchase: Singer Equipment Company

Motion to authorize the purchase of a convection steamer, Cleveland Range Model #24CGA10.2,

in the amount of $14,744.29 and a conveyor oven, Lincoln Impinger Model #2502/1346, in the

amount of $5,519.75 to replace outdated equipment. Purchases to be made from Singer

Equipment Company, Elverson, PA and funded by the food service program based on the lowest

quote received.

l. Accept Donations: RHS Scholarship Fund

Motion to accept donations totaling $4,550.00 for the Robbinsville High School Scholarship Fund

as indicated. The Board is appreciative of this generous support.

Donor Donation

Coccia Foundation (Italian Studies) $ 250.00

Robbinsville Women’s Club (E. Lorraine Schwartz Memorial) $ 300.00

SES Staff: Deb Dauer Award $ 500.00

Robbinsville Professional Firefighters $ 1,000.00

Compass Group (Chartwells) $ 2,500.00

Total $4,550.00

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 24 of 51


a. Building Use (Attachments #11 - #16)

Motion to approve the Buildings and Grounds Use of Facilities Schedule for the months of June

and July 2018.

b. Approve Completion of Fire and Security Drills: April 2018

Motion to approve Fire and Security Drills for the 2018-2019 school year as indicated. One fire

and one security drill are required monthly.





Active Shooter



in Place

Other / Tabletop

September 9/25/17 9.28.17

October 10.25.17 10.27.17

November 11.30.17 11.2.17

December 12.15.18 12.18.17 Tabletop

January 1.30.18 1.31.18

February 2.28.18 2.28.18

March 3.28.18 3.29.18

April 4.30.18 4.30.18 AED




Lockdown /

Active Shooter



in Place

Other / Tabletop

September 9.19.17 9.22.17

October 10.25.17 10.30.17

November 11.28.17 11.29.17

December 12.5.17 12.21.17

January 1.11.18 1.19.18

February 2.27.18 2.28.18

March 3.19.18 3.19.18

April 4.26.18 4.24.18





Active Shooter



in Place

Other / Tabletop

September 9.15.17 9.29.17

October 10.26.17 10.31.17

November 11.21.17 11.16.17

December 12.4.17 12.8.17

January 1.11.18 1.26.18

February 2.7.18 2.20.18

March 3.26.18 3.27.18

April 4.30.18 4.13.18


a. Authorize Purchase: 2019 Chevrolet Mid Bus 24 Passenger

Motion to authorize the purchase of a 2019 Chevrolet Mid Bus 24 passenger school bus in the

amount of $67,824.30 from Wolfington Body Company, Inc. The purchase will be secured

through the ESCNJ Co-Op Bid 17/18-36.

b. Authorization to Transport: 2018-2019 School Year

Motion to authorize RHS Athletic Director Curtis Wyers, or designee, to grant approval to parents,

guardians, and the parents of other students (with permission from both families) requesting to

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 25 of 51

transport their children home from sporting events on a case by case basis during the 2018-2019

school year.

b. Approve Gloucester County Special Services School District Transportation Services


Motion to approve a transportation agreement with Gloucester County Special Services School

District for the period July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019.


On motion of Ms. Dee and seconded by Mrs. DeVito, the Robbinsville Board of Education upon

recommendation of the Superintendent voted 8-0 to approve Robbinsville Extended Day resolutions D.1-3

as indicated. Mr. Halm was absent.


Motion to approve the following personnel to serve in the capacities indicated during the Robbinsville

Extended Day program during the period dating from July 2, 2018 through August 24, 2018.

Program Name Position Hourly Rate Hours / Week or Season

Engineering Stephanie Rodriguez Teacher $34.00 39 hrs/summer

Pre/Post, Disc. K Post Care Estuardo DeLeon Asst. Site Coord. $15.30 Up to 29hrs/Week

Post Care Sub Andy Anastasopoulos Instructor $12.48 Up to 10hrs/Week

Quantum Math Alyssa Gautieri Teacher $34.00 12 hrs/summer

Discover K Bryan Fleischhacker Teacher $34.00 90 hrs/summer

Discover K Peggy Damm Teacher $34.00 90 hrs/summer

Discover K Lori Monaco Kindergarten Aide $18.36 up to 29 hrs/Week

Parent Registration Nights Tom Chianese Door Monitor $21.42 20 hours/summer

Post-Care Debra Lorenzetti Instructor $18.36 12/Week

Engineering Debra Lorenzetti Instructional Aide $18.36 35 hours (1Week session)

RED Office Lauren Anastasopoulos Office Asst. $16.83 10/Week

Office Adrianna Estrada Office Asst. $13.00 9 / Week

Office + Pre/Post Care Adrianna Estrada Instructor $12.00 20/Week program

Pre-Care/Post Sub Sandra Moyer Instructor $15.00 12/Week

Post Care Naomi Taylor-Ford Aide $ 9.95 12/Week


Motion to approve Bill Jones to serve in the position of Door Monitor effective on June 1, 2018. Mr.

Jones will be compensated at $21.00 per hour.


Motion to accept the resignation of Colleen McDonough, SES Site Coordinator Grades 2-4, effective

May 17, 2018.


A. NOUSHIN KANANI – Asked about changes in the Science curriculum and bullying

B. MIKE MCGOWAN – Commented on bus driver shortage and issues with the custodial contractor

C. SHANNON GAFGAN – Asked if new behavioral consultants can review curriculum and provide tips

for teachers

D. CHRIS CAPP – Asked if transportation contracts are public. Encouraged the district to hold

contractors accountable.

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 26 of 51

E. NOUSHIN KANANI – Commented and asked for clarification on state aid.


ANNUAL RETREAT – Dr. Foster asked Board members to provide her with dates that they are

available for the annual Board retreat.


SECURITY SEMINAR – Mrs. Temple and Mrs. DeVito are scheduled to attend the School Boards

annual security seminar. They will turnkey the information to the Board.


On motion of Mrs. Luciano and seconded by Ms. Dee, the Robbinsville Board of Education voted 8-0 to

re-enter Executive Session at 9:12 PM to discuss personnel. Mr. Halm was absent.


On motion of Ms. Dee and seconded by Mrs. DeVito, the Robbinsville Board of Education voted to return

to public session at 10:00 PM.


On motion of Mrs. Luciano and seconded by Ms. Dee, the Robbinsville Board of Education voted 6-0-2 to

request payment to the Superintendent in the amount of $20,300.00 per employment agreement for

completion of merit goals for 2017-2018 as indicated. Mr. Veisz and Mr. Young abstained. Mr. Halm

was absent.

Quantitative Goal #1 – 3.3% of Annual Salary = $5,775.00

Maintain a strong academic culture in Robbinsville

The Superintendent will facilitate an audit of the current 6-8 curriculum to directly address the NJ Student

Learning Standards and improve foundational math, critical thinking, and problem solving skills.

Resources leveraged to specifically address Algebra I and mathematical mindset.

Evidence of Completion

1. Research best practices understanding the NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics)

standards and the math program.

2. Expect and inspect teacher training at the 6-8 level in math.

3. Math Supervisor and math coaches will lead a series of math workshops designed to support rigorous

mathematical practices and routines to create consistency in instruction.

Quantitative Goal #2 – 3.3% of Annual Salary = $5,775.00

Maintain Sound Fiscal Practices

The Superintendent will make recommendations to evaluate alternate revenue sources or reductions in

appropriations and ways to reduce non-instructional costs.

Evidence of Completion

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 27 of 51

1. Evaluate new opportunities to generate additional revenue (solar PPA, cell tower, and advertising on

school property)

2. Review cost avoidance strategies such as extending the impact of the Cenergistic program and use of

clean energy

3. Reduce non-instructional costs – increase transportation efficiency and walking communities

4. Continue partnering with Enernoc to maximize opportunities through Demand Response program

Qualitative Goal #1 – 2.5% of Annual Salary = $4,375.00

Maintain a strong academic culture in Robbinsville

Using identified Robbinsville Ready skills (core college and career readiness skills) the Superintendent

will implement the professional development plan for the 2017-2018 school year so that all PreK-12 staff

begin emphasizing these core skills in their instruction and assessment.

Evidence of Completion

1. Meet with the Pre-K-12 Staff Committee to determine which skills they think are necessary for

students to thrive in the 21st century and define what it means to be “Robbinsville Ready.”

2. Implement the professional development plan for the 2017-2018 school year that incorporates

workshops on how to embed the core Robbinsville Ready skills into PreK-12 instruction and


Qualitative Goal #2 – 2.5% of Annual Salary = $4,375.00

Promote a healthy school culture

The Superintendent will promote a safe and inclusive culture for all students both within the school day

and extra-curricular activities as they build the capacity for good citizenship.

Evidence of Completion

1. Train staff in recognizing and emphasizing responsible use of Social Media for students.

2. Provide workshop training in understanding the use of Social Media.

3. Leverage the Guidance Counselors and the School Safety Teams to plan embedded school experiences

so students learn to advocate for themselves and each other.


On motion of Ms. Dee and seconded by Mrs. Luciano, the Robbinsville Board of Education, upon

recommendation of the Superintendent, voted 5-0-3 to approve the 2018-2019 reappointment of non-

affiliate staff members (see page 36) of the reappointment agenda). Mrs. DeVito, Mr. Galluccio and Mr.

Heilman abstained. Mr. Halm was absent.


On motion of Mrs. DeVito and seconded by Ms. Dee, the Robbinsville Board of Education voted to

adjourn the May 29, 2018 monthly meeting at 10:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Beth Brooks

School Business Administrator / Board Secretarey

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Last Name First Name Title Location Action Effective Ending Step Salary GAAP Code Notes





Carpena Amanda K-8 Supervisor of Curriculum District Approve 4.27.18 11.1.18 Maternity leave. Adjusted dates



Cole Gregory Teacher PRMS Approve 9.1.18 6.30.19 5 BA $57,345.00 11-213-100-101-07-03-040 Replacing Spec. Ed

Blemings Katherine Guidance counselor RHS Approve 9.1.18 6.30.19 3 MA +30 $61,580.00 11-000-218-104-07-01-030 New Position

DeVito Suzanne Teacher RHS Approve 9.1.18 1.28.19 6 MA $62,885 prorated 11-140-100-101-07-01-030 Leave Replacement for Rua

Kinsella Michael Teacher RHS Approve 9.1.18 6.30.19 1 BA $54,780.00 11-140-100-101-07-01-030 New Position

Pemberton Dawn Teacher RHS Approve 9.1.18 1.28.19 11 MA $70,080.00 11-140-100-101-07-01-030 New Position

Stevens Suzanne Teacher RHS Approve 9.1.18 1.28.19 6 BA $58,120.00 11-140-100-101-07-01-030 New Position



Damm Margaret Teacher SES Approve 6.30.18 Retirement

Gildner Kristina Psychologist PRMS Approve 6.30.18 Resignation


Abel Kimberly Teacher SES Approve 6.20.18 6.21.18 $321.63/day 2 unpaid days

Addonizio Ilene Nurse SES Approve 5.31.18 $357.30/day Unpaid day

Donoher Debbie Media Specialist SES/PRMS Approve 4.25.18 5.9.18 -$456.73/day FMLA unpaid days 4/25, 5/2 & 5/8

Levy Kristen Teacher PRMS Approve 10.1.18 1.21.19 Maternity Leave.

Policastro Gina Media Specialist RHS Approve 4.26.18 4.27.18 $301.33/day 2 unpaid days

Reed Shannon Teacher SES Approve 3.12.18 6.30.18 Leave end date adjusted

Ward Cristina Teacher RHS Approve 9.1.18 2.15.19 Maternity Leave.


Ialacci Alisa Teacher RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 5 BA+15 $58,320.00


DeSimone Lauren Teacher RHS Approve 5.7.18 6.30.18 $104.66/class 7th class

Diletto Jamie Teacher RHS Approve 5.7.18 6.30.18 $101.73/class 7th class

Warren Michelle Teacher RHS Approve 5.7.18 6.30.18 $104.66/class 7th class



Wolochuk Annmarie Secretary PRMS Approve 7.01.18 10.31.18 6 $46,390 prorated 11-000-240-105-07-03-040 LR for Karen Karmazin


Colgan Diana PT IA Special Services Approve 5.30.18 6.20.18 $12,979.50 prorated 11-000-217-100-07-02-050 Leave Replacement for Sletvold

Marrazzo Linda PT IA Special Services Approve 5.30.18 6.20.18 $12,979.50 prorated 11-000-217-100-07-02-050 Leave Replacement for Menninger


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Last Name First Name Title Location Action Effective Ending Step Salary GAAP Code Notes


Sletvold Candice PT IA Special Services Approve 5.11.18 Resignation

Martin Jonathan PT IA Special Services Approve 6.30.18 Resignation


Antrim Kathy Secretary Special Services Approve 5.18.18 $193.92/day Unpaid Day

Fischer Lucia PT IA Special Services Approve 5.17.18 5.18.18 $70.16/day Unpaid days 5/17 & 18

Kardos Jackie FT IA Special Services Approve 5.10.18 5.18.18 $140.32/day Unpaid Days 5/10, 11, 14,15, 16, 17 &18

Sletvold Candice PT IA Special Services Approve 4.24.18 $70.16/day Unpaid Day



Coester Carli Non Cert Sub Appoint 5.30.18 6.30.18 $75.00/day







Arnold Micha Asst. Coach RHS Appoint 8.8.18 12.10.18 3 $5,879.00 11-402-100-100-06-01 Football

Bruno Andrew Asst. Coach RHS Appoint 8.8.18 12.10.18 2 $5,214.00 11-402-100-100-06-01 Boys Soccer

Colicchia Jenna Head Coach RHS Appoint 8.8.18 12.10.18 3 $7,654.00 11-402-100-100-06-01 Field Hockey

Cordero Rick Asst. Coach RHS Appoint 8.8.18 12.10.18 1 $5,325.00 11-402-100-100-06-01 Football

Curran Caitlyn Head Coach RHS Appoint 8.8.18 12.10.18 3 $7,654.00 11-402-100-100-06-01 Girls Soccer

Dieffenbach Rob Asst. Coach RHS Appoint 8.8.18 12.10.18 3 $5,547.00 11-402-100-100-06-01 Football

Dentino Anthony Head Coach RHS Appoint 8.8.18 12.10.18 2 $5,436.00 11-402-100-100-06-01 Cross Country

DeSimone Lauren Asst. Coach RHS Appoint 8.8.18 12.10.18 3 $3,439.00 11-402-100-100-06-01 Cheerleading

Fisher Jeff Head Coach RHS Appoint 8.8.18 12.10.18 3 $7,654.00 11-402-100-100-06-01 Boys Soccer

Greb Daniel Volunteer RHS Appoint 8.8.18 12.10.18 Volunteer Boys Soccer

Harshman Brian Volunteer RHS Appoint 8.8.18 12.10.18 Volunteer Cross Country

Ippolite Rachel Asst. Coach RHS Appoint 8.8.18 12.10.18 3 $5,547.00 11-402-100-100-06-01 Field Hockey

Jenkins Caitlyn Asst. Coach RHS Appoint 8.8.18 12.10.18 3 $5,547.00 11-402-100-100-06-01 Field Hockey

Johnson Claire Asst. Coach RHS Appoint 8.8.18 12.10.18 2 $3,960.00 11-402-100-100-06-01 Cross Country

Patterson Andrew Head Coach RHS Appoint 8.8.18 12.10.18 3 $8,543.00 11-402-100-100-06-01 Football

Roeloffs Megan Volunteer RHS Appoint 8.8.18 12.10.18 Volunteer Field Hockey

Scales Troy Asst. Coach RHS Appoint 8.8.18 12.10.18 1 $5,325.00 11-402-100-100-06-01 Football. Pending criminal history review

Schleifman Shari Head Coach RHS Appoint 8.8.18 12.10.18 2 $5,658.00 11-402-100-100-06-01 Tennis Coach

Seiler MaryJane Asst. Coach RHS Appoint 8.8.18 12.10.18 3 $5,547.00 11-402-100-100-06-01 Girls Soccer

Smith Nathan Asst. Coach RHS Appoint 8.8.18 12.10.18 3 $5,547.00 11-402-100-100-06-01 Football

Stewart Adrienne Asst. Coach RHS Appoint 8.8.18 12.10.18 2 $5,214.00 11-402-100-100-06-01 Girls Soccer

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Last Name First Name Title Location Action Effective Ending Step Salary GAAP Code Notes

Strauss Tiffany Equipment Manager RHS Appoint 8.8.18 12.10.18 $1,849.00 11-402-100-100-06-01 Fall. 1/3 of full year

Varnum Lauren Head Coach RHS Appoint 8.8.18 12.10.18 3 $5,103.00 11-402-100-100-06-01 Cheerleading




Dentino Anthony Head Coach RHS Approve 3.1.18 6.10.18 2 $7,108 11-402-100-100-06-01 Boys Track. Revised step



Alagar Nicole Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90 English I Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 10 hours

Aquilino Kristin Curriculum Writer SES Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-89K-4 Library , K-4 STEAM Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 25


Armstrong Jason Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90 English IV Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 10 hours

Austin Joann Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90 Math Differentiation Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 10 hours

Austin Joann Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90 Math Lab 12 Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 10 hours

Bella Debi Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90 History of Film Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 10 hours

Brady Matthew Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90 Geometry Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 20 hours

Brettell Tom Instructional Coach RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-176-09-90 6-12 Science Coach. Not to exceed 60 hours

Brooks Marie Instructional Coach PRMS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-176-09-90 6-12 WL Coach. Not to exceed 40 hours

Cammarano Stacey Instructional Coach PRMS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-176-09-90 K-5 ELA Coach. Not to exceed 60 hours

Cline Ashleigh Curriculum Writer PRMS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-89Spanish Differentiation, 6-8 Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 5


Colicchia JennaMarie Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90 Health Revisions Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 20 hours

Conroy Joseph Curriculum Writer PRMS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-89 K-8 Computers Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 10 hours

Cucinotti Renee Instructional Coach SES Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-176-09-90 K-5 Math Coach. Not to exceed 60 hours

Cullen Alexandra Curriculum Writer SES Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-89Word Study, 3rd grade Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 20


Denko Sylwia Instructional Coach SES Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-176-09-90 Instructional Technology Coach. Not to exceed 40 hours

Denko Sylwia Instructional Coach SES Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-176-09-90 Curriculum Department Support. Not to exceed 100 hours

DeRossett Karen Curriculum Writer PRMS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-89 5-8 Health Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 15 hours

Diletto Jamie Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90 English II Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 10 hours

Dilts Carolyn Curriculum Writer PRMS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-89 5-8 Health Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 15 hours

DiSantis Natalie Curriculum Writer SES Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-89 K-8 Art Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 60 hours

DiSantis Natalie Curriculum Writer SES Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90Art Fundamentals and Advanced Art Fundamentals Curriculum

Writing. Not to exceed 20 hours

Dolan Beth Curriculum Writer SES Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-89Word Study, 3rd grade Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 20


Dolina Angel Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90 Psychology Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 10 hours

Drapkin Jessica Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90 Forensics Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 20 hours

Fisher Kristina Curriculum Writer PRMS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-89 5-8 Health Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 15 hours

Fisher Jeffrey Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90 Sociology Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 10 hours

Francolino Laura Instructional Coach RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-176-09-90 WL Coach. Not to exceed 40 hours

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Last Name First Name Title Location Action Effective Ending Step Salary GAAP Code Notes

Gautieri Alyssa Curriculum Writer SES Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-89 6A Math Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 20 hours.

Gill Gabriela Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90Spanish IV (CP modifications) Curriculum Writing. Not to

exceed 10 hours

Heckman Peter Curriculum Writer PRMS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-89 K-8 Music Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 10 hours

Hornish Conor Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90AP Computer Science Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 20


Hutchinson Johnathan Curriculum Writer SES Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90 PLE Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 10 hours

Hutchison Jane Curriculum Writer PRMS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-896th grade SS/ Differentiation Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed

15 hours.

Johnson Claire Curriculum Writer PRMS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-896-8 Math Differentiation Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 5


Johnson Jaela Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90 Painting I & II Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 20 hours

Kanagawa Sue Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90Chinese III and Chinese IV Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 60


Kelly Jamie Curriculum Writer SES Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-896-8 Science Differentiation Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 5


Klapsogeorge Pete Instructional Coach SES Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-176-09-90 K-5 Literacy Coach. Not to exceed 30 hours

Kosch Kelly Instructional Coach PRMS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-176-09-90 6-8 ELA Coach. Not to exceed 60 hours

Lockington Renee Curriculum Writer SES Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-89K-4 Health (grades 2 & 4) Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 13


Manning Katie Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-89 8th grade SS Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 20 hours

Marsola Pam Curriculum Writer District Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-89 K-8 ESL Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 40 hours

Mayes Courtney Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90 Spanish I Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 10 hours

Ng Elaina Curriculum Writer PRMS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-895-8 Technology Differentiation Curriculum Writing. Not to

exceed 5 hours

Oliva Betty Jane Curriculum Writer SES Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-89 K-4 Library Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 20 hours

Orlowsky Jennifer Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90 English I Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 10 hours

Paulino Jennie Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90 Multimedia Design Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 10 hours

Price Bridget Instructional Coach SES Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-176-09-90 K-5 Literacy Coach. Not to exceed 30 hours

Ricciardi Jodie Curriculum Writer SES Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-89K-8 PE Differentiation Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 12


Rich Lisa Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90Robotics I & II, Digital Fabrication Curriculum Writing. Not to

exceed 30 hours

Rokoszak Nicole Instructional Coach PRMS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-176-09-90 6-8 ELA Coach. Not to exceed 60 hours

Rosol Marissa Curriculum Writer SES Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-89 K-5 ELA addendum Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 5 hours

Rosol Marissa Instructional Coach SES Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-176-09-90 K-5 ELA Coach. Not to exceed 60 hours

Sawin Morgan Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90Calculus A/B and Calculus B/C Curriculum Writing. Not to

exceed 40 hours

Sbarro-Fernandez Lauren Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-909-12 Science Diff.; Research in Molecular Bio Curriculum

Writing. Not to exceed 30 hours.

Smith Janet Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90Homes, Arch, & Interiors; Clothing, Fashion, & Fabrics

Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 20 hours

Solewin Cathy Curriculum Writer PRMS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-896th grade SS/ Differentiation Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed

10 hours.

St. John Kathy Curriculum Writer PRMS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-896th grade SS/ Differentiation Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed

15 hours.

Sussman Alison Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90 General Curriculum revisions and editing. Not to exceed 50 hours

Sussman Alison Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90Grammar Scope & Sequence, English III update Curriculum

Writing. Not to exceed 20 hours

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Last Name First Name Title Location Action Effective Ending Step Salary GAAP Code Notes

Sussman Alison Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90 Theater II & III Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 20 hours

Sussman Kim Instructional Coach PRMS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-176-09-90 Instructional Technology Coach. Not to exceed 40 hours

Territo Becky Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90 English IV Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 10 hours

Tetto Laura Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90 Spanish I Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 10 hours

Vaz Jill Instructional Coach SES Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-176-09-90 K-5 Math Coach. Not to exceed 60 hours

Ventre Jessica Curriculum Writer SES Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-89K-5 Science and K-5 SS addendums Curriculum Writing. Not to

exceed 10 hours

Ventre Jessica Instructional Coach SES Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-176-09-90 K-5 Science Coach. Not to exceed 60 hours

Williams Brian Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90Concert Choir/Select Chamber Choir Curriculum Writing. Not to

exceed 20 hours

Wilson Birch Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90Concert Band & Instrumental Percussion Curriculum Writing.

Not to exceed 20 hours

Wojtowicz Barbara Curriculum Writer RHS Approve 7.1.18 6.30.19 $34.00/hr. 11-000-221-104-09-90 English II Curriculum Writing. Not to exceed 10 hours





Binder Deb Teacher ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $47.78/hr. 11-215-100-101-04-99-000 ESY. Not to Exceed 58 Hours

Brunow Dawn Teacher ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $51.82/hr. 11-214-100-101-04-99-000 ESY. Not to exceed 104 hours

Carpenter Mary Teacher ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $57.28/hr. 11-212-100-101-04-99-000 ESY. Not to exceed 81 hours

Carroll Alice IA ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $21.17/hr 11-212-100-106-04-99-000 ESY. Not to exceed 70 hours

Cullen Alexandra Teacher ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $44.38/hr. 11-212-100-101-04-99-000 ESY. Not to exceed 81 hours

DeAngelis Joanne IA ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $19.94/hr 11-04-100-106-04-99-000 ESY. Not to exceed 70 hours

Delhagen Christie Substitute ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $13.10/hr. Varied ESY

DeSimone Lauren Teacher ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $45.50/hr. 11-204-100-101-04-99-000 ESY. Not to exceed 81 hours

DeSimone Lauren ESY Team Leader ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $329.00 11-204-100-101-04-99-000 ESY Stipend

DiSantis Natalie IA ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $19.94/hr 11-212-100-106-04-99-000 ESY. Not to exceed 70 hours

Gallagher Ellen IA ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $19.94/hr 11-212-100-106-04-99-000 ESY. Not to exceed 70 hours

Giblin Lisa Teacher ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $48.62/hr. 11-204-100-101-04-99-000 ESY. Not to exceed 81 hours

Gilbert Amy IA Special Services Approve 7.2.18 8.8.18 $19.94/hr. 11-04-100-106-04-99-000 ESY. Not to exceed 81 hours

Greig Sean Teacher ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $61.30/hr. 11-212-100-101-04-99-000 ESY. Not to exceed 81 hours

Hernandez Anna IA ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $19.94/hr 11-215-100-101-04-99-000 ESY. Not to exceed 47 hours

Herncane Shelby IA Special Services Approve 7.2.18 8.8.18 $19.94/hr. 11-214-100-106-04-99-000 ESY. Not to exceed 93 hours

Ialacci Alisa Substitute ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $13.10/hr. Varied ESY

Kelly Jamie Teacher ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $47.67/hr. 11-214-100-101-04-99-000 ESY. Not to exceed 104 hours

Lerner Gregg IA ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $19.94/hr 11-212-100-106-04-99-000 ESY. Not to exceed 70 hours

Lipschutz Jennifer Nurse ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $44.98/hr. 11-000-213-101-04-99-000 ESY/Summer Program Nurse

Marrazzo Linda IA ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $19.94/hr 11-214-100-106-04-99-000 ESY. Not to exceed 93 hours

McCahery Christine IA ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $19.94/hr 11-214-100-106-04-99-000 ESY. Not to exceed 93 hours

Orlak Diane IA ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $19.94/hr 11-04-100-106-04-99-000 ESY. Not to exceed 70 hours

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Last Name First Name Title Location Action Effective Ending Step Salary GAAP Code Notes

Oszvart Joan IA ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $19.94/hr 11-214-100-106-04-99-000 ESY. Not to exceed 93 hours

Price Bridget Teacher ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $45.55/hr. 11-214-100-101-04-99-000 ESY. Not to exceed 81 hours

Price Bridget ESY Team Leader ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $329.00 11-204-100-101-04-99-000 ESY Stipend

Robinson Kim Teacher ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $57.28/hr. 11-215-100-101-04-99-000 ESY. Not to Exceed 58 Hours

Rodriguez Tracy Substitute ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $13.10/hr. Varied ESY

Rossi Christine Occupational Therapist Special Services Approve 7.2.18 8.8.18 $63.00/hr. 11-000-216-100-04-99-000 ESY

Snyder-Warren Michelle Teacher ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $52.10/hr. 11-212-100-101-04-99-000 ESY. Not to exceed 81 hours

Stewart Christine IA ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $19.94/hr 11-215-100-101-04-99-000 ESY. Not to exceed 47 hours

Young Melissa Nurse ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $54.35/hr. 11-000-213-101-04-99-000 ESY/Summer Program Nurse

Zaccaria Michelle Teacher ESY Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $42.75/hr. 11-204-100-101-04-99-000 ESY. Not to exceed 81 hours


Choi Dahany Tech Intern District Approve 7.2.18 8.31.18 $10.00/hr. 11-000-252-100-08-99

Addonizio Ilene Nurse District Approve 7.2.18 8.9.18 $51.82/hr. paid for by township Summer Program Nurse

Aquaro Marianne Case Manager District Approve 7.1.18 9.6.18 $375.00 11-000-219-104-04-99-000 Evaluations & written report

Austin Kate Case Manager District Approve 7.1.18 9.6.18 $50.68/hr. 11-000-219-104-04-99-000 Case Management

Austin Kate Case Manager District Approve 7.1.18 9.6.18 $375.00 11-000-219-104-04-99-000 Evaluations & written report

Bucca Randi Case Manager District Approve 7.1.18 9.6.18 $45.55/hr. 11-000-219-104-04-99-000 Case Management

Bucca Randi Case Manager District Approve 7.1.18 9.6.18 $375.00 11-000-219-104-04-99-000 Evaluations & written report

Caroselli Lisa Case Manager District Approve 7.1.18 9.6.18 $46.13/hr. 11-000-219-104-04-99-000 Case Management

Caroselli Lisa Case Manager District Approve 7.1.18 9.6.18 $375.00 11-000-219-104-04-99-000 Evaluations & written report

Corliss Claire Case Manager District Approve 7.1.18 9.6.18 $47.90/hr. 11-000-219-104-04-99-000 Case Management

Corliss Claire Case Manager District Approve 7.1.18 9.6.18 $375.00 11-000-219-104-04-99-000 Evaluations & written report

Corliss Claire Case Manager District Approve 7.2.18 8.31.18 $34.00/hr. 11-000-219-104-04-99-000 Special Services Administrative Intern. Not to exceed 50 hrs.

Hofenbitzer Connor Tech Intern District Approve 7.2.18 8.31.18 $9.00/hr. 11-000-252-100-08-99

Johnson Lauren Case Manager District Approve 7.1.18 9.6.18 $45.91/hr. 11-000-219-104-04-99-000 Case Management

Johnson Lauren Case Manager District Approve 7.1.18 9.6.18 $375.00 11-000-219-104-04-99-000 Evaluations & written report

Khatri Naila Case Manager District Approve 7.1.18 9.6.18 $375.00 11-000-219-104-04-99-000 Evaluations & written report

Keller Alex Tech Intern District Approve 7.2.18 8.31.18 $9.00/hr. 11-000-252-100-08-99

Kroepfl Lauren Facilities Intern District Approve 7.2.18 8.31.18 $11.00/hr. 11-000-262-100-05-01-000

McMurty Mariko Tech Intern District Approve 7.2.18 8.31.18 $10.00/hr. 11-000-252-100-08-99

Miller Jennifer Case Manager District Approve 7.1.18 9.6.18 $58.92/hr. 11-000-219-104-04-99-000 Case Manager

Miller Jennifer Case Manager District Approve 7.1.18 9.6.18 $375.00 11-000-219-104-04-99-000 Evaluations & written report

Pandya Bhumika Case Manager District Approve 7.1.18 9.6.18 $375.00 11-000-219-104-04-99-000 Evaluations & written report

Passafaro Kate Case Manager District Approve 7.1.18 9.6.18 $46.33/hr. 11-000-219-104-04-99-000 Case Management

Passafaro Kate Case Manager District Approve 7.1.18 9.6.18 $375.00 11-000-219-104-04-99-004 Evaluations & written report

Pavuluri Harsha Tech Intern District Approve 7.2.18 8.31.18 $11.00/hr. 11-000-252-100-08-99

Prybylski Kristy Case Manager District Approve 7.1.18 9.6.18 $49.30/hr. 11-000-219-104-04-99-000 Case Management

Prybylski Kristy Case Manager District Approve 7.1.18 9.6.18 $375.00 11-000-219-104-04-99-000 Evaluations & written report

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 34 of 51

Last Name First Name Title Location Action Effective Ending Step Salary GAAP Code Notes

Quon Amanda Tech Intern District Approve 7.2.18 8.31.18 $9.00/hr. 11-000-252-100-08-99

Rovner Susan Case Manager District Approve 7.1.18 9.6.18 $375.00 11-000-219-104-04-99-000 Evaluations & written report

Russell Katherine Case Manager District Approve 7.1.18 9.6.18 $375.00 11-000-219-104-04-99-000 Evaluations & written report

Sawant Rahul Tech Intern District Approve 7.2.18 8.31.18 $9.00/hr. 11-000-252-100-08-99

Approve 7.2.18 8.31.18 $34.00/hr. 11-000-219-104-04-99-000 To attend summer IEP meetings on an as needed basis



Dentino Anthony Chaperone RHS Approve 5.19.18 5.20.18 $273.00/night 11-401-100-100-01-05-030 Post Prom 1 night

Territo Rebekah Chaperone RHS Approve 5.19.18 5.20.18 $273.00/night 11-401-100-100-01-05-030 Post Prom 1 night

All Teaching Staff

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 35 of 51

Last Name First Name Position Location Action Effective Date Ending Date Step Salary Longevity/Other FTE

a. Administrators/Supervisors:

AVERY MOLLY HS Principal 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 $154,413.00

*As per RPSA 17-18


BAJNATH RAJNEET Dir of Spec Services 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 $133,988.00

*As per RPSA 17-18


BOOTIER NICOLE Asst ES Principal 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 $107,027.00

*As per RPSA 17-18


BRENNAN TIFFANY Math Supervisor 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 $95,589.00

*As per RPSA 17-18


CARPENA AMANDA Supervisor of Instruction 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 $102,942.00

*As per RPSA 17-18


GIZZO JR. PAUL MS Principal 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 $149,511.00

*As per RPSA 17-18


MANNINO KRISTINASupervisor of Special

Services 20


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 $102,942.00

*As per RPSA 17-18


MASON TAWRYE Asst MS Principal 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 $107,027.00

*As per RPSA 17-18


MUMPOWER NICOLE Asst HS Principal 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 $131,600.00

*As per RPSA 17-18


PASSAFARO MICHAEL Asst MS Principal 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 $108,661.00

*As per RPSA 17-18


SINKEWICZ JANET ES Principal 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 $142,975.00

*As per RPSA 17-18


WYERS JR. CURTIS Athletic Director 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 $130,000.00

*As per RPSA 17-18


b. Non Affiliate Staff:

DECK ANNETTEInformational Systems



Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 $85,238.00 1.00

DEORE JEANINE Accounting/Payroll 0Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 $70,865.00 1.00

ELMI PAMELA Director of RED 61Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 $79,809.00 1.00

FLOCCO CAROLYN Financial Analysis 0Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 $86,866.00 $1,100 as of 9.1.18 1.00

FREEMAN JENNIFER Transportation Coordinator 5Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 $51,500.00 1.00

KEENER KIMBERLY Director of Operations 30Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 $100,150.00 1.00

LINEBARGER DEREK Director of Technology 0Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 $120,454.00 1.00

MCKENNA FRANCESSecretary/ Communication



Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 $75,324.00 1.00

O'CONNOR CARA HR Manager 0Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 $64,000.00 1.00

WATSON PAMELA Accounts Payable 0Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 $62,978.00

$1,100 as of

b. Certificated Staff (Receiving Tenure ):

ALAGAR MARGRETTE Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA $57,345.00 1.00

ARMSTRONG KEITH Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 9 Teacher BA $62,230.00 1.00

May 2018 Robbinsville Board of Education Reappointment Agenda

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 36 of 51

Last Name First Name Position Location Action Effective Date Ending Date Step Salary Longevity/Other FTE

AUSTIN JOANN Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 10 Teacher BA $64,230.00 1.00

BALEVSKI LIANE Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA $57,345.00 1.00

BRIHN ANGELA Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 4 Teacher BA $56,520.00

Tenure effective

BROOKS MARIE Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA $57,345.00 1.00

COLICCHIA JENNA Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA $57,345.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA $57,345.00 1.00

DENKO SYLWIA Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA $57,345.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 9 Teacher MA $65,980.00 1.00

IALACCI ALISA Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA+15 $58,320.00 1.00

LEVY KRISTEN Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 7 Teacher BA+15 $60,110.00 1.00

REILLY RACHEL Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA+15 $58,320.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA+15 $58,320.00 1.00

SZABO JODI Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA $57,345.00

Tenure effective

3.2.19 1.00

VAZ JILLIAN Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher MA $61,095.00

Tenure effective

9.22.18 1.00

WESCOTT LAUREN Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA $57,345.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA $57,345.00 1.00

c. Certificated Staff:

Child Study Team

AQUARO MARIANNE Occ. Therapist 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher BA $81,245.00 1.00

AUSTIN KATHRYN Social Worker 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 10 Teacher MA $67,980.00 1.00

BUCCA RANDI Speech Therapist 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher MA $61,095.00 1.00

CAROSELLI LISA Social Worker 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 6 Teacher MA $49,496.00 0.80

CORLISS CLAIRE Psychologist 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher PHD/DOCT $64,245.00 1.00

KHATRI NAILA Speech Therapist 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 2 Teacher MA $59,030.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 15 Teacher MA+30 $81,530.00 1.00

LO PRESTI DENIELA Psychologist 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 4 Teacher MA+30 $62,320.00 1.00

MILLER JENNIFER Psychologist 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 14 Teacher MA+30 $79,030.00 1.00

PANDYA BHUMIKA Speech Therapist 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 15 Teacher MA $79,480.00 1.00

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 37 of 51

Last Name First Name Position Location Action Effective Date Ending Date Step Salary Longevity/Other FTE


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher MA+15 $62,145.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 8 Teacher MA+30 $66,130.00 1.00

ROVNER SUSAN Occ. Therapist 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 10 Teacher MA $67,980.00 1.00

RUSSELL KATHERINE Occ. Therapist 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 13 Teacher BA $56,664.00 0.80

Robbinsville High School

AHMED AMMAR Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 3 Teacher MA $59,530.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 10 Teacher MA $67,980.00 1.00

ALM DAVID Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 4 Teacher BA $56,520.00 1.00

ARMSTRONG JASON Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 9 Teacher BA+15 $63,205.00 1.00

BELLA DEBRA Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 13 Teacher MA+30 $76,630.00 1.00

BENEGAL ANUPAMA Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 6 Teacher MA+30 $63,920.00 1.00

BONIFAZI CAROLYN Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 13 Teacher MA $74,580.00 1.00

BRADY MATTHEW Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 7 Teacher BA $59,135.00 1.00

BRETTELL THOMAS Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 15 Teacher MA $79,480.00 1.00

BRUNO ANDREW Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 11 Teacher MA $70,080.00 1.00

CURRAN CAITLYN Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA $57,345.00 1.00

DEMPSEY BRIAN Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 9 Teacher BA $62,230.00 1.00

DENTINO ANTHONY Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 3 Teacher BA $55,780.00 1.00

DESIMONE LAUREN Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher MA $61,095.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 6 Teacher BA $58,120.00 1.00

DILETTO JAMIE Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 4 Teacher BA $56,520.00 1.00

DILLS SHARON Guidance 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 6 Teacher MA+15 $62,920.00 1.00

DOLINA ANGEL Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 7 Teacher MA $62,885.00 1.00

DRAPKIN JESSICA Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 4 Teacher MA $60,270.00 1.00

FISHER JEFFREY Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA $57,345.00 1.00

FLYNN SEAN Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 8 Teacher BA+15 $61,305.00 1.00

FRANCOLINO LAURA Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher MA+30 $87,045.00 1.00

GIBSON KENNETH Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 10 Teacher BA $64,230.00 1.00

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 38 of 51

Last Name First Name Position Location Action Effective Date Ending Date Step Salary Longevity/Other FTE

GILDNER RICHARD Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 10 Teacher BA $64,230.00 1.00

GILL GABRIELA Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 7 Teacher BA+15 $60,110.00 1.00

GRAY JASON Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 14 Teacher BA+30 $75,295.00 1.00

HAAS JENNIFER Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher BA $81,245.00 $2,035.00 1.00

HARRISON EMMA Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 4 Teacher BA $56,520.00 1.00




Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 14 Teacher MA+15 $78,030.00 1.00

HOFFMAN NICOLE Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 8 Teacher BA $60,330.00 1.00

HORNISH CONOR Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 4 Teacher BA $56,520.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 9 Teacher BA $62,230.00 1.00

IPPOLITE RACHEL Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 3 Teacher BA $55,780.00 1.00

JOHNSON JAELA Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 10 Teacher BA $64,230.00 1.00

KANAGAWA XIUFENG Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 8 Teacher MA $64,080.00 1.00

KENNEY LAUREN Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 4 Teacher MA $60,270.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 8 Teacher BA $60,330.00 1.00

MANNING KATHLEEN Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 8 Teacher MA $64,080.00 1.00

MAUCERI STACEY Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 3 Teacher BA $55,780.00 1.00

MAYES COURTNEY Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 3 Teacher BA $55,780.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 14 Teacher MA $76,980.00 1.00

MILLER JEFFREY Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 10 Teacher BA $64,230.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 7 Teacher BA $59,135.00 1.00

PATTERSON ANDREW Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 14 Teacher BA $73,230.00 1.00

PAULINO JENNIFER Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 6 Teacher MA $61,870.00 1.00

POLICASTRO GINA Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 2 Teacher BA+30 $57,345.00 1.00

RICH LISA Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA $57,345.00 1.00

RICHARD LINDSAY Guidance 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 8 Teacher MA $64,080.00 1.00

RIMERMAN JULIE Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 2 Teacher MA $59,030.00 1.00

RODRIGUEZ ALISON Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 10 Teacher MA+30 $70,030.00 1.00

RODRIGUEZ TRACY Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher MA+30 $87,045.00 1.00

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 39 of 51

Last Name First Name Position Location Action Effective Date Ending Date Step Salary Longevity/Other FTE

ROTONDO LAURIE 12 Month Guidance 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 12 month Guidance $103,254.00 1.00

ROWOHLT THERESA Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 4 Teacher MA $60,270.00 1.00

RUA SAMANTHA Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA $57,345.00 1.00

SAWIN MORGAN Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 11 Teacher MA $70,080.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 9 Teacher BA $62,230.00 1.00

SEILER MARYJANE Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 4 Teacher BA $56,520.00 1.00

SMITH JANET Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 12 Teacher BA+15 $69,505.00 1.00

SMITH JENNIFER Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 10 Teacher MA $67,980.00 1.00

STEWART ADRIENNE Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 4 Teacher BA $56,520.00 1.00

STRAUSS TIFFANY Athletic Trainer 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 10 Teacher BA $64,230.00 $12,846.00 1.00

SUSSMAN ALISON Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 12 Teacher BA+15 $69,505.00 $1,100.00 1.00

TERRITO REBEKAH Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 15 Teacher BA $75,730.00 1.00

TETTO LAURA Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 4 Teacher BA $56,520.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher MA $84,995.00 $4,000 as of 9.1.18 1.00

WALKER JOANNE Guidance 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher BA+30 $83,310.00 1.00

WARD CRISTINA Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 11 Teacher MA $70,080.00 1.00

WARREN MICHELLE Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 13 Teacher BA $70,830.00 1.00

WESLEY SHANNON Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 2 Teacher BA $55,280.00 1.00

WIEDMAN SUZANNE Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 14 Teacher MA $76,980.00 1.00

WILLIAMS BRIAN Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher MA $61,095.00 1.00

WILSON BIRCH Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 13 Teacher MA+15 $75,630.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 11 Teacher BA $66,330.00 1.00

ZACK BRIANNE Teacher 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 4 Teacher BA $56,520.00 1.00

Pond Road Middle School

CAIOLA JULIE Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 8 Teacher BA+15 $61,305.00 1.00

CAMMARANO STACEY Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA $57,345.00 1.00

CARRIGAN JR. DANIEL Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 12 Teacher MA+15 $73,330.00 $1,100.00 1.00

CHIAPPETTA HELEN Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 14 Teacher BA $73,230.00 $1,100.00 1.00

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 40 of 51

Last Name First Name Position Location Action Effective Date Ending Date Step Salary Longevity/Other FTE

CHIFULINI LAUREN Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 12 Teacher MA $72,280.00 1.00

CIPOLLONI GAIL Nurse 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 15 Teacher BA+15 $76,705.00 1.00

CLARICI SHARON Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 13 Teacher BA $70,830.00 $1,100.00 1.00

CLINE ASHLEIGH Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA+15 $58,320.00 1.00

CONROY JOSEPH Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 13 Teacher MA+15 $75,630.00 $1,100.00 1.00

DEROSSETT KAREN Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 14 Teacher MA $76,980.00 $1,100.00 1.00

DEVINE CYNTHIA Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 12 Teacher BA $68,530.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 8 Teacher MA $64,080.00 1.00

DILTS CAROLYN Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 15 Teacher BA+15 $76,705.00 1.00

DRIVER ANDREA Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 14 Teacher MA $76,980.00 $1,100.00 1.00

FISHER KRISTINA Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 6 Teacher BA $58,120.00 1.00

FOSTER LAURI Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 10 Teacher MA $67,980.00 1.00

FRISHBERG RACHEL Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 3 Teacher MA $59,530.00 1.00

GAUTIERI ALYSSA Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 3 Teacher BA $55,780.00 1.00

GIBLIN LISA Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 10 Teacher BA+15 $65,205.00 1.00

GOLDING JOSEPH Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 14 Teacher BA $73,230.00 $1,100.00 1.00

GREIG SEAN Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher BA+15 $82,220.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 13 Teacher MA $74,580.00 $1,100.00 1.00

HECKMAN PETER Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA+30 $59,410.00 1.00

HOLUB EDWARD Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 15 Teacher BA $75,730.00 $1,100.00 1.00

HUGHES DANIEL Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 6 Teacher BA $58,120.00 1.00

HUTCHISON JANE Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher BA+15 $82,220.00

$2,035 as of

JOHNSON CLAIRE Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA $57,345.00 1.00

JOHNSON MICHAEL Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 13 Teacher BA+15 $71,805.00 $1,100.00 1.00

JONES ERIN Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 12 Teacher BA+30 $70,595.00 $1,100.00 1.00

KARPOVICH KAREN Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 9 Teacher MA $65,980.00 1.00

KELVY AMY Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher BA $81,245.00 $3,300.00 1.00

KENWORTHY KASEY Guidance 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 10 Teacher MA $67,980.00 1.00

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 41 of 51

Last Name First Name Position Location Action Effective Date Ending Date Step Salary Longevity/Other FTE

KILGORE BLAKE Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 12 Teacher MA $72,280.00 1.00

KING VIRGINIA Nurse 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher BA+15 $82,220.00 $2,035.00 1.00

KING SHELLY Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher BA $81,245.00 $2,035.00 1.00

KOSCH KELLY Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA+15 $58,320.00 1.00

LEICHNER JENNIE Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 13 Teacher BA+15 $71,805.00 1.00

MAZZONE FRANCINE Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher BA $81,245.00 $4,000 as of 9.1.18 1.00

MCGLEW ROSEMARIE Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 10 Teacher BA $64,230.00 1.00

MOORE LAURA Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 10 Teacher MA $67,980.00 1.00

NESTEL JODY Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher MA $84,995.00 $1,100.00 1.00

NG ELAINA Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 2 Teacher MA $59,030.00 1.00

O'NEIL ELIZABETH Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 12 Teacher BA $68,530.00 1.00

OSORIO IVY Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 4 Teacher BA $56,520.00 1.00

OSZVART JOAN Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher BA $81,245.00 $4,000.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA $57,345.00 1.00

PAPP LISA Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 10 Teacher PHD/DOCT $71,130.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 10 Teacher MA $67,980.00 1.00

RADOSTI MARYA Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher MA+30 $87,045.00 1.00

REED SHARON Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 9 Teacher BA $62,230.00 1.00

REED NICHOLAS Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA+15 $58,320.00 1.00

REID JILL Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 8 Teacher BA+30 $62,395.00 1.00

RINGENARY SUSAN Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher MA $84,995.00 $2,035.00 1.00

ROBINSON MORGAN Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 3 Teacher MA $59,530.00 1.00

ROKOSZAK NICOLE Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 6 Teacher MA $61,870.00 1.00

ROSKO MEGAN Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 2 Teacher MA $59,030.00 1.00

ROTANTE DANIEL Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 13 Teacher MA $74,580.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 3 Teacher MA $59,530.00 1.00

SCHMIDT ARTHUR Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 4 Teacher MA $60,270.00 1.00

SCHWARTZ SHAYNA Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 9 Teacher MA+30 $68,030.00 1.00

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 42 of 51

Last Name First Name Position Location Action Effective Date Ending Date Step Salary Longevity/Other FTE

SINGER MARCI Guidance 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher MA+30 $87,045.00 $2,035.00 1.00

SKINNER EILEEN Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 10 Teacher BA+15 $65,205.00 1.00

SMOLKA JOSETTE Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher MA $84,995.00 1.00

SNYDER THOMAS Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher BA $81,245.00 $2,035.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher BA $81,245.00 $2,035 as of 9.1.18 1.00

ST. JOHN KATHLEEN Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher BA $81,245.00 $3,300.00 1.00

SUSSMAN KIMBERLY Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher MA $61,095.00 1.00

TAMAYO MARY Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 13 Teacher MA $74,580.00 $1,100.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA $57,345.00 1.00

TERMUN CARLIE Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 8 Teacher BA $60,330.00 1.00

TUMINARO TINA Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 8 Teacher BA $60,330.00 1.00

VACCARINO BETH Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 8 Teacher MA $64,080.00 1.00

WERNER RACHEL Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 9 Teacher MA $65,980.00 1.00

WHARTON RICHARD Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher MA $84,995.00 $4,000.00 1.00

WHITMORE KRISTIN Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA+15 $58,320.00 1.00

WILKINSON LISA Teacher 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 7 Teacher BA $59,135.00 1.00

Sharon Elementary School

ABEL KIMBERLY Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 9 Teacher BA $62,230.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 12 Teacher BA+15 $69,505.00 1.00

ANDERSON DAWN Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 11 Teacher MA+30 $72,130.00 1.00

APPLEBY KATE Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 9 Teacher BA $62,230.00 1.00

AQUILINO KRISTIN Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 10 Teacher BA+30 $66,295.00 1.00

AYALA JEANAE Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 12 Teacher MA $72,280.00 $1,100.00 1.00

BALCEWICZ JOSEPH Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 14 Teacher BA $73,230.00 $1,100.00 1.00

BERKEY HEIDI Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 10 Teacher MA $67,980.00 1.00

BHATT HEATHER Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 11 Teacher MA $70,080.00 1.00

BINDER DEBORAH Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 8 Teacher MA $64,080.00 1.00

BRUNOW DAWN Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 12 Teacher BA+15 $69,505.00 1.00

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Last Name First Name Position Location Action Effective Date Ending Date Step Salary Longevity/Other FTE


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 3 Teacher BA $55,780.00 1.00

CALLI STACEY Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 16 Teacher BA $78,330.00 $2,035.00 1.00

CARDUCCI DANA Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 3 Teacher MA $59,530.00 1.00

CARPENTER MARY Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 15 Teacher BA $75,730.00 $1,100.00 1.00

CONTE DONA Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 13 Teacher BA $70,830.00 $1,100.00 1.00

CRANMER JENNIFER Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 11 Teacher MA $70,080.00 1.00

CUCINOTTI RENEE Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 11 Teacher MA $70,080.00 $1,100.00 1.00

CULLEN ALEXANDRA Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 3 Teacher MA $59,530.00 1.00

DELHAGEN CATHY Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 10 Teacher BA $64,230.00 1.00

DI SANTIS NATALIE Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 9 Teacher BA $62,230.00 1.00

DIEFES KATHLEEN Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher BA $81,245.00 $2,035 as of 9.1.18 1.00

DIMEMMO JENNIFER Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 12 Teacher BA $68,530.00 1.00

DIRUSSO COURTNEY Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 11 Teacher BA $66,330.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 3 Teacher MA+15 $60,580.00 1.00

DOLAN ELIZABETH Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 10 Teacher MA $67,980.00 1.00

DOYLE AMY Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 4 Teacher BA+15 $57,495.00 1.00

EHRENBERG SARAH Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 2 Teacher BA $55,280.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 16 Teacher BA+15 $79,305.00 1.00

EVANOWSKI NANCY Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 9 Teacher BA+15 $63,205.00 1.00

FALLAT CHRISTINE Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 12 Teacher BA $68,530.00 1.00

GEHLE CHERIE Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 14 Teacher BA $73,230.00 $1,100.00 1.00

GLADYSZ DANIELLE Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 16 Teacher MA $82,080.00 1.00

GMOSER ELIZABETH Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 11 Teacher BA $66,330.00 $1,100.00 1.00

INDRIKOVIC TERRI Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 10 Teacher MA $67,980.00 1.00

IRILLI PATRICIA Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 13 Teacher BA $70,830.00 $1,100.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 13 Teacher BA+15 $71,805.00 $1,100.00 1.00

KAMINSKAS MEGAN Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 4 Teacher BA+15 $57,495.00 1.00

KELLAR KAITLIN Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 6 Teacher BA $58,120.00 1.00

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 44 of 51

Last Name First Name Position Location Action Effective Date Ending Date Step Salary Longevity/Other FTE

KELLY JAMIE Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 7 Teacher MA+15 $63,935.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA+15 $58,320.00 1.00

LOCKINGTON RENEE Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 15 Teacher MA $79,480.00 $1,100.00 1.00

MAHON CAROLYN Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 13 Teacher BA $70,830.00 $1,100.00 1.00

MALISSA ELLEN Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 14 Teacher MA $76,980.00 $1,100.00 1.00

MARSOLA PAMELA Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 14 Teacher MA $76,980.00 $1,100.00 1.00

MARTIN SHARON Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 10 Teacher BA $64,230.00 1.00

MAYER DONNA Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 11 Teacher BA $66,330.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher BA $81,245.00 $2,035.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA $57,345.00 1.00

MIHELIS MELANIE Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 9 Teacher BA $62,230.00 1.00

MINCH MARIE Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 4 Teacher BA $56,520.00 1.00

MITCHELL DIANE Guidance 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher MA $84,995.00 $3,300 as of 9.1.18 1.00

NAMI CARL Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 6 Teacher BA $58,120.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher MA+15 $86,045.00 $2,035.00 1.00

O'CONNOR DANIELLE Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 7 Teacher BA $59,135.00 1.00

OLIVA BETTYJANE Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher MA $84,995.00 $2,035.00 1.00

PIENCIAK JILLIAN Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 4 Teacher BA+30 $58,585.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher MA $84,995.00 $2,035.00 1.00

PRICE BRIDGET Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher MA $61,095.00 1.00

PUNZO CHERYL Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 10 Teacher BA+15 $65,205.00 1.00

REED SHANNON Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 4 Teacher BA+15 $57,495.00 1.00

REIMEL ALLISON Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 2 Teacher BA $55,280.00 1.00

REVAY DAVID Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 16 Teacher BA $78,330.00 $1,100.00 1.00

RICCIARDI JODIE Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 9 Teacher MA $65,980.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 15 Teacher BA $75,730.00 $1,100.00 1.00

ROSOL MARISSA Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA $57,345.00 1.00

ROTHMAN JONATHAN Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 3 Teacher BA $55,780.00 1.00

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 45 of 51

Last Name First Name Position Location Action Effective Date Ending Date Step Salary Longevity/Other FTE

SACK DONNA Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 14 Teacher MA $76,980.00 $1,100.00 1.00

SCHNEID LORYN Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 15 Teacher MA $79,480.00 $1,100.00 1.00

SERGIO DANA Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 10 Teacher BA $64,230.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 16 Teacher BA $78,330.00 $1,100.00 1.00

ST. JOHN MARY Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher MA $84,995.00 $3,300.00 1.00

VENTRE JESSICA Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA $57,345.00 1.00

WALSH MARGARET Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 5 Teacher BA $57,345.00 1.00

WHITE KIMBERLY Guidance 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 13 Teacher MA+15 $75,630.00 $1,100.00 1.00

WHITE CHRISTINE Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 12 Teacher BA $68,530.00 1.00

WILSON DANA Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 4 Teacher MA $60,270.00 1.00

YOUNG MELISSA Nurse 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 13 Teacher BA+30 $72,895.00 1.00

ZARGIEL MARGARET Teacher 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 17 Teacher MA $84,995.00 $2,035.00 1.00

d. Non Certificated Staff:

Special Services

ANDERSON PATRICK Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $26,738.00 1.00

ANTONELLOS EKATERINI Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $26,738.00 1.00

BENSON KIMBERLY Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $13,369.00 0.50

BURGESS CATHERINE Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $26,738.00 1.00

CARROLL ALICE Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $26,738.00 $1,650.00 1.00

CHAUDHURI APARNA Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $26,738.00 1.00

COLGAN DIANA Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $13,369.00 0.50

CORDERO RICARDO Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $13,369.00 0.50

COSTANZA CARLEE Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $13,369.00 0.50

DEANGELIS JOANNE Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $26,738.00 1.00

FALK-VOSS SHELLY Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $13,369.00 0.50

FISCHER LUCIA Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $13,369.00 0.50

GALLAGHER ELLEN Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $13,369.00 0.50

GRECO ANNA Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $13,369.00 0.50

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 46 of 51

Last Name First Name Position Location Action Effective Date Ending Date Step Salary Longevity/Other FTE

HAFITZ LEAH Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $13,369.00 0.50

HALPIN MELANIE Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $13,369.00 0.50

HENIG JILL Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $13,369.00 0.50

HOLT NICOLE Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $26,738.00 1.00

HUTT MEGHAN Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $13,369.00 0.50

IORIO CYNTHIA Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $13,369.00 0.50

JAYABALAN ANITHA Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $13,369.00 0.50

KARDOS JACQUELINE Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $26,738.00 1.00

KEENER KEVIN Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $26,738.00 1.00

LERNER GREGG Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $13,369.00 0.50

MALPAS JULIE Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $26,738.00 1.00

MARIA ELENA Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $13,369.00 0.50

MARRAZZO LINDA Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $13,369.00 0.50

MAYWEATHER THERESA Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $26,738.00 1.00

MCCAHERY CHRISTINE Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $26,738.00 1.00

MORELLI ROBERT Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $13,369.00 0.50

ODATO AMY Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $26,738.00 $1,100 as of 9.1.18 1.00

ONDY KATHRYN Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $13,369.00 0.50

ORLAK DIANE Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $26,738.00 1.00

PETRONI JUDY Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $13,369.00 0.50

RENELT SHERRY Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $26,738.00 $1,100.00 1.00

RUSHINSKI-HANLEY MARIA Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $13,369.00 0.50

SCHMID OLGA Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $26,738.00 1.00

SKALECKY PAMELA Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $13,369.00 0.50

SMITH NATHAN Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $13,369.00 0.50

STEWART CHRISTINE Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $26,738.00 1.00

THOMAS JAYNE Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $26,738.00 1.00

THOMPSON LILIES Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $13,369.00 0.50

May 29, 2018 Public Session Minutes Page 47 of 51

Last Name First Name Position Location Action Effective Date Ending Date Step Salary Longevity/Other FTE

TIMONY MARILYN Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $26,738.00 $1,100.00 1.00

VAGRIN SUSAN Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $26,738.00 1.00

VEISZ CATHERINE Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $13,369.00 0.50

WEEKS ANDREA Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $13,369.00 0.50

WOLOCHUK ANNMARIE Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $26,738.00 1.00

WOODWARD TAMMY Instructional Aide 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Instructional Aide $26,738.00 1.00


BURUM MARY Bus Aide 5Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Bus Aide $17.56/per hour 1.00

CLARK THEODORE Per Diem Driver 5Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Per Diem Driver $32.40/per hour 0.50

CONCEPCION KARIN Bus Driver 5Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Bus Driver $32.40/per hour 1.00

HANSON SANDRA Per Diem Driver 5Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Per Diem Driver $32.40/per hour 0.50

JONES BETSY Bus Driver 5Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Bus Driver $32.40/per hour $1,100.00 1.00

JUNIAK KAREN Bus Aide 5Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Bus Aide $17.56/per hour 1.00

KACZOR NANCY Per Diem Driver 5Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Per Diem Driver $32.40/per hour 0.50

MCCARTHY KAREN Bus Driver 5Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Bus Driver $32.40/per hour $1,100.00 1.00

MILLER ROBERT Bus Driver 5Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Bus Driver $32.40/per hour 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Bus Aide $17.56/per hour 0.50

OTT KIM Bus Driver 5Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Bus Driver $32.40/per hour 1.00

PICONE IRENE Bus Driver 5Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Bus Driver $32.40/per hour 1.00

PILCH THOMAS Bus Driver 5Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Bus Driver $32.40/per hour 1.00

QUINN ANNE Bus Aide 5Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Bus Aide $17.56/per hour

$1,100 as of

TESAR DANIELLE Bus Aide 5Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Bus Aide $17.56/per hour 0.50

Robbinsville High School

AVELLINO MELISSA Secretary-12 Month 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Secretary-12 Month $47,890.00 1.00

BRUNO MICHAEL Tech Specialist II 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Tech Specialist II $73,924.00 1.00

FOTI GEORGIANA Secretary-12 Month 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Secretary-12 Month $47,890.00 1.00

LUBBERS KAREN Secretary-12 Month 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Secretary-12 Month $47,890.00 1.00

POPE CYNTHIA Secretary-12 Month 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Secretary-12 Month $47,890.00 1.00

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Last Name First Name Position Location Action Effective Date Ending Date Step Salary Longevity/Other FTE

WHITLOCK TARA Secretary-12 Month 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Secretary-12 Month $23,945.00 0.50

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Last Name First Name Position Location Action Effective Date Ending Date Step Salary Longevity/Other FTE

BOHEM DAVID Door Monitor 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Door Monitor $22.00/per hour 0.25

HAMILTON ERIC Door Monitor 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Door Monitor $22.00/per hour 0.25

HAMILTON LINDA Door Monitor 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Door Monitor $22.00/per hour 0.25

MAROTTA JOHN Door Monitor 10Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Door Monitor $22.00/per hour 0.25

Pond Road Middle School

BRADLEY ANN Lunch Aide 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Lunch Aide $17.56/hr 0.50

DELANEY EILEEN Secretary-12 Month 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Secretary-12 Month $47,890.00

$1,100 as of

KARMAZIN KAREN Secretary-12 Month 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Secretary-12 Month $47,890.00 1.00

KATZMAN EILEEN Secretary-12 Month 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Secretary-12 Month $47,890.00 $1,100.00 1.00

MORALES TAMMY Lunch Aide 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Lunch Aide $17.56/hr 0.50

QUINN TREVOR Tech Specialist II 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Tech Specialist II $73,924.00 1.00

VAN ARNUM DEBORAH Lunch Aide 40Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Lunch Aide $17.56/hr 0.50

Sharon Elementary School

DIMARCO PHILIP Technology I 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Technology $60,526.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Lunch Aide $17.56/hr 0.50

JONES PATRICIA Secretary-12 Month 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Secretary-12 Month $47,890.00 $1,650.00 1.00

KOSS KATHLEEN Secretary-12 Month 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Secretary-12 Month $47,890.00 1.00

KOSTIN KELLI Lunch Aide 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Lunch Aide $17.56/hr 0.50

LONCOSKY CAROLYN Secretary-12 Month 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Secretary-12 Month $47,890.00 $1,650.00 1.00

WEINBERG SHELLY Lunch Aide 50Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Lunch Aide $17.56/hr 0.50


DIEFENBACH LEROY Custodian 30Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Custodian $45,896.00 $1,650.00 1.00


Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 HVAC Tech $71,038.00 1.00

KING LARRY Maintenance 30Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Maintenance $60,526.00 $1,100.00 1.00

SELKOW BENJAMIN Maintenance 30Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Maintenance $60,526.00 1.00


ANTRIM KATHLEEN Secretary-12 Month 20Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Secretary-12 Month $47,890.00 1.00

BARBER BROCK Attendance Officer 0Approve

Reappointment9/1/2017 6/30/2018 Attendance Officer $35.00/hr. plus mileage 0.50

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Last Name First Name Position Location Action Effective Date Ending Date Step Salary Longevity/Other FTE

CHIODO DEBORAH Secretary-12 Month 0Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Secretary-12 Month $47,890.00 $1,650.00 1.00

CORIASCO ANNA Secretary-10 Month 0Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Secretary-10 Month $19,955.00 0.50

LINCOLN KATHYANN Secretary-12 Month 0Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Secretary-12 Month $47,890.00 $5,500.00 1.00

PATE MICHAEL Energy Ed 30Approve

Reappointment7.1.18 6.30.19 Energy Ed $21,000.00 0.50

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