Page 1: RNI Certificate No.69375/98 Industrial ScanPostal ... · Industrial ScanPostal Registered No.VSP-127/2012-14 ... Hindustan Shipyard and Garden Reach yard are ... orders in its inventory

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Unit of Vizag IndustrialScan


September 1-15, 2012


Mr. V. Seshadri IAS, has taken charge as the DistrictCollector of Vizag from Mr. Lav Agarwal, IAS

on August 29, 2012.The1999 batch IAS officer is known to be a man of

great integrity , a tough and highly efficientadministratior. He had earlier served as the Collector ofRanga Reddy District.

Mazagaon-Pipavav deal under CPM scannerWe will take up the matter with Prime Minister: Sitaram Yechuri

VIS News Service

Red flags of concern have been waved at the recentpartnership deal between State-owned defence

shipyard Mazagaon Dock and private ship builderNikhil Ganghi-owned Pipavav Shipyard.

The concern in shipbuilding and political circles iswhen other state-owned defence shipyards such asHindustan Shipyard and Garden Reach yard arestruggling for orders, Mazagaon’s move to dish out hugeorders in its inventory to the private yards isquestionable.

Mr. Sitaram Yechuri told Industrial Scan “TheCommunist Party of India (Marxist) has brought thedeal under its scanner, pointing out the large grey areasthat reek of another scandal in the making”.

“It is tantamount to a rich brother in a family sharinghis surplus food with a rich neighbour ignoring hispoorer brother in his own family who is going hungry.Where is the logic to offload work to private yards,while you continue to pay establishment cost to yourown shipyards without giving them work,” says Mr.Sitaram Yechuri, CPM General Secretary.

A government shipyard, Mazagaon Dock today has

RINL achieves highestturnover of Rs.4909 cr

106% MOU Turnover Target FulfilledCaptive Power Generation up by 7%

A.V. Prasad

Rashtriya Ispat NigamLimited (RINL), the

second largest State runSteel producer achieved aturnover of Rs. 1116 croresduring August 2012. Withthis, the turnover reachedto Rs.4909 crores duringApril-August ’12, thusfulfilling the MOU targetby 106% (Rs. 4632crores).

In spite of difficultmarket conditions indomestic as well as globalmarket, RINL, thecorporate entity ofVisakhapatnam SteelPlant, could sell 2.28 lakh

tones of steel in August’12,a growth of 2% overcorresponding period lastyear. This is the bestachieved so far in thisfinancial year.With this, theinventory ofSaleable Steelreduced byabout 12,000tons duringthe month.

Supplies of HighStrength CorrosionResistance Rebars toProjects during April-August registered a growthof 66% over CPLY. RINLsold 15,000 tons of Rebarsthrough its Rural

Distribution networkrepresenting a growth of103% over CPLY. Atpresent, RINL is having336 Rural Dealers and is in

the processof appointinganother 200nos of RuralD e a l e r sshortly. Salesof By-P r o d u c t s

during April-August wasRs.243 crores, registeringa growth of 39% overCPLY.

On the Productionfront, RINL achieved 4%growth in ‘Average OvenPushings’ and 7% growth

in ‘Captive PowerGeneration’ up toAugust’12. However theproduction of Iron & Steelgot severely impacted dueto declaration of “PowerHoliday” for 3 days in aweek by the StateGovernment apart frompeak hour restriction.Inadequate water supply isalso an area of concern andthough there is someimprovement in the lastweek, the situation iscritical.

Vizag Steel foraysinto West Bengal

on Page 2

under its belt orders worth Rs 1 trillion, while Pipavavis currently executing orders worth a combined $1.5billion, with defense work accounting for some 42%of the total value.

It is being alleged in the trade circles that Pipavavhad slipped on delivery schedules, which last yearforced a global fleet owner to cancel one of the ships ithad ordered.

First some background on the partnership deal.Mazagon Dock had run a process to find a JV partnerand floated a expression of interest in this regard inFebruary last year, which attracted all top shipbuildersin India.

Mazagon had then justified the move, saying: “Thequestion is how best we can use the capacity of bothyards. For instance, a project that Mazagon could havecompleted in 13 years, the joint venture can completein seven years.”

A visibly annoyed Mr. Yechuri argues that a similarjoint venture could have been formed with a publicsector shipyard. ”I do not think our public sectorshipyards are in any way inferior to the private yards.

In fact, a shipyard like HSL has so much experienceand expertise, it has one of the best workforce in thissector,” he says.

There had been some opposition initially from otherprivate shipyards, primarily the Agarwal-owned ABGShipyard, Bharati Shipyard and L&T, which claimedthat the deal was not transparent. This resulted in theGovernment putting on hold the deal, whichsubsequently took off after Mazagaon followed therevised guidelines issued by the Ministryof Defence and included L&T in the deal.

Now .the joint venture will float an independentcompany to be named Mazagon Dock Pipavav Ltd,with plans to get it listed on overseas bourses.

“We both will be bringing in equity, but thenecessary shareholder agreements are yet to befinalised. This JV company will be executing the currentorder book of Mazagon Dock worth Rs1 lakh crore (Rs1trillion) and look for new orders jointly,” Mr. Gandhiwas quoted as saying in the media after theannouncement of the deal. Pipavav owns India’s biggestdry dock used for building and repairing ships and has

a licence from the government to build warships.It proposes to convert an existing wet dock into a

second dry dock to enhance its capability to buildwarships for the Indian Navy and the export market,according to a recent company presentation to investors.

The Indian Navy’s submarine programmes, dubbedProject 75 and 76, involve building 24 submarines at aninvestment of $14-16 billion (Rs 65,000-75,000 crore)by 2025-30.

Of these, India has ordered six Scorpene-classsubmarines from French firm Direction desConstructions Navales Services (DCNS) for $3.5billion. This itself is indication of the amount of ordersthat the Mazagon-Pipavav JV can get.

”We will share little bit of our work with Pipavavfor expediting or meeting our timelines for warshipprojects by utilizing the extra capacity available atPipavav,” a top Mazagaon official was quoted as sayingrecently.To meet PM

Mr. Yechuri however does not see any justificationfor this claim. ”I will take this up with the PrimeMinister and Defence Minister. Our stand is clear—Donot enter into joint ventures or PPPs until you haveexhausted the idle facilities in public sector yards,” headds.

Indeed, Hindustan Shipyard, which is also under theDefence Ministry, is today hardly havinga mentionable order book, although it has infrastructure,expertise and experience matching, if not better, thanany private yards.

“You cannot let a yard like this go hungry and keepthe talented and skilled workforce waiting for orders. This is totally anti-worker,” he thunders.

Mr. Yechuri said the CPM strongly opposes all PPPsand Joint Ventures which help few private players atthe cost of national exchequer.

“PSUs are the backbone of the national economy andgovt instead of motivating and involving the workforcein management, is trying to destroy and liquidate thePSUs,” adds Mr. Yechuri.

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Update2 VIZAG INDUSTRIAL SCAN Sept 1-15, 2012

VIS News Service

The Union Minister ofState for Human

Resource Development,Mr. D. Purandeswariheld talks with Secretary,Department of HeavyIndustries, Mr. S.Sundereshan, in NewDelhi recently to expeditethe merger of BHPV withBHEL.

She took a delegation ofBHPV employees fromhere to the office ofDepartment of HeavyIndustries and sought earlyaction to formalise themerger.

Mr. Sundereshanexplained that the cabinetnote had been prepared and

Purandeswari holds talks on BHPV-BHEL mergerin one and half month orso the merger processwould be completed withapproval by the UnionCabinet.

The merger will redeemthe long pending demandof the BHPV employees.Prime Minister ManmohanSingh had promised

merger of BHPV withBHEL during his visit tothe city five years ago.

Vizag airport timings extended

The Defence Ministry has positively responded to therequest of Chief Minister, Mr. N. Kiran Kumar

Reddy for extending the airport timings atVisakhapatnam airport by 4 hours on Sundays,Wednesdays and Fridays till the 24x7 hours operationsare started.

The Defence Minister, Mr. A K Antony in a letter tothe Chief Minister said that the matter has been examinedand considering the immediate nature of the requirement,the watch hours of INS Dega, Visakhapatnam, would beextended to 10.55 pm for 3 days in a week from October1 for a duration of six months to meet the requirements ofthe proposed operations.

For clearing extra rushof passengers during

ensuing Dushera Pujaseason and to providebetter comfort, Railwayshave decided to run a pairof weekly Super fastspecial express trainservices between Asansoland Visakhapatnam viaAdra, Midnapur, Hijli, Bhadrak and Cuttack.

This pair of train willhave one AC 3 Tier, onecomposite-AC 2 tier-cum-AC 3 Tier, Ten SleeperClass coaches, Six Generalsecond class coaches andtwo Second class sitting-c u m - G u a r d ’ scompartments. TrainNo.03513 Asansol –

Asansol-Vizag train toclear Puja rush

Visakhapatnam Super fastExpress will leaveAsansol on Fridays w.e.f12.10.2012 to 23.11.2012at 12.45 p.m.(noon) andwill reach Visakhapatnamon Saturday at 04.40a.m.Train No.03514 Willleave Visakhapatnam at06.35 a.m. on Saturdays w.e.f. 13.10.2012 to24.11.2012 and will reachAsanson at 11.30 p.m.(night) the same day. Enroute this pair stops at V i z i a n a g a r a m ,Brahmapur, Khurda Road,Bhubaneswar, Cuttack,Jajpur, Keonjhar Road,Bhadrak, Balasore, Hijli,Midnapur, Bankura andAdra.

Plan panel grants Rs. 300 crfor meet on bio-diversityThe Planning Commission has sanctioned Rs 300

Crores for the Conference on Bio Diversity to beheld from October 1 to 19, 2012, in HICC, Hyderabad.

Announcing this in Hyderabad recently, the ChiefMinister, Mr. N. Kiran Kumar Reddy thanked thePrime Minister, Dr.Manmohan Singh, UPA Chairperson,Ms. Sonia Gandhi and the Deputy Chairman of PlanningCommission, Dr Montek Singh Ahluwalia. It may berecalled that the state government is spending Rs 450Crores for this prestigious conference.

More than 8,000 delegates from 193 countries areexpected to participate. The CoP-11 schedule is 1st to 5thOctober 2012 - meeting of parties (MoP) on Bio-safetyCartigena Protocol will be held. 8th - 19th October 2012Conference of Parties (CoP-11) will be held. 17th - 19thOctober 2012, the High Level Segment will be held.----------------------------------------------------------------Strategies for Naval flightsafety discussedThe Naval Flight Safety Seminar 2012 was held on

September 7, 2012 at Maritime Warfare Center(Visakhapatnam).

The annual event held at all the three NavalCommands on a rotational basis was conducted by INSDega under the aegis of Headquarters, Eastern NavalCommand. The seminar was inaugurated by ViceAdmiral Sunil Lanba, Chief of Staff, Eastern NavalCommand. Several papers on topics having a directbearing on flight safety were presented by officers fromthe Navy and by representatives from the sister Servicesas well. The Event also provided a platform fordiscussing a number of strategies, concepts andprocedures to enhance flight safety. A comprehensiveanalysis of aviation accidents/ incidents of the precedingyear was also undertaken in the course of the Seminar.----------------------------------------------------------------

LVPEI to host global meeton blindnessL.V. Prasad Eye Institute (LVPEI) will be hosting

the ninth general assembly of International Agencyfor Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) at HICC, Madhapur,between September 18 and 22.

The conference will be aimed at exploring newapproaches and practical solutions to improve eye care.

“Over 1,500 delegates from 66 countries areparticipating in the IAPB general assembly. Theassembly will feature close to 120 eminent speakers whowill take part in 50 symposia sessions and courses,”Chairman, LVPEI, Dr. G.N. Rao, told mediapersons inHyderabad recently.----------------------------------------------------------------ISB invites entries foriDiya ChallengeThe Indian School of Business (ISB) has invited

applications for its fourth edition of iDiya Challenge,a nationwide competition for working professionalsinterested in setting up ventures with potential to createsocial impact.

The competition seeks to promote scalable andsustainable businesses in the fields of agri-business,health, education, energy, environment, women’sempowerment, disability and related areas. Interestedprofessionals can submit their ideas the last date of submission ofapplications is September 30. The best ideas would bechosen by a panel of venture capitalists, industry leaders,entrepreneurs and ISB faculty.----------------------------------------------------------------Loud talking on Cell Phonebanned in AC CoachesIn view of the reported displeasure of a number of

passengers on ‘loud talking over cell phones , longconversations, objectionable ring tones buzzing in highvolumes’ inside the enclosed space of coaches,especially inside the A.C. coaches, Rthe ailway Boardhave decided to ensure the comfort level of passengerswith advice to all Rail-users to completely restrict theirloud talking and objectionable ring tones.

All passengers are advised to keep their mobilephones in “Silent/Vibration mode” and even their ringtone volume to be very low. ----------------------------------------------------------------

‘EPDCL following APERC directives’The power cuts imposed on all categories of consumers

is in line with the directives of the AP ElectricityRegulatory Commission which includes concessionsor exemptions for particular industries or sectors,Director (Operations & HRD) of AP EPDCL, Mr. H.Y.Dora said. Industry associations can approach theAPERC to get specific exemptions, he said at a meetingorganised on power crisis in the State.

The BHPV EmployeesUnion affiliated to

CITU has expresseddoubts over the veracity ofthe statement of the UnionMinister of State forHuman Resources, Ms. D.Purandeswari that themerger of BHPV withBHEL would becompleted within 45 days.

Since 2008 Centralministers and MPs have

been issuing statementsabout the merger and infact even the INTUC wonthe elections forrecognised union in 2011based on the promise ofINTUC all-Indiapresident, Mr. G SanjeevaReddy to get the mergercompleted in two months,honorary president ofCITU Greater VisakhaCommittee, Mr. A Ajeya

Sarma, president Mr.Prakash, generalsecretary Mr. B PentaRao and vice presidentMr. S Jyotiswara Raosaid in a statement.

The CITUdemanded that themerger schemeresolution dated May25, 2012 be adopted andthe proposal put up tothe Cabinet forimmediate approval.

CITU doubts her statement

The Confederation ofIndian Industry

(CII), Visakhapatnam isorganising an exclusive Session with the ChiefCommissioner, CentralExcise, Customs & ServiceTax, Mr. P.K. Jain, IRS,on the ‘Negative List ofService Tax’ at 1530 hrs onSeptember 17, 2012 atHotel Park,Visakhapatnam.

For more informationcontact: Mr. KGaneshan, Head - CIIVizag. Ph 891-2555535.

Interactive Sessionwith P K Jain

VIS News Service

S ynergies CastingsLimited, alloy wheel

manufacturer ofVisakhapatnam, hasbagged the prestigious‘Global Supplier QualityExcellence Award 2012’ ofGeneral Motors.

The award recognisesthose suppliers, who have

Synergies Castings bags awardeither met or exceeded itsstringent set of qualityperformance criteria.

“GM is renowned forits exacting qualitystandards. The award is atestimony to thecompany’s commitment toexcellence. To win theaward with a product likehigh-end alloy wheels,supplying to the

prestigious platform ofGM ‘Cadillac’, makes itall the more special,” saysSynergies president Mr.Shekar Movva.

Synergies offerssolutions for precision castcomponents of all types ofcast aluminium alloys,plastics and assemblies. Itsupplies alloy wheels toseveral automobile majors.

VIS News Service

Unit 1 of NTPCSimhadri Super

Thermal Power Project of500 MW capacity was shutdown recently foroverhauling. Theoverhauling of the unit waslast done in September,2010 and was longoverdue.

The job was taken upfor one month with theconsent of APTransco andall the necessary repairsand modifications wouldbe carried out during theunit overhaul to ensurehealthy running of the unit.

Overhaul ofNTPC SimhadriUnit 1 on

VSP bags Rajbhasha Award

V isakhapatnam Steel Plant (VSP) received the firstprize in the Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Award for its effective implementation

of the official language in the organisation during 2011-12.The President of India, Mr. Pranab Mukherjee presented the award to the CMD

of VSP, Mr. A.P. Choudhary at a function held at Vignan Bhavan in New Delhi onthe occasion of the Hindi Day. Union Minister of Home Sushil Kumar Shindey andUnion Minister of State for Home, Mr. Jeetendra Singh were present.

The Chief Minister of West Bengal,Ms. Mamata Banerjee,

inaugurated the commencement of workof Uttarbanga RINL Rail AxleManufacturing Plant at New Jalpaiguriin West Bengal at a cost of Rs.278 croresin the presence of the Union Ministerfor Railways, Mr. Mukul Roy.

The unit will manufacture andsupply Rail Axels for BOX N wagonsand others to meet the growingrequirement of Indian Railways. TheRailways have selected RINL to set upthe state of the art Axle Plantconsidering its technological strengthsin special grades of steel for decades.

The Axel Plant will produce Box NWagon Axle – for Axel load of 22.9 tcurrently with a provision for Axel load

Vizag Steel forays into West Bengal

of 25 T with 210 mm dia of 516 kgweight for 22.9 t Axel load.The newplant will have the facility of forging andheat treatment of about 50,000 nosforged axles/per year.

It may be recalled that RINL signedan MOU with Railways in 2011 to setup a Axle Manufacturing Plant at NewJalpaiguri in West Bengal.

The Director (Finance), RINL, Mr.P. Madhusudan, Member Mechanical,Railway Board, Mr. Kesab Chandra,GM, North Frontier Railway, Mr. R.S.Virdi and other senior officialsparticipated.

Mamata launches work onUttarbanga Rail Axle Plant

Hindi Fortnight at NTPCNTPC Simhadri near Parwada observed Hindi

Fortnight from September 1 to 14, 2012. The General Manager (I/C), Mr. D.K. Sood was

the chief guest at the inaugural function during whichthe opening session conducted on 01 September 12.

Rajbhasa pledge was administered. .All HODs andassociates were present on this occasion.

Different programmes in different sections ofemployees, Children, Housewives were organised duringthe Hindi fortnight.

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PortSept 1-15, 2012 VIZAG INDUSTRIAL SCAN 3


VIS News Service

The Secretary,Department of Public

Enterprises, Ministry ofHeavy Industries andPublic Enterprises, Mr.O.P. Rawat, IAS visitedHindustan ShipyardLimited on September 1.

He was taken aroundthe yard by the Chairman& Managing Director Rear

O.P. Rawat visits HSL

Admiral (Retd)N.K.Mishra andaccompanied by SeniorOfficers of HSL.

Mr. Rawat evincedkeen interest in variousongoing shipbuilding andrepair activities in the yardand he was also impressedwith the vast infrastructureand facilities available atHSL. During theinteraction with the top

management he soughtfeedback and suggestionson implementation ofvarious guidelines issuedby Government of India inthe recent past. He assuredthe management of HSLthat his Department wouldaddress various issues ofconcern to the companyduring the review ofvarious guidelines which ispresently under process.

The Secretary, Department of Public Enterprises, Ministry of Heavy Industriesand Public Enterprises, Mr. O.P. Rawat, IAS (Centre) during a visit to HSL.

VIS News Service

For the first time in thecountry, Maritime

Gateway is organising asummit to showcase thepotential of India’s eastcoast. The first edition -East Coast MaritimeBusiness Summit - will beheld at Novotel VarunBeach in Visakhapatnamfrom September 21 to 22.

Announcing this inVizag recently, Mr. AjeyaKallam, IAS, thechairman ofVisakhapatnam Port Trust(VPT), which is hostingthe summit said: “I amdelighted to announce thatVPT is associating withthis Summit. I welcome allthe stakeholders ofmaritime trade andindustry to participate andsupport this significantevent and benefit out of thedeliberations at theSummit.”

As the nation’s tradewith China and other EastAsian economies surges,ports on India’s east coast

VPT to host East Coast MaritimeBiz Summit from Sept 21

are now garnering a greatershare of the country’smaritime business. Withincreasing coal imports, oilexploration and productionin the KG basin, theupcoming steel plants andautomobile componentshubs, including the specialeconomic zones; the eastcoast ports are all set toplay an important role inboosting India’s economicgrowth, Mr. Kallam said.

Against this backdrop,it is very appropriate for allthe stakeholders to cometogether to discuss thechallenges and

opportunities on east coastof India and derive aroadmap for attractinginvestments, developinginfrastructure and forgecollaborations that wouldenhance the trade andcatalyze the socio-economic growth in thisregion, he added.

He congratulatedMaritime Gateway, aleading maritime businessmagazine forconceptualising andorganising a highlythoughtful conference.

The chairman of VPT, Mr. Ajeya Kallam, IAS.

Bengal Tiger Line to launchservice from KrishnapatnamSingapore’s Bengal Tiger Line will commence a

service from Krishnapatnam Port, 180 km northof Chennai on India’s east coast starting September20.

The service will rotate through Singapore, PortKelang, Chennai, Krishnapatnam, Port Kelang andback to Singapore with the first sailing of the 2,741-TEU Cape Magnus scheduled to dock atKrishnapatnam on September 28. Krishnapatnambegan container-handling operations a year ago witha 650 metre quay and 13.5 metres alongside. It has4,000 ground slots ashore and an annual capacity of1.2 million TEU. Hyderabad-based NavayugaGroup, the port developer, recently took delivery offive super-postpanamax cranes, with a 23-row spanand each capable of lifting 58 tonnes.------------------------------------------------------------

Maersk to hike US inlandhaulage rate from Oct 7Maersk Line will raise rates on its US inland-

haulage import (IHI) services from October 7.The increases will be US$900 per TEU, $1,000 perFEU, $1,125 per 40-foot high-cube container and$1,265 per 45-foot high-cube container. These applyto shipments from Los Angeles and Long Beach tothe inland destinations of Newark, North Baltimore,Philadelphia, Savannah, Atlanta, Baltimore,Cincinnati, Columbus, Evansville, Georgetown,Louisville, Memphis, and New Orleans.------------------------------------------------------------

APL Logistics, Con-wayFreight add JakartaPARTNERS APL Logistics based in Singapore and

US trucker Con-way Freight have beguntransporting guaranteed day-definite containerisedfreight shipments from Jakarta, Indonesia to NorthAmerica. The addition of Jakarta brings the numberof origin ports for the partners’ guaranteed servicesto 14.

The service was recently expanded to the southChina port of Xiamen, and Fuzhou, which is linkedto the Ocean Guaranteed network by truck. APLLogistics and Con-way Freight launchedOceanGuaranteed in 2006 as the world’s firstguaranteed shipping service, while APL Guaranteedwas introduced two years later. The services aredesigned to provide shipment reliability usuallyequated with air freight but at lower cost.

VIS News Service

M .V. NIAMULMOWLA, carrying

22,000 metric tonnes oftimber logs(19,673 pieces)called at the Port on 3-9-2012. This is the firstlargest consignment oftimber logs received &handled at the Port.

The entire consignmentwas loaded from YangoonPort, the same is importedby 90 consignees locatedand based at Karnataka,Kerala and Maharashtra.

The unloadingoperation is in full swingand the vessel is expected

Vessel with large consignment oftimber logs arrives at NMPT

to sail out after dischargeon 15-9-2012. M/s. DixShipping are theStevedores and Steameragents of the vessel andC&F agents are M/s.Export Trade Links andM/s. Sri Ganesh ShippingAgency.

The Chairman ofNMPT, Dr. P.Tamilvanan, has said thatthe port is making all-outefforts for attracting morecargo, especially thetraditional cargoes liketimber by providing all theinfrastructure required forthe smooth handling ofsuch bulk cargo. During

the last fiscal year 2011-12,the port handled 2,96,881metric tonnes of timberlogs as against 1,87,793tonnes handled during theprevious year, registering58% growth rate.

While referring therecent visit of a delegationfrom the North MalabarChamber of Commerce,Kannur.

He expressed happinessover the assurancereceived from thedelegation on moving theircargoes like timber, edibleoil, plywood, textiles,scrap, etc. generated fromMalabar region.

No decision has beentaken to allow foreign

ships to enter the India’scabotage trade, a measureupon which DP World’sVallarpadam InternationalContainer TransshipmentTerminal at Cochindepends to fulfil itsmission.

The news came in anannouncement fromShipping Minister, Mr.G.K. Vasan whose officialstatement ended

Cabotage law underreview: Vasan

speculation that that theministry had proposedlegislation calling for athree-year cabotage lawwaiver to allow foreigncarriers to move containercargo from one Indian portto another picking up cargoalong the way.

“The ministry hasreceived representationsfrom various groups infavour of and againstchange in the cabotagepolicy, which are underreview,” Mr. Vasan said inNew Delhi.

Kolkata Port Trust(KoPT) and ABG

Haldia Bulk Terminals(AHBT) have agreed toarrive jointly at a solutionto the vexed issue oflatter’s under-utilisation ofberths at Haldia.KoPT hadmoved the Calcutta HighCourt last week afterAHBT last monththreatened to stopoperations of its two berthsat Haldia, unless the portauthority committedminimum guaranteedtonnage for handling.

Mr. Gurpreet Malhi,CEO of AHBT, said thatboth have come to anagreement “to maximiseutilisation of theequipment.

V.O. Chidambaranar Port (formerly Tuticorin port)has created a new record in the handling of rock

phosphate on September 8,by discharging 26,527 tonnesof rock phosphate from the vessel Anemos. This was thehighest-ever achieved at the port in a single day.

While PSTS Logistics was the stevedore, AMJShipping was the steamer agent for the vessel. The cargowas imported by Sterlite Industries, which has amanufacturing plant in Tuticorin. The previous recordin rock phosphate handling was 24,100 tonnes achievedon October 1, 2003 in the vessel Daryagyan, says a pressrelease from the port.

Global provider ofmarine distress

signals, Pains Wessex, haslaunched its new compactManoverboard at theShipbuilding, Machineryand Marine Technologyinternational trade fair(SMM) in Hamburgrecently.

The companyexplained that the compactManoverboard (MOB)Mark 9 has a host ofbenefits, including a dropheight of more than 60metres, double the height

Pains Wessex showcasesnew marine distress signal

required by SOLAS(Safety Of Life At Sea)regulations, which makes itsuitable for use on oil andgas rigs.

The next generationSOLAS-approved MOB issmaller (375mm), lighter(3.8kg), easier to install,safe to use on oil-coveredwater, mountable to 60metres and simple toreplace individual LEDbulbs. The Pains Wessexbrand is manufactured byDrew Marine Signal andSafety.

KoPT, ABGHaldia strike deal

VOC Port sets recordAPM Terminals ties up withRussia’s N-TransAPM Terminals says it is entering the Russian market

through a strategic partnership with Russiantransportation group, N-Trans-Global Port, which is tobe finalised by the end of the year subject to regulatoryapproval. By acquiring 37.5 per cent of the publiccompany Global Ports, APM Terminals becomes anequal partner in the leading operator of container terminalin Russia. Up until now, N-Trans has been controllingshareholder of Global Ports with 75 per cent ownership.

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Business Scan4 VIZAG INDUSTRIAL SCAN Sept 1-15, 2012

List of imports at Vizag PortSl.No Article Description

Port ofLoading



List of exports from Vizag PortSl.No Article Description

Port ofdischarge


1 ILMENITE LOOSE BULK IN CONTAINERS 1596 31835811 Zhenjiang2 RICE HUSK ASH LOW CARBON< = 5% (GRANULATED) (616 BAGS 10 KGS EACH) 3.08 39424 Novorossiysk3 SODIUM DICHROMATE AGAINST ADV. LIC. NO.: 0910046841 AND EPCG LIC. NO. : 0930005 760 60 Salerno4 GARNET 81 BAGS 1MT BAGS 94% MIN 81 841063.48 Brisbane5 FIGURED SHEET GLASS CLEAR FLYPOT 3MM 2813.076 384170.37 Colombo6 INDIAN STEAMED RICE BROKEN 5% SORTEX CLEANED, SILKY POLISHED 25 720013.75 Singapore7 CHLORIPYRIPHOS FORMULATION 4000 1259736.3 Aqaba (El Akaba)8 HESSIAN CLOTH OF JUTE 10 BALES 60CM X 60 CM X 100GRMS/M2 (P.O NO: KH/EXP/008/2012-2013 DATE:28.04.2012) 720 55494.04 Bremen9 BASIC CHROMIUM SULPHATE AGAINST ADV. LIC . NO. : 0910051656 AND EPCG LIC. NO. : 0930005760 22.5 1134210 Tincan/Lagos10 DECCAN GARNET GRADE 20/60 PP FIBC JUMBO BAGS 280 3165800 Shuwaikh11 TAMARIND WITH SEEDS & WITHOUT FIBER CROP 2012.( CH 3 OF FTP) 29 700613 Ho Chi Minh City12 PROCESED GRANITE BLOCKS OF BAHAMA BLUE 49.751 1563363.22 Marina di Carrara13 GRANITE BLOCKS A000006 416.217 11828054.71 Shihu14 IRON ORE FINES 56.00% FE 690 3149850 Shanghai15 OR GRADE SILLIMANITE 52 772200 Antwerpen16 GRANITE CUT & POLISHED TOMBSTONES (MONUMENT TYPE KERBS & COVER PLATES) 361 1090007.5 Rotterdam17 COLD ROLLED STAINLESS STEEL WIDE COILS(HAVING NI MORE THAN 8%)2MMX1500MMXCOIL-EN1. 6.95 1019129.37 Antwerpen18 PRIME QUALITY STEEL PLATES (NON ALLOY) 16MM X 1825MM X 6120MM GRADE: ASTM A 572 GRADE 50 57.523 2197399.42 Jebel Ali19 GARNET GRADE 20/60 PP FIBC JUMBO BAGS 280 2802800 Dammam20 PRODIAMINE TECHNICAL 19000 18277050 San Pedro21 IRON ORE FINES IN BULK FE ( 54% ) BASIS 45292.5 173266458.8 Caofeidian22 ALUMINA CARBON BRICKS/SHAPES(GRASANIT D578 AC6302/40) 576 1825718.4 Penang (Georgetown)23 MONOLITHICS/CASTABLES URBLOCK 1600SW 0-6 V MPF-105F1 (23 PCS) 6.037 300652.85 Rio de Janeiro24 GARNET 30/60 MESH (EXCELLENT) 1 MT BULK JUMBO BAGS TOTAL 140 LUMBO BAGS 140 1503150 Jebel Ali25 SILLIMANITE 560 BAGS 1 MT 560 6963000 Xinjiang26 2,4 SODIUM SALT 80 WP ( SODIUM SALT OF2,4 DICHLORO PHENOXY ACETIC ACID) 18375 2909912.5 Ho Chi Minh City27 INSTANT COFFEE SOLUBLE COFFEE AGGLOMERATED COFFEE BRAND:SAMBA 200 GMSX12 OTS CANS 1680 868560.04 Nouakchott28 ALUMINIUM INGOTS 611.117 66552160.95 Ambarli29 UNCOATED STIFFNER BOARD,GSM 130 , SIZE:77.50 CMS, 24.422 1196813.2 Colombo30 IR 64, INDIAN LONG GRAIN RAW RICE(NON BASUMATI RICE) 250 5252500 Maputo31 MAGNESIA DOLOMITE BRICKS (45/0 TRL DOLO5 R1,STOCK REF:-C0900/0930) 528 267709.53 Scunthorpe32 UNMANUFACTURED INDIA FLUE CURED VIRGINIA TOBACCO STRIPS GR : V-0FF3RWS IN 2012, 19800 5336100 Durban33 AMMONIUM SULPHATE 50 554257.5 Westport/Port Klang34 PRODIAMINE TECHNICAL 19000 18277050 San Pedro35 CHLORINATED PARAFFIN WAX (CHLORINE CONTENT 51-55%) 20 997425 Haiphong36 HIGH ALUMINA BRICKS (RESISTAL B80 V 220) 3000 1135249.47 Abu Dhabi37 LAMINATED WIND SCREEN (8535AGNZ2C) 140 322973.75 Bochum38 BASIC CHROMIUM SULPHATE AGAINST ADV. LIC . NO. : 0910051656 AND EPCG LIC. NO. : 0930005760 40 2352231.75 Manzanillo39 CLETHODIM TECHNICAL 93.5% 14100 21233190 Fos sur Mer40 PROCESSED GRANITE DIMENSIONAL BLOCKS OF ICE SPARKLE 58.956 1885825.57 Shanghai

Page 5: RNI Certificate No.69375/98 Industrial ScanPostal ... · Industrial ScanPostal Registered No.VSP-127/2012-14 ... Hindustan Shipyard and Garden Reach yard are ... orders in its inventory

Banking / InsuranceSept 1-15, 2012 VIZAG INDUSTRIAL SCAN 5

Interest rates on domestic term depositsPHONE Nos.

Name of the Bank 30 to 45days %

46 to 90days %

91 to 179days %

180 daysto 1yr %

1 to 2yrs %

2 to 3yrs %

3 to 5yrs %

15 to 29days %

15 to 45days %

7 to 14days %

18monthsto 36 m %

5 yrs &above %

9 monthsto 18 m %

Andhra Bank 4.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 6.00 7.25 8.50 - - 9.25 9.25 9.00 9.00 2551692Axis Bank 3.50 3.50 - 5.00 - - - - - 9.25 9.25 9.25 8.50 2562199Bank of India 4.00 4.50 - 5.50 5.00 7.25 - - 9.25 9.00 9.00 9.00 2502102Central Bank of India 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 7.00 7.30 - - - 9.00 8.75 9.00 8.50 2563595City Union Bank Ltd 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 - - - 9.25 9.25 9.25 8.75 2575772Corporation Bank - 6.00 - 6.50 - - 8.75 - - 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 2563406HSBC - 4.75 - - - 7.25 - - - - 8.25 - - 6622000-06ICICI Bank 4.50 4.75 - 5.50 - 6.50 - - - 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.50 2762644IDBI Bank - 6.00 6.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 - - - 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.00 2533646Indian Bank 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 - - - - 9.25 9.25 9.00 9.00 2747403&05Indian Overseas Bank 7.00 7.00 - 7.00 7.00 7.50 - - - 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.00 2552201IndusInd Bank 3.50 4.50 - 5.00 - 6.50 - - - 9.00 8.75 8.75 8.75 2514125Karnataka Bank 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 5.50 8.00 8.25 - - 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.00 2706008Kotak Mahindra Bank 3.50 4.00 - 5.00 6.50 7.25 - - - 9.25 9.00 9.00 8.50 6646719Mahesh Bank - - - 7.00 7.00 - - - - 9.25 9.75 9.50 9.50 2752323Oriental Bank of Commerce 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.00 5.75 7.50 8.00 - - 9.10 9.10 9.10 9.10 2575588-89Punjab National Bank 4.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 5.50 6.75 7.50 - - 9.00 9.00 9.00 8.50 2563216State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur 4.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.25 8.00 - - 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.30 2562971State Bank of Hyderabad 5.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.25 7.25 8.00 - - 9.25 9.25 9.00 9.00 2510074State Bank of India 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 - - - 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 2747822State Bank of Mysore - 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 - - - 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 2526633State Bank of Travancore - 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 8.00 - - 9.00 9.00 8.75 8.75 2503441Union Bank of India 4.00 - 4.75 - 6.25 - - - - 9.25 9.25 9.00 9.00 2746636Vijaya Bank 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 5.75 7.00 8.50 - - 9.30 9.30 9.10 9.00 2562871Visakha Co-op Bank 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 6.00 7.75 8.75 - - 10.00 10.00 10.25 10.25 2788460UCO Bank 6.00 6.00 - 6.50 - 8.50 8.75 - - 9.15 9.15 9.05 8.80 2702213YES Bank 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.25 - - - - 9.00 9.00 8.75 8.75 6623000

State Bank of Mysore - With you all the way

VIS News Service

SBI Cards, one of theleading credit cards

issuing company, hasaggressive plans forexpanding its operationsand business in AndhraPradesh.

SBI Cards and PaymentService chief executive ,Mr. Kadambi Naraharisaid the company targetedto achieve one tenth of itstotal business from theState by 2014-15. TheState was contributingclose to 8 per cent of thecompany’s account baseand Hyderabad was amongthe top five markets for thecompany in terms of retailspends and accounts inforce.

Mr. Narahari, whoannounced the launch ofthe SBI Cards’ newinitiative Click2Card inHyderabad recently, said


ICICI Bank is exploringoptions to launch its

services from social mediaplatform Facebook, toexpand its Internet bankingservices.

ICICI is one of the firstbanks that had a presenceon Facebook, and ispresently the only bankopen for small non-cashtransactions such asaccount statementenquiries and requests forcheque books.

The bank is currentlyplanning to incorporatecredit and debittransactions in the nearfuture.

“You can expect somenews in the next fewmonths,” ICICI chieftechnology officer, Mr.Mukesh Kumar Jainsaid.

Mr. Jain launchedICICI’s new initiatives,including the rolling out of

SBI organises autodealers’ meet

An auto dealers’ meet was organisedby the Multi Product Sales

Team of the State Bank of India (SBI)in Vizag recently.Inaugurating the meet,Deputy General Manager from LHO,

Hyderabad, Mr. Sanjukta Raiguru explained thatSBI car loan interest rate at 10.75 per cent was thelowest in the market.

The loan tenure was a maximum of 84 months andthe lowest EMI was Rs.1,699 per lakh. The DeputyGeneral Manager (business and operations),Visakhapatnam Module, Mr. Manoj Kattar, said thatthere was no ‘pre-payment’ penalty, very lowprocessing fee and no advance EMIs.The ChiefManager (Auto), LHO, Hyderabad, Ms. HarithaPurnima, gave a power-point presentation. VarunMotors executive director Subba Rao spoke.------------------------------------------------------------Income Tax payment at RBIReserve Bank of India (RBI) has made provision

for acceptance of cheques and challans towardspayment of income tax at designated branches of SBIand its associates, all public sector banks, Jammuand Kashmir Bank Limited, HDFC Bank Limited,ICICI Bank Limited and Axis Bank Limited.-------------------------------------------------------------SBH gesture to visuallychallengedState Bank of Hyderabad (SBH), Sagarnagar

branch donated a water purifier under communityservice banking activity to the Government Schoolfor Visually Challenged Girls on the occasion ofTeachers’ Day.

The bank’s Deputy General Manager, Mr. K.Ramesh Babu handed over the water purifier to theschool principa, Ms. Usha Datla.-------------------------------------------------------------Vijaya Bank cuts rates forMSMEs

V ijaya Bank hasreduced the

rate of interest on MSMEloans up to one per centacross the board. The new

rates are to come into effect on September 1.In order to encourage MSME units to go for rating

by accredited external credit rating agencies, the bankhas also offered incentives to them by way of a furtherreduction in rate of interest ranging from 0.25 percent to one per cent depending upon the ratingsobtained.

The bank has also offered reduction in rate ofinterest for MSMEs ranging from 0.25 per cent to 1.5per cent in February 2012.

ICICI Bank to tapcustomers via Facebook

a 24x7 electronic branchand the launch of aeLocker facility for wealthcustomers.

He also announcedintroduction of Tabbanking services aimed atgiving potential customersan opportunity to opentheir accounts from theirhomes.

He said accountsecurity was not a majorconcern for the bank as ithad the requiredtechnology safeguards toensure customers’ datasafety. ICICI had close toseven lakh ‘likes’ onFacebook.

The proposedexpansion of services onthe social networkplatform was part of effortsto provide next-genbanking solutions in linewith its ‘Khayaal Aapka’(your care) philosophy, headded.

SBI Cards plansexpansion in AP

the company had targetedto add one million newcards to its portfolio by theend of 2014-15. SBI Cardscurrently had an accountbase of 2.3 million cards,with total asset base of Rs.2,500 crore.

The bank had drawn upplans to enrol 25,000customers more during thecurrent fiscal through theonline initiative targeted atNet savvy people.

The Click2Cardinitiative would enablecustomers to choose thecredit card best suited totheir lifestyles and userswould get instantaneousinformation about thestatus of their request.

The initiative followedlaunch of directremittances, NationalElectronic Fund Transferand over-the-counteroptions at its branches.

State Bank of India(SBI), has announced

that it would reduce termdeposits rates by 50-100basis points (bps) acrosstenures with effect fromSeptember 7.

For deposits belowRs.15 lakh, the rates for 7days to 90 days, 91 daysto 179 days and 180 dayswere reduced from 7 percent to 6.50 per cent; for181 days to 240 days, therate has been reduced to6.50 per cent from 7.25per cent; and for 241 daysto less than one year to6.50 per cent from 7.50per cent. The rates for oneyear to less than 2 years,2 years to less than 3 yearsand 3 years to less than 5years have been reducedfrom 9 per cent to 8.50 per

SBI cuts term deposit ratescent. However, for 5years and up to 10 years,the rate will remain at8.50 per cent. Fordeposits of Rs.15 lakh toless than Rs.1 crore, therates for 7 days to 90days, 91 days to 179 days,180 days, 181 days to 240days and 241 days to lessthan one year have beenreduced to 7.50 per centfrom 8 per cent.

The rates for one yearto less than 2 years, 2years to less than 3 yearsand 3 years to less than 5years have been reducedfrom 9 per cent to 8.50per cent.

The rate for 5 yearsand up to 10 year wouldremain at 8.50 per cent.

Atanu Sen is new MD & CEOof SBI Life

Mr. Atanu Sen has taken over as the new ManagingDirector and CEO of SBI Life Insurance from

Mr. M. N. Rao, who retired on Ausgust 31.“A Post-Graduate in Economics from Calcutta

University, Mr. Sen started his career with SBI in 1977as a probationary officer. During his tenure, spanningover 35 years, he held several key assignments in variouscircles of the bank, including the bank’s office atFrankfurt. He also held the key position of Chief GeneralManager in the Mumbai Circle. His previous assignmentwas Deputy Managing Director and Chief Credit andRisk Officer of SBI.

ICICI Bank to hike overseasATM cash withdrawal feeATM cash withdrawals at international locations by

ICICI Bank customers are set to get dearer bynearly 17 per cent by the middle of this month.

“With effect from September 15, 2012, ATM cashwithdrawal fee at international location will be increasedfrom Rs 107 to Rs 125,” the country’s largest privatesector bank said in a notification to its customers.

Service tax and other ‘terms and conditions’ wouldcontinue to be applicable to this fee, the bank said.

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Steel Scan6 VIZAG INDUSTRIAL SCAN Sept 1-15, 2012

VIS News Service

The delayed IPO ofRashtriya Ispat

Nigam Ltd (RINL) maybe filed by the end of thismonth, a senior SteelMinistry official said.

The Steel Ministry isin touch with theDepartment ofDisinvestmentsto ensure thatthe wholeprocess isc o m p l e t e db e f o r eN o v e m b e r15 so as toretain the‘Navaratna’ status of thesteel maker, the officialsaid.

The IPO of the PSUwas to hit the market inJune. The launch hasalready been deferredtwice, followingsuggestions of themerchant bankers in viewof subdued marketconditions and a fireaccident at Vizag SteelPlant (VSP).

RINL may file IPO offerdocument by Sept-end

“Draft Red HerringProspectus has alreadybeen filed in May. Whenwe were about to file thefinal offer document thatis RHP in July, we wereasked to hold on by theDOD.

“As per theindications, we may fileRHP by the end of

September,”the officialtold PTI.

R I N Lwill be thefirst PSUto tap thec a p i t a lm a r k e t

this fiscal. Thegovernment is aiming tomop up Rs 2,500 crore bydivesting its stake in thecompany.

“The whole IPOprocess will take aboutsix weeks. Assuming theprocess restarts in thefourth week ofSeptember, latest by firstweek of November it willbe completed,” theofficial added.

VIS News Service

The manufacture ofclean steel is of great

importance in the presenttime considering theenvironmental concern byreducing the emissions, theCMD of RINL-Visakhapatnam SteelPlant, Mr. A.P.Choudhary said whileaddressing the sixth Indiasteel summit-to facilitatethe faster growth,organised by the Assochamin New Delhi recently.

About six tonnes of air,three tonnes of water andthree tonnes of rawmaterial were required toproduce a tonne of steeland the production processwould generate dust ladengases, effluents and solidwastes, underlining theneed for maintaining theeco-balance.

“It is imminent for theindustry to reduce thegreen house gas emission

Choudhary calls for making clean steelthrough usage of efficienttechnology for reducedlevel of emissions,maximisation of recyclingof wastes and by productsand development of energyefficient processes”, hesaid. Raw materialsecuritisation was anotherimportant issue since costwas the main driver forcompetitiveness, and forthe steel industry, morethan 60 per cent of itsproduction cost wascontributed by the rawmaterials, he pointed out.

The integrated steelplants that were set up fiveto six decades ago wereable to secure raw materialdeposits in the form ofmining leases while thenew generation steel plantsdid not enjoy the sameadvantage and were muchdependant on sourcing theraw materials from stand-alone mining companies atexorbitant prices.Therefore many steel

plants were trying togainfully utilise the finesand low grade ores throughbeneficiation andpelletisation to contain thecosts and the governmentwas also offeringincentives for establishingsuch units.

“The long termsustainability and the paceof growth of the steelindustry will largelydepend on how we utilisethe low grade ore and finesin future”, Mr. Choudharysaid. The steel market,particularly in India wasbecoming highlycompetitive andsustainable growth for anysteel maker would dependprimarily on the cost ofproduction forprofitability. The newgeneration steel makers,therefore have to synergisetheir efforts at producingsteel at the lowest cost andsimultaneously the thrustshould be on production ofhigh-end value addedproducts, he said.

Mr. Rabindra Singh,Director (Personnel),

NMDC Limited,Hyderabad has beenconferred with the HRLeadership Award at theAsia Pacific HRMCongress 2012 atBengaluru on September,6, 2012. He was alsohonoured with a citation oninclusion of his name asone of the “MostPowerful HRProfessionals of India”.

Mr. Singh received theaward from the ManagingDirector, SHL India Pvt.Ltd , Mr. Y.V.L. Pandit,.and the citation from Dr. YV. Verma, Chief Operating

VIS News Service

For the highest level ofoperational and

strategic excellence inInformation Technology(IT) shown during theyear, RINL-VSP and itsCIO (IT Head) Mr. KVSSRajeswara Rao, Dy.General Manager (IT) wasconferred with CIO100Award.

This year, the SeventhAnnual CIO Symposiumand Awards Ceremony washeld at the Marriott,Hyderabad whichwitnessed 491 companiesfile nominations out ofwhich 100 Finalists wereawarded. David Hill,President and CEO of IDGInternational PublishingServices and Chairman,FIPP, gave away theawards at the grandceremony.

Vizag Steel also baggedthe CIO100 SpecialAwards under thecategory ‘NetworkingPioneer’ for its networkproject ”Alignment to best

RINL-VSP bags CIO100 Awardpractices model inEnterprise Networking –Revamping of VSPNetwork from 1Gbps to10Gbps andimplementation of VLAN”.

The CMD, RINL, Mr.AP Choudhary and theDirector (Operations),RINL, Mr. UmeshChandra, congratulatedMr. KVSS Rajeswara Raoand his team for thisexcellent achievement.Mr.Choudhary said that RINLis always ahead inimplementing IT Solutionsat all levels and this awardshows its commitment toExcellence in all spheres ofthe operations.

F o u n d e din 1964, International DataGroup (IDG) is the largesttechnology media, eventsand Research Company inthe world with a presencein more than 90 countries.It has constituted an awardtitled CIO-100 award indifferent countries torecognize and honor 100outstanding organisationsand their CIOs (Chief

Information Officer) whohave been exemplary intheir use of InformationTechnology to deliverbusiness Value. It is thelargest felicitation of itskind, honoring 100 ITleaders who are usingInformation Technologyfor getting the competitiveadvantage, optimizingbusiness processes,enabling growth orimproving relationshipswith the customers.

CIO 100 Award is anacknowledged mark ofexcellence in enterprise IT.It was started in the USAand now extends acrosscountries like Canada,Sweden, Australia,Singapore, Vietnam,Hungary andIndia. Considered as the“Oscars of the ITIndustry”, CIO100 awardsare the most sought-afterrecognition and its winnersrepresent the crème de lacrème of enterprise ITleaders.

Rabindra Singh of NMDC bags HRLeadership Award

Officer, LG ElectronicsIndia Pvt. Ltd. inrecognition of hisexemplary service in thefield of HR and havingstrong faith in the human

possibilities and innateability to connect withpeople.

VIS News Service

The Minister for Mines,Ms. Galla Aruna

Kumari has announcedthat incentives would begiven for manufacturingsand to overcome thescarcity of natural sand.

She was addressing aworkshop on‘Manufactured sandutilisation’, the first of thethree planned in the State,organised by theDepartment of Minesand Geology and SandM a n u f a c t u r e r s ’Association of AndhraPradesh to createawareness aboutmanufactured sand in thelight of courts’ rulings onunscrupulous sandquarrying affectingenvironment. River sandquarrying should be donekeeping in view theavailability ofgroundwater.

Among the proposalsMs. Aruna Kumari mootedwere creation of specialmining zone for supply ofraw material to sandmanufacturing units,priority in allotting leases,concessions from theIndustries Department and

Minister promises incentives to sand manufacturers

interest-free loans.She said instructions

had been given for use ofrock sand in allgovernment departments.The conditions in Chinawhere construction activitywas at its height during thelast seven years would alsobe studied.

The Minister saidwhile the installed capacityof sand manufacturing was10 million tons there was

potential for 100 milliontons. She appealed to allthose owning road metalcrushing units to startadditional ventures forcrushing sand.

The Minister forInvestment andInfrastructure, Mr. GantaSrinivasa Rao lauded theconduct of workshop as agood initiative but saidresearch and developmentshould take place. In the

light of Rs.1-lakh croreprojects being signed forVisakhapatnam in thepartnership summit therewas a need for findingalternative for sand in andaround the city, he said.

VSP CMD, Mr. A.P.Choudhary said sandscarcity had hit steel off-takeby the construction industry.The steel plant had alreadybeen using 350 kg of slag forproduction of a tonne ofsteel as alternative to sand.

The Principal Secretary, Govt. of AP, Industries & Commerce Department,Mr. D. Sreenivasulu, IAS, speaking at the workshop on ‘Manufactured sandutilisation,’ in Vizag recently.

VIS News Service

The Director (Finance),RINL-Visakhapatnam

Steel Plant, Mr. PMadhusudan said that themantra of success of anyorganisation largelydepends on right quality ofproduct and services witha competitive price in thehighly competitive global-business environment. Global trade iscontinuously increasingand quality service is verymuch essential to achievesuccess, he added.

‘Quality products need of the hour’Speaking as the chief

guest at the one-dayseminar on InternationalTaxation and Service Tax,organised jointly byVisakhapatnam Chapterof Southern IndiaRegional Council of ICAIand Ukkunagaram Chapterat Training CentreAuditorium in Vizagrecently, Mr. Madhusudanstressed the need tounderstand the provisionsof taxation to operate theorganisation of thebusiness and mentionedthat business entities have

to compete globally to bepositioned as ‘fittestcategory’. The awarenessof international taxationprovisions plays a very avital role particularly innegotiating the terms andconditions of contractsinvolving cross bordertransactions in the mostcompetitive way, heobserved.

Mr. S Tirumalai, asenior consultant atDelloite, Hyderabad onindirect taxes and havingfour decades of experienceto his credit, delivered a

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Business ScanSept 1-15, 2012 VIZAG INDUSTRIAL SCAN 7IN BRIEF

CII SME Mission to UK,Israel from Sept 26CII is mounting a back to back SME delegation to

UK from September 26 to 28, 2012 and to Israelfrom September 29 to 30, 2012.

The visit of the delegation will coincide with the3rd India-UK SME Business Meet on 27-28 September2012, Cardiff.. This SME Meet will be a two-dayevent. The Conference and one-to-one meetings willbe held at Cardiff, Wales on 27 September. Theconference will be addressed by the First Minister ofWales (our Chief Minister equivalent) and the HighCommissioner of India.

For more information contact: Mr. HimanshuDhingra (Tel: +91-124-4014053.-------------------------------------------------------------Meet on materialsmanagementThe Confederation of Indian Industry –Institute

of Logistics is organising a two-day trainingprogramme on Materials Management at IndianHabitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi onSeptember 28 and 29, 2012 from 10.00 am to 5.00pm.

For more information contact: Mr. V.Gopalakrishnan, CII- Institute Of Logistics,Chennai. PH: 044 42928900-------------------------------------------------------------Workshop on ValuationEnterprisesThe CII Naoroji Godrej Centre of Excellence

is organising a Workshop on Valuation ofEnterprises From September 24 to 25 September2012: Mumbai on its premises Opposite RailwayStation, Vikhroli (East).

For more information contact Mr. S D Puranik,Executive Director, CII, Tel : (022) 2574 5146-------------------------------------------------------------Meet on Green &Economical SustainabilityCII - Godrej Green Business Centre is a Centre-

of-Excellence is organising a one- day programmetitled “Green & Ecological Sustainability - The NextWave of Sustainable Practices” at Hotel Le Meridian,Bangalore on September 27, 2012 at Hotel LeMeridian, Bangalore.

For more information contact:

PR meet in ShimlaThe 34th all-India public relations conference titled

“Communication strategies for travel andtourism” will be held at Shimla for three days fromSeptember 29, the Chairman of Hyderabad chapterof the Public Relations Society of India, Mr. N.L.Narasimha Rao said in Hyderabad recently.

For more information call: 9848028357.-------------------------------------------------------------Course in Basics ofEntrepreneurial FinanceThe Federation of Andhra Pradesh Chambers

of Commerce and Industry (FAPCCI) hasconducted a Certificate Course in Basics ofEntrepreneurial Finance from 12th September to15th September 2012 in Hyderabad.

For more information contact: Mr. J.R. Kumar,Faculty Director on 9885921599.-------------------------------------------------------------Kurlon launches “NewSpinekare”Kurlon Limited, India’s largest manufacturer of

mattress, announced the launch of its newtherapeutic mattress, “New Spinekare” made ofmemory foam, Rubberised Coir and bonded foamwhich is meticulously designed and scientificallydeveloped keeping in mind ergonomic requirementof body and provides necessary support to back &spine using ZPP i.e. Zero Pressure PointTechnology.

For more information contact: Mr. AdityaMadala, PR, Adfactors, Hydearabad. H.P : 09885712399.-------------------------------------------------------------Amara Raja Batteries bags award

Amara Raja Batteries Ltd. (ARBL), the leadingautomobile and industrial battery manufacturer

with a turnover of Rs 2000 crore in the private sector,has been conferred the award for being the “Bestorganisation supporting QC movement” from QualityCircle Forum of India, Hyderabad.

Delegation from Thai Airways to visit Vizag soonVIS News Service

The Ambassador ofThailand in India, Mr.

Pisan Manawapat hasassured that a delegation ofThai Airways will visitVisakhapatnam to studythe feasibility of startingflights fromVisakhapatnam toBangkok.

He gave this assuranceto the Union Minister ofState for HRD, Ms. D.Purandeswari, whorepresents Visakhapatnamin the Lok Sabha in NewDelhi recently.

Mr. Manawapat andMinister-Counsellor inEmbassy of Thailand, Mr.Sasirit Tangulrat calledon Ms. Purandeswari anddiscussed the issue ofstarting Visakhapatnam-Bangkok flight by ThaiAirways. Ms.Purandeswari explainedabout the tourist and

economic potential ofVisakhapatnam and otherdistricts from WestGodavari to Orissa borderin the north. She told themthat the Vizag- Bangkok

The Union Minister of State for HRD, Ms. D. Purandeswari, discussing aboutoperation of Thai Airways flights from Vizag to Bangkok with Ambassador ofThailand in India, Mr. Pisan Manawapat in New Delhi recently.

flights would be quiteviable. The ambassador,Mr. Manawapat respondedvery positively and assuredthat soon a delegation willbe sent for studying the

feasibility of starting theair travel fromVisakhapatnam toBangkok and further actionwould follow in duecourse.

VIS News Service

The Union Governmenthas given in-principle

approval for theInformation TechnologyInvestment Region(ITIR) for development ofself-contained integratedknowledge clusters forgrowth of IT and electronichardware manufacturing in50,000 acres in and aroundHyderabad.

Two years after theState government sent itsproposal for ITIR andclarified to theobservations made byministries concerned suchas InformationTechnology, Commerce,

Centre okays ITIR project in HyderabadIndustries, Railways,Finance and Environmentetc., the high-poweredcommittee headed byCabinet Secretaryrecommended in-principleapproval to the APITIRproject last month.

Announcing this inHyderabad recently, the ITMinister, Mr. PonnalaLakshmaiah said that theproposed ITIR wouldfacilitate massiveexpansion of IT and ITESsector, with a potential topropel growth of ITexports from the presentRs. 50,000 crore to Rs.2.35 lakh crore.

The ITIR project wouldcomprise areas such as

Cyberabad DevelopmentAuthority includingGachibowli and Madhapurwhich have emerged as IThubs, Hyderabad AirportDevelopment Authority(HADA) includingMamidipalli, Raviryal,Adibatla andMaheswaram, Uppal andPocharam.

The built up area in theITIR comprising SEZs,industrial parks, free tradezones, residential areas,would increase from thepresent 40 million sft to130 million sft. The directemployment is expected togrow five times from 3lakh to 15 lakh and indirectemployment to about 50

lakh people. The electronichardware manufacturing isalso expected to go upfrom Rs. 6,000 crore to Rs.80,000 crore.

An estimated Rs.13,000 crore spread over aperiod of 25 years wouldbe required fordevelopment of internalinfrastructure whileexternal infrastructuredevelopment estimated tocost Rs. 2,189 crore wouldbe met through financialallocations from the Centreunder viability gap fundscheme. The internalinfrastructure expenditurewould be borne by theState, Mr. Ponnala added.

VIS News Service

The President & CEOof Tokyo-based Eisai

Co., Ltd, Mr. HaruoNaito, has announced thatthe company has enteredinto a partnershipagreement to supply theSabin Vaccine

Institute, WashingtonDC, headed by itspresident, Dr. PeterHotez. Sabin is a non-profit organisationdedicated to conductingresearch into therapeuticvaccines and NTDs.

Eisai is a signatory tothe London Declaration, acoordinated effort toeliminate 10 NTDs by2020 through the largestglobal public-privatepartnership to date.

As part of itscommitment under theDeclaration, Eisai hasentered into thispartnership with Sabin,and has also agreed toproduce at its Vizag Plantin India 2.2 billion tabletsof DEC(diethylcarbamazine), alymphatic filariasismedicine currently in shortsupply globally, andsupply it to the World

Eisai Partners with Sabin Vaccine InstituteHealth Organisation(WHO) free of charge from2013.Crystal Veil Bokin24

Eisai Co., Ltd. hasannounced that it willlaunch the new mask sprayCrystal Veil Bokin 24(classified asmiscellaneous goods) onSeptember 18. Crystal VeilMask Bokin 24, whichcontains the long-actingantimicrobial agent Etak,is sprayed onto face masksprior to use, making itdifficult for viruses andbacteria to adhere to themask surface for aprolonged period of time.CoaguChek

CoaguChek XSPersonal (speciallycontrolled medical device/medical equipmentrequiring specialistmaintenance andmanagement), acoagulation analyzer forpatient self-testingapproved in Japan on July27, 2012, has receivedreimbursement approvalfrom Japan’s Ministry ofHealth, Labor and Welfarefor use in the self-testing

of patients fitted with aNonpulsatile LeftVentricular Assist System(LVAS) and will belaunched in Japan onSeptember 25.

Roche DiagnosticsK.K, Eisai Co., Ltd. andEIDIA Co., Ltd. havebeen collaborating on thedistribution and promotionof the CoaguChek XSSeries of coagulationmonitoring devices for useby healthcare professionalssince 2008.Halaven in S.Korea

The President & CEOof Eisai Co., Ltd. , Mr.Naruo Naito, hasannounced in Tokyorecently that hasannounced in Tokyorecentlythat South Koreansales subsidiary EisaiKorea Inc. has receivedapproval from theregulatory authorities inSouth Korea to market theanticancer agent Halaven(eribulin esylate) for thetreatment of locallyadvanced or metastaticbreast cancer patients whopreviously have beenreated with at least twoprior chemotherapies,including an anthracycline

VIS News Service

NMDC has beenhonored as the Best

Organisation supportingQuality Circle movementat the CCQC-2012function organised byQuality Circle Forum India(QCFI), HyderabadChapter at Hyderabad on08th & 09th September,2012. The Award wasreceived by Mr. K.Harinarayana, GeneralManager (CSR & HRD)and Mr. V V S Sundaram,Jt. General Manager(HRD) from , the Ministerfor Information,Technology andCommunication, Govt. ofAP , Mr. PonnalaLakshmaiah and Dr.Jayaprakash Narayan,MLA .

The ‘ACTIVE’ QualityCircle from DonimalaiProject of NMDC has beenadjudged as Best QualityCircle Co-sharing withNRB Bearings. The trophywas received from Mr. T.Harish Rao, MLA andMr. R.K. Wanchoo,

NMDC best infurthering QCmovement

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Classifieds8 VIZAG INDUSTRIAL SCAN Sept 1-15, 2012

Regd.No.69375/98 - Printed by D.S.V.R.K.Raju and Published by A.K.Sabharwal, Printed at G.K.Print House Pvt Ltd, 10-12-5/3, Jail to Apollo Hospital Road, Ramnagar, Rednam Gardens, Visakhapatnam - 530 002Published at 101, Aspen Heights, D.No.11-9-38/5, Daspalla Hills, Visakhapatnam - 530 003. Phone : 0891-2799969, 2714575 Fax: 0891-2539443 Editor - A.K.Sabharwal

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UpdateSept 1-15, 2012 VIZAG INDUSTRIAL SCAN11

IN BRIEFSpecial sops to set upunits in NIMZsThe Union Commerce and Industry Minister, Mr.

Anand Sharma said that concessions such ascapital gains tax exemption and liberalised labourand environmental laws would be given to those whoset up units in the defined National IndustrialManufacturing Zones (NIMZ).

Addressing a meeting of State Chief Secretariesand Principal Secretaries (Industry) on the issue ofmanufacturing in New Delhi recently, Mr. Sharmaexpressed concern over the declining growth inmanufacturing sector. He wanted the Stategovernments to provide land banks for setting up suchmanufacturing zones to boost industrial growth andcreate employment opportunities.--------------------------------------------------World Meet on EnergisingIndian Aerospace IndustryThe Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) in

association with the Indian Air Force and Centrefor Air Power Studies (CAPS) is organising the “7thInternational Conference on Energising IndianAerospace Industry” – “New Partnerships, NewOpportunities” from September 20 to 21, 2012 atJacaranda Hall, India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road, NewDelhi.

For more information contact: Mr. GurpalSingh, Principal Advisor & Head (Defence /Aerospace / Security),CII Gurgaon – 122015.Phone: 91-124-4014060-67--------------------------------------------------

Meet on power reformsC onfederation of Indian Industry (CII)

Northern Region is organising a Conferenceon Power Reforms – Target 24/7 Electricity forAll on September, 2012 at CII NR Headquarters,Sector 31 A, Chandigarh from 1000 – 1700 hrs.

Mr. Praveer Sinha, CEO & ED, Tata PowerDelhi Distribution Ltd is the Conference Chairmanand Ernst & Young the Knowledge Partner of theevent.

For more information contact: Ms. GarimaPandey, Executive Officer, CII, Northern Region,Chandigarh. Tel. : 0172-2607228 (421). Direct :0172-6510188, 07355583099.--------------------------------------------------

CII Sustainability SummitThe Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) is

organising an annual Sustainability Summit from,October, 15 to 16 at The Lalit, New Delhi.

For more information contact: Ms. SeemaArora, Executive Director, CII-ITC Centre ofExcellence for Sustainable Development. NewDelh. Tel.: +91 11 4150 2309

Trade worth $8 billion by 2015: Sumiyuki OTSUKIVIS News Service

The Federation of AndhraPradesh Chambers of

Commerce & Industry inassociation with Embassy of Kenya& Japan Development Institute(JDI) organised an Interactive B toB Meeting with Kenyan Delegatesand Hyderabad Entrepreneurs on“Bilateral Trade & Investments” onSeptember 11, 2012 at FederationHouse, Red Hills, Hyderabad.

Speaking as the chief guest, theRegional Development & MarketAnalyst, Japan DevelopmentInstitute (JDI) Mr. SumiyukiOTSUKI said: “India is Kenya’ssixth-largest trading partner.Bilateral trade grew by 57% to reachUS$ 2.4 billion in 2010-11 and weexpect it to grow US$ 8 billion by2015. Nearly US$ 2.3 billion

constituted India’s exports to Kenya. The Indian exports to Kenya duringJanuary-May 2012 was US$ 893million (13% of total Kenyanimports, largest exporter to Kenya),while Indian imports from Kenyaduring the first quarter of 2012amounted to US$ 22 million. MainIndian exports to Kenya includepharmaceuticals, steel products,machinery, yarn, vehicles and powertransmission equipment. MainKenyan exports to India includesoda ash, vegetables, tea, leather andmetal scrap.”

Several Indian firms have abusiness presence in Kenya as wellas the Bank of India, Bank of Barodaand HDFC. Many Kenyans studyin India. Nearly 15,000 visas areissued by the High Commissionannually. Many Indians travel toKenya for tourism as well as on

business. We invites investments inthe areas of Agriculture,Infrastructure, Tourism, Energy,Manufacturing, Health, Financialand other related services, ICT andBuilding & construction etc headded.

Earlier, Mr. SrinivasAyyadevara, Senior Vice President,FAPCCI, welcomed the gathering.Ms. Grace Fikirini, KIBT, Mr.Soloman Kiawa, Mr. DavidTamina, EPC, Mr. Austin S.Macheso, Ms. Mercy Kiyogora,CEO, Integrity ManagementAdvisory Center Ltd, Mr. StevenKirui, Director, KIBT, Mr. ShivKumar Rungta, Vice President,FAPCCI, Mr. Shyam SunderPasari, Chairman, InternationalTrade Committee, FAPCCI and Mr.A.S. Kumar, Deputy SecretaryGeneral, FAPCCI also spoke.

VIS News Service

Hindustan PetroleumCorporation Limited,

Visakh Refinery conductedHindi Fortnight in fromSeptember 1t to 15h, 2012.

Launching thefortnight, the GeneralManager (i/c), VisakhRefinery, Mr. V V RNarasimham, said thatbeing official language ofthe Nation, Hindi shouldbe implemented in a properway as per the OfficialLanguage policy. Heappealed every employeeto participate in variouscompetitions. He said thatHindi implementation

HPCL, Visakh Refineryconducts Hindi Fortnight

requires collective andunited effort in whicheverybody’s role isimportant, because it is awide spoken and easylanguage. He emphasisedthe importance of Hindiand its implementation.

The General Manager–Technical, Mr. G SPrasada Sarma expressedhappiness that in our dayto day official work theusage of Hindi isincreasing regularly. TheGeneral Manager(Finance), Mr. K DanielSantosh, said thecompetitions held duringthe Hindi fortnight willmotivate employees to do

more and more in Hindi. Itwill create an atmospherefor working in Hindi, headded. Earlier, Dr. T.Mahadev Rao, Dy.Manager (Hindi)welcomed the gathering.The DeputyGeneral Manager (HR),Mr. S. Nandi, gave thedetails of Hindi Fortnightprogrammes and stressedthe importance of Hindi asofficial language in ourcountry since 1949 whenHindi became Nationaland Official language asper the constitution.

The Manager (PublicRelations), Mr. U SSarma, proposed a vote ofthanks.

The Federation ofAndhra Pradesh

Chambers of Commerceand Industry (FAPCCI),in association withBamboo Society of India,is organising State LevelSeminar on “PromotingBamboo farming in AP -Creating IncomeOpportunities forTribal’s, Farmers &Entrepreneurs” onSeptember 17, 2012(Monday) and “Display ofBamboo Products” on 17& 18 September, 2012 atFAPCCI, Hyderabad.

Bamboo is an importantsource of livelihood for therural folk especially theSchedules Tribes,Scheduled castes and otherpoor traditional bambooartisans. It is extensivelyused in construction ofrural housing as posts,walls, roofing, fencing etc.and is often referred to aspoor man‘s timber. Theuses range from basketmaking, weaving mats totraditional implementsetc.

For more informationcontact: Mr. L.Girijapathi, Asst.Secretary FAPCCI,Mobile 9959822264,8008700258.

Seminar onbamboo farming

Aircel, one of India’s leading telecomplayers has announced a valuable

Full Talk Time (FTT) offer for its prepaidcustomers across the country. This, oneof a kind offer, is available at lowdenominations targeting prepaidcustomers from across genres ensuringfull value for money. Available indenominations starting at Rs. 30/-, Rs. 50/-, Rs.62/-, Rs. 75/- and Rs. 100/-,depending on the location, this offer byAircel is the first FTT offer being

VIS News Service

The Confederation ofIndian Industry in

truck with WorldIntellectual PropertyOrgansation andMinistry of Micro, Smalland Medium-SizedEnterprises is organisingthe India National Forumon sharing of best

CII-MOMSME-WIPO- IndiaNational Forum from Sept 17

practices on IntellectualProperty for Micro,Small and Medium-SizedEnterprises for PolicyMaker on 17-18September ,2012 in NewDelhi.

For more informationcontact: Mr. Gurpa Sing,CII, Gurgaon. Tel: +91-124 - 4014075.

S istema ShyamTeleServices Limited

(SSTL) that nationallyoperates its telecomservices under the MTSbrand with over 16 millionwireless customers todayannounced the launch ofthe most admiredSmartphone Galaxy Yfrom Samsung on MTS’world class telecomnetwork for a superior dataexperience. Priced in thesub Rs 8000 category,

Aircel offers Full Talk Timesimultaneously launched across thecountry.

Through this unique product, theprepaid subscribers in the country can nowavail the benefit of full talk time at smallerrecharge values without having to payservice tax and processing fees.

For more information contact:Konnection’s Integrated MarketingCommunication Consultancy , Tel :9140 27277788 / 65742740.Mobile: 8686080577.

Hindi Fortnightcelebrations for the

year 2012-13 wereinaugurated at the SwarnaJyothi Conference Hall,Eastern Naval Commandon September 3, 2012, byRear Admiral TSudhakar, NM, ChiefStaff Officer (Personneland Administration).

He appreciated thededicated efforts taken bythe personnel towardsimplementation of OfficialLanguage Hindi and heexhorted all personnel toput in sustained efforts incarrying out maximumOfficial work in Hindi inthe Command.

Dr. (Ms.) HemalathaRao, Senior Hindi Officer(Retired), VisakhapatnamPort Trust and Facultymember, HindiDepartment, AndhraUniversity was a Special

ENC conducts Hindi FortnightInvitee on the occasion.She stressed on the need togenerate new ideas andmethodologies which canbe easily accepted andadopted in the rapidlychanging scenario foreffective implementationof the Official Language.

Prizes were awardedfor the winners of variouscompetitions conductedduring the year involvingHindi Implementation. Thefunction was attended by alarge number of serviceand civilian personnelfrom variousestablishments of ENC.The fortnight will witnessvarious competitions andworkshops on Hindisoftware ‘Saransk/Unicode’ by M/S AryanSoftwares, New Delhiwith a view to inculcateinterest in undertakingofficial work in Hindi

using computers.Quiz Competition

Navy Wives’ WelfareAssociation, EasternRegion, under the aegis ofEastern Naval Commandconducted a QuizCompetition for schoolchildren on Sep 12 atSamudrika NavalAuditorium. Twelve teamscomprising twoparticipants eachrepresenting variousschools of Visakhapatnamtook part in theCompetition. Theseincluded the TimpanySchool, Bethany School,Vishaka Valley, ThePresidential School andthe Delhi Public Schoolapart from two NavyChildren Schools and fiveKendriya Vidyalayas. TheQuiz covered a variety of

topics ranging from WorldContemporary History,World Geography, GeneralSciences, Current Affairs,Music, Literature and Arts.

The Quiz wasconducted in two Phases.The preliminary round,held in the morning sawfour Teams, namely, NavyChildren School, KendriyaVidyalaya 2, Bethany andDelhi Public Schoolqualifying for the Finals.The closely fought finalround had Delhi PublicSchool emerging as theWinner of theCompetition. Vice AdmiralAnil Chopra, Flag Officer-Commanding-in- Chief,Eastern Naval Commandwas the Chief Guest at thefinal round of the Eventand gave away theTrophies and GiftVouchers to the winners ofthe Competition.

MTS launches smartphoneSamsung Galaxy Ysmartphone is poweredwith 600 MHz QualcommSnapdragon processor &runs on Android 2.3Gingerbread. Thesmartphone offersseamless user experiencewith Unlimited Data &Voice Benefits.

For more informationcontact: Mr. AdityaMadala, Adfactors PRPvt, Ltd. Phone: +91 0-9885712399.

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Tourism/Hospitality12 VIZAG INDUSTRIAL SCAN Sept 1-15, 2012

Vizag-Singapore flightfrom October 28

The much-awaited firstdirect international

flight from Visakhapatnamto Singapore by Silk Airwill take off on October 28.

The Minister forInfrastructure, Ports andAirports, Mr. GantaSrinivasa Rao said thatSilk Air will conduct roadshows from the third weekof September for thebenefit of air-travellers.

He thanked the IndianNavy, the Chief MinisterN. Kiran Kumar Reddy,

Central Minister, Ms. D.Purandeswari and RajyaSabha member, Mr. T.Subbarami Reddy fortheir efforts to make theflight possible byextending operation hoursat Visakhapatnam airport.The Minister also said thatThai Airlines and TigerAirways were likely tofollow suit soon and therewould be moreinternational flights sinceVisakhapatnam isemerging as an industrialhub.

VIS News Service

A ten-day Rajasthanifood festival was

launched at Hotel Novatelin Vizag on September 13with special amusementssuch as regional music,godi dance, folk danceand puppet show beingpart of it.

Novotel launchesRajasthani food fest

The sumptuous spreadconsists of dal batichurma, assorted varietiesof rotis and a spread ofkachri, imli, lason andtamatar ka chutney.

The cuisine has a lot ofvariety for bothvegetarians and non-vegetarians, along withnumber of sweet varieties.

VIS News Service

G reenPark Group hasadded another hotel to its

portfolio with the launch ofLuxury Hotel Marigold builtwith an investment of Rs.100Crore on August 16.

The soothing andcontemporarily designedproperty offers an ambience andfacilities suitable for businessand leisure alike. Centrallylocated in Greenlands,Begumpet, the hotel is at a closeproximity to all the importantdestinations of the city.

The hospitality industry isexpected to grow at a rate of 20%over the next 5 years. National,International Conferences, thebiennial air show, growth in theIT, ITES and BPO industry iscontributing to the demand in theMICE segment, while weddings,social gatherings and exhibitionsamong others contribute to thedemand in the leisure segment.

Speaking on the occasion ofthe launch, Mr. MohanKrishna- Vice President Operations,GreenPark Group of Hotels andResorts Ltd. Said: “Marigold isuniquely positioned to cater to

GreenPark Group launches luxury hotel ‘Marigold’

both the leisure and the MICEsegments. There is a tremendouslong-term potential and need forquality offering in the hospitalitysector and Marigold wasconceived with the view to caterto that demand. The group’sstrength has always been itsability to understand and deliverto our guest needs. We would liketo use the inherent strengths ofGreenPark to create an upscaleexperience at Marigold.”

Built on 3.5 Acres of land, theHotel which is located awayfrom the main road, is insulatedfrom the bustle of the traffic and

is an ideallocation forguests toc o n d u c tb u s i n e s sm e e t i n g s ,conferences, aswell as relishthe delectablecuisine, offeredby its tastefullydone F n Boutlets, whichi n c l u d eauthentic PanAsian cuisine inaddition to the

classic cuisines from around theworld. Saffron Soul is a WorldCafe which serves authenticdishes from the kitchens of theworld, ranging from Indian toMexican to Continental.

Mekong is the fine dining PanAsian Restaurant, which is thehighlight of the hotel and will beknown for its authentic AsianCuisine. The Restaurant gets itsname from the Mekong Riverthat flows through six countries,thus allowing the guests toexperience a variety of culinarydelights. The guests can savourauthentic dishes from China,

Burma, Thailand, Laos,Cambodia and Vietnam. Theambience stands by its name,with blue wall panels and ceilingresembling waves giving it a trueaqua/river like feel.

Mystique Lounge is yetanother addition tothe signature F & Boutlets of theproperty, this oneleaving a specialmark with its out-of-the-box interiors.Mystique, which isan ideal place toovercome weekdayblues, specialises inserving Single MaltWhiskey. Soon to beopened Marhabhais an open barbequerestaurant on the terrace level,offering Mediterranean barbequefare and a mix of cocktails,mocktails for guests to enjoydirectly under the sky.

The 181 rooms on offer areelegantly designed, integratingfunctionality and spaciousnesswith style and fitted with allmodern facilities that ensureguest comfort, convenience andrelaxation. The interiors and

colors used to enhance the guestexperience. The five categoriesof rooms are Premium rooms,Luxury rooms, Studio rooms,Royal Suite and PresidentialSuite.

Marigold’s dedicated eventsand meetings facilitiesdriven by an experiencedteam enables hassle free, convenient and efficientaccess to guests toconduct their meetings orevents be it – boardmeetings , formal orinformal businessmeetings, corporateevents , events –weddings , get-togethersamongst others. Designedto accommodate large aswell as small groups,

Marigold has five banquet hallsnamely Peacock (750), Cyan(100), Azure (70) Amber (70)and Teal (30).

Peacock is a large conventionhall/ballroom that can seat up to750 in a theatre arrangement. Itis ideal for large gatherings likeWeddings or Conferences with aspacious parking for 300 to 350cars.

VIS News Service

Rajya Sabha Member,Dr. T. Subbarami

Reddy met Air IndiaChairman, Mr. RohitNandan and helddiscussions with him onintroduction of Air Indiaflights on the Hyderabad-Visakhapatnam-Bangkokroute and back thrice aweek and Hyderabad-V i s a k h a p a t n a m -Singapore-Kaula Lumpurand back four times aweek.

He impressed upon theAI Chairman on the strongindustrial, educational,

TSR meets AI chief on flights to Bangkoktourist potential ofVisakhapatnam and theupcoming PCPIR Zone.

Mr. Rohit Nandanagreed to get a feasibilitystudy done and introducethe flights in the winterschedule this year. Dr.Subbarami Reddy alsosought the continuation ofthe city office of AI in itspresent location in the LICBuilding and to do awaywith any proposal to shiftit.

The city office wasgenerating a business ofRs.8 crore per annum andmany travellers wereobtaining their tickets fromthe city office.

Meet on Exports by AirMeanwhile, a round

table on ‘Exports by Air’is being conducted by theAir Travellers’Association of IndiaATA(I) at Hotel FourPoints by Sheraton onSeptember 20.

The round table willdiscuss the proceduresregarding exports andimports by air cargo. Theround table is open to allexporters like those fromthe pharma industry, seafood industry, agro foods,machinery, auto parts,diamonds, cashew andgarment units, according to

ATA (I) presidentMr. D. Varada Reddy.Minister for Infrastructure,Investments and PortsGanta Srinivasa Rao willinaugurate the meet.Visakhapatnam PortChairman, Mr. AjeyaKallam, IAS, DeputyDirector General of DGFT,Mr. SBS Reddy,Commissioner of Customsand Central Excise, Mr.M. Ponnuswamy, IRS,Drugs Controller, Mr. R.P.Thakur, CEO of Hospira,Mr. K.V. Raju and ChiefExecutive of NAKI Air, aUS-based Cargo chartercompany, are expected toparticipate.

Tired of searching for Dry Cleaners? Clothes faded?Gifts given by your loved ones got damaged? Did

you miss an important appointment just because thelaunderer did not deliver it on time? Four Points BySheraton, Vizag has got the right solution for all yourproblems. The hotel has launched a state-of-the artLaundromat and promises to deliver the garments on timeby maintaining the condition of the garments throughthe highest quality of wash.

So, drop your bag of laundry today at Laundromat.

Four Points... offerslaundry solutions

The A.P. Tourism Development Corporation(APTDC) is offering a 30 per cent discount on room

tariff in all ‘Harita’ hotels that it runs, across the State.The offer is valid till September 30, excluding weekends.

For more information call: Hyderabad: 040-6674370, 098485-40371, Vizag: 0891-2788820,098488-13584, Tirupati: (0877-2255385, 2289126)and Vijayawada (0866-2571393).

APTDC offers 30 %discount on room tariff

Kailasagiri Joggingtrack nearing

completion would becomenot only another landmarkfor Vizag but also acomplete health arenaunder the shade of nature.

The Vice Chairman ofVUDA Mr. KonaSasidhar, IAS monitoringthe works going on atpersonal level and visitingthe site every day toachieve perfection andstandards in making thetrack a global attraction.During his inspectionrecently, the ViceChairman directed theofficials to ground all theplans and proposals asdecided to give completehealth arena shape to thetrack.

The track having twoseparate lanes for cyclingand jogging is being addedwith a number ofattractions and facilities toprovide health earningactivities. Meditationcenter, aerobics, yoga andgym stations have already

‘Kailasagiri Jogging Trackto be a health arena’

been included in the trackmap.

The track having alength of 2.5 km fromRopewayJunction onBeach road toVisalakshinagar via MVPColony andHanumanthawaka Junctionis being added with lushgreen to make itssurrounding rich in ecowealth. Thousand of plantshave been planted on bothsides and middle of thetrack to provide rich oxygensupply to the users. Eyecatching landscaping hasalso been taken up on thetrack. To avid stagnation ofrain water on the track,drain works were alreadyfinished. Under theinstructions of the ViceChairman, street lightingfacility has been erectedwith power savingtechnology and solarenergy. VUDA ChiefEngineer, Mr. I.Viswanatha Rao, DFOMr. BVA KrishnaMurthy, ExecutiveEngineer, Mr. V Bhavani

Sway to Elvis & Angela’ssongs at DuskLiving up to its tradition of offering the best in the

hospitality industry, Palm Beach hotel has launchedElvis & Angela comprising Goa’s own King of Rockand the Wildflower beauty from The Philippines toentertain the port city with their breathtaking liveperformance at Dusk every evening from the 14th ofSeptember. According to the hotel’s Executive Manager,Ms. S. Paramita, they will perform Live Jazz, Rock,Country and the latest Tracks in English.

“Vizag will have something to look forward to in theevenings from now, with their performance on board.We have always offered our guests something new andexciting every time and we hope all of you enjoy Elvisand Angela’s performance here,” she adds.

VUDA to develop 3 new beaches

VUDA Vice-Chairman, Mr. Kona Sasidhar IAS, hasidentified three areas along the Visakhapatnam-

Bheemili beach road for development of new beaches.The three areas are those near Rushikonda IT Park

Junction, Rama Naidu Studio and Thotlakonda. Oncedeveloped, they are expected to reduce rush atRamakrishna and Rushikonda beaches. He wanted thedevelopment of the beaches to be completed byDecember. so that they could be thrown open to the publicin time for the proposed Visakha Utsav.

The Vice-President Operations, GreenParkGroup of Hotels and Resorts Ltd, Mr.MohanKrishna.

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