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University of Denver Pioneers Conquer Cali with Chilling Frost et al

GG ll ee nn dd aa ll ee RR aa pp tt oo rr ss vv DD ee nn vv ee rr BB aa rr bb aa rr ii aa nn ss II nn ff ii nn ii tt yy ,, 11 pp mm SS aa tt uu rr dd aa yy

Rocky Mountain

Regional Rugby Report


In this Issue:

Colorado Rugby sides undefeated - Road Warriors DU, Black Ice two and three road joys respectively;

Raptors , Highlanders repel Haggis; Barbarians level OMBAC in lively form and Buffalos herd Cowboys

Denver Highlanders v Park City Haggis - match report from The Jake

Pacific Rugby Premiership - Barbarians v OMBAC: recap, table, upcomes the season’s remainder

Colorado High School - roundup, tables

USA Rugby Men’s College D-1A: recap, table, upcomers

Raptor Eye View: with Raptors captain, Zach Fenoglio

Men’s D-2 - Yee-hah! Weekend roundup, table, upcomers

GlobalComps: Richard and Trotski -

o Super XV Rugby - results by numbers/upcomers

o Aviva, Top XIV, Pro12 - Oyonnax big win, Scots prevail in makeups o Heineken Cup – Ulster see red, Saracens green; Toulon, Munster, Clermont advance

hR’s Back Page:

o Daktari’s Rugby Cypher

Down the Whistler

Das Diabolíque

Page 2: Rm3r 4 10 14

University of Denver Pioneers Conquer Cali with Chilling Frost et al

GG ll ee nn dd aa ll ee RR aa pp tt oo rr ss vv DD ee nn vv ee rr BB aa rr bb aa rr ii aa nn ss II nn ff ii nn ii tt yy ,, 11 pp mm SS aa tt uu rr dd aa yy

For the second year in a row, University of Denver Pioneers are of the Best Four

small col lege rugby clubs nationally after topping Pepperdine University, 64-10, on

Saturday and defeating Santa Rosa, 33-15, in Sunday’s PacWest Championship; DU

are on to the Best Four in Glendale at the end of the month (April 26, 27) where

they’l l vie for the national t it le. Pioneers wil l be joined by 2013 champion, St

John’s University (Collegevil le, MN), Mount Saint Mary’s University (Emmittsburg, MD), and

New England Col lege (Henniker, NH) in the battle for the 2014 National Small College Rugby

Organization Championship. Stu Halsell ’s Pioneers Rugby l ink

B lack Ice Women’s D-1 side are on torr id pace to playoffs with traveling wins in

Kansas City on the weekend over: Kansas City Jazz, 36-7; Kansas University, 15-

nil; and Kansas State University, 40-0; these victories follow Ice’s championship

t it le at Champagne Classic last month in San Diego …see RM piece on Black Ice

University of Colorado Buffalos topped a youthful and valiant Wyoming

Cowboys side, 28-22, at the Kitchen, while US Air Force Zoomies were a

dozen better than Colorado State Rams, 24-10, at the Academy

Glendale Raptors came up big with a brace of wins over Park City Haggis in a

Kettle-friendly, 67-24, and on StoveTop in a USA Rugby Men’s Divis ion-2

league match, 77-38, on Saturday. Raptors D-2 squad now on top of the


Barbarians needed heroics near t ime to draw level OMBAC in their PRP match

in the Kettle, and they very well got them in thri l l ing fashion, much to the

delight of the substantial home crowd in attendance at the Premiership’s

primary Colorado rugby complex as 82 points were divvied up exact ly at the

high-scoring derby. This is the type of high-quality, heart-stopping, nerve-wrangling, no-

quit rugby that Pacif ic Rugby Premiership has become recognized for in its inaugural run

Highlanders f inished off the action-packed, springtime, rugby weekend in 32-17

victory over Park City at The Jake. Haggis’ third, full-t ime match in less than 24

hours proved to be too much for the Park City club to digest, as the Mighty Meal

suffered its f irst defeat(s) of this competit ive cycle - a long with their losses at

Glendale on Saturday - match report follows.

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University of Denver Pioneers Conquer Cali with Chilling Frost et al

GG ll ee nn dd aa ll ee RR aa pp tt oo rr ss vv DD ee nn vv ee rr BB aa rr bb aa rr ii aa nn ss II nn ff ii nn ii tt yy ,, 11 pp mm SS aa tt uu rr dd aa yy

USA Rugby: Men ’s D-2

Denver Highlanders v Park City Haggis

On as f ine a Sunday morning as you’d l ike

in eminently acceptable weather,

Highlanders and Haggis got down to the

business of determining which side

claiming Caledonian pedigree would

triumph the day. Just past noon the

outcome had been decided in a vigorous

affair that could yet impact the playoff

picture that is gell ing just now. The Utah

side was completing one of its memorable

long-haul, double-header rugby tr ips

across the Rockies for the love of the pil l ;

this trip, though, Haggis would make it a

triple-header with matches the previous

afternoon at Infinity with Raptors D-2 and

Raptors Selects. Park City had been

unbeatable in their road trips earlier in

the season, but they would experience

different outcomes this journey.

Each side took turns bashing in the near

channels from breakdowns; nothing on

either way, and possession reverses

resulting from mishandles and mental

lapses provided opportunity. It was hosts

who realized init ial joy as Highlanders

recently arrived Kiwi standoff, Adam Price,

init iated movement just inside Haggis

territory that had f lyer, Cody Blake, clear

to close in the corner then loop

centreposts for Price’s conversion: 7-0 the

home team with 11 off referee Rick

Goldammer’s crystal .

With Highlanders halfback, Josh Slater,

sl inging swift service from either side of

the set pieces with equal abil ity, Denver

were opening play outside and stretching

a somewhat weary Haggis defense. Early

penalty count that was in Haggis favor

now leveling, abetting Highlanders

forward progress in the 20t h minute.

Denver won their own l ineout at midfield,

mauling ponderously and purposefully to

the Haggis 35 meter l ine before a penalty

award for interfering with play at

breakdown had Highlanders quickly-

tapping and pouring into the visitors 22. A

lateral series of smashes crossfield, then

reverse direction; second row, Nick

Rangel, and his powerful rumble into goal

for the touch down that made it 12-nil

after 23 minutes.

Much action between the 22s by both

sides featuring forward crashes in the near

channels and hard contact in the centers,

on occasion fol lowed by wel l- and truly-

grappled turnover ball made excellent

display for the crowd strung along touch.

Highlanders back again after poaching

their guests l ineout toss and securing a

penalty inside the Haggis 22. Quick tap-

and-go to breakdown, then Slater showing

an impeccable, lengthy dive-pass that

freed wing, Pat Larrimer, to close in the

corner: 17-0 to Denver 30 minutes into it .

Here came Haggis straightaway strongly

with ball scooped from the breakdown by

prop, Nick Mostyn, and run directly

through a wall of defenders for his twenty-

meter scamper to goal and Park City were

up and on the board: 17-5 in the 31s t


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University of Denver Pioneers Conquer Cali with Chilling Frost et al

GG ll ee nn dd aa ll ee RR aa pp tt oo rr ss vv DD ee nn vv ee rr BB aa rr bb aa rr ii aa nn ss II nn ff ii nn ii tt yy ,, 11 pp mm SS aa tt uu rr dd aa yy

Denver with the last points of the half as

Price was good with the 25 meters

sticksplitter just outside the right post for

tall ies of 20 and 5 to the homeside as

Goldammer sounded the halft ime break.

Highlanders hot, hungry and harrying the

somewhat slow-reacting (at t imes) Haggis

side, resulting in the margin to Denver’s

advantage after f irst forty.

A bit of shifty maneuvering in congestion

after the l ineout by Highlanders

loosehead, Mike Backens (a DU alum), and

the prop had secured possession and then

the penalty award just inside the Haggis

10 meter l ine. An errant strike for goal by

Price shanked, but Highlanders were back

threatening quickly. A wonscrum by the

hosts and Slater’s delivery to a streaking

#15, Kyle Gross, who sl iced to space and

beyond for the grounding that extended

the Denver lead to 20 at 25-5 after 49

minutes of action.

Now Backens t ime as the deceptively fast

forward snatched the pil l from breakdown

and burst into empty space for his twenty-

meter close: with an additional deuce by

Price, 32-5 for homeboys in the 52n d


At the three-quarter point in the match,

Park City came alive with multiple phases

pounded out and its moving maul

enhanced by the brutally effective work of

one- and two-step pick-and-slams from

tackle until outside center, Samiu Tuifua,

burst across the paint for the grounding

that made it 32-10 in the 60t h minute.

And Park City Haggis were back directly for

another as replacement, Hinckley

Vaisigano, picked a crease and hauled into

goal through 35 meters of hard, fast work:

with conversion by scrumhalf, Austin

Healy, 32-17 at ’61.

Much action in the last twenty minutes of

play, yet no further numbers and f ive,

match-points victory to Highlanders with a

record of 32-17 at Goldammer’s last blast.


Denver - Try: Blake, Rangel, Larrimer,

Gross, Backens; Con: Price (2); Pen: Price

Park City - Try: Mostyn, Tuifua,

Vaisigano ; Con: Healy

AMO : Goldammer

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v : Glendale Raptors (36) v Denver Barbarians (23) at Infinity: Colorado Clash II - as was said at the season’s onset, no matter where these two clubs are on table come kickoff time, standings bedamn-dings, this is for the seat closest the fire!

v : San Francisco Golden Gate (30) v OMBAC (21) at Ray Sheeran Field on Treasure Island: crucial for both clubs; winner could very well be pouring the foundation for post-season play;

v : Santa Monica Dolphins (13) v Belmont Shore (21) at Webster Field: Belmont won the first

heavenly round of rugby in the City of Angels, though in February and only by a single, 29-28; this

weekend they’ll travel the short distance to the Dolphins homegrounds for significance; Santa Monica’s

guests yet have their eye on extra-time action this inaugural PRP session; think the Dolphins’ll be

looking to aid their coastal rivals’ cause? Then think ye once more…

Olympic Rugby Club on bye weekend

noto bene: if you’re enjoying a Premiership match and wondering, “Gee I wish I knew the people I could thank for putting and keeping this highest-quality rugby in the land together?” Here’s a list you can begin with:

Lance French - PRP League Director

Geno Mazza - PRP Operations Director

Sion Williams - PRP Commercial Director

Club Won Lost Drawn Match Points (MPts)

Glendale Raptors 7 1 0 36

San Francisco Golden Gate – SFGG 6 2 0 30

Denver Barbarians 4 4 1 23

**Old Mission Beach Athletic Club 4 2 1 21

*Belmont Shore 4 4 0 21

Olympic Rugby Club 2 7 0 13

Santa Monica Dolphins 1 8 0 12

Upcomers: Saturday, 4.12.14

Additional PRP results, 4.5.14: Olympic Club 43 Santa Monica 31; SFGG 41 Belmont 24

Going the hard yards for rugby!

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PRP REpreviewcast

At this stage of the season, Premiership clubs have played either seven (OMBAC), eight (Raptors, SFGG and

Belmont) or nine (Barbarians, Olympic and Dolphins)… and as long as numbers are on the table:

Glendale are in the catbird seat now. With seven impressive wins and the only loss at San Francisco

Golden Gate in February where yet Raptors garnered a pair of b-ps, they’ve 36 match points and lead

the pack. Glendale play Denver this Saturday upcomer, and then away dates at OMBAC and Santa

Monica before the final home fixture with SFGG. Predicted finish: 1st ; Predicted MPts total: 48;

San Francisco Golden Gate are running second now, just over a bonus-point victory in arrears. After a

4-0 start, SFGG dropped a pair of road trips, at Denver and San Diego, and have rebounded from those

defeats with Treasure Island wins over the LA-area sides, Belmont Shore and Santa Monica, at Ray

Sheeran Field. With its remaining schedule featuring host duty of OMBAC and Olympic Rugby followed

by away fixtures at Belmont Shore and Glendale, SFGG should stay in the 2nd (and final) playoff spot

with 44 match points its total after the first weekend in May;

Denver Barbarians currently reside in third place on the table, but the brace of pursuit squads have one

(Belmont Shore) and two (OMBAC) matches-in-hand Denver, and are a mere two points adrift Barbos.

Regardless, should either of the current topsiders run afoul their remaining PRP match schedules with

multiple ties and/or losses, a perfect finish (all remaining MPts collected) could yet see Barbarians

through to playoffs; they’ve Glendale on the upcomer and road dates at Santa Monica and OMBAC

bracketing their last bye weekend. Predicted finish: 5th; Predicted MPts total: 28;

Old Mission Bay Athletic Club may have the hardest row to hoe, but at that row’s definitely achievable

terminus is the Inaugural PRP Grail, a worthy quest for certain. With 21 MPts just now and 5 matches

with the potential of 25 more if OMBAC are able to effect a perfect run to playoffs, OMBAC and its

recently landed Eagles could see the first or second PRP slot by season’s end. With a critical home

derby with San Francisco Golden Gate upcoming and a trip to Colorado for the Raptors that follows,

the next fortnight will be telling the Southern Californians’ fortune. Predicted finish: 3rd ; MPts: 38;

Belmont Shore, also on the outside rail after eight decisions and 21 MPts just now. They’ll play fellow

Angelinos, Santa Monica Dolphins, on the upcomer, then a bye week, then the hugest host of San

Francisco Golden Gate, then Olympic Rugby and somewhere around those temporal environs, the

makeup w/OMBAC. Could be 41 MPts at the end of the season, but maybe not. Predicted finish: 4th;

MPts: 32;

Santa Monica Dolphins have a trip to Colorado for a date with Barbos in two weeks (4.19) falling in

between home dates with Belmont Shore and Glendale, and then last weekend of the season they’ve a

bye. Each match a championship, each carefully scrutinized by national selectors. Predicted finish: 6th;

MPts: 18

Olympic Rugby Club will rest this weekend and then it’s: SFGG, at OMBAC and Belmont at home. Each

match for the championship and if you may think that insufficient motivation, US Eagles 15s (and 7s)

selectors paying particular attention to PRP matches these days, for these PRP rosters represent an

important talent pool for both 7s and 15s. Predicted finish: 7th; MPts: 17

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Colorado High School Division-1 Table

Club Won Lost Drawn MPts* Colorado Springs Grizzl ies 5 0 25 Aurora Saracens 3 1 15 Denver East Angels 3 2 15 Regis Jesuit Raiders 2 2 11 Cherry Creek Bruins 2 2 9 Littleton Eagles 1 4 4 Chaparral Wolverines 0 5 0

Division-2 Club Won Lost Drawn MPts PAC RFC 6 0 30 Boulder Valley Lions 3 1 1 20 Castle Rock Pirates 3 2 1 18 Fort Collins 3 1 16 Junior Gents 2 0 13 Titans Rugby 2 3 11 Tigers RFC 1 3 8 Wheat Ridge Warriors 1 3 6 SWARM 1 5 6 Harlequins 0 4 2

Division-3 Club Won Lost Drawn MPtsGlendale Raptors Academy Jr. Griffins 3 0 1 17 Ridge View Academy 2 0 1 12 Northside Dragons 2 1 12 Central Terrors 1 2 5 Monarch HS 1 2 4 Pikes Peak Falcons 0 4 1

Colorado Springs Grizzl ies continue to lead the league with al l possible table points

acquired after the Big Bears victory over Cherry Creek , 41-7, last night in the Tab Hicks

Memorial Tackle Cancer Fundraiser at Grizzl ies homegrounds Mountain Ridge MS, “The

Pit”. Aurora Saracens are the near harr ier and have put impressive numbers aboard

after a close home defeat to Grizzl ies, 7-12, last month. East , who topped Chaparral last ,

78-12, are t ied on match points with Sarr ies , but are placed third now at table as they

lost to Aurora earlier in the season. Regis are in fourth posit ion and have moved in

front of Cherry Creek after victory over L ittleton , 45-7

PAC the Big Boss just now with all

possible points garnered. Boulder Lions ,

Castle Rock Pirates keep the Front

Rangers honest, but it ’s a PAC table now.

One would be the wiser for keeping track

of Jr. Gents , 2013 State Champs, as

they’ve only played a brace of matches

and have won both. Expect Roaring Fork’s

Finest Fifteen to be well in the mix come

playoff frames.

Glendale Raptors Academy are undefeated in League play. Jr. Griffins from Grand Junction top the chart followed by Ridge View Academy , a club that nearly folded this spring. Last month the pair fought to a 24-all draw on the eastern side of the Divide at the Academy . Ridge View travel to close chasers, Northside Dragons, on the upcomer for a derby that’l l sort their places at table for certain as they are now level on match points. Central Terrors wil l host Monarch High School in Colorado Springs this Saturday afternoon.

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USA Rugby - Men’s College D 1-A

Club Won Lost Drawn MPts

University of Colorado Buffs 4 1 0 21

Colorado State University Rams 2 3 0 13

United States Air Force Academy Zoomies 2 2 0 10

University of Wyoming Cowboys 1 3 0 8

Results/Schedule - Spring 2014

Saturday 3.8.14 University of Colorado v University of Wyoming 24 - 20

US Air Force Academy v Colorado State University 29 - 24

Wednesday 3.12.14 University of Wyoming v US Air Force Academy 31 - 19

Saturday 3.15.14 University of Colorado v Colorado State University 29 - 25

Friday 3.21.14 US Air Force Academy v University of Colorado 37 - 46

Saturday 3.29.14 Colorado State University v University of Wyoming 41-22

Saturday 4.5.14 University of Wyoming v University of Colorado 22 - 27 Colorado State University v US Air Force Academy 12 - 24 Wednesday 4.9.14 Colorado State University v University of Colorado 53 -3 4

Saturday 4.12.14 University of Wyoming v Colorado State University

Sunday 4.13.14 University of Colorado v US Air Force Academy

TBD TBD US Air Force Academy v University of Wyoming

CSU removed CU from the ranks of the unbeaten with their decis ive victory over the Buffs

on last Wednesday evening.

Big match at Boulder for Air Force on the Saturday, whi le CSU and Wyoming go at i t in the

Rugby Border War, Round II.

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Raptor Eye View

RA : RA : Just a friendly v Haggis on the Saturday, but how’d you feel it went?

ZF : It was a great game to give some guys some rest and to let others get some more game t ime! Overall , the boys did a great job of running the pattern and put in a sound performance.

RA : Barbos on Saturday; upgrades and/or surprises?

ZF : The Barbarians are definitely looking to get one back at us. We have been training hard the past two weeks to get ready for this (re-match). We don’t any major secrets planned, we just want to stick to our pattern and play mistake-free ball!

RA : The entire workforce looking healthy for Saturday?

ZF : All good to play!


further information on the Nike Youth Rugby Camps instructed by Coach

Fenoglio and staff may be accessed at:

Day camp: June 23-25 Overnight camp: July 31 - August 3 both on campus at Regis Jesuit High School

15s 15s

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D-2 Men's Roundup, Upcomers

It’s a Raptors Roost…

Club (MPts) Won Lost Drawn #s 1 & 2 go to playoffs Glendale Raptors (40) 7 1 0 Park City Haggis (36) 7 2 0 Denver Highlanders (26) 5 3 0 Denver Harlequins (19) 3 5 0 Colorado Springs Grizzlies (11) 2 5 0 Northern Colorado Flamingos (2) 0 7 0

… just now as they took down Haggis, 77-38 ,on the StoveTop on Saturday for the f ive-

pointer, then were well-assisted by intown rivals, Denver Highlanders, on the Sunday

as Highlanders topped the Utahans, 32-17, at the Jake.

Colorado Springs Grizzl ies got their second victory of the season at Fountain, upending

Denver Harlequins, 34-22; Grizzl ies earned f ive points for the win, while Quins picked

up a losing bonus-point for four trys.

15-a-side Rugby all summer long in the

cool Colorado Mountains

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2014 Men’s Division-2 Spring Schedule and Results - updated constantly

W ith two weeks left in the season, it appears Glendale and Park City wil l move on to playoffs. Highlanders have a brace of league matches remaining and could t ie Park City’s current match point total, but for Haggis to falter it would mean it takes no points from its f inal league match v Northern Colorado on 4.26.

In any case upcomes Denver Derby, Round II as Harlequins and Highlanders battle Saturday on the Quins Cook Park ground, The Cooker, and Northern Colorado Flamingos seek their f irst win of the year at home versus a Colorado Springs Grizzl ies club that celebrated its second victory, Saturday last.

Highlanders topped Quins, 27-21, at the Jake in the fall on the f irst end of their home-away, and with the addition of New Zealand native Adam Price at the pivot, could close out with a pair of wins over their intown rivals this season. Harlequins head coach Mark Price and his side envision a distinctly different result . March 8 Colorado Springs Grizzl ies v Glendale Raptors 14-82 ; Denver Highlanders v Northern Colorado Flamingos 26-10

March 15 Northern Colorado Flamingos v Denver Harlequins 19-26

March 22 Park City Haggis v Colorado Springs Grizzl ies; 81-19; Glendale Raptors v Northern Colorado Flamingos; 67-0

March 29 Park City Haggis v Denver Harlequins; 62-22; Glendale Raptors v Denver Highlanders 60-28

April 5 Glendale Raptors v Park City Haggis; 77-38 Colorado Springs Grizzl ies v Denver Harlequins; 34-22

April 6 Denver Highlanders v Park City Haggis; 32-17

April 12 Northern Colorado Flamingos (2) v Colorado Springs Grizzl ies (11); Denver Harlequins (19) v Denver Highlanders (26)

April 26 Park City Haggis (36) v Northern Colorado Flamingos; Denver Harlequins v Glendale Raptors (40); Denver Highlanders v Colorado Springs Grizzl ies - as ever, if you’re seeing a discrepancy in wins, losses or match point assignment let us know and we’l l square it , over?

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18 for Highlanders #10, Lima Sopoaga, on 4 penalties and 3 conversions struck in the home side’s 33-30 win over Rebels ; 15 for vis itors #15, Jason Woodward, on 3 penalties and 3 conversions struck;

3 penalties only for Blues #10, Simon Hickey, as the visitors went down in 9-26 defeat to ARC leaders, Brumbies , in Canberra; neigh difference in the whinnying big horsies’ points total on either side of their baker’s dozen halves;

20 for Hurricanes #10, Beau Barrett, on 6 penalties and conversion of #15 Andre Taylor’s 5-pointer good for 25-20 victory over traveling Bulls who’ve gotten 1 losing bonus-point to start their 4-match Anzac tour; victory was there for the SA boys late after a 5-pointer by replacement three-quarters Handre Pollard, but the bountiful boot by Barrett of 2 penalty str ikes provided end story in Napier;

17 for everyone at the end of 40, but visit ing Western Force out-feasted their hesitant-to-offend-by-tackl ing hosts, Reds , at Brisbane in the 2n d stanza to record their 4th Super Rugby victory in succession, ever, at 32-29 in a battle of East v West on the continent; 15 for travelers #10, Sias Ebersohn, on 4 penalties struck and 1 dropped goal slotted;

86 split evenly yet to be certain not congenially as Chiefs garnered their 2n d,3- point road vexation running at Bloemfontein; last week’s total of 68, 86-ed by the visitors who finished right alongside their hosts at day’s end; Cheetahs were up by 24 at 34-10 after 40, but failed to maintain that advantage in the 2n d stanza;

1 the number of NZ Super Rugby victories in SA this season so far, and it belongs to Crusaders looking form after 28-7 win at Ell is Park; 1 also the number of groundings and also conversions by Lions #10, Marnitz Boshoff, on a relatively quiet day for the standoff; 1 try each for the travelers #s 12, 9 & 13 - the Messrs. Crotty, El l is and Fonotia;

11 for the homeside and double that for their guests as Waratahs popped Stormers , 22-11, at Newlands; #10, Bernie Foley, had 11 on account of 3 penalties and Nick Phipps’ try converted, whi le Kurtley Beale took a couple of successful whacks at goal for 6:

Super XV

Rugby #s

it’s a wildly wide wonderful worldful of

numbers when you think of it

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Upcomers , Round 8

Australian Rugby Conference

Club Won Lost Drawn MPts

Brumbies 5 2 0 21 Waratahs 4 2 0 20 Force 4 2 0 18 Reds 3 4 0 15 Rebels 2 4 1 11

New Zealand Rugby Conference

Club Won Lost Drawn MPts

Chiefs 3 1 2 20 Blues 3 4 0 16 Hurricanes 3 4 0 16

Highlanders 3 3 0 15 Crusaders 3 3 0 13

South Africa Rugby Conference

Club Won Lost Drawn MPts

Sharks 5 1 0 23 Bulls 3 3 1 17 Lions 4 3 0 16 Cheetahs 1 5 1 8 Stormers 1 6 0 6

Friday, 4.11.14

Highlanders (15) v Bulls (17) at Forsyth Barr: home team may very well be the business, but vis itors should l ike the win, too;

Reds (15) v Brumbies (21) at Suncorp Stadium: travelers would sure love to take advantage to whatever malaise has aff l icted their hosts of late, but homeboys wi l l be looking to shake it;

Saturday, 4.12.14

Chiefs (20) v Rebels (11) at Waikato Stadium: homeside back to winning;

Force (18) v Waratahs (20) at NIB Stadium: ‘Tahs must be victorious today;

Cheetahs (8) v Crusaders (13) at Free State Stadium: could be second road joy running for Kiwis;

Lions (16) v Sharks (23) at El l is Park: home team will need well- loaded guns, or at least a wel l-productive Marnitz Boshoff boot, to hold off their guests this rugby day

Blues, Hurricanes, Stormers on bye week

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Aviva Premiership: Top four playoff - #1 v #4; #2 v #3; last 4 fixtures upcoming

Won Lo st Drawn MPts

Sar acen s 16 2 0 72

Northampton Sa ints 14 3 1 65

Le icester T igers 12 4 2 58

Bath Ru gb y 12 5 1 55

Sale Sh arks 11 7 0 51

Har leq uin s 11 7 0 49

London Wasp s 7 11 0 39

Glou cester Ru gb y 7 11 0 36

Exeter Ch iefs 7 11 0 35

London Ir ish 5 13 0 26

Newcast le Fa lcon s 3 15 0 19

Worcester Warr iors 1 17 0 10


Friday, 4.11.14

Sale Sharks (51) v Har lequins (49) at Salford City Stadium: these guys both are yet in the hunt for the last playoff spot, but the loser of this match may be out

Saturday, 4.12.14

Leicester Tigers (58) v London Wasps (39) at Welford Road: Tigers scorching hot now - 8 wins, 1 loss - even if it was last week’s H-Cup Q-f inal - and 1 drawn so far this year;

Worcester Warriors (10) v Exeter Chiefs (35) at Sixways: Warriors deuce innarow? Chiefs thinking, “maybe not”; c’mon the WorWars!

Gloucester Rugby (36) v Bath Rugby (55) at Kingsholm: Bath desperately needing victory, but so do homeboys

Sunday, 4.13.14

Saracens (72) v Northampton Saints (65) at Copthall Stadium: well how about those Sarr ies? Now;

London Ir ish (26) v Newcastle Falcons (19) at Madejski Stadium: a contest with heat;

Saracens going far and away uptop after f ive-point roadwork at Wasps, 32-20 ; Leicester continue to impress with the 22-16 win over fail ing Northampton; Bath also on the downward spiral, losing to visit ing Sharks, 11-12 ; Gloucester pippage of Exeter Chiefs, 14-13 , in their visit to Sandy Park means they move past Chiefs at table; and Warriors 1s t win of the season came at the expense of homeside, Newcastle Falcons, 17-12

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French XIV: #s 3-6 playoff 1s t Round as #s 1, 2 bye; then semi-f inals - 3 left

Won Lost Drawn M Pts Montpel l ier 13 9 1 66 Clermont Au ver gne 13 9 1 65 Tou lon 13 9 1 65 Castres 12 9 2 62 Rac in g Metro 13 8 2 60 Tou louse 11 11 1 58 Bordeau x Begles 12 11 0 58 Stad e França is 13 9 1 58 Brive 10 11 2 55 Grenob le 11 11 1 50 Oyonnax 11 12 0 48 Perp ignan 9 13 1 46 Bayonne 9 14 0 44 Biarr it z 4 18 1 26

Upcoming the T-14

Latest - makeup : Oyonnax have well and truly confounded Bordeaux’ playoff plans as they won and denied their guests on the day a losing bonus point as well, which would have put B-B clear into the f inal extra-time slot , a lbeit by a s ingle and there are three f ixtures remaining; but everyone is now level regards matches played and the real carnage wil l ensue - and with the end in sight only last-placed Biarr itz have been abjectly removed from post-season options

from 4.3.14 RM3R - B it l ike a mult iple-f ighter, cage match at the moment in France with last week’s leader, Clermont Auvergne, taking it on the chin at Brive, 24-26 , where Brive fullback, Gaetan Germain, was good for 21 of his side’s winning total on a dot, two conversions and four penalties; CA did manage the losing bonus-point;

Montpell ier are the new boss after whacking Bayonne, 43-27 ;

Toulon got the necessary over Toulouse, 32-28 , and are now all cozy with Clermont in 2n d;

Castres yet close after an unhappy knot at Biarritz, 34-the-pair , but they must rue the non- win on the Bay of Biscay;

Oyonnax smacked Grenoble around their park, 40-13 , and are now poised for a move up the charts;

Bordeaux Begles did the business on Perpignan, 23-5 , and are hard-eyed on the last playoff slottage with four to go for them as they’ve a match in hand;

Racing zipped right past Stade after road victory, 32-22 , in the Batai l le de Paris

Friday, 4.11.14: Clermont (65) v Castres (62);

Saturday, 4.12.14: Bordeaux Begles (58) v Toulon (65); Bayonne (44) v Stade (58); Grenoble (50) v Montpell ier (66); Perpignan (46) v Oyonnax (48); Racing (60) v Biarritz (26); Toulouse (58) v Brive (55)


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RaboDirect PRO12 - 4 left , though Glasgow & Edinburgh makeup yet

Won Lost Drawn MPts Le inster 14 3 1 68

Munster 14 4 0 63

Ulster 13 5 0 60

Glasgow * 13 4 0 56

Ospr eys 10 7 1 52

Scar lets 8 9 1 41

Ed inbur gh * 7 10 0 34

Connach t 6 12 0 34

Dragon s 6 11 1 30

Card if f B lu es 5 12 1 28

Benetton Treviso 4 13 1 24

Zebre 3 13 2 20

Ospreys should very much l ike the home win v league-leading Leinster , who could wind up being Ospreys extra-time opponent come first weekend of extra frames, should Ospreys make the top four at end of league play;

Leinster must not l ike last week’s H-Cup showing and wil l be sighting a large rebound, but not an i l l-discipl ined carom;

Ulster , too, wil l not l ike the way its Heineken Cup season went awry and wil l be looking for somebody to punch; uh-oh, here comes tr icky-tr icky Connacht on bob-and-weave;

Edinburgh should l ike the win here, but Blues may provide upset at Murrayfield;

Benetton Treviso wil l l ike victory at home versus Dragons , but that conclusion may be an errant pre-cast;

Munster , rock ‘n rolla’ r ight now after smacking Toulouse upside its H-Cup tête, wi l l bring the arti l lery to bear on RDP12 guests, Glasgow Warriors ;

Scarlets should l ike a handful over travel ing Zebre on Saturday, the RDP12 rugby day;


Friday, 4.11.14 Ospreys (52) v Leinster (68) Ulster (60) v Connacht (34)

Edinburgh (34) v Blues (28)

Saturday, 4.12.14 Benetton Treviso (24) v Dragons (30)

Munster (63) v Glasgow (56) Scarlets (41) v Zebre (20)

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Top points-earner this Heineken Cup season, Ulster ,

went down in hot, red f lames at Ravenhi l l as fullback

Jared Payne was removed from the match in the 4t h

minute due conduct unbecoming and hosts played nearly

the entire 80+ minutes down a man; Saracens Chris Ashton

celebrated a brace of groundings; second row power

Mouritz Botha got one and Sarries #10, Owen Farrell ,

slotted a conversion in the 17-15 road win;

Toulon were victors over Leinster , 29-14, breaking a 6-

all , halft ime deadlock with a brace of second stanza

groundings converted by Matt Giteau and a Delon

Armitage penalty, while the RDP12 frontrunners managed

only eight, second stanza numbers with a try by openside Shane Jenning’s replacement,

Jordi Murphy, and a Jimmy Gopperth penalty str ike;

Morgan Parra notched 17 points on f ive penalties and with Wesley Fofana’s f irst forty

effort converted by the halfback, Clermont Auvergne went on to record the 22-16 result

over traveling Leicester Tigers ;

Munster , leading Toulouse at halft ime, 13-9, grounded five, second period trys to

triumph at Thomond Park; the French club did dot a brace in the second forty that were

completed by Luke McAll ister replacement, Lionel Beauxis, but that fell short the 34 points

for the Irish in their last forty bonanza;

The Best Four in Heineken Cup competit ion wil l have it out on:

Saturday, April 26 - Saracens v Clermont Auvergne at Twickenham: gotta l ike Aviva

Premiership- leading Sarries in London, though Top XIV-topsiders Clermont are

well-capable of triumph on this rugby day;

Sunday, April 27 - Toulon v Munster at Stade Velodrome: again, gotta l ike the

grounds most proximitous organization, but Munster were absolutely on form

in their quarterfinal win; Jonny went out in the f irst forty last match and that

wil l weigh-in at the Marseil le Mass should Wilikinson’s injury persist;

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a l l c o n t e n t h e r e i n a n d t h e r e i n a n d e v e r y w h e r e i n R M 3 R © h R

Back Page(s)

*Daktari’s Rugby Cypher* last week’s solution: “It wasn’t going our way and no one

panicked.” Eagles Todd Clever on RWC qualifying win

Daktari, himself, with his own conversion first once more

today’s cryp below



text is encrypted

to solve: substitute letters in the pattern above to determine the rugby-related phrase.

RSVP the


Nike Rugby Camps Summer Youth Rugby 15s Camps instructed by USA Eagles front row,

Zach Fenoglio - [email protected] and staff day camp: Regis Jesuit High School campus, June 23-25, 2014

overnight camp: at RJHS, July 31 - August 3

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GG ll ee nn dd aa ll ee RR aa pp tt oo rr ss vv DD ee nn vv ee rr BB aa rr bb aa rr ii aa nn ss aa tt II nn ff ii nn ii tt yy ,, 33 pp mm SS aa tt uu rr dd aa yy

Das Diabolíque

Oi! A brand new Terminator 3

Kings Elite Special jigging rod?

You shouldn’t have! I’ll just

have to be spending a whole

bunch more time … workin’

the fishies!!!

I know



last week’s crossword solution will be posted in next week’s


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GG ll ee nn dd aa ll ee RR aa pp tt oo rr ss vv DD ee nn vv ee rr BB aa rr bb aa rr ii aa nn ss aa tt II nn ff ii nn ii tt yy ,, 33 pp mm SS aa tt uu rr dd aa yy

Down the Whistler hR ©

XV rugby


Playoffs coming at us from every which way right now

not every PRP last calls

Yeah, it’s wonderful!

they play Raptors next week

nope. I’m goin’, you goin’?

Did I tell you about me when I, I, I, me, me, me…

you kidding me?

NSCRO war? Best Four at end of

the month… DU’s in! And there’s CU and USA Rugby Men’s

College D-1A

pretty much

Women’s clubside D-1

with Black Ice headlining

Ah but for-tu-nate-ly… I have the key…

High School…

High School Ds


Men’s D-2

I’m going!

…Well in 1814 we took a little trip along with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississipp’…

we took a little bacon and we took a little beans and fought the bloody British in the town of New Orleans…

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