Page 1: Ritualuri si viata oamenilor preistorici By Buse Marian

Ritualuri si viata oamenilor preistorici

By Buse Marian

Page 2: Ritualuri si viata oamenilor preistorici By Buse Marian

Stone Age

Page 3: Ritualuri si viata oamenilor preistorici By Buse Marian

Stone Age is a period of prehistory in which people used, in particular, include stone tools from piatră.Epoca a long time in human history. Throughout this period, there were significant climate changes or other developments that have influenced people. Modern man is the result of this development ended with the end of an era stone.   Stone Age is the age in which people were struggling with giant bear and the lion caves, catching wild ox, primitive horse is measured by the mammoth or other huge animals that had to win with weapons and intelligence of its own.   Food sources of hunter-gatherer people of the Stone Age included both animals and plants belonging to the natural environment in which they lived. They ate the bodies preferably animals, including liver, kidney and brain. Do not consume many dairy or carbohydrate-rich plant foods such as vegetables or cereals.

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It is believed that the first man-made structure (building) was raised in East Africa some 2,000,000 years ago, consisting of stacked stones to take twigs into place. A similar arrangement of stones, of circular form, found 500,000 years old, was discovered at Terra Amata, near Nice (France).    Cave paintings were painted on rocks and were more natural representation than petroglifele. During paleoliticã representation of human beings in cave paintings was reduced. In general, animals were represented: not only animals' which were a source of food but also animals that represented strength, such as rhinos and big cats. Sometimes, such signs were drawn points. Among human representations, and prints include images of hands and half man / half animal.    Modern studies and detailed analysis of the finds of Stone Age period indicate certain rituals and beliefs of people since then. It is believed now that the Stone Age activities encompassed more than the immediate needs of securing food and finding shelter. They were charged specific death rituals and burial. More stone age sites in different parts of the world traces of dance and rituals of initiation.

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Now 4,500 years, Egypt was a rich country, ruled by a pharaoh. Country Egypt is Herodotus called "a gift of the Nile." Without the Nile, Egypt is not only a corner of the vast Sahara desert. Prior to 4000 BC. Hr, each tribe was independent, having its own gods, temples , priests, rites and specific beliefs. After unification, each tribe retained some religious autonomy. gods of each tribe were retained, forming a pantheon, but each had its local deity they worship separately. Faith in the next life was as land of Egypt is littered with funerary monuments that no other country in the world, ancient Egyptian life considering it as a mere passage to another life.   To keep the names are forever, Pharaohs were commanded to build the Great Pyramid to be buried. To build the pyramids, it took thousands of slaves who Tarau and then the building blocks of stone one another

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Egyptians ancients were some architects special since Egypt are located today largest monument stone from Terra, and only miracle ancient world retained until today "Pyramid of Kheops". Studies discovered that pyramids were constructed lightish: as pyramid grew around, workers were one ramp which amounted blocks stone on some sledges wooden. Thereby they decked block after block until pyramid was completed then ramp was removed leaving pyramid alone throughout splendor. Today, Egypt only few pyramids longer whole unfortunately.    Mitologia Egyptians is vast. Hardest god was Ra, god sun. Egyptians believed that form it has pyramid imitates sunlight towards earth. Precisely why some kings were buried even pyramids because thought think this helps passage driver this world next world where have life eternal.    Know that Egyptians had Strongest knowledge astronomical. Sa discovered all pyramids plateau Giza are arranged exactly like one mirror Earth of constellation Orion. Egyptians believed that there is house Osiris, god dead and world beyond. But known clear whether this wanted Egyptians make.

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Ancient Greece

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In the years 500 BC, Greece was a prosperous country, consisting of several city-states (polisuri). Each had one or more theaters, temples and military. All Greek actors wore masks, and the choir sang and danced during the performance.    Greeks deal in other cities and other countries sent their goods by sea. Residents elected, democratically, a leader of the city. The distinguishing feature of ancient Greek society was the division tooth free and slave, the role of women and men differently.    Most families had slaves as domestic servants or as workers, even relatively poor families may have one or two slaves. Owners were allowed to beat or kill their slaves without being punished by law. But however, had no sense that evil slave masters to worthy because they have no sense to spoil something that belonged to them. To encourage slaves to work hard, sometimes owners promised them they would be released. Unlike Rome, freed slaves in Greece did not become citizens. Instead, former slaves mingled with non-citizen population that included people from other districts or states to which they were allowed, officially, to live in city-states.

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Ancient Olympic Games, called the original Olympic Games (Olympiakoi Agones) consisted of a series of athletic competitions taking place in an arena, the different cities of Ancient Greece. They started in 776 BC in Olympia-Greece and were celebrated until 393 when the Emperor romanTeodosiu were abolished. Some sources consider the year 884 BC the probable date of the first Olympic Games, however, for historians since 776 BC there is a precise chronology of the game]. Games took place every four years, summer holidays in the days of Zeus, in the northwest Peloponnesus, in plain Olimpia. Attended only by men of Greek origin, while women were not allowed to present any spectatoare. Also, only citizens were admitted free, slaves were excluded.

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