
Rise of the Taliban

Soviet-Afghan War

1979: S.U. invades Afghanistan (afraid of U.S. control)

Early 80’s: S.U. takes control, installs puppet government

Mid 80’s: Mujahideen (Afghan freedom fighters) increase resistance

Mid 80’s: U.S. secretly trains and supplies Mujahideen

1979: S.U. invades Afghanistan (afraid of U.S. control)

Early 80’s: S.U. takes control, installs puppet government

Mid 80’s: Mujahideen (Afghan freedom fighters) increase resistance

Mid 80’s: U.S. secretly trains and supplies Mujahideen

Soviet-Afghan War

The Stinger: Heat seeking missile allows Mujahideen to destroy Soviet helicopters

1989: S.U. withdraws from Afghanistan after failing to end the resistance

The Stinger: Heat seeking missile allows Mujahideen to destroy Soviet helicopters

1989: S.U. withdraws from Afghanistan after failing to end the resistance


1992: Afghans remove Soviet puppet government 1992-1994: Tribal/Mujahideen leaders fight a

brutal civil war for power (**There are many ethnic/linguistic groups still in Afghanistan today.**)

1994: Mohammed Omar creates the Taliban

1992: Afghans remove Soviet puppet government 1992-1994: Tribal/Mujahideen leaders fight a

brutal civil war for power (**There are many ethnic/linguistic groups still in Afghanistan today.**)

1994: Mohammed Omar creates the Taliban

Goals: 1- End the violence and lawlessness 2- Create an Islamic state with an ultra-

conservative interpretation of the Koran

Goals: 1- End the violence and lawlessness 2- Create an Islamic state with an ultra-

conservative interpretation of the Koran

The Taliban

1995: Taliban control most of Afghanistan

Late 90’s: Taliban installs strict laws and murders Shia opponents

Taliban Sharia (Islamic law) No dancing, TV, music, education for women,

clapping at sporting events, or hanging pictures in homes

Women forced to wear the Burka Men must grow beards Police kill/beat those who do not comply

1995: Taliban control most of Afghanistan

Late 90’s: Taliban installs strict laws and murders Shia opponents

Taliban Sharia (Islamic law) No dancing, TV, music, education for women,

clapping at sporting events, or hanging pictures in homes

Women forced to wear the Burka Men must grow beards Police kill/beat those who do not comply

Al Qaeda

1996: Bin Laden moves to Afghanistan, supports Taliban and builds Al Qaeda:

Goals of Al Qaeda: 1- Eliminate western influence in Muslim

countries 2- Recreate a Muslim Caliphate (one large

Islamic nation)

1996: Bin Laden moves to Afghanistan, supports Taliban and builds Al Qaeda:

Goals of Al Qaeda: 1- Eliminate western influence in Muslim

countries 2- Recreate a Muslim Caliphate (one large

Islamic nation)

1998: Al Qaeda bombs U.S. embassies in Africa

9/11/2001: Al Qaeda attacks NYC and WTC

9/21/2001: Taliban refuses to hand over Bin Laden

10/17/2001: U.S. invades Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom) to eliminate Taliban and destroy Al Qaeda

1998: Al Qaeda bombs U.S. embassies in Africa

9/11/2001: Al Qaeda attacks NYC and WTC

9/21/2001: Taliban refuses to hand over Bin Laden

10/17/2001: U.S. invades Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom) to eliminate Taliban and destroy Al Qaeda

12/2001: Taliban retreats to mountains along Afghan-Pakistan border 2006-2010: Taliban resistance increases

Suicide bombings I.E.D (Improvised Explosive Devices)

5/2011: Pres. Obama announced Bin Laden was killed by US forces in Pakistan

6/2011:President Obama announced that 10,000 troops would be withdrawn from Afghanistan by the end of 2011, and the 33,000 "surge" troops would be withdrawn by the end of 2012.

5/2012: NATO summit endorses the plan to withdraw foreign combat troops by the end of 2014.

9/2012: Total number of US soldiers killed in the Afghan war reaches 2,000.

End of 2014: US and NATO forces are to withdraw from the country

12/2001: Taliban retreats to mountains along Afghan-Pakistan border 2006-2010: Taliban resistance increases

Suicide bombings I.E.D (Improvised Explosive Devices)

5/2011: Pres. Obama announced Bin Laden was killed by US forces in Pakistan

6/2011:President Obama announced that 10,000 troops would be withdrawn from Afghanistan by the end of 2011, and the 33,000 "surge" troops would be withdrawn by the end of 2012.

5/2012: NATO summit endorses the plan to withdraw foreign combat troops by the end of 2014.

9/2012: Total number of US soldiers killed in the Afghan war reaches 2,000.

End of 2014: US and NATO forces are to withdraw from the country

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