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Taylor Swift is making her way towards the backstage of the

VMA’s. She looks slightly confused as she is looking for

Beyonce’s room. Taylor crinkles her nose and has the

sniffles, but smiles when she sees Beyonce’s room.


... Not that bad.


No she’s not bad... she’s horrible.

Door is cracked so Taylor can peek in without being noticed.

Lights are dimly lit, with light on Kanye, Beyonce, and

Kanye’s hoes.


Well you wanna know what I think?

She’s overrated, all her fans are

12 year old girls, and her music is

about a fake little fairy tale.

Frankly... she’s lame.


(laughs and takes a swig of


I just ended that fairy tale.

Hoes laugh. Taylor cries and runs off into the night.


Taylor is sitting on a crate crying, leaning against a

dumpster as it’s drizzling outside.


... You ever done crack?


(Looks over at Homeless Man,

rolling around with his bag of

crack after he climbs out of a


No, no I have not.


(Pulls up a crate next to her,

combs his hair without much


What happened to you, sweet cheeks?


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I used to be famous, but apparently

people hate me now.


(Combs hair again.)

Ya know, I used to run this

country. But then someone

interrupted me in the middle of a

speech, and people never stopped

making fun of me for it!


OH MY GOD, me too!


(Looks away, snorts something

in the shadows.)

It’s a bitch, aint it? Here, try

some of this. It’ll make you feel a

lot better.


(Leans in, about to take some

drugs before noticing the

newspaper article.)

Hmmm, this is interesting... an

internship for an advertising

company... I COULD use a change of


Homeless man grumbles to himself, takes his drugs and walks



Taylor is standing in the elevator, checking herself out in

the reflection on the mirror-y wall of the elevator.

Taylor walks out of the elevator onto a floor full of

cubicles. Phones are ringing, office workers are making

their way to their designated areas.


You must be Crystal?


Hey, yeah, that’s me! Crystal! Nice

to meet you!


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(Stares back with a mundane


That’s nice. Come this way.

Taylor smiles and shakes her hand. The assistant gives an

overview of her job description as they make their way

through the office, to her desk.


Lucky you. Your next to the boss’

office. You better stay on task. So

I don’t know what little princess

life you were babied on, but here

we don’t baby, you. We give you

your assignments and you do them.

If I see you crying about any of

this then I will have the janitor

stay here all night and keep the

place open so you can work the

entire night. You read me?

Nancy drops a huge stack of papers on Taylor’s desk.


Looks like you’re already behind.


(Taylor looks inferior as

Nancy walks off.)


MOOSE rolls over in a office chair. He is dressed very



we call her negative Nancy.


HUH. I can see why.


You look like you’re new around



Yep, first day. Don’t know anybody

and I don’t know what to do yet.


Ah... I can help you out. My

name’s Moose.(he extends his hand)


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Crystal. Nice to meet you.


Over there is Blair, but people

call him snitch. He’s known as the

office taddle tale. So be on your

best behavior. (points to the next



ok... (smiles and nods)


Todd. He’s a quiet guy but don’t

let that fool you. He may keep to

himself, but if he’s hungry, he has

no problem going through your desk

to find a snack.(points across the

room) Tony. He has ADD. We think

he’s taking too high of a dose of

focus medicine, so don’t let it

bother you if he stares at you for

a longtime. He’s not creepy. His

meds make him focus a little too

much. (points to the guy in the

corner) Kristin. DOn’t ask her any

favors, she immediately forgets and

will do it all wrong.


WOW! haha... There are some

characters in this office.


Oh yeah! I’ll introduce you to more

of them later. (Taylor smiles at

Moose) Ok, I gotta get back to work

before the office snitch catches me

chatting. But it you need any

help, I’m right behind you.


Thanks a lot! You have been very

helpful. (phone rings...) Hello

this is Crystal.


Hello. This is your boss. Come to

my office.


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Ok. Be the in a minute.(hangs up

and makes her way to his office)


Hey! I wanted to formally introduce

myself. My name is...


Crystal. Nice to meet you.


Now I can match a pretty face to

your name. (he smiles)


Thanks! (she blushes and smiles,

Boss’ has a regretful smile) Oh you

play guitar?


No, I wish. One of my clients

signed it for me.


Oh that’s cool.


How are things going so far?


Alright, I just have a lot of paper

work to go trough.


I bet. Well if you need any help,

you can stop by or give me a ring.


Totally! (she walks back to her



The day is over. Taylor drivs back to her apartment. Makes

her way up the stairs, opens the door, meets her roommate

for the first time.


Hey Roomie! I’m Crystal! Nice to

finally meet you!


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Hi. Beth.(Stares with a blank look)


I hope you don’t mind some of the

things I have added to the

apartment. (they both stare at

Taylor’s side, all decorated with

glamour. Then they look at Beth’s

side, very dull and bland)


It’s fine. (monotone,



Well, I’ve had a long day of work

so I’m going to go relax in my

room. (anxiously leaves awkward



Next morning, Taylor is finishing up the pile of

paperwok. Gets side tracked when song ideas flood her mind

about her beautiful boss. She grabs a pencil and pad of



Scribbles her ideas down on

post-its, sticks them all over her

desk and computer screen.She begins

to hum excitedly and her actions

are becoming distracting


Um... Excuse me miss? (Taylor

doesn’t notice) Excuse me!(raises

his voice and slaps the desk and

Taylor jumps up)Your humming is

very distracting!


Oh... I’m so sorry.


Are you even doing your work?


Um... I was... (Moose nervously

glances over his shoulder to see

what is going on.)


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Looks like I need to report you to

the boss. (shadey smile)


Report what to me?


This chick isn’t doing her work.

She’s humming and scribbling all

over these post-it notes.


Blair. Get back to work.


Yes sir. (glares at Taylor as he



So what are you up to?


I’m so sorry. I just need a break

from the paperwork so I started

scribbling song ideas out. I didnt

mean to disrupt. (Boss picks up a

few and reads them)


These are pretty good. ( he

smiles)But you should probably get

back to work.


Yes. Of course. (giggly again)


The work day is over and Taylor is out in the nearly empty

parking lot, waiting by the boss’s car. The boss walks out

the door and notices Taylor. He pauses, slightly confused,

and then continues walking towards her and his car.


Hey... Do you need a ride or



Oh no... What are you doing

tonight? (awkward silence)


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Well, I have dinner with my clients



Oh... (She glances at the dashboard

and and sees his reservations)


Yeah... Ok well I got to go or I’ll

be late.


Definitely. Have a nice night. (She

leans in for a hug as he extends

his hand.)


Uh... Yeah... you... too...(their

hug and handshake turns into an

awkward high five. He jumps into

his car and drives off.)


Taylor is sitting across the street from the restaurant

entrance, dressed in a disguise of a mustache and glasses,

pretending to read a newspaper.


(Talking to herself)

What should I say if he comes out?

Should I say anything? I could

crack a joke. I have a few jokes.

No, I should just-

Andrew and his date walk out of the restaurant. Taylor

quickly puts the newspaper up in front of her face.


... and that’s when I told her-

(Glances over at where Taylor

is sitting)

I feel like I know that person.


(Walks out of the restaurant

with Andrew, well-dressed and

laughing with Andrew)

I don’t think you do. Is there

anyone at your work who wears a



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(Whispering to herself)

Oh good, they don’t know its me...

unless I’ve worn a mustache to work

before. No, Taytay, that’s just



Huh. Naw, don’t think I know that

guy. Come on, dear. Let’s stroll

along the canal and discuss people

we find silly.



Oh, I have to tell you about this

one girl at the VMA’s, oh she was

just a HOOT!

Their voices fade into the distance, and Taylor can no

longer make out what they’re saying. She breathes a sigh of

relief that they didn’t catch her, but is concerned as to

why the boss was with Beyonce.


Taylor wanders into the office to find a scene of people

excitedly chattering over Andrew’s party.


Oh my god. Have you heard? The boss

is throwing a CRAZY party this

weekend at his mansion. Really

fancy, celebrities will be invited,

and free booze!


I even heard Hugh Heffner will be

there, right? This is CRAZY.


I know, right? OH MY GOD, I AM SO


Taylor watches the two ladies wander off, and picks up one

of the invitations they left behind.


(To herself)

The boss is having a party? That

sounds interesting... I wonder

where my invitation.


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Moose walks up behind Taylor.


Hey there, Crystal! You see the

invitations for the boss’ party?

It’s going to be just FABULOOUUUS!


Oh yeah! I’m pretty excited to be

going. Yep!


What are you going to wear? Oh my

GOD, what am I going to wear? I

need to start thinking about these


Moose wanders off.


You know what? I’m going to this

party. Andrew surely just must have

forgot to invite me. Oh I have the

perfect dress to wear!

Taylor walks off to her desk.


Taylor is arguing with the sale’s clerk in the

large, brightly-lit dressing-room area, as the

frustrated sales clerk holds multiple dresses of different

styles and colors for Taylor to try on.


Mam’ I brought you a variety of

dresses. Do you know exactly what

kind of party this is? Is there a

theme we have to go with? What

exactly are you going for?


(rolls eyes)

Here’s the thing: the love of my

life is throwing a party tonight,

the theme is... HAPPILY EVER AFTER!

I need vibrant, happy, love




(looks through rack of dresses

she brought)


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CONTINUED: 11.’s this lovely lilac

night-gown, as you can see, it has

a low-cut...


(cuts in)

PURPLE! You expect me to try on a

PURPLE dress to wear on the most

important night of my life!

Throws the dress back at the clerk.



Mam’ you said you wanted vibrant

colors. I’ve brought you different

styles and colors of dresses...

(composes self)

BUT.. I could give you our website,

which offers a variety of colors in

different styles of dresses, you

could even as-...


WAIT! Give me that one!

Taylor shuffles through the many dresses the sales clerk

brought her, picking out a pink night-gown and dropping most

of the rest to the ground as the sales clerk watches




This is the one!


Pink! screams "I love you and

I want to spend the rest of my life

with you"



well Mam’ I’m gla-


Ring me up!

(hums to the register)

" belong with meeee, baby

cant you seeee..."

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Everyone stares at Taylor who arrives to the party in a limo

and is dressed up in her glittery, pink formal dress and

outdoes everyone else dressed in black and white formal



(waving and walking toward the




...who is she suppose to be?

...isn’t this suppose to be a black

and white formal?

Limos continue to pull up, as Taylor makes her way inside


As Taylor walks in, she notices the DJ playing soft music on

a stage across the room filled with people chatting, some

looking and whispering about her, and waiters passing out



Hey, excuse me...

(pointing at a waiter)

..come that a stage? For

anyone to sing on?


Ummm...well mam’, there will be

entertainment later on tonight.

(extending out his tray of


would you like a drink of



Yes! I definitely need to drink

something... something to clear my


(takes a glass of champagne)


(gulps the glass down)

...bring me a bottle!

After a few hours, Taylor walks around the party with one

strap of her dress down, visibly looking for Andrew.


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..excuse me...where’s ...Andrew?

(to a waiter)


Are you ok mam’? Mr. Andrew is

around here somewhere, he’s

mingling with the guests.


soooo...he’s still here? and he

will most likely hear me from....

the microphone?



The microphone? Mam’ ...the

microphone is reserved for-


shhhh....I know... I was just

wondering... go away now.

Waiter walks away as Taylor stumbles over to the microphone,

visibly tipsy and interrupts everyone with an announcement.


Hi everyone! Listen up, listen up,

listen up... I have a veeerrryyy

special surprise for


Andrew... a song I wrote for him...

and I want all of you to witness


Taylor starts to sing. People in the crowd quiet down. Kanye

West stumbles in through a side door talking out loud. His

sunglasses nearly come off his face but he catches them and

puts them back on crooked.


Who the Helllllllll changed the...

(Looks up, then laughs)

You have got to be shittin me! Can

you believe this trick?!

From Taylor’s point of view, you can see Kanye moving

through the crowed towards the front. People are spilling

their drinks as Kanye bumps shoulders with them. Kanye tip

toes up onto the table that Taylor is on, taking the mic.


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Uhh, hey you pri...

(Kanye interrupts)


Alright alright alright alright.

Now girl, you’re song is alright,

aw what am I kidding. That was

probably one of the worst songs of

alllllllll time! Now get off the

stage before you embarrass yourself

even more.

(laughs and raises his drink)

Now who here wants to here

something real classy!?

Kanye snaps his fingers to signal the DJ to start a beat.

Kanye begins to rap and at the same time is waving bye to

Taylor as well as rubbing his eyes with his knuckles. Taylor

runs off to the bathroom crying. Walks in and puts her

guitar on the ground. Begins to talk to herself in the



Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid



No, you’re better than that, just

because he is a big meanie doesn’t

mean you have to stoop down to his

level. Just go back out there and

tell Andrew how you feel, and he

will fix everything.

Suddenly Andrew and Beyonce bust through the bathroom door

making out with each other. They get up against the wall

oblivious to their surroundings.




Did someone say something?


No they didn’t baby.

Andrew and Beyonce continue to make out. Taylor growls her

voice and then starts screaming. She quickly picks up her

guitar, kicks off her heels, and bolts it out of the

bathroom. Runs toward Kanye.


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Kanye, you stupid jack ass I’m

gonna kill you!


(quietly to himself)

Holy shit...

Taylor hits Kanye in the head with the guitar, knocking him

out. The music stops and everyone gets quiet. Andrew and

Beyonce come out of the bathroom. Beyonce buttons her pants

back on. Taylor snaps and turns around towards both of them.



Andrew and Beyonce look at eachother. Taylor runs toward

them. The crowd creates a path for Taylor.


Listen here skank, you’re video had

to be one of the most retarded,

sluttiest things I’ve ever seen.

All you did was shake your donk,

there was nothing clever to it!


Ummm excuse me? You wish you had a

donk that could tell stories, you

donkless bitch.


Who care about your donk?!



I care about her donk...


I can’t believe I wrote a stupid

song for you! Also, by the way, my

name isn’t really Cristal Hamilton.

I’m Taylor Swift and it’s a shame,

cause now I bet you regret not

being with me!


Ummm actually, I’ve known you were

Taylor Swift this whole time. We

all actually did. We all thought it

would be funny if we just played

along. And of course, it ended up

being hilarious.


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Beyonce snickers and begins to laugh. Taylor reaches over

and pulls on her hair.


Oh my goodness! someone call the


Flashes begin to light up the party from everyone taking

pictures. Taylor pulls off Beyonce’s wig.


Oh My sweet cheeks! Forget the

police, someone call a hair



Wow, would have never guessed.

(looks down at wig and laughs)

Cops bust in through crowd and slam Taylor up against wall.


What are you doing?!


We are arresting you for possibly

killing Kanye’s moment, and for

getting in a fight with this man



I’m not a man! My wig, I mean hair

just fell off. She ripped it off.


My apologies...

(Looks up and down)


Taylor pushes a cop off and runs down the hallway. Cops taze

her and she drops to the ground. Screen goes black.


Up close on Taylor’s face. She is resting her head on her



They might be able to contain me,

but that doesn’t mean they can

contain my music.

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Picks up her guitar and begins to play her song about

everything that happened. The camera zooms out and you

notice she is sitting in a jail cell.

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Shot List : Crystal Hamilton

Scene Shot Description Elements

1 1 Establishing shot / High-Angle Taylor walking backstage BG: Hallway leading to Beyonce’s room

2 Long-Shot / Panning to follow Taylor

Props: Various stage props are littered about Taylor walking to the hallway

3 Medium Close-Up of Taylor SFX: Voices of Beyonce and Kanye coming from Beyonce’s room

4 Long-Shot of Taylor and Doorway to Beyonce’s room

Taylor leaning towards doorway to peer in, light shining from doorway onto floor

5 POV Taylor, Medium Shot on Beyonce

SFX: Beyonce talking to Kanye

6 POV Taylor, Medium Shot on Kanye

SFX: Kanye talking to Beyonce

7 Medium Close-Up on Taylor SFX: Taylor crying

8 High-Angle / Long-Shot Taylor sprinting down the hallway crying BG: Hallway walls with pictures, doorway to Beyonce’s room

9 Medium Close-Up of Kanye and Beyonce

SFX: Both actors laughing

2 1 High angle, Establishing shot of Taylor sitting on a crate leaning on a dumpster in a dark alley

BG: Large dumpster against brick wall Ch.1: Taylor SFX: Taylor crying

2 Close up of Taylor crying BG: Brick wall, side of dumpster Ch.1: Taylor SFX: Taylor crying

3 High angle, Medium shot of homeless man walking up towards Taylor

BG: Brick wall, dumpster Ch.1: Taylor Ch.2: Homeless man

4 Low angle, Close up of homeless man looking down

BG: Dark Alley Ch.1: Homeless man

5 Low angle, Long shot of Taylor looking up at homeless man

BG: Dark alley Ch.1: Taylor Ch.2: Homeless man

6 High angle, Medium shot of homeless man grabbing crate

BG: Dumpster Ch.1: Homeless man Props: crate

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9 Medium Shot: Taylor and homeless man sitting next to each other. Homeless man combing his hair

BG: Alley Wall, Dumpster Char1: Taylor Char2: Homeless man Props: Comb

10 Close Up Shot: Camera is facing Taylor

BG: Trash Char1: Taylor

11 Medium Close up: Camera is behind Taylor. Homeless man looks away.

BG: Dumpster Char1: Taylor Char2: Homeless man

12 High Angle/Medium Shot: Camera above Taylor as she leans in.

Char1: Taylor Char2: Homeless man

13 Low Angle/Medium Close up: Focus is on the Newspaper.

BG: alley light Char1: 1 Taylor Props: Newspaper

14 Wide Angle/ Medium Shot: Taylor stay fixated on her newspaper. Homeless man walks out of frame.

BG: alley wall and light

7 Slight high angle, Extreme Close-up of Taylor looking down

BG: Brick wall Ch.1: Taylor

8 Medium Close-up of homeless man combing through his hair

BG: Dumpster and trash can Ch.1: Taylor Ch.2: Homeless man Props: Comb

3 1 Medium Shot: Over Taylor’s shoulder

BG: Shiny elevator Char1: Taylor

2 Medium Shot: The doors open, Taylor walks out onto the floor

BG: Extras in the elevator Char1: Taylor

3 Wide Shot: Taylor standing in the middle of the hectic office

BG: cubicles Char1: Taylor Prop: Holding stack of papers

4 Medium Shot: Nancy walks toward Taylor

BG: office cubicles Char1: Taylor Char2: Nancy Prop: stacks of paper

5 Medium Shot: frontal shot of Nancy and Taylor walking to her desk

BG: office Char1: Taylor Char2: Nancy Props: Stack of papers

6 Close Shot: Nancy’s hands dropping stack of papers on desk.

BG: Desk surface Props: Desk, papers

7 Medium Shot: Nancy and Taylor Desk, office chair

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11 Close Shot: Moose and Taylor talking

BG: cubicle Char1: Taylor Char2: Moose

12 Close Shot: Todd going through someone’s desk and finding a bag of chips

BG: cubicle Char1: Todd Props: bag of chips

13 Close Shot: Taylor and moose Char1: Taylor Char2: Moose

14 Medium Shot: Tony at desk, staring off with a blank look

BG: office cubicles Char1: Tony Props: desk

15 Medium Shot: Kristin working at her desk

BG; cubicles Char1: Kristin Props: cups of pens, stapler, desk, paper

16 Medium Shot: Taylor speaking BG: cubicle Char1: Taylor

17 Medium Shot: Moose speaking BG: cubicle Char1: Moose

18 Medium shot: Taylor and moose BG: Cubible Char1: Taylor Char2: Moose

19 Close Shot: Taylor’s hand picking up phone

BG: Desk surface Char1: Taylor’s hand Props: phone

20 Medium Shot: Taylor BG: Cubicle Char1: Taylor

21 Wide Shot: Taylor walking to Boss’ office

BG: office and extras Char1: Taylor Props: office desks

22 Medium Shot: Boss sitting at desk BG: Fancy office Char1: Taylor Char2: Boss Props: book shelves, couches, fancy desk

8 Wide Shot: Of Taylor, and moose rolls up from behind into the picture

BG: Cubicle Char1: Taylor Char2: Moose Props: Cubicles, office extras

9 CS: moose and Taylor talking BG: Cubicle Char1: Taylor Char2: Moose

10 Medium Shot: Blair BG: surrounding cubicles Char1: Blair Props: desk

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23 Wide Shot: Taylor standing in front boss’ desk

BG: office Char1: Taylor Char2: Boss

24 Medium Shot: Taylor looking at the guitar hanging on the wall

BG: Boss’ office Char1: Taylor Props: guitar

25 Medium Shot: Boss and Taylor talking

BG: Office Char1: Taylor Char2: Boss Props: guitar

26 Wide Shot: Boss And Taylor BG: Boss office’s Char1: Taylor Char2: Boss Props: desk

27 Medium Shot: Boss talking BG: Boss’ Office Char1: Boss Props: desk, shelves

28 Wide Shot: Taylor leaving Boss’ office

BG: Boss’ office Char1: Taylor

29 Close Shot: Over the shoulder shot of Taylor driving home

BG: parking lot Char1: Taylor Props: car

30 Low Angle/ Wide Shot: Taylor heading up to her apartment

BG: Stair well Char1: Taylor Props: work bag and papers

31 Medium Shot: Taylor unlocking her door to the apartment

BG: apartment hallway Char1: Taylor Props: apartment keys, bag, papers

32 Medium Shot: Taylor intruding herself to roommate, Beth

BG: apartment Char1: Taylor Char2: Beth Props: kitchen, living room

33 Wide Shot: Taylor showing Beth her decorations

BG: Taylor’s side of the apartment Char1: Taylor Char2: Beth Props: Her girly accessories

34 Close Shot: Beth standing on her side of the apartment

BG: Beth’s side of the apartment Char1: Taylor Char2: Beth Props: Her bland stuff

35 Close Shot: Taylor and Beth talking BG: Apartment Char1: Taylor Char2: Beth Props: Bedroom, door

4 1 Close up: Taylor behind the BG: Back of her car

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steering wheel of her car Char1: Taylor Props: Steering Wheel

2 Medium/ Low Angle: Taylor walks up the stairs.

BG: Top of the stairs, door way Char1: Taylor

3 Medium Shot: Side of Taylor as she opens the door to her apartment

BG: Hallway Char1: Taylor

4 Medium Shot/Low Angle: Inside apartment as Taylor walks in.

BG: Taylor Char1: Taylor

5 Medium Close up/High Angle: Beth looking at Taylor

BG: Floor Char1:Beth

6 Wide Angle Shot: Taylor and Beth looking at eachother

BG: Apartment Wall Char1: Taylor Char2: Beth

5 1 Wide Shot: Taylor working at her desk

BG: Cubicles Char1: Taylor Props: desk, papers, post-its

2 Close Shot: Taylor pauses during her paper work

BG: desk Char1: Stack of papers Props: post-its, pencils

3 Medium Shots: Taylor begins scribbling on post-its

BG: Cubicle Char1: Taylor Props: Post-its

4 Close Shot: Taylor’s hands writing on post-it notes

BG: Desk Surface Char1: Taylor Props: Pencil and post –its

5 Medium Shot: behind Taylor BG: cubicle/desk Char1: Taylor Props: papers, post-its, pencil

6 Wide Shot: Blair approaches Taylor from her left

BG: Cubicle/office Char1: Taylor Char2: Blair Props: post-its

7 Close Shot: Blair’s hand slapping Taylor’s desk

BG: Desk Surface Char1: Blair Props: Desk, papers, post-its.

8 Medium/Side Shot: Blair is fussing at Taylor

BG: Office Char1: Taylor Char2: Blair Props: post-its

9 Wide Shot: Boss approaches Blair to see what the fuss is about, Blair

BG: office Char1: Blair

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walks away Char2: Boss Props: post-its

10 Medium Shot: Boss questions Taylor

BG: cubicle Char1: Taylor Char2: Boss Props: post-its

11 Close Shot: Boss reads Taylor’s post-it notes

BG: office Char1: Boss

12 Close Shot: Taylor looks up and smiles

BG: cubicle/ desk Char1: Taylor Props: post-its

6 1 Tracking Shot: Following Andrew out the door to his car.

BG: Taylor at the car Char1: Andrew Props: Car

2 Long Shot: Over Taylor’s shoulder as Andrew Approaches

BG: Building and parking lot Char1: Andrew

3 Medium Shot: Taylor leaning against the car

BG: Parking lot Char1: Taylor

4 Medium/Low Angle Shot: Taylor and Andrew

Char1: Taylor Char2: Andrew

5 Medium Shot: Taylor and the tickets in the car

BG: Parking Lot Char1: Taylor Prop1: Car Prop2: Tickets

6 Long Shot: Taylor and Andrew awkwardly high fiving

BG: parking lot Char1: Taylor Char2: Andrew Prop1: car

7 High Angle: Taylor as Andrew drives off

BG: Andrew driving off Char1: Taylor Prop: car

7 1 Establishing shot/ high-angle Bench Taylor is sitting on, front of the restaurant, long stretch of street separating them

2 Long shot/high-angle Taylor sitting on the bench, lampost

3 Medium Close-Up Taylor’s disguise props, newspaper

4 POV /long-shot From Taylor’s view, the front of the restaurant

5 Medium Close-Up SFX: Actress talking to herself

6 POV/long-shot Andrew and Beyonce walking out of restaurant BG: Restaurant store front

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7 Long-Shot of bench and opposite side of street

Taylor on bench, covering herself with newspaper prop

8 Medium Close-Up on 2 actors SFX: Both Andrew and Beyonce conversing

9 Medium Close-Up on Taylor SFX: Both Andrew and Beyonce conversing

10 Long-shot of 2 actors SFX: Both Andrew and Beyonce conversing

11 Long-shot of Taylor SFX: Taylor whispering to herself

12 Panning long shot of 2 actors SFX: Both Andrew and Beyonce conversing as they walk down the street into the distance

13 High-angle/long-shot BG: 2 actors walking into the darkness down the street, Taylor sitting on bench, restaurant across the street

14 Medium Close-Up SFX: Taylor whispering to herself.

15 High-Angle Vertical Pedestal moving up

Whole street Taylor sitting on bench, storefronts

8 1 Establishing shot/Panning around office

Panning around office, 10 extras standing around talking to one another

2 Long-shot of Taylor Taylor walking in BG: Door frame, cubicles

3 Medium Close-Up of Office Lady 1 SFX: Talking about party

4 Medium Close-Up of Office Lady 2 SFX: Talking about party

5 Medium Close-Up of Office Lady 1 SFX: Talking about party

6 Panning Long-shot, following two office ladies as they walk off

Two extras, cubicles, windows for the office

7 High-Angle POV Taylor’s view; invitation prop on cubicle desk

8 Medium Close-Up Taylor picking up invitation prop BG: cubicle wall covered in notes and pictures

9 Long-shot of Taylor SFX: Taylor talking to herself about the party

10 Low-angle, panning shot as actor enters

Moose walking up behind Taylor BG: Door frame, cubicles

11 Long-shot of two actors SFX: Moose greeting Taylor BG: Cubicles, office windows

12 Medium close-up of two actors SFX: Taylor responding to Moose

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13 Medium close-up on Moose SFX: Moose conversing with Taylor

14 Panning long-shot following Moose

Actor Moose walking down an aisle of cubicles, Taylor watching him

15 POV Taylor Looking Down at Invitation

Prop: Invitation sitting on messy desk

16 Medium Close-Up of Taylor SFX: Taylor talking to herself

17 Low-angle/ Long-Shot Taylor walking down a hallway

9 1 Establishing Shot of Taylor and Sales clerk with a rack of dresses

BG: Fitting room Ch.1: Taylor Ch.2: Sales clerk Props: rack of dresses and dresses

2 Close-up shot of sales clerk with multiple dresses

BG: Fitting room Ch.1: sales clerk Props: dresses

3 Extreme Close-up of Taylor rolling her eyes

BG: mirror of dressing room Ch.1: Taylor

4 Medium Shot of Taylor and sales clerk

BG: Fitting room, standing next to rack of dresses Ch.1: Taylor Ch.2: Sales clerk

5 High Angle Close-up of sales clerk looking through rack of dresses

BG: Fitting room Ch.1: Taylor Props: Dresses

6 Close-up of dresses on rack BG: Fitting room Props: dresses on rack SFX: Sales clerk talking to Taylor

7 High angle close up of backside of Taylor throwing dresses and reaching for a pink dress on the rack

BG: Fitting room Ch.1: backside of Taylor Props: pink dress and dress rack SFX: Taylor yelling “wait!”

8 Slight high angle Close-up of sales clerk with multiple dresses on her

BG: Fitting room Ch.1: Sales clerk Props: multiple dresses thrown on her

9 Medium Shot of Sales clerk and Taylor holding a pink dress

BG: Fitting room Ch.1: Taylor Ch.2: sales clerk Props: pink dress and dress rack

10 Slight high angle Close-up of Taylor holding pink dress upon herself

BG: Fitting room Ch.1: Taylor Props: pink dress

11 Medium shot of sales clerk BG: Fitting room, Taylor holding dress

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walking away from Taylor, rolling her eyes walking towards camera

Ch.1: sales clerk SFX: Taylor humming a song

12 Close up of Taylor swaying back and forth infront of the mirror with the dress upon herself

BG: Fitting room Ch.1: Taylor Props: pink dress and mirror SFX: Taylor humming

11 1 Establishing shot of party scene; slightly high angled behind backside of Taylor’s head as she looks out at packed house

BG: Party scene, guests and servers walking around with drinks Ch.1: Taylor SFX: background music, people chattering

2 Medium shot of Taylor pulling aside a waiter, holding drink tray

BG: Party guests talking Ch.1: Taylor Ch.2: Waiter Props: Drink tray

1 Medium shot of Taylor pointing at stage

BG: Party guests Ch.1: Taylor

2 Close up of waiter talking BG: Party guests Ch.1: Waiter Props: Drink tray

3 Close up of drink tray BG: Waiter Props: drink tray SFX: Waiter talking

4 Medium shot of waiter and Taylor taking glass off tray

BG: Party guests Ch.1: Taylor Ch.2: Waiter Props: drink tray, glass cup

5 Long shot of people mingling and listening to DJ

BG: Party guests and DJ on stage SFX: Background r&b music

6 Medium shot, tracking shot of Taylor making her way through guests, visibly tipsy

BG: Party guests mingling Ch.1: Taylor SFX: Guests chattering, backgound music

7 Close up of Taylor stopping another waiter

BG: Party guests Ch.1: Taylor Ch.2: Waiter

8 Medium shot of Taylor and waiter BG: Party guests Ch.1: Taylor Ch.2: Waiter

9 High angle, Long shot of Taylor making her way to stage, climbing stairs on to stage

BG: Party guests, DJ on stage Ch.1: Taylor

10 Close up of Taylor on stage looking BG: Stage

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out to party guests Ch.1: Taylor

11 High angle, point of view of Taylor establishing shot of guests all looking at Taylor

BG: Party guests SFX: music cutting off, guests chattering

12 Close Shot: Taylor’s hand picking up the mic.

BG: Table Char1: Taylor’s Hand Props: Mic

13 Wide Shot: Panning across the crowd, heads are turning

BG: The crowd and rest of the house. Dialogue: Crowd quieting down

14 Close shot: Taylor’s lips against the mic.

Char1: Taylor Prop: Mic

15 Wide Shot: Panning across the crowd.

BG: The crowd and rest of the house.

16 Low Angle: Circles around Taylor through the crowd. Taylor pull guitar from behind back.

BG: The DJ and the bar. Char1: Taylor Props: Guitar Props: Mic

17 Medium Shot: Kanye stumbles through a door, adjusts sunglasses.

BG: Party, The door which he came from, and extras. Char1: Kanye Props: Sunglasses

18 Taylor’s POV (Behind Left Shoulder): Kanye coming through the crowd from the back towards the front.

BG: The Party/ Kanye Char1: Taylor Char2: Kanye

19 Medium Low Angle Shot: Following Kanye through the crowd holding a drink. Bumps shoulders with guy.

BG: Taylor on top of the table (stage) Char1: Kanye Props: Drink

20 Medium Shot: Taylor is on the stage, Kanye comes into the shot holding a drink.

BG: The DJ and the bar Char1: Taylor Char2: Kanye Props: Guitar Props: Mic Props: drink

21 Low Angle Medium shot: Kanye takes mic.

BG: ceiling Char1: Taylor Char2: Kanye Props: Mic

22 Medium Shot: Taylor’s back is to the camera, Kanye is talking on the other side of her

BG: Party Extras Char1: Taylor Char2: Kanye

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Props: Mic Props: Guitar Props: Drink

23 Medium Shot: Kanye’s back is to the camera, you can see Taylor’s reaction. Kanye raises his Drink. Taylor runs off.

BG: Party Extras, The bar and the DJ. Char1: Kanye Char2: Taylor Props: Mic Props: Guitar Props: Drink

24 Low Angle Floor Shot: From the crowd looking up at the stage as Taylor run off through the crowd toward the camera.

BG: Kanye, Party Extras, and the DJ. Char1: Taylor Props: Drink Props: Guitar Props: Mic

25 Close up: Kanye’s face. He turns around and looks at the DJ.

BG: DJ Char1: Kanye

26 DJ’s POV/Low Angle: Kanye snaps his fingers.

BG: Kanye, Party Extras, the ceiling. Char1: Kanye Props: Mic

27 Floor shot: Kanye makes Gestures. The camera is straight on Kanye. He throws his drink.

BG: Party Extras, The bar and The DJ. Char1: Kanye Props: Mic Props: Drink

28 Wide angle/ Floor shot: Side view of Taylor coming into the bathroom. She puts her guitar on the ground and looks into the mirror

BG: The bathroom wall Char1: Taylor Props : Guitar

29 Medium Close up: Taylor is looking at herself in the mirror. Andrew and Beyonce can be seen coming into the bathroom through the mirror.

BG: Bathroom door Char1: Taylor Char2: Andrew Char3: Beyonce

30 Medium Close up: Andrew and Beyonce making out. Taylor right behind them

BG: mirror and bathroom sink. Guitar. Char1: Andrew Char2: Beyonce Char3: Taylor

31 Wide angle/Close up: Taylor kicks off her heels, picks up her guitar and runs out of the bathroom.

BG: Bathroom wall Char1: Taylor Char2: Andrew Char3: Beyonce Props: Heels Props: Guitar

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32 Long shot: From stage where Kanye is at, camera zooms into bathroom door at Taylor screaming.

BG: Party Extras, Bathroom door. Char1: Taylor Props: Guitar

33 Medium Close Up: Kanye turning toward Taylor’s direction. Stops dancing standing straight up. Lifts up shades.

BG: The DJ, Party Extras Char1: Kanye Props: Shades

34 Low Angle: Camera raises and tilts level as it follows Taylor running toward Kanye. Guitar in Taylor’s hands as she prepares to swing at Kanye.

BG: Kanye Party Extra go from background to being passed.

Char1: Taylor Char2: Kanye Props: Guitar

35 Close Up: Kanye’s face and reaction. You see his eyes.

Char1: Kanye

36 Medium Shot: Camera is behind Kanye. Taylor swings her guitar at Kanye

BG: Party Extras Char1: Taylor Char2: Kanye Props: Guitar

37 Medium Shot: Camera is Behind Taylor as she hits Kanye with the guitar.

BG: Party Extras, DJ, and the bar. Char1: Kanye Char2: Taylor Props: Guitar

38 High Angel/Wide Shot: Crowd reaction.

BG: Party Extras

39 High Angle/Medium Shot: Kanye is lying on the floor passed out.

BG: The floor Char1: Kanye

40 Floor Shot: Andrew and Beyonce come out of the bathroom.

BG: Bathroom door Char1: Andrew Char2: Beyonce

41 Low Angle/Floor shot: Taylor points and yells towards Andrew and Beyonce.

BG: ceiling, Party Extras Char1:Taylor

42 High Angle/Long shot: Taylor walks towards them, crowd makes a path.

BG: Andrew and Beyonce by the bathroom door. Party Extras Char1: Taylor

43 Medium Close Up: Andrew and Beyonce look at each other.

BG: Party extras, Taylor Swift walking up. Char1: Andrew Char2: Beyonce

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44 Medium Shot: Beyonce and Taylor are facing each other. Andrew is in the middle.

BG: Bathroom Door Char1: Beyonce Char2: Andrew Char3: Taylor

45 Medium Shot: Over Taylor’s shoulder, looking at Beyonce. Beyonce laughs.

BG: Party Extras all focused on them. Char1: Beyonce Char2: Taylor

46 Medium Shot: You can see Beyonce, Taylor, and Andrew. Taylor pushes Beyonce out of frame. Camera left on Andrew.

BG: Bathroom door. Part Extras. Char1: Beyonce Char2: Taylor Char3: Andrew

47 Wide Angle/ Floor Shot: Beyonce and Taylor are fighting, Flashing lights from cameras everywhere. Taylor Pulls off Beyonce’s wig.

BG: Party Extras, Andrew, Moose is in the front of the crowd Char1: Beyonce Char2: Taylor Props: Wig

48 Medium shot: On Moose as he puts his hands to his chest.

BG: Party Extras Char1: Moose.

49 Medium Shot: Taylor looking down at the wig and Beyonce looking appalled.

BG: Bathroom door, Andrew walks off Char1: Taylor Char2: Beyonce Props: Wig

50 Medium Shot: Taylor gets slammed up against wall by cops. Drops wig.

BG: Party Extras Char1: Taylor Props: Wig

51 Close Up Shot: Moose’s face gasping

BG: Party Extras Char1: Moose

52 Medium Shot: Taylor forced against the wall by cops.

BG: Party Extras Char1: Taylor Char2: Cops

53 Medium Close Up: Beyonce’s face reacting to cop. She steps up to the cop.

BG: Party Char1: Beyonce Char2: Cop

54 Long Shot: Taylor pushes cop off and runs down hallway towards camera

BG: cops, Beyonce, and party Char1: Taylor

55 Medium Shot: Cops lined up pulling out tazers and firing them.

BG: Hallway Wall. Char1: Cop Props: tazers

56 Long Shot: Taylor gets tazed and falls to the ground, screen goes black.

Char1: Taylor Props: tazer

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12 1 Close up: Camera zooms out slowly as Taylor sits in Jail. Jail door shut in front of camera as Taylor picks up her guitar and begins to play.

Char1: Taylor Props: Guitar

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Taylor Swift: In the beginning of the story, this protagonist displays a sparkly dress fit for a bubbly, country-pop star. Her attitude changes to more serious and conservative after the incident at the awards (like the more concealed green suit) when she begins to work at the internship. She begins to wear flirty, revealing suits to work (like the skirt suits). By the end of the movie Taylor ends up wearing a pink, prom-like dress showing how Taylor’s characteristics dramatically change to that of a love-struck teenager. Musse: Taylor’s co-worker at the office is the fashionable Musse. He is a flamboyant metro-sexual man who is always gossiping and criticizing what everyone else wears.

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Kanye Beyonce

Taylor Swift

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Crystal Hamilton Treatment

Backstage at the VMA’s, Kanye chillin’ in Beyonce’s room, Taylor Swift standing around the corner, hears they’re talking about her. Hallway is dimly lit, Beyonce’s room is brightly lit, emphasis on Beyonce and Kanye.Beyonce says what Kanye did wasn’t cool, but then Kanye says she really deserved it. Then they both mimic Taylor and laugh about her. Taylor walks away crying and thinks that everyone else laughing is directed at her. Dark alleyway, dark clouds cover the sky, one flickering light on Taylor, broken alcohol bottles litter the street, random homeless man sitting a little ways down, just did a line of cocaine. Taylor’s sitting on a milk crate, make-up all smeared, still wearing the dress from the VMA’s. It starts to rain as she’s crying, homeless man comes over, gives her advice that makes absolutely no sense.Homeless man offers a newspaper to stay dry and Taylor notices an ad for the office job. Taylor arrives for the first day of work, she’s wearing a black skirt, red top. Cubicle is messing, papers everywhere, not very organized. Boss calls Taylor into the office to introduce himself; office has a big window, classy-sophisticated, room smells like leather, modern. Comes home from first day, meets roommate for the first time. Middle-class apartment located in the middle of the city. Taylor tells roommate her new name, Crystal Hamilton; roommate doesn’t really care about what Taylor’s saying, has a blank look. Roommate a boring part of the apartment, dull, bland. Taylor’s part of the apartment has unicorns, bedazzled guitar, really shiny things. At the office, Taylor is writing song lyrics and humming, other person at cubicle starts to get irritated and tells her knock it off. Boss notices something’s going on, comes out to talk to Taylor and the other worker, comments on how he likes the song, but tells her to get back to work. Compliment leaves her warm and fuzzy inside. Taylor meets boss out in the parking lot, asks what he’s doing for the evening. Notices reservations on the dash of his car. Only person left, waiting at the door exit for him, boss is the only car (Ferrari) left in the parking lot. Sunset feel, warm. Goes in for a hug, but the boss acts awkward, so it becomes an awkward high five.

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Taylor is waiting across the street of the restaurant the boss is at, disguised in mustache, newspaper in front of her face, well lit city lights illuminate her. Boss walks out and notices her, Taylor quickly puts newspaper up to cover her face. Boss is dressed up and looking nice. He walks out with Beyonce, but Taylor assumes she’s just a client. Next day at the office, everybody is excited and walking around with invitations to the boss’ party. Taylor looks tired from stalking the boss all night. Taylor overhears about the party at the boss’ place, but the boss didn’t tell her specifically since he didn’t want her to go. Office atmosphere is a lot more happy and excited than usual. Taylor arrives to the party, really dressed up and outdoes everyone else. Doesn’t know specifics of the party; everyone is dressed in black and white, and Taylor is in a pink dress and stands out. Packed party, lots of famous people talking, Hugh Heffner. Mansion with limos pulling up to the front. The Dj is playing soft,party background music so people can chat. Taylor stumbles over to the microphone, a little tipsy, one strap of her dress down. She interrupts everyone with an announcement. She wrote a song dedicated to her boss, and wants to play it for everyone. Without waiting for a response, she starts playing the song. Everyone goes silent, look horrified. Eventually, Kanye comes up and takes the mic from her, saying her song sucks. Taylor walks off the stage crying again. Once she see’s the boss making out with Beyonce, she just loses it. She runs back to the stage, whips out her guitar and smashes the back of his head with it. Then she runs over to Beyonce and rip off her wig. Someone calls the cops, they rush in and slam Taylor against the wall, they taze her after she tries to resist arrest. Final scene is Taylor playing the song as she’s sitting in a jail cell, the door closing on her as the camera zooms out. The lyrics are written on a wall, a dim light shining on Taylor.

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1. LoveStory‐TaylorSwift2. Runaway‐KanyeWest3. TearDropsonMyGuitar‐TaylorSwift4. DangerouslyInLove‐Beyonce5. PursuitofHappiness‐KidCudi

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We came up with our story as a spin off of the VMA’s incident concerning Taylor and Kanye West. As a group, we wondered “what would have happened” if Taylor would have quit her career after this incident. As we sat in our group discussing possible stories to write about, we ultimately decided we wanted to write a story about an intern stuck in a love triangle. We knew comedy was a hard genre to stick to so we agreed to add drama to our story to create a dramatic-comedy. After the first few meetings together of brainstorming ideas, we decided to give each other different concepts to work with overnight. Everyone wrote his or her personal ideas and later collaborated pieces of each to come up with the final project.

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