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Where Is Thumbkin?

(Mother Goose Club version)

Where is Thumbkin?

Where is Thumbkin?

Here I am.

Here I am.

How are you today, sir?

Very well, I thank you.

Run and play.

Run and play.

Where is Pointer?

Where is Pointer?

Here I am.

Here I am.

How are you today, sir?

Very well, I thank you.

Run and play.

Run and play.


Where is thumbkin?

Where is thumbkin?

Here I am!

Here I am!

How are you today, sir?

Very well, I thank you.

Run and play.

Run and play.

Where is pointer?

Where is pointer?

Here I am!

Here I am!

How are you today, sir?

Very well, I thank you.

Run and play.

Run and play.

Where is tall man?

Where is tall man?

Here I am!

Here I am!

How are you today, sir?

Very well, I thank you.

Run and play.

Run and play.

Where is ring man?

Where is ring man?

Here I am!

Here I am!

How are you today, sir?

Very well, I thank you.

Run and play.

Run and play.

Where is pinky?

Where is pinky?

Here I am!

Here I am!

How are you today, sir?

Very well, I thank you.

Run and play.

Run and play.


My dame has lost her shoe.

My master’s lost his fiddling stick

And doesn’t know what to do.

Cock-a-doodle-doo, cock-a-doodle-doo,

My master’s lost his fiddling stick

And doesn’t know what to do.

Curly Locks

Curly Locks, Curly Locks,

Will you be mine?

You shall not wash dishes,

Nor feed the swine;

But sit on a cushion

And sew a fine seam,

And feast upon strawberries,

Sugar, and cream.

Diddle Diddle Dumpling

Diddle diddle dumpling, my son John

Went to bed with his britches on.

One shoe off and one shoe on,

Diddle diddle dumpling, my son John.

Dinosaur Stomp

Dinosaurs have great big feet that stomp stomp stomp.

Dinosaurs have great big teeth that chomp chomp chomp.

Stomp stomp stomp and-a chomp chomp chomp.

Stomp stomp stomp and-a chomp chomp chomp.

Stomp-a-saurus! Stomp! Stomp!

Chomp-a-saurus! Chomp! Chomp!

I’m-a-saurus! Stomp! Stomp!

You’re-a-saurus! Chomp! Chomp!

Dinosaurs have great big claws that crunch crunch crunch.

Dinosaurs have great big jaws that munch munch munch.

Georgie Porgie, pudding and pie,

Kissed the girls and made them cry;

When the girls came out to play,

Georgie Porgie ran away.

Goosey Goosey Gander

Goosey goosey gander,

Whither shall I wander?

Upstairs and downstairs

And in my lady’s chamber.

There I met an old man

Who would not say his prayers.


I took him by the left hand

And sent him down the stairs

Hey Diddle Diddle

Hey diddle diddle,

The cat and the fiddle,

The cow jumped over the moon.

The little dog laughed to see such sport,

And the dish ran away with the spoon.

Hickety Pickety

Hickety pickety, my black hen.

She lays eggs for gentlemen.

Sometimes nine and sometimes ten,

Hickety pickety, my black hen.

Hickory Dickory Dock

Hickory dickory dock,

The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck one,

The mouse ran down.

Hickory dickory dock.

Hickory dickory dock,

The mouse ran up the clock.

The clock struck two,

And down he flew.

Hickory dickory dock

Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty

Sat on a wall.

Humpty Dumpty

Had a great fall.

All the King's horses

And all the King's men

Couldn't put Humpty

Together again.

Itsy Bitsy Spider

The itsy bitsy spider

Went up the waterspout.

Down came the rain and

Washed the spider out.

Out came the sun and

Dried up all the rain.

And the itsy bitsy spider

Went up the spout again

Jack and Jill

Jack and Jill went up the hill,

To fetch a pail of water.

Jack fell down and broke his crown,

And Jill came tumbling after.

Up Jack got and home did trot,

As fast as he could caper,

And went to bed to mend his head

With vinegar and

Jack Be Nimble

Jack be nimble.

Jack be quick.

Jack jump over the candlestick.

Jack be nimble.

Jack be spry.

Jack jump over the apple pie.

Jack be nimble.

Jack jump high.

Jack fly up into the sky.

Jack Sprat

Jack Sprat could eat no fat,

His wife could eat no lean;

And so between them both, you see,

They licked the platter clean

Little Jack Horner

Little Jack Horner sat in a corner,

Eating a Christmas pie.

He put in his thumb,

And pulled out a plum,

And said, “What a good boy am I!”

Old MacDonald Had a Farm

Old MacDonald had a farm,


And on that farm he had a cow,


With a moo moo here and a moo moo there,

Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo moo.

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.

Old MacDonald had a farm,


And on that farm he had a pig,


With an oink oink here and an oink oink there,

Here an oink, there an oink, everywhere an oink oink.

Old MacDonald had a farm,


Old MacDonald had a farm,


And on that farm he had a dog,


With a woof woof here and a woof woof there,

Here a woof, there a woof, everywhere a woof woof.

Old MacDonald had a farm,


Rockabye Baby

Rock-a-bye baby, on the treetop,

When the wind blows, the cradle will rock.

When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall,

And down will come baby, cradle and all.

Wee Willie Winkie

Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town,

Upstairs and downstairs, in his nightgown;

Rapping at the window, crying through the lock,

“Are the children in their beds?

Now it’s eight o’clock.”

The Bunny Hop

Deep in the green wood animals play,

Hopping and jumping the day away.

Follow the animals in their game.

Here we go now. Let’s do the same.

Hop, hop, hop like a bunny.

Hop, hop, hop like a bunny.

Hop, hop, hop like a bunny.

Hop like a bunny, hop, hop, hop.

Deep in the green wood animals play,

Hopping and jumping the day away.

Follow the animals in their game.

Here we go now. Let’s do the same.

Jump, jump, jump like a joey.

Jump, jump, jump like a joey.

Jump, jump, jump like a joey.

Jump like a joey, jump, jump, jump.

Deep in the green wood animals play,

Hopping and jumping the day away.

Follow the animals in their game.

Here we go now. Let’s do the same.

Leap, leap, leap like a froggie.


Leap, leap, leap like a froggie.

Leap, leap, leap like a froggie.

Leap like a froggie, leap, leap, leap.

Hop, hop, hop like a bunny.

Hop, hop, hop like a bunny.

Hop, hop, hop like a bunny.

Hop like a bunny, hop, hop, hop.

Hop like a bunny, hop, hop, hop.

Hop like a bunny, hop, hop, hop.

Hop like a bunny, hop, hop, hop.

Hop like a bunny, hop, hop, hop.

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor,

And the doctor said

No more monkeys jumping on the bed

Four little monkeys jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor

And the doctor said,

No more monkeys jumping on the bed

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor

And the doctor said,

No more monkeys jumping on the bed

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor

And the doctor said,

No more monkeys jumping on the bed

One little monkey jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head

Mama called the doctor

And the doctor said,

Put those monkeys right to bed

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