  • 8/17/2019 Rewrite the Sentences Into 3rd Conditional


    Rewrite the sentences into 3rd conditional.

    1. You didn’t lend me the money. I couldn’t buy the book.2. You didn’t ask me for tickets. I didn’t get you any.3. I married him. He is not a good person.4. I rented a car and it was ery e!pensi e.". #e came to the cinema$ but the %lm had already started.&. I wasn’t born earlier. I didn’t ha e to do military ser ice.'. You didn’t ask me. I didn’t lend you my car.(. )he didn’t want me to stay longer so I went home.*. I went to +erlin and I didn’t ha e a great e!perience.1,.I didn’t know you were in hospital. I didn’t isit you.

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