

Alter Indigenous Histories

READING QUIZ: LAKOTA WOMAN 5-8 1. What word best describes Mary Crow Dog’s life before she joined AIM?

2. What was AIM?

3. What did the AIM do in D. C. ?

4. How did the Lakota use peyote?

5. Who was Dicky Wilson?

A. MEXIC0’S REVOLUTION OF 1910 Conditions under Dictator Porfirio Diaz

Yaqui in Sonora, Broncos in the Mountains Cajeme

Tarahumara in the north

Mayan Cruzob in Yucatan Peninsula, center at Chan Santa Cruz

General Bravo May 5, 1901

Commercial agriculture and prejudice (natives were machines that ran on pulque)

Kill off the Yaqui, in the way of “Progress”

Explosive state by 1910


Peasant leaders joined his cause

Morelos: Emiliano Zapata

Huastecan people revolt along eastern coast

Mexicano burn bases at Atlixco

Armed indigenous groups attack landowners

B. REVOLUTIONARY LEADERS RECRUIT NATIVES 1912: President Madero: Yaquis, Mayos, Pimas, Papagos in Sonora

500 Serranos from Oaxaca sent to fight rebels in Chihuahua

1913: President Huerta revives native impressment, forced conscription

Sent entire battalion of impressed Yaquis

1917 CONSTITUTION PRES. CARRANZA In Veracruz, 3,000 native workers in oilfields struck for better pay and benefits.

Six thousand Yaqui broncos in 1916 guerrilla sorties

Clubbed into submission at Cerro del Gallo in 1927

Economic decline made such political ceremony more urgent:

Veracruz, 1921 oil decline put Huastecs out of work

New political strategies: Indigenismo

C. RUSSIA’S REVOLUTION OF 1917 March 1917 Czarist Regime collapses: famine and fuel

Women mass demonstrations, soldiers mutinied, workers formed soviets (councils)

Bolsheviks under Vladimir Lenin take control: social revolutionaries

Land to peasants, factories to workers, power to soviets

Uniform regulation of all languages

Schools to teach Russian language created


-Indigenous population was 65% of total population

-Committee on assisting nationalities of the North

-Late 1920s: cooperation of individual households

-Early 1930s: forced integration of nomadic nations

Raindeer breeding and cultural change

-Appropriation of native resources

-Means of production socialized

-Previous subsistence systems transformed into collectivized farms, state subsidies

COLLECTIVIZATION CONTINUED -Villages consolidated and relocated near seaports and airports

-Changed cultures of many peoples dependent on ecological niches

-Reindeer herding outside of collective farms forbidden

-Collectivization radically altered subsistence system

-State became major employer and owner of natural resources

-Opposition to collectivization organized by Chukchi in early 1950s


A. Mexico’s 1910 Revolution

B. Indigenous People and Mexico’s Revolution

C. Russia’s 1917 Revolution

D. Indigenous People and Russia’s Revolution

Indigenous experiences in early-20th Century Revolutions

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