  • 8/18/2019 Reviewer in Biochemistry



    1. The inhibition in a noncompetitive reaction:

    a. competes with the active site of the enzyme c. increases the rate of reaction

     b. binds simultaneously with substrate other than the active site d. both b and c2. The order and sequence of amino acid in a polypeptide determines what protein structure?

    a. primary b. secondary c. tertiary d. quaternary

    3. Amino acids that cannot be synthesized in the oranism are called !!!!!!!!! a. non essential amino acids b. essential amino acids c. standard amino acids d.alpha amino acids

    ". #hich hormone reulates the level of blood sodium?

    a. aldosterone b. sterol c. corticosteroid d. cortisone

    $. %t is a precursor of vitamin Aa. &' carotene b. retinol c. retinal d. opium

    (. #hich of the followin is a precursor of vitamin )?

    a. prostalandin b. linoleic acid c. cholesterol d. aldosterone*. #hich of these class enzymes introduces a double bond by the removal of hydroen?

    a. dehydroenase b. dehydrolase c. decarbo+ylase d. lipase

    ,. The ionic property of amino acid is e+hibited by its

    a. zwitterions form b. -2 roup c. /00 roup d. positively chared roups. All of the followin are simple proteins e+cept:

    a. lutelins b. lobulins c. albumins d. lycoproteins1. The simplest monosaccharide is

    a. erythrose b. starch c. lyceraldehydes d. arabinose

    11. )enaturation of protein is a result of:

    a. cleavae of the peptide bond b. ormation of ' bond c. brea4in of ' bond d. none of these12. /ompetitive inhibition is a !!!!!!!!!! reaction

    a. reversible b. irreversible c. p and temperature d. none of these

    13. %n the 5eliwanoff6s test7 the reaction of resorcinol and acid on the suar formsa. hydro+ymethyl furfural b. pyranose c. hydrazine d. purine

    1". ih concentration of neutral salts causes the precipitation of proteins. This is called !!!!!!!! a. saltin out b. saltin in c. coaulation d. both b and c

    1$. The type of enzyme inhibition reaction whereby the inhibitor competes with the substrate at

    the active site:

    a. competitive inhibition c. reversible inhibition b. noncompetitive inhibition d. incomplete inhibition

    1(. The followin are wa+es e+cept:

    a. beeswa+ b. sperm oil c. bile acids d. lanolin1*. The inactive form of enzymes are called:

    a. zymoens b. apoenzymes c. cofactor d. both b and c

    1,. #hich of the followin amino acids has no alpha amino roup?a. proline b. hydro+yproline c. lycine d. both a and b

    1. An enzyme is a substance which

    a. convert heat to enery c. chane chemically in reaction b. act as a catalyst d. is not specific in reaction

    2. 8il4 curdlin enzyme present in astric 9uice of infants:

    a. pepsin b. rennin c. trypsin d. maltase

    21. /arbohydrates area. polyhydro+yaldehydes polyhydro+y4etones c. polyhydro+y acids

     b. hemiacetals d. polymers of amino acids

    22. %nsulin is usually classified as:

    a. protein b. enzyme c. hormone d. carbohydrates23. #hat amount of lucose is present in the human blood?

    a. ( to m in 1ml blood c. 2; of the total human body weiht b. $ to ( in 1ml blood d. none of these

    2". %t is the oranelle which serves as the site of the electron transport chain.

    a. mitochondria b. ribosome c. nucleus d. lysosome

  • 8/18/2019 Reviewer in Biochemistry



    2$. The end product of the hydrolysis of lycoen is:

    a. alactose b. fructose c. lucose d. arabinose

    2(. %odine test is a reaction which may be used to identify carbohydrates. The reaction is due toa. presence of the free aldehyde roup c. presence of amylose portion

     b. presence of alcohol roup d. presence of lucose

    2*. &enedict6s reaent yield positive result to:a. monosaccharide only b. reducin suars c. sucrose d. polysaccharides

    2,. ypertonic solutions will cause the cell to:

    a. swell b. shrin4 c. burst d. undero hydrolysis

    2. / b. (>/ c. 3*>/ d. 1>/

    3,. lucose is stored in the liver as:a. alactose b. lycoen c. lactose d. fructose3. The enzyme conformation adapts to the incomin substrate in

    a. @oc4 and ey theory c. competitive inhibition

     b. %nduced fit theory d. noncompetitive inhibition

    ". The process of convertin lucose into lycoen is called:a. luconeoenesis b. lycoenesis c. lycolysis d. lycoenolysis

    "1. All are pyrimidine bases e+cept:

    a. uanine b. cytosine c. uracil d. thymine"2. lucose7 amino acid and fatty acid enter the citric acid cycle by their conversion into:

    a. pyruvate b. acetyl /oA c. acetoacetyl /oA d. palmitic acid

    "3. A hormone which stimulates lycoenesis:a. insulin b. lucaons c. epinephrine d. vasopressin

    "". /hemicals e+tracted from oranism such as bacteria and can inhibit rowth or destroy other

    microoranism:a. antibiotic b. enzyme c. hormone d. vitamins

    "$. The land or tissue that reulates the blood lucose level:

    a. parathyroid b. thyroid c. pancreas d. adrenal

    "(. #hich vitamin is formed in the body by e+posure to ultraviolet irradiation or sunliht?a. vitamin A b. vitamin & c. vitamin / d. vitamin )

    "*. B+cess vitamin A and ) is stored in the body7 but e+cess vitamin and / is readily e+creted.

    #hat property shows this?

    a. vit. / and & are water' soluble b. vit.A and ) are fat' soluble c. both a and b d. none of these",. %t is the entire enetic ma4eup of an oranism

    a. ene b. anticodon c. codon d. mutation". The vitamin which is used in the prevention of deenerative chanes in the central nervous


    a. vit. A b. vit. & comple+ c. vit. / d. vit. )

    $. %t is a model which best e+plains the enzyme'substrate action:

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    a. loc4 and 4ey b. molecular c. C5B=< d. reb

    $1. The activation of pepsinoen requires:a. pepsin b. -a0 c. entero4inase d. /l

    $2. )-A is primarily found in the

    a. cytosol b. nucleusmitochondria c. cell wall d. endoplasmic reticulum$3. %t is the enzyme which hydrolyzes starch to de+trin and maltose:

    a. catalase b. amylase c. pepsin d. lactase

    $". A synthetic )-A is called

    a. replicated )-A b. plasmid c. ene d. recombinant )-A$$. ydrolysis of AT= is an

    a. enery requirin reaction c. no enery is involved

     b. enery producin reaction d. enery is absorbed$(. #hich of the followin is a characteristic of lipid?

    a. zwitterions b. amphiphilic c. hydrophobic d. hydrophilic

    $*. %t is a condition that results when suar level is below normal

    a. hypolycemia b. hyperlycemia c. 4etonuria d. uremia$,. An e+ample of lobular protein

    a. albumin b. collaen c. fibrin d. sil4  $. /omplementary base pairs in the )-A double heli+ are bonded by

    a. 'bond b. Can der #aals c. ester bond d. dipole'dipole

    (. #hich nitroen base is not found in )-A?

    a. thymine b. cytosine c. uracil d. uanine(1. An oranic cofactor in an enzyme

    a. vitamins b. coenzymes c. a and b d. none of these

    (2. At what stae of lucose o+idation is most of the enery produced?a. lycolysis b. aerobic stae c. lycoenesis d. lyenolysis

    (3. The best 4nown buildin bloc4s of

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    a. /l b. bile acids c. pepsin d. trypsin

    *,. ubl6s solution if used to ascertain deree of:a. saturation b. unsaturation c. pero+idation d. acidity

    *. %E=A/ name of acrolein:

    a. pentenal b. propenal c. he+anal d. acetone,. The positive indication for the presence of lycerol in acrolein test:

    a. yellow colored solution c. silver mirror formed in the test tube

     b. blac4 mar4ins in filter paper d. play of colors from blue to shades of red

    ,1. /erebrosides are positive in the followin tests7 e+cept:a. 8olisch b. &iuret c. @assaine6s d. none of the above

    ,2. 0smic test is used to detect the presence of !!!!!!!!!! in lipids:

    a. metals b.prosthetic roups c. unsaturated roups d. lycerol,3. The most sensitive chemical test to detect the presence of cholesterol:

    a. @iebermann'&urchard c. ormaldehyde'sulfuric acid

     b. 5al4ows4i reaction d. /olorimetric spectrophotometry

    ,". The followin are phospholipids7 e+cept:a. plasmaloen b. lecithin c. cephalin d. choline

    ,$. A mi+ed trilyceride contains:a. three similar fatty acids esterified with lycerol

     b. two similar fatty acids esterified with lycerol

    c. three different fatty acids esterified with lycerol

    d. all of the above choices,(. The central compound found in the structure of sphinolipids:

    a. lycerol b. sphinosine c. ceramide d. phosphocholine

    ,*. @ipid whose specific test is the urter'8eyer test:a. tocopherol b. retinal c. sphinomyelin d. cerebroside

    ,,. =recipitate of !!!!!!!!! indicates the presence of phospholipids in the lipid sample:a. ammonium phosphomolybdate c. phosphorus triiodide b.phosphorus periodate d. phosphor'ammonium sulfate comple+

    ,. The followin are lycolipids7 e+cept:

    a. lobosides b. phosphatides c. anliosides d. cerebrosides

    . The parent compound of phospholipids:a. lycerol b. phosphatidic acid c. ethanolamine d. none of the above

    1. A non' pentose suar which is also positive for Tollen6s phlorolucinol test:

    a. alactose b. lucose c. fructose d. cellobiose2. The reaent present in 8olisch test which is responsible for the dehydration reaction:

    a. sodium carbonate b. manesium stearate c. sulfuric acid d. -a0

    3. %) test to detect the presence of lycoen:a. phlorolucinol b. molisch c. iodine d. seliwanoff  

    ". The only suar readily forms insoluble osazone crystals:

    a. lactose b. sucrose c. mannose d. sucrose$. %mportant structural material found in the e+os4eleton of many lower animals:

    a. chondroitin b. heparin c. hyaluronic acid d. chitin

    (. ydrolysis of osazones produce:

    a. phenylhydrazones b. ozones c. suars d. none of the above*. eneral term for a roup of polysaccharides present on the primary cell wall:

    a. +anthan b. mucilae c. pectin d. caraeenan

    ,. 5pecific test for alactose7 due to the formation of hihly insoluble crystals:

    a. phenylhydrazine test b. fermentation c. mucic acid d. molisch. Type of

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    a. 8olisch b. iodine c. 5chweitzer d. fermentation

    12. The difference between &enedict6s and &arfoed6s test reaent lies in:

    a. sequesterin aent used b. active component used

    c. p of the solution d. al4ali used

    13. ydrolytic product of chitin:

    a. iduronatet b. acetylalactosamine c. acetyllucosamine

    d. lucuronic acid

    1". lucose and fructose are:

    a. anomers b. epimers c. eometric isomers d. allosteres

    1$. The complementary strand of /A//TTAT/A/T/A:


    1(. Al4aline bismuth reaent is used to detect the presence of:

    a. polysaccharides b. disaccharides c. reducin suars

    d. lycitols

    1*. Action of dilute al4ali on suars:

    a. dehydration b. hypercon9unction c. hydrolysisd. tautomerization

    1,. The followin are the components of )-A nucleosides7 e+cept:

    a. phosphoric acid b. suar c. adenine d. cytosine

     1. /entral doma concept wherein the

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     11. The followin proteins are present in e white7 e+cept:

    a. ovomucin b. ovolobulin c. albumin

    d. osseomucoid

     111. Anaerobic lycolysis occurs in the:

    a. nucleus b. mitochondria c. cytoplasm

    d. lysosomes

     112. etoenic amino acids:

    a. leucine b. tyrosine c. phenylalamine d. all of the above

     113. 0sazone test is also 4nown as:

    a. -ylander6s test b. owars4y test c. Trommer6s test

    d. olin6s test

     11". enetic defect characterized by mental retardation and cataract7 since the unmetabolized

    suar is to+ic to the

    lens of the eyes:

    a. alactosemia b. fructosemia c. pentosuria

    d. fructosuria

     11$. &ody functions of lipids:

    a. transformation into proteins and carbohydrates c. insulation and paddins for orans

     b. catabolism to provide body with heat and enery d. all of the above

    11(. =yrido+ine is a compound of this enzyme:

    a. enolase b. decarbo+ylase c. hydroenase d. isomerase

     11*. The followin are neutral amino acids7 e+cept:

    a. methionine b. lysine c. threonine d. leucine

    11,. %n man7 the principal end product of protein metabolism is:

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    a. uric acid b. lactic acid c. pyruvic acid d. urea

     11. /ondition wherein acetone accumulates in the blood:

    a. 4etosuria b. 4etonemia c. 4etosis d. 4etonuria

     12. lutamine is a !!!!! amino acid :

    a. neutral b. basic c. acidic d. racemin

    121. 0+idation product of 4etone bodies:

    a. reduced suars b. carbon dio+ide c. alcohols d. aldehydes

    122. =hosphoprotein found in e yol4:

    a. ovocasein b. tendomucoid c. vitelin d. avidin

     123. Amino acids positive for 5a4auchi reaction:

    a. elatin b. alanine c. arinine d. tyrosine

     12". istidine is neative for:

    a. =auly reaction b. 5odium -itroprusside c. -inhydrine

    d. Danthoproteic

    12$. An official simple protein obtained from corn:

    a. lutelion b. liadin c. zein d. maize

    12(. =rinciple involved in the isolation of casein mil4:

    a. saltin in b. saltin out c. isoelectric

     precipitation d. none of the above

     12*. =rocess of convertin liver lycoen into blood lucose:

    a. lycoenolysis b. luconeoenesis c. lycolysis

    d. lycoenesis

     12,. enetic information is stored and carried in all cells by:

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    a. sinle'stranded )-A c. double'stranded

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    13,. rowth hormone is also 4nown as:

    a. thyrotropic hormone b. somatotropin c. onadotropind.

    interstitial stimulatin hormone

    13. #hat is the anti'codon in t

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    a. hydrolysis of protein c. activation of pepsinoen

     b. neutralization of chyme d. destruction of bacteria

    e. stimulation of pancreatic secretion

    1"*. Transamination is:

    a. conversion of amino acid to hydro+y acid c. conversion of amino acid

    to 4eto acids

     b. loss of ammonia from amino acid d. formation ofammonium salt from ammonia

     1",. The lipid that is converted to Citamin )12 upon irradiation:

    a. erosterol b. lycerol c. cholesterol d. all of the above

    1". The metabolic deradation of hemolobin ta4es place principally in:

    a. the reticuloendothilial system c. the white blood cells

     b. the red blood cells d. the liver cell

     1$. The amino acid that is an important precursor of hemolobin is:

    a. alanine b. proline c. lycine

    d. cysteine

    1$1. 5erine is converted to ethanolamine by the removal of:

    a. o+yen b. ammonia c. carbon dio+ide

    d. a carbo+yl roup

    1$2. -inhydrin ives a blue coloration with:

    a. proteins b. carbohydrates c. amino acids

    d. simple suars

    1$3. #hich is the monomer unit of proteins?

    a. amino acid b. monosaccharide c. fatty acid d. purine

    1$". The proteinase that is found mostly in astric 9uice of youn animals:

    a. rennin c. steapsin e. none of the above

     b. pepsin d. ptyalin

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    1$$. /on9uated proteins which are a combination of amino acids and carbohydrates:

    a. nucleoproteins b. lycoproteins c. phosphoproteins d.


     1$(. amma decarbo+ylation of aspartic acid produces:

    a. alanine b. asparaines c. lutamic acid d.



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    1(". #hen starches are heated 7 they produce:

    a. suars b. lycoen c. de+trins d. disaccharide

    1($. /hec4 the incorrect statement:

    a. ribose is an aldopentose c. alactose is an aldohe+ose

     b. maltose is a 4etohe+ose d. lucose is an aldohe+ose

    1((. The reducin property of suars is due to this roup:

    a. aldehyde b. nitro c. carbo+yl d. methyl

    1(*. The monosaccharide most rapidly absorbed from the small intestine is:

    a. lucose b. fructose c. mannose d. alactose

     1(,. A condition 4nown as atherosclerosis results as an accumulation in the blood vessels


    a. calcium b. pathoens c. cholesterol d. 4etones

     1(. etoses can be differentiated from aldoses by this test:

    a. 8olisch6s test b. &enedict6s test c. 5eliwanoff6s test d. Tollen6s


     1*. The clinical test for the determination of cholesterol:

    a. @iebermann'&urchard b. 5al4ows4i c. both a and b

    d. none of the above

     1*1. /oncentrated dehydratin acids chane monosaccharides to:

    a. simple suars b. saccharic acids c. furfurals

    d. uronic acids e. aldaric acids


    1*2. A mucopolysaccharide which possesses an anticoaulant property:

    a. pectin b. hyaluronic acid c. heparin d. chitin

    e. chondroitin sulfate

  • 8/18/2019 Reviewer in Biochemistry




    1*3. #hich of the followin is the test for reducin suars for urine?

    a. &enedict6s test b. acrolein test c. &iuret test d. &rown

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     1,2. The passae of the end products of diestion from the small intestine into the blood


    a. metabolism b. diestion c. absorption d. o+idation

    e. reduction

    1,3. Bndocrine land that is a small oval body situated at the base of the brain:

    a. hypophysis b. pancreas c. adrenal d. none of the above

     1,". /ellular elements of the blood devoid of nucleus:


  • 8/18/2019 Reviewer in Biochemistry



    11. lycolipids found in hih concentrations in the brain and nerve cells especially in the

    myelin sheath:

    a. lecithin b. cephalins c. cerebrosides

    d. sphinolipids

    12. Alcohol in the body is :

    a. o+idized to /02 and 0 c. e+creted by 4idneys

     b. e+creted mainly by luns d. e+creted by lare intestine

    13. #hich of the followin tissues contains the enzyme lucose'('phosphatase and is able tosupply lucose to

    the blood?

    a. heart b. brain c. liver d. none of the above

    1". /omplete diestion of all foodstuffs occurs in the :

    a. lare intestine b. stomach c. mouth d. small intestine

    e. pancreas

    1$. This compound is not a normal constituent of urine:

    a. sodium chloride b. albumin c. urea d. uric acid

      1(. )ecomposition of carbohydrates brouht about by the action of enzymes liberatin

    ethyl alcohol and /02:

    a. fermentation b. adsorption c. deto+ification

    d. hydrolysis e. saponification

    1*. &lood clottin can be prevented by:

    a. sodium chloride b. potassium chloride c. sodium citrate

    1,. This hormone elevates blood suar concentration:

    a. insulin b. proesterone c. estroen

    d. lucaons

     1. )eficiency in this vitamin causes red blood cell fraility:

    a. vitamin A b. vitamin c. Citamin ) d. vitamin B

     2. The end'product in the hydrolysis of lycoen is:

    a. alactose b. mannose c. lucose d. arabinose

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     21. %n which form is lucose stored in the liver?

    a. lycoen b. lucose GunchanedH c. sucrose d. starch

    22$. This suar is also called an Iinvert suarJ:

      A.sucrose  &.fructose /.lucose ).alactose22(.#hat type of suar is found in nucleic acids?

      A.riboses  &.lucoses /.mannoses ). alactose

    22*. The biochemical function of hemolobin is?

      A.defense &.reulatory /.structural D.oxygen transport22,.The followin enzymes catalyze hydrolysis reactios7 e+cept:

      A.proteases &.esterases C.transaminases  ).nucleases

    22.=orphyrins are involved in the buildin of:  A.bones &.muscles C.blood  ).connective tissue

    23.#hich amon the follovin suar is sweetest?  A.lucose B.fructose  /.sucrose ).alactose231.%nformation and control centers of the cell:

      A.nucleoproteins  &.enzymes /.carbohydrates ).lipids

    232.ydrolysis of nucleoproteins will yield:

      A.nucleic acids and histones  /.nucleic acid and suar   &.nucleic acid and purines ).nucleic acid and pyrimidines

    233.The condition wherein protein is found i hte urine is:

      A.lycosuria &.4etonuria C.proteinuria  ).dysuria23".alpha'hydro+y propionic acid is:

      A.lactic acid  &.aminoacetic acid /.ascorbic acid ).pyruvic acid

    23$.This test detects the presence of indole rins:  A.8olishch B.Hopkin’s cole  n /.8illon6s ).-inhydrin

    23(.The steps of central states:

      A.replication7 translation and transcription C.replication, transcription and


      &.replication7 transcription and transmission ).transcription7 translation and replication


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    2"$.The type of

  • 8/18/2019 Reviewer in Biochemistry



      A.collagen  &.serum albumins /.serum lobulins ).hemolobin

    2*.The precursor of vitamin A is:

      A.arachidonic acid &.isoprene /.naphthoquinone D.carotene2*1.Are fibrous proteins7 e+cept:

      A.4eratin B.histones  /.elatin ).collaen

    2*2.A type of antibodies that plays an important role in alleric response which causesanaphylactic shoc47 hay fever and asthma:

      A.%A &.%8 C.*g+  ).%

    2*3. An inherited disease that affect red blood cells:  A.albinism &.hyperlycemia C.sickle cell anemia  ).hypolycemia

    2*".Are ester of fatty acids with lycerol:

      A.phospholipids &.lycolipids /.wa+es D.fats2*$.The metallic salt of a hih fatty acid:

      A.soap  &.deterent /.inoranic salt ).lycerin

    2*(.The followin are enzymes found in pancreatic 9uice7 e+cept:

      A.papain  &.trypsin /.chymotrypsin ).carbo+ypolypeptidase2**.The followin are patholoical constituents of urine7 e+cept:

      A.lucose &.albumin C.creatinine  ).blood2*,.All of the followin carbohydrates are considered to be polysaccharide7 e+cept:

      A.heparin &.starch /.lycoen D.maltose 

    2*.#hich of the followin hormones promotes rapid lycoenolysis in both liver and muscle:

      A.A/T &. lutamine C.epinephrine  ).prolactin2,.ruity odor of urine is indicative of acetone bodies7 a dianostic value in case of acidosis in :

      A.diabetes insipidus &.porphyria /.cretinism D.diabetes mellitus


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      A.hormones &.enzymes /.vitamins ).amino acids

    2(.%t is a polysaccharide:

      A.lactose &.maltose C.amylose  ).fructose2*.#hich suar contains an aldehyde roup?

      A.4etose B.aldose  /.sorbitol ).mannitol

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