Page 1: Reviewer CH11- MUSCULAR SYSTEM

Stephanie Lim Villaver A&P Reviewer CH11- MUSCULAR SYSTEMBMLS 2C

Chapter 11

1. A muscle of the head that is divided into two parts, separated by an aponeurosis is the

 A. masseter

 B. temporalis

 C. zygomaticus major

 D. occipitofrontalis

See the section called A Muscles of the Head That Produce Facial Expressions.

2. Which muscle is attached to (inserts on) the corners of the mouth?

 A. risorius

 B. mentalis

 C. levator labii superioris

 D. frontalis

See the section called A Muscles of the Head That Produce Facial Expressions.

3. Which broad, flat muscle covers the mandible and the sides of the throat region?

 A. masseter

 B. frontalis

 C. occipitalis

 D. platysma

See the section called A Muscles of the Head That Produce Facial Expressions.

4. What is the action of muscle B?

 A. raise eyebrow

 B. lower eyebrow

 C. raise upper lip

 D. lower lower lip

See the section called A Muscles of the Head That Produce Facial Expressions.

5. Which muscle is contracted when you open your eyes (elevate the upper eyelid)?

 A. levator labii superioris

 B. levator palpebrae superioris

 C. orbicularis oculi

 D. corrugator supercilii

See the section called Muscles That Move the Eyeballs (Extrinsic Eye Muscles) and Upper Eyelids.

6. The inferior rectus muscle A. rolls the eyeball down

 B. moves the eyeball upward and laterally

 C. keeps the eyeball erect

 D. rolls the eyeball medially and superiorly

. See the section called Muscles That Move the Eyeballs (Extrinsic Eye Muscles) and Upper Eyelids.

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7. All of the extrinsic muscles that move the eyeball insert on the

 A. bones of the orbit of the eye

 B. optic nerve

 C. sclera of the eyeball

 D. sphenoid bone

See the section called Muscles That Move the Eyeballs (Extrinsic Eye Muscles) and Upper Eyelids.

8. The masseter muscle is located in the A. head

 B. neck

 C. abdomen

 D. forearm

See the section called Muscles That Move the Mandible and Assist in Mastication and Speech.

9. Which broad, flat muscle originates on the bone over the ears?

 A. masseter

 B. platysma

 C. temporalis

 D. occipitalis

See the section called Muscles That Move the Mandible and Assist in Mastication and Speech.

10. A muscle that moves the lower jaw and that is named after its origin is the

 A. digastric

 B. lateral pterygoid

 C. masseter

 D. platysma

See the section called Muscles That Move the

Mandible and Assist in Mastication and Speech.

11. Which of the following muscles is not a muscle in the same functional category as muscle C?

 A. temporalis

 B. medial pterygoid

 C. lateral pterygoid

 D. buccinators

See the section called Muscles That Move the Mandible and Assist in Mastication and Speech.

12. A muscle of the anterior neck that has two origins is the

 A. digastric muscle

 B. stylohyoid muscle

 C. mylohyoid muscle

 D. geniohyoid muscle

See the section called Muscles of the Anterior Neck That Assist in Deglutition and Speech.

13. The action of the sternocleidomastoid muscle is antagonistic to the

 A. longissimus capitis muscle

 B. masseter muscle

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 C. temporal muscle

 D. digastric muscle

See the section called Muscles of the Neck That Move the Head.

14. What is the origin and insertion of muscle D?

 A. origin: sternum and clavicle; insertion: mastoid process of temporal bone

 B. origin: sternum; insertion: zygomatic arch

 C. origin: clavicle; insertion: mandible

 D. origin: sternum and clavicle; insertion: masseter muscle

See the section called Muscles of the Neck That Move the Head.

15. The rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, and transversus abdominis all have one function in common. What is it?

 A. All are classified architecturally as parallel muscles

 B. All are on the posterior surface of the body

 C. They are the only muscles never to undergo tetanus

 D. All function to compress the abdomen

See the section called Muscles of the Abdomen

That Protect Abdominal Viscera and Move the Vertebral Column.

16. The transversus abdominis muscle is located ________ to the internal oblique muscle

 A. lateral

 B. deep

 C. superficial

 D. medial

See the section called Muscles of the Abdomen That Protect Abdominal Viscera and Move the Vertebral Column.

17. Identify muscle A.

 A. teres major

 B. rhomboid major

 C. latissimus dorsi

 D. coracobrachialis

See the section called Muscles of the Abdomen That Protect Abdominal Viscera and Move the Vertebral Column.

18. The diaphragm muscle inserts on the A. first three thoracic vertebrae

 B. strong aponeurosis called the central tendon

 C. inferior border of the eleventh and twelfth ribs

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 D. first lumbar vertebra

See the section called Muscles of the Thorax That Assist in Breathing.

19. Identify muscle A.

 A. diaphragm

 B. transverse abdominis

 C. external oblique

 D. rectus abdominis

See the section called Muscles of the Thorax That Assist in Breathing.

20. The most lateral muscle of the pelvic diaphragm is the

 A. ischiococcygeus

 B. levator ani

 C. pubococcygeus

 D. iliococcygeus

See the section called Muscles of the Pelvic Floor That Support the Pelvic Viscera and Function as Sphincters.

21. The base of the penis is surrounded by the _________ muscle.

 A. ischiocavernosus

 B. coccygeus

 C. bulbospongiosus

 D. external anal sphincter

See the section called Muscles of the Perineum.

22. Part of the insertion of the trapezius muscle is on the

 A. occipital bone

 B. cervical vertebrae

 C. sternum

 D. clavicle

See the section called Muscles of the Thorax That Move the Pectoral Girdle.

23. A muscle that acts only on the clavicle is the

 A. pectoralis minor

 B. rhomboideus minor

 C. subclavius

 D. serratus anterior

See the section called Muscles of the Thorax That Move the Pectoral Girdle.

24. Which muscle of the pectoral girdle acts as an accessory muscle of inspiration?

 A. pectoralis minor

 B. subclavius

 C. trapezius

 D. levator scapulae

See the section called Muscles of the Thorax That Move the Pectoral Girdle.

25. Which muscle inserts on the largest number of ribs?

 A. subclavius

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 B. pectoralis minor

 C. rhomboideus major

 D. serratus anterior

See the section called Muscles of the Thorax That Move the Pectoral Girdle.

26. Which muscle of the pectoral girdle has the broadest origin?

 A. rhomboideus major

 B. pectoralis minor

 C. trapezius

 D. levator scapulae

See the section called Muscles of the Thorax That Move the Pectoral Girdle.

27. The strength and stability of the shoulder joint is provided by the

 A. deltoid muscle

 B. shape of the articulating bones and ligaments

 C. muscles and tendons of the rotator cuff

 D. latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major muscles

See the section called Muscles of the Thorax and Shoulder That Move the Humerus.

28. Which muscle that crosses the shoulder joint moves the arm in the greatest number of different directions?

 A. teres major

 B. deltoid

 C. supraspinatus

 D. subscapularis

See the section called Muscles of the Thorax and Shoulder That Move the Humerus.

29. The only muscle that originates on both the clavicle and the scapula is the

 A. deltoid

 B. trapezius

 C. pectoralis major

 D. supraspinatus

See the section called Muscles of the Thorax and Shoulder That Move the Humerus.

30. What is the action of muscle B?

 A. adduct, extend, laterally rotate arm

 B. abduct, flex, medially rotate arm

 C. extend and abduct arm

 D. flex and adduct arm

. See the section called Muscles of the Thorax and Shoulder That Move the Humerus.

31. Which muscle acts synergistically with the anconeus to extend the forearm?

 A. deltoid

 B. biceps brachii

 C. triceps brachii

 D. coracobrachialis

See the section called Muscles of the Arm That

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Move the Radius and Ulna.

32. The short head of the biceps brachii originates on the

 A. coracoid process of the scapula

 B. clavicle

 C. glenoid fossa of the shoulder joint

 D. acromion of the scapula

See the section called Muscles of the Arm That Move the Radius and Ulna.

33. The flexor pollicis longus has its insertion on the

 A. calcaneus

 B. trapezius

 C. thumb

 D. pubisSee the section called Muscles of the Forearm That Move the Wrist, Hand, Thumb, and Digits.

34. The flexor digitorum profundus muscle acts to flex the

 A. thumb

 B. phalanges of the fingers

 C. wrist

 D. ankle

See the section called Muscles of the Forearm That Move the Wrist, Hand, Thumb, and Digits.

35. The thenar eminence A. consists of the abductor digiti minimi,

flexor digiti minimi brevis, and opponens digiti minimi

 B. consists of muscles involved with movement of the little finger

 C. consists of muscles innervated exclusively by the ulnar nerve

 D. consists of the abductor pollicis brevis, opponens pollicis, flexor pollicis brevis, adductor pollicis

See the section called Muscles of the Palm That Move the Digits—Intrinsic Muscles of the Hand.

36. The single most distinctive digital movement that gives humans their tool grasping capability is

 A. flexion

 B. abduction

 C. adduction

 D. opposition

See the section called Muscles of the Palm That Move the Digits—Intrinsic Muscles of the Hand.

37. Which muscle flexes the vertebral column?

 A. quadratus lumborum

 B. trapezius

 C. pectoralis major

 D. rectus abdominis

See the section called Muscles of the Neck and Back That Move the Vertebral Column.

38. The splenius muscles act only on the A. head and neck

 B. thoracic region of the vertebral column

 C. lumbar vertebrae

 D. sacral region of the spineSee the section called Muscles of the Neck and Back That Move the Vertebral Column.

39. Which muscles that move the vertebral column run parallel with the vertical axis of the spine?

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 A. splenius capitis

 B. rotatore and multifidus

 C. erector spinae group

 D. scalenes

See the section called Muscles of the Neck and Back That Move the Vertebral Column.

40. Which of the following muscles is the shortest, with origin and insertion between adjacent vertebrae?

 A. iliocostalis

 B. semispinalis

 C. splenius

 D. rotatores

See the section called Muscles of the Neck and Back That Move the Vertebral Column.

41. Which of the muscle groups that extends the vertebral column is located most laterally?

 A. iliocostalis

 B. spinalis

 C. longissimus

 D. semispinalis

See the section called Muscles of the Neck and Back That Move the Vertebral Column.

42. Which muscles of the vertebral column originate and insert only on transverse processes of the vertebrae?

 A. rotatores

 B. intertransversarii

 C. multifidus

 D. interspinales

See the section called Muscles of the Neck and Back That Move the Vertebral Column.

43. One of the largest, heaviest muscles of the body which is the chief extensor of the femur is the

 A. quadriceps femoris

 B. latissimus dorsi

 C. biceps brachii

 D. gluteus maximus

See the section called Muscles of the Gluteal Region That Move the Femur.

44. Of the muscles that flex the thigh, the only one that originates on the vertebral column is the

 A. psoas major

 B. iliacus

 C. pectineus

 D. tensor fasciae latae

See the section called Muscles of the Gluteal Region That Move the Femur.

45. A runner suffers a pulled hamstring. Which of the following muscles might be involved?

 A. rectus femoris

 B. vastus lateralis

 C. vastus medialis

 D. biceps femoris

See the section called Muscles of the Thigh That Move the Femur and Tibia and Fibula.

46. Which of the following is true concerning the quadriceps femoris?

 A. It consists of four muscles located in the leg

 B. All four muscles in this group function to extend the leg

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 C. All four heads function to flex the thigh

 D. All of the muscles in this group are innervated by the tibial nerve

See the section called Muscles of the Thigh That Move the Femur and Tibia and Fibula.

47. The gracilis muscle is located in the A. leg

 B. thigh

 C. abdomen

 D. forearm

See the section called Muscles of the Thigh That Move the Femur and Tibia and Fibula.

48. Which muscle originates on the iliac spine and inserts on the medial surface of the tibia?

 A. gracilis

 B. sartorius

 C. rectus femoris

 D. tensor fasciae latae

. See the section called Muscles of the Thigh That Move the Femur and Tibia and Fibula.

49. Which muscle lies deep to the rectus femoris?

 A. vastus lateralis

 B. vastus intermedius

 C. vastus medialis

 D. sartorius

See the section called Muscles of the Thigh That Move the Femur and Tibia and Fibula.

50. The medial compartment of the thigh contains muscles that _______ the thigh.

 A. adduct

 B. abduct

 C. flex

 D. extend

See the section called Muscles of the Thigh That Move the Femur and Tibia and Fibula.

51. The longest muscle of your body is the A. rectus femoris

 B. sartorius

 C. latissimus dorsi

 D. gastrocnemius

. See the section called Muscles of the Thigh That Move the Femur and Tibia and Fibula.

52. The hamstring muscles act to A. flex the thigh

 B. extend the leg

 C. flex the leg and extend the thigh

 D. flex the thigh and extend the leg

See the section called Muscles of the Thigh That Move the Femur and Tibia and Fibula.

53. A very common muscle injury in individuals who run hard is to the

 A. gastrocnemius

 B. quadriceps femoris

 C. hamstrings

 D. sartorius

See the section called Muscles of the Thigh That Move the Femur and Tibia and Fibula.

54. Name the muscle that is not a member of the hamstring group.

 A. semitendinousus

 B. biceps femoris

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 C. semimembranous

 D. gracilis

See the section called Muscles of the Thigh That Move the Femur and Tibia and Fibula.

55. Tendinitis of the tibialis anterior can result in a painful condition commonly known as

 A. pulled hamstrings

 B. painful heel syndrome

 C. shinsplints

 D. stress fractures

See the section called Muscles of the Leg That Move the Foot and Toes.

56. The flexor hallicus longus muscle flexes the

 A. thigh

 B. leg

 C. great toe

 D. four small toes

See the section called Muscles of the Leg That Move the Foot and Toes.

57. The Achilles tendon attaches (inserts) on the

 A. calcaneus

 B. patella

 C. tibia

 D. fibula

See the section called Muscles of the Leg That Move the Foot and Toes.

58. The belly (contractile elements) of the extensor digitorum longus muscle lies entirely in the

 A. plantar surface of the foot

 B. anterior compartment of the leg

 C. posterior compartment of the leg

D. lateral compartment of the leg

See the section called Muscles of the Leg That Move the Foot and Toes.

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