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Introduction. After ten years of research on thestructure of chromatin which had led to the discovery ofthe nucleosome and an outline of its structure, as well asthe next level of folding of DNA in the 300 Å chromatin

fibre,1),2) I became interested in the then so-called“active chromatin,” the chromatin which is involved intranscription or poised to do so. I looked for a systemwhich was tractable, that is, offered the possibility ofextracting relatively large amounts of material for bio-chemical and structural studies.

I became intrigued by the work of Robert Roederand Donald Brown on the 5S RNA genes of Xenopus lae-vis, which are transcribed by RNA polymerase III(reviewed in Brown).3) They discovered that the correct

Proc. Japan Acad., 81, Ser. B (2005)

The discovery of zinc fingers and their development for practical applications in gene regulation

By Aaron KLUG*)

MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge CB2 2QH, United Kingdom

(Communicated by Takashi SUGIMURA, M. J. A.)

Abstract: An account is given of the discovery in 1985 of the classical Cys2His2 (C2H2) zinc finger, aris-ing from the interpretation of biochemical studies on the interaction of the Xenopus protein transcriptionfactor IIIA with 5S RNA, and of subsequent structural studies on its 3D structure and its interaction withDNA. Each finger constitutes a self-contained domain stabilized by a zinc ion ligated to a pair of cysteinesand a pair of histidines, and by an inner structural hydrophobic core. This work showed not only a new pro-tein fold but also a novel principle of DNA recognition. Whereas other DNA binding proteins generally makeuse of the two-fold symmetry of the double helix, functioning as homo- or heterodimers, zinc fingers can belinked linearly in tandem to recognize nucleic acid sequences of different lengths. This modular design offersa large number of combinatorial possibilities for the specific recognition of DNA (or RNA). It is therefore notsurprising that this zinc finger is found widespread in nature, in 3% of the genes of the human genome. Ithad long been the goal of molecular biologists to design DNA binding proteins for control of gene expres-sion and we have adopted the zinc finger design and principle for this purpose. We demonstrated that thezinc finger design is ideally suited for such purposes, discriminating between closely related DNAsequences both in vitro and in vivo, and we have therefore adapted this natural design for engineering zincfinger proteins for targeting specific genes. The first example of the potential of the method was publishedin 1994 when a three-finger protein was constructed to block the expression of an oncogene transformedinto a mouse cell line. In the same paper we also showed that we could activate a reporter gene by target-ing a nine base pair promoter which we had inserted. Thus by fusing zinc finger peptides to repression oractivation domains, genes can be selectively switched off or on. By combining the targeting zinc fingers withother effector or functional domains e.g. from nucleases or integrases, to form chimeric proteins,genomes can be manipulated or modified. Several applications of such engineered zinc finger proteins aredescribed here, including some of potential therapeutic importance.

Key words: Zinc fingers; transcription activation; transcription inhibition; modular design; combinato-rial principle; protein engineering; human genome; gene targeting; gene correction.

*) Abbreviations: DBD, DNA binding domain; ZFP, zinc fingerprotein; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor; DTT, dithio-threitol; 7S RNP, 7S Ribonucleoprotein particle; HR, homologousrecombination; HDR, homology directed repair; DSB, doublestranded break; ZFN, zinc finger protein nuclease.

*) Honorary Member of the Japan Academy.


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initiation of transcription requires the binding of a 40 kDprotein factor, variously called factor A or transcriptionfactor IIIA (TFIIIA), which had been purified fromoocyte extracts. By deletion mapping it was found thatthis factor interacts with a region about 50 nucleotideslong within the gene, called the internal control region.This was the first eukaryotic transcription factor to bedescribed.

Immature oocytes store 5S RNA molecules in theform of 7S ribonucleoprotein particles,4) each containinga single 40 kD protein which was later shown5) to beidentical with transcription factor IIIA. TFIIIA thereforebinds both 5S RNA and its cognate DNA and it wastherefore suggested that it may mediate autoregulationof 5S gene transcription.5) Whether this autoregulationoccurred in vivo or not, the dual interaction provided aninteresting structural problem which could beapproached because of the presence of large quantitiesof the protein TFIIIA in immature Xenopus oocytes.

In the autumn of 1982, I therefore proposed to anew graduate student, Jonathan Miller, that he begin

studies on TFIIIA. This led to the discovery of aremarkable repeating motif within the protein, which welater, in laboratory jargon, called zinc fingers, becausethey contained zinc and gripped or grasped the DNA.The full story of the experiments is told in our firstpaper 6) and I will only summarize it here. I should how-ever emphasize that the repeating structure was discov-ered through biochemistry, not, as some reviews havestated, by computer sequence analysis. When thesequence was published I looked for, and found by eye, arepeating pattern, which was then confirmed andaligned as a repeating motif of 30 amino acids byAndrew McLachlan’s computer analysis6) (Fig. 1).

Preparation and characterisation of TFIIIA

from the 7S RNP particle. When Miller repeated thepublished protocols for purifying the 7S particle, heobtained very low yields, which we attributed to dissoci-ation. Brown and Roeder had used buffers which con-tained variously dithiothreitol (DTT), used because theprotein had a high cysteine content, and EDTA toremove any contamination by metals which hydrolyse

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Fig. 1. Amino acid sequence9) of Transcription Factor IIIA from X. laevis oocytes aligned to show the repeating units.6) The best con-served residues are ringed. The boxed-in consensus sequences is shown at the top, indexed on a repeat unit of 30 amino acids. Thestructural units or finger modules (Fig. 2) begin at amino acid number 6, separated by a five amino acid linker.

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nucleic acids. We observed that gel filtration of thecomplex in 0.1 mM DTT resulted in separate elution ofprotein and 5S RNA. However, when we found that thestrong reducing agent sodium borohydride did not dis-rupt the complex, we realized that the protein was notbeing held together by disulfide bridges, and thattherefore a metal might be involved. When the particlewas incubated with a variety of chelating agents, particledissociation could be prevented only by prior addition ofZn2+, and not by a variety of other metals. Analysis of apartially purified 7S preparation by atomic absorptionspectroscopy also revealed a significant concentration ofZn, with at least 5 mol Zn per mol particle.

While these experiments were in progress, Hanas etal.7) reported the presence of Zn in the 7S particle, at aratio of two per particle. We thought this must be anunderestimate since their buffers contained 0.5 mM or1 mM DTT, which has a high binding constant for Zn ofabout 1010. We therefore repeated the analysis withpure and undissociated particle preparations, takinggreat care to ensure no contamination. We concludedthat the native 7S particle contains between 7 and 11zinc ions. This result was consistent with the fact thatthe protein was known to contain large numbers of his-tidine and cysteine residues, the commonest ligands forzinc in enzymes and other proteins. This hinted atsome kind of internal substructure.

A natural step was therefore to see if any such sub-structure could be revealed by proteolytic digestion, andMiller had already begun such studies. He had found twoproducts, an intermediate 33 kD fragment, and a limit 23kD. At about that time Brown’s group8) also showed that,on treatment with proteolytic enzymes, the 40 kD TFIIIA protein breaks down to a 30 kD product, which isthen converted to a 20 kD product. They proposed thatTFIIIA consists of three structural domains which theyidentified as binding to different parts of the 50 base-pairinternal control region of the 5S RNA gene.

Carrying our proteolytic studies further, we foundthat on prolonged proteolysis the TFIIIA productbreaks down further, finally to a limit digest of about 3kD. In the course of this breakdown, periodic intermedi-ates differing in size by about 3 kD could be seen. Thecorrespondence in size between these last two valuessuggested that the 30 kD domain of TFIIIA might containa periodic arrangement of small, compact domains eachof 3 kD. If each such domain contained one Zn atom,then the observed high Zn content would be accountedfor.

This novel idea of a small Zn-stabilized domains was

strengthened by the timely publication by Roeder’sgroup 9) of the sequence of TFIIIA derived from a cDNAclone. By inspection, it could be seen that the large num-ber of cysteines and histidines present in the proteinappeared to occur a in more or less regular pattern. Arigorous computer analysis showed that, of the 344amino acids of the TFIIIA sequence residues, numbers13-276 form a continuous run of nine tandemly repeated,similar units of about 30 amino acids, each containingtwo invariant pairs of histidines and cysteines6) (Fig. 1).Repeating patterns in the sequence were also noticed byBrown, Sander & Argos10) who concluded, however,that the whole protein was divided into twelve repeats,indexed on a 39 amino acid unit (although theirabstract states “about 30”).

A repeating structure for TFIIIA. From thethree different lines of evidence described above,namely (1) a 30 amino acid repeat in the sequence,which (2) corresponds in size to the observed periodic

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Fig. 2. (a) Interpretation6) of the main structural feature of the pro-tein TFIIIA and its interactions with 50 bp of DNA, showing com-binatorial recognition by the modular design. (b) Foldingscheme for a linear arrangement of repeating structural units(“zinc finger modules”), each centred on a tetrahedral arrange-ment of zinc ligands, Cys2His2. Also shown are the threehydrophobic groups which were proposed to form a structuralcore, as confirmed later (Fig. 4 below).



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intermediates and the limit-digest product of 3 kD, and(3) the measured Zn content of 7-11 atoms, we pro-posed6) that the 30 kD region of the TFIIIA protein has arepeating structure consisting of nine 30 amino acid units(Fig. 2a). 25 of the 30 amino acids in the repeat foldaround a Zn ion to form a small independent structuraldomain or module, the “finger”, and the five interveningamino acids provide the linkers between consecutive fin-gers (Fig. 2b). The Zn ion forms the basis of the foldingby being tetrahedrally coordinated to the two invariantpairs of cysteines and histidines. Each repeat also con-tains, besides this unique conserved pattern of Cys-Cys…. His-His, three other conserved amino acids, namelyTyr6 (or Phe6), Phe17 and Leu23, all of which are largehydrophobic residues (Fig. 1). We suggested that thesemight interact to form a hydrophobic cluster stabilisingthe compact finger module. The whole of the 30 aminoacid repeat is rich in basic and polar residues but thelargest number are found concentrated in the regionbetween the second cysteine and the first histidine,implicating this region in particular in nucleic acidbinding. This was later found to be the case.

Formally, when indexed on a 30 amino acid repeat,the repeating structure could be written as

1 – 5 6 8 13 17 23 26 30linker h X1 C X2,4 C X3 h X5 h X2,3 H X3,4 H

where h represents a conserved (large) hydrophobicresidue. The proposal that each 25 amino acid moduleformed an independently folded, Zn-stabilized domainsoon gained support from two lines of research. First, wecarried out a study using EXAFS (extended X-rayabsorption fine structure) confirming that the Zn ligandsare two cysteines and two histidines.11) Secondly it wasfound by Tso et al.12) that, in the DNA sequence of thegene for TFIIIA, the position of the intron-exon bound-aries mark most of the proposed finger moduledomains.

In evolutionary terms, the multi-fingered TFIIIAmay have arisen by gene duplication of an ancestraldomain comprising about 30 amino acids. Because onesuch self-contained small domain would have had theability to bind to nucleic acids, and could be passed on byexon shuffling, we suggested6) that these domainsmight occur more widely in gene control proteins than injust this case of TFIIIA. The extent to which this predic-tion has been borne out (3% of the genes of the humangenome, at the latest count 13)) still, on occasion, aston-ishes me. Indeed, within months of the publication of ourpaper, I received word of sequences homologous to thezinc finger motif of TFIIIA. The first two were fromDrosophila, the serendipity gene from Rosbash’sgroup14) and Krüppel from Jäckle’s group.15)

A new principle of DNA recognition. The keypoint that emerged from our first paper was that, not

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Fig. 3. Number of Cys2His2 and “Cys4” genes in the genomes of various organisms.13) The Cys4 genes referto the steroid and thyroid hormone family of nuclear receptors which were also later named zinc fingersbecause of a similarity in the amino acid sequences suggesting the presence of zinc tetrahedrally ligatedto four cysteins. The structures are however quite different from the classical C2H2 finger. Note how theproportion of C2H2 genes increases with greater complexity on the evolutionary scale.

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only had there emerged a new protein fold for nucleicacid binding, but also a novel principle of DNA recogni-tion. The overall design for specific DNA recognition wasdistinctly different from that of the helix-turn-helixmotif, found in the first DNA binding proteins to bedescribed. The latter binds to DNA as a symmetricdimer to a palindromic sequence on the DNA, thusmaking use of both the 2-fold symmetry of the DNA helixbackbones and also the nucleotide sequence.Heterodimeric variations of this and other 2-fold sym-metric designs were found later, but they still make useof the double helix symmetry.

In contrast, the zinc finger is a DNA-binding modulethat can be linked tandemly in a linear, polar fashion torecognize DNA (or RNA) sequences of differentlengths. Each finger domain has a similar structuralframework but can achieve chemical distinctiveness

through variations in a number of key amino acidresidues. This modular design thus offers a large numberof combinational possibilities for the specific recognitionof DNA (or RNA). It is not surprising that it is foundwidespread throughout so many different types oforganisms (Fig. 3).

The structure of the zinc finger and its inter-

action with DNA. We had noted,6) that in addition tothe characteristic arrangements of conserved cysteinesand histidines which are fundamental in the folding ofthe finger by the coordinating Zn, there are three otherconserved amino acids, notably Tyr6, Phe17 and Leu23,and suggested that they were likely to form ahydrophobic structural core of the folded structure. Inother words, the seven conserved amino acids in eachunit would provide the framework of tertiary folding,whereas some of the variable residues determined thespecificity of each domain. Jeremy Berg 16) built onthese original observations by fitting known structuralmotifs from other metallo-proteins to the consensussequence of the TFIIIA finger motifs. His proposedmodel consisted of an antiparallel β -sheet, which con-tains a loop formed by the two cysteines, and an α-helixcontaining the His-His loop. The two structural units areheld together by the Zn ion. In analogy with the way inwhich the bacterial helix-turn-helix motif binds DNA,DNA recognition was postulated to reside mostly in thehelical region of the protein structure.

Berg’s model was soon confirmed in outline by theNMR studies of Peter Wright’s group 17) on a single zincfinger in solution, and by David Neuhaus in our labora-tory18),19) on a two-finger peptide (Fig. 4). Our work tooklonger to solve the structure but it had the merit of show-ing that adjacent zinc fingers are structurally indepen-dent in solution, being joined by flexible linkers.

The question remained of the precise pattern ofamino acid interactions of zinc fingers with DNA. Thebreakthrough came in 1991 when Nikola Pavletich andCarl Pabo,20) solved the crystal structure of a complex ofa DNA oligonucleotide specifically bound to the three-finger DNA binding domain of the mouse transcriptionfactor Zif268, an early response gene. The primary con-tacts are made by the α -helix which binds in the DNAmajor groove through specific hydrogen-bond interac-tions from amino acids at helical positions –1, 3 and 6 tothree successive bases (a triplet) on one strand of theDNA (Fig. 5a). Later, the second zinc finger-DNA com-plex to be solved, by Fairall in Rhodes’ group in our lab-oratory,21) revealed an important secondary interactionfrom helical position 2 to the other strand (Fig. 5b and

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Fig. 4. The structure of a zinc finger from a 2D-NMR study of atwo-finger peptide in solution.19) The same study showed thatthe linker between the two modules is highly flexible.18)

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Fig. 5. (a) Schematic diagram29) of the first model of modular recognition of DNA by a three-zinc fingerpeptide, illustrating the results of the first crystal structure determination of the complex between theDNA binding domain of the transcription factor Zif268 and an optimised DNA binding site.20) Each fin-ger interacts with a 3 bp subsite on one strand of the DNA, using amino acid residues in helical positions–1, 3 and 6. (b) Refined model of DNA recognition.29),30) View of the potential hydrogen bonds to the sec-ond strand of the DNA (“cross-strand interactions”) emanating from position 2 on the recognition helix.This is based on the crystal structure of the tramtrack-DNA complex,21) the mutagenesis29) and phagedisplay selection studies of Isalan et al.,30) and on the refined structure of the Zif268-DNA complex, andof variants by Pabo and his colleagues.48) The fingers ideally bind 4 bp overlapping subsites, so that adja-cent fingers are functionally synergistic though structurally independent.

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see below). This is the canonical docking arrangement,but there are however some wide variations from thisarrangement in the family of zinc finger – DNA com-plexes now known. There are also, of course, still otherinteractions such as with the phosphates of the DNAbackbones, but these do not play a direct part in specif-ic recognition.

Zinc finger peptides for the regulation of

gene expression. The mode of DNA recognition by afinger is thus principally a one-to-one interactionbetween individual amino acids from the recognitionhelix to individual DNA bases. This is quite unlike thecase of other DNA-binding proteins, where one aminoacid may contact two bases and vice versa. Moreover,because the fingers function as independent modules,fingers with different triplet specificities can be linked togive specific recognition of longer DNA sequences. Forthis reason, the zinc finger motifs are ideal naturalbuilding blocks for the de novo design of proteins forrecognizing any given sequence of DNA. Indeed the firstexperiments by Berg and others, using site-directedmutagenesis, showed that it is possible to alter rational-ly the DNA-binding characteristics of individual zinc fin-gers when one or more of the amino acids in the α -heli-cal positions are varied. As a small collection of thesemutants accumulated, it became possible to find someregularities or “rules” relating amino acids on therecognition α -helix to corresponding bases in thebound DNA sequence.

In our laboratory, my colleagues and I adopted a dif-ferent approach. The reason was that the “rules” did nottake into account the fact that real DNA structures arenot fixed in the canonical B form but, as we had shown,there are wide departures, depending on the DNAsequence.22),23) This was further brought home to us bythe structure of the zinc finger – tramtrack DNA com-plex.21) Here the helical position used for the primarycontact by the first finger with the 3’-most base of thecognate triplet (thymine) is not the canonical –1, but 2.The cause is that the DNA helix is deformed from the Bform, with the thymine followed by an adenine at a heli-cal rotation angle of 39 ˚, rather than the canonical 36 ˚,and preceded by another adenine at an angle of 33 ˚. Theinteraction with the finger thus occurs at an ATAsequence which has unusual flexibility, as I had notedlong ago.22) DNA is not a rigid, passive participant in itsinteraction with proteins.

Affinity selection from a library of zinc fingers

by phage display. The alternative to this rational butbiased design of proteins with new specificities was the

isolation of desirable variants from a large pool orlibrary. A powerful method of selecting such proteins isthe cloning of peptides24) or protein domains 25) asfusions to the minor coat protein (pIII) of bacteriophagefd, which leads to their expression on the tip of the cap-sid. Phage displaying the peptides of interest can beaffinity purified by binding to the target and thenamplified in bacteria for use in further rounds of selec-tion and for DNA sequencing of the cloned genes. Weapplied this technology to the study of zinc finger-DNAinteractions, after my colleague, Yen Choo, had demon-strated that functional zinc finger proteins could be dis-played on the surface of fd phage, and that such engi-neered phage could be captured on a solid supportcoated with the specific DNA.26),27) The phage displaymethod was also adopted by other groups working onzinc fingers, including those of Carl Pabo and CarlosBarbas.

We created phage display libraries comprisingabout 107 variants of the middle finger from the DNA-binding domain of Zif268. A DNA oligonucleotide of fixedsequence was used to bind and hence purify phage fromthis library over several rounds of selection, returning anumber of different but related zinc fingers which bindthe given DNA. By comparing similarities in the aminoacid sequence of functionally equivalent fingers, wecould deduce the likely mode of interaction of these fin-gers with DNA. Remarkably we found that most basecontacts occur from three primary positions on the α -helix of the zinc finger, correlating well with the impli-cations of the crystal structure of Zif268 bound toDNA.20)

This demonstrated ability to select zinc fingerswith desired specificity meant that, as the data from theselections accumulated, some wider general rules couldbe devised for a recognition code,27) and hence that DNA-binding peptides could be made to measure using thecombinatorial strategy exemplified by TFIIIA. In otherwords these general rules could be used for the “rationaldesign” of a zinc finger peptide to recognise a short runof DNA sequence by “mixing and matching” individualspecific fingers. Where the general rules for fingerspecificity led to an ambiguity, as in the case of closelyrelated triplets, e.g. GCG and GTG, we showed that zincfinger modules could nevertheless be selected to dis-criminate between them.27)

Use of engineered zinc finger peptides to

repress gene expression in a mouse cell line. Oneinteresting possibility for the use of such zinc finger pep-tides is to target selectively genetic differences in

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pathogens or transformed cells. In December 1994 wereported the first such application,28) in which we built aprotein which recognized a specific DNA sequenceboth in vitro and in vivo. This was a crucial test of ourunderstanding of the mechanism of zinc-finger DNArecognition. The proof of principle led ourselves, andlater others, to devote our future studies on zinc fingersto potential applications in gene regulation for researchpurposes or for therapeutic correction. It also stimulatedthe creation of the first biotech companies, SangamoBiosciences and later Gendaq (see below), to exploit thenew technology.

In summary, we created a three finger peptide ableto bind site-specifically to a unique nine base-pairregion of the p190 bcr-abl cDNA: this is a transformingoncogene which arises by translocation between the tipsof chromosomes 9 and 22, of which one product is thePhiladelphia chromosome. The latter contains a novelDNA sequence at the junction of two exons, one eachfrom the two genomic parent bcr and abl genes. Ourengineered peptide discriminated in vitro against likeregions of the parent bcr and c-abl genes, differing inonly a single base out of the nine base pair target, by fac-tors greater than one order of magnitude.

Our peptide also contained a nuclear localizationsignal (NLS) fused to the zinc finger domain so that the peptide could accumulate in the nucleus.Consequently, stably transformed mouse cells, madeinterleukin-3 independent by the action of the oncogene,were found to revert to IL-3 dependence on transient

transfection with a vector expressing the peptide. Ourconstruct was also engineered to contain a c-myc epi-tope, which enabled us to follow by immunofluorescencethe localization of the peptide to the nuclei of the trans-fected cells. When IL-3 is subsequently withdrawn fromcell culture, over 90% of the transfected p190 cellsbecome apoptotic (that is, showing chromosome degra-dation) within 24 hours (Fig. 6, left). Our experimentswere repeated on cells transformed by another relatedoncogene p210 bcr-abl, which served as a control. Alltransfected p210 cells maintained their IL-3 depen-dence, and remained intact on entry of the engineeredpeptide (Fig. 6, right).

Measurements of the levels of p190 bcr-abl mRNAextracted from cells treated with the peptide showedthat the repression of oncogenic expression by the zincfinger peptide was due to a transcriptional blockimposed by the sequence-specific binding of the peptide,which, with its highly basic NLS, presumably obstructedthe path of the RNA polymerase. In later experiments toinhibit gene expression we used in addition a repressiondomain, such as the Kox domain from the XenopusKRAB zinc finger family.

Promoter-specific activation by a chimeric

zinc finger peptide. These experiments showed that azinc finger peptide could be engineered to switch offgene expression in vivo. In the same paper 28) wedescribed other experiments on a different cell system(cultured mouse fibroblasts) to show that a gene couldalso be switched on in a similar way. We used the same

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Fig. 6. (left) An engineered site-specific zinc finger DNA binding protein, designed de novo against an oncogenic BCR-ABL fusion sequence (p190) transformed into a BaF3 mouse cell line represses expression of the oncogene.28)

Immunofluorescence image of cell nuclei eight hours after transfection with the zinc finger protein, showing apoptosis.After 24 hours 95% of the cells are destroyed. (right) The same on a control cell line which has been transformed by arelated but different BCR-ABL oncogenic sequence p210. The cells are not affected.

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nine base pair sequence, but this time as a promoter fora CAT reporter gene contained in a plasmid. The peptide,which recognized the promoter sequence, was fused to aVP16 activation domain from Herpes Simplex virusand, on transient transfection, stimulated expression ofthe reporter gene by a factor of 30-fold above controls.

Improving zinc finger specificity by protein

engineering. (i) Having shown proof of principle thatengineered zinc finger peptides could be used to target

DNA, we focussed our subsequent work on improvingthe specificity of recognition. While the main source ofspecificity lies in the amino acids at positions –1, 3 and 6of the recognition α -helix of a zinc finger for successivebases lying on one strand of a DNA triplet, we found thatthe “cross-strand” interaction described above fromhelical position 2 to the neighbouring base pair on theadjacent triplet (Fig. 5b) can significantly influence thespecificity.29) Therefore it has been necessary to revise

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Fig. 7. Two modes of generating six-zinc finger proteins for specific recognition of 18 bp sequences.32),33) (Top). Two three-finger pep-tides fused together using an extended canonical linker (2 × 3F scheme). (Bottom). Three two-finger peptides linked using canon-ical linkers extended by an insertion of either a glycine residue or a glycine-serine-glycine sequence in the canonical linkers betweenfingers 2 and 3 and fingers 4 and 5 respectively.

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the simple model that zinc fingers are essentially inde-pendent modules that bind three base-pair subsites to amodel that considers functional synergy at the interfacebetween adjacent independently folded zinc fingers. Inthis revised model, Zif268-like zinc fingers potentiallybind four base-pair overlapping subsites30) (Fig. 5b).

We have therefore redesigned 31) our method ofphage library construction to allow for the optimisationof the interaction that a finger makes with the DNA bind-ing site of the adjacent N terminal finger. We adopted abipartite selection strategy in which two halves of athree-finger DNA-binding domain are selected sepa-rately and then recombined in vitro to make a completethree-finger domain which binds nine base pairs and inwhich the interface synergy between its constituentthree fingers has been automatically allowed. Thesetwo separate (non-overlapping) libraries are then used toperform the bipartite selections. Because all the steps arecarried out in vitro, the method is rapid and easilyadapted to a high-throughput automated format. Thiswas applied commercially by an MRC spin-off companyGendaq (later acquired by a Californian biotech compa-ny Sangamo Biosciences) for up to 2 × 45 = 2048 bindingsites to create a large archive of zinc finger peptideswhich recognise a vast number of nine DNA base pairsequences.

(ii) An important step forward has been toincrease the length of the DNA sequence targeted andhence its degree of rarity. At the same time there wouldbe expected an increase in the binding affinity of thelonger zinc finger construct. Three zinc fingers recognizenine base pairs, a sequence which would occur random-ly many thousand times in a large genome. Therefore sixfingers linked together would recognize a DNAsequence 18 base pairs in length, sufficiently long to con-stitute a rare address in the human genome. Howeverone cannot simply go on adding fingers with the con-ventional linkers, because the periodicity of the packedfingers does not quite match the DNA periodicity.They thus tend to get out of register and are strained indoing so, leading to only a small increase in affinity. Inrecent years, we have learned how to engineer longerruns of zinc fingers which can target longer DNAsequences and have affinities a thousand times greaterthan three-finger peptides32),33) (Fig. 7).

An early design34) was to use a longer more flexiblelinker between two different pre-existing three-fingerdomains to form a six-finger peptide but this has notbeen used much in practical applications. The method ofchoice in current use is that developed in Cambridge by

Moore et al.33) (and later transferred to Sangamo viaGendaq). This uses two-finger binding domains whichcan be obtained from the archive described above.Three of these are assembled into six-finger domains,using longer variants of the conserved TGEKP linkers(Fig. 7, bottom). The linkers contain an extra glycineresidue or a glycine-serine-glycine tripeptide betweenthe constituent two-finger modules. Such six-fingerdomains (denoted 3 × 2F) bind their 18 bp targets withpicomolar affinity, as also do six fingers made by linkingtwo three-finger domains (2 × 3F) made with anextended linker.33) However the advantage of the 3 × 2Fover the 2 × 3F strategy is that it is much more sensitiveto a mutation or an insertion in the target sequence, witha loss of affinity of up to a 100-fold. Thus the 3 × 2F pep-tide discriminates more strongly than the 2 × 3F peptidebetween closely related DNA target sequences. Thelogic behind this 3 × 2F design was that the strain inbinding longer DNA targets is more evenly distributedthan in a 2 × 3F construct, and it indeed turned out tohave the advantage described. These six-finger peptidesnot only have picomolar affinities for their 18 bp targetsbut also give virtually single gene recognition 35) whentested on DNA microarrays displaying twenty thousanddifferent sequences. A library of two-finger peptides wasbegun in Cambridge and later transferred to thearchive at Gendaq-Sangamo.

Another strategy we developed32) was to target twonon-contiguous 9 base pair DNA sequences separated byup to 10 bp of non bound DNA. Using a non-specificbinding finger (in which all key amino acids had beenmutated to serine) as a structured linker, we found thatit could span a gap of 7 to 8 bp and maintain picomolaraffinity. In contrast, the use of a flexible linker such as(GSG)n displayed no preference for a length of span, butthe affinity was reduced to ~50 pM, probably attributableto the increased conformational entropy of the long pep-tide. These strategies have not so far been deployed.

Some applications of engineered zinc-finger

proteins. Zinc finger proteins (ZFPs) can be engi-neered with a variety of effector domains fused to poly-zinc finger peptides which can recognise virtually anydesired DNA sequence with high affinity and specifity.They thus form the basis of a novel technology which hasincreasing uses in research and medicine. An excellentsummary of numerous such applications is given by Paboand his colleagues.36) I will here only mention a few byourselves and others.

(i) Inhibition of HIV expression.37) It was shown thatZFPs targeted to the HIV promoter long terminal

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repeat activated by the tat protein effectively repressedexpression, and preliminary experiments in a cellularinfection assay gave a 3-fold drop in infectivity.

(ii) Disruption of the effective cycle of infection ofherpes simplex virus (HSV).38) A ZFP transcription factordesigned to repress the promoter of a viral gene that is

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Fig. 8. Repression of herpes simplex virus infection(at 0.05pfu/cell) of FACS sorted HeLa cells by zinc finger peptidesfused to a KOX1 repression domain.38) The peptides are tar-geted to the viral gene IE175K, the first of the six immediateearly genes to be expressed by the virus. A six-finger recogni-tion peptide 6F6KOX reduces the virus titre ten-fold, while athree-finger peptide produces only a 3-fold reduction.

Fig. 10. Gene correction using a pair of three-zinc finger proteinnucleases (ZFNs)44) to produce a double stranded DNA break.The zinc finger peptides are linked to the non-specific catalyt-ic domain of the Fok1 endonuclease by a short amino acid link-er. In the 3D-structure the two catalytic domains form adimeric association.

Fig. 9. Gene modification or correction using homologous recombination42) via “short-path gene con-version” stimulated by a double stranded break (DSB).43) The left side schematically depicts the repairof a random X-ray-induced DSB by homologous recombination using the sister chromatid as the repairdonor. As shown on the right, a site specific DSB is created by zinc finger protein nucleases (Fig. 10above).

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normally activated first in the replication cycle pro-duced a 10-fold reduction in the virus titre in an infectedcell line (Fig. 8). This is a good result, considering thatthere are five other “immediate early” genes which con-tribute to the infection. Several more of these would haveto be repressed to reduce the titre further.

(iii) Activating the expression of vascularendothelical growth factor (VEGF-A) in a human cellline39) and in an animal model.40) These experiments haveled to a therapeutic application (see below).

(iv) Regulation of the level of zinc finger expressionby a small molecule.41) This will be important in control-ling the dose and timing for a therapeutic application. Anefficient way of achieving this is by fusing the ZFP to theligand binding domain of a steroid hormone nuclearreceptor. In the absence of hormone, the ZFP transcrip-tion factor is retained in the cytoplasm, but after ligandbinding the ZFP translocates to the cell nucleus inactive form.

Stimulation of new vasculature by engi-

neered ZFPs. Following the work at Sangamo on theactivation of the transcription factor VEGF by ZFPs inmouse and human cell lines,39) experiments showedthat new blood vessels could be formed in a mouse ear.40)

These did not leak, unlike the results which had beenobtained by earlier workers who had been delivering var-ious cDNA spliced isoforms of the gene. The reason forthe success with ZFP activation is that the latter acts onthe promoter of the VEGF gene, and hence all splicedisoforms are naturally produced when the gene isinduced to promote angiogenesis.

Subsequent work by Frank Giordano at Yale andBrian Annex at Duke University showed increasedblood flow in hindlimbs of ischaemic rabbits, with theZFP delivered by a retrovirus or simply by injecting theDNA. On the basis of this, and other confirmatory work,Edwards Life Sciences, a licensee of Sangamo, was lastyear granted an IND by the FDA to begin clinical trials toevaluate the ability of an appropriate ZFP to stimulatethe natural growth of normal blood vessels in treatingclaudication, a symptom of peripheral arterial obstructivedisease that causes poor blood flow in the legs. If thesetrials are successful a ZFP of this kind could ultimatelyhave possible use in ischemic cardiac disease, if aneffective delivery system can be devised.

Gene Correction by homologous recombina-

tion using sequence-specific zinc finger nucleases.

Gene Correction is the process by which sequencealterations in defective or deleterious genes can bechanged or “corrected” by homologous recombination

(HR)-mediated gene conversion between the targetlocus and a donor construct encoding the correctivesequence (Fig. 9). Monogenic disorders such as X-linked severe combined immune deficiency (SCID),sickle-cell anemia (SCA), haemophilia, and Gaucher’sdisease are caused by the inheritance of defective allelesof a single gene. The ability to replace this genesequence via HR-mediated gene correction has thepotential of fully restoring the gene function and provid-ing a permanent cure for patients with these disorders.However, this process is highly inefficient in that the fre-quency of unaided HR at a specific locus occurs in onlyabout 1 in 105 cells.42) This is far below a level that wouldbe considered therapeutic. A double-stranded break(DSB) has been demonstrated by Jasin 43) to potentiateHR at a specific genetic locus by ~5,000-fold.Therefore, the introduction of a corrective donorsequence together with a site-specific nuclease thatwould produce a DSB at or near the location of the muta-tion could stimulate Gene Correction to levels thatwould provide a therapeutic impact.

Jasin’s demonstration was based on artificiallyintroducing into an endogenous gene of a human cell linean 18 bp DNA sequence, which was the specifity bindingsite for the homing endonuclease Sce1 and which hadonly a small probability of occurring naturally else-where in the genome. However, to carry out gene cor-rection in native cells requires the specific targeting ofthe mutated sequence and a zinc finger peptide fused toa nuclease domain is the natural choice. A nuclease ofthis type has been developed by Chandrasegaran 44)

using an engineered ZFP fused to the non-specificcleavage domain of the Fok1 type II restriction enzyme.This type of zinc finger nuclease has been used by DanaCarroll45) to produce mutants in Drosophila by gene “cor-rection” and by Matthew Porteus46) in a GFP model sys-tem to study gene modification in a human cell line.Following Chandrasegaran, the three-finger ZFP nucle-ases are introduced as pairs with tandem binding sitesengineered in opposite orientations (Fig. 10), with a 6 bpspacing separating the two half sites. In both cases theefficiency of the targeting is not very high but this wasnot crucial to these studies. Indeed some of theDrosophila mutants are lethal, but they are normallyselected on the phenotype. Both studies showed that aZFN-produced DSB can markedly increase the rate ofhomologous recombination between a donor DNA con-struct and a reporter gene in their two different systems.

The aim of recent work at Sangamo Biosciences, ledby Michael Holmes, Fyodor Urnov and Philip Gregory, is

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to use zinc finger nucleases to create DSB’s at specificsites of mutation in the human genome responsible formonogenic disorders. After experiments on model sys-tems to optimise ZFN-driven gene correction, they setout to determine whether ZFNs could evoke a compara-ble increase in HR frequency at an endogenous gene.They have focussed their efforts on the IL2Rγ gene inwhich loss-of-function point mutations cause X-linked

severe combined immunodeficiency disease (SCID). Inthe absence of bone marrow transplantation or genetherapy, this leads to death in early childhood.Treatment for the disease by gene therapy 47) has beenperformed by inserting one or more copies of the normalgene in the chromosomes of a number of affected chil-dren, that is, by gene addition rather than gene correc-tion. After successful treatment of the majority of the

Zinc fingers for the regulation of gene expressionNo. 4] 99

Fig. 11. Results of gene correction for SCID disease by the Sangamo group48): high-frequencyhomologous driven repair at the endogenous IL2Rγ locus of leukaemic K562 cells driven bydesigned ZFNs. Cells were transfected with the indicated plasmids (at two different concen-trations indicated by “low” and “high” to ensure that the exogenous DNA load was not limiting).The donor DNA was marked by a BsrBI restriction site (not present in the K562 genome) whichwas created by replacing a single nucleotide of one codon so as to preserve the amino acid code.After 1 month, genomic DNA was isolated, digested to completion with EcoRl, BsrBI, and DpnI,and the percentage of BsrBI-carrying chromosomes was measured by Southern blotting withthe probe indicated. A Sph1 restriction fragment is also shown as a size marker.

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patients, two of them died some years later ofleukaemia, probably because the random insertion of thevector led to an LM02 gene coming under inappropriatecontrol.

The middle exon of IL2Rγ contains SCID mutationhotspots. Since maximal homology driven recombinationoccurs when a DSB is evoked at or close to the mutatedsite, the Sangamo workers engineered a pair of ZFNsspecific for the exact location of the mutation on the Xchromosome. Two DNA binding domains were assembledfrom the zinc finger archive described above, each con-taining four highly specific zinc-finger motifs, and thussimultaneously recognising two different 12 bp sites,separated by a fixed distance between them. Thechance of this particular pattern existing elsewhere inthe genome is negligible. Having confirmed in vitro thatthe proteins bind as intended, they next improvedthem further by single amino acid substitutions in thezinc finger recognition helices which gave a furtherfive-fold increase in potency. The results 49) show an 18-20% rate of gene correction in the target cells, which wasstable after one month in culture (Fig. 11).

This accomplishment is dramatic, with an increaseby many orders of magnitude over anything achieved inthe past by “gene targeting”, particularly as no selectionhas been used. Moreover measurements of both themRNA and protein levels expressed by the correctedIL2Rγ gene showed that the mutation had been effi-ciently and stably corrected. The next step in curingSCID disease would be to isolate CD34 progenitor cellsfrom the patient’s bone marrow, and correct them exvivo. After this gene correction, the cells would beallowed to expand and then re-introduced into thebone marrow to repopulate it with corrected cells. Ofcourse an extensive study of ZFN safety (e.g. no otherDSBs created outside the target? immunogenecity?)would first have to be undertaken, but there is everyprospect of gene correction eventually becoming a real-ity for SCID and other monogenic diseases.

Acknowledgements. I thank Dr. Philip Gregoryand his colleagues at Sangamo Biosciences for manyhelpful discussions, for sending me a preprint of theirNature paper (ref. 49) and for permission to use their fig-ures reproduced in Figs. 9, 10 and 11). I would also liketo acknowledge my former colleagues, Yen Choo, MarkIsalan and Michael Moore in Cambridge, and later atGendaq, who helped develop zinc fingers into a robusttechnology for use in research and therapeutics.


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(Received March 9, 2005; accepted March 14, 2005)

A. KLUG102 [Vol. 81(B),


Aaron Klug was born in 1926 in Lithuania, but grew up in Durban, South Africa, from

the age of two when his family emigrated there. He was educated at the Universities of

Witwatersrand (BSc 1945), Cape Town (MSc 1946) and Cambridge (PhD 1953). He began as

a medical student, transferred to science, and his PhD at the Cavendish Laboratory was in

Physics. From 1954 until her untimely death in 1958, he worked with Rosalind Franklin at

Birkbeck college, London on the structure of tobacco mosaic virus. In 1962, he joined the

Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, became Joint Head

of the Structural studies Division in 1978 and was the Director of the Laboratory from 1986

to 1996. He now continues as a member of staff, leading a research group on gene expression.

He was President of the Royal Society (1995-2000), is a member of the Order of Merit,

a Foreign Associate of the US National Academy of Sciences, the French Academy of

Sciences, the Max Planck Gesellschaft, the Japan Academy, and has received many honorary degrees. He is an Honorary

Fellow of Peterhouse and of Trinity College, Cambridge.

His work has been on the interactions of proteins with nucleic acids and on the elucidation of the structures of large

biological molecules and assemblies, including simple viruses and chromatin, by X-ray diffraction and electron

microscopy, and the development of new methods for their study. The principle of his method of 3-D image recon-

struction in electron microscopy from a series of 2-D tilted images later formed the basis of the X-ray CT scanner. In 1982

he was awarded the undivided Nobel Prize in Chemistry. The citation reads “for the development of crystallographic elec-

tron microscopy and the structural elucidation of protein-nucleic acid complexes of biological importance”.

His current research is on the structure of DNA and RNA binding proteins which regulate gene expression and in

particular on the interaction with DNA of the zinc finger family of transcription factors which he discovered in 1985. In

1994 he showed that a synthetic zinc finger protein could be used to block the expression of an oncogene in a mouse cell

line and also to activate gene expression in another system. More generally, by fusing sequence-specific zinc finger pep-

tides to various effector or functional domains, chimeric proteins can be engineered to target virtually any gene in a com-

plex genome and manipulate or modify it. The US biotech company Sangamo has recently been granted the go ahead for

trials on the use of a zinc finger construct as a therapeutic agent to stimulate blood vessel growth in human peripheral

vascular disease. Promising preclinical results have been obtained on correcting the mutations in two monogenic dis-


Aaron Klug has also considerable experience of other branches of biotechnology. He is on the Scientific Advisory

Boards of several companies, including Cambridge Antibody Technology which was spun-off from the MRC when he was

Director, to produce fully human therapeutic antibodies, some of which are now in clinical use. He also set in train the

creation of the Sanger Centre in Cambridge which was responsible for sequencing one third of the human genome.

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