Download - Review Research

Page 1: Review Research

This double page magazine review uses the first page for just a photo from the film and then on the next page is completely full of text. This is one layout we could consider.

Page 2: Review Research

I especially like the layout of this review, the way the white text is shown over the photo which covers the whole of the double page. This gives a great effect for the film, and the layout looks clean and simple. This is definitely a layout I want to consider for our review.

Page 3: Review Research

This layout is similar to that of the last one, with the picture spreading over the whole page, however the white text has been taken to the side as not to disturb the photo as much. I also like the large slogan written across the page.

Page 4: Review Research

This review layout is different from the rest, having the photo undisturbed by any text. I particularly like the way that the photo has been positioned top left of the page and then the text filling the rest of the page in an ‘L’ shape.

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