
Review Questions Lectures 3 & 4

Review Questions Lectures 3 & 4Which of the following is not one of the four types of tissue?ConnectiveVascularMuscularEpithelialNervous

Answer: Vascular Hint: CMENAll of the following are functions of epithelial tissue except:Physical ProtectionBlood TransportSecretionSensationSelective permeability

Answer: Blood TransportThe basement membrane is a transitional area between ________ and _________ tissue.Connective and NervousNervous and MuscularEpithelial and NervousEpithelial and ConnectiveAnswer: Epithelial and Connective

Fill in the blank to create the correct definition:___________ are closer to the basal surface and act like a button that helps to adhere to nearby cells.___________ junctions are near to the basal surface and act as channels to allow cells to communicate with one another.___________ junctions are nearest to the apical surface and are sealed to assure that intercellular sheet is impenetrable (aka make it a good barrier). __________ allow connection to be made with the basement membrane beneath the cell. Answer: Desmosomes, Gap, Tight, Hemidesmosomes. Heads up - Numbers do not match the labels in the picture.

141253253Epithelia are classified by which 2 characteristics?Size and ShapeLayers and ShapeSize and LayersShape and Function

Answer: Layers and ShapeWhat are the 2 functions of simple squamous epithelium? Where are 2 places it can be found?Diffusion and FiltrationMovement and AbsorptionProtection and AbsorptionAbsorption and Secretion

Answer: Diffusion and Filtration. They are found in alveoli (lungs air sacs) and the lining of blood vessels. What are the 2 functions of Cuboidal Epithelium? Where are 2 places it is located?Diffusion and FiltrationMovement and AbsorptionProtection and AbsorptionAbsorption and Secretion

Answer: Absorption and Secretion. They are located in the kidney tubules and glands.Simple Columnar Epithelium that is ciliated allows it to perform which function? What is an example of both non-ciliated and ciliated epithelium?AbsorptionSecretionMovementProtection

Answer: Movement. Examples of non-ciliated are the stomach and intestines. An example of ciliated I the uterine tubes.What is the primary function of stratified squamous epithelium? Where are some areas it is located?AbsorptionSecretionMovementProtection

Answer: Protection. It is located in the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, vagina, anus, and epidermis of skin.What is pseudostratified epithelium? Where is it located?Epithelium with many layers of different shaped epithelia.Epithelium with just one layer and many different shaped epitheliumEpithelium that is just one layer, but appears to be many due to different sized columnar epithelia. Epithelium that is just one layer, but appears to be many due to different sized cuboidal epithelia.Answer: Number 3. It is located in the respiratory tract with the function to protect it and movement such as swallowing if it is ciliated. What are the purposes of transitional epithelium and where is it located?Protection and secretionDistension and secretionDistension and relaxationDistension and absorption

Answer. Distension and relaxation of urinary structures. It is located in the ureters, bladder, and urethra. It transitions between simple squamous and simple cuboidal epithelium. Exocrine glands are those that are ductless and secrete products directly into the bloodstream.TrueFalse

Answer: FalseExocrine glands contain ducts which secrete products onto an epithelial surface. Endocrine glands are ductless and secrete products into interstitial fluid and the bloodstream.Which of the following is not one of the 3 types of exocrine glands? What is an example of each secretion?MerocrineHypocrineHolocrineApocrine

Answer: Hypocrine Saliva Armpits/Oily Mammary GlandsWhat is the difference between holocrine and apocrine glands?Holocrine glands secrete the whole cell as where apocrine only secretes part of the cell.Holocrine glands release products through exocytosis as where apocrine release through secretory vesicles.Holocrine glands secrete hormones as where apocrine glands secrete oil.

Answer: Number 1. Hint: Holocrine = Whole cell secreted. Apocrine = A Piece of the cell is secreted. Connective tissue is made up of _______ cells and ________ matrix.Alpha, ExtracellularBeta, IntracellularGamma, Keanu ReevesSparce, ExtracellularAnswer: Sparce, ExtracellularGround substance is primarily made up of: Lipids, Collagens, and PodocytesProtein, Water, and CarbohydratesLipids, Carbohydrates, and Amino AcidsPlasma, Proteins, and Fibrinogen.Answer: Protein, Water, and CarbohydratesWhat is the common origin of all connective tissue?AdamBacteriumMesenchymeCarbon Atoms

Fluid connective tissueBloodCommon origin (mesenchyme)Connective tissue properSupporting connective tissue1.Compact2.Spongy1.Hyaline2.Fibrocartilage3.Elastic1.Regular2.Irregular3.Elastic1.Areolar2.Adipose3.ReticularBone(solid matrix)Cartilage(semisolid matrix)Dense connectivetissue (more fibers,less groundsubstance)Loose connectivetissue (fewer fibers,more groundsubstance)Answer: MesenchymeWhat type of sparse cell is described by each function:Fiber builders.Fat cell.Phagocyte that engulfs large, unwanted cells. Stem-like cell that can become any other within the extracellular matrix.

Answer: Fibroblast, Adipocyte, Macrophage, Mesenchymal cell.

Name the type of loose connective tissue from each of the following descriptions:Gel-like ground substance with scatted fibroblasts and many blood vessels. Its purpose is to protect tissues and organs. It is found in the hypodermis.Contains a very loose ground substance of reticular fibers, fibroblasts, and leukocytes. It is found in lymphatic organs and bone marrow.Contains many adipocytes (fat cells). Its purposes are to store energy, cushion, and protect organs. It is also found in the hypodermis.Answer: Areolar, Reticular, and Adipose Connective Tissue.Name the type of loose connective tissue from each of the following pictures:

1. 2. 3. Areolar Adipose ReticularName the type of dense connective tissue from each of the following descriptions:Made up of densely packed, parallel collagen fibers. Resists stress applied in one direction. Located in the tendons and ligaments.Made up of collagen fibers that are randomly arranged and clumped together. Resists stress applied in all directions. Located deep in dermis and covering bones. Made of branching elastic fibers. Allows stretching of some organs. Found in walls of large arteries. Answer: Dense Regular, Dense Irregular, Elastic Connective TissueName the type of dense connective tissue from each of the following pictures:

1. 2. Regular IrregularCartilage is made of a semisolid matrix containing _______ and bone is made up of a calcified matrix containing _______. Fibrinogen, calciumOsteoclasts, osteoblastsChondrocytes, calciumChondrocytes, osteocytes

Answer: Chondrocytes, osteocytesThe three main components that make up blood (fluid connective tissue) are________, ________, and ________.Erythropoietin, plasma, and protein.Erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets.Neutrophils, basophils, and eosinophils.Beta, alpha, and gamma cells.

Answer: Erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets. ________ is caused by a Vitamin C deficiency and by weakened gums, teeth, bones, and internal mucosa.GangreneMarfans SyndromeScurvyGraves DiseaseAnswer: Scurvy

_______ is caused by a lack of bloodflow, mechanical injury, bacterial infection or diabetes. It most commonly affects limbs, fingers, and toes. GangreneMarfans SyndromeScurvyGraves Disease

Answer: Gangrene

_________ is a genetic disease caused by and abnormal gene on chromosome 15. Abnormalities occur in fibrillin, collagen, and elastin and are most commonly manifest in those who are tall and thin with long legs, arms, fingers, and toes. GangreneMarfans SyndromeScurvyGraves Disease

Answer: Marfans Syndrome

Which of the following statements is false concerning the integument?The integument is the largest body organ and approximately 1.5 to 2 meters squared of skin. The thickness of the integument is anywhere from 1.5 4.0mm.The integument includes the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. Functions of the integument include protections, water prevention, temperature regulation, sensory receptors, and excretion by secretion. Answer. Number 3, because the hypodermis is a subtaneous layer and not considered part of the integument.



Hypodermis3. Dame what type of tissue each of the following layers are:Answers: 1. Epithelial2. Connective3. ConnectiveWhat does it mean for a cell to be keratinized?Protein is found within the cell to make it more impermeable and tough.Protein is found within the cell making it more absorbent to entering objects.Protein found within the cell make it more permeable to keratinized foreign objects.The color of ones skin is more orange due to keratinized cells. Answer: Number 1.Name the following epidermal layers from superficial to deep:1. ___________2. ____________

3. ____________4. ____________5. ____________Answer: Stratum Corneum, Lucidum, Granulosum, Spinosum, and Basale. Hint: Can loud girls sing base? How long does it take for cells divided in the Stratum Basale to reach the surface of the epidermis?1 week6 weeks1 month6 monthsAnswer: 1 monthStratum Lucidum is only found in thick areas such as the ________ and _________. What does Lucidum mean?Skull and foreheadButtocks and breastsPalms of your hands and nailsPalms of your hands and soles of your feetAnswer: Palms of your hands and soles of your feet. Lucidum means clear. Name the type of epidermal cells depending on the description below:Is in charge of protection by gobbling up and destroying dangerous material/cells. Found in the Stratum Spinosum of the epidermis.In charge of releasing melanin, which changes the color of skin. Is found in the Stratum Basale of the epidermis. Is born in the Stratum Basale and becomes more keratinized as it moves up (becomes more superficial) through layers. There are approxomately 30 dead layers of these in the Stratum Corneum.Is attached to a nerve and helps you sense touch. This cell is found in the Stratum Basale of the epidermis. Answer: Dentritic cell, Melanocyte, Keratinocyte, Tactile Cell. Side notes: Dendrite means branch and tactile means touch. Know where each epidermal cell is located:

Review.Skin color is controlled by three things. What color results from the following:HemoglobinMelaninCaroteneRed effect when oxygen is bound

Tan effect from melanocytes

Orange effect from carrots and sweet potatoesBonus Question: How tan someones skin is depends on how many melanocytes they have.

TrueFalse Answer: False. Everyone has approximately the same number of melanocytes, but color is determined by their activity.

Name skin markings from the following descriptions:Yellowish or brown spot from excessive melanocyte activity.Proliferation of blood vessels. Bright red and purple in color.Overgrowth of melanin-forming cells.Formed by large folds and volleys of the dermis and epidermis.Answer: Freckles, Hemangioma, Nevus (mole or birthmark), and Friction ridges (fingerprints). There are 2 layers of dermis. The papillary layer is made up of ________ connective tissue and the reticular layer is made up of _________ connective tissue.Regular, irregularAreolar, dense regularAreolar, dense irregularAreolar, AdiposeAnswer: Areolar, dense irregular

The hypodermis is made up of ________ and ________ connective tissue. What is its purpose?Dense regular and Dense irregularAdipose and ElasticElastic and AreolarAreolar and Adipose

Answer: Areolar and AdiposeThe purpose of the hypodermis is to anchor skin to underlying structures and serve as an energy reservoir. Nails are made of hared keratin. Label the different areas of the nail: 1. Free edge2. Lunula3. Cuticle4. Nail matrixName the type of hair based on the description below:Fine hair on most of the body.Hair covering the fetus.Hair found on the head, pubic region, armpit, and face (men). Answer: Vellus, Lanugo, terminal

Name the structures of hair indicated on the picture: 1. Shaft2. Root3. Arrector pili muscle4. FollicleIn male pattern baldness, testosterone causes ______ hair to be replaced by _______ hair.

Lanugo, vellusTerminal, vellusVellus, terminalVellus, lanugoAnswer: Terminal, vellusSebaceous glands (holocrine) produce _______, while sudoriferous glands (merocrine and apocrine) produce _______.Sweat, oilOil, interstitial fluidSebum, sweatSweat, waterAnswer: Sebum, sweat

What is the most deadly type of skin cancer?Basal Cell CarcinomaSquamous Cell CarcinomaMalignant Melanoma

Answer: Malignant Melanoma

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