
Review for Unit 4 test

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Without gas exchange, a plant would be unable to

• make food

• make minerals

• absorb sunlight

• absorb water from the soil.

Xylem and phloem are NOT

• transport subsystems

•present in bryophytes

•vascular tissues

•present in ferns.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of all plants?

•are eukaryotic

•produce seeds

•have cell walls

•are multicellular

Plants use the energy of sunlight to

• exchange gases with the atmosphere

• carry out cellular respiration

• take in water from the soil

• carry out photosynthesis.

Which of the following includes all the others?



•vascular tissue


Which term below is LEAST closely related to the others?





Which of the following includes a plant embryo, a food supply,

and a protective covering?

•pollen grain




Living on land required that plants

• evolve photosynthetic pigments

• conserve water

• exchange gases

• have cell walls.

If some of the xylem of a young oak tree was destroyed, it would most

likely interfere with the tree’s ability to

• conduct sugars to the roots

• absorb carbon dioxide from the air

• absorb sunlight

• conduct water to the leaves.

A monocot is an angiosperm that has

•a taproot

•one seed leaf

•branched veins

•two seed leaves.

Ground tissue is found in plant

• stems only

• roots and stems only

• stems and leaves only

• roots, stems, and leaves.

Angiosperms produce seeds inside protective structures


•pollen grains




Root pressure

• causes a plant’s roots to absorb water.

• forces the water in xylem downward.• is produced in the cortex of the root.• is produced in the vascular cylinder

by active transport.

Which of the following should a student examine under a

compound microscope to observe cell division?

• epidermis of a leaf

• xylem from a tree trunk

• tip of a shoot

• phloem from the leaf of a plant

The vascular cylinder of a root consists of

• xylem only.

• phloem only.

• xylem and phloem.

• xylem, phloem, and ground tissue.

Which of the following is the only tissue that produces new plant


•meristematic tissue

•ground tissue



Most of the photosynthetic activity in plants takes place in the


•guard cells.



Water will move higher in a narrow glass tube than in a wide glass tube

because of

•adhesion only.


•capillary action.

•cohesion only.

The stomata of leaves are usually open in

• light if a plant has enough water.

• light if a plant has too little water.

• darkness if a plant has enough water.

• darkness if a plant has too little water.

Vascular tissue in plants consists of

• meristem.

• parenchyma and collenchyma cells.

• xylem and phloem.

• epidermal cells.

A seed plant is anchored in the ground by its


Through which plant cells does water move by capillary action?

•phloem cells

•mesophyll cells

•guard cells

•xylem cells

A carrot is a(an)

• taproot.


• fibrous root.

•extensive root system.

Minerals from the soil move into roots by


•active transport.

• transpiration.

•root pressure.

One of the main functions of stems is to

• carry out photosynthesis.

• transport substances between roots and leaves.

• store carbohydrates.

• store water.

The attraction of water molecules to other molecules is called


•capillary action.


• transpiration pull.

The sterile leaves of a flower are the

•carpel and stamens.

•stigma and style.

• filaments and anthers.

•sepals and petals.

A seed that is dispersed to an area far away from the parent plant

might face less





Seeds dispersed by animals typically are contained in

• fleshy, nutritious fruits.

•buoyant structures.


• lightweight structures.

Corn, sugar beets, cauliflower, and cabbage were all developed by

•plant propagation.



•selective breeding.

Pollen grains are produced by

• male reproductive structures.

• ovules.

• female reproductive structures.

• flowers.

Most people in the world depend on food crops such as

• sugar beets, cabbage, and broccoli.

• strawberries, chilies, and avocadoes.

• wheat, rice, and corn.

• apples, grapes, and strawberries.

A ripened ovary that contains seeds is called a(an)


• fruit.



The seed type shown in Figure 24-5 that is generally dispersed by

animals is(are)

The early growth stage of a plant embryo is called


Seeds that are dispersed by wind and water typically are

•lightweight.•nutritious.•large.•sweet and fleshy.

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