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Hindawi Publishing CorporationISRN AllergyVolume 2013, Article ID 102418, 17 pages

Review ArticleThe Challenge of Delivering Therapeutic Aerosols toAsthma Patients

Federico Lavorini

Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, Careggi University Hospital, Largo Brambilla 3, 50134, Florence, Italy

Correspondence should be addressed to Federico Lavorini; [email protected]

Received 16 May 2013; Accepted 23 June 2013

Academic Editors: G. Nicolini and F. Ram

Copyright © 2013 Federico Lavorini. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

The number of people with asthma continues to grow around the world, and asthma remains a poorly controlled disease despitethe availability of management guidelines and highly effective medication. Patient noncompliance with therapy is a major reasonfor poor asthma control. Patients fail to comply with their asthma regimen for a wide variety of reasons, but incorrect use ofinhaler devices is amongst themost common.The pressurisedmetered-dose inhaler (pMDI) is still themost frequently used deviceworldwide, but many patients fail to use it correctly, even after repeated tuition. Breath-actuated inhalers are easier to use thanpMDIs. The rationale behind inhaler choice should be evidence based rather than empirical. When choosing an inhaler device, itis essential that it is easy to use correctly, dosing is consistent, adequate drug is deposited in both central and peripheral airways,and that drug deposition is independent of airflow. Regular checking of inhalation technique is crucial, as correct inhalation is oneof the cornerstones of successful asthma management.

1. Introduction

The incidence of asthma continues to rise worldwide, dou-bling over the last 10 years [1–4] and, consequently, asthmaplaces a huge economic burden on healthcare resources [5].Asthma management guidelines [1, 2] are now available invirtually every country; their aim is to achieve control ofthe disease with the lowest possible dose of medicationprescribed [1, 2]. To this end, asthma guidelines advocate astepwise pharmacological approach that consists in increas-ing (“step up”) the numbers of medications as asthma wors-ens, and decreasing (“step down”) medications when asthmais under control [1, 2]. Once control of asthma has beenachieved and maintained for at least three months, a gradualreduction of the maintenance therapy is recommended toidentify the minimum therapy required to maintain control[1, 2]. Unfortunately, the current level of asthma control fallsfar short of the goals for long-term asthma management[2, 6, 7], with many patients reporting day- and night-timesymptoms at least once a week, and continuing to requireunscheduled visits and hospitalisations [2, 6, 7]. One ofthe reason why asthma remains poorly controlled is thatpatients are deriving incomplete benefit from their inhaled

medication, primarily because they are unable to use theirinhalers correctly [8–11].

The benefits of inhaled therapy for the treatment ofobstructive airway diseases, such as asthma, have been recog-nised for many years. In comparison with oral or parenteralformulations, minute but therapeutic doses of drug are deliv-ered topically into the airways causing local effects withinthe lungs [12–14]. Unwanted systemic effects are minimisedas the medication acts with maximum pulmonary specificitytogether with a rapid onset and duration of action [12–14]. Consequently, aerosol formulations of bronchodilatorsand corticosteroids are the mainstay of modern treatmentfor asthma at all ages [1, 2]. Aerosols are either solutionscontaining medications, or suspensions of solid particles in agas, generated from devices such as pressurisedmetered doseinhalers (pMDIs), dry powder inhalers (DPIs) or nebulisers[12–16]. In the past decade some novel delivery systems havebeen developed that have high delivery efficiencies; notableamong these are the soft mist inhalers (SMI). Each type ofinhaler device has pros as well as cons (Table 1). Inhalers differin their efficiency of drug delivery to the lower respiratorytract, depending on the form of the device, its internalresistance, formulation of medication, particle size, velocity

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Table 1: Major components, advantages, and disadvantages of inhaler devices.

Inhaler Formulation Metering system Advantages Disadvantages

pMDIDrug suspended ordissolved inpropellant (withsurfactant andcosolvent)

Metering valveand reservoir

Portable and compactMultidose deviceRelatively cheapCannot contaminate contentsAvailable for most inhaled medications

Contains propellantsNot breath-actuatedMany patients cannot use it correctlyHigh oropharyngeal deposition

pMDI +spacer

Easier to coordinateLarge drug doses delivered moreconvenientlyLess oropharyngeal depositionHigher lung deposition than a pMDI

Less portable than pMDIPlastic spacers may acquire staticchargeAdditional cost to pMDI

BA-MDI Drug suspended inpropellant

Metering valveand reservoir

Portable and compactMultidose deviceBreath-actuated (no coordinationneeded)Cannot contaminate contents

Contains propellants“Cold Freon” effectRequires moderate inspiratory flow tobe triggered


Drug blend inlactose, drug alone,drug/excipientparticles

Capsules,blisters,multidoseblister packsreservoirs

Portable and compactBreath-actuated (no coordinationneeded)Does not contain propellants

Requires a minimum inspiratory flowMay not appropriate for emergencysituationsMany patients cannot use it correctlyMost types are moisture sensitive


Aqueous solutionor suspension

Unit doseblisters orreservoirs

Portable and compactMultidose deviceHigh lung depositionDoes not contain propellants

Not breath-actuatedNot currently available in mostcountriesRelatively expensive

Nebulisers Aqueous solutionor suspension

Nebuledispensed intoreservoirchamber ofnebulizer

May be used at any ageNo specific inhalation techniquerequiredVibrating mesh is portable and doesnot require an outside energy sourceMay dispense drugs not available withpMDIs or DPIs

Jet and ultrasonic nebulisers require anoutside energy sourceTreatment times can be longPerformance varies between nebulisersJet nebulisers cannot aerosolise acertain volume of solutionRisk of bacterial contaminationNewer nebulisers are expensive

pMDI: pressurised metered-dose inhalers; BA-MDI: breath-actuated metered-dose inhaler; DPI: dry-powder inhaler; SMI: soft mist inhaler.

of the produced aerosol plume, and ease with which patientscan use the device [12–16]. Efficiency of drug delivery mayalso be influenced by patients’ preference, which in turnaffects patients’ adherence with treatment and indeed long-term control of the disease [17]. There seems little pointin prescribing an effective medication in an inhaler devicewhich patients cannot use correctly. Thus, the choice of theright inhaler for the patient is just as important as choosingthe most effective medication.

In this paper, the hand-held inhalers are reviewedtogether with a current understanding about correct inhala-tion techniques for each device. A description of nebulisers,which are frequently used to deliver asthmamedications [18],is also given. However, since most current nebuliser designsare bulky and inconvenient and drug administration isprolonged, they are better categorised as second-line devicesfor most asthma patients. Finally, we present recommenda-tions from the Aerosol Drug Management Improvement Team(ADMIT) for inhaler selection, as well as an algorithm forasthma therapy adjustment [8].

2. Aerosol Device Options

2.1. Pressurised Metered-Dose Inhalers. The development ofthe first commercial pMDIs was carried out by Riker Labo-ratories in 1955 and marketing in 1956 as the first portable,multidose delivery system for bronchodilators. Since thattime, the pMDI has become the most widely prescribedinhalation device for drug delivery to the respiratory tract totreat obstructive airway diseases such as asthma and chronicobstructive pulmonary disease [18]; the total worldwide salesby all companies of pMDI products run in excess of $2 billionper year. The pMDI (Figure 1) is a portable multidose devicethat consists of an aluminium canister, lodged in a plasticsupport, containing a pressurised suspension or solutionof micronized drug particles dispersed in propellants. Asurfactant (usually sorbitan trioleate or lecithin) is also addedto the formulation to reduce the particle agglomeration andis responsible for the characteristic taste of specific inhalerbrands. The key component of the pMDI is a metering valve,which delivers an accurately known volume of propellant,

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Components Formulation


Actuator seals


Active drug



Metering of a single dose

Pressing the stem disconnects the metering chamber

Discharge of the dose from the metering chamber

Actuator nozzle

Valvestem groove Valve

stem orifice

Spray orifice

Figure 1: Components of a pressurised metered-dose inhaler. Lower panels illustrate the process of aerosol generation.

containing the micronised drug at each valve actuation.Pressing the bottom of the canister into the actuator seat-ing causes decompression of the formulation within themetering valve, resulting in an explosive generation of aheterodisperse aerosol of droplets that consist of tiny drugparticles contained within a shell of propellant. The latterevaporates with time and distance, which reduces the size ofthe particles that use a propellant under pressure to generatea metered dose of an aerosol through an atomisation nozzle(Figure 1). The technology of pMDI has evolved steadily overthe period of mid-1950s to the mid-1980s. Until recently,the pMDI used chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) as propellantsto deliver drugs; however, in accordance with the Mon-treal Protocol of 1987, CFC propellants are being replacedby hydrofluoroalkane (HFA) propellants that do not haveozone depleting properties [19]. Hydrofluoroalkane 134a and227ca are propellants that contain no chlorine and have aresidence in the stratosphere lower than CFCs, so they havesubstantially less global warming potential than do CFCs.HFA-134a albuterol has been the first HFA-driven pMDIthat has received approval in both Europe and the UnitedStates. This preparation consists of albuterol suspended inHFA-134a, oleic acid, and ethanol; clinical trials have shownthis preparation to be bioequivalent to CFCs albuterol inboth bronchodilator efficacy and side effects [20]. At thepresent, inmost European countriesCFC-driven pMDIs havetotally been replaced by HFA inhalers. The components ofCFC-driven pMDIs (i.e., canister, metering valve, actuator,and propellant) are retained in HFA-driven pMDIs, butthey have had a redesign. Two approaches were used inthe reformulation of HFA-driven pMDIs. The first approach

was to show equivalence with the CFC-driven pMDI, whichhelped regulatory approval, delivering salbutamol and somecorticosteroid. Some HFA formulations were matched totheir CFC counterparts on a microgram for microgrambasis; therefore, no dosage modification was needed whenswitching from a CFC to an HFA formulation. The secondapproach involved extensive changes, particularly for corti-costeroid inhalers containing beclomethasone dipropionate,and resulted in solution aerosols with extra-fine particlesize distributions and high lung deposition [21, 22]. Theexact dose equivalence of extra-fine HFA beclomethasonedipropionate and CFC beclomethasone dipropionate has notbeen established, but data from most trials have indicateda 2 : 1 dose ratio in favour of the HFA-driven pMDI [21,22]. Patients on regular long-term treatment with a CFCpMDI could safely switch to an HFA pMDI without anydeterioration in pulmonary function, loss of disease control,increased frequency of hospital admissions, or other adverseeffects [19]. However, when physicians prescribe HFA for-mulations in place of CFC versions for the first time, theyshould inform their patients about differences between theseproducts. Compared with CFC-driven pMDIs, many HFA-driven pMDIs have a lower (25.5mN versus 95.4mN) impactforce and a higher (8∘C versus −29∘C) temperature [12, 14].These properties partially overcome the “cold Freon effect”[12, 14] that has caused some patients to stop inhaling theirCFC pMDIs. In addition, most HFA pMDIs have a smallerdelivery orifice that may result in a more slowly deliveredaerosol plume, thus facilitating inhalation and producing lessmouth irritation [23]. Another difference is that many HFA-driven pMDIs contain small amount of ethanol. This affects

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the taste, as well as further increasing the temperature anddecreasing the velocity of the aerosol. PressurizedMDIs con-taining fixed combination of beclomethasone dipropionateand the long-acting bronchodilator formoterol in a solutionformulation with HFA-134a and ethanol with cosolvent [21,24, 25] have been developed (Modulite technology, Chiesi,Italy). Interestingly, this formulation dispenses an aerosolthat has a particularly small particle size (mass medianaerodynamic diameter ∼1𝜇), a lower plume velocity of theaerosol, and not dropping temperature as much as whenCFCs are used as carriers. These three factors, that is, smallerparticle size, lower plume velocity, and less temperature drop,may decrease upper airway impaction and increase airwaydeposition of particles, particularly to the smaller airways,compared with the same dose of drug administered from aCFC pMDI [24, 25].

Pressurised MDIs have a number of advantages (Table 1):they are compact, portable, relatively inexpensive, andcontain at least 200 metered doses per canister that areimmediately ready for the use. Furthermore, a large fraction(approximately 40%) of the aerosol particles is in the res-pirable range (mass median aerodynamic diameter less than5 𝜇), and dosing is generally highly reproducible from puff topuff [12–16]. Despite these advantages, most patients cannotuse pMDIs correctly, even after repeated tuition [8–11].This is because pMDIs require good coordination of patientinspiration and inhaler actuation to ensure correct inhalationand deposition of drug in the lungs. The correct inhalationtechnique when using pMDIs involves firing the pMDI whilebreathing in deeply and slowly, continuing to inhale afterfiring, and then following inhalation with a breath-holdingpause to allow particles to sediment on the airways [12, 26].The patients should also be instructed that, on the first useand after several days of disuse, the pMDI should be primed.However, patients frequently fail to continuously inhaleslowly after activation of the inhaler and exhale fully beforeinhalation [8]. In addition, patients often activate the inhalerbefore inhalation or at the end of inhalation by initiatinginhaler actuation while breath holding [8]. Crompton andcolleagues [8, 27, 28] showed that the proportion of patientscapable of using their pMDIs correctly after reading thepackage insert fell from 46% in 1982 to 21% in 2000, whileonly just over half of patients (52%) used a pMDI correctlyeven after receiving instruction. In a large (𝑛 = 4078)study, 71% of patients were found to have difficulty usingpMDIs, and almost half of them had poor coordination [29].Incorrect inhalation technique was associated with poorasthma control and with poor pMDI users having less stableasthma control than good pMDI users [29].

Even with correct inhalation technique, pMDIs are inef-ficient since no more than 20% for CFC pMDIs or 40%–50%for HFA pMDIs producing extra-fine particles [12, 14–16] ofthe emitted dose reaches the lungs with a high proportion ofdrug being deposited in the mouth and oropharynx whichcan cause local as well as systemic side effects due to rapidabsorption [12, 14–16]. Another disadvantage of some pMDIsis the absence of built-in counters that would alert thepatient to the fact that the inhaler was approaching “empty”and needed to be refilled. Although many pMDIs contain

more than the labelled number of doses, drug deliveryper actuation may be very inconsistent and unpredictableafter the labelled number of actuations. Beyond the labellednumber of actuations, propellants can release an aerosolplume that contains little or no drug, a phenomenon calledtail-off [30].

2.2. pMDI Accessory Devices: The Spacers and Valved HoldingChambers. Although the term “spacers” is often used for alltypes of extension add-on devices, these devices are properlycategorised as either “spacers” or “valved holding chambers.”A spacer (Figure 2) is a simple tube or extension attachedto the pMDI mouthpiece with no valves to contain theaerosol plume after pMDI actuation [31]. A valved holdingchamber (Figure 2) is an extension device, added onto thepMDI mouthpiece or canister, that contains a one-way valveto prevent holding the aerosol until inhalation [31]. Thedirection of the spray can be forward, that is, toward themouth, or reverse, that is, away from the mouth (Figure 2).Both spacers and holding chambers constitute a volume intowhich the patient actuates the pMDI and from which thepatient inhales reducing the need to coordinate the twomanoeuvres [31]. By acting as an aerosol reservoir, thesedevices slow the aerosol velocity and increase transit timeand distance between the pMDI actuator and the patient’smouth, allowing particle size to decrease and, consequently,increasing deposition of the aerosol particles in the lungs [31].Moreover, because spacers trap large particles comprisingup to 80% of the aerosol dose, only a small fraction of thedose is deposited in the oropharynx, thereby reducing sideeffects, such as throat irritation, dysphonia, and oral can-didiasis, associated with medications delivered by the pMDIalone [31]. Large-volume holding chambers increase lungdeposition to a greater degree than does tube spacer or smallholding chamber [32–34]. Devices larger than 1 L, however,are impractical, and patients would have difficulty inhalingthe compete contents [35]. A valved holding chamber fittedwith an appropriate facemask is used to give pMDI drugs toneonates, young children, and elderly patients. The two keyfactors for optimum aerosol delivery are a tight but comfort-able facemask fit and reduced facemask dead space [31, 36].Because children have low tidal volumes and inspiratory flowrates, comfortable breathing through a facemask requires lowresistance inspiratory or expiratory valves. Of note, someholding chambers incorporate a whistle that makes a soundif inspiration is too fast [36]. Training patients to ensure thatthe whistle does not sound assists with developing an optimalinhalation technique. Plastic bottles and cups can also be usedas rudimental, home-made spacers for the administrationof aerosol drugs [37–39]. In a randomized controlled trialclinical effects of salbutamol inhaled through pMDI with ahome-made nonvalved spacer (500mL mineral water plasticbottle) were compared with those when the same drug wasadministered by using an oxygen-drivennebuliser in childrenwith asthma [39]. The number of children hospitalised aftertreatment changes in clinical score and oxygen saturationwere similar in conventional and bottle spacer groups [39].Valved holding chambers may improve the clinical effect

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(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2: (a) The Jet open tube spacer; (b) the AeroChamber plus holding chamber; (c) the reverse-flow EZSpacer.

of inhaled medications especially in patients unable to usea pMDI properly [31]. Indeed, compared to both pMDIsalone and DPIs, these devices may increase the response toshort-acting 𝛽-adrenergic bronchodilators, even in patientswith correct inhalation technique [40–43]. While spacersand valved holding chambers are good drug-delivery devices,they suffer from the obvious disadvantage of making theentire delivery system less portable and compact than a pMDIalone. The size and appearance of some spacers may detractfrom the appeal of the pMDI to patients, especially amongthe paediatric population, and negatively affect patients’compliance [31]. Furthermore, spacers are not immunefrom inconsistent medication delivery caused by electrostaticcharge of the aerosol [44–47]. Drug deposits can build up onwalls of plastic spacers and holding chambers mostly becauseof electrostatic charge. Aerosols remain suspended for longerperiodswithin holding chambers that aremanufactured fromnonelectrostatic materials than other materials. Thus, aninhalation might be delayed for 2–5 s without a substantialloss of drug to the walls of metal or nonstatic spacers[45–47]. The electrostatic charge in plastic spacers can besubstantially reduced by washing the spacer with a diluted(1 : 5000) household detergent and allowing it to drip dry[14, 48]. There is no consensus on how often a spacer shouldbe cleaned, but recommendations range in general from oncea week to once a month [12]. Multiple actuations of a pMDIinto a spacer before inhalation also reduces the proportionof drug inhaled [46–50]. Five actuations of a corticosteroidinhaler into a large-volume spacer before inhalation deliver asimilar dose to a single actuation into the same spacer inhaledimmediately [49].

2.3. Breath-Actuated Metered-Dose Inhaler. Breath-actuated(BA) pMDIs are alternatives to conventional press-and-breath pMDIs developed to overcome the problem of poorcoordination between pMDI actuation and inhalation [12,51]. Examples of this type of device include the Autohaler(3M, St. Paul,MI) and the Easi-Breathe (Teva PharmaceuticalIndustries Ltd). Breath-actuated pMDIs contain a conven-tional pressurised canister and have a flow-triggered systemdriven by a spring which releases the dose during inhalation,so that firing and inhaling are automatically coordinated[12, 51]. These inhalation devices (Table 1) can achieve goodlung deposition and clinical efficacy in patients unable to use

a pMDI correctly because of coordination difficulties [52].Errors when using BApMDI are less frequent than whenusing a standard pMDI [17]. Increased use of BApMDIsmight improve asthma control and reduce overall cost ofasthma therapy compared with conventional pMDIs [53].On the negative side (Table 1), BApMDIs do not solve coldFreon effect and would be unsuitable for a patient whohas this kind of difficulty using pMDI. In addition, thesedevices require a relatively higher inspiratory flow than pMDIfor triggering. Furthermore, oropharyngeal deposition withbreath-actuated pMDIs is as high as that with CFC-pMDIs[54].

The Autohaler is a BApMDI that is available withalbuterol and behlomethasone in HFA propellant. It hasa manually operated lever that, when lifted, primes theinhaler through a spring-loaded mechanism, allowing theaerosol to be dispensed with an inspiratory flow of about30 L/min. Clinical studies have demonstrated that the lungdeposition of 𝛽-adrenergic bronchodilator administered viathe Autohaler is similar to that obtained when the drugis correctly inhaled via a pMDI and greater than thatresulting from conventional pMDIs in patients with poorinhalation technique [54].Moreover, it can be used effectivelyby patients with poor lung function, patients with limitedmanual dexterity, and elderly patients [54]. The Easi-Breatheis a patient-triggered inhaler that dispenses albuterol andbeclomethasone.This inhaler is primedwhen themouthpieceis opened. When the patient breathes in, the mechanismis triggered and a dose is automatically released into theairstream. The inhaler can be actuated at a very low airflowrate of approximately 20 L/min, which is readily achievable bymost patients [55]. Not surprisingly, practice nurses found iteasier to teach and patients to use than a conventional pMDI[55]. In vitro studies have shown that particle size distributionand percentage of respirable fine particle obtained by usingthe Easi-Breathe device were similar to those obtained byusing the conventional pMDI [56], although comparativeclinical efficacy data are not yet available.

2.4. Dry Powder Inhalers. Modern dry powder inhalers werefirst introduced in 1970, and the earliest models were single-dose devices containing the powder formulation in a gelatincapsule, which the patient loaded into the device prior touse. Since the late 1980s multidose DPIs have been available,

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Dry powder inhalers

Nonreusable dry powderinhalers

Reusable dry powderinhalers

Single dose systems

Multiple dosesystems

Multiple dosesystems

Single dose systems

Diskus Turbuhaler Easyhaler Aerolizer Rotadisk Novolizer Useable for

60SD 200 SD 200 SD 50SD 3months 1 year

SD: single dose

Figure 3: Examples of dry powder inhalers. From [57].

giving the same degree of convenience as a pMDI [58]. Dry-powder inhalers (Figure 3) are delivery devices containingdrugs in powdered formulation that have been milled toproduce micronized particles in the respirable range. Thesedelivery devices allow the particles to be deagglomeratedby the energy created by the patient’s own inspiratory flow[58–60]. The powdered drug can be either pure or blendedwith large particle size excipient (usually lactose) as a carrierpowder [58–60]. The empty condition is generally apparent,alerting the patient to the need for replacement. Some DPIs,such as for the HandiHaler (Boehringer Ingelheim, D) andthe Aerolizer (Novartis Pharma, CH), are singledose devicesin which a capsule of powder is perforated in the devicewith needles fixed to pressure buttons. Other types of DPIs,such as the Diskus (GlaxoSmithKline, UK) or the Turbuhaler(AstraZeneca, Sweden), have a multidose capacity. Thesemultidose DPIs fall into twomain categories (Figure 3): theseeithermeasure the dose themselves (fromapowder reservoir)or they dispense individual doses which are premeteredinto blisters by the manufacturer [58–60]. Turbuhaler andDiskus, respectively, are representatives of the former andlatter categories, although many other different designs arepresently in development. To date, new innovative DPIsare available for treatment of asthma and for delivery of arange of drugs usually given by injection, such as peptides,proteins, and vaccines. The use of DPIs is expected toincrease with the phasing out of CFC production along withincreased availability of drug powders and development ofnovel powder devices [59].

Generally, DPIs do have many advantages (Table 1). Drypowder inhalers are actuated and driven by patient’s inspi-ratory flow; consequently, DPIs do not require propellantsto generate the aerosol, as well as coordination of inhaleractuation with inhalation [60]. However, a forceful and

deep inhalation through the DPI is needed to deaggregatethe powder formulation into small respirable particles asefficiently as possible and, consequently, to ensure that thedrug is delivered to the lungs [60–62]. Although mostpatients are capable of generating enough flow to operatea DPI efficiently [60], the need to inhale forcefully and,consequently, generate a sufficient inspiratory flow couldbe a problem for very young children or patients withsevere airflow limitation [63]. For this reason, DPIs are notrecommended for children under the age of 5 years [60].The newer active or power-assisted DPIs incorporate battery-driven impellers and vibrating piezoelectric crystals thatreduce the need for the patient to generate a high inspiratoryflow rate, an advantage for many patients [59, 62]. Drugdelivery to the lung ranges between 10% and 40% of theemitted dose for several marketed DPIs [60]. The physicaldesign of the DPI establishes its specific resistance to airflow(measured as the square root of the pressure drop acrossthe device divided by the flow rate through the device),with current designs having specific resistance values rangingfrom about 0.02 to 0.2 cmH

2O/L/min) [61]. To produce a

fine powder aerosol with increased delivery to the lung, aDPI that is characterised as having a low resistance requiresan inspiratory flow of >90 L/min, a medium-resistance DPIrequires 50–60 L/min, and a high-resistance DPI requires<50 L/min [61]. Of note, DPIs with high resistance tend toproduce greater lung deposition than those with a lowerresistance [61], but the clinical significance of this is notknown. Based on the previous considerations, it is recom-mended to instruct patients to inhale forcefully from thebeginning of the inspiration deeply as much as possibleand to continue to inhale for as long as possible [12]. Therationale for these recommendations is that when usinga DPI, inhalation should be forceful enough to disburse

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themicronised drug from the lactose-based carrier into a fineparticle dose. However, it is not the absolute inspiratory flowthat determines the fine particle dose from an inhaler but theresulting energy, which also depends on inhaler resistance.High air velocitieswithin the inhaler are required for effectivedispersion rather than high airflow through the inhaler. Highairflow through the inhaler will lead to increased impactionin upper airways; thus, fast inhalation should be avoidedunless a larger fine particle fraction compensates for theincreased impaction. Furthermore, when using a singledoseDPI, it is also recommendable to instruct patients to performtwo separate inhalations for each dose [12].

Although DPIs offer advantages over pMDIs, they dohave some limitations (Table 1) of design, cost-effectivenessand user-friendliness [60]. For instance, capsule-based DPIs,such as the HandiHaler and the Aerolizer, require thatsingle doses are individually loaded into the inhaler imme-diately before use. This is inconvenient for some patientsand does not allow direct dose counting. In addition, theinhalation manoeuvre has to be repeated until the capsuleis empty, which may give rise to underdosing and to highdose variability. Other DPIs are multiple unit dose devices,such as the Diskhaler, or multidose devices, such as theDiskus and the Turbuhaler. These devices do not have anytriggering mechanism which makes optimal drug deliveryentirely dependent on an individual patient’s uncontrolledinspiratory manoeuvre. Because of variations in the designand performance of DPIs, patients might not use all DPIsequally well. Therefore, DPIs that dispense the same drugmight not be readily interchangeable [61]. Studies [59, 60]have also been shown that dose emission is reduced whena DPI is exposed to extremely low and high temperatureand humidity; therefore, DPIs should be stored in a cool dryplace.

A recent systematic literature review revealed that upto 90% of patients did not use their DPI correctly [64].Common errors made by patients were lack of exhalationbefore inhalation, incorrect positioning and loading of theinhaler, failure to inhale forcefully and deeply through thedevice, and patients’ failure to breath-hold after inhalation[64]. All these errors may lead to insufficient drug delivery,which adversely influences drug efficacy and may contributeto inadequate disease control [64]. It is unsurprising thatsuch a high proportion of patients were unable to useDPIs correctly as the devices have many inherent designlimitations. The Diskhaler, for example, is a multiple unitdose device as it contains a series of foil blisters on a disk.It is complicated to use, requiring eight steps to effect onecorrect inhalation; it has been shown that approximately70% of patients are unable to use it correctly [64]. Thedisks have to be changed frequently and the device cleanedbefore refilling. In addition, it provides no feedback to thepatient of a successful inhalation, except a sweet taste inthe mouth which may simply be indicative of oral drugdeposition. The Turbuhaler, a multidose reservoir device,is the most frequently prescribed DPI as it produces gooddeposition of the drug in the lungs provided that a sufficient(about 60 L/min) inspiratory flow has been achieved by thepatients. However, approximately 80% of patients are unable

to use it correctly [64]; common mistakes made by patientsusing this inhaler are failure to turn the base fully in bothdirections and failure to keep the device upright until loaded.In addition, due to its high intrinsic resistance, patients whohave a reduced inspiratory flow may encounter problemsusing this device.TheDiskus is another example ofmultidosedevice that uses a strip foil drug containing blisters. As manyas 50% of patients use this DPI incorrectly, and commonerrors include failure or difficulty in loading the device beforeinhalation and exhaling into the device [64]. The Diskushas a low intrinsic resistance but, like the Turbuhaler, doesnot have any triggering mechanism which makes optimaldrug delivery entirely dependent on an individual patient’suncontrolled inspiratory manoeuvre [64]. Additionally, aswith other DPI devices employing drug blisters, incompleteemptying of themetered dosemay occur, which could reducethe amount of drug delivered to the lung and hence reduceclinical efficacy [64].

2.5. Nebulisers. Various types of nebulisers are available onthe market, and several studies have indicated that per-formance varies between manufacturers and also betweennebulisers from the same manufacturers [65–67]. There aretwo basic types (Figure 4) of nebulisers: the pneumatic orjet nebuliser and the ultrasonic nebulisers [65–67]. The jetnebulisers generate aerosol particles as a result of the impactbetween a liquid and a jet of high velocity gas (usually airor oxygen) in the nebuliser chamber. In a jet nebulizer, thedriving gas passes through a very narrow hole from a highpressure system. At the narrow hole, the pressure falls and thegas velocity increases greatly producing a cone shaped front.This passes at high velocity over the end of a narrow liquidfeed tube or concentric feeding system creating a negativepressure at this point. As a result of this fall in pressure, liquidis sucked up by the Bernoulli effect and is drawn out into fineligaments. The ligaments then collapse into droplets underthe influence of the surface tension.Themajority of the liquidmass produced during this process is in the form of large (15–500 micron) nonrespirable droplets. Coarse droplets impacton baffles while smaller droplets may be inhaled or may landon internal walls returning to the reservoir for renebulisation[65–67].The resultant large particles then impact upon bafflesto generate small, respirable particles. Thus, baffle designhas a critical effect on droplet size. Concentric liquid feedsminimise blockage by residual drug build-up with repeatednebulisation. A flat pick up plate may allow some nebulisersto be tilted during treatment whilst maintaining liquid flowfrom the reservoir. A 6–8 L/min flow and a fill volume of 4-5mL are generally recommended, unless some nebulisers arespecifically designed for different flow and a smaller or largerfill volume [68]. The volume of some unit-dose medicationsis suboptimal; ideally, saline should be added to bring the fillvolume to 4-5mL, but this might not be practical. The longernebulisation time with a greater fill volume can be reducedby increasing the flow used to power the nebuliser; however,increasing the flow decreases the droplet size produced bythe nebuliser. Dead volume is the volume that is trappedinside the nebulizer, and typically it is 0.5–1mL. To reduce

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Compressed gassource


Liquid inreservoirCapillary tube


Patient interface

Ambient air


Patient interface


Acoustic wavesDrug solution

Ambient air

Piezoelectric crystalPower



Figure 4: Components of a jet (a) and an ultrasonic (b) nebulisers. Modified from O’Callaghan and Barry [65].

dead volume, clinicians and patients commonly tap thenebuliser periodically during therapy in an effort to increasenebuliser output [69]. Therapy may also be continued pastthe point of sputtering in an attempt to decrease the deadvolume, but this is unproductive and not recommended [70].Because of the evaporative loss within the nebuliser, thesolution becomes increasingly concentrated and cools duringnebulisation.

There are four different designs of the jet nebulisers: jetnebuliser with reservoir tube, jet nebuliser with collectionbag, and breath-enhanced and breath-actuated jet nebulizers[65–67]. Both the breath-enhanced and breath-actuated jetnebulisers are modifications of the “conventional” jet neb-ulisers specifically designed to improve their efficiency byincreasing the amount of aerosol delivered to the patientwith less wastage of aerosol during exhalation. The differenttypes of jet nebulisers have different output characteristicsdetermined by the design of the air jet and capillary tubeorifices, their geometric relationship with each other and theinternal baffles; for a given design the major determinantof output is the driving pressure [65–67]. The jet nebulizerwith reservoir tube provides continuous aerosol during theentire breathing cycle, causing the release of aerosol toambient air during exhalation and anytime when the patientis not breathing. Consequently, no more than 20% of theemitted aerosol is inhaled [65–67]. The jet nebulizer withcollection bag generates aerosol by continuously filling acollection bag that acts as a reservoir. The patient inhalesaerosol from the reservoir through a one-way inspiratoryvalve and exhales to the environment through an exhala-tion port between the one-way inspiratory valve and themouthpiece. The breath-enhanced jet nebulizer (e.g., thePARI LC Plus, PARI gmbH) uses two one-way valves toprevent the loss of aerosol to environment. When the patientinhales, the inspiratory valve opens and aerosol vents throughthe nebuliser; exhaled aerosol passes through an expiratoryvalve in the mouthpiece. Breath-actuated jet nebulisers aredesigned to increase aerosol delivery to patient by means ofa breath-actuated valve that triggers aerosol generation onlyduring inspiration. Both the breath-enhanced and breath-actuated nebulisers increase the amount of inspired aerosol

with shorter nebulisation time than “conventional” jet nebu-lisers [65]. Recently, adaptive aerosol delivery nebulisers (theHaloLite and the Prodose) have been developed to reduce thevariability of the delivered dose and the waste of aerosol tothe environment and to facilitate monitoring of compliancewith patient therapy [71–73]. Bymonitoring pressure changesrelative to flow over the first three breaths, these deliverysystems establish the shape of the breathing pattern and thenuse this to provide a timed pulse of aerosol during the first50% of each tidal inspiration. Monitoring of the breathingpattern continues throughout the delivery period, and anychanges in breathing pattern are taken into account duringthe remainder of the delivery period. Furthermore, if noinhalation is registered, the system will cease delivery untilthe patient recommences breathing on the system [71–73].Since the pulsed dose is only provided in the first 50% ofeach breath and the software can calculate the amount of druggiven per pulse, the precise dose of drug can be deliveredbefore the system stops [71–73].

Ultrasonic nebulisers use a rapidly (>1MHz) vibratingpiezoelectric crystal to produce aerosol particles [65–67].Ultrasonic vibrations from the crystal are transmitted tothe surface of the drug solution where standing waves areformed. Droplets break free from the crest of these wavesand are released as aerosol. The size of droplets produced byultrasonic nebuliser is related to the frequency of oscillation[65–67]. Although ultrasonic nebulisers can nebulise solu-tions more quickly than jet nebulisers, they are not suitablefor suspensions and the piezoelectric crystal can heat thedrug to be aerosolised. A relatively new ultrasonic nebulisertechnology is represented by the vibrating mesh nebulisers[12, 74, 75].These new-generation nebulisers are either activeor passive systems. In active devices (e.g., the eFlow, PARIgmbH), the aperture plate vibrates at a high frequency anddraws the solution through the apertures in the plate. Inpassively vibrating mesh devices (e.g., MicroAir, OmronHealthcare), the mesh is attached to a transducer horn andvibrations of the piezoelectric crystal that are transmittedvia the transducer horn force the solution through the meshto create an aerosol. The eFlow is designed to be used witheither a very low residual volume to reduce drug waste or

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Capillary tube

Upper housing

Transparent base




Silicon water

Filter structure

Nozzle outletbutton


Figure 5: The Respimat soft mist inhaler. From [81].

with a relatively large residual volume, so that it can beused instead of conventional jet nebulisers with the samefill volume [76]. Vibrating mesh devices have a number ofadvantages over other nebuliser systems: they have greaterefficiency, precision and consistency of drug delivery, and arequiet and generally portable [74, 75]. However, they are alsosignificantly more expensive than other types of nebulisers,and require a significant amount ofmaintenance and cleaningafter each use to prevent build-up of deposit and blockage ofthe apertures especiallywhen suspensions are aerosolised andto prevent colonisation by pathogens [75]. They are currentlymost widely used for the treatment of patients with cysticfibrosis [77].

Generally, mouthpieces are employed during nebuliserdelivery. However, facemasks may be necessary for treatmentof acutely dyspnoeic patients or uncooperative patients, suchas infants and toddlers [78]. The facemask is not just aconnector between the device and the patient. Principlesof mask design are different depending on the device [78].For example, a valved holding chamber with facemask musthave a tight seal to achieve optimal lung deposition [78]. Incontrast, the facemask for a nebuliser should not incorporatea tight seal but should have vent holes to reduce deposition onthe face and in the eyes [79, 80]. Improvements in facemaskdesign provide greater inhaled mass while reducing facialand ocular deposition [78]. Often, when a patient does nottolerate the facemask, practitioners employ the “blow-by”technique, which simply directs the aerosol towards the noseandmouth with the mouthpiece. However, there is no data toindicate that this is an effective method for delivering aerosolto the lungs, and therefore the use of this technique is notrecommended [12].

Unlike pMDIs andDPIs, no special inhalation techniquesare needed for optimum delivery with conventional neb-ulisers; tidal breathing with only occasional deep breathsis sufficient (Table 1). Thus, for patients who are unableto master the proper pMDI technique despite repeatedinstruction, the proper use of a nebuliser probably improvesdrug delivery. However, nebulisers have some distinct dis-advantages. Patients must load the device with medication

solution for each treatment, and bacterial contamination ofthe reservoir can cause respiratory infection [65–67], makingregular cleaning important. Also, nebuliser treatments takelonger time than pMDIs and DPIs for drug administration(10–15min for a jet nebuliser, 5min for an ultrasonic or meshnebuliser). Although they are relatively portable, typical jetnebuliser must be plugged into a wall outlet or power adaptorand thus cannot be used easily in transit.

2.6. Soft Mist Inhalers. The development of soft mist inhalers(SMIs) has opened up new opportunities for inhaled drugdelivery. Technically, these inhalation devices do fall withinthe definition of a nebuliser, as they transform aqueous liquidsolution to liquid aerosol droplets suitable for inhalation.However, at variance with the traditional nebuliser designs,SMIs are hand-held multidose devices that have the potentialto compete with both pMDIs and DPIs in the portableinhaler market. At the present, the only SMI currentlymarketed in some European countries is the Respimatinhaler (Boehringer Ingelheim, Figure 5). This device doesnot require propellants since it is powered by the energyof a compressed spring inside the inhaler. Individual dosesare delivered via a precisely engineered nozzle system as aslow-moving aerosol cloud (hence the term “soft mist”) [81].Scintigraphic studies have shown that, compared to a CFC-based pMDI, lung deposition is higher (up to 50%) andoropharyngeal deposition is lower [81]. Respimat is a “pressand breathe” device, and the correct inhalation techniqueclosely resembles that used with a pMDI. However, althoughcoordination between firing and inhaling is required, theaerosol emitted from Respimat is released very slowly, witha velocity of approximately four times less than that observedwith a CFC-driven pMDI [81]. This greatly reduces thepotential for drug impaction in the oropharynx. In addition,the relatively long duration over which the dose is expelledfrom Respimat (about 1.2 s compared with 0.1 s from pMDIs)would be expected to greatly reduce the need to coordinateactuation and inspiration, thus improving the potential forgreater lung deposition. Although Respimat has been used

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relatively little in clinical practice to date, clinical trials seemto confirm that drugs delivered by the Respimat are effectivein correspondingly smaller doses in patients with obstructiveairway disease [82].

3. Choice of an Inhaler Device forAsthma Therapy

Drug choice is usually the first step in prescribing inhaledtherapy for asthma and, together with availability and reim-bursement criteria, dictates the inhaler deliver options. Thenext two steps, choice of inhaler device type and patienttraining in the use of the inhaler, are hampered by thelack of robust evidence or effective tools to aid healthcareprofessionals [9, 10, 83].Meta-analysis regarding the selectionof aerosol delivery systems for acute asthma concluded thatshort-acting beta agonists delivered via either nebuliser orpMDI with handling chamber are essentially equivalent [84–88]. More than 100 inhaled device-drug combinations arecurrently available for treatment of asthmatic patients [57].The number is likely to increase with the development of ana-logue inhaled drugs delivered by relatively low-cost pMDIsand DPIs. Consequently, the level of confusion experiencedby clinicians, nurses, and pharmacists when trying to choosethe most appropriate device for each patient is increased.Thus, physicians’ experience is amongst the most importantfactors which influence decisionmaking for inhaler choice inasthma therapy. In fact, inhalers are often prescribed on anempirical basis rather than on an evidence-based approach.Following their own experience, doctors aremuchmore likelyto prescribe the same old inhaler which they have alwaysprescribed rather than new, improved inhalers entering themarket.

Current asthma management guidelines give some guid-ance on the class of inhaler to prescribe to children, butthey offer nonspecific advice regarding inhaler choice foradult patients. The GINA guidelines [1] recommend pMDIswith spacer and facemask for children younger than 4 years(or pMDIs with spacer and mouthpiece for those aged 4–6years) and, in addition to pMDIs alone, DPIs or BAMDIs,for children older than 6 years. However, for adults, the sameguidelines state that inhalers should be portable and simpleto use, should not require an external power source, requireminimal cooperation and coordination, and have minimalmaintenance requirements [1]. The British Thoracic Societyguidelines [2] also include patient’s preference and abilitiesto use the device correctly. However, this advice relatingto patient preference is not supported by any evidence thatpatients will correctly use an inhaler that they like.

Criteria to be considered when choosing an inhalerdevice differ depending on the audience addressed [89].From the viewpoint of the inhalation technologist, consistentand safe dosing, sufficient drug deposition, and clinicaleffect guide the inhaler choice. The patient’s ability to inhalethrough the device, the intrinsic airflow resistance of thedevice, and the degree of dependence of drug release oninspiratory airflow variability are all important determinantswhen considering constancy of dosing [89]. From the point

of view of the clinician, clinical efficacy and safety should bethe most important determinants to consider when choosingan inhaler [89]. However, in the real word clinical efficacymust be balanced against cost-effectiveness, and inhalerswith insufficient performance may be prescribed simplybecause they are cheap. Patients’ preferences and acceptanceof the inhaler should also be considered when deciding on aspecific inhaler since these will have major implications forcompliance.

Several general principles of inhaler selection and usehave recently been addressed in an evidence-based systematicreview by a joint committee of the American College of ChestPhysicians and the American College of Asthma, Allergyand Immunology [13]. The bottom line of this documentwas that each of the aerosol devices can work equally wellin various clinical settings with patients who can use thesedevices properly [13]. In addition, pMDIs are convenientfor delivering a wide variety of drugs to a broad spectrumof patients. For patients who have trouble coordinatinginhalation with inhaler actuation, the use of spacer mayobviate this difficulty, though most of these devices arecumbersome to store and transport [13]. The use of spacer,however, is mandatory for infants and young children. Drypowder inhalers are usually easier for patients to handle thanpMDIs, and a growing number of drug types are availablein several DPI formats [13]. The key issue for dry powderinhalation is the minimum inspiratory flow rate below whichdeagglomeration is inefficient, resulting in a reduced drugdelivered dose. The most ill patients and the very young maynot be candidates for a DPI. A nebuliser could be used asan adequate alternative to pMDI with a spacer by almostany patient in a variety of clinical settings from the hometo the intensive care unit [13]. However, nebulisers are moreexpensive, cumbersome, and relatively time-consuming touse compared to hand-held inhalers. These attributes shouldlimit the use of nebulisers whose effect can be matchedby hand-held devices in almost all clinical settings. Thefindings of this document should not be interpreted tomean that the device choice for a specific patient does notmatter. Rather, the study simply says that each of the devicesstudied can work equally well in patients who can use themcorrectly. However, this evidence-based systematic reviewdoes not provide much information about who is likelyto use one device or another properly nor does it addressmany other considerations that are important for choosinga delivery device for a specific patient in a specific clinicalsituation. These include the patient’s ability to use the device,patient preference, and the availability of equipment andcost.

More recently, Chapman and coworkers [90] proposedan algorithm approach to inhaler selection that considerspatient’s ability to generate an inspiratory flow rate>30 L/minto coordinate inhaler actuation and inspiration and to prepareand actuate the device (Table 2).

When choosing an inhaler for children, it is essentialthat the individual child receives appropriate instructionsand training necessary for the management of the disease[91]. Furthermore, the child should be prescribed the correctmedication tailored to the severity of the disease, and, most

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Table 2: Choice of inhaler devices according to the patient’sinspiratory flow and ability to coordinate inhaler actuation andinhalation. Modified from Chapman et al. [90].

Good hand-lung coordination Poor hand-lung coordinationInspiratoryflow >30 L/min

Inspiratoryflow <

30 L/min

Inspiratoryflow >

30 L/min

Inspiratoryflow <

30 L/minpMDI pMDI pMDI + spacer pMDI + spacerBAMDI Nebuliser BAMDI NebuliserDPI SMI DPI SMINebuliser NebuliserSMI SMIpMDI: pressurised metered-dose inhalers; BAMDI: breath-actuatedmetered-dose inhaler; DPI: dry powder inhaler; SMI: soft mist inhaler.

importantly, the prescribed inhaler should suit the individualneeds and preference of the child [91]. Contrary to generalopinion, using an inhaler may be difficult for children [91];many children with asthma use their inhaler incorrectlywhich may result in unreliable drug delivery, even afterinstruction and training for correct inhalation. In addition,previous inhalation instruction may be forgotten and, there-fore, training should be repeated regularly tomaintain correctinhalation technique in children with asthma [91].

4. Education and Instruction

Successful asthma management is 10% medication and 90%education [92]. Asthma education empowers patients tomanage their disease and increases their awareness of dangersigns [93]. Patients with a positive attitude towards con-trolling their asthma are more likely to adhere to therapy[94]. Regular medical review provides an opportunity toraise patients’ expectations, helps them understand how tomonitor their asthma, and increases awareness of possiblefactors, such as poor inhaler technique, that may preventthem from attaining control [93]. A key challenge in manypractice situations is the allocation of personnel and timefor patient training in inhaler technique, although theupfront investment in time to properly train could later savetime, resources, and adverse patient impact by preventinguncontrolled asthma because of poor inhaler technique. Theconventional wisdom is that training patients to use inhalersis time-consuming. However, in one study, training sessionsprovided by pharmacists took an average of only 2.5min andwere shown to improve asthma outcomes [95]. The “trainer”must know the proper technique, including refinements tooptimise inhaler therapy for each device type prescribed.However, the healthcare professionals involved often have notmastered inhalation technique themselves [96, 97] and arenot sufficiently aware of handling difficulties with devicesother than pMDIs [98]. Furthermore, only 2 of the 40medical textbooks include a simple list of steps to properlyuse a pMDI [11]. For this reason, studies have examinededucational interventions designed to “train the trainer”and improve healthcare professional inhaler competence.

It has been demonstrated that a single education sessionimproves medical residents’ inhaler knowledge and skills[99]. Another study demonstrated that pharmacists whoparticipate in a single-session education workshop showedsignificantly better knowledge and skills than a controlgroup and that this knowledge was retained at a high level[100]. The best person to provide inhaler training (physi-cian, nurse, or pharmacist) will vary by practice situation.Another option is to enlist the aid of lay educators (e.g.,other patients) to provide support and training. In all cases,adequate time and resources must be allotted for the trainingsessions. Successful training in inhaler technique dependsupon effective communication of proper technique and itspurpose and monitoring to ensure that the skills have beenlearned and retained [101]. Of all the training approachespossible, personal or small group demonstration has so farproven most effective [102, 103]. Other training methodsfor inhaler use include written indications, illustrations,audio-visual demonstrations, and internet-based, interactive,multimedia tutorials, the latter representing a promising,new low-cost and time-savingmechanism for educating bothpatients and healthcare professionals [104]. However, theirvalue must not be overestimated, as a substantial proportionof patients still have incorrect inhalation technique despiteseveral training sessions [105] Periodic retraining is neededas inhaler technique deteriorates with time [104, 106]. Specialprovision should be made for the elderly, who may havemore trouble learning good inhaler technique and a greatertendency to forget it, while small children may require aparticular teaching environment to hold their attention [107,108]. Intuitively, therapeutic success will be more likely ifpatients are prescribed a device that they have chosen, arehappy with, and can use well. Although use of a single typeof device to deliver all medications is not always practicableit is preferable since coping with a variety of devices increasesthe likelihood of error [109].

A visual evaluation by the healthcare professionals issubjective but important in assessing inhaler preparation andthe mechanics of inhaler handling by the patient. Indeed,in real life, patients make many errors with their usualinhalation device that may negate the benefits observed inclinical trials. A checklist to identify critical errors, whichare those comprising treatment efficacy, could be appliedhere, as outlined by Molimard and Le Gros [110]. Exam-ples of currently available tools to objectively check andmaintain the correct inhalation pattern include the AerosolInhalationMonitor (Vitalograph Ltd., Buckingham, UK) and2Tone Trainer (Canday Medical Ltd., Newmarket, UK) forMDIs and the In-Check Dial (Clement Clarke International,Harlow, UK) for DPIs [111, 112]. These tools can provide anobjective evaluation of the inhalation profile but cannot assessthe patient’s preparation and handling of their device.

5. ADMIT Recommendations

Many physicians in Europe are fully aware of the difficultiesthat patients have using prescribed inhaler devices correctlyand the negative impact that thismay have on asthma control.

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Incorrect Correct

Considerinhaler change

Therapystep down

Therapystep up

Check inhalertechnique

No Yes

Fix next appointment

Assess compliance,aggravating factors

✓ minimal symptoms

✓ leading a normal life

✓ taking usual exercise

✓ low inhaled 𝛽-agonist use

✓ no additional treatment

Figure 6: Asthma therapy adjustment flow chart. From [8].

TheAerosol DrugManagement Improvement Team (ADMIT),a consortium of European respiratory physicians (respiratoryspecialists, general practitioners, and paediatricians) witha common interest in promoting excellent delivery of inhaleddrugs, was formed with the remit of examining ways toimprove treatment of obstructive airway disease in Europe[57]. ADMIT recommends that instructions for correctinhalation technique for each inhaler device currently onthe market should be compiled by an Official Board withinstructionsmade readily accessible on theweb. Local asthmaassociations and patient groups could also be involved inpromoting the importance and teaching and reinforcing ofcorrect inhalation technique. Information could be dissem-inated by the use of dedicated literature, school visits byhealthcare professionals, pharmacists, and through patientadvocacy groups. Other ADMIT recommendations are sum-marised as follows.

Recommendations from the Aerosol Drug ManagementImprovement Team (ADMIT) for the choice and correctusage of inhalers. (DPI, dry powder inhaler; PIF, peakinspiratory flow; pMDI, pressurised metered-dose inhaler.Modified from Crompton et al. [8].)

(i) Inhalers should be matched to the patient as much aspossible.

(ii) In young children, pMDIs should be always used witha spacer device.

(iii) An alternative to a pMDI should be considered inelderly patients with a minimental test score <23/30or an ideomotor dyspraxia score <14/20 as they areunlikely to have correct inhalation technique througha pMDI.

(iv) The patient’s PIF values should be considered beforeDPI prescription. Those patients with severe air-flow obstruction, children, and the elderly wouldbenefit from an inhaler device with a low airflowresistance.

(v) Before prescribing a DPI, check that the patient caninhale deeply and forcibly at the start of the inspira-tion as airflow profile affects particle size producedand hence drug deposition and efficacy.

(vi) Where possible, one patient should have one type ofinhaler.

(vii) Establish anOfficial Board to compile instructions forcorrect inhalation technique for each inhaler devicecurrently on the market.

(viii) Instructions for correct inhaler use should be madereadily accessible on a dedicated web site.

(x) Training in correct inhalation technique is essentialfor patients and healthcare professionals.

(xi) Inhalation technique should be checked and rein-forced at regular intervals.

(xii) Teaching correct inhalation techniques should betailored to the patient’s needs and preferences: groupinstruction in correct inhalation technique appears tobe more effective than personal one-to-one instruc-tion and equally effective like video instruction;younger patients may benefit more from multimediateaching methods; elderly patients respond well toone-to-one tuition.

The ADMIT has also proposed a practical algorithm(Figure 6) in order to improve the instruction given to thepatient regarding optimal use of their inhalers. At eachconsultation of the patient, the physician should establishthe patient’s level of symptoms and control, ideally using acomposite measure such as the GINA control assessment[1], and if well controlled for at least 3 months, therapyshould be stepped down gradually according to treatmentguidelines. Conversely, if the patient answers “no” to anyof these checklist questions then compliance and aggravat-ing (trigger) factors should be assessed. Most importantly,inhalation technique should be assessed. If the patient isunable to use a particular inhaler correctly despite repeatedattempts, a change in inhaler device should be considered.

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In the cases where ongoing uncontrolled asthma persists inthe face of correct inhaler technique, then asthma therapyshould be stepped up according to the treatment guide-lines and another appointment scheduled in order to checksymptoms.

6. Conclusions

The prevalence of asthma is continuing to rise through-out the world, particularly amongst children. Despite theimplementation of both national and international guidelinesand the widespread availability of effective pharmacologicaltherapy, asthma is frequently uncontrolled and still may causedeath. The reasons for this anomaly are numerous. First, theguidelines themselves are complex and too long for mostphysicians to absorb and utilise excessive length. Secondly,patients frequently do not adhere to their treatment regimenfor a variety of reasons including incorrect use of inhaler andunderestimation of disease severity. Indeed, asthma severityis oftenmisclassified in the first instance and inappropriate orinsufficient therapy prescribed. Finally, although guidelinesagree on the most appropriate therapy to control asthma, themethod bywhich this therapy is delivered to the lungs is oftenlacking in detail.

To date, advancement in asthma management has beenpharmacologically driven rather than device driven. Since itis likely that in the future inhaled bronchodilators and cor-ticosteroids will remain the cornerstone of asthma therapy,development of inhaler devices may becomemore importantthan development of new drugs. In the past 10–15 years,several innovative developments have advanced the field ofinhaler design. Although many inhalers incorporate featuresproviding efficient aerosol delivery for asthma treatment,there is no perfect inhaler and each has advantages anddisadvantages, but there is increasing recognition that asuccessful clinical outcome is determined as much by choiceof an appropriate inhaler device as by the drugs that go inthem. Drug delivery from all inhaler devices depends onhow the patient prepares the device and then inhales fromit. Problems with drug delivery have been identified dueto inappropriate use of inhaler devices, particularly pMDIswhere patients need to coordinate inhaler activation withinspiration. However, as inhalation is likely to remain thedelivery route of choice for the foreseeable future, there isa need to develop inhaler devices which are easy to useand deliver a consistent dose of drug to the lungs whichmay improve patient compliance with treatment leading tobetter control of asthma. There is evidence that a patientis most likely to use correctly an inhaler that he or sheprefers, and each patient’s choice of device will be deter-mined by individual perceptions of how its advantages anddisadvantages balance out. This decision could be quitedifferent to the judgment of a prescriber or a formulator,who may give more weight to technical points. Choice ofan inhaler device should therefore take into account thelikelihood that patients will be able to use a particulardevice correctly, cost-effectiveness, preference, and likelycompliance.

Continued and repeated education of both healthcareprofessionals and patients in correct inhalation technique isessential, and the results are checked at regular intervals bya member of medical staff. Substantial changes in educa-tional efforts are clearly required and should be particularlyaddressed towards the general practitioner and asthma nursewho in turn teach patients how to use their inhaler correctly.Finally, it is important to remember that continually changinginhaler devices which deliver the same drug is not theanswer, as patients lose confidence in both the device andthe drug and compliance with therapy drops. An inhalershould only be prescribed with the absolute certainly thatthe patient can use it correctly. It should be stressed thatonce a patient is familiar and stabilised on one type ofinhaler, they should not be switched to new devices withouttheir involvement and without follow-up education on howto use the device properly. A recent study has shown thatasthma control deteriorates if an inhaler is substituted fora different device at the prescribing or dispensing stagewithout involving the patient [113]. Prescribers should beespecially vigilant on this point in order to avoid changesto the type of device their patients receive through thepharmacy.

Conflict of Interests

Federico Lavorini received in the past 5 years lecture fees orreimbursements for attending meetings from AstraZeneca,Chiesi, MedaPharma, Mundipharma, Menarini, and TEVA.Federico Lavorini is a member of the Aerosol Drug Man-agement Improvement Team (ADMIT), a noncommercialconsortium of European physicians with special interestin studying and promoting the correct use of therapeuticaerosols.


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