
How to do a Chapter Summary Bible Study

How to do a Chapter Summary Bible StudyThree Easy QuestionsChapter SummaryThree Questions when you read the chapter you wish to study:What does the chapter say?What does that mean specifically to me?What am I going to do about it?

Some add an optional memory verse as a part of the process to help them retain what God has said to them.

A timeline (where are we now)

1234567Hail, etcAsteroid?WormwoodDarknessLocusts200 Million???Revelation 8Revelation 9We are HereRevelation 10KV 6: There will be no more delay!

1 - 3: The Strong Angel appears4: Not for us to hear right now5 - 7: There will be no more delay8 - 11: Sweetness and Bitterness

Revelation 10The Strong Angel of Revelation 10

Clothed with a cloud shows his Heavenly natureRainbow around his head twofold meaning the promise of God not to destroy man with a flood ever again, and the authority of GodFace like the sun Real power and authorityFeet like pillars of fire fire is usually symbolic of divine judgement, and with that being his feet, he is the herald or messenger of that judgement of God.Loud voice again, the picture of strength and authority, added to by the roaring like a lionLittle scroll or book in his hand more on this later

Revelation 10The Seven Thunders Answer the Strong Angel

What did they say?


There are things that we are not meant to know, and do not need to know, and it does no good to wonder about them this gives rise to all manner of vain speculation which the Lord warns us about.

The best guess I have is that EITHER the judgement is too terrifying to be recorded OR they communicate strategy that the Lord does not wish to be communicated to the Enemy. Either works, and neither matters.

Revelation 10What was the mystery that God spoke to His servants the prophets?

Yeshua haMeshiach Jesus the Messiah coming to take over the world that He redeemed to Himself on the Cross of Calvary nearly 2000 years ago!

Greek or teleo Completed or Finished. Sneak peek (SPOILER ALERT!) Revelation 11:15 -

Then the seventh angel sounded; and there were loud voices in heaven, saying," The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever."

Revelation 10The Little Book what could it be?


What other book do you know of that when you read it makes you feel really good, but then when you go to try to digest it or do what it says makes you feel really bad?

John does as he is told he eats the book, and tells what happened it was sweet in his mouth, but it gave him stomach problems! But what is the very next command John hears?

You must PROPHESY. In other words, you must speak the word of God about what is going to happen.

An important thought to considerWhat about us? What are WE to do with this little book?

We are to read it, and try to digest its contents! BIBLE can form an acronym in English:

Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth

Shouldnt we get to know what it says we should be doing?Another important point to considerWhat should we be doing? Remember Revelation 2 and the letter to the church at Ephesus? Doctrine and service are not enough! We must cultivate that love relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ!How? ACTS 2:42!Daily devotional times (morning and/or evening)Fellowship (with God and with each other)Worship (alone and in the congregation)Prayer (by yourself in secret and together with other believers)The MOST important thing!GOD WANTS MORE THAN SUNDAYS AND THURSDAY NIGHTS!


So let us serve Him!

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