Page 1: REV. A. WALLACE, D, D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, … · 2014. 4. 1. · the scene quite lively. So with the ques- ’ tlons read and answered. The letidiBr ’was evidently


REV. A. W ALLACE, D, D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1894. : ■VOL. X X . No; 32.

Topics for Young; People’s Mooting..• Qc.erin Grove stands "pre-eminently. for spirltuitl life nnd power. ' T illsvIs- why

, these week 1 y topics- have such ft heIpfu 1 mission nnc! ore largely sought after. They point the way to Calvury nod Pento cost.

Sunday, August J2—Jesus, tho fiinnor’a Friend. M utt. 11:10. T h e Holy Spirit eonvlota. *Hut- tru ly I am foil o f power by tho Spirit of theI.ord, to dcelaro uuto Jacob his trangresslons, ■and , to Israel. Ida sin. ’ Mlo; 8:8. <‘TJi«n Haul,, filled w ith tlio Holy Ghost, said, thou eiicniy of a ll righteousness, w ilt thou n o t cease to pfcrvert

• the right ways o f the Lord.” Acts 13:-D, ID.. . r i Monday, August IS -Je su s /tb o Propitiation for

o ur ainp. J, John 2:2. Tho Holy Spirit aa Ktcrnal. “ Christ, th ro ’ tho E tornal Spirit—offered himself W ithout spot unto God.’ Heo.lU II.

Tuesday, August .14—Jesus, oar Forcrum icr. Heb. fl: 20, Tho Uoly S p irit ljulnir Invoked aa Johovah. "And It was revealed unto’him by tho Holy Ghost." Luko 2: 2tWJ. l.ord, ihou a r t God.” ActH 4:2:1-25, Acta 1: 1G-20. "A nd the Lord d irect your hearta In to th e lovo of God.” '2, Thea,8:5. .. W ednesday, August 1 5 -Jesus God o f Ihe Whole E a rth .—I*»a64: 6. The Holy Spirit la Omnipres­

e n t "W h ith e r shall I go from Thy Spirit? and ' w hither shall I- /lee from T hy presence } Psalm ' 18047-13. V:- V;!: • ■ '■ . i

• .Thursday, A ugust:i6—Jesus, th o C h lo f Coruer. Stone. 1 Petor 2 :6 . : T he Holy Spirit aa Creator;

" S o God created m an In His. ow n imago.” . Gen* 1 :2«. 27. " T h e S p irit:o f G o d ,h a th m ade inc.’’- Joh.33 :‘4; • • ■ ; • .

Friday. August 17—Jesus. the first born of every c reatu re . Col. 1:15.* Tho Holy Spirit as Omnis­cient, •* Tbe Spirit acaruheih a ll things.” 1 Cor. S r '10.:

Saturday, August IS-Jesus* th e King of Qlory. psalm 2 | : 7-10. T he Holy Spirit as Omnipotent. '• Thro’ m ighty Flgns and wonders, by the power o f th e S p irit o f God.” Horn. lf>: 10.

tem perance Sunday. '. The National Temperance Society

Camp-meeting held every year a t Ocean Grove includes a Sabbath in deference to the sub management. Mr. Stearnfi’ nom­inationTor tho pulpit., and some of the o ther meetings o f the day, aro accepted, and iii, ,the * mal»i;.* prove acceptable id Ocean Grove audlenCes. Tiiere was' a slight break this year in the success of the Sunduy m orning service owing to the inability of the congregation at times to hear what the preacher was talk ing about.

I t Is tim e aud talent wasted for a minis­te r on tho Auditorium stand to start in telling nnceotes, and letting bis voice drop .to n conversational tone,.while two-thirds of his audience, straining to hear bis words and falling, get up and wulk out of .the

• building.I f there was not much done lu the great

Auditorium at the hour of publlu service, both the Tem ple and Tabernacle congre­gations had a “ high day In Zion." . In the latter a m ighty Pentecostal tide had been rising for several days, until It culminated in overwhelming power.. Mr. Y atm an also had som ething so magnetic going on that a late comer could not even get Stund- Ing room around the doors and windows.

Dr. Hanlon had the largest class of the season.. The = attendance .nearly, touched2,000 and will, go- 000 high er than ' th at

. next Sabbath, The lesson under consider­ation was; satisfactorily rev lew ed , w ithout elicit!ng aucii debate as spmetlmea makes the scene quite lively. So w ith the ques-

’ tlons read and answered. T he letidiBr ’was evidently disinclined to allow m ere trivi-

. alltles to ta k e u p much of the time. H is most delicate duty was in relation to tlie

. apt o f ' baptism performed by John on Jesus*iti tlie Jordan, to m aintain In tbe

• face of a 1 urge ■ and respectable 13aptlst” el 6 fore-him. th a t . immersion was

, not the ‘‘ mode” . in !this .particular case. W onder If they 'w ill ncccpt the'-authority and now consider th is question finally set-, tied. There were nearly fifty questions answered. .*'•• A n early, tea a t the hoarding houses and

hotels enabled the thousands of guests Who were com parative strangers to partici­pate in the 0 i*. m. beacli meeting. For advuiitugeous position, however,, the . tent population, who get there soonest, are al­ways most fortunate, and the children, who do nothing but play in the sand, oc­cupy nearly all the space where one. can hear well. Dr. H okes read the Scripture, passages as usual. Key. Dr. J . R. W right, of W ashington City, just returned from .England, oflerod. the customary prayer, and th e BpeaUing was monopolized by, our zealous tem perance evangelists, s u ch ^ s Mead, Stearns, Carswell and other firstrnte speakers, who are regular *minute;mon*h in action, and always have som ething im*. presslye and’useful io-siiy.. • ;':0

•The aud itori um ’congregation began, to gather an hour before the time. F irs t come.’Ms. the only ru le by which frorit seats can bo secured. : Money cannot pur­chase them, and w e’ are ■ often sorry when old folks, dull o t bearing, w ant a seat near the.'stand, to s ee them turn., away in satl-‘

• ness wlilie m ere children, or persons with no defect in their ears are occupying all the room.• F o r a full hour o r more the liviug

stream poured In. T he galleries filled up from oud to end. T hen fa r back' under

; the end and sitjo ; galieriea’ only-could va­cant choirs be found. In preference 'to sitting so ’ remote fro in th o ' speaker*

.crowds stood. a t the doorways in. tlio aisles. - Tho capacious stand, pot the best place for hearing, was jammed full, : and the-explanation of a l l ' .this Incredible crowd being prqpent Was, that every one who listened to George W. Bain on Satur­day evening had talked so enthusiastically about thls-always magnetic nnd pleasing orator, that they came again aud brought their friends with them.

Ills Sunday evening address was equally fluent and forcible with the-form er, but, as. suited to the sacred ness ;of the day-; of a more . soietrin trend. T h a t his t\venty- n ln tli’address at O cban, Grove ;, sliou Id re- peat somo few ' tropes: and figures df for­mer. efforts w as not sir a ng e; of • emirs e, but; the cntire acUlress ,was. considered ono, of the best be ever delivered he re .: H e made a prediction' in closing ' his. Sunday even- ;ing.lecture j ust one: y e a r: be fore, ‘ tlmt D r. Stokes, should;..attain: tlie desire of .his •heart in a ' new ilmlitorlum, iii whicli' he ’hoped to speak in the ensuing year. That hope was fu Hilled ; last: Sunday/night and his . speech.; was the g r a n d climax; o f: a

grand day of service to God, and greut social and spiritual enlargem ent lu Ocean Gfove. ,-r -'•*

W ith C liris t afc Homo.

* W here I am , Ihore ye shall he also.”

.11V U K V. CllA K. C O l.l.tN S , D . P .

The National Training School.A PAVKU 11Y M HS.C I l it I .ST1X K It. DICK


'• AUOUST ?, 189 i. •, ' •

On. the walls of tiie Art Palace may. he seen a cast of two clasped hands. They symbolize the individuality atul union of two poetic.llves.

W e. would Imuge here to day .knowledge and vital piety, joined in n blessed arid inseparable union/ : •

We have something of this in our aca- demic schools,: oursem inaries^ '- oiif' feol-’ leges', find; there thdke engaged in schol­astic p u rs tilts; • br e atltQ a reUgipus; atmos- pliero,.-; I t; ls;the: duty; of; th e> Churcli to m a lu ta in 8UchHan.8 of;le!U 'n ing ,;»nd lna. measure It fulfils* th a t duty. v.:' ;Besides these, anti perhaps oiiore :relig- iously educatiVo h av e . been andare ,-pu r Chau taiiqu a . Li ter a ry a n d S c ie n ti ilc C i r-' cles,; tind ; our Sunday*snhooj; Asseinbiles, We cannot estltnate.the numbers who hayp been reiiehed, or measurPithe nves .devel- opejl .and enriched : by .these ‘Rafter; col­lege” courses,” these summer schools that first “ kept” in that famous Americun Gre­cian tem ple by the side of Chauiauqua'f lake, but since have opened leafy doors iu many a grove and shady glen. : We find oun here In this fair city by the Atlantic,’ and all the way westward across the stretch of . miles and States oyei*.the- mountains; to a grove.-near.. the Paci fic'; coast. Indeed!, we have now a world-wide Chautauqua,;;‘ These - schools a l l ' com bine; to form a

part of tlie pictured w e, wtniltl.-complete, and , frame, and ' hang- fo r: uni versal ' gaze,. All! help to effect. thefalliauce o f .a! 1 Itera- ttire;of power and ', a literature of k nowi- edge; the desire o f many'hearts,’ • ..

. A11 Christians may congratulate; them­selves on the blessed results of these edu­cational Ideas. One among many Is; that old age’has been• baniShed from its cl05 main. .Many, have learned, that hew pow­ers; may lie gained fry th e . iUgh t of • y ear Si when the life Is kep t .enriched with noble aspinitiohs; and busy;' in- Cii ristian ; activi­ties, v Many have but lately realized , that after;all theyvhave; iipt ‘J ontl ived.-life,V or that they ‘“ are'past' their tim'e,’’ and tluit ii'ge is ' no less opportunlty tliiln youth.. The r sturs- .coine-: out . when, tlio day is' I t Is never past .li fe’s : liaryest-tlme.- Though belated the sowing, if the. scat­tered seeds ii ive been of kindness and truth, we shall .4* reap If we faint not.” . All honor to tin} men and w om en. who were tho luuugurutors; who gave the Ini­tial Impulse, and who wisely Sustain and enlarge these schools, and m ultiply tho influences th a t have enabled! many to pass from Indifference to earnest purpose. Some have achieved success.

And how perm it mo to present to you a newly developed agency that has appeared on the field of the world’s need. One that is fostering p ro m in e n tly this union of godliness and practical education. 13ut a few years'have passed since the establish­m ent of T raining Schools for Missiou- arios. God has blessed thp undertaking aud m ultiplied tlie teachers and helpers*, to-day these schools are ’ recognized and cordially endorsed; ; , 0

In 1;the 0apitol City a t the heart o f tlio nation,: is" located; a Motional ■ T raining Sclipoli ;I?pr i t we ask your cP.nsidoration, your pra^'ers and cordia 1 support. 1’ho in- stitution isinadb a memorial; to that true an4•.distinguished Avoman ;\ylipseivdbeiiy onc'o te b e r convictions while slio occupied1 tlio positloh cjf.‘‘first wbmau^; in tho;cpun- try, mado h e rn queou aulong all women,

. ;,. Coueluilal on'xccentl w ye. . *.

• From earthly home, to heavcaly rost;From weakness,' sufTerluj;, soro-oppres<-od,- From pain aud sorrow,—Cod knows best;

With Christ—at homo. •Leavins the dear ones, loved and kind,With tears aiid farewells, nU-behlnd ;Now, heavenly scenes, and peace to find : ’

. ..With Uhrlst—at hqme.Yea; In a "bettor country” bright,With priceless joys, and fadeless ’light—A heavenly land, whcro ” Iherela no night,”

• With Christ—at home.' • v: Amid tho throng, Immortal—fair,

, No pallid cheek—no . marks of care,—Not dead I—Kternal lifo b there 1

With Chrlst-rat home!. Arbitrj/ Hark, Ar. J., Aug,: 8, ifiJM,

Memorial Servico,.• A change In tlio hour for bolding tbe Ocean Grove Annual Memorial, made last M ondny, from evening to afternoon, it .was

} feared at tlrst would seriously m ilitate I against the satisfaction and success .which

has .always attended this service. The change was necessitated by a meeting of ilio ; laity ,;'for jwhichtthere;!was!iibvother tlnie ;possiWe;;but ;Mon d ay ey en Ing. In i stead .of the change being unfortunate, however, it turned o u | to be in every sense, an advantage in the character and quietness of, tho audience, ond the sweet

•and. tender memories expressed in song anil retrospective remarks .by friends and

! acquaintances of those who hffil passed on before. . ‘ * '

j . On the platform were gathered with . President Stokes, Keys. Dr. J . II. Alday, J . R. Daniels, WUllan^ Franklin , A. W.

j Ferguson, Wui. G.;Browning, A. Walluce, J and Prof. J. R- Sweney, who presided at the orgon. - '

| D uring the opening devotional services ! which consisted of singing the hymn, “ There is- a land, of pure delight,” nnd

sprayer by Dr. Ferguson, of New York I Conference, the pyes of- tlie congregation

were fixed on the large tablet suspended | in tho rear o f-thd . platform, and resem­

bling somewhat those'used every year, for . the same purpose. Aoross the ' top tlie

title, In M emorium,” appeared in- ornate I le tters ,: wreath; entwined, . and On a scroll

ueur the bottom were the words, “ At Rest.” . Gen. John C. Patterson, who pre-

! pares this list every year. In such a legible manner that i t can be photographed and engraved for the Annual Report, has taken

•special pains to mako this year’s tablet especially beiautlful. , * •

Around tho central emblematic figure of nn open 13!bie, ■ with . cr0; s an d cro w n resting upon itt; were th e ; names ‘ o f : Hon.; •James' Rlack, of •Lancaster; Pa.,' Chauncy Sballer, L. L .D ,o f Kew York, and George J . Ham ilton, an ex-member of the associa­tion. . '

The names also of M r. T . P. Cope, Ger. niantown, Pa.; Joshua Peacock, Ocean Grove; Hon'. A. H err. Smith, Lancaster, Pa.; Rev. F . II Purdy and Rev. Dr. liot- tom'e, Were conspicuous on the. tablet.'i' ; '

T h e other names making, up the: riutu­ber of forty In all, as they appeared tn rotation were M iss; Martha Weston, Mrs. M. F ie ld s ,. John D. Speer,- Mrs. Mary IV. Ross, Mrs. E . Cooper, Sarah Harding, M artha A. Jones, Thos. Price, Mrs. Lettitia Price, Itev.. Jam es Matthews, Mrs. Dr. Arernpn, W illiam II; James, Chaplain Gil- 111 ore j M iss L. A; j udd,- i-M rs C* 1) Janies, Miss. Kate M. J 0 hn smi, y [ ts . S. T. ■ D i: litni- k 1 ii) AVI I ber fprcO’ N . Gliaiiii le r;: ,fatnes ;MiK ton Rurnett, KH/.abeth Dunbnr, JIarry S. F llto ro ft,-John A. Morrow, Mrs. Jam es McConnell, .Mary F . Johnson, Hamiah Buckley, M rs . Sarah T. Goentner, Mi>»s Mnmie Dpbbins, Mary S. Meader, -Miiry E. Cole aud George W. P. Slpprf.. A t tbo bottom of the tablet were these stanzas by Dr. Stoke5:

.** in liea ren a i last I Troubles shall no more run riot.Como tho cvorlastlyg .uulet;Past tho tem pest—como tlio calm ,Changed tho eross for v lutor’a palm.

• ’- In heaven a t iiist I . . .Comu tho good : thuevll p as t;Never m ore ahull teara o 'erllow then Never rnoro shall sorrow s kaow theo •-

v . Past thu palu, re inru lug novor,0 , tho aweet anil bleat forover.”

’•. After reading that most;strllting portionof scripture, the seventh chapter-, o f the;I3aok of Revelations, com m ng a tn I nthVerse,; by Rev. W. G .Iiro w u ln g ,; and .tbosinging of hym n 1045: • ! ' ’-' -/I

‘'Olvo ino tlio w ings o f faith to rise • •' . W ithin the v o l j ; a n d ^ ^ s e o : V - : ;

Tho sain ts above, ho w jgrcat tliolr joy a, >:•.r•{; How bright thplr glories b o / v . . .; ■ vwith th e chorus, “Calling Us . Away,”. Dr. Stokes reminded thoso p resen t’ that In no aonse was tlils occasion to ; be n second funeral. I t always awakened Yery tender memories In his own heart, but wbllo they mode' him , thoughtful ,they were not sad. Sometimes a Wave of emo­tion : will pass over and suhuierge the

,'otil, arid It Is allowable to tlje lonely to weep. , I t does, anyone good to have a good cry, but why niourn for our-, loved, who in heaven?'

yVimt a history, or series of histories are on this board I W hot a beautiful record It would be to have all these, lives treasured 011 the poges of a book—and ye t If they were, most people would hurry on without taking the time to read it.. Such is life.

With a pointer, he then paused at every name, and knowing over three-fourths of tiiem, he was able In the briefest and most expressive m anner to describe the virtues which m arked their character and history. He did this so well in most instances that Ho one felt it to be necessary to multiply further words of eulogy.

Closing he quoted the verses printed above, explainirig tho clrcum stancosuuder which lie wrote them years ago In memory of a beloved sister. . . ! •

Tho.uutnes of Mrs. Cole, of Halthnoro; Mrs. S, T. Goentner* of- Pennsylvania; Mrs. Eliza E. GoiT, Mrs. lluckley, Mrs..C. I). Jaines and Rev. J.. Matthews were re ferred to by the editor, of the Rkcohd.

Dr. S. \V*. Thomas,: of-Philadelphia, made allusion to Wm. II. Jam es, Mrs. Ooentner, Mrs. Goff, Thomas 1’. Cope, Chaplain Gilmore and A. H err Smith.

Mr. S. M. flyers', of' Lancaster,, alsq eti* 1 ogtsed;Hon. A. ITerr S m i th a u d li)s 1 ate noble friend’ and tow nstnan| I Ton. James Rlacit. * •, • '•. * *

Mrs. Col. J . S..Yatd piiid an eloquent tribute to the memory of that grand u«,l- vocate of temperance and righteousness, Jam es Black;. Also her irlend, Mrs, Kliza-Cooper, of Ocean.Grove. At ono time sho ‘ said, during tho past year, she sadly, looked forward to the posslbillty';ot' the names of her. own husband and Dr. Wallace, both being on tho next Memorial tablet, but both had been m ercifully spared a little longer.

Mrs. Capt. Perry gave, an interesting account of her visit to the beautiful Chris- tian home' of A. H err Smith nnd his sister, Mlss E. E . Smith, also Mr. Jam es Black a little before he died. Mrs. Perry eulogized, John A. Morrow and Mrs. C handler,“the name of .Mrs. Dunbar and others.

Dr. Jam es Moore brought In a garland for the m em ory of Miss M artha Weston, and Miss Mary Clark.'spoke of Mrs. If. Buckley. Rev. Dr. Thomas referred to Dr. J . -B. McCullougli, lately ascended, and Rev.;; Mr. ;Ikow nihg ' to :D, P^Up(ler.

;g’rafli and D r.'WnV.• Reddy, also\Chauncey Sliaffen ’ Dr; W ;/H .Xawr^Hon. O. Shiiifer, iind KeV.' Jo lin .iyegg',: pf the-New York ,East Conference.; ‘‘ Mrs. Sit rah * S ni i n c k, .6 f ;^ rew York City, referred to CJ.eorge J . Ha pi il ton. whb was alsp spoken of by Dr»,'StPkes; A. W allace and others.-.; A lad y referred to M r. and Mrs. Price, also M rs. S. D. T. Rankin.

Rev. Dr. Alday, once: pastor of the church In Lancaster, referred to' the late A* Ile rr Sm ith in eulogistic term s, and with his rem arks thp me'eetlng closed by joining with Prof. Sweuey* at the request of Dr. Stokes,-iti the piece called . t{ Tho Summ er Land o f Song,” -and benediction, by Rev. Wm. Franklin.

. Our Friends the Laity. /, •In acceding to the.tlm ely and generous,

proposition coniiug from A bury' Park for a Laymen’s meeting th is .year similar to that held at the instance of ’Squire Wygoff in 1803, and which gave sticli an impetus to tlio. building of the new .Auditorium, Dr. Stokes, could do. no less thaii make

.room *. for the meeting although aU hjs evenings were filled with other matters. By-changing tlio Memorial service to the afternoon., of last - Monday, however,, a suitable, tilno ami j.dace were secured and a good sized crowd—say three thousand peoplo dropped In to the grat Auditorium to see and hear. A llm in is te rs .a s suchwere.'expected, to take buck seats ,'and they did so with tlio best gruco’imagina­ble. . • ’ - ..*. Paofessuc Sweney and his choir, gavo tho laity a grand welcome in song, iintl tlio exercises of the ovenlng wore .Inter­spersed .throughout with first-class vocal and Instrumental uiusio.

Senator Jam es A. Bradley, 011 motion of Mr. Wyckoff, took the chair, atid presided throughout tho evening' Thp speeches wero all cpngratulutory,. that wbat bad only beeh dreamed of a year ago, was now n tangible and magnlflcont fact; i n . the erection of tho new anditoylum. Nobody, expressed surprise that it'cost so uiuch dr tlmt a balaoco was still to be provided to clear it of debt, -- Nobody.thought tlvis ini-' ■ possible';p,r- Pven-'.a dillicult: Achievement; < AU pledged substontiai syni pathy. Thp spenkers .wer0.AVasldrigtbn Whitoi' Gon. J . F ,; R;usl 1 ng, E,. T. Lovatt; Col. W. S'. Sk 1 r tii, ■D. H . WyckolT and Senator; Bradley. .

The folloNVing preamble and resolutions

w e re r e d d , d isc u s s e d a t; ;1 erig tli a n d o u s ly a d o p te d : . '

WHBRKAS’ jh e dcRfiti h rove Cnmp-.Meeting As-- roc latlon , li tisUiow be oil - in . ex Istcnee twenty-fi v 0 years u n d ;th e Inllueneo of their .work-.'ima beon extended all oyer tho broad expnhsoof o u r cptin- try, an d ,',• ;*

Whkubas, by th e ir efTorls; the great problem o f a suceegsful seaslilb resort :haa been solved, aud - a place■;established -upon vd llrrn■:ftundatloH," where rooreatlon and rellplon harm onize arid go hand In hand fo r the beiiellt of-m anklnd, a n d ' .,■ Wh e Iikas, . these mon have,% by th eir wlFdom, foresight and wise m anagem ent, m aintained at all tim es tlio principles-for which they were llrst organized, and . : :

W iikueab, their latest: effort In the c rectlon of this noble, and g igantic Auditoriuni In which their- first grand ipotto . ‘••Holiness to the Lord,” stands o u t in' letters of electrle ilro, has;been sue- eessfully aceoratilished w ithout -.a- serious acol- d e n t ; tlierefore bo-It'.':

■ H e s o i .v e i 'j , th a t w o . tlio citizens of Aabury Park and Ocean. Grove and ,vicinity, m oat lieartlly 'and sincerely cbngratulfttu tho Aasoclatlou and ea- pec la ll/. tho oflicers and building com m ittee upon the aize, atyle. beauty and ornam ental work we now bohold In th is g re a t build ing;, : :: .

JlcmU'cd, T hat wo, the laity, now -assembled, feel it to be an :holior to occupy, this platfoj-m. eiich year-with the view, of lending our help In the great work/: ;-W:y. «•;

Mesoh al,- T ha t1 we reg a rd 1 oursetves as m orally, social ly, and hoiiorahly bound.' to use.; o u r ; best efTorts to assist In all flnahclal.obllgatlons towards' the paym ent of overy dollar of:coat In th e erec­tion of this Auditorium / ..• jU:8uh'0ji, T h a t wo fu lly 'endorse any extra.ex-,

nense incurrsd in excess o f /Irat estim ate ol ,cost, in vle>v' o f tlie -admirnblo completent'Si. of the huild lac In cvery-dctalh , ' - ‘

Jtr*oUed<^Toat.U la the seutlm ent o f thla m eet­ing th u t to th e honored-president, Bi ll. Stokes,D.D.'. nnd th e .o tb er o i ilm s of the Aspociatlon la; due the profouhd gratitude o f all oiir . fb j th e ir faithful . persevering elFdrta lo th la. great; work, and ifia -o u r hope and p ray e r-th a t they miiy ,'yet. live long to, e n jo y th e 1 ftuits o f.the ir labors.atul th a t m ulttpUed thouaands of out riu-e m ay hem -Und riot only rest for . their bodies, but peace to th eir souls; • - - - '

The Sibley Memorial Hospital,PAP.Klt UK.VI) itY MUS. A T . KTKWAUT, OK

WASlII.NOTON, . I). 0 , .IIKPOUR Tl'IK. DKA- CONKKS CONV 1-lNTlpS',**-’ 0<‘F.AN 0 UOVK.a u o . 7 , ' 1159-1. •/ '

Not long after the bpeuihg of our Lucy W ebb'' Home aiid. Nationul Train­ing School we felt the need of a hospital, where the sick and suiter!ng poor could be removed fromilifcirWretcheiVsurround­ings, aud receive the care1 and attention they nei\d. ’ ’ . ' v • . ■' •.

Our nurse deaconesses itave spent.many days and nights uursitig the sick in hotues where you and 1 .would feel we could not remain one hour. .Many lives have been' sacrificed for lack of proper attention anil surroumlings.

T h e n to o , o u r n u r s e - 'd e a c o n e sse s u eed t lie t r a in in g o iiiy o b ta in e d i n .a h o sp ita l.

O f te n th e w o rk e r s a n d m e tn h e rs o f th e B o a rd ta lk e d o f tlio n e e d o f th is a d d it io n to o u r w o rk a n d f e rv e n t p r a y e r s o ffe re d th a t th e d e a r L o rd w o u ld o p e n th e w ay fo r •us. ■. :;-r ’ ”

N e y e r w a s th e D iv in e le a d iu g m o re m a u i- f e s t th a n in th e g i f t o f th e h o s p ita l , n o w o u rs . -

A b o u t .s ix .y e a r s a g o o u r d e a r M rs .-R o b in so n , th e n M iss J a n e B a n c ro f t , m a d e o n e o f her. e lo q u e n t a d d re s s e s lu . th e p a r lo r s o f B ish o p H u r s t ' i n - t h e /p r e s e i ic e o f in- y i te d f r i e n d s , - A t. t h e c lo s e , . M r .W m ; - j ’.: S ib le y , w h o w as p r e s e n t w ith V h is b e lp y e d w ife , g a v e M iss B a n c ro f t $100, th e f irs t g i f t to D e a c o n e sse s ‘m a d e in W a sh in g to n .

F r o m th a t, t iu io M r. S ib ley .’s In te r e s t ’in ­c re a s e d s te a d i ly , an d h e soon a f t e r g e n e r . p u s ly r e m e u ib e r e d th e H o m e lu h i s w i l l .: O n e m o rt iin g la s t . D e c e rn b e r w h i le e n •

g a g e d in p n iy e r l ie s e e m e d to h e a r a v o lco s a y in g , “ W h y n o t g i v e '$1 OdO- o f i t to th e H o m e n o w ? ” B e l ie v in g th is to tye a m e s ­sa g e f ro m G o d l ie a c te d u p o n It a t o n ce , a n d w h e .nT ater th e s u b je c t o f tlio h o s p ita l w as •'•nam ed to h im lie . in c re a se d tlio a m o u n t ’to ^20001 -

A few w e e k s fo l lo w in g M r. S ib le y w as p ro s t r a te d u p o n a b ed o f i l ln e s s sp se rio u s , in c h a ra c te r a s to c a u se g re a t a n x ie ty to h is m a n y frien d s.V T h e n , i t w as th e d e a r L o rd u n fo ld e d : to M m th e ppssl b i ll t ip s - o f s u c h a rt In s t i tu t io n . * v r - , v : ;•

I n c o n tin g ' frOni t i ie I lo tn e bu o d ay a f t e r a t t e n d in g th e f u n e r a l - o f M r. E p h - r ia m N u s l i - - th e ; .g e n e ro u s d o n o r o f th o .D eaco n ess- l i f n n e — otio o f (liir B o i i r d ’-o f M a n a g e m e n t, a f r ie n d P f A tr. S ib le y .^ f e l t s tn in g e Jy '. l in 'p re s se d to c a l l u p o n , h im . .H e r e n g a g e m e n ts w e r e .s u c h , th a t sh e : a rg u e d w i th h e r s e l f : a g a in s t g o in g . T h e im p re ss io n , h o w e v e r , o n ly d e e p e n e d u n t i l lu a n s w e r to a p r a y e r f ro m th o h e a r t sh e f e l t Im p e lle d to g o ;

S lio w as I n fo rn ie d a t ' t h e d o o r by th e n u r s e t h a t M r. S ib le y Ayas u o t so w e ll, a n d w o u ld .lid v e lo f t w i th o u t s e e in g liim , b p t t h e n u rsP -in s is te d u p o n a d v is in g M r, S ib - ley o f h e r c a ll , a n d r e tu r n in g - f r o m h im s a id , M r. S lb lo y s a y s h o m u s t se o h e r.

When hls visitor reached hl^ room, he said witii feeble voice, for ho was yet quite 111, “ Tho Lord split you.” One can never know tho-thrill thatciim o to his'friend, as lie tpld hereof b is;tlesire'to See h e r lirid twp: other friends " ad ding, * ‘ I- th ought 1. was golng-tp join my-dear oud the other diiy, but 1 bei I eve' the Lord lias .spared iny “li fe fpr a purpose.', I thinlc I- know w bat it is. rw an ty .o u au d ,ttie .;tw o ;o th e i'fr io n d s 'tp come to mo to g e th e r^ ' V ' - *

The threes'gatliei-eil in his rpom the next :morning,-iitid it!!truiy spenietl,. to be tlid gate of lleav.en. Mr. Sibley thoh mado known, his purpose to Increaiie his gi(t tp

^5,000 'for it hospital to lie erPcted, in riieni-' ory of .itis wi.Cc; liprptli^i.Lp'wnties Sibley;‘ be known as.'''the Sibley-Hospital,; • iie said. -! • * ' ‘ ' - .;;

I t • Is; V su n s li 1 no \‘ \V.itiip’u t 1 a n d ; ■ glory :- ., w i t l i l n j i f t e | < - e a rn e s t .p ray e r,- a s l t i i e : ; tlireeV -a t:^^b is;-request j b in e d f l u s in g in g ,^ : .“ ■Prai/io ' G(ifl ;:'frpm ,'^^A yhorn^alL blessings;^, ilpw ;,’?- i t s e e m e t i ;.as; I f . t l i e ; - t h r o n g of; th e : • re d e e m e d a ro u n d i tb d - 4 b r p n p w i th t l i e . s p i r i t o f th e d e p o r fe d ; lo v ed .o p e , echoed- th e 'p r a is e th e y s a n g ; a n d .a g lo ry a n d p e a c e ' b e y p n ( r d e s p r i^ t |p n : f i l l e d ; th a t s ic k ro o m .- •' W h e n th e o rc h ite c t— c h o s e n h y h im — , d re \y . t h e , p ln tis; a n d v U ;!:‘wiiS;; fo tin d su c h a . b u i Id I n g as h e ; w is h e d to le a v e as ’a- m em - f. o r ia l to b is ;w ife AVotild c o s t § 10,000 h e Iin- m e d la te ly -p in n e d t h a t .h m o u n t / a t : :tb e d is- p o sa l o f ^ th e ! .P re s id e n t o f o u r B o a rd f o r ; t h a t p u rp o se . •''•'. ■; •.=■ •• I t ;w a s M 'r. S ib le y 's d e s i r e to .l ly e . to s e e ;- tli I s ' H o s p i ta l co m p le te d j tn d t o ; w it n e ss 'its;..-! b e n e f ic e n t w o rk j n t i ie r e l i e f ’of. th e ;:su tfe r- --: in g poor-. >;. • * ■ ! ' / : . '

; The /d ea r ' L o rd w h o m > h e serves;:-;and whpSe -whlHperfed will lie is ever ready to . ’ obey, hasultiily increased, his strength- dhd %; to-day lie is with us: here, realizing .to the 1 fullest, ex ten t tli At, •.«' 11 l^Vmore Wesseii; to ;' - give than to ’ recelve.” 1 \ •’ V ,

;Hb w. wonder ful 1 y tfie. LpnT h as i ed ' li I m ; He, nifty be. leafling y p u 3 n d hie ; are we; ; near- enotigh. ro' ii ear'and obey ?/,Go(Lgcant:.

H;e- tlesire to make this a ineinorial Iloapitiil .tlirpugiiout, and imve placed a certain p tice up<*n vach roi'rth and hallway feo that persons paying, the same may name it for a friend, the amount specified to go tpwiird furnishing the room.

[The writer of tlie above- gives in the, , concluding page's of her paper a long list of contributions already received, with names and nmojunts, to furnish, rooms In tbo Sibley Memorial Hospital, which rooms become in themselves memorials o f purents, children, husbands or*'wives who linve parsed away, The story from * beginning to end reads like a romance, and Is, down to its latest detail, an exuct fulfilment of prophecy, prayer and the plans of those who devise liberal thinus for God luiu hum anity;—E d ito h .) .'

Mr.: Yatman's: Inspirational Lectures.While tlie regular, daily, program does

not.announce the lectures by Mr. Yatmau in.tho Tem ple' at 5 .o’clock on Monday, Tuesday, Wetlriesday and Thursday, nev­ertheless a . large num ber crowd to the service, auil they get. w hat they go for, • ‘‘ inspiration.” The opening themes were ‘• Christian Work arid ; W orkers,” Need- meeters” and ” Inspired Leaders.” The leader.of the Yoiing People’s m eeting is seen here In another r.ole than a t 9 o’clock mornings, aud tlie one is .tru ly a compli­m en t to; the other. '

■A Young People’s Service in tho G roat, Auditorium,

N ext Monday m orning,'A ugust lil. iui-; mediately following tlie’dedication of the new; Auditorium, Mr. .Yatmtin is to hold,

one of Ids 0 o’clock Young People’s m eet­ings in that great, building. H e-says:, “ I t is to be a Young Peopled. Service-in every respect, every young person front five to one hundred and .five with u young heart is to be there.” Besides the usual , singing and music and scripture he pro-’ ptoses to give ah •illustrated address on. ‘.‘Tlie Seven Silver. Clips of Life,” illustrat­ing with silver cups aud {lowers' and., jar, D a 'id ’s text in - the-jWd; psalui, “ My cup., ruiineth oyor,” • .

W e'd iscover that in this sendee Mr.'. Y atninnV ainV is. not so much to fill tho . Auditorium with people, but to fill' tho altar ;with< seekers, that a lull hundred uiay thjit morning be soundly converted.

.The Illustration . is .b o th , beautiful;aud powerful. • \ ; : -!', Wre predict a' great success iii this,new .

s t e p / - . ' . » • ' • -' "v-- ;

Penningcon - Seminary Day.. Frkliiy evenini;, August 17, will bo l’eii- nlngtan i Dny iiere. • Tl'ie exercises tiro to be nt tlio Auditorium, w ith Ur. I [fin- loti, President of the L’eunlDgton .Sonilu- uvy, presWhig. Tliere w ill bo a miislciilo. nt 7.30 i’. >t. in >cbarge of Professor Su-eney, with tlio Park Sisters nnil others' assisting. Tills will last until 8 >•. >t'.,wlion the Pennington exorcises proper-w ill 1m. gin. Tlieso. vflll consist Q f singing by Pennington alumni'.' nnd students, uud 411 nddross on VThe March of-Methodising’

.by Oen. Jam es P.. Rusllng, J)., of Trenton, N. J ., of tho Class of oli. .. A fter tills w ill come n rc'ceptUm .M tlio A rling­ton of tho nlttninl, students nod frlonds of old Peunlrigton, to wbk'li everybody Is invited. Como,und glvo Dr, llim lon and tbo Pemdngtoniims a hearty welcome, llo deserves it. . Ocean Grovo, hug no better fflond:’. • :


Page 2: REV. A. WALLACE, D, D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, … · 2014. 4. 1. · the scene quite lively. So with the ques- ’ tlons read and answered. The letidiBr ’was evidently

O O I E j J L I S J Q - E / O Y B B E C O B D , . A T J G - U S T l i , 1 0 9 .4 :'.


W . A. W A LLA C E, p . D „AT.


BE V . E, H .8TO K E3,D ,I)., CorrCSpoudlngKdltor.

TERM8, POSTAGE PREPAID.O uo copy , four raonlhfi, ...............

" •* s ix m o n t b B ............................. . . . .“ “ o n o y ea r ............................ 81.50

O lu b o f flvcor m o re ,o n e y e a r,e a c h ,. . . . . . . . . 1.00. AilvcrlleoraenlR inserted n t the m e of ten cents por lin e , ono tlm o. F or one, two o r th ree m onthe, o r by th o y ea r, a l ib e ra l reduction w ill b e made.'


Copies of tlie Ocean Grove IU:coitu can always be had a t the book store, 27 Pil grim Pathway. The store is open day and evening.

M iss E d ith Burt, daughter of Rev. W ii lium Burt, of the Italian Mission, is stop plug at the Tilton cottage! 8t*» Mt. Tabor

y • W fty . .. - ■ ;V .V , <.

. Wo were delighted to see seeking soiils finding a Saviour at the Auditorium altar again last Sunday night.. This is as it ought always to be.

Rev. N. P Peters, pastor of St;. .1 dim’s Reformed Church,•Slatingtnn, Pa.,lias re glstered at the Centenulal House during his sojourn iu Ocean Grove and Asbury Park. v

W hat sight is more delightful than tho standiug crowd at the ciosp of the surf meetings listening to an appeal for imuie diate decision for souls to turn from sin to God. ’:

Il'§ no trouble • to m ake 10,000 hear in . the Auditorium wltlv. perfect ease when

tho speaker talks straight ahead and, with voice ju s t above the natural tone. W e ml vise speakers to refrain from both yells

• and 'whispers.We presume there, will be quite some

rivalry next Sunday morning In the Audi torium between “ Davlil and Jonathan .'

. We adviso the friends of tlie Bible Class leader to get on the south side , nnd tlie helpers of tiie Young People’s leader to take the n o rtlio f. the big building.' “ W hy can’t tho Sunday morning Young

Peoples’ meetings be held In the. Auditor­ium V was the query of hundreds who were not able even to get near the doors or windows last Sabbath. “ More room is tbe constant cry from over there by the Temple. Mr. Yatuiau says his cry is

- “ more converts^ It takes a good, mahy to satisfy him. ;

‘ L ike , the historic Henry of Navarre, who vras known on tiie field of c o n flit by his plume, Kev. Wm. B. Osborn is known by his “ sandy com plexion” .nnd auburn hair. Some say it is just as red as ever. The older people who were fam iliar with Ocean G rovo 20-25 years ago, say he looks

, as young as lie did then, and Can sing, pray and preach as well as ever. W e hope he will have tim e to stay with us through

. the days of Dedication, mid help shout tlie victory wlieu the new Auditorium is Free from debt. .. • . • „ . •

Tiie W. 11. M. S. ladies wanted some article, readjusted or moved on the plat­form the- other day, aud not seeing, the jau itor around they called on Bishops Bowman and W ald en 'to “ lend ii li*rid.” They tried hard to do what was required,

. but didn’t a t first succeed. “ Look at them ,” said the l iv e ly ’Mrs. Fisk, “ They seem

.like tivp great booby boys. . Take bold this way, can’t you V ” -They tried . again anil when shown how, did the job satis- fiictorUv^

Rev. Win. B. O3born for the first time in several years Is putting in some solid evangelistic work, such as he started here twenty-five years ago, und out of which has grown -Ocean Gro\*e as . w e 'see it to­day. We learn that he and his missionary wife are about to sail for;India in a short tim e, obedient to a Macedonian cry 'ftom old- friends and fellow laborers in that country. One o f these asks for menus to buy aud use an evangelistic tent, costing $200,' immediately. ' So, .Osboru like, he is raisiug the money iii/do llar donations, 1 and. the. dolhurs are ; coming in like hot

• cakes. If any of our readers meet him,• please Jiave the dollar. ready, and hurry

up or. lie will have enough without yoiirs.; M r. D. S- .Tompkius, Brooklyn, XSVY.i whose favorite stopping place at Ocean Grove is the Gleriwood—not on account of its romantic iiam e so m uch ns that Mrs; Atkinson knows how, to m a k e her guests feel a t home, and that the verandas ate shady. and; cool •these hot days, jy a s last week visited by ii part of his funiily. and after being Introduced to nearly a dozen■ we inquired of lihu how many, sous nnd daughters lie laid claim to. l ie sapl ten Slaughters and we forget how many sons—•

'aU- well grown—averaglug probably 200,all well settled, iu Ufa. F o r a bit of curi­osity as well; as courtesy: to. aii amiable, youngish"octogenarian we give the names of a few :.M rs. Anna Hyde, Mrs: Ju lia Gelstoti, Mrs. E llen Lewis; Mrs. Belie C lark, Miss' Mury L. Tm npins, Miss Suslo A -Tom pkins, Mrs.•Minnie Johnson, Mrs.- Ida Conserved,.Miss II. S; Tom pkins and Miss K. J . Tompkins, ii neice* Two of “ in tlie rT o m p k in s ;’ sons are Mr. Samuel C. and George Tompkins. Except tlie last two or three names, all paid their horn ored father a visit at the same time, and' around the Glen wood corner it wuscalled “ Tom pkins Day." . .

The Dedication Services.So absorbed with the passing interests,

of every day do/we become, thiit j.t is diffi­cu lt to pr opav o f or each n e w event, and write up the history ’of .those wlilch. cialtn their: position,-..fullii tb e l r • purpose, atul •drop to the rea r.',. . ■ ' ‘ • • /.;* ‘ .

Tii e uu usual gather ing : i n , of .bishops and other prom inent C ^ u c lr oinclals last- Wednesd ay even ing' ami Th u rsday morn; 1 ng.Hidicaie(i:SQiUething o u t. of thep rili- , nary run on the season’s: program. ;For

•the dedication of: the new Auditorium the presidentliiui arninged;iihd .publisliei^^ imposing list, of Services exteudlng to fovn- f uU days.1 Qn Thutstlay iiiorning the pro- g rmuAvus connneuceilbya |>j)r opr i ute tvl 1 u- sioris 'in ' Teniple^and.-■iNtbern'iicl.^aiuid shouts of salvation i a t ; the .latterj aiid ‘ aii •interesting.discourse fi;bm: Dr. 0 . t 1. Mc- . Cabe,' Sec r eta ry of; th e-Ml sslon'ary • S oci ety of tlie M ethodist fepiacopaLChui^h; vv'This is nbout.a9 farW w 'e.can go in rbpi resent in g the ope bit) g o f; $ ■ i*6 und of d I s- courses, lectures; a n d : observances which shall culminate and close on next Sabbath n ight with the dedication in due form.

There will bo lectures by Dr. Maude, ville, of Chicago, every afternoon at 8 p . m ., a lecture by Chaplain McCabe on Thursday evening, one . by Dr. A. ,1. Palm er, Friday evening, and oue by Bishop Fowler on .Saturday evening.

Sermons will be preached on Friday ijiorbing by Bishop' Bowman, Saturday morning by Bishop W alden, and on next Sunday night by Bishop Fowler. The platform next Sabbath morning will be given up for brief addresses by Bishop Bowmau, Senator Bradley, I)rs: Ifanlon, Stokes and Yatuiau, and tlie. raising of $50,000!. V . • . . .

Eloqtionco in tho Temperance Cause.

We couhl only give iu last week’s Ispue of the l lm m i u i brief, sketch of the first, ‘lay’s proceedings of tlie . fourteenth annual Camp-meeting, * under charge of M £ John_NySteiirhs; held at-Ocenu Grovij Iu our outlook, however, we considered the prospect quite llatterlng for a * more than ordinarily successful meeting, and- wrote down tills rem ark: “ I f the Satur-. day or Sunday.night congregations nuinber as many people as were in the new Audi­torium last Monday night at.Mr:' Yatmau's anniversary, It will, be one o f the Wonders of the age.” : ; . V . »•.'

Well, Saturday and. Sunday nights are past, the first witnessed between e ight and nine thousand present, the latter a t tlie lowest calculation, .coiiutiug those who stood at every open door, 10,000!

Thursday’s speakers, includiug Mrs. Mary C, Leavitt, llev. George J . Mlngins and a j o r . General J In Wii rd, ‘ • We re .. al|-

rdfipprt\• .-svitttV a p p r ec 1 at i ve • a u d i encesi. No finer, no nio're..comprehensive address thiiu tliat of Mrs. Leiivitt hfis perhaps evei1 been given before a n ; Ocean Grove-audi­ence, although her advance position bn suf­frage, and her indiscrim inate arraignm ent of both the great political.parties, jn giv- ing prohibition the cold- shoulder, and'in currupting tendencies in -th e strife , for preferm ent nnd power; did not m eet with unanimous concurrence at Ocean Grove.

The moral condition of foreign Coun­tries she depicted iu darkest hues.. Main-' tainiug that no- sane or right thinking Wpinau'can^^^be.a.skeptiCjUn^^V’ieW of-whnt Christianity and-C hristianity alone has done for the s«-x.

The “life” of every recurring.session Of every w of tho camp-meeting is the Silver Lake Quartette.'^ Tlie very exuberance o f’ hum an 6peech, eloquent and pertinent thougli it be,.will sometimes grow monotonous, but the songs of the Silver Lake singers never are (lull. They, always enliven, and often instruct a thou- sand times better than dry logic or dog­matic denunciation’ .For years th is quar- tette'has'w ou a w idening way for such a forlorn hope, as the th ird ,party prohibi­tionists, aiid-we have always felt glad after hearing these grand fellows, the peerless II. C; Mead, the genial George E.;Cham­bers/ und the inim itable Lawrence, und Alatt, tlmt we belong to the band they are singing into prominence, power and polit? ical victory lu the sweet bye aud bye,

Thursday brought to the forefront agaiu a young lady elocutlouist wlio on Wednes­day eveniug electrified the audience by h e r; histrionic;';'power.> M iss ,F1 orence L. Williams, o f. Providence, K. I., came the nearest to filling the auditorium with the tones of her voice, of apy reader who has

e t atteinpted ihat role. J le r every ap- pt'arance was hailed with rapture, aud every; effort vvas eucored.

We-ought.tti have nitMitio'ned iu connec­tion wl th. the opening day ;.oX the meeting,

letter read by . Mr. J^ NV.^teaius, front Joseph Cook, whlch'we have, u’o hesitation iu prohouuciujt .dna of the best . th ings' broiigh’t to us in the four or. Ilyo days.con- secutiye "speaking. AVe .hope to .print it entire as soon as we can ihakb room for the valuable m atter, wo.’ aro now com­pelled to hold over. : ; •

llev : ,1. llen ry Jam e l , 'o f Conn.; whom we have-not seen at Ocean. Grove for sev- era! years, was at the afternoon service,, and made him self quite a t home anioiig the,apostles and.crusaders of .temperance evangelism. . The main address of T hurs­day afternoou was by Dr. QeO. J . Mlngins, whose best side, we always thought, w as in the way of Impromptu anecdote aud ad- dressr having euough of personal remluls-

cences of the ludicrous and witty kind to •keep any audience 'in good humor for at least un;.hour;.; .:. ,;V-./■ j . v‘.--y . GenV.:().:0. Howard . received a ; grand

o v a t i o n when; lie was introduced In- tiie evening. . The General is a,good spoaker and gave a mote devout tu rn .to his re­m arks than some of the “ D. D’s." who oc­cupied tlie stand. 1 le is sensible, strong and thorough, and is never ashamed to confess Christ. .

The third day of the Temperance Catnp M eeting opened auspiciously. Themorn- •ing meetings were largely- attended /and ! n il;’o f f e f vericy in prayer arid song. ;At i 0.00 Mr. Stearns arid his.^.staff werip ready for.the fray, and Rev. Dr. Collins of Alle-. ghany City, opened the first service with prayer.

The speaker of tlio morning was Kev. Dr. Pogsou, a Baptist m inister, of New Y ork City. : I lls address had the elements of;beauty aud^powe’r. H is language was distinct and forcible, his argum ents wfere convincing; and his illu strati oris effective.* Mrs. Leavitt, of Boston,was ready in the afternoon to take the place of a speaker detained from his. post—Rev. Dr. D. J . Burrell, of. NTew York. She gave a largo amount of information on subjects, moral amV social, ;whlch she had' observed In her travels nrbiiud the world. ;• H er splen- did address. was supplem ented by one of ^dw ard Carswell’s' b e st. ' and. . w ittiest speechesj. arid the decks were cleared for the greiit.^crowd expected’. at ttie evening concert hyt the Si 1 ver: I^ike (iuarthtte. ‘.'.‘v ■. ^T U egen tlem en co irip o sin g th ista ie rited teani Knew they were oxpected';tov outdo' themselves,.aud they came up to expecta­tion. I t is in one of these concerts tho versatile genius of Mi*. Mead appears in its richest development. He has to keep up n running ftisilade o f wise and witty remark's between songs; aud he does it-so well, that between his speeches and tlio singing one cannot decide which gains the m ost applause ■■■■' ■

The coticevV w hs a great success. W hen Saturday ciiine and people reiill*/,'ed ,that they had but one more day of tlie National ;Ciiin P;meetirig, aud.iences became. 1 arger and si>pgs,;recitations and platform ora­tory received closer attention..

• This was the case especially with the capitid’address of Mr.- /looker T. Washing- ton, of Alabama, a colored man of most rem arkable poise and power before an aud.ience.

The National Training School.■ ■ Coiichiilcil frq m Jlrsl jiiti/er ’; .*••; •

arid our .glory aucl pv.ider An linage of J^ucy-.Webb II aye’s .1 ooks do W iiberii ugly from the :v?hlt of the lecture halls, arid

• something rtf her sp irit of nobUity and un­failing . iiitegrity^ lier ' sweet-Ueartednes.s,; her love o f Christ helps to keep pure the atmosph ere of tli e pl lice ; Tho work tii ere' h itherto has;been good, arrangements': are being m ade for still further eniargenient of: its advnntiiges. . In no form of secular work is ii customary to intrust • important interests to unskilled un tried ! people. Is there less;need o f training for the work that shail*eternity ? Everywhere we hear;a ipiteous cry f ronv that;poor - sore h e a r t ; o fh u m a n ity ^ there is need;m v y - , where.. ‘The word of: God1 must be given iilqrig lines o f ' loving: helpful:. service!.; A knowledge o f Ills , d I vine w ill).m ust be taught . .through the p rac tic a la ila irs of daily life,-The work m ust be takeri hold of by skilleii hantls. Do I not addreSs some one'who, if equipped, would e n lis t in this service ?v; And .will; you n o t: a vail;your- self of; these^-.'large .opportunity^E nter ;the - school. anti' study tlio; English Bible as parani ou nt. i n i mpbrtance. Study it: as; you AVtmlci the 'classics,; study, the. New •Testament In Greek if -you -\ desire.- However much you have studied there are mines, o f ; • unsearchable rlphes, th e te r are pages yet unfolded. “Ye. shall: know the- T ru th arid the Truth shall nmke yo.u free." •Wouid- you, .teach1, c h ild h o o d ;- le a ^ ideal K indergarten system; esjieciidlyin its i ad a ptat ion to prim iiry Su nd ay school • ■work lind' the la rgest; developmeiitof. the c lii Id * • Lea' rn to teach th e ■ lesion s ; tha t Jesus taught, Slitiply, to the- little one’s l ie wlio ,sidd “Suffer the 'little ones J o C om e unto Me” ^will bless you; I n ; that. School you niay study elem entary medi- cine, anatomy, and how to treat disease ; how to render first aid iu emergencies, how to be prepared .to m'eet.calamities— these will a l ways he. Be pr act I c a 1 ly ed n - cated in doiiiestic scieucc, rules of ;order and business methods. Learn self control, the best discipline, physical culture. Have first spiritual grace but let it be transm it­ted into outward grace. . You may enrich the world by your skill and fidelity, and it will he the better for your independence* The course o f study is partly theoretical.

ing the horizon of. your outlook anti use­fulness find;the only balm- for-grief and loiieljhes&'V:;! " • ' , ’- . ' I }'• .Sacrifice is iepresented iiy a woman lay-' ing her. jewels on an . altar.. 'However unique.or costly'the' gems,: th a t Is nothing. God calls;,us to sacrifice to a iiigher, more 1 niperatlye .duty.; ;T o give ourself.^ Tlie president of a womans! col lego, lately said

th a t woman gauges arid determ ines civi­lization, for no age - rises abovfi its repre­sentative Women.’’. D ear wbmeri I. Com­rades on life’s battle field, come.with your, refinement and cu ltu re ; come and join in these moral reforms* P u t press of:ybur'. p u r i t y a n d .d e v o tlo n on, til 1 t h a t . p e r ­ta in s to t h e c o m in g .o f C l ir is t?s ; k in g d o m . W e, th a n k ’G o d - th a t t h e p o w e r o f w o m aii is ever. In tlio -a sc e n d a n t' fo r g o o d .. S h e to u c h e s th e h e a r t b r e a k o f h u m a n i ty w ith h e a l in g . : ; W 1 th . l i g h t a n d ,sy m p a th y si i e to u c h e s th e ; .d a rk n e ss , a n d Ip , th e d e s e r t i f io o m s .: ; :,.;v ; ■■

A P L E A S A N T S U R P R I S E is in sto re fo r y o u whon y o u b u y P r . P ierco ’s P le asa n t P e l- ' lo ts . . : I f yo u e v e r to o k th o o rd in a ry livi

; bulk; preei

iu a ry n v e r p ill , b ig . a n d ley, '.nasty: to o . y o u 'd a p ­a tite d good • th in g ,’ espe-good'-’.4- i- g,

Olv e ry e ffe c tiv e ;: O th o r_ th in g s

c ia lly w hen i t is eucar-coatod . t in y a s a m u s ta rd seed b u t :

b e in g equa l,, th a sm a lle s t 13 th e -b e s t in liv o r p ills—h en ce, “ P le asa n t Pello ta .n •

IC y o u o re tro u b le d w i th ; In d i gestion, Constipafcion, B il­iousness, B ilious H eadaehesj • a n d a h u n d red a n d ono ilia ■which d ep en d u p o n tuv inac* t iv o . l iv e r ,—uso D r . P ie rce’s Pellots.' :w i th thes« p ills y o a g e t n o t o n ly t e m p o ra ry relief.:.

, b u t a p o s it iv o . c u r e ; . th o y ’r e g u a ra n te e d to g iv o sa tisfac­tion . o r y o u r . m * n o y is to ^ tu rn e d . ' ' ■'

F o r fafc peopte “w ho s u ffe r f ro m ind igestion , for. h o artjc e a te rs a n d h ig h ltvo rs—thosff . v?hose liv e rs a re slugg ish , tb ia .

C is w h a t is m o st needed, o a P iU a f te r d in n er,, ; j

* Tlie dear Lord's bedt Interpreters Ar^ hum blo h aa ian so u ls ;

Tho Goapol of a lifo llko hers la uioro ttm n hooks or scrolls.”



but the charge muvt .not- be truihfully There were not a few present tll(? education of. the liead ex-

who believed* that this speaker Imd ubt beeeu ’excelied in ' niutiy a day nt 6 ceilii Grove. He showed most conclusively the urgent need of .temperance evangelists being sent and sustained in the South', to save huudreds and thousands' of the col- ored people from the causb of ihelr^^igno­rance, poverty and crim e— stroug driuk.

.M r.T hom as M urphy, a son of the re­nowned F ra n ci s ^Iu rphy, w as the spe a k or o f. tlie' afteriipon; ire :;gave evidence;: o f. inteljigence and zeal -I n't he. cause to which his father .has given so much loving labor, and 'his address, a very thoughtful one, by tlie wiiy, was received with urarks of very special favor. . * \

The;next speaker was the m ost.popular orator, who ever faceti an Oceau Grove au- dience, Col. George W. Bainjof Kentucky. F<ir fom teen years, if we arc not mistaken, this “ silver tongued ” ;brator has in suc­cession . visited ;Oii,ean Grove,- giving two addresses, Saturday n ight atid 'iSunday n ight ..being usually asslgued to him, on every visit; H is magnetism has drawn the la tgest audiences e v e r . assembled a t this' place. I t was a m a tte r ‘of conjecture—• could he fill the new building? The ques­tion was nearly settled in the affirmative last Saturday'night, and positively solved on Suuday n ig h t

As to his topics, mauuer, and tho in ­creased enthusiasm which meets him in a more'deinonstratix'e . from ' every year, we shall have something lo say elsewhere in this number. • •

The representatives of the National Tern* perance and Publication' Society took their departure on .Monday morning, with in- creased love for O.cean Grove, and bear­ing from D'r. Stokes, on .behalf o f the Association he represents, a cordial invlta lion to return a t the usual tim e iiiid for the usual series of meetings In 1800.

Thursday morning witnessed i t fine atberlug'lta of ministers to hear Chaplain

,McCabe. •,’ . ; ' • ••/. . . ‘;; Sirs. Krdinan is at present the. niost cel-

obrated soloist on.-the Auditorium plat- form-.' Dr. L. R. Dunn, of N ewark Conference, is among,the prom inent niiujsters ut pres­en t In attendance a t the Ocean Gi'ove meetings; .;: .- •■ itev. S .’IL C. Sini th arid w i f e have ar­

rived for their usual summer vacation at the -. • . . . . . ;y'.

Itev. John T.Swindells,'one*of.tho most laborious a u d . successful pastors of the City of Brotherly Ldve, is taking ii brief vacation at the Grove.

. Many of the associates. of ‘‘dear M rs. Kllza GofT,” who . passed away recently, were g ra te fu lly : affected, when they saw her name on our M emorial Tablet. •

The M emorial Tablet, con ta in ing , forty mimes of departed friends looked very beautiful la st Monday, thanks-to tho pa­tient taste and genius of Gen. J .C . Patter­son. I t will be photographed as usual, imd appear iu the next annual report as one of Dr. Stokes’s characteristic illustra­tions. . . . . •-

ceeds that of the heart. G reater than phy. sical-.or; intellectual is - .moral \ training. High; moralAcharacler ls. attained only;in connection •; with religious tra in in g .; -AVe must learu patience, and hum ility .and submission, it we’galn a crown of success, or leave any real legacies to the w orld ,'

The lectures on eleuien^r-y medicine and nursing will •bring you into sympathy with; arid instruct 3'ou how to relieve the sick. ; You;niay “tread, the path of pain,V you may carry healing and hope with you. .What greater accomplish merit what noble service? You may not be called to enter the hospitais or a tented field, where the world looks on. You may not be crowned as has beeu a Florence Nightingale.' You may never be the presiding otllcer of the Red Cross society, and be Aveightetl w ith care and responsibility': Sacir us • falls’ 60. lieiivi 1 y on ' our own Clara Burton, w heu there Is war or pestilence or calamity. You may not be crowned mid decorated and praised as these women, blit If you take some of tlie Divine tenderness with you to the sick- poor yOUi* face inay grow paler but your soul whiter, while heaven smiles approval. Cohtiuua! calling comes in al- most clarion tones to such as have high souls. We must gain the true wisdom the enkindling of hope. the . strengthening of faith such us. cari. only be obtained iri: tlie scliool. of Christ. , God said;“. liet 'not- the wise • >nan;,; g jory:; 1 n :; |j Is*: -wisdoni, imt let hlm ,that giorletii igiory in th a t . !He knoweth and .understandeth m^:” •- • I t haiB been said.that woman; is the un­placed. factor of hum im : history,: B u t is she not the great mistress-of family life ? As a wife and mother is she riotxroivne.d with inexpressible w ealthy Arid those wo­men whose life is; not tbat Ideal one may prepiire to. enter a “sisterhood .of service" and so bless and enrich many other lives. AVill you not decide to-day ? Humun life has its hours when • decisions :reuch into eternity. : Act, do 'no t-d rift; get: In "heart- throb with humanity let y o u r; Hfe-and work lie a stream, that- makes, for right­eousness.^ Every woman should lriako her­se lf ii power, u quiet power. You may be a Bible reader or a Zenana w orker.. The fields nt home and abroad are white unto harvest. The g rea tc ltles of A m erica.are the greatest missionary fields in tlie world.

“ h i the heart o f mart (here U ft cry,. In die heart of God snpiity.’1

Come with us and get in touch with the unfortunate. You will find how cold-Is the wiirld,.aud. you will try to warm it. You w ill feel how hard it is, and wish ’to soften it. In blessing others you shall bo blessed. .Ami now J appeal; to college educated women. The work of the Teaciier of teachers ueeds you;’ your cul­ture'; all your resources. Your advan­tages have been inauy ; bring your best. P oor humanity, needs, the power of holy, stroug, educated lives. There may bo one here over .whose life a shadow.has fallen. Perhaps the grave has closed overthe.dear faces that made the world for, y o u ., .The pleasant romance chapters of your history are closed and folded and p u r away, and yet tbo days go on. Come I Aud In widen-

The Women’s Ilouie Missionary Society, to one. who studies the scope of its opera­tions, and tlie.tireless agencies employed in removing earthly sins aud sorrows, puts on a significance and dignity unsurpassed

any o ther philanlU rpp^ orgahizutiori. of. the ttge. I t became a most ini pdrtant f a t tor iti th e ; actiyities of ' Methodism, yeii.s »go, -when tlie parent church made it by General Conference, recognition one of its right-hand agencies for. iiome evangelism,

Of recent years we.feared its distinctive strength and progressive character m ight be impaired ratiier than increased by.its adoption of the Deaconess movement but we were totally mistaken In th is idea The Deaconess organization dovetails ex­actly into tiie Home Missionary work, arid witii names like Mrs. Gen. F isk , Mrs. Dr. Rusty, .Mrs|\. BurVis and- daughter, M rs. Stiiart. ilrS . Ciara Ji<mch, Mrs, Boswell Mrs. Stevens, of Ph iladelph ia; Mrs; Sena to r Teller and Mrs. C. B. Dickinson, devo­ted, earnest, intelligent und faithful ser­vants of Gud and the church, their area of lnfiuence is widening every year aud their anniversary m eeting a t Ocean Grove, brines tib a blessing, and' leaves tiie fra* grauee ol consecrateil .womanhood behind •when these:sisters depart for their homes, hospi tal (1 uties, care o f sick arid poor;: arid loye fpr •lostsoulsy scores and liuridreds.of whom they tire vgarneriug .every in .the Good Shepherd’s fold. : .v-v'-f. - ;

; T he first two days of tlie week were given; t;o th e Deaca nesses,- and re presen ta- tlves of tills •unifprmed and official body w ere.present;from ;; Buffalo, N.vY., Cieve- land, Cincinnati, New . Y.Ork city, W as^ i n gtori,.: Phi lad el ph la, a n d 'm a n y .o th e r p laces ’ where the ir “homes” have; been inacle centres p f ifastructlbn, p ra te r and tiie “ pow er of God urito salvation,^, Bishr op TiYalden . presided;over .their deligiitful m eetiugs/hhd ' as specimens of the “pa­pers’! prepared dridy read for the general information,; we p rin t one from Sirs, pick- insoivund .‘orie:- from M rs. Stuart. Others are placed iit our service by Mrs. Secretary Boswell, and will appear, If we should be able to command the space, in next Week’s R e c o r d .

The Home Missionary ladies, after three sessions, each crowded with business, on Wednesday of this week, and under the Inspiration of a grand address by Chaplain MCC.ube’\blosed. tlie ir .labors with a lienef diction b y ;th e venerable Senior Bisliop Bowman;

Dr. Peirce in Europe. .

Dr. Tliomas M^y';Peire’e, principal; aud founder of the famous P ierce School (No. 917. C hestnut ftreet, Ph iia ) , , is a t present in Europe, wher^ lie is devoting considera ,ble - tim e ; to .: visiting ‘ and study irig : the plans, methods and courses of. the leading commerciul schools of th e Continent. He received speciui invitations to confer witii the. D irector General of the Paris School and the D irector o f ' tiie Antwerj>School^ •

Althougii invited-to visit tlie celebrated institution of Llepzig; he w ii l ; be . unable to reach-tiiere, for, want of time... l ie w iil retrirn. jp America early in August to make preparatibn -for /the opening of his own' school, which in, Septem ber will enter Upon its thirtieth , year. I t .stands pre­em inent in this country in giving a com­plete commercial education. •

Mr. and Mrs. Edwafd Stratemeyer and little daughter, with her nurse, are 'occu­py ing.the handsome cottage,’ .1)7 Mt. Car­mel, for the summer’, and intend reinuiu- Ing until September 5. They a re . from N ew ark,;N.;;J.v:and Mr. S . is 'one: of the ed I tprial frat ernlty o f N e w Ypric c i t y i ; ‘

;pivwStokes, ;th|S president--of;.;Ocenri Grove, seems to be growing youuger daily. ;We p red ic t next. M onday w hen the great A uditorium i i a ll paid fo r and iiedi- ca ted i t wi 11', i ion out e ve ry wr I a k le n n d udd ten years to -bis life. • v * ' - ' ;

R e v . D a v id W e lts , 1). D ., o f tlie p i s t o n M b Li o r I a l P r e s b y te r ia n C h u rc h , T iico riy , P h i la d e lp h ia , ; a f t e r i - s p e n d in g /p a r t o f i lls v a c a tio n I ri tiie ; s e c lu s io n :. o f s o m e m o u ri- t.uln fa s tn e s s . h a s b y t h e l a w • o f s u p e r io r a t t r a c t io n , c o m e a g a in to O c e a n G ro v e , nn d Is a g u e s t a t th e C h d lfo n te , o n O c e a n a v e n u o . . '

Col. G. W. Bain.In the reports we have given o f the N a­

tional Temperance S iciety’s late camp- meeting at Oceau Grove, , and o ther ser­vices in which our beloved friend, Col. B[dn participated, it has been a special de­light to us, every time we have.found oc­casion to write Ills name pr commend his noble work in behalf of the cause to which hls.Gqd-glven powers of oratory have been '- consecrated. .- The only drawback we meet ■ \vith, ;Svhen; wo^Avould 'characterize:: his modesty • of ‘manner, winning address chaste uud ornate descriptions, nnd .power­fu l periods, is such paucity of-language aS: .'• leaves the work .w e: attem pt to do only ■ ii til f done. W e beg our k I nd readers in . such emergencies as this tb “ J:ike* tlie;w ill: . for the t i e e d . H ■;- •• .•-••••■'!„• ..; :}Ve ‘ have been listening, for tlie few weeI;s i n wii Icl» • the: ‘ ne w ,-bu i 1 d i ng: has . : been opened to the ■ p u b iic ;'fo r‘criticism s ’ ‘; as people co rile and .: vvonder iiiid t hen go.1: a way. ‘J They have doiie •; grand ly,.-. here,” ; one. would say, tb build by the sands of tiin . seashore‘ the largest iitiditorium .. in tlid. World ; but do; they ever expect. to see it. v l i i l e d ' ; ’ * ;; .•' ' / ; -‘

A n o th e r . . jb c u l i tr ly ;a s k s ; - h o w , inarij?; •; w il l th is e n o f in o u s s h a n ty v. i io id ? ” ' T h e s e e k e r a f te r ; , 's t a t i s t i c a l . in fo rm a tio n is':'.;; h a n d e d a p r in te d S lip 'g iv in g e x a c t ly th e ; s iz e a n d s e a t in g ; c a p a c i ty o f ; th e b u I id in g . ;•,; .Others', to settle . a ll: controversyr havd'.;;. beeu say in g ,^ W alt till Col., Bain conies ; and you'll-;see tbls buiidiug nearly full;

; “ N early Yes it was so nearly, filledlast Sunday -night that several' hundred■ v; puople stood ;round . the open; doors - arid V along the expansive walls; oblivious of all surroundings while; the Kentucky orator thrilled them witii; motive to he good and true. . '■

“ This is the sort of speaker for me,” said, a stranger. “ We have been hearing nd dresses, .recitations and, songs: for near a - w eek,all on intemperance, and so preverse is h uman nature that I tw i l l ; never" be. rer"'- deeined and Avon by caruciture. ; This : Speaker takes the otiier cpurse.; He makes; > temperance lovely.; H e shows both' reason . and; religion iii; p rohibition; ' and-. we' love , - and accept whut he crimuiends -to the con-’ science with in ;Us; . God bless h is preach- lug to the home-r-to the citizen—-to chll- dren. I l is is an evangel of good tldi. ings to everybody.” The editor cuu only suy ‘‘Amen.”

Pennington Seminary.

Shall we send our son or daughter away to 'school- ? This is:a very;serious question,; but more -and more. in. this country parents are asking this question. N ot because the ,local. .schooia: are poor, but because of th e great advantage that a good. .boardingSchboP , bestows, upon a; ch ild ; In th e .. first pliice it -CUltlvutes . sel i-relianco, i n the eh lid .-, W hen the child: remains at hom e; ambition is apt to sleep. There Is a dependence upon^ father and m other - or others that greatly: hluders that independence of purpose and char­acter which la?so necessary, to manhood ana . woinarihopd. J In this earnest w’orld We cannot, make beudway without sand, : and ' grit; and push, und ’ purpose. . N ot • till It fully dawns upon a child that after nll it.depends chiefly;upon liimself or her­self whether.they shall become anything ■ In .the world; w ill they be likely to take thut’serious’arid earnest view of life that: . will make hard study d.delight and rea l' success in life almost certain. I t Is. d great change for the child to leu^e home and enter a boarding school, f The very im partial discipline of such a school is a ' great benefit to a child. I t foreshadows to the child, under .most favorable circum­stances, that im partiality which our ch il­dren, sooner or later, are sure, to experi­ence out in the untried world that lies be­fore them. If they may,-while yet under the tender care of good Christian teachers, learn som ething-of the impavtldl treat­ment which awaits theiu out In real life it 'm ustcertainly do much to 'p repare them for the stern’duty th a t’awaits them. T h e : mere mastery of books is ‘the -smallest part of . a good-: education.: Tbis 'may be v local schools’, but self-reliance is not and caiiUot be fostered a t hbuie, and : w h a t; is an education.worth w ithout self, . reliance and -self;re8tnd'ntV,; ■ ; From - tiie standpoint of education, w h a t a conspicu­ous place Pennington Seminary hiiS occu­pied in itscaree r o f. fifty-four years! Its mi m e r ou S.; ul urn n i, n u tn her in g over, ten thousand, aud scattered all over tills con­tinent, and many of them in distant lands,Is full proof of this.

Address p r . Thos. Hanlon, Pennington, N . J ., for our; catalogue. ' / I t is fu 11 o fn h e : • very informution you aro-now seeking fd'r your son or: daughter;:and is so beautiful that, it,would'grace yoitr parlor table;; I t will .be' sent, you -free , or may' b.e had a t Ocean Grove Book :Store. Dr. Him Ion may bo seen a t his residence, 104 Mt. Tabor* Way.

Page 3: REV. A. WALLACE, D, D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, … · 2014. 4. 1. · the scene quite lively. So with the ques- ’ tlons read and answered. The letidiBr ’was evidently

Under new m anagem ent. Newly, refitted. Sunltnry

'.Plumbing. Klccirla Ifis|ttn; Tennis and Croquet courts.

^ T I C .

O O E A - IT G B O T B B E C O R D , A.TJ'C3- X JS T 11 1 8 9 4


{ " < H A S . W . K A R S N E B , M . I V

P H T 8IC U N AND N(IR<lEON>Graduate o f both sch o o ls .-

Sum m er om cc-O pposite Postofflco, Oceun Grovo, Pilgrim Pathw ay, corner Mt. Hennou Way.

MOUSuuth 15th Street, . Philadelphia, Pa Respectnillv rofern to Itov. E. IL Stokes. D, D ':

Rov. A. Wallaco. D.D., * • '— .......... *Esq., Ocean Grove

, and George W. ’Evau&

J ^ R . M A liG A R E T G. 0U RKU3,

K O M ff iO P A T ll iS T ;120 M a in A v e n u e , v , O c e a n G r o v e ,

Diseases o f women and children a specialty. OFFICE IIOl-RS—7 to 10 a. iii., 2 to G, 7 to 10 p. m.

MR:S. J . S. B A R IG H T , M. D .

Hom fflopathlc P h y s ic ian an d Surgeon,Office—Afihiiry Park & Ocean Grovo Bank Build* ■ , lug. Main uud Pilgrim- Pathway, opp. P. O.

OCEAN QlioVE, N .J . •Diseases o f Women and Children, Exnmtna*

lions and l«om Treatm ent a upeolalty.Outsldo calls day or night attended.H ours. ? to J0> . >f., 1 to 3.30 p. it., 0.30 to 0 i*. m.

I . - N . B E E G L E ,

< . *7H Main Avoniio,O C K A S ( IK O V E , N . J .

O m cK Hours—7 to 9 A. St., !2 to ? .an d Rto 8 p. m.

."Dos I me trie.’*


— D E N T I S T -----Ofllce dtirlngfeummcr m onths S. E.Cor. Heck

and Pilgrim P ’way, Oceau Grovo. Established th ere In *

Regular olllce, 425 Penn s treet, Camden, N. J. n a s all th e 1 m odern appliances for rapid work

and alleviating pain.- Oils or local anesthetics used In-extraction.

Rosncotfnlly refor* to Rev. E. H. Stokes. D.!).. Rev. A. W allace, D.D., Rev. R. J , A ndrews and Dr. J . II. Alday, Ocean Grove.

L . D . T O M P K I N S , D .D .S .

— 3 D E W T X IS T ----Dontal Parlors, Miutfson avenue and Fmory

street, en trance on Emory s tree t. Asbury Park, N. ,1 Gas adm inistered. Ofilee hours U a . >i. to 5 p. m. .



L O X G B R A N C H , N . J .

Medicated. Steam and other bidhs; Mansage atul electricity , w ith nurao care. Patients p lease address . I). M. BA»m,

Founder and Medical Director, 'SiI Broadway, Long B ranch,'N . J ,

E STATE O F jVIAUY DAVIS, D E - ! ceased. . *

Notice is- hereby given that, (lie accounts o f tho subscriber, executor ««f said deceased, wilt be aud ited uud s ta ted by tho Surrogate. an d re* ported to tho Orphan*’ Court o f th e County of Mooato.iilb, on Thursday, this GtU d ay o f Sep- tom ber, l«)l.


. T o E e n t . ;Flve*roorned furnished collage; a ll sanHary

im provem ent'': one block from o ceau ; No. if" .Ollu s tree t $100 for season;.

M. I, VANS\NT.• l!2» Vine street. Philadelphia.


OCEANGROVE.3 b lock.*i fro im *A ud U dri ii in. :i blocks frow Ocesi n.

Pleasantly s itua ted fo r b a th h r ; d r boat In cApply o r uddress, MRS. M. A, SEABAlt,

Furnished Rooms,97 MT. HEHMON WAY. Delightful location. Tablo board opposite. Term s m oderate.

T?OR UENT—T o i\ p arty o f tw o o r th ree adults -L a furnished room , w ith exclusive uso o f an outsldo k lteh en . O ther room* fo r ren t. Apply a t Ml Em bury avenue, n e a r Pilgrim Pathw ay, Oouutl Grove.


• 87 MAIN AVENUE.Tc'rms very m oderate. ■ 29-3:

To Rent for Season;FAMILY TENT, w ell furnl-hed and centrally

lo ca to d ;O lio street, tw o doors east o f C entral aveuue. Inquire a t Main avenue o r w rite to B o x ' i m * .

TO RENT,.fo r Septem ber seven room cottage, fully fu rn ­ished, n ice location . Address E. T. Knight, 510 Sewall av en u e, Asbury Park.

ROOMS TO RENT.In a e o tte g o cen tra lly located, each room well furnished, aiid th o charges fo r best accom m oda­tions vury m oderate . F o r paitlenlarH call on

MIlS. LA WHENCE,S. W Cor!.New York avenue uud Mt. Zion Way,.

. Ocean Grove, N, J .

Peirce SchoolT lie R e p r e s e n t a t i v e B u s i n e s s S c h o o l o f ' A m e r i c a f o r B o t hS e x e s . ■■

Second, Third and Fmirlh .Floors o f T H E KCCOICO Cbc»t*i tu t s t r e e t , I* titl iu lv li» liin .

Thirty Years Under Qp.e Management. Thomas Kay Peirce, L M„ Ph. 0,l 'r j l i ic l im l im d F o u n d c r .

DAY AND E V E N IN G S E S S IO N S .Tills Is a Nluh .Grade School, which couples a

KtHiil Da: I Mi ed in.i ii<m with a rrstcum tlo business training. Ki-l’rPKlilfiit Harrison' bays of i t : . **lt» has an eminently practical cur­riculum.”.. • . • . • .

A complete all-round for hnslnoss life,.lbrvl&i-etdng. Shorthand, Corns] K>nil«uci>, (jus* touis, Oiiuuuerchti law, Banking, etc.

G rad u a tes a re S u ccessfu llyA s s i s t e d „ to P o s i t i o n s .

Fehvo SoJjool is head»)unrters for* tW Miw/in* •tlio CtimtnuuUy uud ta catlvd iu*on‘whfn ytmns • • - ■

,Tlio' Full and W inter Term will begin ou MON« DAY, S lir i’ICMlJlCU 3. 1MII.

■ Entrance examination* hold dolly throughout'tho year. Knmlluinti MnnUs oh npplleailon.

Gill or send for doscrlptlvo printed m atter coo* ccrulni: iho School.; .


Orion talLecturo Topics.1. T he '"e lla lieon , o r F a n n e rs o f P a le s ­

tin e .11.r.ukthatio s in* — Salutation by the way; Prodigal Son; G rlnd ingat tho Mill; C’ar- p e n te i in c ; S hepherd 's C a ll; lionghm nn;

• (.’oat of Many C olo rs; Untieing before tlio Tliu H om o« f a Foilaii; T ake Up Thy. Bed and W alk ; Huu‘u T ops; Lost Piece o f S ilver; Sogjables in the Year ono, and others.

2i C ity Life in Je ru sa lem . 'Ii.i.usniATioNs.—City Walls, t.ates. Towers, M arket Places .S tieet Scenes, Schools, Sacred PKeott, Mos<iue» und M inarets; The Eye of a Needle j The H nrcem s; SOt liil Scenes. Sorurs, M arrlnues, Processions; Ten V irgins; Ladles

. Itidoora aud- ou to l* I)oors; lm}*onu«ute Widow, ctc.

3. The B edouins o f A ra b ia a n d P a le s ­tin e ,

- . 11.1.trsTKat ons —The Blnek T e n t;T h e Arab’s H om o; The Hhtdkh : Ills Best Friend : A sa W arrio r: a s a G uide: As a H ost: Supper Kectib: T he Call to P rayer: Form or-Pnistra* tlen M odoof Sleepingvi.W J^'ears A go; Mode of Attack j B a ld s W a r Sohirs: Bards : -Their.

. Poems ; Songs and Musical Instrument*.

4. T he J e w s o f P a le s tin e . , 'T h o Ir'S ec ts;’Ashkenazlm , Seplmnllm . I'har- asees; Tho Rabbi; Uls Costume; OftlelaV Dntle>: K hssan o r .Singer: F e a s t'a n d Fast Days and Festivals: Walling Plactg. Sacred Places; Synagogues: T he Passover Supper; M artiago Ceremony; W ushiny o f Hands-; Day o f A tonem ent, c tc . .

5. A n a Hoo Y asu h I 'N a a s re e ; or, I amH e,’Je s u s o f N a za re th .

I m.i.'stiiatioxs.—Khan or Inn o f Bethlehem; Arrival o f Joseph and Mary to be Enrolled; Shepherds In rly lds; Round W atch Fire; F ind Bane W rapped In Sw addling Clothes. Laid In a Manger; Joseph nnd Mary.GoIng to Temple: Jesus expels traders from Temple;

. Letthur Man Down Throuch the Hoof; Anoint* Ing o f Feel; T rium phant V tn ry in to Jerusalem : Mall.'Master: Kiss of .Jttda*; Arrest o f Jesue* ])url>il and -Wallbig. e ir

A narrative of the Life of Jesus, ou r Lord, re­su lt of m any years' o b ^ rv a tlo u s , will shortly published. • 1



.O C E A N liiiO V R ,

219 ASBURY. AVENUE,. N ext O ceui Ifoteli


Q i'o tt place* o f re to rt a n d .th e soc ia l reu n io n

o f f r ie n d s .

Day’s Ices,Creams,ConfectionsSTILL LE\I> T u b w o u l d . .

BROWN’S BAZAAR’210 Gookman Ave.,

k s i i u u v i t t ' k i i . •

The old-establBhed a n d popular emporium for. all lutest novelties In brl«:*a*brac, and the richest display of Japanese goods ou the, co a st..

Rare and Baautiful Ornamentsa t the m ast surprisingly reduced scale of prices. Note o ur num ber and glvo us a c a l l . . .

When you go to Njcw York! stop at.H O R T O N 'S , W«»t 2 -Jd Mtrcot*

Central, quiet, ho me-like. K lght in tho heart of the shopping and niuusem»'nt d is tr ic t: conve­nient to every where. $1.50 per d jy . American plan.

Wynwood Cottage,C or. B utli un it B en ch A ves.j O c e a n p r o v e .

Most favorably located about m idw ay betw een the Auditorium aud Uoss'r ba th ing pavilion. House well furnished, and every convenience and, comfort for guest!*. . J1KS: V. VKKELAND,

Luck Box :180. .Prop'r.

The Chautauqua,M Urotulwuy, Ocean Grove, N. J .

TU lltTEEN T H SEASON.A hom elike, q u iet and thoroughly comfortable

boarding house, pleasantly located near Fletcher Lake aiul ocean bathing pavlHons. House always ieady for gueua. Booms an d tab le nnexception- uble. MRS. T. T..WI(iHTMAN, .

and MISS M. A. POWNEK.B o x ‘J)1G. PropTletors.

OCEAN WAVE HOUSE,.11 E m b u r y A v e . , O c e a n G r o y e .

Located near tho ocean atid Auditorium, where the sum m er m eetings a te held.., ’

New fu rn itu re , good tab le . Rooms w o In, from S7 to S>0.

Special ra tes foe Septeuiliar and October. • 3 '* * Woven WIre Snrlngs, Unlr Mattresses.Pf O. Box 4.',;* ‘ S. A, TIB BITS, Proprietor.

FOR SALE. .a t Ocean Grove, co rn er.lo t und n e x t lot w ith noivly built and furnished six roon*eil house tijtoir 1C for SlK‘»a, oaeasy term*, corner New Jers-ey an d Clark avenues. Also lo t a t Bradley Beach, sex- aouic., At $750. Address owner,

; JUDGE. DAVIS, -• * , Bradley Beach, N . J ,

STABLES.Ocean Grove Boarding Stables

. Cor. W hltcIIeld.and Hccli Aves.,Best a tteo tlo n given to horses, carriages und.

barnoss. Y our paironaBo solicited. ; .< .

JO H N SO N T A Y L O R , P ro p 'r .

THE LILLAGAARD,J n d e r N ew M an ase rao n t. O cean Grove, N . i .

Accommodations for 12*i guest s. Kooms largC^ airy.atid tvell furnished. An linnbstructcd view of tho Occan and Bathing Grounds. Only a few stepn from L illagore 'snew an d elegantly appointed hot sea w ater bath ing establishm ent. S anita tion perfect aud full sup p ly ‘o f Artesian water. Klee* trie lights. Special rates lor Ju n e aud Septem ber; also, to families for th e season. Address

' . . . MHS. M. B. IIKKITAOE,P. O, Box SIQI. ______ . •_ - •. -___________ (late o f.the Buena Vista).

T l i e N a t i o n a l ,M ain A v e . opposite A sso c ia tio n Office, y O cean G rove, IT. J .

This lias been the favorite hotel ever Rlnce I t was opened lor.inany Ocean Grove visitors. Its central location, convenient. appolntrnO«ls, «nd every rva»l.sUc for huailh and com fort, g ive the Nutlonal deserved prom inence. . • • . •

Box30). - MHS-•!. A. KEEN, Proprietor. •

NOBMAN HOUSE,B a th A venue n e a r C en tra l, . O cean G rove, N . J .

Near tho New Auditorium. Full Ocean view . Everything for com fort o f guests. Houso well ventilated. Large cool verandas. Spccial rates during Spring a n d -J? ill. Table first-class. Open early In Jutic. Until May 27 address corrcspondcueo to Princeton, N. J .

Lock Box SI 17. - . ■ . . . MRS. C. IL PHIEST, Proprietor.

THE CARROLLTON,28 Ocean P a th w a y , S o u th Side,

A F 1 K S T -U L A S S IIO T 3S K .DRAWI!!! ],:

O cean G rove, N . J .

J N O . W I L S O N .

O o e a x L H o u s e ,M AIN AVENL’K, Neftr Assnolutlon liuilUing, OCEAN GROVR, N . J . .

' Accommodations for Hu guests, w ith flrsl-class table aiid overy needed com fort. W ithin o m inutes’ walk o f the g reat Auditorium, and .th ree m inutes to th o o»*nan.

■ Box SJI7. • . TIIOS. PR EN TI3, Proprietor.


OPEN JUN E L Large rooiiis, com forjably furnished, good bods. A rtesian w ater, perfect sanitary; arrange men (s ami electric lights. One block from the Ocean, one block from Wesley Lake. .Close to Boss’ Pavilion and bathing grounds. . P ricesm oderate . ’ MBS. A. BARNES. Manager;" Lock Box SOoO. . •• • Lato o f Washington, D. C.

3 3 e a c h . A . v e i i n e H o u s e ,• Corner o.f-Hoach and W ebb Avenues,.Ocean Gruve, N . .J.-


Lock Box 2L*>G. u s , i:,

B r y n M a w r H o t e l ,• * [ F o r m e r l v O e u m a n t o w s I I o c s i : ]

N . E. Corner Central and Heck Avenues. . •OCEAN GROVE, N. *J. . ‘

Desirable location, conven ien t to Beach, Post Olllco and Auditorium. Good Accommodations, New improvements. Reasonable term s. . •

Spcchil rates for Ju n e and September. 'Box ' .. MRS. G. S. LI LENS, Proprietor.


Unobstruotcd ocean view ; a tlT aetlve room s: lir^t-class ta b le ; a ll desirable ad v an tag es; Seale o f churges m oderate. • . . • i . . .

Open u n til October.; A. W. LYMAN.

N o. 30 W ebb A venue,COWELL HOUSE,

O cean G rove, N . J .• Fine.location near the Lake, hot fita w ater b a ths and Ocean- All homo comforts, good beds,

superior table. - Charges moderate..L’o i 30M .-. V ' MliS. L 'AfTAlS COWELL. P ro p 'r , /

THE WELLINGTON,Southwest corner. Em bury avenue and Pilgrim Pat li way, Ocean Grove, N. J .

Central location; p leasant surroundings; only two o r th ree minutes', walk to Postoflle, new Audi torium and ocean beach ; excellen t ta b le ; reasonable rates. •

P .O . Box **05. . . ' J . M. DOWNING. P roprie tor.,

D e l a w a r e V i l i a .Corner Centry! and Pitman Avenues; OCEAN GROVE, N, -J.

Location most*desirable.. AccotnmodaiUm lltst-class.Lock Bo.% 517. .

MISS ADDIE 11A2ZAHD. Manager. ; ^

Webb Ave. House,? I Webb Ave., Ocean Grove..

A hom elike, quiet and thoroughly com fortab le boarding house, tileasuutly located, th reo mln* u tes’ w alk to A uditorium . Terms m oderate:

P. O. Box -IS7. MRS. M. B. CONINE.

Fern Cottage,S. E. Cor. Mt. Ilernum and New York Ave.

, OCEAN GROVE. N. J .Quiet atul homellko accom m odations; p leas­

ant room s, g o o d 'ta b le and every requisite ofhealth and comfort.



Metz Gottage,4 C e . Cor. P ilgrim Pathway and Ileck Ave-

Very convenient location near PostOilice. Audi* torium and ail points o f interest. Alt home com ­forts.' Table boa;d. Reasonable term s.

Box 405. . M»SS R..WOUD, P rop’r,

Camp View Cottage,68 M t. C arm el, O cean G rove, N . J .

• P. O Box G j.

MRS. E. HODSONT '(formerly o f Hoiison Cottage, •*%S iir fv e i lu e ) , Proprietor, .

Tho Camp View w ill bo found u n d e r present m anagem ent a home-like and veiy cum foitable stopph>u place, for jierm anonl orlvanM cni guests. Terms always the most reasonable..

T a b lo B oarti fo r T e n te r s a S p e c ia l ty ,

The Interlachen,Atlantic near Ocean Aw, Ocean Grove, N . J .

Comfortable ni\d homellko accom m odations ; near ba th ing ground and Auditorium. Good table au d best atten tion to guests. Mouse now open. - MRS. M. AliUlNtiS..' Box G;2. '

, MRS. V. Li C ri.B E R T SO N ,»MRS. M. 11. PRICE, _ _ }* P _

Hotel LeCitevalier,Northeast Cor. W ebb and Central Avenues,


G reat h ealth resort fo r w in ter, spring a tuU uuv m er. Lovely coun try and sea shore drives, sea air. invigorating plno breezes giving s tre n g th and health to .tlred and weary ones who need to recuperate tholr wastlugeuorgles. Special winter rates.

A ddress A, L. WILCOX. Box 250.

The WELCO ME,45 P ilg rim P a th w a y ,


Tim woleome will .be undor p resent m anage m ent a homellko an d com fortable stopping place' fo r perm aneu t and transien t guests. •

Directly opposite postoftlee. one-half m lnuto' from A uditorium . Term s moderate.-

MRS. A. H. SM IT H ,- Box 122. . MRS. M. A'. llERGESHElM ElL

Tower House,• 27 WEBB AVENUE, OCEAN GROVE, N. J.

ThU popular and favorRe house, so cen tra lly •located, has been enlarged am i put In perfec t o rder w ith m odern conveuiences fo r guests, is now open. . ,

Terms reasonable. •MRS. WM. A. CROSS. *.

Box 203. ; * . ; . p roprie tor. •'

MULFORD C O T T A G E S27 hud 20 Oiln direct, west o f Beach avenue, *

OCEAN GROVE, N .J .• Elghiecntli season : n e a rild iln g p ier, postollloe

aud new A uditorium ; tero ism o d era te ; tab le tirst clavs. A d d ress . ;

P .O . Box tl). •• MBS. M. J . MULFORD.

Selvert Cottage,13 Broadway, near the Ocean Front;

Bright Burroundings. brcv iy rooms, solid com­fort aud-reasonable terms.

; JOS. IL SELVERT, Prop’r.

Broadway House,s i ’Et'iAL Ocka>* Vit;w. •

Corner o f B roadw ay an d Beuch Ave.,1 •• OCEAN GROVE. NEW JERSEY.

.OnQ block from th e Ocoiiu au d Bathing ( irn tm d s.' (Jo;*d acci»mmodatloj*s. Term s rea­sonable. '/tiicshifi well oh p rem ises .1 Sanitary, ammgiMueut*) com plete • ‘ .

B<tx0i:L MR.-i . S. N. t.’H ^W .d’roprletor.

Batli Avenue • House,• Corner of Central and Bath Aves.,.

Fine location. Overlooks the New. Auditorium, Wesley Luke'und. Ocean. P leasant accom m oda­tions. A rtesian water. Terms reioonable.

m . f . McPh e r s o n , P ro p 'r .* Box ai2, Ocean Grove, N, J , •

ST, ELMO,Cor. Now York and Main Avenues,

O c e a n G r o v e , X. J .Superior Hoarding AccommodatlonSi Central

Locution. Otte Square from'Postodice. Near Au­ditorium . tho beach.Box 2052. ■ MRS. M. M. COMPTON, Prop,



T.rndlngand popular ho­tel a t th is lataous reso rt,' All modern conveniences.- Liberal, table, utpl all ap* point me i its tlrst class.

C. I L MILLAR, •. P ro p rie to r .

is one o f tho most home­like, houses in the Grovo,

Its situation on tlie broad ..plaza, facing tlie sea is .most desirable.

Its* tiiblo and 'ap p o in t­ments unsurpassed.

Term s and necessary in- formation may be had by • addressing


Cor, Seash‘& Filman Aves,,OCEANGROVE.

S te a m H e a t . . Sun .P a r lo r .. Ibis been p u t in flrst*e!ass o rd er and wiil. rem ain open . during- the. year for the accommodation o f any- wlio ,, dcslro lo spend a.few days or. weeks a t ' th is delightfu l report.

Special n ltentlon given to Invalids add persons desiring rest an d care.

CHflS. J. H. BECKETT, Proprietor.


Delightfully situated on PITMAN AVENUE, Second bouse from the beach. *

Its line Ofean* view; large, cool voraodafl, spring, b<*ds, sanitary plumbing, Arlesian w ater, etc.. .

• otlcr special indiicem enis to perm aaent a n a transien t guests. Table flrst-ela‘sf. ’.

Teruis reasonable. * N .H . KILMER,J and 5 Pitm an Avenue, Ocean Grove.

. Lock Box 20*7. ■ '•

The A.lph.a,O cean G rova, N . J .1 & 3 O ccan P a th w a y , N o rth Side,

OPEN' JUNE i lo O tTO ilER 1.U nobitrncted Ocean v iew ; a ll m odern Im ptovem eiits; eholce rooms en su ite o r single. .

p ;,0 . B o x 2201. " * ‘ . MRS. C. IL CLEMENT, Proprietor.

THE ALBATROSS,32 a n d 34 O cean P a th w a y , S ou th S ide, * Ocean G rove , N . J . '

Finest h>catloti In the Grove. B?autifiilly s ltu ited 0:1 the o j j - i ’i B i t le v a rj near th e Bcac h and Auditorium. Everything strictly llrst class. . . \ • , ;

P. O /B ox 2ivi'». • MRS. M. C. DOWNS.


Improved accom m odations, with am ple room au d every facility for the comfort o f guests. Scalo of charges alw ays m oderate. House now open tor th e season, ;

REV. 3 IL ASAV, Proprietor., r

IrXiglilancl House,- 25 A tla n tic A ve ., O cean Grove, N . J . ' . . . .

Delightfully s itu a ted near tho Ocean. Wesley Lake,' A uditorium atid Young People’s T e m p le ,: large, thoroughly furnished, well ventilated rooms. All m odem I m p r o v e m e n t s . Accommodft* Ions fa r tlfty guests. Kntes untll J u ly io and a fte r Sept. 1, $1 p e r d a y ; from Ju ly 15 to Sept. I, $10 single, $U to §20 fo r couples per w eek. ' ■

Box 2075. V - F. D. ltOSECHANS.

OCEAN VIEW HOUSE,C orner B ro a d w ay a n d C en tra l A venue, O cean G rove, N . J .

FIFTEENTH SEASON ;*flrfc ocean outlook ; accom m odations home-llko. and torms reosonablo ; Saiiltary arraugcm etits approved, aud location healthful, cheorfu l au d accessible.

Box 2002: ' • MRS. WM. A. WHITE, Proprietor.

GROVE HALL,Pilgrim Pathway, opposite Thompsouf E^ark, Oceitn .firove, N -J ;

C onvenienlto all points o f liiterest. . . * Open May 1. 8 oventce nth season.■ . For teruis'uddres*

Box 215:j. ■ . .Mrs. E. A. IRELAND, Proprietor.

LAW RENCE HOUSE,C orner M ain a n d C en tra l,

Two blocks from th e Ocean Prome . appliances. . Electric lights. Homo comforts,. Reasonable rates.

P. O. Box-2023.

O cean G rove, N . J .shtu water. Perfect sanit

MISS M. WHITE, Proprielo,,

r_Tlie Ardm ore,O cean P a th w a y , ; N e a r th e Sea-

This tvewly erected atid completely furn ished h o te l Is p re-em inent for oholee location, magnlfi*, cent oiitlook, m xurlu iii rooms and ilrst*eluv> accom m odations. Every m odern convenience.

. . . * * . Addre«s MRS. M. M. RUSSKLL. Proprietor.• _____ _ • . • - * ■ . (Late o f tho Alpha.) • '

I ’lie N e w Pliiled el pliia,■ Ocean J ’atliNvay,- N earest tbo tfea, South. Side, . . . \

. , O C EA N :GROVE; N . J . ' > 'This spacious and elegant new house, possessing a ll tho Imprnvements and conveniences possi­

ble for th e com fo tt of jum pier .visitors, han«ls<uuely tu m lih ed , w ill be oiiuued for gueats ab o u t Ju n e 1 EugngeiiientH fo r rooms and board now in o rder. . « •

Box 2207. “ MBS. T. B. HUNTER, Proprietor.

THE. EL DORADO,Urotttlway, fronting-Fletclier Luke and tlie Slea, • OCEAN G R O V E ,'N . J .

Eighteenth Season.*- Choice-16ea\ion. Splendid Oi-cau view . Flowing A rtcs\an w ell, cheerful room s, hioad verandas. A ttentiou tirst class In every pai'ticular. For term*, ete.. uddress

B o x 2070. MRS. A. LUtjMLS, Proprietor. .

T l ie D e m a re s t, ;No. I Ocoan A venue. OCEAN G R O V E , N . J .

- OPENS JUNE. 1, IP.)I. D irectly,bn the oceittrfront. Full ocean View from all the rooms. -Con­venient to Auditorium und Ross’s Pavilion. Good rooms, pieu<*aut verandas; S an itary arrange* m ents com plete. . • .

Boxv-217., • - . . .* • . ' . .. • ,. M. J . HOLT.* .'

T lie H olland.Sea V iew a n d B oach A venues, OCEAN GKOVE, N . J .

This spacdnus an d beautifully located hoirto w ill bo open as usual. I t Is ockuowledged to bo ono of th e raost.deslruble in poin t o f situation , olegauco of room s and ovor>- udvantaim conduclvo to health anu comfort. Grand.outlook on lako aud.oceab. Tablo and appointm ents tlrst-closs,

. ' ' *••'•-.. MRS. H. M. AGNEW, Proprietor.

Page 4: REV. A. WALLACE, D, D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, … · 2014. 4. 1. · the scene quite lively. So with the ques- ’ tlons read and answered. The letidiBr ’was evidently

O G IE ^ ls r G k& Q 'V 'IE B B O O E / D , ^ 'CTO -TTST 1 L 1894:

O C l 'A N G K O V I5 , N . J

Tlio leading Hotel :! thoroughly rctidvated; capacity WO ;e le v a to r , e lectric. Held s jind all m odern m provem euts . New_muiitiKeinen T. ii„BRUSH. Proprietor.



A rltngtou. fronting on Arlington Square. A t in n tlc , l ’it man and Bunch aves., near ocean. Ardtnore, Ocean Phi h way- hear tb e sen. Albatross, Ocean P athw ay cast o f c en tra ! avenue. Alaska, Pitm an avenue near ucean.Alpha. Ocean Pathw ay near.the surf,Amherst. PUinan avenue cost ol* Reach.Ahllno, Multi avenue ou st o f C entral.Agncw, Spray View avenue east o f Reach. Aurora, Surf and A tlantic e ast of llertch.Arctic, S urf neat o cean front. -■

Bryn Maivr; corner Heck and Central, roadw ay Houbo, corner Reach avenue.

• Reach Avenue House. Dench and Webb avenues. Brcvoort. Central and Pitm an avenues.

. Rucua Vista, corner Heck and Reach avenues.1 • . Balmoral, Surf avenue eiist o f Central- ,Rath Avenue Hou«e..corner of Central.'Bower Cottage, corner Olin and Central.Raliard Villa, l>9 Main Avenue. ’ . ' '

;Y^arroliton, Ocean Pathw ay near B each.' V en ten n la l, Main near post othco.Cbalfonte, Ocean front and Ratb<

• Chautauqua, Broadway near Central. , .Camp View, Gh Mt. Carmel. near Auditorium. Cow ell House, Webb near Beach.Central Houses M ain and Beach avenue?.-. -■rvcmarrjt, Occau (rout and Bath avenue. , •L /elaw a, o Villa, Central and-P itu iau aves. •^ ID o ra d o , Broadway n ea r th e sea. •-E'vcrtou, Pilgrim Pathway and Abbott.‘n ’alslngtoii, Webb avenue east o f Central.'. ••E cm Cottage, Now York ave. and Mt. Hermon. -stro v e Hall, Pilgrim Pathw ay and Thomson Park. vXem cottage, corner Surf and Bench avenues.

Howland Houso, opposllo Tabernacle, otcl G rand, Oceau front. •

H ighland Housl\ A tlan tic east of Central. Ho>'~nd House, Suit-View and Beach avenues. Tvy House. Main avenue n ea r Beach: .-^nierlacken, A tlantic near th e sea.

; Irvington, Dcaoh und Embury.T /’eiinedy Bouse, Webb avenue n e a r Beach: '•.

cyst one, Heck avenue near jvost othce.T illngaard, Abbott avenue n ea r Ocean.

.J-'eChevaller, W ebb nnd Central.Ijuvrence House, Main and C entral. .Lakeside, 100 Wcidey l a k e Terrace-.Tl/fatn Avenue House, east of Beach avenue. -L>J-arliio Villa, Bioudwuy and Ocean avonue.

. M anchester, Ocean Pathway near Beach.Mansion House, corner Now York and Embury. Mulford Cottages, Olin s tree t near Bench.

’ Metz Coitags, S. E. Cor. Heck and Pilgrim P'way Tsjorm an House, Rath avenue cast of Control. <*•’ ow Philadelphia, Ocean P athw ay near the sea. National Hotel, Main avenue opn. Postolliec.New England, Broadway and .New York avenue.

Ocean House. Main avenue near post office; cean View House,- Broadway and Central.

Ocean Front, co rner Main avenue.Olive House, Heck and Beach avenues.Osborn House, Pitm an aud C entral avenues,

. p ro sp c c t Villa, Main aud Ocean avenues.

O holdon-nouse, C entral, Surf and Atlantic, ^um m erlie ld , Ocean P athw ay ucur the sea. Scasido House, Ocean front.Bpray View House, Ocean iront.Solover, Broadway near Ocean avenue,. Stratford, Main avenue near Ocean..Surf Avenue Houso, S urf near Central.

' Selvert, Brondwny opposite F letcher Lake.St. Elmo, Main aud New Tfork avenues, rp ro y Place, A tlantic n ea r Beach avenue.•Lower House, Webb avenue nenr Beach. ‘J J u itc d States Hotel, co ruer Maiu and Beach.

’ TKTavorly, OCenn P athw ay near the beach.” ilmliigton House; Heck und Central.

W ellington. Pilgrim Pathway, cor. Euibnryave . Welcome, opposite Ocyun Grovo Post Oillce.

OCEAN SHOVE LffljRDRY,O LIN S T R E E T , O pposite P o s t .Office.

. , OIIU JOK,. P roprie tor..

Best arrangem ents'for rapid nnd thoroughw ork at rensonablo pi ices. A rticles culled for and de­livered in any p art o f Grove or Park w hen desired.




1321 MARKET STREETThree doom enst o f City H all, opposite

. ’ W anamaker’s Grand Depot,

P H I L A D E L P H I A .M ea ls to O rder from 6 a , m . to 8 p . m.

. Good Ronst Dinners, w ith three vege- tilbles, 25 cents. .

T urkey or Chicken D inner, 33 cents.Ladles’ Room upstairs,'w itii hom elike nccom*

■ m odatlons. Pure spring water.


•• ico Cream, Ices, Frozen FruRs and Jellies. Weddings an d E vening Ehtortaim nenIs a spe­

cialty. . Everything to furnish the table and set free o l charge. • •

Nothing sold o r delivered on Sunday. ^ ’


. *• On n nd a f lo r Ju ly 1st, 18IM.- TH'AINH LKAYZ AM1U1W 1‘AHli—WV.KK I>AYf»

F o r New* York nnd Nowark-^-G.iS '(7,20 M ondays only). 7a h , s so, 9.10 a.m .. , a ir>, :i.r»o,

• • ii._7, u or> p. m.For Elizabeth-^tl 48* 7:43,8 45,.- 9.10 a.m.»1.10,2.4V

, 3 50, 4.25, 5.^7i 0 0ft p .m .. v > v : •F or R ahw ay-C .48,0.10 a .m . , 1,10V 4.2 ft, 5.27,0.05

p.m .F o r M atnwan—6. IS, 8 15,0.10 a. m ., 1.10,4.5ft,5.27,-

U.IT» p, iu:F o r Lonir B ranch—0 :il. 6.18 (7.20 M ondays only),

. 7 42. 8.20, 8.4ft. 0.1U, 10 m2. 11 4ft a .m .. 1. 10. 2.S5,• 2.4ft, :t.r.t», 1.12, 1 r» 22. ft 27. ft42, 0.15, 0.40,

7.14. 7.2H ( ^ a iu n b ijs only). !> or. p. in.F o r Wed Rank-O . i.s 7 12. Mft. Ji.JO a . ni., 1.10, 2.4ft,

Jl.ftn. 4.2ft, fl.27,0.0* p. m.F o r Philadelphia (Bn>au Tronton-fi.27,-

72.**. 7 .''fl, 0.12 a . m..-12.;iy, :} ft7.-V.5:t p.m. ForC am don , v ia 'l 'ro n io u iind Buruoatow n, 7.25,

012 a .m ., 12.1v. 1, ft.r*7 n. m.F o r Camden and Philadelphia, via Tom 's River,

* a . m ., 0.20 p .m . . . ''F o r Tom s River, Islan d Hetcht*. an<l In to m o d t-

a to atations-ft.ftO, 11 oh a. m ., (4.52 p. m. S a t­u rday only) ft 1ft, 7.1S p. 111. . .

F or P o in t P lo asu n d in ttirn ied tato station* ,. ft..y», 0.40, 0.:u}, 11.08. 11. is 11 I7a.ra., 2.1U, 2.f>8

(Saturdays only), 4.23,4.52,5,1ft, 5.20, G.t8,7.BJ, 0 0:1 p nw • ' .

F o r New Brunswick, via M onmoulh Ju n c tio n ,0 27,.7.50 a. in .. 12.33, :j 57, 5.3:5 p. m . •

j-nAiNB hew voutt (via. DosbroB8eB ant)C ortland t Sts. forrios) ro n A sn cn r rAnn

A t 4.05.7 30. a . nt.* 12.10 (1.20 Saturdays only) 2 30, 3 10; S>W, 120. ft. 10,7.00 p. m . Sun- dnys,:8,l0..y.45a.-4u., 6.15 p: m . . . ;•••' '

0r» Sunday w ill gt'op .n t' lu terlukon and Avon In place o f North Asbury P ark and 'A sbury Park to le t off passengers.

t iu w s lbavb pnnADBuuuA (Broad S t.) to nABBOIVS VKY.VL—WEK1V HAYS

A t 4.0ft. 8 25, 11.150 a , m ., 2.40, 3.80, 4.02 (5.00 Sat- ■ Sutunluys only) p. m. M arkot St. w lm rl. via Cam den and T renton , 6.10. 7.20 and '10.S0 a. nr.. Leave M aeket S t.w h a rf 9.10a. m., 1.30

• . an d 4.00 p. m . .W n s l i ln g t O i i a n i l t h u S A i t t l i .

For Baltimore nnd W ashington, 3.50, 7.20, S.3i, 9.10,10.20,11.18.11. J0 a.m. (12 35 Lira., Dining-

• Car), 1.30, 3.4ft. 4.41. (5.10 Congressional Llm-1 ten . Dining Car) 6.17, C;6ft, 7.40, p. ro., and

■ 12.03 n igh t week-days, Sundays, 3.50, 7.20.910.11.18,11.1011.u , 4.41.0 55, 7.40 p.m ., and 12.03 night.

Time-tables o f a ll o thc,’ tra ins o f tho system- may be obtained »a th e t ick e t ottlccs or stations.

J . R . WOOD, Qen'l Pqb$. A 0t S.M . PREVOST, Q m 'IM anaaer.


Stations in New Y ork-C en tra l R . R, o f New Jc r-: sey, foot of L iberty S tree t: P. R, R., foot of C o rtlau d tan d Desbrosses Streets; N. J. S.-loot Rector s treet. • ’ ■ . ;

LEAVE NKW YOnK. Fon 'OCEAX GROVJ5, Ac. C cntta l R R; o f N. J . - 4 30 ,8.1ft, 10 30. U.30 a.m .,■ -,(*t 20 Saturdays only), 1»80,-2.15, *3.30; 4.00,

■ ; • *4.30,:5.80, 0.15 p i l l . - v i-.-' • . • .r"-, ■-.i- i - '• ’ Pennsylvania—8.30, .7.30^9,10, *10.00 a m.. 12.10,• . 1*1.20 S aturdays only), 230, *3.10, *340, 4,20,-.

. 5,10, 7.00 p:in. .‘;' i : v •Sandy Hook Route—.11 00 a. m ., 1.00. (Saturdays

only)j 3.45, ,4 30,T*.30.p, m. ;• : .; V LEAVEpCEAN qIlOVE FOR N Y O R K , &0., ;V-:Central .R, R. of .N. ,T.—(*6.02 Mondays only), ■•:*• (i.lij, 7.00, *7^0, *8.02,8.30,9.40,10;65 a.m ., 12,15,

, 2.10,4.00.’ 7,09. p; m. : . ' • 'Ponnsyivanla—0^8, (*7.20 M ondays' only), *7 .42,: *8 20, 8M5, 9; 10 u; m ,1.10,2.45, *3.50, 4,25,5.27,

• ;!>,05p. m. .'i.■■■'.=.* .-hv ' *■Sandy H ook,Route-C ;43, 7.4Sv 8.25' a. m .,, 5.14

’p".-:'Di,''; ■ ■ I':.?.'" v .'v. "■■v-F or Philadelphia and Trenton, v ia Bound Brook \ Routo-0.10; 7.00, 8.30,9 40 a.m ., 1&15,2.10,4.00-v"':-'p . h i . , : v.v.■ ' • • •• ' ’■ ■■■.• - v 1. ‘For Belmar, Spring Lake. Sea G irt—5 50,■ 0 27,

0.40, C.65j 7:25.’ 7.50, 9 12, 9 30,,. r , )1.47a.m ..l2.33,12.38,-12 67. L I8,2.13,.(2.48,2,53,

* 2.8 Suiurduys only), 3.28, 3.57,.'4.07, '4 23, 4.52, .5.02,: 6.15, 5:20, ft.28, 5.33. 5.58, G.03, 0.03, 6.13,

,,718,7.32, 8.10,9.0:1, (11.08 SnlurdnyB only) p; m.

Mannstnmn aud Point P leasant—6 50, (1.40, 0 55, 9.30,10.12,11.08. U 17 a .m ., 1238, 12 57, 1.18, 2.13, (2 4sS, 2 53. 2.5H Satnrdnys only),, 1.23, 1.62, 5.1)2, ft.20. 5.28, 5.68, 0.03, 0.08, 0 13, 0.18, 7,13, 7:18,7.32, 8.1*1.9.03 p m..

For Trenton an d Philadelphia via Fca G irt— *0 27, *7.25, 7.50, 9 12 a.m ., 12.3-J. 3 57.0 3ft j> m.

For Freehold—750. 9 12,a .m i ls*.33t 3 67, 5.33, (11.08 p.m ., sa tn rd n y s only). ' .

ForToras Itiver—0 40.11.18 a m ., 2.13. (4.50 Satur- . dnys only), 5.20 7.13 p m.

For Cumden an d liderm ediatc stations via• Shore Router-0 40. '1 18 a in., p.m.

—♦Express.' ; KUKUH BlOUGKTT.U. p . BALDWIN, (t. p A. a Ji. Jt. 0/ X . J .

J. K. WOOD, Gen. J ld». Ayl. 1‘enna. R Ji.


6 0 9 VINE ST ., PHILADELPHIA,. ’ . (Opp. F ranklin Square.)..' 7 *:

P ro f Heiue’s.Pijie T reatm obt h as been 'in suc­cessful 'u se In Philadelphia for over tw en ty •years. I t is entirely unknow n elsew here In this coun try , a lthough long used aud generally en1 dorsed by physicians throughout Europe. •

IT GIVES RELIEFin all painful diseases w ith o u t re g a rd 'to th eir cuuse; <It Is of special value iu Rheumatic,- Spinal, Paralytic aud Nervous Discuses. Fem ale Com plaints. Ac. Sciatica of years standing has been repeatedly cured w ith in a few w eeks; also m any obscure diseases tlm t have heretofore bafllcd every.knpwn treatm en t.' For. references,

.terms, &Ou address

. SA M U EL SH ERB U R N E, M , D.,. (Physician in charco.)

U E F i : » E . \ C E S .J . S. i lo w lc tt, 620 Commerco s t ; \V. IL ilrowm,

at»oriiey-at-law. 528 W alnut fit; W. E . Hitch­cock, banker, W)0 N 21th s t : Mrs. A. H. Francis- cus, pvesUlent W omen’s ChrisvJan .AHSOeUUlnn, 12! N 21st n t ; M erchant & Co., 517 Arch St: Wm. Hopper & Co., b rokers, N Third s t ; M ajor .J. R. W right,• W llkerbaire, P u ; W. I t. W oodward, Sunt. IL It.. Carlisle, P a ; R. R. Flcm luc, Houtz- dale. P a ; Mrs. M .'A rnold. Clarion, P a ; John Roynton, Win. Powell. J . W. Ne\yson, Clear tic Id, Pa., and hundreds o f others.

M I L L I N E R YM w G O O D S;

Trimmed Hatsand Bonnets



9? M ain ’A venue, O cean Grove.



GOODRICH’S Oeoan Grrove Express

Leave orders 50 Heck nveiiue, and fron t of Ludlea’ Store, Main avenue.

NO CONNECTION-w ltU a n y OTHER EXPRESSAttention to imggagc an d freight delivery a t d e ­

p o t, uhd throughout the Grove. . P rom pt and sa t­isfactory us usual. Orders prom ptly intended to.

W ILLIAM H, BEEGLE(Successor to II. R. Beegle.)

Real Estate. AND—

Insurance,• 1 8 M A IN A V E ,,

O O I E l A J S r Q - E O Y B .. SOTARVPOBU.O.'

DANIEL C. COVERT,W o.2 ? P ilg r im P a th w a y , A sso-

d a t io n B ook S to re ,


' F or th o Purchase, Sale an d Routing o f , Real esta te. -Also,';..

Property Insured iu flrstrdass companies, Im provem ent^ mndo for non-residents;

Property cared for, 'Ijoaim negotiated and collccUons made,

Coramlfsioner o f Deeds au d Notary Public.P. O/.Box 213G. Correspondence solicited.




A, ALLISON WHITE,Successor to Jam es A. Grilling & Co.


PH A R M A C Y f4 , ; -------------------------- — -----+

Pitman Aye., opp. “ Tha Arlington,”O C E A N C R O V E , N. J . '

Dnigs, Chem icals, Fancy Goods, Sponges, Patent Mcdicines, Pliarm accutical l'repfiratlous, etc.-

Btoroolosed on Sundavn during church sendees.

M ain Avenue Drug Store,V OCEAN GROVE, N . J .

Open for th e w in ter m onths opposite Ocean , , Grove E ntrance Gates.:


UATES IN PHARMACY.. Prices g u aran teed aa low as tho best gooda

and honest dealing w ill pormit.

S T E P H E N D. W O O I,L E Y .

J O S E P H T R A V I S ,Bain Street, Asbury Park, H, 3,

. KING’S BRICK BUILDING.A splondId assortm ent of

G old a n d S ilv e r A m eric an a n d Sw iss W a tch e s .

Gol«I a n d N lo o l N p c c tn c l e s .Theoretical and Practical Repairer o f Chron­

ometers and Watches. .H E B E A L L T H K T E A H ,


Buclianon & Smock,Cor, M ain S t. a n d A sb u ry A v e .,

A SB U RY P A R K , N . J . '

Lumber, Building . Hardware, IteaUy- ^Iixed .Paints,!'(all prices), /White .-Lend, Oil, Yurnisli, Brushes, etc.

- Wo m ake a specialty oi CEDAR 8UINGLES tft wholcsule as well as retail, which we m anufac­tu re a t M auabawldn, N. J.

Also ADAMANT, a paten t P laster, w hich is su­perior to any th ing lu the m arke t, and is ju st tho th in g for cold weather, as freezing does not affect it. Satisfaction guaranteed to a ll customers.

G E O . K . H O U G H , Practical Tailor and Cutter,

(Lato o fP h ilade lph ia .)N «. .’I Pilgrim Pathway, nearly om>.

Post oillce, Oceau Grovo.Person* furn ish ing th e ir ow ii m ateria l can havo

i tm a d o u p in tho latest style and m ost satisfac­tory m anner.CUTTING, CLEANING, REPAIRING, PRESSING-

- P A R I S Human Hair Store,

611 C ookm an &612 M a tt iso n A v s , A S B U R Y P A R K . .

Large assortm ent o f H um an H air Works. Nat ural \vatcr Curls guaranteed.

Ladles’ IbtfrCwUing, Sham pooing, H air Dress­ing aud Curling by professional French artists.

My ClrCa&lan Tonlque for tbe growth of tho hair and for rem oving dandruff and a ll com ­plaints o f th e scalp and hair, has been hl&hly ro- comm endcd by tho best residents o f Asbury Park P ark an d Occan Grove.

No hum bug. Success In all eases. •Ladies and goutlem cn consultation freo.. •.My Veloutine for tho face needs only a t r la tto

be preferred to a ll o thers I.?, tho m arkot. Freo tria l to all. •

PROF. MME. E. GRISQN.i n T J M m o W A 1 S T E I) to canvass for th e

E u t L N l w of our HOME-GROWN NURSERY STOCK. NEW PROFIT-SHARING SYSTEM. Salary and expenses paid.

W . & T . S M I T H C O . ,The Geneva Nur.s»*ry, G E N EV A , N.’Y.

KstubHsliod 1810. Ono of tho largest, oldest established an d b es t know n Nurseries In tho United Statos.

J Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained,andull Pnt-jSent business conducted for moo eh ate: Fceq. ,{OUR OFTJCE IG OPPO0ITC U. S . PATENT OFFICE {5:md we can secutc patent in less time ftliatl those J # remote from Washington, . . , - 5J Scml'inotiel, drawing or photo.,.with descrtp-J Stbn. Wc advise, if patentable or not, free of 5 2 charRc. Our fee not due till patent Is securcd. S £ A pam phlet, “llowtoObtuin Patents,” with * 5 cost o( same in the U. S. aud foreign countries J 5 sent free, Adiiress,

S C . A . S U O W & C O .O pp . P atent Office, Washington, D. C.

POETEll’S Shoe and Hat Store

Hus Removed from Pilgrim Pathway,

Oeenn Grove, to

636 COOKIVIAN AVE,Corner Bond Street,

. (Lewis’s Xew Brick Building,)

A S B U R Y P A R K , N E W JE R S E Y .

T. FRA N K APPLEBY,Real Estate


Insurance Office,Rem oved lo

61 M A IN A V E N U E ,’A sbury' p a rk and Ocean Grovo Bank Building,

. OCEANGROVE;Now open In chargo o f ROB’T E. MAYO.

AU kinds of


JOHN M. DEY,(Pcrm aucntryTcsldiug a t Occan Grove,)

ARGHITECT AND BUILDER,Ib alw ays ready to furnish plans an d estim ates of cottngcs lu ovory size and stylo.

For good w orkm anship und satisfactory terraB, ho refers to all for whom he has orccted cottages, both in Occau Grove an d Asbury P ark ,d u rln g the paat fl0.ecu yeate. •• 1

J O H N M . D E Y ,Cor. Boneon a n d Main Avo., • ... . Ocean Grovo

w m - j

T H E P O L I C Y. — OF T H E--

M A N H A T T A NLife Insurance Company


PAYABLE AT SIGHTiS Contains no Suicide o r Intemper­

ance Clause.Grants AbsolnteFreedom of Travel

and Residence.And is free fi t m,allTechnicalities

Yv Priv ileges and GuarMiteeflare p a rt of tb e C ontractand nppear w ritten in th e body o f tlio Policy.

Our Survivorship Dividend Plan gives Investment, and Protection. Send for statement, stating age. /

Ad«lroHH J A J IK N B . C A K R A RONS, M anaprcrn ,N ew A lanltafliiu Xlnilclin^r* H .E. Cor. F o u r th a u d IV o lu u tS ls ., I 'liila ile liiliia*

I s a g g i f l i ? © n i l f n l i i :T H E N E W B O O K H Y

lohn R. Sweney, W, I. Kirkpatrick, Dr. H. L. Gilmour,I S H O W j R G A D y .

JOHW J, H O O D , 1 0 2 4 A R C H S T R E E T . l » I I I I i A O E l , p l l l A i I*A.

H. B . B E E G L E ,OOEAN P R O V E , N . J .

NOTARY PUBLIC.Commissioner of Deeds for Pem isylvanla. and

tb e D istrict o f Columbia. •

DANIEL D. PEAK,SncccNH Or (o G K O . W . E V A N 8 ,


F irst olttcc cost o f tho Association Building. ’ 'General ngeutfor th e Sale and Renting o f Ocean

Grove Properties. ,, • • ■ : - - •. JVInsurance placod iu rcHable companies a t' low­

est rates,; ■. -j,. V'Estim ates furnlsdi.ed for. all k in d s :of improve-;

•m en ts.. . •'Collections m ade nnd loans negotiated.

. C u r rc M iio n i lc u c o N o l l c l l c d ,

Real Estate, Loans and In­vestments.

S o m e s p le n d i d 8 p o r c e n t . m o r tg a g e lo an in v e s tm e n t s f o r baIo,

Correspondence solicited. : • * ;

N. H. KILMER,C ontracto r j Carpenter

AND BUILDER. ;Pfttiis and'fipcclflcitlonB furnishedi Aisd cell-

mates m ade an all k inds Of carpentor work.

J o b b in g /^ all kinds uttondod to.

5 Pitman Ave. p ocean?kove.


Funeral Directorand Em balm er.


F lo w e r s .o f a n y d e s ig n a t s h o r t n o t ic e . •

P a rlo rs a n d Office—No. 17 M a in S t., ASBURY PARR, N, J .

. Also S upcrip lenden t of M t.Prospect.Ccinotcry

THE BREVOORT HOUSE, tbe form er Douglas Cnttiig * and N eptune House.: Central hvcuih*. frnm Pitm'nn toMcCHii • took, Oceau Grove N..1. »*blh tluc.hotel proporiy han U 'cn thoroughly Tcnilvatcd. painted, retur- nislicd. and placed <n d m rye o f ex peri cu red and pnpnhir m anngem ent m nkingal! its accommoda­tions superior, atid affording guests, sum m er o r w inter, a m ost co iuf irtnb 'o hom e by tho sea. Tho location is unsurpiu^ed. aud icrm s m»6t rcasotiablu. MR<.-A. RCHENCK. Proprietor.

FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ASBURY PARK.Capital, $100,000 | Lcc&tsd il HotSMlb Building I Surplus, $ 70,000. ;

Ocean Grovo Office—ASBOolatlon Building.Prom pt a n d caroful a tto n tlo n 'c iv o n to a ll budlness en trusted to o u r care . Now Y ork, B rooklyn

and Philadelphia d irecto ries for tbe uso of the public on fllo a t tbo office.

.. OFFIC ERS: •Geo. F. R roehl, P res. O. n . B row n, 1st Vice Pres. A lbert C. Tw ining , C ashier

M .L. lianim an, -Jd Vice Pros. . . M. V. D acer. Asa’t C ashier. .• DIHECTORS: *

Isaac C. Kennedy, Bruce S. K oator, M. D„ Chas. A. A tkins, Chas, A, Young,W. II. Beegle,. M. L. Bam m an, Geo. F . Kroehl, Jo h n L. Coffin, 'Milan Ross, Ollvor R. B row n, A lbert C. T w luin^, Sherm an B. O vlatt.

• D. o. C overt, • . . Dr. Sam ’i .lohnson.


WILLISFORD DEY,No. 1026 S e v e n te en th S tre e t,

D E N V E R ,C O L O R A D O . Hxnby C. Winsor. President Gro’ w . EviNM, Vioo-President Kdmdnd E. Datton , Ca h it?

isiiif f ariTil (Icei UroTo Bai,MATTISON AVE. AND MAIN ST., ASBURV PARK.

MAIN AVENUE AND PILGRIM PATHWAY. OCEAN GROVE.O h o a n i z e u J a n u a h y , Ifif 0 . . •

C A P I T A L , $ 5 0 , 0 0 0 . B U B P L a e , £ 3 5 , 0 0 0. T ransacts a neneral Bunking Busini'sa, Issues Foreign a id Domestic Drafts.

Prompt a tten tio n given 10 all m atters entniMCd to us.(,< IL L E (;T H * N N M A in : A K D P K O H V T L T A C K N O W Ju K |» O K » .




. Du. Hi O. CANDEE, I). M. Ph. IK. ■


T . t , Lung a n d N asa l A tom izer.

. H A I^D . R U B B E R T U B E . .N O N -C O R R O S IV E .

• — MAtHifjictiired by— -

Dr, K. 0, 0AN2BE, .Bicctropathist;: ' K i.K C T J iK -M . i x s r r r r n n x , '

■N o.saj WEST isji'S T llE E T , NE\Y YOltti CITV

.T O TH E AFFLICTED PUBLIC I w ould s a v :. I w ill give / ’m* treatm en tk In all cases of Ca- ta r th , Aftthuta, BrouchltlH. C<dd« und Ray r.ever w ith ' my Ele'utrlo .Ozone V ila Spray. An imm e­d ia te boiiellt is resolved 1 mil hero to prove its

' superiority over nil o th er rem edies hcretoforo used by tho public. • •■ Raving used my V ita Spray for the last 1

'•years-in my practice, and liavlng.hundreds o f !'■ testim onials I know w hereof I speak . .Consulta- ■ tlo n free. . . •. . ■

I shall contlnuo m y practice In E lectrlcltv for ttio various Uls th a t ilesh Is hc u t my ofliee lu Oecan Grovo,

Would bo pleased, to seo any o( m y old Elcc- tTlcal pa ilcn ts and .ready to ^orvo d ie m n c n lu Bliould tboy reij’iire my services, also their friends whom they timy rccom raeud.

My b est efforts uud experience sn a il be given to any o r a ll w ho m ay favor mo w ith call.

Consultation free. ' ■ . ; : , , .: Call for my-to p n g o b o o k o f testim onials and

• "Valuablo Idtorm ation. book free. ' •Ocean Grovo oillce, ft) MAIN AVE.. Thi^ sea­

son a t the C entennial House. •

Sanitary Plnmbers,au d Dealers In ■

S T O V E S a n i l R A N G E S ,Opposite Post Ofliee,.

O C E A N G K O V E , N . J .

Page 5: REV. A. WALLACE, D, D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, … · 2014. 4. 1. · the scene quite lively. So with the ques- ’ tlons read and answered. The letidiBr ’was evidently

M i D s u n r i E RCIRCULATION

3 , 0 0 0

O CEAN GRO VE, N E W J E R S E Y . SA T U R D A Y , A U G U ST n , 1894 O N E ■ DOLLAR P E R Y E A R

H a rd U m e s ,'! d o yo u sa y ? Yes, n h d th e y .■will be:h n rd o r.lf -we d o not.- d o - m o re f o r f to u . “ W idow sV m ltes,7 d o y o u sa y ? O h, I f wo could o iily .g cM h c : w idow ’s h ilte s !• Yew, Hho c a s t i n t w o m ltc s , even a ll h e r l iv in g ! ” T h e re Is a s m u ch m o n ey a s e v e r. .it belongs to U ou. <»|vea p a rt / to H i in ,-or H e m ay la k e .It a l l .” H o ik Ja m e s A . H in d ley sp o k e In / th e nuiiio

's t r a in , so -did Dft' H a n lo n ; so ,; did- lire*. CV I I . Y a tm a n . . B y eleven o ’c lo ek w o wort* rea d y fo r th e subscrip tions.' T h e re werti tw o Vast, b lack ­b o a rd s on th e p la tfo rm , in Tull v iew o f th e peo­ple, w ith su m s from. $1000 |o ;. SIO, m itrk cu . on each , h o th ttta td ly alike,aw tfregnt lutr $15,000. T h e re w ere liv e se c re ta r ie s ,an d tw o; b ro th e rs w ith e lm lk In h a n d , to. n ia rk o ll> the s u m s asV th ey w ere tak e n . ,Tln?n th e g iv in g commenced.*/ F ourteen ;o f/ th e :.slxtcen sKXJ0 ‘ w ere sp eed ily ta lien . T h en .sm a lle r suhu^SoW), 3100, SoO, $'2o, ete*, cam e. I ik e th e r ap id s o f N lagaraiiu ll.soein- Irijrly a fn ild .th e y .w o ii ld n o t « e i a c h a n ce to K lv e ; w h ile th e peop le lau g h ed , w ep t,;c lapped their, h a n d s fr>r Joy, SI to u te d 'lik e th e-so u n d of. m an y M 'aters.; D inner, w as; fo rg o tten , a n d th e title .ftw lrled,: d ash ed a n d • ro lled . u n til- o n e -, o 'c lock . T h e n ; a t UVo It bCgan a g a in in D r. , H uu to n 's I iib le '.C lass;.,w ho h a d a s k e d I t . to e o n tr lb iite $20,00 of,tlie.SoO.OOO needed to d o tlio \vo rk 5 and,-' w h ile f e w ,th o u g h t it co u ld . be

:d tm e. now began to look a s l f i t n i i g h L H e ro ’ th e .tid e he^an to . llow an ew , s o : to o 'at* th o

.B each M eeting Serv ice, a t s ix o’clock , u n d e r Urol h e r Y ntin aii; A t n igh t; th e re w as a n o th e r on th u s las tie o u t j lou r ln g a m td c n io n s t m l ion a t th e A u d ito riu m . T lie m u lti tu d e s werb, en-; th u se d ; ' su rp rlsiid i dnzed . a t w lm t th e y saw ,. 1 leu rd him I. felt. -W hen:; t h e • in eet 1 n g. c losed , a t ten o ’c lock , iis n e a rly a s could b e a sc e r ta in e d ,- u l io u f &ir»;«10 h ad . been subscribed.;. In th e , s tilln ess o f n ig h t, w h ich ,h ad se ttle d d ow n

. u p o n iik> h lg li a n d rep ea ted d oxologjes o f ovor-^ Ilow lngJoy b u r s t fron i lh<* e x u lta n t tli(HisandB,; a n d lh tl.ip m id st o f th e u h ly e rs a rc ry o f h a rd tim es, seem ed m o re like a m id n ig h t v ag a ry th a n real, o r a m irac le o f D ivine .Bower, m th e r th a n wrought- by h u m a n a g en ts . A ll th o

T H E . G R EA T.; A U D IT O R IU M

In te rio r ol New Auditorium ,

d x terlo r of New A udltorlnm .

Page 6: REV. A. WALLACE, D, D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, … · 2014. 4. 1. · the scene quite lively. So with the ques- ’ tlons read and answered. The letidiBr ’was evidently


81<t C o o k m a n i lv c n iic .

The First Laundry in Asbury Park.All kinds of Laundry W ork done up in

the Best S ty le.';

Family, Hotel and Stock .Work also Lace C u rta in s/ .

Ilnvln ir u w arrir feeling .for O eeuu’, Grovo friends, th e ir t ra d e isresp^Hdfntly-Holicited

u n d e r J h o ; p ro m is e . of. p ro m p t serv ice >.' ■ uiul. wood w ork, ; ;;

Five Collections aiul' Deli v e ti^ * Drop a postal and our wagon-will.;eall. a p r jr j t

'SuXEi'q, T . 'D . 'v M ^ P S v


T e n t L ife a t O c ea n G ro v e .

O ff ic e . 8 2 H eck A ve .

GGGnn 6R0V)G,n jpersons in a gi cater o r less degree aspire, and which is enjoyable, if only bv con­trast. It also oilers an e?onoinical method ’-to.; people o f , lim ited means-, to escape; from. t he liirge cities for;tl;e sensoii. nnd with the inore -favored- people; enjoy tlie open life, the; pure aiuUbracing, open

:nir th a t otherwise would be-deiiied.:thent.'A s near as can V -be ,’esti mated t here a re­

nt th e /p re sen t tim e from -ten to twelve hundred tentsV a iavge proportion of them belonging topriv iito parties now upon the grotinds, eacli prov id ing" a; tem porary habitat ioti for ft i i a{>py.. fit iii i Vrl ion t. the end o f the season, re turn to the ir homes .strengthened physically, morally and spiritually, front th e ir sum m er’s so jo trn by the sea.

- Life ,iu a ten t seems to be entirely in -accord, w ith the general opinion of t ‘ainp- M eetings and until Ocean. Grove was Started - it was seldom that- grounds de­voted to Camp Meeting purposes ollered any o ther st yle o f residence, or accommo­dation. Although the grow th of th is re­sort and the widening Of its ihHiience has b iough t w ith it a deinary.l for buildings of a m ore substantial 'character, tent life has kepi aptice with the mareli o f other im provem ents and to-day there may be found in all pints of the town tents of great beauty, presenting m an y attrac: . tioiis, aiul by many people chosen as hab­itations n itlier than cottages,, since the radical di He re nee in character from their, dwellings at home, it gives them tlie change aiid variety in Tiie to which all

B ra n c h 0 Ibices

C. 0. lliiiliml’s, lii'lmar, aiiil Lakewood,


YEARTlie quality of all goods guar

anteed to be satisfactory, or m oney .refunded.

Prices as Low as the Lowest, K le c tric Uiglat,Joe T aylor and 13d. Letts

are; stiil'connected w ith tlie establishm ent and w ill con­tinue to loolcafter the in te r­ests pf their, customers.

K t n u in h e r l l i e I’ la c c ,B R IC K S T O R E .

Olin S t., and Pitm an Ave,(J. A. AVuImltfliCVpid Scand.)O cean O i'o v c ,If. J . ■ '


mm nm augtiok1■ ' ' . — AND • • '


... .- The Atlantic House is deiightfllly situated and is a lw ays a : favorite home .for: the

many persons making a visit to Ocean Grove, during,the Fall., W inter and. Spring months.

The house is kept com fortable bv Steam Heat.irviawttWEl 1^! 5 0 8 M a in S t r e e t ,

E Y i E I K i r S A W J R I D A U rA t.2 o'clock, p. in;, consisting of

Household Goods,Of all descriptions, and too numerous

to m ention. P rivate Sales every day through th e week. Rooms.’ ,

open E ven ings.#

M. M. CROSBIE, Prop.

• Special rates from Septem ber ist., to all w ho desire to .prolong their stay in the'

Grove, or to spend the this fam ous house.

v-V. ■ T h o r n le y C h a p e l

This ra ther dim inutive, but neverthe- ' est and im portance m ight' be held, less," very neat and attractive pluee o f ' he had for some tim e endeavored to hr- worship was erected in 18S0 at th e no rth s I range for its erection, but d id not live to west corner o f Pilgrim Pathw ay a n d ; see his wishes carried out, as th e build- M ouht Tabor Way, as a memorial to the ing was not completed u n til the Twenty- Itev. Joseph II, Thornley, an active N inth o f June ISS9. T he first-service was m em ber of the Ocean Urove Association, held .in the Chapel, Sabbath, Ju lie 30, who died at London, Ontario, February 1SS0, aiid th e structure W as nam ed in 12, li>Sl>. | honor of M r.' Thornley, t h e . Associa-

• Mr. Thornley was for many years the tion donating the use o f th e grounds, but Superintendent o f the Ocean Grove Sum- : m ost'of the funds for its erection being m er'Sabbath School, am i took an actiVe ’.contributed bv his m any friends. It is pari in m any o ther of the 'relig ious s e m - ‘an ornam ent to that part of th e grounds, ces held uyon. the grounds. Seeing the : and serves a most usefu l.purpose in pro- necessitv for a suitable building where.j •yiding a place o f ineei ing. for small gat li-- meetings that did not -attrilct great ? erings th a t would .lie lo st-in th e larger numbers, but were. J?till ,of deep in te r-). pliiees of wors*.iip. ' ; .

C h a r l e s J . H . B e c k e t t , P r o p r


Meats&Poultry Corner ofW itii Ousliioii Tires•Have had th e ir day—th e ir bearing-s m ay be as good as

new, y e t th ey ru n hard.Oni- Slio(> is k ep t lu isy cliaii^iii^; C u sh ion lo l 'n e i im a t ic

'•"Why^ Hot give us an- o p p o rtu n ity o f m aliing y o u h appy 'by chang ing yoursi?

125' ITcek A venue, e a rn e r. Wliitcficld, :V; OCEAN- C ltO Y K , X .J .

i .■■■■■■ .. 7Fresh Stock. Prompt Servios,

Free - Delivery.DecfMiui '■/ vv:..V:.'';V ; . ;-v.! -v-

r o u c ;

PAPER K L F X T U IC A I; H X tilM iK R S ,

:lU-t and 70S Cookman -\Aren.uc, A sbury Park, N. J.V V OOcents a ltoom. F.mbossed Golds V W 20 cents, (form erly $L.>0.) Sam­

ples mailed Free. Fares to and "from New York City paid on reasonable pur* chases. B.\uci.{iN lloi'>i:, 10 . Wesi 2.Sd Street/N ew York.



Real Estate and Insurance.6 1 Main Av e n u e ,

O cean G r o v e , - N . J .Is th e oldest established line in Ocean Grove and As­

b u ry Park. Special facilities for th e p ro m p t and careful han d lin g of all k in d s of F u rn itu re , Pianos, Boilers and Safes. Shipping tags furn ished free. S torage for all k inds of goods. Separate C om partm ents. Each ind iv idual fu r­n ished w ith key.

^ J A C O B S T I L E S ^O f f ic e s :— N o. 702 M attison Avenuo, R ailro ad D epot,A B bury P ark ; Corlics

A venuo, W est G rove; No. 46 M ain A vcnuo, opposito Association Office, Ooean p ro v e . P o s t Office Box 609, A sbury P a rk , N . J . .

R c ita ir in g r a S p e c ia lty .Cheapest P lace

in the'C ounty., 01 S ou th Main Street. .

J L s l s i x x - y D P a x - l c , . ^fcvV door* from J?e6cuc JiiAion

.IA S . i i . s i ; \ r < » \ .

FUNEiiiL DIRECTOR IW EMBIL5IER,-J a m e s W . F o la a d ,Newark ’Avenue, Bnidlev Beach, •>'. J .

Post Oillce Address: Asbury Park.We have been in ccntinuous practice iu

Asbury Park sinco 1SS0, aud are prepared to treat all diseases of all Domesticated anim als. may 12-lni.

A Icirge.astorlmcnt o /(\iske(s , ctc. constantly on hand. F lowers o f u n y deslyn tit short notice.

Parlors and Ofliee—No. 17 M^un. Street, ; ASBURY PARK, N. J.

AIbo Superin tendent o f M t. P rospec t Ccmeter>'.Buildings moved and raised a t low prices.

Estim ates furnished.

Page 7: REV. A. WALLACE, D, D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, … · 2014. 4. 1. · the scene quite lively. So with the ques- ’ tlons read and answered. The letidiBr ’was evidently



A Tale of Lifts Vat th e Seaside an d , on th e V"' **. ■ ■■’Prairie. ; \V - - '. ':/.;-' /

- ‘ 1 V ' CHAPTER IX . . •- J ■ 1- Tiie iiiceii iig a t liny vi I lb proiri ised to. be

•hd sucCessfulas- the one,Held a t Olney. I t• ; tm nspircil th a t th e clo«e.personal conver­

sation of- Mr. Cliftbh^in Ins recent pastoral ; visiting, lincl inueh to do w ith th e present awakening.; H e .had gone from house-to house* i nstead o f con (I ni n g 1 rimsel f to -tlie

;* m em bers o f the church, who w ere‘ coin-• p a ra tiv e ly fe w,*and;so came in close con*: 4 n c t w ith large-nnnibera of the. unsaved,.

■; VvTljo; two, : preachers stood .sh o u ld e r to'-. shoulder' in tlie - work, and labored with- g rea t zeal. The! convictions were deep,

• th e • peniten tial ‘ prayers earnest, and the: coiiversions,• c lear.'• X The- Denton8 were there , to h e lp : along, w h en ; there was no

‘m eeting a t Olney, jb r they were still kept up there tw o o r th ree times a week. Both •

: Mr.- Dehton rtnd: h is son -were now* tak mg j a n active .part in- alm ost every meeting.

.R obert especially was not only very zealous' V: in h is personal efforts w ith the unsaved,"

b u t was seen io have rem arkable gifts m prayer and exhorta tion ., v T he effect o f his

, ; ap pOal ' on e.; everii ri g- a t Ray y ille was s o ' . s trik ing as to lead his fa ther to say, as. . 'th ey were Hdiiig hom e to g e th e r,. (the

/'• ladies no t being with theni) ,“,M y son, as ’ . I was listening to vou to -n ig h t'Iv was ' ^strongly .impressed th a t God nad called

•you to a great work. .1 lave you had such • a th o u g h t? /'. ' . '

■ :i; ■ ■ * Father,' th e call■ .to; preach tlie gospel; . A: jiamc to. me before I was: saved, and I had ■,;-‘ consent before I .could .get. saved. I •>..;struggled; for. aw hile b u t .finally surreri-

; derecl all m y.plans and preferences* and ;:prom ised to do m y ‘bestv in any work he : called m e to;’’■: CUI1CU lllU LU. .. .;

; , ‘ ‘ B ut why- shou ldyou , have . a,struggle a b o u tit j” said his father.' ;

■ V; I** One-realsori, o f ii delicate nature ,’ Ifnefer not :to; mention.. . B u t; I -thought low poorly qualified I; was fo r'such a'

. work, arid w hat .a ‘load o f care it wot’ 1 d , ;v>-leave upon your shoulders;’* - .VV;.;“ I thought ••.your, effort toriiight^ my . son, was ‘niore: than c re d ita b le ..S till" I

should heartily: favor a little fu rther train*, ing^and .th ink ; i t would be.'well for .you take-a;term o r tw oat th e Seniinary w here

/ brotiier Clifton w ent. As to extra care i " you know- th a t Jesse has now, a very i.C^goo'dknowledge.’ofVthe run ’’fi-arid is t ru s ty a n d reliable.- Besides,: I. r.j :would w illirigiv:takt a n y extra care j ■•; for V h a v e m yself been so slow in doing -my ‘ d u ty to *Gdd aiid \m y, fellow; men, th a t !; shall- feel glacl to j lave you engaged i n,;

th is holy work.V . ,“ Well father, I am glad you have

spoken. 1 felt a hesitancy about broach­ing th e .‘m atte r (o you ; bu t what- you have now said relieves my m ind from:all 'em barrassm ent.” . • ‘

“ T hat being the case,” said his father,“ I th in k we can 't begin to make arrange­m ents too soon.”

Robert did • n o t tell h is father that .for some reason, no t entirely clear to himself, he luui \>een im proving his 'm ind by a

: good deal o f study in private ; so tb a t he w a s better prepared to enter, the Se.nhutry than h is fa ther suspected. The presiden t o f th e .Seminary was communicated with, preparations made, and in a short tim e lie was an inm ate o f the institution. The change from dailv exercise .in tb e open air, to hard study .iii doors, soon began to tell upon him ;*ahd he sought to keep up his appetite and vigor by taking long walks every day. Sometimes on in- vilation he would go to places w ithin reach and hold meetings, exercising in th is w ay both h is gifts and grtces. .

..At home he was greatly missed,' both in tlie family and in th e meeting*, for the preachers were still pushing the campaign, and . tlie whole circuit, seemed to be In a tlame o f revival. They had gone from Ravville to Brewster, w here Mr. Peterson resided, and th e town was having such.a shak ing as it had never known before. Old m en steeped in sin, skeptics, d runk­ards, rumsellers, all classes were swept from th e ir feet by tlie m ig h ty tide o f s a l - : vatiOn. .So, witii little intermissions o f rest, they w ent from place to place until th e w hole circuit was reached, and shared m ore o r ie.*s in the outpouring o f th e spirit. Then they had the ir hands full in tlie work o f instructing and train ing the hundreds, recentlv gathered into th e church. .So passed th e winter.

On th e occasion o f one o f his visits. Mr. D enton . said, “ M r.. Clifton; I can give you some news from Ocean Grove."

“ By ‘ w hat m e a n s ? ” inquired M r., Clifton.

‘‘Through a m an living iirX ew Jersey who last week spent a- n ight w ith us. Nearly every year he is about buying horses for th e eastern m arket. H aving more th an I could use profitably I sold

: him a few ; and as i t was near n ight when we were through w ith our business I per- suaded him to spend th e night. In th e

. course o f conversation I asked him if he knew an y th in g about Ocean Grove. He said lie had never been there himself, b lit h e had heard a great deal abou t i t from o th e rs ; indeed m any o f his fellow towns*, then w ent there frequently, and qu ite a

' num ber had bu ilt cottages. Further,; th a t th e su perin tenden t.o f Ocean Grove

ftin! th e editor o f the ir county paper weie old friends, and he often received and published letters from him ; that one hud beeu publishetl just before he left s tating some rehiarkable th ings about the place. Two t hings especiallv arrestet 1 • his atten* : tion. One was th a t 700 lots had -been sold and.over 100 cottages b u i l t ; the other..' th e testim ony o f m mibers o f men and women th a t *the: pure water and the sea ! a ir had w rought such wonders in the wav

• of im proving th e ir health. lJis talk served to greatly increase mv interest in th e place.” “ A nd 1 am yla»l to hear such good news,” said Mr. Clifton.

1 n th e spring there came a great trouble to th e Denton household.' .Mrs. Denton1 was suddenly stricken down with fever, w hich rageil ..with great violence and seemed to baffle the skill of the attending physicians. They all w ent about witii soft step bu t heavv hearts. The case was very serious, and th ey felt th e gravest fears as to the issue, h i a lucid m om ent she asked for Robert. He w a s 'a t once summoned by telegraph. In th e shortest possible tim e he boarded a train for home. Soon after leaving Delaware W ater Gap the train ran in to clouds o f smoke, pro­claiming a fire in the woods, and aw ake­ning fears th a t th e ir progress m ight be stopped. . Tlie smoke became m oretlense, Jilled the cars, rtnd brought, th e tears to all eyes. Presently they came in sight o f th e tire and then for m iiesaud miles they were shooting at a fenrinl rate ot speeil: through th e flames, which were, licking up the leaves and underbrush, climbing up th e great; pines and hemlocks and leaping w ith a great bound out o f the

. top, consuming great piles o f railroad ties .lying in close proxim ity to the track, trees, am asS .of fire froni top to bottom,. W ere, seen toppling over, dwellings had been surrounded and burned, m ills had* been seized by the devouring element arid

■ Wet'e now a rag! n g m ass o f firej o r—iilrpady; in. ruins. ' T he sinoke was most distressing, th e b ea t te rrib le ;;-but.^tho. did not- (ake '• fire, and'..they g o t, safely, .through., lie . pursued his- journey; w ondering w hether he should reach home iii t im e to see his; liiofher alive; - v.;; \ ; V'■. ’

^leantinie j\Ir, Clifton had heard of their.afllictioh anVl hastened to see them in th e ir trouble. . Aftei1 a few inonieiits conversation ho hastened to th e bedside and kneelcd in prayer. * I le geenied; to 1 >e talk ing w ith th e Lord.’, a s a .man talking face tojface with his friend;v. H e • told the X^prd o f her g rea t worth to. the church, the: need for her; in th e family, aiul th e great .sorrow-that would conie;. to m any of- H is , loved ones"if:sbo should be taken aw ay, and besought' l l irn in mercy to. restore her to health, aiid give. her. m any years yet. in w hich to do good.. They arose from -their knees w ith , a-/ g rciit. burden, lifted from th e ir hearts,,for eitch felt; a secret convic­tion th a t th e p ra y e r was. answered. In confirm ation of. th is • feeliiig they ’ soon noticed a ; change :: for tlie . better. • • .She grew’ quiet, iier broken mutteriugs.censed,. an d she- soon opened' her eyes w ith i h e ligh t o f clear intelligence in th e n v lo o k e d a t them and; said faintly, - 1 th in k th e ; Lord .w ill rniso m e up .” 'Soon after Robert appeared, glad; th a t his m o ther .was - still living, and still \m ore .g lad 'th iit she was oh the way to recovery. H e had a b rie f interview:; arid then retired for a. little rest. • In a few:days h is m o ther was s0:m uch ba tte r th a t lie hastened back to h is studies. ’ -. . - , •

.Airs* Denton Was soon attending to her ordinary duties,.’b u t seemed to jack ' sonie- th ing of / h e r usual vigor and s trengtl i .; she easily tired and felt frequently a great lassitude. As this-continued M r. pen ton began to.cast about for'some means o f re- - lief. Then lie remembered w hat th e man from X ew ’Jersey .had said about' so m any persons--improving "■ i n heal th a t; Ocean Grove, a n d : at^ once consulted w ith his wife as ; tp .the jiroprietv o f spend ing a m onth o r two-at th a t' pitied. ••After; soine days of reflection; they decided th is was the -best tli ing to. do, :nml he jm incdiately Wrote to ' th e Superin tenden t to ascertain if. a furnished .liouse <:ould. be ren ted for- the ii ion t ii s o f .J u 1 y and, Angus t; < )ii re­ceiving satisfacto ry in formation o ii th is point they giive th e necessary instructions' to th e housekeeper and th eh ead wprknian oil the farm ,.and set out for th e seashore.

' T hey ’m e t; with, no accident,: but were witnesses o f th e results o f a terrible rail­road. wreck; . A t a certain nVihvay station they,learned th a t a few: m iles;fui'thei‘ on a fearful accident had happened.'. Slowly they .went to ,tlie scene 6f <lisfistcr;. w hich was pai ri. fu I enough to w ri tig every h eart.; A bridge had given way under.the w e ig h t; o f a large - loconiqtive ^attached to a long .

'fre ight train, loadedVWith live stock ; and : the te n d e r a i i d s i x tee n ca rs were pi led on ; top of each’ o th e r in the riveri o o r three brakemeri somewhere in th e m ass. Men were busy with axes, saws, crow* barsj:-and w hatever tools eo.uld Ije.fourid,- chopping, sawing; and prying, about Ihe; ;cn rs ,jtry ing . to libcrate tlie im prisoned a n i inals \vh ieh • were gi vi ng . such ■: 11 isti'css- iiig evidence o f. th e ir suffering. • . One brakem an was finally taken ou t helpless and senseless. .Soon after the fain t voice of ano ther was heard coining up from the broken cars and struggling oxen, asking them to kill an ox th a t w ith his hoof was j rending him . iu pieces.*- A , rifle was j broutrht, and, directed .by th e sufferer, th e j right ox was selected, tlie fatal sho t w as: fired ; lint alas! while the\ ball killed the 1 oX j'the ox in his d v i i ig st niggles killed tbe m an. Oxen, sheep, hojrs, w ith broken, limbs aiid otherw ise -maimed, o r dead,

[ were dum ped - from the broken cars in to I the.:river, w here they we«:o swim m ing ;! about o r floating down, stream : One car i

loaded w ith oxen lay with one ciid still | upon th e ahutnieiit o f the bridge, but the. \ o th e r so low down th a t the cattle were • precipitated to th e lower end, when* they !. were lying upon each other, a struggling, I seething riiass. j

They w eredetained tlie resix hours, bu t ; Mrs. Denton bore the stra in well. ' At last.! a relief tra in came, .a tem porary bridge j was constructed, the passengers.crossed } on foot, th e baggage was carried over, and I hey ’started on the ir journey;. But. th e | progress was.slow,, for th e train had to 5

•run'backward for six ty miles over a p a rt ! of th e road th a t required caution. B e - : cause o f th e delay, and th e ex tra weariness growing ou t o f 'i t , they judged it best to stop; over n igh t in K-— and rest. /- I t was well,: fo r ; jMrs/ D. iound herself move fatigued than she had supposed. In the

./morning they cam e on to tlie, great city,

.lunched, arid early in th e afternoon reached Ocean Grove, and stopped for the n ig h t n t th e Franklin House. •

The m ost uncomfortable p a rt of the journey was from Long Branch to Ocean Grove. The highw ay-w as' filled W ith Stages, baggage wagons, carriages, aiid vehicles o f every desc.iption, going back and forth, until the roadbed was a mass* of powdered dust,' w hich by reason o f constant agitation rose in stifling clouds in the a ir un til fences, leaves, grass, all wore the sam e d irty • brown color. , A lthough Mr. Denton had secured a car- j. riage in order to m ake the trip as com- } fortnblv as possible, they w erem u ch dis-’!: tressed*by th e dust and lieatand presented .- an y th in g but a tidy appearance a t th e ir i journey 's end. I

On th e following day Mr. |)enton and daughter visited the Superintendent, were i- showtj several cottages, and liually selec- {. ted; one w ith in eiisv distance of th e beach, • rented .a few hee«Iful th ings not found in j the cottage,' secured some provisions, nnd .; that n ight rested under the ir .own roof. [

i m x m . • | ie a !a

SM 'CsokHiast A v e u u c ,ASBURY PARK, X. 1.

: eq ii ippod fo r a 11 chi sses o f U u n u t ry \ V o r k . i'MrsUcliiss in liill n p p n h itn ic iita . G oods oiilitid fo r rind .d«jf vered freo. A ll w o rk d o n e u p i ii ii •m ost' sa l Isfacloi y ' m an nor. A. postal c a rd t o tb e atiovc u d d ress xr\\\ r c e d vo p ro m p t n it c u t Io n ,.. ■ ' ■ • • ' v . '- - .- .' •’ ,

'<). jr. H A U SE, P r o p r ie to r .

m m . % %('lie I li i tc l ic i’,


Seryes choice -Meals; a t your door, froin K\TJ3NT: R 1? I'R I G E R ATOR^ WAG ONS

Free from heat; dust.and fi ies.1;X - . ' 1-rices;Reasoriai)Je.:~ , ’ ; .:

M a r k e t , '■..‘Vv-’1South; M ain Street, cor. P ark Place Ave.

Competent- arid pbligirig cutters^on every- wagon. ■ Drop a postal arid-the

• :v • • •'• ..iwogon \vill c a l l ' . v ^ '* R ;

COOK’S B U ILD IN G ,CdriiLT ^ la ln S tre e t nrtd C o o k m a n ''A v e n u e ,

Socond F lo o r. A S B U R Y P A R K , N . J .First; Cktss Help Ftirniahcd al fihoii Noticc:

■ X b i n l i i i s o n & W a l t o i i ,BenJoni In ' '. ;■■ V'

G-ROCEEIBS A N D PR O V ISIO N S.C orner M piiroo A yeiiiie rind. E m o ry S treet,

■ A s b u ry " P n rk ,N . J . - •: •; Spceliil n ttcn tlo ri given to Ocean G rove t rado

by ^Ir.• W a lto n . .

t i l n s T f H % m § m

3 .and 3 Pi t man- ' A venue, Oceaii:. G rove,

Splendidly;;located, near th e Ocean and Bathing .Ground'S; - Perfect Sanitary

'■•■ . Systdin, ; Artesian .W ater, arid,. ’••: . * . well ventilated -Itopms.v

B ox '2087. s ' N. IL .K IL M K R ,'P rop’r.

T H E E L L W O O D ,Centrally Located. .

One i n i nil te to 1 iiew, A ud itori uni, 111 ice m inutes to th e Beach, and o th e r ’

v . \ ^ points o f interest...Accpriiinodations : .Unexcelled.

T w e j f f c l i Y e a r . • Box 2110. R; L. DEH ART.

s u r f A V U A U i: i i o u s i ; ,Ocean Grove, N. J.

House Flrst-L'lnss in all Uo>pcct-s Oiu; Hloek frotn tliifOrnui.. Terms Modcnitf, Kl«li- tecn Years-Under Owners Management.

E . Al. PR IC E, P...O. Box 2151.

O cea n tii'ovej iV, .1. ."

The largest House F inest Location on the Beach. Sani­tary Plumbing tiiroiighouf. Entirely new,: remodeled and refurnished. Opens Ju n e i.

Loek Uox717. A . H. S T O C K T O N .

B t y n = M a w r I I o t e l

Corner of Central and ITcuk. Avesi,

O c e a n G ro ve , "'X. >T,Tills H ouse haK. b e e n ' Iteiiiodoicd jiiid th o r­

ough ly ren o v a te d ,’a n d Is U vo .b lo ck s from tb e Beacli a n d elbSti to ihe Post- fillhic*.and A tullto- r l i i in . . Ciood A c co m m o d a tio n s a iid mOst ltea r Kouubif-Terms. .; y -.:” .

. p . Sr LUKENS, Prop’r;Post;o illce lJoXSOiifK' • : : - • •

W M M I f H IE; 24 Bath Avenue, Ocean Grove; N. J;

p n p ijlfK'k-from th e Ocotin. ' C o iive illen t lb th e A udi tori tu n a n d Hoss.’ l ia tb ln g : P a v ilio n . :

K x e e l l T a i i l e . . Special H ates io r SeaHon. B6x 2IW. : . MR S . A i' L* GUY*

Hotel Le Chevalier,i ( J O I t . \ K i t o f W o l j b i i m l ( ' i ; n t r a l - A v e n u e s , - : ..

. S e c o n d B l o c k f r o m t;lii! O c o a i i . ■ ■ ..•. • • •, ■ : '■ '■ ■ . ■ ■ /-■

p u r fliioiiif*are jdonvarifi' IJcdS coinTortnbic, 'IM nhig-Ifooni. a iry ; / iV bhv^iS ce ilbn l. k b fiif g C om m odious, f f a l |s a n d P Jn /zas \v}d<*; K h 'a trie IJiflils , Ai O slim Wnw-r and im rlV 'Ctdrainage to ' the-S(*ai. S in g le M eals ■’*> l*<;iits. - Table: Hoard.; T e rm s Mm} am la/*, •

Box 777, w i f . c e x .

^ iT H E H R L I N C T O N ,#O C E H N G R O V E , N . J -

'A cading a n d ’ p op iih ir H o te l a t t h is Jhnuins S eas id e reso rt, t ln i ia r N aw M n n ag em cn t, ' Newly.. Ilefttlnd . AH. M odarn C onven iences, U bem l Table, a n d a ll a p p o in t m en Is! llrst-clnss. Sah.i V . tu ry I'UmUilugk'.KU'iiivU: U y h ts ." T.tinniHcourts. • W ill opini I tin e lrt. , X


B O W B E H O T T S E ,

(Coriicr: ' M n and Central Avon lies, Occa n (irove..W it i i l n t wolijor: its .of t lie Occa n ; A iid i to ri u in a iid • Post; p fllite .•. T h o ro u g h \y rehova tf.dnriU -

refurriisiifMl.. P erfaet S a n ita ry , lirn in g e in en ts i. H o t im d Cold 'A r te s ia n W ate r, KlCctrlc Llglila:, Kleetri.c H elIs.; T ablr> |/onrd.a sp ec ia lty , T erm s' reasonab la . : V !>;.r' ‘v -'V.': 'AdtlressLbclc Hox .WI,' '

n i t « . A . S. I tO W E It, I»ro|»rieO-e»«.EntranoG o n .M aln .sii’V-tjt, \y .: \ ■ •; ;,-j •.; ...

- A . m l i e r s t H o u s e ,14 Pitman Averitie,- ; Ocqan Grove, N, J . ; ; . Orie Half.Jllock ; from the Oecan,:;

■ Term s ReaSoniible.I K 8 - T d i v i i h i ’. i u I .

B o x 2312. . ' *,'

I%’o. li A t la n t ic A v e n n e ,■” !!imning.Uimng!i to Surf AVeimo.

Lock Box 400.-. . , ] , A i J j * ( j f j f

F i f t e e n t h 8 ' c a n o n .

I tE D S W IS S COOPT AWE,10 • Oceaii Pathw ayi Ocean Jtfroye, N; J .

V ery ra n i ra l ly located w ith in on o m in u te w alk of th e g re a t A u d ito riu m , a m i tw o m in ­u tes, from the: beach; "on th o ever, p o p u la r a n d beaufII'nI O cean P athw ay .' A d d ress u n til J u n e I, S o . l7iW liid to n stveet, Balt l im m v ; \• . f ; m h s ; j i.. P i t z g .k h a b n . - : ;

M A I T C H B S T E E ,2 7 Oceaii Patliwny, Oceaii ftrovc, J . :

Location Between A udito rium and Ocean. - * ' For Term s ;Address M R S . B . S . K E L L O G G , IV. 6 .- J5ox;: 20S:>.'.

C o r t io i 'f

H o t e l S p r a - 3 7 - T 7 ’ i e - ^ 7 - ,Fronting on , th ree a verities; unobstructed Ocean View. ' H o te l covers en tire end; of

. block. ;;In te r io r o f hotel < has been repainted-, arm. tlio roughly renovated. TJm

o f <}e e a h , S p i : a y a n d ’ S e a V i e w A v e n u e s .Box 2057.; i(e? Proprietor. ••

Broadway, Trontltig l*’letcher Lake antl the Sea, ; OCEAN GROVK, N. J ,/ Rigiiteenth; season/ Cii/ileo Lof-atlOn.J Spiendlii Oaean \*Jew.' Flowing Arteslnri Well, cheerful - , roOins, bniin i. vrcm n das^;' Attention tl rst-ejuss 111 tjvery-pa rt leu la r.; For terms, etc., add ress, Hoi-'airs.. ,. A : ,T.v^■ ’ r:-. . ' V - M i t s / a . L o o m i s , ’proprietor-. ;.

9 '28:Ocean i'atiiw ay, Soutli Side, , OCean Grove, If., J.A Eii'Mt-ClasN llonwe.-

DRAAVI3R h. ,l .\0 . WILSOIV.

Tlie Olialfonte,O i\ T H E OCEAA' F ltO -V T .

‘Spirin l R a les fo r J u n e a nd Septem ber.. Hox 2211, Occan Grove, X. J.

MISS A. M. BKCKE'IT, Prop’r.

XA YASSAS COTTAGE,• C c r . * W " o fb a .n .3. B o a c h . - ^ . ^ 0 3 . , •

l ’li>t-vlass ac i'o m m o d al ions for p e rm a n e n t -j a n d tm n s le n i yiiesis. .. I

O ne lllbck from O raiui a iu l CI0-1* to I ta tb lu g G ro u n d s. Op<-n troni ;iua»* to fk*ti»bt*r. * 1

M R S . C , H A N K IN S O N .

Q T i x e 3 S r a , t i o n . 0 u l , !

S la in A v u m ie T \v o ']!lo (;k s fro m j tlio O ccan ; 1

O cean ( ir o v e , TV. .1.Box .‘{Oil; Mus. J . A. K kkn. I

THEIYY E0USE,' !3>jZn.t2ZL r o a - u o , O c6a.ii'.i3 - r '^ T. j /.| ' . Conveniently near. tlie Andltoi’1 mi and ”

• f Post Olileej Newly Papered iind Painted";; jLocic Box m t >ius. Sr.’k : s t u l l , • ' j ;.

. .Proprietress*:

m a n s i o n b o u s g .C orner o f N ew Y ork a ml K m b n ry A w s.,

O cean (Srove, \ e w .le i-sey . R easonable > R ates.

M iss . A . B o n s n l l P r o p ’r .

T h e ^.tlantie ^ o u se ,Heach an d P i)m a n A venues; . •

C s o a n G - io to , - iCo-77- T o rc o y .S team H eat, P ur« AVater, .Hun P arlo rs,

K lectrle L igh t, H ates H casonable . ,W ill be open a ll th e y ctir u n d e r Ihepi-oprie-

to r’s m an ag em en t. ■'*.. '*■*■.•'J*. B E C K E T T .

• p 0 1 1 0 . 3 0 1 . 1 0 1 3 . v-:No. 20 Main. A venue, only one Block froni t i ie Ocean,

Ocean (<irove, ,\. .1.1*. 0 . Ilox L'l7,'i' ' M RS. R. A. SW A N .

. T H EN O .8 O C .E K N K 1 Z E N U E " , >vV: ' O C E A N C R O iZ E i

. . —— r—1> 1 ‘RNS...1.0.N !■’. 1s t., :a^.D irectly o n th e; f lecan F ron t;. Con von le n t to . t h e A in tiio riu m a n d Boss’ P av ilio n . S a n ita ry

. ;; Arrangeiii«.;n ts ;C o m p le le /v ;_ :- . j : . * n> J , HOLT, B o x 2 2 47 . ; #

• * T H S L 1 L L H C H R R D , #- ■ . - A b b o t t A v e n u e n e a r t h e O c e a n .

rLarge.-A 1 t v a n d \Vell F u rn ish e d Boom s. l/o o lts tru c led Uewin View, A rtcsla ii W a te r a n d Fleet rle b ig h ts . C’h n e to l.llla^o re’s B u tb m u < >round^and H o i a u d Cokl S»-a W ate r B aths.

Ba\ 2iaV. •Special terms for families a )>o for.I tine uud September.

M RS; M. B. HI*KITA<HL Oceun d ro v e , N; Jl

Everett House,E riib iiry A v en u e; Ocean G m v e ,.x . J .

F i rst*Clnss A ecom m O dat Ions fo r g u ests . Con- : veil le n t to Depot uud; P o s t . p ttlee .-. O n ly :

tw o jn ln n te s w a lk toOceim* P ie r .n n d •; Hatb.big, G rounds.

po st o illce B ox ittti.. M. M. n IC IIA H D S O N ..

J . H . P A R K E R ’S

g o te l and R estau ran t,; ;. T 0 9 , M ATT I S O N A V E N U E , '

RY:'PARK.;r i, : ;v;'--'; C o m fo rtab ly F u rn ish e d R oom s b y th e D ay o r

W eek. •

R eg u la r D inner fro n t / 1 ; to j , '50 Cents,

, X ’l x e ' X - i a - u t r e l ' , .•IS Broatlway. : ; 2:-. Blocks ; froni the Ocean, ■■■';> V ' / ; OCKAX GH OV E, N. .J. ;V>!

Splendid lcx-iitlonv near the Ba t iling Grounds anil' Lake. Kvew'-lioine comfort.'' TerinS Hea- sona bio. Until June 1st, add ress - ; ;

.MRS. k: B. THOMAS, Pottstown, Pa. ■

r u m ■(Formerly A gnew Hiaisc.)

B EA C H AND S E A V IE W A V E S .. O C EA N G RO V ET h is sp iw lous'um l beniutfiiU y tw tu ed

' 1 ita lic possesses ev e ry a d v a n ta g e eo u d u - i’lvi* to h e a lth a n d com fort. G ran d o u tlo o k to .

- Ocean- a n d l«i!ce. T ab le a n d a p p o in t -*. ments tlrst elass.

MHS. II. M. AtiNI*:<Y, Prop’r. j

N O R M A N H O U S E ,2s-fu Bath Avenue,

i Oneamt oiio half Hloelis_ from- iheOrean and •’ one block irom Auditorium.

Opeii Ju n e s s t.H R S . C R. P R IE S T , P ro p ’r:

DBIEAH WA¥iE09 i lO W iA ip HOUSE,n k..h.»v.v aviv n,,n w,h+. iv,,.,,»«.». ■; Near .the Auditorium,

Convenient lo Auditorium.?Post Ofliee an il.

t h e B a l m o r a l ;’ Surf Avenue, Xear Central, Ocean (Jrove, X. .!. . . : '

Open .lutu* l>t, large roi»tns,'‘«romforlnbly fttruished; gooil beds, Artesian W ater, i jiorfoct saitiiarv arraiigeiiient.s atul electric lights. I )ne block from tlie Oi ctiii an<i one :.= block from VYesk*v latke.. ('lose to" Ivors’ Pavilion imd HathiiVg t rroumis. Prices . moderate; Lock Box I'UoO. . Mas. A. I’rutxns, Manager.-

_ DR. STAIiK S; HOTEL. ' "P I T M i l Z T, 2 3 E A C S I 'A 5 T D .CL IK T ’X'XXE T E A S 1.. Five stories high, .ttQlM). feet Piazzas, Kin yards from Surf, Situ Parlors, Luxur­

ious Beds, Sanitation Perfect*, Superior Table, Klectric Lights, and Bells, Artesian W ater, Piano.’ . ‘ ; Address,. W , H . L. S T A R K S , M . D .

G RO V E H A L L ,Pjlgriim Pat li wav, Opposite Thompson Park, Ocea n 1.5 rove, X. ,1.

Convenient to all points o f interest.. , . Seventeenth Season.For term s add ress. ■* : Mas, 10. A. I hki.ano, Proprietor, IJoxUlo^

T O W E 1 S £ ® t ? S E ; .1TO, 2 7 TT'T'ofk A T o n - j .o ,

Thrcjs'mliiutcs walk iroin Bathing tJroumls, Flshlnu Pier, Postnilioeand Audliorium. Coil- tmlt<;iill pointsoflmerest. Fnlariredaud thorouirhlv renovated with modern Im­

provements. <i«M»l beds and llrst-class table. For.terms apply to Mils. W.A.CHOSS.r.o.noNiWJ

High G rade F u rn itu re a t Low P r ice s .Persons, looking for Household Furni-

tuve should visit th e Asbury Pavk. Auc­tion nnd Commission IIou.*^y-at 50S M ain Street; corner-of M tut roe Avenue, Anbu­ry-Park; and exam ine the stock o f Bed Room ' arid Parlor Furiiiture, arid new Carpets o f luiiliest grades. These goods came direct frotn th e New York eommis- ison houses, a re in perfect condition, o f best quality, and will be sold a t half price. Display rooms on second lloor.

-M.'M. Citositn:, Prop’r.—Jt/r .

M uddell th e B u tch e rdelivers h is meats frotn patent Refriger- ato>‘ Wagons, clean, cool and free from ilies. Drop a . postal and the wagon wii call J .R . Muduki.i..—Adv. june:iO*!hu

R oom s To LetSingle o r; ensuite. Prices reasonable.

D.winsnx llo t si:, IH \Vebb avenue, ' ju tie L'U-.St - ; O- Box -ISO.

■I'Ue most eompWVtt Une* o f CvocUeVy' and Glassware itt the twin cities can be found- a t C. S. Cook ,& Sonj 70i> Cook- nian avenue, Asbury P a rk X. J .—A d iy

Coijl Oil, II cents a gallon, nt ii|C* Produce l'x- .change Co's. Store, 31 Main street, directly op)K>»lte Occan Grove Gates.


m r s . s . a . T i B B i T s , R E V • S. A . A S A t , s>ropr.

LlHai'orc’s Bat hint; Pavilion. Flue . heds and llr>t class table

K E N N E D Y M O U SE ,2*5 Webbavenuv, between Beach and Central,

. 0 o - S i o r i r . o . v Tluoe mbiales .walk,front Batldng Grounds,

Electric bights. Special rates for season and for June aiid September.

P. O. Box‘Jlo. .Mtts/S. II. Kknnkov,

i T l x e I 3 I 0 1 1 - 3 7 - ..( : 5 0 Broadw ay*

Pleasant I/teal Ion, two Blocks from the-Bcaeh. Short Walk frotii Atulltorlum.- Near

Bat him; Ground aud Ij iUi*.; T erm s H castm alde.-

Hotel Brevoort,C entral A ve., b e tw e e n P itm an A ve.,

and M cC Iin tock S t r e e t . .■JMyanN from B*-;u-h. <nie mloute-’ walk

from ihe grcal Audittahini. l-:ieel 1 ie lii;|it% elect rle Im'IN,.artesian.Wati-r, eie.,‘

T ab le and S e rv ic e F ir s t-C la s s .Thoroughly renovated, and newly turnlsbvd,

Every Appointment New.■ : .1 I l l> . - 1 - S t l l l v Y C K : -

•• Formerly oft lie’ “ tin (.moral."Lock Box No. 333*

3 3 0 I R 3 !) ] E H !T D W K 9M ain Ave, SecOnd block from-Oceaii,

• M rs . M . C. M c M u llo n ,Box tail; Formerly of the Sumuierllcld,

P. O. box Ml. MRS. W. S. HAYS.

T H E G E M ,Corner Surf and Beach Avenues,

- » N O W O P E N , #

Within on*- bl«iek of the tieean 11 ml two tilneks- trom tie-' New Auditorium. Transient

Gmsts Aceominodated. v*'.»-♦** R A T E S R E A S O N A B L E : ^ ! , v

Addrcsi; tVIRSnn. S. W OOLSTON,t«uek BOX g-JH. .

THE WAVERLY,B each end O cean P a th w a y ,

O c ea n G ro v e , - - N e w J e r s e y ,

■M. S . E D H R -

O S B O R N E H O U S E ,.Corner Cold nil and Pitman Avenues.

Convenient to all points of Interest.lock Itox ‘’1 11 MHS. ELLEN BEKGLIvLiH.k Ilox . 1.11 MISS E. J. HOWELL.

C O W E L L H O U S E ,* ' ill). Webb Avenue. .Convenient to Auditorium. Post Ofllce and

Ocean. Boating free ore barge.P. O. Ilox ^ 1 . ,'IHS. CAPTA IN COWFLL

P ersons v i>ntng O cean (»rove ean by aecom - j m odated a t reasonub le ra te s a t th e : \

Q l e n w a o d , M o u s e , \C orner P en n sy lv a n ia A vem io a m i Z lo iiW ay, | m a r tb o A u d lio rld m . E s lu b d lsh c d 20y ears , j


Iteach A> e n u e H ou se.C cr; X3oq.=>- arxd. "v'T'o'h'b ^-"rcsi-j.os..

Lo’ek Box -1-Vi.On>- Block from tin* n e ra n a n d FU hlns; Pier.,

H om e Cum fort" T e rm s ?7 tn‘5 l0 p e r week.SliiL'te Men If. .% eis.

/ Ml tS. II BN It V CIV Bit.:


CHAUTAUQUA HOUSE,5 4 B r o a d w a y G c o a r s C r o v e , N .J .

Tw o Blocks from tb e O cean.>1 i;s. T . T. W m ii n tA s , M h s M. A . I ii>w S kh ;

The Albatross-‘ S2 an«IJfl Oceaii Pathw ay. •

Convenient to th e A uditorium and Ocean. Mus. M. C. Downs. Ixick Jlox Xo. 202o.’

j H u m p h r e y ’ H o u s e *‘ o:l-Broadway, near Ocean and A uditorium

Su|icrior’ Table and Home Cot 1 forts.< BoK -200 . M is s M . A. J o h n so n .

THE DIAMOND STATE,Ocean Knd ol Ftnbury. Avenue.

• I.ock Box 782. Miss-A. K. IIt;.NTi:it.

S E A L O V E R S ,. .No.;i B roadw ay , faelm r Ih e t lectin a n d I jik c .

G ood F a m ily Ai.-eom m o d al Eons. H casonablc term n . t.ipeii J u n e lo ‘December.

: -,\ 1 Id less, f.OL'IC JJOX, :,S3.

O C E A N A V E N U E H O U S E ,C orner O hn S treet •and On-aiV- A v en u e , Dln-ct-

, is Oil K\w " v e a n .P. O. 15o,\ 2 t:i. . ‘ E. I t.; H ICIIA HI>S.

’ 1

M rs/V . L /C u lb e rtso n . . M rs. M. II. P rice .i >i :IjA w a r i : v i i . i . i ,

Coiv C en tra I a m i P itm a n A ves., Ocean G rove.M iss A n o n : H a /.a k u . M anager.

“ S T . E L M O , ’ ’Cor. New York and Malti /,Vnvn

Aves near the Beach, UCCilH VifONC

-:- Sujierior Boarding Aconnmodations.*:-

A1RS, M . Al. CQflPTON, P ro p ’r . .: Cell tni By .local ed.t me S*j nan • from Post Oillce !• aiul Audliorium. . Pi U. Box,2U.*i2> ;

i.^ LAWRENCE.. HOUSE;#' l a i n a m i Central Aves.,; . . . * .-

I .Two blocks from tlie Ocean, P rom enade’ ■ J * — arid Fishing P ier.— ' *'• .-:

I 'u if Wttter, Perfect*"'• Sewerage,*' K lectrie ; * . Lights, t.ienerons’ Table . w ith • j . • ♦ goo(I service} Te.rttis $7.

.. to ? 10. .' *r i i s s n . w h i t e , B°»

Page 8: REV. A. WALLACE, D, D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, … · 2014. 4. 1. · the scene quite lively. So with the ques- ’ tlons read and answered. The letidiBr ’was evidently


. , m m

OCEAN . G R O V E T I 'I E S cintltjii tiiG .siiiuly Ilosert has become iv city by the sea. ' "

IIS LM^ri.lAlMTIlX11 iiin \iu v sons^y a '/pt'rvhitjfyy •'■ - -Cityier-/

ally' ilii*•'<tlitiiitF *V e«ffIi- 'on Io r£> rfeea■ : 'have, tnrjzeyilmineiat. interests;^bdum l: ujv ;r ■In t Iitf; fidibim*>''«nd -in ■ IcioUiiur aftwVrind', projnoting'tlioso, t }i eir thought s and labtir '.

j iiro.'so. iliv.uleij'tlmt-'.tlielii^iier purposes of the Association are not: iiroytvutod.nstliev . should be. In th is Afc- x i.ttioli (lie mana*

! ,«oVs 1 ?n ve n o 11 nn n itinJ/ in t e i;es t a n t sj a l ie ;. a |ii'V tl g r c a t ‘:Ooneo;rni fo r !U ^ .:p i^ j ie r (tyy fti;isps; fro i 11.11 ie • < 1 p>;ti;«i t l 1 a t i t s ,7 r,04it o r nni;- w ^ iS V J u a y y m i ik e - i ty 11»if V 1 iiii 1 1 1 m g re a tO rjjo o d . ' , V, _ i; J i 'i s ' f tiiw irk iii)l e u ; :iti?v^ 'eeU o jir :i)V»n -i lie'tniiXoiul; :-iii olV;:iiitoxU?aii J. *••is intilioi* fo r i^ ? ) ie in g t i i a t i ii so ;la )^e a p la ’e e ; \y i th i jp o p u la t io n ^b. nuuit;r<m V, iVi>(. !'

•:n >’d,i-op: o l’.; j lU o ^ ie a i i i ig . li< j u o ry c a n ; l i e ;I Kttiirht fc. 11 it}, <1 i,'u£.. store • u 1 ul er;tiie lV'Wei’ipt\6ii/of; iv ^wvibkiiovviraiul Ve*', iijible jthysieiaii. ■ .

,i,sr.uiiiqtiv-;: in vit.s obboi*vtiiiey ,<>f tlit; • -• •Sabi mt h::i: T) i o; gai a re ' s 1 iii't; - si 1 bps re'

‘Ira (1 j \\\>tis j tend ct 1, 1 icif^a ,-.\v I leef-V. :.i;oliiiiir, not ^eveir ro^ sCjnilk wagon,;aiul/ *

t lie si i 11 lies/?1 and rjniet ne»s. so apprpjiriii10 , - Mo- .tlii?da v, i£ iiot ;onl y 1 el t,'lbnt rcrO"- ■ n k e ili if?"oiK' o f -It)10 - til 11 iVOha 1*111 s ;■ p f’= 11 * o. j ■

tl}i* r y ^ c t 'at lu^yiV;is;$afe;: • At o 'l iv ii^ iV '- t iVo; Jtl; IbrUi^ii-mlleii;'' . j ,♦

Stitm £yetoiW ^y 1 i i i 1 <1 jy-itltii 11 - .iii>i 1 -.! las^oended^ 1 iave:been' 1mid ly from ;tiim( to' ■ linie, to -induce tlui ^Usoeiat ioli^lo'felax-.r

: sonixwlmt/■’ t hp; •;.*• ii o f y-;-1 .li;i‘i i?‘ ?.riilv»iyespeeialiy toueii iiVji t l ie : ^abbath ; blit ioj. • ’i;li^iiy erV(Hf ylofc;.-it / t?aiil. (hc?^- •;adhered? nobly ; t p .1 heir.. I'u^li I p rincip le^ .',

• uni nov.ed; 1 »y\ui.ther pleas or. threats. •. I \ •;f-’ ; - y :r 1 i.k*• 1?ii*? 1 ’ivi>?i;t' ■ -■■v;V:- ' '"J t 'is 1 id j jofrisilj) e - to '. jsive, exrop ty in -the'

^Ijrielesi i. vvav■;a iid ; iiV thb- /most ■ geiiQ.nd : term s, -tlie;resnlfe;6i‘ tiie ;woi*k{ ofy the A s-; •

:speiatioii JToV tHe”;.jjast- t,wenty-five years. A nything like a real ••history .of w hat is

;knon;n^;oii)tlj)|l >^lmnW:^ and;\<(?j*y i iiiid r is kiipNViiv only to tlie Searcher, o f liearts aiul to; 1 io revealed■ only a t t l ie ;,iiist day; \ \’e 'in ig liVwrite of th e ’ la rge . niln.iiie.r 0f souls;1jorh:iiito tlie Kiugdoin pfiGod, j in the u*otild be loiig, and over ii we k now t J1 e • a n'geJs in 1 i ea veil re pea tedlv. re - • jo i ceil: AVu m iglit sjVeuk .0 f t lie 11 \ u 11 it iides o f yehristiiVn , believers .wdib y n p p ir tliesb grounds have .roiiie into possession o f the*richer, grace o f fu 11 ssilvaiiiuibecPin* ;

‘ iiig thereby:jiibreyhilly1 eijuipped: for isue.--: cessful work in the caiise ; o f . tlie jiiaster.. O r o f th e y m ; sti ayed ;ifrpit 1 tl 1 e . P« 11» 0^ clii t y • a iu l ; I os i / t lie si* ii ho p f . 11 ipjdi v t iie' . fa vor,' a tub in Jt he services here have.recovereti tlie jOy of tio il’s sat- ■' y a t io n - .W e in i^ b t • write o f th e tens of I tliousands wh'o liave been helperi? eneour- aged, receiyeil an uplift, been cheeredj aiu 1 blessed . with_ an influence th a t w ill'n iak^-; all the ir after-lives richer and su^eter. y ijur ;thp nnuibers in these' several classes so fa r ;' as know n/and. rejidrted, are nbt a t luliid, and cannot be given. And if tliey were,' they must from the nature of the case'be so . linperfect .r'tluit the shbwing. wbuld be far froin satisfaetoVy.- .It is exceedingly . di cliissify,,enuiiierate. ■ atiil tabu­late: tlie work o f th e ' Holy C.Jliost/ iir the JiVarts.of tiie children; of: m en^y And jt; may be fairly, doubted w hether • tlie kno\vn and jmlpaole ; good \vrotiglit upon/;

■ 11 ig; groii lids' is equal to 11 le i liciden tal a iid iinkiiow n’gooii, that comes in greater or less degre^ to th e great m ultitudes, from

■ gooU:';associations,; ipartiiM pation^aii-the Verviceg;‘ ; enjoyment o f i ts •.social, !spirit, hjeedPni;; froin .U16 conimpu\; snares and ‘ tem ptuiions of general :sumnierVresorts ;

; for-''tlio good .done is no t t l i e , only: Q\ics* i ..tion ■ bitt (Jic evils 1 ieople 11 re saved froin. | Put vnoujjih is palpable aiid clear in the. past twenty-live years/of the'A ssociation, fp;ubundaritly.justit\vthe'.w i£ddni of. its cnijcepiion^jlie excellence o f itif poli.c;y, ' tl i.e. | loncsty of its adm inist ration^ a nd ’ i ts- righ t .to i|;kmli;ng.i>!ac;e, iuiioii^-; tiie tigeiif cies for wide usefulness ; and its h is to ry . for a quarter of a c en tu ry js a nuirvel of success, and a recowi of which; it niay well .be proiul. ‘ ■ ' 1 • '; ‘


No,.48 M ain A v en u e , . :

-y y ':y > -^ n tk — - :. - y ■• OCl-A.\ GROVE TIMES ”

f i l l in ' : ils tlrsi* appi'iinini'iv M nyfi, i ni:1 r*ru .11 IJ1'1 >i»i *> Troi ii

pi’upji'. >v,in> iir/* inli'ivst«‘U Sii th is(iiiniiiisSCu'S'itlo iu*s4*rt,. .hs .sutis.rrliJ- (nil-;11st- h a sy g ro w n ;\vit ii unitifyliisr m - [•till.ty, tin ins|»u«‘(UVn <ir;lt^; :uiycr-l: t K V li^ i:tiJuinhs\vl 11 ;d«Mnbii^t nU»V't hat-

7I'm'*.< 111 eii Viu'oiiii i/1 * .Pk-yal iuf a s iMV; n'iiyi.*riIsliii nieillunV. .;:■; r . 'V - v V .^ y .V -

: l i tias vPt ep.l 1 s new scol tinius. (0 ituf*:ty '!O llit‘ imt>Uc;ill()n ’orniutU M s o r tn-’.-i i'l'ifsl. to pa t ri'ijiis j i n i l init on t • rest*;

d e n ts i ii ’ iiiwrn.'C' rov^'.‘a 11U *:'_iVii 1 * * <*”'.?.■? ; r li'VM >r 1: veil t e i\t >r ■ J os^,-j n 1 j >< ii’li i 1 m* A V Ha v<!, r«c*«jyoilyatti'iiilnn. wltii'h ;»ai|6rAv.ts(*: W)II l( i ,tlii vu t icon 1 ‘<l.V. • ■; h p' .‘ It,!p ( |y rs ii tiiVonllila i i u ' t l l a ' \viitcii Ijvory pile t lite ri's le tl t ii iiit's cvt)i:

• jii'oAv}ng-;a net Jiiopulnr :> »•>«i y t l im ’yVp.b* i i i ln ; fo If a b i e '. t n to r n 11 ill»»n ■ iv^' a i:d f n g; ’ih e t i l st o ryyoir «Vvoi \ i h , seV ipus ■ p > - 1 * icl K ■'crons a s 1 ht*.v o'ceur.- • r>: • '•; : I Is s\pjsi‘,riprt iPii. priirL’ js.‘ I iui'.§l,\|0'(pWy y^itr, liiu i niv^o.iic.i'oNtiivV*!* t l u i t ' - n i » t J ;jKhlic.'.wt’d l<>, ‘ '

• TShc 'tEimcs, K-\%.\tS- h a iii X vanuc, Ocean Q rove, N > J •; ' •. AViif rei,i.'tve prnnii»t iut.onthm .. •; '

S u b sc rlp tib n l O ne: D o lla r p e r Year,:; *.,-**. *' s* • **"'* .‘ (In Advance A-•

♦ R R T E S O P .3 5 D U E R T I S 1 N G *

Telling You

No Falsehoodfin? ■

When we say

We are LeadersSo do our BA R G AIN S because of the Low Prices.

Cpil iU^pon ij.KSTS- AV i»'st ml t tjo^luifjp re-,

„r « r„(1... sliouK l luv .liiip iiny •nU.r..nmMUii™ U«ns1 mu r i'.cccssaWiy-1'or imhllc.-ii inn, liu i ns n sm ir'm K 'fi:

STATIONERYil cii t imVs'j f t tlio r. vM ':tlib-h men is; to fijov ‘r r :. rlit o r oiM’ii ir 'l’m ^ ■;; j.: Ovoan (.5i ovo,.X. J

and an elegant selection in Souvenirs.

-X i REPAIRINGpf all. kinds prompt,ly executed in. a skillful manner.

“w . c o i s n s r E x ^ i - c r s ,

WATCHMAKER, JEWELER, OPTICIAN,No. 616 Cookman Avenue, Asbury Park, N. J

To begin w ith w e offer you

48 Sheets of Paper and 48

En velopes,-W A R D ’S IRISH

L lN E N --fo r 29 cents. We

can sell you a cheaper box

for 10 cents. '

SATURDAY, A U G U ST ;11i 1894

n R . ,B R U C E , S . K E A T O R , itw l.ri*’■lo nil ... liiinhee t h a t hi* iiiis sotd lils ^(HHl-.wlU,pnic- ttcL* a«id i»rciperiy to, : *.. . .

JOSEPH H- BRYAN, A- M-; M. O..formerly- o f N ew Yiirit ^H y , a iid ro m u ie h d h is su e ce sso ras eonipeiC nt a n d M ioroujrhly .rella- ble.y v •. .A sta iry r i i r k , .) uhe.l,; i8!M.-

. O iT ic ii—221 A sh u ry a ve, Asfm ry -I 'a rk ; * •••, : I lo c a s ~ S to IU11. n i., 7 to I' p. n i. - • y

I ’cU'piiuno, ^ . - , . ' . y . y y y

■ jjit . i » 3 i : 6 i S • • V y y

N o . TS M ain A venuei Oeean G r6ve,-N ; J . OKI?! CE Ilouii-S—7 to V A : p t :12 IO 2, t*:IO $ l*,; j t .

1 a m ic s i ^ v A c k i i i iM a x , > 1. K , :y T ;y;yy;_.;' 0i):i*Onind A v in u ie;- A sbury :P ark , ,N; J .

II0L’R S ~U n 1111 O u i n . . ‘ ■■■■■;;

JJJA U U A U I2T M.-L't’ l tu i is . >1. 1>.,

{ i i . i r , H O M O E O P A T H 1ST, _ ,' 12<» M ain A venue, Oi*oan U ro v jv X ■;<'

•I.Useiises of. W om en ’ u n d Oh till ivh a S p ec ia lty .OWfl.CH I lo c u .s~ 7 .t0 hJ.a'. in ., ‘J to'», 7;to.i(,

; r r j u s . X s ^ i j a u k i i i t , l ) ^ ••^•y^7 T :“ . H•(ma.*opattjJc P2;3’.slc(an' and Surgeon .

H an k B uild ing; .Cor; M a in .A venue aniT-PU-: g r im I 'a i 11Wijyr Oeean G r o v e , . D i s e a ­

ses r f W om en a n d G hltdren , K x jiin lna- • t lo n s a n d liOeal T rea tm en t .a y p e e -: .

■laity. D ay Und N ig h t ca lls a u en d ed ,, I Io u a s r-7 to 1 to ?.!}() iind 0.;w to 0 p ,in ,

Q U , G K O ltG E 11. llK HHK HT,

D E N T A L S U R G E O N . VO in o e .o p p o slte th e Depot, over th e A nbury

•Park a n d Ueean G rove b a n k , e o ra c r .o t1 M am Street a n d M attison A ve., A sbury P a rk , N . J . J lo u rs . i* a . ji, .lo 5.1*.. Mi-.: ( ia s a d m in is te re d ; Appoint) lien ts i n ade by insil Or In pen io il.; y ?; '

D i l r t j . Gi w a l l A o k / . ; —• -.i: .'D ‘E N T I S T*". ;" ' : ^ :

,S. E , C orner l le e It A ve. a n d P lljirh n P a th w a y , : V ■ tut h Season a t Ocean' G rove,

Gas., A d m in is te re d y a n d local A n aesth e tic s .v ,.v;~ ustirt • iu E x t m et ion,

■ K eiipeetfully refers to Hev; 15, II. Stokes*:Hev. A. W allace , Hev. 11. .1. A ndrew s.

0 1,A U DI5;V , 6 .EUH.I.N,'.

'. A T T O R N E Y A T LA \V ;'••• : . M A H TEIt IN C H A N CER Y ,

Post-; Olliee . i in iid h ig , A sb u ry .P a rk , N . J * :

,-JJA V IlM i'A ttV E Y ,' JR ;, '

' COUNSELLOR AT LAW. ,M O .V 31 f) I-T JI .1J I; I JvUJ N’ G, ; ASIJPUX pA H K .N . J . C o m m issio n er o f D eeds o f N e w ^Y o rk a n d

P en n sy tv an ia j. A ckn o w led g em en ts talcen V: •! *••': ".. y o f a ll SUites,.

p A R K E H N. RLA CK , •;; •• .'

C IV IL E N G IN E E R ,.•iijlS>1OUTII HlJIL1)I>>0,. ASUUnY PAHK, N% J .

7JVI LLIA M II. ' 11EEOLE, i.- :'/ Vy .' •■ C O M M IS S IO N E R O F D E E D S ,

F o r New J e rs e y , and N otary P u b lic . .48; M ain A venue, ; ; Oci' a n G iio v e , N.' J ,3 E . L A N N I ^ G r ~ 7 “ ., r . :

C O U N S E L L O R -A T -L A W ,..Room Xo. iO, M oa’M o u tii U u i^n iN G , > y> ' V ' ' A sb u ry P a rk , .N; J .

0 A Y I D II. W Y C K O FF,

J U S T IC E O F T H E P E A C E ,N O T A R Y P U B L IC .:

. ..C ie h c m l Collect Ion Agency* .R o om 'N o .9 ,M onm ptit h B’liPng, A sb u ry P a rk ;

g . ^ S , I t O t i E I l ^ V I ; : . ; :{

A R C H IT E C T , S U P E R V IS O R; O F C O N S T R U C T O N ,

■ / Rojreis i t Rogers,M ain S tree t, A sb u ry P a rk , N .:J ,- .y

(TH A R U iS E , COOK,V A T T O R N E Y A T LA W ,Soiie ltpr in Ghuneery. N o la ry Publle, w lth . Seai. 3Ion inoutIi R I'd'ir. Asbtiry J iirk y Nv J , ;. Q K G R G E S. 1.A3KENS.

C O N T R A C T O R A N D B U IL D E R ,:y.-y/yysii.;,..-. ilox iftMiti.' Oeean^^ Grove,;N.ew’ Je rsey ♦..

n . a . s a l l a d e , : yyy": r v A P O T H E C A R V . : y' ii:l5 ( V»t»kinii ii A venue; A Siunt Y P a h k , N . J . E v e ry th in g o il' harid jie rtah ih iy to ;a F irs t

Class Drutf' Store.

;; AA?dtob,£f b is S jja e e

-For-Bargains.-:.:f o b s .a .i iB .y A' .ten rnotii epttagci siiitablc 'foi: e itlierii'AViriter or fjunitiicr ■ fFohip; Avater. atid so\yer cotim.»i:t ions, y Si t ii at ed on a prom i- nen tco rn c r' near: th e beiieh.. ■ Tb e cottage is in 'perfect condition and • coii^idtM'ed ?is good a bargain as lias ever becui pile red in dceaii Cirove,; aiid piiiy Ileybougbt'oh ^asy-.teriiisi y.The price,is ohIv'■'§2500

•T iine T ab le T a k in g EllViet,,Tuly 2o, 1801:..;y

iVen’ Y n rli <(: L o n g R riin chSPO RTIN G GOODS

at reduced prices. -■ LAWN

■TENNIS - B A L LS 2 j cents;

V iew s of A sbury Park ,and

Ocean G rove ,; 10 cents, 2q

cents, and $ 1.00— they are


New Y ork P ier Foot o f .Tfiine;Street, N .K .’ • -(.-I IMoeksbeiow l-lth Street.) : :

:. ' J y T - ^ y - '‘ z ' A.>r;: i*.>r,;L y . Jane St., (da ily except Sunday). . IMX) - il.OO , : Battery Pler.fnearUargt‘ Otllee)y H.15 y (Mo, Oo’elpek boat tloesiio t laud at. I.J i t le" S ilver', i

L eave.L ongB nm chf'R ockM iav _ ■•“; Sea • I li-ight, , :;

. “ ‘ JI igii lan d .Reach, .S iin il ;i vs:F o r r a i ' l i c i i l iV r s A p p ly to;

D. C. CO VERT.No. ‘27 Pilgi-ini Pathw ay.

P . O. Box, 213(1.

NOVELSi Leavo Xew Y ork foot of.Taiie St.;-0,0ft 10.00 j “ l la t te r y IMer, . . . • ■ 0,1510;ir>: o ■jy .; HKTUHXIMf, ';;l,KAVfi. • i:-.' • • ;

b o n g .R n iiich , - y- - j .00 i'.m,KlUt l.ONp lillANeiii 1-HKA •imV<?llT,V. I»!,KArtit.U|-iv

■; . . IlAV, iilfjill.ANli^HKACff ASH ^. ' M m,K SJLVKK. •' ’• .> y i.K A y n n.»0T < j i;’ -1: a s t I s-r s t u !•: i :r : - ’ -..

S ten iii. FI heron d n U y .S u n d n y b ieludod tO a.m . R rid«e Dock, R rooU lyu ' . \ " 10.20 -R a tte ry P ie r : .V: . 10.-SIO-;*A rrlv e H ig h lan d Beach;, •; i ,v l2.il0 i».M/

Sea ilr iu h t • ‘ . y 12.-I5j:-:-*'.';, L ong B ran ch 'a iu l Ph^is. Hay 1*4'» . .'

v: itKTUHXiNO: ■. . .• •• ■:Leave Long.Braiieti; '. • : ;i.’oiJ e.jr,',

. Sea Bright , • •:■ .'4,00.:; H ig h la n d Beach - ,y,>l,:50y y-y .. V ; k. :,St«>j« a t LI U1 e S i J v e r o p sigm i I •>'; y j;S in g l e T i c k e t s , -. .8 5l ix i ' i ir s io n . - - , 3 0. F re ig h t o f o i l d escrip tio n ea ie fu lly a iid e x ­p e d ie n tly h iind led , :i p. in. boat coniietits. a t: H ig h lan d . Beach w ltli boat re in ru in g '-lo N ; Y , a t o p . n u ; . -y-?•/••./ • ..yy;y;

To Asbury Park and Ocean Orovei~Passeii*. gel’s .tn O is le m 'd to o r , fro in .'.liran ch p o rt, v ia C am pbell’s H iages;.10cents. * • •

Ships That Pass in the: Night

and 1500 others at one-half

their original cost. '•J. G. E M M O N S

y . : UliAI.KU- IN ■;.•>. y:

Glioic.c G roceries, . T eas, Cofibes and Spicos, Iiu tte r , (ilieese, L ard , Flour,-

. M olasses aiid Sy rup , Canned Goods in V arie ty .

G o o d s D e l iv e r e d F r e e .P r i c e s I h e I . o n e s t .

Corner.ITcck and W liite fio ld A venues,

O CK AIV « R 0 V E , IV.. JT.

Ju s t imported, 25 cts. worth

$2.50 - --The Students Camera---$2.50

The Students Outfit includes

fine Lens, Folding Tripod,

'Carrying Satchel, S ixty -F o u r

page book-of instructions and.

all necessary . apparatus, and

supplies for starting in . Pho­

tography. y

W e a r e . introducing .the


To ChurchesOKo. A. HMOCKntfCUANON.

AVholesale a iu l H e ta ilD ea lc i's ln

Camp Meeting Associations

T H E G H O U N D v S

Builder’s Hardware, Paints and Oils, .

Corner M ain S t. and A sb u ry A venue,

ASBURY PARK, N. J. _y -'V"; O U R ':'S P E C IA L T IE S , !'•'

Afl a inn ii fc Wall Piaster, Ou r ■ 6 w n M ’ t7g ’r.o f Ccdiir Bhingles; Iviny'H .AVindsory

y :: f‘Cement; PI aster, ’ ’ C edar Stable y y .. : •• Bedding. : - . ; ’ ' '/-•

Students No. 2. Price $2,50,

WANAMASSASee our W indow Display

COMl'MSlXt!.2 Dpori! South Jilatn A le . G'nten O CEAN G R O V E , N , ,f BUILDING ^ GROUNDSREMEMBERA, S. B u rio n , D, D . S. I , Q f B urton ,-D . D. S.

\Xi-tr. y o rk oJ)U:e cloxed frv m M u y h t , to Oct, Int.BURTON B R O T H ER S, :i

■ D entists.A sbury P a rk , JW W csttM th,; ■’

N ew Je rse y iy , ; N envY ork,

A t A u c t i o n , August, 20th, 1894

w e carry a full line of p e r i o d ­

icals, N ew York, Philadel­

phia and N ew ark daily: paperst ^ R , g e o , l . d , t o m p k i n s , / y y - y ; . . ^U '■ ' ; . y y • D E N T !S T ,-’• ;‘ ‘B v m n i iU iildiiiK i C om ei'.M atllson A venue a n d

. lynaa-y S treet, A.stiury i ’a rk , N- J . . v . G tisA d n i I n I s re red .O lilce lioii r», 11 a . in . to 5 p.nv;

A l l ■ k in d s o f f a s h i o n a b l e t u r n o u t s t o h i r e s p e c i a l a c c o t n i n o d a t i o n s f o r S t r a w R i d i n g p a r t i e s j c lo s 'e d c a r r i a g e s f o r f u n e r a I s a n d w e d d in g s . , B r a n c h ; O d l e e s —W . I L B e e g le , a n d C a p t a i n

J t i i f n e r ’s T e n t H o u s e . . • . .T e le j iU o n o 2 i b , ;■■■ ■. . .M . E . S E X T O N

These .^roiuids are peculiarly adajited:

for Camp iM eetim r,|JU i:p o se» an d no doubt

w ill be sol(iT for .half the original cost.- , .C ENT-A^W O RD COLUM N

A CALLAdvertlsem entfj w ilt be: jinierted iutder this 'head lit the7 ra te vo f u11 e-cent-a-worcl tor eaei 1 uiHoriipii^. / v . ; ■" y . , ; '.■ y ;:y^: y i‘7 :r £

r - U R N l S I 1 E l > ro o m s ,A V ii1 1 o r W lt.h o u l. i i b a r d r ; I t x i i i i r e M a g n o l i a ' V l i l a , l l y P I J 'g r l i u P a t h w a y . y . V .-y • y - ;-y -V -•

R U S S E L ■M’c K I N L E Y ^ .N o . 511’ F I r s t a v e i i u e : A s h d r y P a r k , N ; J.; e .v -C ity E d i t o r o f t h e

]} i i r l i ) \v . ( i 'T u .) O u tr in ' ' ; f n /n n t K t i ' t . -T h e - a b o v e : y o u n g i n a n . w i s h e s t o s e c u r e a p o s i t i o n i n - a s t o r e o r .u e w . s p a p e r ; o i l l c e i t i ; O c e a n •'■ G i u v e . o r : A s b u r y P a r k * X l i i e a n f u r n i s h r e f e r e n c e s a n d 'r I s w l l J h t g . t o < I o a n y t h i n g .* -' : -■ _y .

FO R -S A L E —A' K iiitill; l2o\t a g e P i a n o . - P rice.• $25. l'A Iso a lounge; I in iu U e a t 6-1 H eck ,

avenue.* yy y . - , ■. ' - , ’ -n P a r t y o f A d t i l t s c a u k<?i:ur e e * x e e lle n t b o a r d

a n d t l n e c o i n i e c t l n g r o c » n s , o p e h t h g o n I r o i i t p I a '/ z a i i f t j i k c n l o r : b a ta n c c p t: s e a s o ii i C a l l a t ; N o . fiO W e b b r a V e i i u e , . o r a d d r e s s B o x a*!, pecan :.G ri »y e».;N; *J .*• •*.:■;■ tv: r/v-vVi-'y/ i G E N T S v W A N T E D ^ Ia le ’b r E e iiia iey F o r M ini A rtic le u sed Iii e v e ry . fam ily , -.lames T lb b itts , N o, l i E m b iiry a v en u e , O ceau Grove.: juJyl/Mm^-.y -•■.■■''/'■"■:• ; _ v;- __^ -;:

F O H B A R G A I N S — G o t o 'A s b u r y P a r k A u 'e - ■ t i o n a h d / C o i n m l s H l o n , H o u s u j 208 M a t h

s t r e e t , c o r n e r . Mon w o a v e n u e . y 3 i » i a r * t f

M a s d n K F r u l t T a r s , u a r t s / q f i o c e n t s ii d o z e n , a t t h e P r o d i i c e E x c h a n g o C o 's , s t o r e , . :)1 M a p v s t r e e t , A n b u r y P a r k , d i r e c t l y O p p o s i t e :O c e a n G r o v e g a t e s . . .. •* > •- : •'

• v F o r paf’t icn la rs i ji i {u i 10 /it tlie otlice

o f th e T im es; -.y'\-:y" '-v y

48 H a in A y e n tie , O cean G ro v e , .

Will convince you that w e

have just the articles you

want. , •

D H Y S V | j tD K Y S ’


Harry A. Borden

Next to Post Office,



gcean ggrove, jg. §.First-C liiss M ateria ls only: L ea d aiid

. OU used. N o pa ten t pa in ts to fade . ...: E stim ates Cheerfully Given;

* T H l B T V . V E K f ) S . B X P S R l B N C D , »

F . I t . M c C a r l l iy ,Harness Maker and Repairer,

N o, 11 M ain St.,’N o x t to S ex to n ’s U n d e r ta k in g y E s tab lish m e n t. A sb u ry - P a rk , N,

Asbury Park* N.J Tobacco, and S m o k e rs Articles., yy Handsomely . F urnished 'Shaving Parlors;

. 316 M ain S tree t, ASBURY PA RK , N .J .. Coroner's Ojjlcc '/Or. Second Asscmbly J3(atrict,

y fii my iiewyltirgc, (loulile-decUeil.<|iiarTe);s,-.J have what. I ImyebeeVr • iry *1}^* t*. v- g<* lo-ry eu V lz,y: ? A; f;. iii n^xIn'iQ .n’lTi y;‘t |i roh^^ jb pcnst pii je r«r,: ;T won ty- FI ve ynot^l jiy yp iio iig l^ t JJoixlcii



‘ y.’ y ‘vY ;> P le asa n t Penclllngs . A bout th e People P lac- ‘ and p ro p e r ty . \

y.-’ ;y-; I f you in the Timi«; you calf rely, .011 its veracity. * . •

,f--f v’ ■v: i races ,a t 11 ie all iIptie gi;opnds,■yy V. >'• to-day and-to-m orrow. -." ' - •• .y-'- -■ - Horace K. M cKee and wife, of New

^'Yorkj- siient last Sunday in the .Grove, yy ;^!y:y.:y ■: ■•;■: IL Hosentha), o f IClizaheMi, has taken g y Mrs,' ■ Vii ii iZan d ts co ttag e on ' I I o jk A Ve•’ , . nuo. . ■ • •y y y / . > Jiichard ^ r. Tanner, Pf.'Albany’;*N. Y ,,. :,ii Qjjendiiig h is vacation a t I?6; 07:A bbott'

f’y avenue. • ' .. yJ\rrs, JilanelrAI; Gatcliel, o f i)es Moines,

Iowa;- is visiting Tier • inother, . Mrs.. Lu- ■y;.-' • y eille ZSIorrell. . " ..: ..y'. y .y .

V-.:Grbff,-.' pf-'? PhiladelplilaVv is . :r^^-PV eiijpyin^ 'tlieiiileasnrespf,(iiiietten t:life:a t

V y N o /'^ W -S p n iv iiy o jiiie .* • . : y ‘;y--' y- ■ ' ' ^ I ’s-'Adafin’e.Howlnhdson,-^of 15i*oolilyh,

wRnc, down on Wednesday aiul is. •Vr*: domwiled a t' theiBelm oiit,:; •, , v . :

•■y.Don*t’•••.lo attend.the..IjitryolP nieet to-day' a n d : t 6-inqrrow.y fKecord.s to . l ie '

::v ■; v.;V: sinaslied by weII-kriowi^riders. . •.^ l^raona looking for light em ploym ent

yy-y;;. .• should read th e advertisehVent in another ■■cpliiinn -T;egiwlirig;‘£Triunpet B l a s t s . ' .

■yy-..y.;j.y y ;yHrs< F rank Woolston, o f Blauvcityille, •■ "vj-,'-v . N. Y., ■ visited 11 ie 0 rove on Wednesclay,; y;yyy;;y a iid While here-stopped a t tlie .1‘Gem.?’ 0 S i ?'}tii blisses':Annti and ; A m elia, Sitninoris, o f

f h i Cohoes, N. Y ,, a re spending file balance fy ;v % -;o f ;theseiison tit''NO.'-15 E m bury avenue.y!! jyyK;yy.^'y';]Vrr.^.Fraiik,W.oolston;o f lllauyeltvi 1 le, \ C ^ T; Y.; 'y isited.the Grove on-WedtipSflay,. >!:^v-y; ■- n d while; 1 lei'e stoppdd^;Ut The^iltun;^ -y ^ ^ ^ N ^ - ^ r r s ^ J a n o ' ^Tasli, M rs/ L.;C.L> Kasli and-: ^^^ ;;y .M ^;! 'I{ ^ ;lL ;Sartndei^,;; o f W ashington, v lXy UyX^r'y-'-C./; fire «pemling spine weeks .at/’ tlie Iiel-

; ' niont. ’ y ■ ,y '.•' • ; • .y • •'■.v-yMrs;^Cliarles J5..'Uo^ylah«l and'dm lghterl

yy: *- Gertie, o f ,JJrooklvn, are ..spendirig the: r: fiuinmer^at* Mrs. H atfield’s on Kmbiiry

. ■ v . avenue ,• y ' ’ . 1 ' ■ ,,§};.; v T l i e '; Hon .* /Sainti e l‘ linssett,; pos ti m ister ■ ^ N e w B rittaiii; Conn,,.and. Ju s wife' are

visitiiig^llieir friends, tho-Tiltons,-oil ^It..; Tabor W a y .. y - ; .y ' ■ ‘

T h e A th le t ic ' A sso c ia tio n h a s p ro v id e d ^ -:;;! '; : ;;)5U peri6 r ■:h t 't r a c t ib n s a t ’t l ie ' b ic y H e races '

y . to -d a y a i id to* m o rro w . Y o u c a n ’t a l lo r d * . , « t o s t a y .a w a y . ■ _ , ■, , ‘ - ■y y y j : :-,The A t la n t ic H o u s e is s o c ro w d e d th a t ; '

; .y y J .y y - I ^ ro p r ie to r B e c k e t t •h as -b ee n o b l ig e d to :;y ? } - i r e u t it h o u s e o n 3 /d t i ra v e n u e . t o > acco ino*

d a te h i s g u e s ts . . • 7 y- •y y ; : r y : M rs , C h a r le s L e a r v , - o f O ii in g e ,; 'N . '. , J .; lias rented^ Ed. ■ FHtcrofts * cottage a t

y • th e corner of ;Mt. Tnbpr W ay iind. Dela­ware. avenue.

'y , " ■' Mrs. Thoiiias 0.: A yres; tlie well-kitown pianist, o f Oninge, i y J .,;is visiting her

y -y .; y yfrieiitl, ^ri:s. Gharles G, I^ciu‘)', a t A’o. 11.)Mt. Tabor Way.

■yyyyCyyyMiss": Daisy Thompson, a charm ing lyyy^society: girl'^from Perth :^^Ambpy, is^'spend-t: ; . : ; . ing tlie remaining, weeks, o f tu innier 011

‘ , F rank lin avenue. ‘ • 1 ■ “y Itev. J , S. Hughes, a well know n di-

v ”:y v ;.y iiie , o f Philadelphia, pastor o f a church ; yV&%:..y 011 East. Alleghany ayenue, is . stayiiig. a t

the.A tlantic House, " ■:y ).y: • ' !■ Any bod V .desiring to. in v e s t .$2500; 011

vrfirst' boiul and: mortgage 011 property is iyV y • • Aydrtii $7000,; will tii/d a:goOd investuient ‘ • ■’yyy : by iiifjuinng a t ;-I8 Main avenue, : :y '

Under the. riew management of Beegle';;A;:y ■, ^ 'H ow ell, the Qdborne House is having ; : . deserved success. Over .one hundred

' guests were registered on Sunday last. y .? ■Olive: Cobb o f Koseville, -N. J,

^ v h p h a s been spending- her. vacation a t X ^iV Tlie G e m /’ returned liom e on fWedncs-"

day, a fter baying spent a pleasant tiiiie, ::!v;yy:. ‘ • . Rev; W . P. yC. ’Strick land,. presiding

Elder; o f tho 2s’ew Brunswick District, o f th e New ’Jersey • Conference,. .is1 w ith his’family, stopping House.

a t the Bordentown

Rev. W. P. C. Strickland, Presiding E lder o f the N ew Brunswick = D istrict of the New Jersey Conference, is witii his

^yy;"? family;y' stopping:yat; the Bordentowii ■;;y.-y.;House. ; V:';,y’’ ':•■

TSlr. and Mrs. W. H ; AVardell o f New : York; A re occnji.ving; t l ie ir : cottage oil

\ * M ain a v e n u e and Pilgrim P athw ay ,. ^Ir.;; W ardell, who lius been- very ill, -ih slowly

’ recovering.’ ‘ 'Dr. Eliiier W tiinna, of West Philadel­

phia, is a guest of tho. Am herst, - h is sis­te r Mi .s Lulu Whiriim, a successful; k'iu-

. dergarten te ach er; froni tlie saiue; city : accompanies hitin y ■ , y

y yy . y Mr. an d M ra . W , H , Sv'ardelii. P f New York, are occupying^ tlieir. cottuge 011

■ M ain avenue and : Pilgrim Path way. Mr." ■;yyvardell, \vho. .lias -.been ' geriously^ iU is

slowly, recovering.• y HaVe vour hotel and job priiiting of aii

• descriptions done a t this oillce. Only thebest o f stock and - in ks . used, and all the' newest faces in type.’ W ork prom ptly

y.ryyy:executed and prices modemte. .. V ' y Have you 100ms to rent.y Have you;

Ui': yiy'fomid^or-lbst anything? ■ d la y e . you any*,: .thing you ‘wish to dispose of.’ I f ho, ad*

.; , y vertise it in the “ TiMiis ” Cent*a-\ yy.yWiV column and your desires will l>e;gratified.; ^>*;^>'.y:y'Mr.: and M i 's , . Fraii.fe: E , . DeCanip, of -d :-:-y Stamford,- Con 11V, acconiinv.ded - by' Mrs. y 'i ; I jeCairip’s niother, M rs. C l I . Russel 1, o f

' • N ew 'Y ork city, have been, spending a - y V coujilo o f wejolis a t tlie B elinont' o il ' Ein: •

• bury A venue,. ..: ■'. - 'v 'Mrs..:'Culbertson v aiid-. M rs.: - Price, the y - . y / - p ropricto r s o fy t he Del aware Vil Iii* oil Pit*., yyyy-:-;inft U: a venue, : a re ’ eii tert ain ing 111an y not-, yyy : ed; people.. The. house is becoming ii very. {•££?;.v popular resort, and INIiss Adilie Hazard,•'. ;■; y th e m anager,. is a; decidedly popular lios*‘ t less.-, » j* , 1 ", ■ ’ ■

i .-t&: pleasant 1 «i riy : consisting o f guests - of the Osborne House; enjoyed ii trip on the

.'y-y^r-.yyaciit Em m a • B; to tlio fishing banks, v^v^yT ucsdav i: ;E ine success folio wed and theA ^Tuesday...................

resid t/ o f . t h e . m orning’s -sport, about 0 noutid giiiced; tl ie.din ner

table in the evening. ' ■ y > -; F ran k L. Te 11B roeck ’ s 0 1 i 11 Street I at*-'

y ^ I ' ^ke tj is very attractive with- tlio find: dis- &*:>? play o f Cali lorn iti peaches, pears, pi un is , r ® - grapes and otlieir fruit; G reat taste is • - y ' , sliovVir in the arrangem ent o f tlie.Various

. fruits' and vegetables,., M r.; TeuBroeck’s : wateriuelons have a great reputation for

v * being largo and lucious."-Owners o f property who contemplate

reno vating-the.outside appearance o f tlioir •;= ydiveillngs during (he coining.fall, w inter

ly^fe/kor spring m onths, sliouUl iiot fail to .conV- m unicate w ith Jolin :Cook, tho iiouse.

M ^^^p ain tP r.y .y llis .vyork is firat-chiss, material o f th e best} and prices low tls th y : work wliicli he has d o n e in the past fully.-

y, ' proves.A, W. Cornelius, the Cookman avenue

' • ’ jeweler, advises th a t " Time Fliesi” andvlffiftV: in order to keep piicb bo is. lixing prictis /yiy- •, ,on l.iis elegant stock of. diam onds , and, M 'S ^ e w e lry ! -;-indke^*- them .i‘ lly” too. •• I t y^y- is w ortli th e price o f a lia lf hour’a;', tim e

ju s t to look ovpr th e -a rray o f sparkling ? gems and unique and beautiful articles in

jew elry and fancy articles. .

HISTORY OF ASBURY PARKAlthough we Iiavo olton given tho lilfitorjrol

Afibury 'Park, tho place 1b becoming bo well known tb*ougb tho owners o f Cottages an d tlie press th a t wo are r.Oon urged to again give itsliiHtory In type.

;*tsauc0(.'ss ifl alm ost m a ry o Jo u s Its jgjrowth as a sea-side resort baa-been greater, th an any sim ilar enterprise on the Am erican continent. I t w ill be noticed th a t a perm anen t village has grown up arising from tho necessities o f tho situation. Some, who a t first spent ouiy a fow. m onth B i n Summer, now live here, th o year .round, as they, have a ll tho comfortB o f th e largo towns th a t are m uch 'nearer Now Y ork, -

We take plcasuro In ro-pubilshing itshlstory,- as given in a previous num ber o f Th e JouaNAL b y . Mr; Jam es A. Bradley, th e original proprie to r:

Ono afternoon in May; 1870, I was walking, down Broadway; New. York, aud suddenly ran against my friend, David H . Brown, J&q., Treas­u rer o f the 'O cean Grove Association. How is Ocean G«-ovc getting along?’ 1 asked. ‘Very fairly ,'satd h e ; 1 w hy don’t you buy a lot? Thoso w ho have th e ir nam es p u t doWn now have iirst choice,’ ..' Well, p u t mo d 6wn for two,' said I. A fow days a lter, in company w ith Rev. W. H. Boole and George W. Cheesemati, o f Birmingham, Cou-. nectlcutiItov, Mr. Saxc and others, we started for Ocean Grovo. • We took tho boat for Port Mon-, m outh, thenco by railroad to Katoutown.- The 8ea-8hore route was opened a few days afterwards. After din ing a t Mr. Brown’s couutry: h o m e a t. Eaton town, we drove toOceauGrovo in carriages. T he turnpi ke company h ad ju s t commenced bper- atloiiH, an d from Great Pond'-to' Ocean Grove was one o f tho worst roads th a t could well be imagr ■ In cd ,. I was completely tak en w ith Oceaii Grove and Its surroundings—so m uch so th a t 1 purchased tho first Jot oversold there', thaprem ium boJng 885.

11 Having for some tim e previous bepn in. bad health , Ico n clu d ed to tryw lm t.I had been recom­mended—sea a i r . . Too close.application 'to bust* ness had mado Inroads on niy constitution aiid my nervous system was seriously affected. 80; a fow days after purchasing th e lots, taking two horses, carriage and ten t; and, John Baker, my colored m an, X left the ..h u m .o f the.busy city bohind to '; become an. in h ab itan t o f .th e wild woods, Where: my wearied; body and brain might, rest, lulled to sleep hy .tbo m urm uring sea a t ' night, and awakened hi th e m orning by tlio Hongs of birds in the pino trees surrounding my couch. ■- “John and I a rrived a t Ocean Grove 1 ust a t nigh t- fall, and having gotten ottrhorses u nder shelter in a barn belonging to Charles' Bogera, n ea r- the present Ocean Grove school house, we entered th e woods an d . about .h a l f .a m ile - oil', erected our ten t. I t was ‘too dark to gqt poles, ■ so We hung th e ten t on .the beams o f w hat , was afterw ards th e Association Ollice, the first buiJdiug. ever.erected ’ill' Ocean Grove. (This: building stood n ea r th e Auditorium and w as-1 afterw ard tf>rn dowii o r removed.) Tlie build­ing a t tliat.tlm o was w ithout roof, w e were w ith­out light, and soon after.lunching on noma crack-: era we lay down to sleep, our heads resting on tho .• carriage cushions, and our: covering being the carriage blankets., 80 wo spent our first n ight in. . Ocean Grove, and so began an entire ehangc In : my mode of life, which, led eventually to an a l­most completo restoration to health . ' . ;

‘M n the.m om lng Baker sighed and sa id : Mr. B., th is is a.w ilderness p lac e / Ho was homesick; : for, le t tho reader, who perhaps has been, on the same spot during the busy sum m er season, and heard tne continuous c lick o f th e telegraph instru-, m cnt and seen th e vast throng: of m en and m aid ­ens call for th e ir letters w hen tbo .m all arrives, remember It was far different on tlio m orning ot. which wo axo writing.; a lthough i t was the lOtu of June, hot a soul was w ith in nearing distance oi ; u s ,. 1 cheered h im by s a y i n g ! Oh i don’t be cast dowD,’ and soon we were dating our morning lunch. T ha t fiuishcd:wo'proceeded to my lots on the lake..and pitched our sm all ten t on the ground now b u ilt upbu and owned by Rev. Alfred Cook-, m an’s widow. My large ten t was erected On the lot now owned by Wm. P. Breck. Esq., and so we began our Crusoe life. D uring th e day we occa­sionally -saw Mr., F ran k lin ’s 'men,, who worked- about the grounds, a n d a t n ig h t we were left t o . our solitude, Mr. F ran k lin 's m en-tented oh tho lots now covered by the Hayward cottages; but on Sundays w ent to th e ir homes in tho in terior of thetow nsh lp . • .

“Baker was m y steward, housokeeper an d cook.I procured a box,-dug a hole in the ground and put It In, and th a t was o u t 'I cq house. We would sometimes driVe to Long B ranch, six miles away, and procure food, principally canned goods. Foreman F rank lin ’s men indulged niore iu fresh meats th an B aker andT , so I would trade canned goods for tho old-fashioned savory.stew th a t cave muscle to tho m en w ho first, removed briars and brush from Ocean Grove an d m ade lts streets.. . .

V Ono evening B aker an d I took a stroll along; the ocean and f proposed a bath . Baker smiled and R aid 4 No, no.’ - * But remember, John, clean­liness is n ex t to godliness.’ T took an ocean bath; out,ob, how different from the way bathers usually enjoy tho surf, tho waves dashing ovor their heads. I laW down on the soft saud and allowed tho w ater to fust touch m y body, and I can tell you, reader, It Is som ew hat lonely to trust yourself In the great ocean- m th e tw ilight and alonei After'I had been lying: on tho beach for a littlb while I looked around to bee w hat had become ot Baker. Ho had plucked up courage by my exam ­ple and had really divested him self o f hisclothes, and, coward like myself, barclyallow ed th e w a te r: to touched h im . His dusky: skin was someVvhat- in contrast w ith th e w h ite sand, and the Whole scene forcibly rem inded mo o f Robinson Crusoe and hfs m an Friday; ; : '

“ I have often m et persons since th e tim e I first, camped out-at Ocean Grovo whosc: nerves were snatteredby too close application to th elr profes- sion, studies o r th e ir chase for the ‘alm ighty dol­lar.’ - I was fam iliar’w ith th e ir sufferings w hich, alas, s trongm en look upon w ith contempt. Some were tak ing th is -o r th a t ; * nervine cu re-all/ 'b u t tho best nervine for a m an w ho is not absolutely past repair, la to break aw ay entirely from his., calling or greed and cam p out on -tho sea shore/. White M ountains, Adiroudacka, o r in some o th e r ■ healthy locality, o r travel in Europe, and p atien t­ly wait for the return o f the greatest boon God has ever given to man^-good health .: " During the camp-mcctlng th a t took place in August we often heard th e inquiry, ‘ Who owns the land on th e o th er side o f tho lake?’ One day itov. Wm. B. Osborn and . m yself w ent over, a n a a t the risk o f h av ing our clothes torn from our bodies, worked our way through th e briars until, .we reached Sunset Lake. And, like the red m an o f whom In tradition, we could say. 'A la- oama—here wo rest ;’ for wo stood on tho banks o f as beautiful a sheet o f w ater as cauibo found anywhere. Wo retu rned to the Grove by way ol, the beach, and soon set to work to m ake up a : company to purchase th o land , . We soon learned tho owner w ould not sell the land iii parcels, but th o purchaser m ust take, th e whole o r none. Here was a difficulty; five h u n d red .acrosI 'N ev er m ind/, said somo 5 1 the m ore land we have the more profit wo w ill h a v e / Our company was to conBist o f e ig h t persons.: some o f whom were v e ry . enthusiastic; but, alas! w hen th e cool nights ol autum n cam e along, it chilled their enthusiasm , and th e ir exam ple nad its chiUlug effect on m e. But I often thought.of th e m atter, and as soon aa I heard th a t BishopSimprfon, of the M. E.Church,

.urged the Ocean Grove Association to .ourchaseit to prevent its falling in to the hands o f som e one who was not lu sym pathy w ith the enterorise thoy had in th eir hands. I callcd on David H. Brown,- and proposed he ahould jo iu mo in the purchase by tak ing oiie-efghth, the price asked being about: 890,000. ‘ No,’ said h e , / 1 am determ ined to have, nothing to do With an y .enterprise lu th a t neigh­borhood th a t would seem to place mo iu a u incon­sistent position, a s - r a m now Treasurer o f the Ocean Grovo Association. This I: w ill.d o : I will: w rite to eveiy m em ber o f the Association, aiid 11 they say buy, I a m : inclined to th in k 1 sh a ll- not oppose it, although. I th iu k :we liaVe enough land now. But if- they do not buy it, you can. And as you.wish m e to negotiate tho.purchase,' 1. will do so, on condition - th iit you advance th e requisite am ount to :securo tho :proper.ty,- and ii; the Association decide to 'ta k e it,, your m oney to bo reminded. We are to have a week’s option to consider the m a tte r / A m ajority o f tho Assoefa*

- tion decided n o t to purchase the land, although some urged it very stiongly ; so" tlio property be* cam e m ine—I, a t tho sam e tim e assuring them th a t tho property would bo resold only to such parties as w ould appreciate the situation o f the place. After the purcnaaei t he briars before alluded to, with the tangled underbrush, were removed a t a cost'of soveral thousand dollars. And very few w ould now suppose th a t - th e choice spots upon which a:ro now ereCted: beautiful cottages, was so recently a Junglo, - ; *" '

As stated above, i t was supposed th a t immense profits would resu lt from the purchaso of th e lau d know n aa Asbury Park , b u t tlio mau' who has tried to m eet evory emergoncy th a t has ariseu is wiser now th ah w h e n he first risked a fortune |u an eutlroly new aiid u n tried scheme.- T herew as not, so fa r as he-knew, a seaside resort, an incor­porated town, on th e Am erican continent o r in Europe, w here In the deeds th e sale o f lutoxicat* ing liquor waa prohibited, ‘W ith your restrict tlons you can never m ako a seaside resort a success so n e a r : Now Y ork/, said tho t im id ,an d th e croakers’, blit- tho founder o f Asbury.. Park , w ith an in tenso; an d life­long ha tred o f the liquor tratflc, has given h u n ­dreds and hundreds o f deeds which are on record a t tho County C lerk's office,«aud contain a protest against th ec u rse o f society which the Am erican people strangoly allow to e x is t ; and yet Asbury Park, notw ithstanding, d id grow and its success has been so g fea t th a o .an tb llquor clausa is. now a feature in tho deeds or m any seaside re­torts started on tho New Jersey.coast w ith in the past ten yeara, . . /,jv--:Y.-..V-;/

“ As the town grow b, seriouBdifficulty arose;. . \ How will you d rain an d sewer tho town ?’ I t was found th a t th e people were not prepared to grapplo w ith th a t question,- bo, agalii, ano ther for tune was invested In demonKtmtitig that-Bea- sldo to w n B on the Now:Jersey cojvst could be sew­ered and every house p u t in; a completo Banitary condition, '-.y - ' . . y - y y - y : y-.''-/...* “ Money h as n o t been lost oh the purchaso o f As- bury Parley but tho s ligh t profit mado (a m ere salary to its founder) would disgust tho ordiuary speculator,' an d although th e. calculation aa to profits has been- a disappointm ent, tho enter* p riso lfiag randauccess/.' • . • .

. Thero w ill never >0 ano ther seaside tow n on

Asbury Park's Leading Merchants,D R D E N < 5 l T U T T

T h e M o d e r n S t o r e : B l u e F r o n t .K n o w n Stove M en in M onm outh

Twenty-third year of uninterrupted sugcbss. Leading every other house in our line. -A Card From Charles E. Borden, ■>

To the Public:;()wing to tbo d(;iniiii)V iiindiyupon !|iy iiino iii • tht^ T in iu n g : 1 )Upaf;t -. • : '

di out, [ 'have taken in to llu; firm ^I.r..b'mnd li. Tuttle, th«; owucf' of •’ w hat has been known in Aslmry Park,.as tho Famous Twenty‘Five Cent

•; Store,; Inis. proven .io-. t he jiublit; tlia t he dias': thu; [capacity. :frn*'liattdling: •an-VyV : y enbt uiptis:aiuottht o f htisiness iti a veryvstnifiU hplwer y ^Ir/Tuttle.isrfortijm

. y iir bavitig an.exte)isivn:acqiiaiiitatice-with someefytheyloadiiii;;:fVictori(^y iny,;‘ ■ y' Atiipi’icii, giving liihl atiMnsldeitra^k 011 -tire.pi’ivo o f goods, ywliicliAin iiiany;.:*;;y.

yx: ;■ case r iiiiikes1 i t ;') iossi j de for: ii i 111 to gi ve tprOtnydistpinersy p i|ic;'es'y wii ipl 1 o th e r y :’ :';! T fletiU>i;'h ‘ 1 irty.e; to I’. h J ; h p ^ goods,yvMy^^; bld »‘ustbtner8y!naVrvA?el;’a ^ u ^

v lh e b e s to f tre a t 1 j ten ttitH lie : 1 lai a lso f .t he iiewynioniborbftiiQ 'finiuC H A R L E S E. BORDEN.

From: Fran k L. Tuttle, Dear Public:

TutHe’s.Big I ’.luG- I 'ront .Stoic i.c Hoc. " nnylioily own -you.'’ I f they <lo wo (lon'H -\|'i-i 1 you to liny from n- . It Ilipy ilftirt,; tlien we’ll be tluj people fiom wurn,, .>on'll liny your tiu ui-e wt-'n: the-.vliciipest “tore oiltlie Xew Ji-i-ey (.V,:i>t. . •; 'y] , V

FR A N K L. T U T T L E ;';

I G r e a t e s t : H i d - S u m m e r : S p e c ia l S L A U G H T E R IN C R O C K E R Y .

Our regular PricesAre a lw ays Cheap,

But when, w e cut,• W e c u t ’em deep,

j...' - W e have too 1 nueh;of ti goo 1J th ing and •I,w ant':youyto have.'isom eyofV it.-' High-

Tarlir,;Vf;o w Ta rill ;■oiiy no Tai’iir goods.will n e v e r b e b e sold ho low.

iV »w is th o t i m e to Univ.E leg a n t - D ecorated - D inner - (S e ts !

a t V arious P rices . 7 :\

the^ A tlantic Coast from Sandy Hook to Barnegot in le t w ith as w ide streets an d opeu spaces as As- bury P ark, because lieaily all th o land north and south o f Asbury 1’ark.lias been m appod out or It owned in sm aller parcels th an the original tract o f Asbury Park. . Future .’generations w ill’ have opporttiftftfps to ornam ent the town by sta tu ary ,’ vases, gardens and fountains,, Asbury Park was the first seaside resort on' the Am erican continent :to adopt a pel feet system of drainage. Wo have fifteen m iles o f street matus, exclusive o f house connection pipes. .Our sqwago Is discharged in to the ocean and is carried away, by th e current, We have; m iles.o f walks.v au

Ocea:n rin?.a: one mile long, and from sixteen to*' thirty-tw o feet wide. v y . . y .y

. Asbury I’ark has the purest w ater in the world- from our Arteslnn walls, the analysis o f which was mado by Professor Cook; State Geologist. .-

Asbury Park haa eiirht church edifices—E p isct- . palian , Reformed,Baptist, Catholic, two Presbyte­rian, Methodist and ,A frican ; hotels, boarding houses, etores of every, variety necessary to. a latEO population are established; a public library building; worth* with the groiiudP. S'20,000; tw> weekly, papers; with .clrcnlutloi'S o f 000 copies, an d tw o dally papers, tho year rcu n d ,;an d .lu , suniraer four dhily-.papers ; ;a p st olbce.^salary.52,S0O; four, public halls—Jidncailoual Ilall,being .tho. sam e name It bore, w hen it stood on the Cen- ; tenn ial grounds a t Philadelphia, seating over:1,600 people. . We have also a n opera house, seat­ing ovor i ,m - - •' T h o Asbury Park.A udltoriuin tteati 2,500, and l9 looated on Ocoan avenue.. Asbury. Park, has fa* cilitles for. the largest conventtpnsy.nnd .In the caseoCthe'Cnristlau Knde»v :r.Convention,which,*Is the largest In the world; o r .sim ilar conven- tions, the Ocean Grovo Auditorium, seating 9,000, ■ could be sccurfedi ; : : •••••. :-

In 1871 the only means o f reich ing 'N ow ^ork from Ocean Grovc.aiiil w h at is now Asbury Park, f tflgC to l.o rg Branch, w hich was then the neafest station,thetiee by railroad to Sandy Hook, atid by steam er Jesse Hoyt across tho bay to New York. .The travel between Long Branch and what is now A sbiiry Pa rk w as so light, th a t dal Iy trips . could not be sustalned. To keep up d-iily trips the fouuder of Asbury Park gave the uso: o f his rock'away wltli a horse to W illiam Poland^ Jr., as a subsidy.y • Poland added h is . oivn horse. . Thp horse donated was used up in tho sendee, but the . old carrlflgu remains, and has since- been used as' a p laything to am use,the ch ildren who.were born since th e time o f the historical fa ct hqro recorded.

There are eight hundred cottages, besides hotels Tho.'finest Siasonlc ,lodge;room in Monmouth county was erected by th e lato Allen R. Cook, who . was for a 'long tim e tlio.esteem ed superintendent o f Asbury Park. Wo h av e also, one o f tho. best p lanned school-houses in tho . State, w ith a dally attendance o f , n in e - h u n d re d ; ' tho . school lo t ; fronts on th ree streets, and Is 200x200. ' Asbury .P ark w as assessed in 1BC9 forS15,000; th e assessed valuation in 1801 waa over ?3,150,000. y

Streets runn ing a t r ig h t angles to tho sea are from ono to two h undred feet w ide, an advantage possessed by.uo other seaside resort o h ’ tho Now- Jersey coast. The depot grounds aro tho finest o n : th e lino o f tho Long Branch. Division o f tho Cen­tra l Railroad o f New Jersey, and w ith adjoining

.streets cover four acres.- The Borough, under a law passed in tho w in ter

of ,1885, has erected "water works costlng over n inety thousand dollars—tho w ater is procured, from tho artesian wolls w h ich aro now becoming so celebrated, y : - . . * ;< j ■: r- •••••

In th e m atter o f e’ec tr 'e lights. Asbury. Park was tho pioceor u ljo g the ,’sionm outhjcouuty coast; .:. •: y,;-:: y.- • ;• " •' '

, T he 'F irst National Bank of Asbury. Park was organized for business In. the early p art of 1886.Its buccess has.beeri great. The deposits in the

'sum m er a verapo 5600,000 ‘ - . . .. ,. , .........................Asbury Park and:Ocean Grove Bank began busl* , .■ .....

ncsa in Jaiiuiiry, 1M9; with a capital It P a w le y B ro s . & C o .,'S e ll C lean Coalowns tho building corner Mattlson.ave. and M ain ,. y . * • .

T he first street car. line In M onmoiith county y > - •- - - '■■•::■ .had its b irth iu Asbury Park; yThe'care. Ar** Pr<*-y • ... p t lied by e’cCtrinUy, power being snpplied:by the .; compuiiy'd own dynamos. . . . ; : y. V!t

The Paradise for Young and Old!

, : ■ •» :• :.i:

IS T H E I I ..........................

:■>' ■ : ";.■■■*■:: :■ : • Vi:-’ ■ v " : •" : ^ v

. = = = z ^ s = = = = z = : t z z = = = ; — i -.---— 1 ” r - u s s i ^ i = a > ;■

Palace Merry Go Roundy •? , - v f m f v ' i i - i w J w f . - . • " r t w f V ' . r r f v S h V r t f -1" .

~ ■ ■ ■ 'i - - - ' t l : : . . - ' ; i - : : ■ l - - '^ l ? ' . : - y : ■:'■!

MOO pieces, o n r h itest Inuio i'tiu lbn for-n d riv e , \ 5?8 ttt • .1 I, UK) ploees-Veduced from Sl l- .Hi to Sfi 00 '

112 pieces red u ced fromSl.’t •%' to. SI 1 ■;112plcees, ennm elcd a n d .: go ld ^lei'onilhiiis^ 'i-

reduci-d froiii 817 oO \6 SM * 7 ) ' ; '• : , s.‘'.•115pieces reduced I'oiui SM K*? to 512;2 5 I

.115 pieces, en am eled n n d gold -deeohifIon ,, reduced fron i §20 to §15 75 .. ,’y : ■‘ i;m piiieeit, 1‘im nieled.und docomted," nn luced from $2-1 to SIU 20 • r ,

. F ine Imported Toilet S e ts,:..10 pieces -{tib Jarj.reiiticed froiix SI 00 to $2 ;yftn n o w itii jiu*, reduced from S5 ‘50 to SI 15 I'

■ li> piece«JShell-paiionijstippled g o ld ;;re d u c - ; ed froi.i\'50 00 to^l,50 y • : : ■ : <-.': Sam e, w itii j a r , reducedfrom slO 50to§7 .75'.I Hi’frlgem toi’s—Closing o u t biuatice; o f stoelv

‘a t id p e r ce n t re d a c tio n s ' . •' • *;. : , n a so lc iie S toves—You can-1 :afl'ord to '.iiion-. Ilcey w ith n gasolene s to v e o n in c e i tu ln q u a l i ty ' T h e P io n eer stove.selIs—:t h e beist s to v e a t ; th e low est possible- prices, y: y": •••;y.

.Two B u rn e r Jew el 25, reduced from 85 Op T hree B u rn e r Jew el 55 05 reduced fron'i S7 00 G alvan ized A sh. o r G arbage Cans-f-Xobody.

sells th em so c h eap ; -B est niitkes.31 10 a iid u p y Special Jh seo u n t on hVrKe q uan titlcs .y - , ; •:

M ason’s.I*'ruIt J a r s —X ever so eh eap l fiOet.s. a dozen: J h iy yo tir ja r s now ; wu c a n t d u p li­c a te ! . . ; . '. T h ree Big D rives n t $1 Bl each .v : i,

K lee Porch ItocUers L arge: l 'o ld ln g : lJ|i\vn S ettees iC oh ib l|iatIon S ta n d w ith T op - ; S pecial T we lit v-Five. C en t Sa le o f ICnamcledv Steel CookingAV a re Sauoe P a h s S tcw P aiis I ’u d d ln g P a p s , A-e Y o u r choice fo r 25 c e n ts . ,' I ce Crea m • F re ez e rs ; W a ter.Coalers T lu w a re ,!

’ \V c MJilcn w a re, > ICyeryt ii i iig for sa le .. .-’ ;. j; ;Conie in w h e th e r yo u b u y o r no t.: 'lyvyvyy;-:

W M . JV t.- P H l n £ L E Y ,, : 166-168 Hain S treet, ’•

ASBURY - PARK, - N. - J .

Corner Lake Avenue and Kingsley Street,

H S B U R Y P A R K , N . J .

A splendid new O RC H ESTRIO N .costing #4.00.0,and ren-

dering all the popular.airs of the day.


* ‘ ^ c s f §)oda \ffiater in ^ a r l ^ , *

The - Unique - and - Bewildering

Let': u s R ea so n T o g e th e r . ;

- Y o u ;. liave- otn’hsitHi a l wiiys-, t o : u se ; •. : ca rds, cii v<'Io*>i?s,Vf le> l e r h’ejid yf ; b i It .;

. ,y lieads,' o r o tlie r:p i li iie il n ia t te r in y o u r , business a n d in th e r u s l i la m t w orry o f : . th e . sc iisbh is . ,work I hii Ve p ro bit My; ft iiv

g o tten o r i-neglected to , * tii‘«iei; iui r -ad tl it lo h h r su p p ly V aiid find th at- th e .

.-stock Is e x h au sted . . U n d er these con­d itio n s don't to rget .tl ia ty th e T im es’

J o b P r in t in g O ffice , . <is ln a position to o u t o f ;y o u r liiuibl

. . h e lp you H I Is h e tte r , o f

I.eoili-so to order before the supply Is cii- Grely gone, bufc lfover.lo'okeo don’t hus- itate to usk asslsmhirbat this ofliee.; v AVedoull klndsof ConiiiHMelal Prlntr \ ing minlre.d by ;hotels? nml .business1 men; neatly and promptly, a t prices a ■lU.tle lu advance Oftlu? cost of Ink um l:;

' stock;- •: : y : •;.! "■ 1 -.When you remenibiir t liar you have j

. b»rgbtten to .oi’der, !ImV .t)a-get to rt1- ; nieinher the location oP.liey . Iy.:

1 T im es V ^ rin tin fe /O flic(SvyiC. 48 rtain Avenue;, Ocean;Grove, tNi'J, /

W, H, BEEGLE, i Real Estate,

Insurance, Mortgage LoansNotary Public and ,

Commissioner of Deeds.: 48 m s in AVGilUG.

: f H ;D R E W : . . ® y i O R ;;1 ,.y y Successo r:lo TAYLOlt.jc- I lV X u ,

J O H N I i E O N A R R ,

S a i i i l ; u y P l i m i h c r :Opposite Ocean Grove A la in A v e . Gates.’ \

Estitnates on Sewer aw l ’W ater Connect ions Promptly Furnished, Low

Prices and ' Good AVor.k, . •’

-’...yy-, - y •. uv:a i.ku i s . y-y. -.y-, y- y y

Stoves and RangesTin ■ Koolinci CJiitterinu nml IJopairiiVg,

J Jot :A'ii': FiiWiiifuS, l.jitiiunti'i l ih v u ■ . 011 MtOiini und Hot W ater Heaters,* atul lint Air:m*t H ot Wilter .’

Caatbiuntioii Heaters, :

—:-B o u th M u itv S t r e e t , - . - ,Opposite Ocean Grove Gate?



s o u v e n i R $ P o o n &nOVSLCIG?.

'Cor;. Olin Street . a n d ' Pilgrim Patliwhy;

M. M. CR0SBIE, S l a , t e Z 3 o o f e x

•AVEST A S B U R Y P A U K , Opp, P A R K ItrVLL.T h e o ld, celebn ited AV llllani C h a p m a n s la te

a lw ay s o h .h u n d j . A t th is sh o p th e p u b lic can getA vhat th ey : desire,.; Jo b b in g ’ promptly-, a u tetvdeu’t o , , . / 1 - y l - i

y ;i ‘;§

: patterned after the fam ous production at the-

W orld’s Fair is im m ediately adjoining the.

P .- \L A C E M B R E Y C O R O U N D .

Interesting to both young and old. •

Reduced ^ for1^Corner Surf and Beach Avenues:

. ■ .

R; S, W O O LS TO N ,

•Lock Box 2231, Ocean Grove, N. J.

■ ■ for Indies, M inisters, Students and

yV.' V- others selling ‘ • I V.

T R U M P E T - B L A S T SDK. TALMAGK’S latest an d greataat

work. Address Lock B os 5, C lay ton ,S .J .

. . George E Beanott, - IP A I N T I N


i I,ock B ox.2132,.....

: Ocean Grove,: N. J. , ■

Page 9: REV. A. WALLACE, D, D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, … · 2014. 4. 1. · the scene quite lively. So with the ques- ’ tlons read and answered. The letidiBr ’was evidently

OCEAN G RO VE T IM E S — SA T U R D A Y, AU G U ST i i , 1804

a-p roper, convenient and desirable per­m anent Cauip-M ectinggtouud and Chris*• tian ieivshUi i'(\soi t . . ' '■ y > •. . : •; - . ‘.<• ^Kci’ios 2 .; A ml bfe i t enacted-, ;T h a t it ishull.niid may lie lawfulvfor saitlcorpora- tion to . pi 1 iv 1 mho aiid bId real and per- sonal estate,, and to.acquire such lands in tli is. States 'in - fee siihple o r otherwise, as they may'.deem necessary,'proper’o r de­sirable for: tlie purposes and objects of t lie i’orporation; and the any part

’ t 11 ereof, to dispose o f in parcels -.or o th e r-’ wise, or in fee simple; or otherwise,- on

•such terms, conditions,.and-, restrictions,• notvepuguant. to ijieJaws o f th is State, o r o f t Ikv I;n i t ed\ fc? t a t e ^ a s , t 1 icy. iriay see. lit.

‘ 8 i :c r io n : .A u d ite’ i t enacted,’ T h a t it 'siuilt: be latvfnl for- said -corporation to (!pnstructandprovi(loalInccessavyw.or.ks to supply 'the-,said , premises wit'll w a ter! a nd • iii; l ii i c i til II t:h t, a m l'’ to prbv id e . a 11 ot her wiiyisiiieuccs "• and make a ll ' oilier. ■iinpVpveineiits which m ay be'deem ed 'no- ' ■ces^ary o r desi rabl e. :

; ,)>L* it enne?ed, Timf tlje~alii)) i s o f t liC s a id corpora tion shall ■ be

>'■ miuuigcd by tw cnty-six T iiistees; : the- persons nanied in th*e iirst section o f this Act. .‘shall 'be the . Itrst-^rrusW s o f said:

: cor ]>oiation, a m l si in) I.; i i olId ’: tliei r ofli ees Until others- are chosen in th e ir steadrr- they -and - th e ir ’;'successors shnUVbc niVd • remain m em bers’o f the M ethodis1 Kpis-

; eopal C hurch , i n good ‘ a iu l regular stand* n i g ;A n y Trustee. dying,; Orceasing to bp

• a member o f said Church, o r being guilty o f con'duct decnied hiconipatibie \Vith .the objects a n d : pur poses o f tiie corporation,' his place m a y be declared vacant and. a successor d u ly elected by a tw o-thirds vote, by ha 1 lo t,“ o f t 11 e rei i. iii in in g 'fru st ees, present a t the reg idnrannual, m eeting t f •th.e-AssqciatioJi. . \ 01 '. \S ixtjo.\: in And bo i t enaetcil, 0 T liat said Board, o f Trustees s h a ll f ro m th e ir

. own m iinber -e lee taP rcsiden t, Secretary,• and Treasurer annually , a iu l may; ap p o in t any ot he r o Hi ce o f th e corporation they ,

' vmyv: th in k proper, from t im e . to ;• tim e,, aiid niay pass'aiid enforce, such’: By-Laws* as they: may deeuvneedfut^-pvovided that?' t ho *same - be ' iipt. repugnniijt: to ; • 1.1 ie■ Const it u ti on or laws o f t his ’ Stiite or of the United S ta te s ,... v-;V-‘: Skctiox (h :Aiid ;})o it enacted,- That the real .and personal ' property b f said, corporation' (said property, not; t o ;exceed in .annual value live thousand dollurs)

• shall be exem pt from • all- assessment.and taxiition..■ Aiiv surpltis funds rem aining to the corporation ,' after -defraying th e .

• necessary;expenses tliereofj for improve-, ments, or otherwise*- shall be v devoted . to gvtcli e lian tablo, lienevolerit o r Teligious objects pr purposcs. iis may be agreed on by,- the sviu} B oard. of: Trustees , a t . their regular annual meeting, v • .

.. v^Ktrriox 7, ~ And ’ he it enacted, T hai !/said Tr.usteOs^ sliall have power to ’appoiiit• siich peace ollicers as m a y be deemed


T w cn ty -P lv c Y.enrs of U nlh ltT ruptcd P rosper*; U y . , 'A B n rr tn Sand .>Vo9l^ Trnna*

formed In to a lli?autlfut C ity .

T he celebration of the Q uarte r C enturv Anniversary of Ocean Grove, w hich took place in Thom pson P ark Tuesday evening Ju ly ill, I8U-1, is a landm ark in th e history of a wonderful town. Tw enty-live veals ago, th is ';spo t, now! so attractive .with splendid cottages,- nmgniticeut houses of Worship, iniid beautiful streets, was a wil­derness o f th e extrenie tyi>e—l>arren, sandy, an d desolate near th e beach, aiul a tangled th ick e t of l>rinrs'and. undcrbnish in th e forests further back. That it would

. evev a tta in its present importance, either as a seaside resort or a place of religious gatherings, was beyond th e wildest dreanj- o f- th e -'handful o f -people who, in ISdO, gathered on the borders o f Wesley Lake

.arid decided-to form a permanent camp- m eeting organization, and toV</ti|>!e with.

: it/opportun ities for th e enjoyment o f all th e legitimate, pleasures a Mon fed by a well conducted Sum m er Sca.side licsort. ;

As an indication o f the wild cbndition o f th e locality at that time, t iie following ex trac t froni an article w ritten some years ago by Doctov. Stokes touching upon the first gathering mav he in te res ting :. •

“ On tlie day Of our tirst visit nothing, could have been m o r e unsightly* . After, leaving the open' country all was an un­broken solitude. A serpentine and heavy sand road,- wide enough for only a single wagon, wtnHill that penetrated th e forest. Crossing Long Pond, now AVeslev Jjikc, and turn ing into, tho thicket ju s t where .the entrance gates now are, a t the head of M ain avenue, our driver stood in the front o f h is carriage and lifted the limbs so as to crowd oiir convevance .through the brush lin'd drooinng. uouglis of th e trees.

; l t was a dark, dreary; day. The sands hedged us in like jK*tnticd billows o f tlie sea. Outside o f these hanks were1 knolls and dej>ressions, covered with long

• heach grass, the picture o f ilesolatiou ; while th e sea moaned in t lu' distance as if

• in u iiu tten ib le ’sorrow tlmt it had been .doomed for long ages to wash the sl.iore of a land so Utterly destitute o f every a t­traction. The grove was a tangled wild- wood, w here-briers scratched mid bushes tore. T he heavens were black, the grass wet, aiid th e sands were very deep. But

• rough and unsightly as i t was, there were possibilities for the highest improvements, and i t was soon determ ined to purchase a

. few acres o f th is land lying in th e grove, im m ediately along the no rthern 'lake.”

Although’ there were prospects o f hard work ahead, the Methodist. Itinerants o f those days were not appalled bv trifles, ‘ and cheerfully assm ned.the task of trutin? Jorming the unfavorable surroundings into a Seaside and Camp-meeting Hesort.

DRUGGIST4 6 Main Avenue,

A full and Carefully selected Stock o f

At Three P. M., There will be an

Toilet Articles,

and Stationery of all Kinds.

Soda Watera ll th e N e w a n d P o p u la r F la v o r s ,

All. Prescriptions inrclully Compounded

by Registered Plinrmncietp.

^ S ou ven irBy-The-Avon-By-TheSea

Improvement - Company.3STcte tlxe IDa,te.

For m aps designating the lots to be sold, address E. 3ATCHELOR, President, A von-By the-Sea.

Large and elegant selection o f Im por­ted - China ware, decorated W ith Fine Views o f th e A uditorium , and finished in Fine Mexican Coined Cold.

Olin Street and Central Avenue


Groceries and Tinware Woodenware,

Crockery, Glassware, Fresh Heats.

His Prices are low but'Duality

;• • of Goods High.

No One Should Miss


Everything is Sold W ay down in the

Clothing, and Shoe, Departments, Ladies’ Shirt W aist aiid Men’s Furnishing Departments. .

J o l i n S t e i n b a c h ,Wooden Building. Stores, A sbury Park and W est End',

R e a l E s t a t e t o E x c h a n g e .$50,000. worth of Philadelphia city and suburban Real

Estate, Will exchange for Hotel,: Large

Boarding House or Private Residence- in

Ocrean Grove or Asbury Park.

Address: Times.Office.S t o n e S i d e w a l k s a n d .C ' .u r l t *

G EN U N G «&, CO.2 N D A V E . A N D M A IN S T ,

A S B U R Y - P . V l l l i , - JV. - .1 (Suc.frasor loMoUltOW, BAY<v Cu ) .

■ ! Main A venue Opposite Post Ofticel Huiicliny.

I c e - C r e a r o . .. a,n.d.. Ic e s .,.-F in est B a k e r y G oods. ,

C A X n iK S -a ll k inds from .Suit W ater Tillly, to Siigur-Conted Violets mid Iluy ler’a .Cliocolntee. , •

F i-eilu s A . l ’roctor.

122 ilerm oti 'W u y , lio x 95; O c e a n G r o v e , N . ,T.

Ealim ntes nnd Plans Knrnislied ill Short « , : . . N otice ./ • ■■

Page 10: REV. A. WALLACE, D, D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, … · 2014. 4. 1. · the scene quite lively. So with the ques- ’ tlons read and answered. The letidiBr ’was evidently


\PttlA}*; ' UOCCltt {

v ./ i* •• • A' _V o u n g P e o p le 's T e m p le ,

Ocean Grove ban no greater attraction th a n tho daily, nine o’clock Yoiiiifr Peo­p le 's Meeting. The thousands th ink this b righ t, happy, and helpful service just as m uch a part of th e ir recreation as the best meal of th e day. • . { * :

T he present tem ple was built .in 1887 _ and seats. 1500 w ith s tan d in g room inside and outifor 500 m ore; and . the “ standing room", is used scores o f times during every season. I t has.been enlarged four times,- b u t i t is tw o 'sinallhow . T he cut sho^vn above may give ouv renders au idea o f it from the outside, but its beauty is on ly seen when filled w ith th e flower o f out* land, and o th e r lands too, one

! m igh t add, for those present are from every part of the trlobe. . ‘ •

Mr. Yatinau1, th e leader for . th e past REV.. C. TI. YATM7 X

twelve year.-*, ia a native «*f Sew Jersey, an ordained elciyymaii of the Northwest Kpiscopal Cliureh and is know n far rind wide by his evangelistic work and nicot­ines; - • / . .->V- _. \ V . • /

Ilis m leadership* is to give variety w ith the same spirit ; th is series to m ake, the meetings attractive. Ilis wise use o f m usicand out-putting of.biblc tru th s .is said bv nmnv to be th e real secret o f his great success here.. ■

H e is doubly o rth o d o x ; and h as-n o ' toleration with funny notions in theology. , Ilis notion being th a t 2 x 2 = J and not •I{ o r :>i :.and works by that rule. There is no doubt t h e . people, like it, and him too. A-vtei.t to Ocean Grove w ith this meeting left out would be like adav .w ith ­out the sun.

. Ocean G ro v e P o s t.O ff lc .* .

Tlie business of the Oceaiv Grove post otlice is much in advance of any year of th e past history o f the otlice. T he im­provements made in the ofliee and its

.m anagem ent under the present incnin­dent, Geo. W. Evans;, has resulted in

•popularizing th e service Evei\tly.T he experim ent o f M r.’Kvans in em ­

ploying among his assistants intelligent and competent youny. ladies has proven very satisfactory both to him self and the public. It was* made entirely with the desire aud purpose /)f seenrine a better service.and not with a view o f lowering in expense.

The four voung ladle* in th e ofliee ave experienced in post ollice w o rk ; they are atten tive , in telligent and competent, and th e action Of the postm aster iii. th is ^re­spect meets with general commendation. The work in ihe ofliee is onerous and exacting during th e Hummer seivson. ■

More than .”00,000 pieces of mail m at­ter passed through the otlice during the , m onth of Ju ly , and for tho week ending { August-t, more than 75,000 letters were received and dispatched- through the ofliee, all to be. stam ped, assorted, die*

. tributed and delivered. ■ This, of. course,

(iKomu: w. i:v.\ss, mctmastkk.

. means work. The com plaint for irregu­larities or any other cause lias not averaged one in one hundred during the present season thus far. Nor has the postmaster had a single complaint against the adm in­istra tion of the ofliee from the departm ent since his incumbency.

The ofliee is now advanced to the sec­ond gtade because of- the increase o f busi­ness, and doubtless will receive the recog­nition from the governm ent as to . the needs o f (he service.

The postmaster seems disposed .to do! all in his power, regardk/^s of- expense to himself, to nllbrd th e best s e n ire possible under the many disadvantages: from a new and moving population he is com­ labor under. •

Mr. AVilliiun H. llam lltou , the geniut ’and gentlem anly assistant postmaster, has grown u\» w ith the olliee at this point and. is tiioi'Oughl^ fam iliar with every detail o f post ofliee work and. materially

. increases the eflieieney of.the service:• In view.of its advancem ent to a second

grade ofliee and the add itiona l importance thereby attained in th e Post Office |)e- im is. more, than probable that the freedelivery service will lie in opera­tion by th e tim e the opening, o f another season rolls around.

Sale Of Lots a t Avon.

In order to. stir up th e m a n y people who are inclined to purchase Seashore property b u t need som ething to stimulate them in to action,, the Avon-by-.the-Sea Land a n d Im provem ent Com panv, m o- poses to sell to-morrow (Saturday) a t three o ’clock, twentyifive choice iNiiMinp lots a t public auction. T h is will,afford an opportunity to securo;a valuable piece o f property at a low ’ price, and will un­

doub ted ly a ttract m any persons who have had the m atter under consider- ( ation . Avon-by-the sca is beautifullv • located, a little move th a n one mile south , o f Ocean (irOve, along the banks o f Shark-; River,' w ith a beautiful ocean front, mag­nificent hotels, a ml all the {id vantages th a t ; nuike a pleasant aud desirable sum m er home by the sea; ,

,•••'• A no ther P o e t . •

, Dr. A. Allison W hile, the. p roprietor of the P itm an avenue d rug store oilers a , “ Ijibevty Bell” souvenir sp^oti, free to.all , com ers'. An exam ination o f liis column • advertisem ent in ano ther part o f this paper show s'that lie also , has poeticjabUi- ; tics; bu t then, he does t;nongh soda-water trade to warrant, an occasional produc­tion o f th is kind to express ..his feelings, j Dropping, into poetry does no t,* however, p revent his ‘keeping th e stock in o ther : departm ents of tbo store up to the highest point o f excellence.


R e w g u i l d i n g ,

: O lin Street an il JPitman Ave.OCEAN GROVE, N. J.

An E nterprising . Motel P ro p rie to r;

• L'nder the managem ent o f Mr. Charles J . l i . Heckett, the A tlantic H ouse on Pit*, m an ’avenue, has taken a p lace in the front.rank of Ocean Grove hotels. . Mr. Beckett lias devoted h is entire attention for tho past year to tho Imildiiig Up of a superior .reputation for his establish­m e n t, and has succeeded so well tlm t the house has been crowded during the entire season, l ie now proposes to offer a ttrac­tions for w inter guests as well, and is

.m akine arrangem ents to surround them w ith all th e conveniences tlm t m ight con­tribute to th e ir comfort and pleasure.

A Chance for B argains,

In ano ther part o f th is issue Will be found an interesting advertisem ent from th e large establishment o f John Stein-;

. bach, in Aslmry. Park. I t calls attention to tho fact th a t decided bargains are now obtainable in every departm ent. The great yarietv. and complete stock o f goods carried, waVmnts th e assertion th a t in some p a rt of the store may be found arti­cles needed in every household and which only need an exam ination as to quality , and an inquiry as to price to in­sure a purchase. ..: . •

A f u l l a u d c o m p l e t e l i n o o t e v e r y t h i n g r e q u i r e d t o l u r n i s l i a h o u s e , i n c l u d i n g

j C a r p e t s , M a t t i n g s a n d O i l - i | C l o t h s .

I: S P E C iA L P R IC E S .Bedroom .Suits from §12. up.

! 1’o U A in g B e d s a t . 3 * .

C a r p e t s 'R w a if Q o v u n .HaviiiK ptirelmsed :i full lint; of Carpets ;

nt Auction Side I urn able to oiler ' them a t womlerfnlly low prices, ■

M«t(neUc reduced from §1'.0(), tn f t l .00 B o d y .llru s. “ ‘‘ 1 .85, to .9 0 !

• T apestry “ 1.00, to ; .75 j| In g ra in s a t prices rang ing from 25 to ; 05 cents per yard.

C arpet F illin g reduced, from S I .00 to : 00 cents, ■ ' 1

M attings a t h a lf price, '

A « A T E W A lt i : .H otel ie cp ers and house keepers •*

sh o u ld .a t once inspect iny new line o f j' A g a te W are, b o u g h t a t an A uction Sale, j

and ofTercd i l b s o l l l l v l } ' i l l o n e i h a l t * t h e i r r e g u l a r p r i c e s , j

J V a w r i g h t . i


Friday and Saturday,

August 10 and 11

A s b t ir y P a r k ATHLETIC

A S S O C IA T IO N .Aii the cham pions in Class A will • positively compete, including G. C. *: .Smith, .\ew York A. C ‘; I'red Kovco Passaic,-N. J . ; Charles Brown, Kli/.a-' be th ; *Sims, W ashington; McCurdy, • Philadelphia; Muliiken, Baltimore.,

Admission V * ^ ; - 25c.. .. Grand Stan d 25c.

G r a n d - S t a n d , - S p e c i a l l y - R e ­

s e r v e d , 2 5 c . E x t r a .

$ 2 5 0 0

W anted on First BOND AND nO R TG A G E,

S ix P e r C e n t . I n t e r e s t ,

Property :W o rth : $7,000.\V. H. B E E G L E ,

‘tS H alil A venue, Ocean (jro v e , N. J.

Little Drops of W ater

Carbonized with Gas,

Catch you for a Nickel

Every tim e you Pass,

T h i s i s

Our Spoon

Oil Stoves and Ranges,“Ladies’ - Deliglit,”

T h e o n ly O lt S lovu i lm t m*vl.Vfit u UuUl. M e c tu ! iii; t h e I n s i A lu i 'h 'a n i i^ ; t- 'n liv i n / :

; Bostim;' .’.T ••■!... v- t t O O U O I t i \ 0 S . l l O l i l l . -

F o rS u te by ttiv N laiiiilueliuvr’s Ai?t-iil. • —N o; thW X. -ftf» S tree t-P h llin lo lp h lii, P fiin .—

aliiitir-ln i

McCabe \ wja^e^uivi,

B U T C H B E S ,Olin S tr e e t N ear C en tra l A venue,

O t i ' i t n W l*O V €? TV. J .llo te l Trade a Specialty. F inest ^feat

M arket in M onm outh Countv.

High Grade BicycleTo Exchange

—FOll A—:

Remington Typew riter, W . H , B E E Q tE ,

•48 M ain A venue,. Ocean Grove,1 X. J.

A. R SHREVES,' B O T « ™ 9

Opposite Ocean Grove School House.

g w t Q u a l i t y o f j ^ c a t i g jn ly .

C a n i i u u X, l l o l l i v o o k ,( ? o n t r a o t o r s a n d B u i l d e r s

Office, M ain A ve., n ea r Asso,. Building:.P la in a n d specific** (Ions d m ir n o f n il k fn d s

o f m o d ern W ood, ^ '.ji ie u n d B rick B u lld in g a

W . H . C \R M A N , A r c h ite c t .


H I # ‘ T h e 0 p e o p l e ’ s g § t o r e ,

6 2 0 -6 2 2 C o o k m a n A v e n u e ,* R S B U R Y P K R K , N - J . * .

I f o i i ’t l i t i I t o X o l c I ’ l ' i t o i n o u r l V i i i d o i v s . I h e i ’v U i i i i ^

I b r t ' v c r y h m l y i l l ' l i a r t l l i m e i i r i c c s ,

PI AM UTS!A lw a y s Fresh,

A lw a y s Hot.Prime, band iiirked Virginia IVamits. ■—Central neiif .Vitin Avenue.“ W : i l c l i l o r I l ie I 'e .- i im t

W a s o n . ? )A . * . l l O W I i l t .

J . D . B E E G L E ,:S u c c c s s o n TO W. H. JONES & CO.,



A S B U R Y P A R K , N . J .

C O A L, W O O D A N D C H A R C O A L .

M ri'j'KK Uk iiig h Coai. a Si’KcrAr/rv.” .

W Y m r & m m m ,. —UPAI.EKS ;


Yard—South 7Vla'T» StN e a r tSroadwuy G a tes o f Ocoan Grovo,

T E L C P H O N E CA LL NO. 59.C on I A l w a y s S h e l t e r e d .

Stephen D .Woolley P H A R M A C I S T

S o u th .T laiii .M re e t.OpiK.Oneuii C*rovi*.Gates.


IMitns and Specifications fu rn ished af sh o rt notice. Hest of reference g iven’. .

O rders for changes, hUcrntions o r re­p a irs -w ill reoeive prom pt and

. careful a tten tion .

Residence, Xo. 66 Heel; Avenue, O c e a n X i r o v e . A . .1.

°<1 Lfl GR l P PE 1A SrECIALfvIt^:

Tlie Oc-«m. (irove Store tit .Vo 17 M ain Avenue will re-open nlmut .Muy.lst,

h , I B , j m m s t m ,

J E ' W T E L E E , :! ’• H A S |tl>M O V K f>TO T ifK

BRICK BUILDING,Corner Cookman A venue and lio u d »St

A s lm r y 5*ar3i.

C o i T i e G e t

r e e .

d r u g s , • ,

Combs, Etc. .


A ll tho latest, designs and novelties in W atches and Jew elry .

S I I i A S w . K V « 1 « \ ,

m m m and BUILDER(,’orlie.s.Avenue, hear the: C hurch,'

W e s t G r o v e , N e w J e r s e y .

> T o s t 0 (jiee-jjr' Rox',2002, Oeeau 0 rcve>::.: P r o n ip l iV lti.o itlo n i^ iS ’ o n to i iv i iv iS inr-.imnU •:

. fohs aiht ri'pafrs.

S ; U IEB3IMZEP? W A T ,^lanu fae tu rero f—n

T e n t* , M a g 's ! , I t i i i ' g e e s .linntint: all Colors. Awninjr and T en t

Material for>'ale hy tlie Yard. Ilamhoo .SereeiiH.

A ll A u i i i n ^K e i i i h i - e i l ^ l i l d e u P r o o f ,

H . D . C t J D K ' S .


r , t 8 C o o U v n a n A v e n u e , . •A S I i l l t r - P VKJij - - J .

l.'inhrella >taud?? from $l.fK) np. Hainhuo CnrtainS'■ "»0 ten ts, up. Japan<'-e Stoves from. I.*# eehtrf, u p .; • Tea-pot.-, 10 cents. : \ ' ’ • ’

X t) V ^ O i \ l I .K I I i , lE G K , A R C H I T E C T T A N D B U IL D E R

P la n s an d KpeelfU-al Ions d raw n for a ll k ln d s : o f inrxlern wood, s to n e o r lirfek h a tld ln « s . For .w o rk m an sh ip u u d 'p rtre s w ill refer lo a ll Tor w hom I h av e d o n e w ork lu th e G rove a n d P a r k . . E s tlm n te s cheerfu lly g iven .Box 2087. • , P itm a n A venue, Ocean Grove

E S T A B L I S H E D 1 0 7 3 .

Condon’s Express,Stage Line and

L I V E R Y .(Successor to Ooodvlch.y

Furniture. Baygaire, Pianos,Salt's,and Fn-luht tHituUcd with cure. • .

Spetiial AecommoilatibiiJi' for Straw Itid* j ing Parties. . . - .

O/llfes:—’><> Itcel: Aveuoo, Omni tirovi?,ftullroad station, A^htny Pari;, N. J.

Ixjck Hos Ji*). •G E O . \V . C O N O O N , P r o p ’r.

S . L . B E E G L E , & C O .,

PHARMACISTS,150 H aiti S tr e e t , A sb u ry P a rk .

A i ^ l i l . c a l l s a t t e n d e d l o .


c r g + v i e n n a + b s k g r vBread, P ie and F ancy Cake,

•South M ain S tre e t, O pposite B roadw ay G atesA S S T T R ’T 3JT. T.


H . T R U A X A. S O N .

P C E E C O n X T K Y M I L KOne Cows’ M ilk for Infanta and In v a lid s .

Box 39;j, Aslmrv P a rk ,-o r [box 393,. Ocean Grove. M ilk ‘Depot, Liiwrenee ave.. between M ain.and Broad wav Gate, Ocean Grove. Telephone Connection.

J . S . F L IT C R O F T &. 8 R O . /


S t o v e s a n d R a n g e s .. oppoMiq Postyillw,-

O C E 7 T N C R O i / E

“ T he S iaiu ti-s r .^ n la tn ii i tm.* o p e ra tio n s «»r N utlm uil ltank.s ai:e o f sui-h u lsi t COll.


c.ncoptlouth a t co iijji'lvutiously coufom ied- to h y . t.itUcars a u d l»lre«*turs,-no in s t itu i io a of B ank ing ' ti|>-

d ies th e ’N a tio n a l , for d eserv ed c iin ildunfo o f.and .seeurii V to p a tm n s /* j ' . /

in all its .


-WHITE'S-Opposite the


Ocean Grove, N. J .

FIRST NATIONAL BANK,. -Org-tiuizt'if 'February tSS6. . ' :

G E O R G E K R O in ily , President, 6 . H . BKOWX, Vice Pre.sident.AI/BKRT C. TW IN IN G , .Cashier. M ARTIN W DAGHRi AssH Casliier,,

M adison slicnue. am i Rond Street, .-hbriry Park, A'. J , l*or Convenience ofi Occan (irove p a tro n s :

Office Ocean Grove Camp M eeting Association lin\ldi'H*, Occan- Gwve], A ' ; / ,. I , S I 0 0 , 0 0 0 . !S ii v p I ii-*, $ 7 0 , 0 0 0 .

T ransacts a general, haiik'in^ business, issues le tters o f c red it available, in the- p riucipal cities.of the world. Foreign and dom estic exchanges bouifht and- sold, :i Collections carefully m ade an d 'p ro m p tly accounted for ,V-

.. ; • , . B O A I|b OF fJlUKCTtiKSr y ; 'Ci, F . K vm 'itl, • • A l t w t C .'T n viin > j, . . /m tnr ( ' . .K m n c tfy ,I im c e & K e a t o ) \ i tU a r H . J ir o m i, ' , • S u m iu I "Joh itw n , - ‘ ,M ilu )i M. L . l l a m w n , . ' Chart** y l i-'A ik fy s,J o h n L.'G \[Yih^ . '•.• S h e rm a n ( M a o ; Charlc* A ; -Y o im y ,-D .C . Covert•• ' ; , ... 1 W illia m 7 / . J if ty / t , ,. . W illia m H a th a w a y ,'

H e x k y C. W in so k , P rest., . GKO,. W . K v a .ns , Vke-Pr*‘j .t ., ; K n .u u n n .k ; 1>a v t o s y Ca n h lc r

Asbury Park and Ocean Grove BanksMattison Avenue and Main Street, Asbury P a rk ..

n a ln Avenue and P ilg rim P a th w a y , Ocean Grove.

O R 3 A 2 T X Z E D 1 0 0 9 . .

€ A I » I T A f i 8 5 0 , 0 0 0 . S t ' K I ' M S O O O

T n in s n e ts a G enom l B a n k in g B usiness, Issui-s F o re lm ia n d D om estic D m fts P ro m p t a l te n tlo n g iv en to a l l m u ttv rs e n tru s te d to us.

COLLECTIONS M ADE AND PRO M PTLY ACKNOW LEDGEDDIRECTORS:—N. E B uclm nou. J . .S. F e rg u so n , G i'oive w . K vans, C. O. C layton , Gcom o W.

T re a t , .! . A. W afnrig lit, Hr, J . A. H e trfc k , Jo lih H ubbard , I Iv a r y C. W insor, T. FninkA i>* pleby, Lew is Hal near, Amos> TU tou.

Y O U R P A T R O N A G E S O L IC IT E D . • ; /

S ub scrib e fo r a n d A d v e r tis e in th e T im e s . I t P a y s .

Page 11: REV. A. WALLACE, D, D., Editor. OCEAN GROVE, N. J., SATURDAY, … · 2014. 4. 1. · the scene quite lively. So with the ques- ’ tlons read and answered. The letidiBr ’was evidently


S t/ .P A U L ’S A lE tH o b lS T CHURCH.-

^ n ; lnipdrtan( RcII^Ioiih OrjriitiizntJon Wjth ‘V-• an Interesting history..

• T ha rpoeioty .known uh th e St. Paul’s M ethodist Kniscopul C hurch o f Ocean Grtfye, New Jersey, and ow ning and wor­ship ing in the beautiful edifice sitmito a t th e corner o f New York and Kmbiiry

..avenues, is th e natural and direct iVnh *«t the organization o f the Ocean . tirove

.■Association,; and th e ir select Ion o f this snot aa. th e theatre, o f th e ir operations 'ih o u ^ h a wilderness at the .tim e the As­sociation began its operations here, buy-

fing only 'som e live or six. families 'within^ tho compass, o f a. .mile, t h e . planting of

.* tills organization has resulted iii a rap id increase of the population. The *»r;?at am ount :of work involved in the laying out and. clearing of; tin*.ground,, opening niid.gmding o f s trivts and. aver unes, ’ brought h ith e r . many laborers : .while the. sale o f lots aiul building of cotr tages drew together au arm y o f me­chanics. Hesidcs, . some, .Who Yam** from distant parts, rhijrineri w ith the bracing air, pure water, tis liingaud boat­ing and ,bath ing , privileges, concluded to m akcui pcntiani*nt home.. '

U nder these circumstances a place, of w orship became a necessity. P a rin g the sum tner treason/while tlie w eather was •pleasant, there.was .no. dilliculty, for tiie residents could woivhip w ith the. summer visitors a t the Aud.itormiii in th e grove, .lin t in the .winter,season’''the -need for a place of worship was severely Telt. _ In- 1S7J the inoriiing'services were held in a school house at I.ogantown, about one -niilo west of Ocean C irowyand th e after­noon services■ in ii • room lilted lip by .lames A. Bradlev a t ■‘New l»raneh,.now called Avbii-bvrihc-Sea.

Kesidents of Ocean Grove (except dur­ing a couple of months in summer), must find the ir way. to one o f these places to enjoy .public worship. The room at Avon

v ilb t’being large enough to contain tlie sum m er congregations, Mr. Uradlev had a stand erected and seats 'p laced in au adjoining grove, where large, congrega­tions assembled which heard the word of life’ from-.distingiiishcd. m inisters o f the gospel wlio consented to preach am id the oaks and pines, and among tha num ber Wore tlie . sainted Alfred Cookman and Jo h n *S. ltiskip.

On tlie southeasterly corner, o f Mam street , and Cookman avenue. Asbury JVirk, on the .site now occupied by the imposing structure of Henry.: Steittbayh, in 187-,..lames A. Uv.ttUcy erected a build- ing called Park Hall, th e ’second- floor of which he litted up tor w orship and gen- erouslv ollere.1 it free o f charge for such use. The morning service was now tinns-1 ferred from l.ngantown to Park.-f.lall and-j continued to he iield there until .the j eluueU was built tttid dedicated in IS7t». ! Besides h is Other generosities. Mr. l>md* ley g a v e £100 uiinimlly to th e pastor atul j contributed liberally ’to church heitevo-1 lences. . . .... . : f-

In' tlie early history o f tlie place. th e : members o f the church in tins region held j ; th e ir tneuibershlp in connection with;!: 1 lauiillon Charge but on th e 111h day { of-- .lu iie ,.' 1S71.: Kev. A;.l:*i Hallaiid, l ‘iv- [. siding;JCldetV. organized.lUeta iitto a seim-.j rate charge ml led. Ocean Grove, and the llrst Quarterly Co life ro.n ce was held tlie ] ;17th day o f ilie following August. .lolm { F. 1 b iggs, VVUtiaUt A. Harvey, and .lames j .A.' llradley-weiv eliyted .Stewards. Wii* 1 litim A. llaird beiiig Class: Leader, and • .lames A. Hradley.,.SundaySchool Super: • inleiident, \ :• -. • . ,. • For ,three years in- ihe,-beginning the 1 pastor was in theeniploy of ami supported ! l>y the Association, he devoting the Sab-'j bath and so mucli.of.other tiine as was. I needful to the interests of-the .charge, i; •When-it became imvssnrv to' build the }- AssOciation ;douatiul the site for the.] churcl. and •-paid one thousand dollars i iu cash •toward xhe enterprise, .aiid ha frequently eoute to its.relief since,"in < time ot need • !• T he growth o f the m em bership has.]

been rapid, b o th .b y profession of .faith* I and a liberal reception- of- members by j certiticate front other churches- In 1S70 j the members resident in Aslmry. Park J deemed it right -to form a new organiza- t tion and about half the m em bership w ith - ) drew and formed a ne w .‘society t here,. ( now know ii as-4* Kirst M. K. Church-, of j Aslmry Park. Not wit hstandiiig t lie loss | in num bers b y '.th is new organization it J was more than niade good in' three years | u iider the pastorate of liev. K. 11. Stokes. P a rin g h is term of service the church building was. sold for school purposes, w ith th e id ea .o f .building ano ther in a in Ore cent nil location. . I i i the interim . tlie congregation Worshipped on the see* i ohd lloor : o f Association lla ll. In j JSS7 the present ;editico was built and d ed ica ted ,, The present niemberslv.p of th e society is something over live hun­dred. . Smce the orgjinization.t he follow­ing ministers have served as pastors : Kev. II. 1C. Beegle, Key. Uwi luirue. Kev. AY. T. Abbott, Key. Win.’, llarnart.' Kev. Iv 11. Stokes. Kev. \V. AV. W vthe, Kev.

\Vescou, Uev. Uewvv lWt\\ng. Kev. P.. 1». Harris, and Kev. M. Kelyea. ;.the present, p a s t o r . V : „

;. A-’boaatton from' Miss iceV All persons w ishing to. assist in raising

the amount of money still needed, io cotn- plete the A uditoriuin fund, aiul who can- hot see tlie ir way to doing so by con tribu t­ing cash, may m aterially help iu the m an­ner which tlie following correspondence indicates.: :

Oci:.\x,Gnovi:, August 2, ISOh Hon. J'tuux A, lii'ihlloj:

|)i:.\u Siu—1 have heard th a t the laity o f Asbury Park are again to hold a meet-. :ng tti encourage and suhslantially aid the Association in the c»>mpletion o f th e new .Amlitoriuiii. / ‘ ‘

'There'w ill be many aiid varied contri­butions to tho land,-and I desire to con­tribute an oil painting to be disposed of as the committee m ay deeiu best;

Very truly,. ' \ !- • / .-Kmii.y-A.' Kick#'

Asitrnv I’AHtc, August 4, 1804, ICnii!}/ . I . Jiirf, (A;.<tn (iroix :

Pkau Fnu:si>—rYour note of the second- is at hand.. 1 tltailk you most heartily for the gift o f the picture 'in aid of the Auditorium fund.

The spirit in which the gilt is made. 1 am surci will become contagious and pro­duce substantial results.

The interest excited last summer by vour lit'-st gift will not soon lie forgotten;I will see th a t th e picture is placed in a proper' position on the evening of the- laymen’s meeting. • ’

A " laity m eeting.” of course, .takes in women, aiul such a meeting miph't be a failure witliout the ir presence aiid smiles.

Very truly,. . Oamks* A. HUAm.UY.\,

. Communication.OetiAX Gnovi:r N. .L, Aug. S, 1SH4,

JCililOt' oj ffit' (Uroii Gruir Tilths: '.. My P kau Slit: 1 commend most heart­ily your proposal to issiie,a pictoral edi* ti’oU to your very -interesting and valu­able paper. . The illustrations you are using are excellent, and as far as can well, be in the regular newspaper, true to the originals*. * T his is a ' pictorial age, and many will read pictures who would pass over w ithout exam ination, a well written article, but often the ,picture will lead-to the reading o f the article, and then the article more, full v unfold th e illustration.It is well, therefore, to’combine the letter bress aud picture.

,. :T most earnestly connnendate your en­ergy iti collecting trews, and so reporting it as it is not to distort the facts', or otlend. tile iuost fastidious.. ■ •

A a great power'in.a cohi-. inntiity, but always Weakens when­scends* to cater to ’a corrupt ta s te .;

I wish you much success in vour work, J; and tru s t' your paper may continue to ! grow in strength, and greatly iiicivase-in ! its c irculation .. ’ • "• , • . .. j

Yerv truly yours, '’ K*. i l . ’SroKKs.' |


Offers -one of the

Greatest Educational and Moral Exhibits Ever Given.The Entertainm ent is of a High Class, and without question m ost Instructive

' : and pleasing to th e eye.- In the Glorious

Sunrise - Sunset - and R a in bow ,Nature is copied through tlie agency of E LE C T R IC IT Y to a most realistic extent. The Volcano in actual eruption

and Tliunder Storm with Forked Lightning are pronounced sim ply perfect and wonderful. Thousands liave - already expressed their surprise and gratification. Open daily, every thirty minutes, from 9.30 to 1 1 p.m.

I O O E32^T'TS. •

^ B R I N G T H E C H I L D R E N I N T H E D A Y T I M E . ^ -

iFirst and Ocean A\^nui3s* A$b

.Members to Be P ro u d Of.The Asbury Park W heelmen have gootl

reason to congratulate them selves"on th e . reputation obtained for; the organization by the excellent performances of two of t fteir inembeiv. In Fntnc.e Ziiinnerinan is w inningeverVthitig that is worth riding for. leavui®g all .competitors (nit. in the cold and astonishing th e natives. Here, oti oiir own continent, Maddox- is doing some splendid .work,^ surprising as well as delighting, his ntany frielnlsaiul adtnirers. His performance in Chicago,. Friday of last.- week, was som eihing to. be proud of.' h is tim e for an unpace«l m ile being iMo. only th reean d o n e-lifih seconds short of therworld’s record nituleby \V. C. Sjinger. ‘.May the good w>rk continue aiid tiie Asbury Park W heelmen turn out many more siich cham pions to keep their name bi-fore ilie lovers o f the cycling sport. .

Ueutli ol. Jomes At. Burnett. • . i.laines M. Huriiet.t died at his residence., ;

loll Broadway, Thursday, o f last, week • after an illness o f a few days. Mr. J>ur- > nett \y as seventy-live years of age and had;! been a resident of this vicinity. Tor many.'} years/follow ing th e occupation o f carpen* ', ter ami builder. The direct cause o f h is ! deatli was .from th e growth of a .tumor in J the intestines, w hich laid been troubling i him for the past two years. T h e ' funeral ' service was held Saturday afternoon at two | o’clock, m any v»f the relatives and friends , of the deceased being present, after which • the remains were in terred at Mt. Prospect Cymeterv ‘‘ ’-weiv Sexton.

I n i l l l l l l . ' H L I L I I U I H I U I U . ' l l . ' l * w. j -jletery.* T he funeral arrangem ents j e inchai-ge o f 1‘ndeitaker Jam es 11. •;

. vW nincn 's Home M issionary Society.

. • An intei\*sting session o f the W omen’s . Hom e Missionary Society and National •• IVacoiiess Cohvi-titioti was held 'ruesilav | a iu l Wednesday of this week, a itnicting . large numbers ofprouiinent people .asso*.' eiated wit h i Ids special Work. M letings :

; w env held in Thornley Chapel, Young . 1 Vople’s Teiii pie a nd i U t lie A nd i t or iu m. J and many piounnent* workers weiv in • attendance. The entire session was very ■ interesting, and' .instructive, including ] singing .in" the- Chinese an d .Italian lati-1 giuiges. . '■ -• ■’ " . ’ •

■ V The Ocean I'alaCr. ’ . : iHenry Steinbacii has cltosen a very-apt I

tiaine. for his inimense establishment. iu > Asbury-Park, foi* truly it is a ualace in $irojH.>rtions, a ^iUuv in furiiishjngs;.aiid i a palace.that joutributes to the ple;isim*s o f tlie,eye and tbe coin forts and . necessi-1. ties o f existeiicei There seems to he no j lim it to the quantity and variety o f arti- j

’ cles he otleiv iind as usual at th is thne in i tlie sciison he is m aking at tractive , prices i on everything. Visit ihe Ocean Palace; j

’. A New Stoic Firm. .[A short tim e agvV th e establishm ent (

known as, “ lH-u-den’s . '’ on M ain Street,;;• ASbury • Park, • chatige\l its tirm name to ’

lionU-iv <v--Tuttie—M r.. Frank • L 'l'uttle; fotm erly of the, *J.V-Vent store, beaVtuiug a |

. jiart.'tier - in tiio business. . M r , . T uttle ( britigs his usual energy iiito play aiul. iS j forcing business ' T hv trannou tuvm eut in ; ano ther eoluiun i s i u t eres t i iig .rea di il g..; J;

A Baihln jr Accident.

Susie Alter, th e eight-yea r-old daughter o f K. W. Alter, o f Ocean Grove, had th e m isfortune.of breaking.her arm Saturday afternoon, while bath ing at- Lillagore’s. Theri* was a heavv surf a t the tim e .an d Miss A lter Was caught by a -w ave and dashed heavily on tho beach, bivaking her ariii below*the shoulder. The iujuied limb was set by J)r. K iiim onth but the sp\ints slipped from \Ueir place during tlie nigh t and it wiis fouiut necessary to enciise the arm w ith plaster o f Kiris after, tiie bones had .set.’ Though suffering much pain it is hoped that she will soon recover froni th e accident.

D O W N !


D O W N !

O N T H E G R A N D E -

T o b o g g a n

C h u t e ,Third and Ocean Avenues

Asbury Park. N. J.

IVlost Exhilerating and Novel A m usem ent on

‘ th e N ew Jersey Coast.

When you ride in the car once you will' surely

; want to go many times. .

Vincentz’sBaiad always in attendance

i 6 - K c l i s o i l ’s P h o n o g r a p l i ' s - i o |Laiwt styles discoursing the most popular airs of the day.

One of O urBad Habits,

is to buy everything in sight the first of the season, ;then to dispose of them, we trust to a good seaspri. . ..

Notwithstanding that we are. daily crowded yet. we find ourselves with an immense stock on hand. To reduce and dispose of same, means a big cut in : prices. We have therefore commenced


this week and shall continue the same until the season ends. ' . •, . , • •' -

To begin with we are disposing of the greatest lot of W a s h , C i o o c l s , D r e s s G o o d s .

S t r i p e S i l k s , & e . a t H a l f P r i c e .In Notions, and Fancy Goods we have an endless

varietv which must be sold. ' .LADIE5 SUITS, SHIRT WAIST5 , &c

are sold regardless of cost

Clothing, lien ’s Furnishings, Bathiqg pu its,there is no bottom to prices.

SH O ES are always cut in two, also many other lines, which for want of room cannot be enumerated.

We desire to say to all visitors of Ocean Grove and Asbury Park, don’t miss the :f


■ Take', th e children '. io ' tlio ’ E lectrical Casino in the daytitne ami avoid - the large evening’crowds. '

The Toboggan Chute.

N\» enterprise o f an entertaining ch a r­acter was ever established in Asbury Park tltai met with;'such immediate and popu­lar favor as tlie Holler. Toboggan Chute,: It appears to-hold a faseination for every- tK>dv atul ouee into a car and rolling r.ipidiy down the; smooth inc.ine. the. jonriiey ends all too. quickly aiul it is not un til sevend 'trips have been made that people aro inclined to; leave ih e air. j very oiltcieiii band adds greatly to the ! enjoyment o f the resort. . |

j j |C ^|,jtJren*5 rtecca.;

In the great crowd that tlirohg th e J beach at Asbury Park and the m a iiy ■ j pUuvs of am usement in the vicinity hone j attracts a greater th rong th iin Schintz lers ■ Palace Merry-Cto-’Hoiiudi It is a place o f i interest to young and old alike and elder- j Iv;people tis well as .children enjoy, the ; tlying liorsCs.; For pure and unadulter- | aunl fun. bewilderm ent and am usem ent 1 tlie Crystal M aze.tuijoiniug'should also be , visited. '

An tin te rp rls ln fi S ta tioner.

H arry A, Horden,.the stationer, in th is ! isstie. niaki^ an aiinouhcenient iha t will ! inteivst .every one—tor every one requires. | something in ‘the lin e o f goods he adver- i tises, and he. gives tlie.m assnnuwv. th a t •{ prices, will be right. As a specialty he is selliug.a r\‘liable studen t's camera outfit .which must • piv)ve attractive to visitots desiring to. pnXuire picture souyeiiirs of :0cviaii Groye and.A sburv Park:

G asoline, o p illo tts , oO tv m s . nt fhe Prxnltice K xch iiuce C o 's i ston*. 31 -Mala strve i. A sbury. l\irfe , vUreetly u]»posltc' O cam u r o \ e LTaU‘>.'

HENRY STE1NBACH,’-■•X'f&zr Central Livery am) Boarding Stallle , Main Street and Cookman Avenue, Asbury Park.

; C S t O - i C D ^ . y o . .

lU reetlyopjH JsiteP 'Jlgrlm l'H thw hy l in a g e j ... _ .. ... .— ........... — -------------—' h s b u r y p r r k . n , j . • : •

S |x y ln l. I'iirv jijvoii' to. Ixxirvllng | B A R G A IN Shorses. KVory s ta l l h as .ce m e n t lloor

B A R G A IN Swith ilmln il» to A ll k in d s o f fstylish turnoiUKit lUcKlopate prices;

CHAS. LEWIS,— S t#C \E S ^> K TO—


! SOUTH IN* ST.,1 ■ ■

[' ^ s T b -a . r 3 7 - ' '

f Lumber,Doors, Sash, Blinds,'

1 Fram es, Mouldings,


!•; Paints, . . '

. Oils, etc.

F actory D unkirk , .J . B ru ftfh 'Y a rd , Spring L a k t, I

• W e a r e n o w c lo s in g o u t o u r e n t i r e S t o c k o f

R U S S E T - S H O E S

A T C O S T .! Reliable Slices,in all Colors. Styles and Sizes at c u t p r i c e s .

PORTER’SG U I C o o U u ia n A v c u iic .


A S B I K Y P A R K .

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