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Return-Oriented Programming without Returns

Stephen Checkoway†, Lucas Davi‡, Alexandra Dmitrienko‡, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi‡,Hovav Shacham†, Marcel Winandy‡

†Department of Computer Science and EngineeringUniversity of California, San Diego

La Jolla, California, USA

‡System Security LabRuhr-Universität Bochum

Bochum, Germany

ABSTRACTWe show that on both the x86 and ARM architectures it is possibleto mount return-oriented programming attacks without using returninstructions. Our attacks instead make use of certain instructionsequences that behave like a return, which occur with sufficientfrequency in large libraries on (x86) Linux and (ARM) Android toallow creation of Turing-complete gadget sets.

Because they do not make use of return instructions, our newattacks have negative implications for several recently proposedclasses of defense against return-oriented programming: those thatdetect the too-frequent use of returns in the instruction stream;those that detect violations of the last-in, first-out invariant nor-mally maintained for the return-address stack; and those that mod-ify compilers to produce code that avoids the return instruction.

Categories and Subject DescriptorsD.4.6 [Operating Systems]: Security and Protection

General TermsSecurity, Algorithms

1. INTRODUCTIONThis paper is about the feasibility of certain defenses against

return-oriented programming. In the last year, several natural de-fenses have been proposed that target properties of return-orientedattacks and are intended to be simpler and have lower overhead thana comprehensive defense such as Control-Flow Integrity (CFI) [1,14].1 In this paper, we show that these narrowly tailored defensesare incomplete by devising a new variant of return-oriented pro-gramming that evades them. Our results call into doubt the useful-ness of these ad-hoc defenses.

Return-Oriented Programming.Return-oriented programming allows an attacker to exploit mem-

ory errors in a program without injecting new code into the pro-

1Note that even the closest to a generally available CFI instantiationfor ARM, Google’s NaCl [40], would require substantial additionaldevelopment to support full CFI for general-purpose ARM code.

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work forpersonal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies arenot made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copiesbear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, torepublish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specificpermission and/or a fee.CCS’10, October 4–8, 2010, Chicago, Illinois, USA.Copyright 2010 ACM 978-1-4503-0244-9/10/10 ...$10.00.

gram’s address space. In a return-oriented attack, the attacker ar-ranges for short sequences of instructions in the target program tobe executed, one sequence after another. Through a choice of thesesequences and their arrangement, the attacker can induce arbitrary(Turing-complete) behavior in the target program. Traditionally,the instruction sequences are chosen so that each ends in a “return”instruction, which, if the attacker has control of the stack, allowscontrol to flow from one sequence to the next — and gives return-oriented programming its name.

The organizational unit of return-oriented programming is thegadget, an arrangement of instruction sequence addresses and datathat, when run, induces some well-defined behavior, such as com-puting an exclusive-or or performing a conditional branch. Return-oriented exploits begin by devising a Turing-complete set of gad-gets, from which any desired attack functionality is then synthe-sized.2

Return-oriented programming was introduced by Shacham in2007 [41] for the x86 architecture. It was subsequently extendedto the SPARC [3], Atmel AVR [15], PowerPC [26], Z80 [4], andARM [23] processors. While the original return-oriented attackwas largely manual, later work showed that each stage of the attackcan be automated [3, 38, 20, 23]. Return-oriented programming hasproved useful for compromising Harvard-architecture platforms,such as Sequoia’s AVC Advantage voting machine [4] and Apple’siPhone [22, 30], on which traditional code injection is not a possi-bility.

Defenses Against Return-Oriented Programming.The instruction stream executed during a return-oriented attack

as described above is different from the instruction stream executedby legitimate programs in at least two ways: first, it contains manyreturn instructions, just a few instructions apart; second, it unwindsthe stack with return instructions for which there were no corre-sponding “call” instructions. These differences have been seized

2The crucial feature of return-oriented programming is Turingcompleteness without code injection. A great deal of work priorto 2007 showed how to leverage control of the stack to invokeand chain libc functions [29, 31] and short instruction sequencessuch as pops followed by returns [33, 24] and even to produce un-conditional loops [36, 37]. On most platforms, one can use thesetechniques to mark some memory region both writable and exe-cutable, then inject and execute arbitrary native machine code fromthat memory region as a second stage; the machine code is Turingcomplete, of course, so the first stage need not be Turing complete.(McDonald proposed essentially this approach in 1999 to bypassSolaris’s nonexecutable stack [29].) Exploits of this sort are not acontribution of this paper, nor of Shacham’s 2007 paper [41]. In-deed, setting aside Turing completeness, the observation that codereuse attacks might be feasible using chaining instructions otherthan “return” was made by the PaX team in 2003 [34].

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upon by researchers as the basis for mechanisms to detect and de-feat return-oriented attacks:• The first difference suggests a defense that looks for instruc-

tion streams with frequent returns. Davi, Sadeghi, and Wi-nandy [12] and Chen et al. [6] both use dynamic binary in-strumentation frameworks (Pin [28] and Valgrind [32], re-spectively) to instrument program code. With both systems,three consecutive sequences of five or fewer instructions end-ing in a return trigger an alarm.• The second difference suggests a defense that looks for vio-

lations of the last-in, first-out stack invariant usually main-tained in benign programs by the call and return instruc-tions. These solutions can be categorized in compiler-basedsolutions like Stack Shield [45] and RAD [7]; instrumen-tation-based solutions securing function prologues and epi-logues [35, 18]; those using just-in-time compilation, e.g.,TRUSS [42] and ROPdefender [13]; and, finally, hardware-facilitated solutions [16, 17]. All these proposals guaranteethe integrity of return addresses, which is violated in conven-tional return-oriented programming attacks.• More generally, if a body of code doesn’t contain return in-

structions, then traditional return-oriented programming isimpossible. Li et al. [25] propose a compiler for the x86 thatavoids issuing 0xc3 bytes that can be used as unintendedreturn instructions and that replaces intended call and returninstructions with an indirect call mechanism that pushes a“return index” onto the stack instead of a return address toavoid the return in the function epilogue.

While several of these defenses build on binary instrumentationplatforms and inherit the performance degradation that binary in-strumentation entails, the properties they verify are amenable tohardware implementation at greatly reduced overhead. What weshow in this paper is that these defenses would not be worthwhileeven if implemented in hardware. Resources would instead be bet-ter spent deploying a comprehensive solution, such as CFI [1, 14].

Our Contribution.We show that, on both the x86 and the ARM, it is possible to

perform return-oriented programming without using return instruc-tions. We show that instruction sequences exist that behave like re-turns, and that these can be used instead of returns to chain usefulsequences together to yield Turing-complete functionality.

Return instructions have two properties that make them usefulfor return-oriented programming: (1) they transfer control of ex-ecution by means of an indirect jump; and (2) they update someprocessor state, so a subsequent return will not transfer control tothe same location. In the case of actual return instructions, the lo-cation to which control is transferred is the address at the top of thestack, and the updated shared state is the stack pointer. On both thex86 and the ARM, instruction sequences exist that have these sametwo properties, but that do not include a return instruction. Thesesequences update a piece of global state (e.g., the stack pointer),load the address of the next instruction sequence to execute basedon this updated state, and branch to the address loaded.

Unlike return instructions, which are plentiful, our update-load-branch instruction sequences occur too infrequently for us to ex-pect to obtain a gadget set where each instruction sequence usedends in the two or three instructions that make up the update-load-branch operation. To overcome this, we reuse a single such update-load-branch instruction sequence as a trampoline. Each instructionsequence we use in composing our gadget set ends in an indirectjump to the trampoline, which redirects the execution to the nextsequence of instructions. We discuss these techniques in Section 2.

In Section 3 we describe a Turing-complete gadget set for thex86 that we have created based on the libc and certain large librariesdistributed with Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.4 (“Lenny”). In Section 4we similarly describe a Turing-complete gadget set on Google’sAndroid 2.0 (“Eclair”). The x86 is the dominant architecture fordesktop and server computing; within the last few years ARM hasachieved similar dominance in mobile computing. Thus our find-ings have implications for both major architectures in use today.

In Section 5, we consider how an attacker undertakes what DinoDai Zovi calls the stack pivot [9] — taking control of the stackpointer to execute return-oriented code — without using return in-structions. And, for completeness, we show in Section 6 completereturn-oriented exploits without return instructions against sampletarget programs for both architectures.

Negative Implications for Defenses.Our attack has negative implications for defenses against return-

oriented programming that look for return instructions in order torecognize a return-oriented instruction stream. Defenses of the firstkind considered above, which detect the use of several return in-structions in close succession, will not detect attacks structured likethe ones we introduce in this paper since these attacks make use ofeither one return or none at all. When it is possible to initiate an at-tack without a return, the LIFO invariant of the return-address stackis not violated, so defenses of the second sort will also not detectthe attacks. Defenses of the third kind, which rewrite binaries toeliminate return instructions, are likewise irrelevant, since returninstructions, whether intended or unintended, are never used.

Because our attack does not violate the LIFO invariant of thereturn-address stack, it is not clear that defenses that maintain ashadow return-address stack can be salvaged. Maintaining a shadowcopy of jump targets would not be useful, because no simple invari-ant governs these targets in benign programs.3

On the other hand, it may be possible to patch defenses of thefirst kind to look not just for several returns in quick succession butalso for several indirect jumps in quick succession. This would de-tect attacks structured as ours are. Doing so without being able,provably, to detect that every kind of return-like instruction se-quence that a return-oriented program might use risks engagingin a classic cat-and-mouse game in which attackers switch to newreturn-like sequences to evade the upgraded defenses. Prior toour results in this paper, it appeared that return-oriented program-ming unavoidably relied on return instructions, making these in-structions attractive targets for detection and defense. Now, how-ever, it appears that a different property must be found by whichto detect return-oriented attacks. Instead of such a cat-and-mousegame, it would be better to deploy a comprehensive defense suchas CFI.

Full Versions.This paper represents the merging of two papers available sepa-

rately as technical reports [5, 11]. Some details are omitted in thisversion due to space constraints.

2. ROP WITHOUT RETURNSIn this section we describe how return-like instruction sequences

can substitute for rets, allowing return-oriented programming with-out use of return instructions.

3We further observe that shadow return-address stacks are difficultto keep synchronized in the presence of longjmp calls, thunks, andother unusual forms of control transfer; a defense that relies on thecorrectness of the shadow return-address stack may be brittle.

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Assumptions and Adversary Model.We define a strong adversary model. For our attack we assume

the availability of standard protection mechanisms against code in-jection and return address corruption attacks.

1. We assume that the target platform may enforce the W ⊕Xsecurity model.

2. We assume that the target platform may use countermea-sures to defend against/detect conventional return-orientedprogramming attacks, as described in Section 1.

3. We assume that the target platform provides an applicationwith some bug allowing us to divert a target program’s con-trol flow without using any return (i.e., function epilogue)instruction. We want to avoid the use of any return instruc-tion, so that our attack circumvents return address checkers.

The High-Level Idea.A ret instruction has the following effects: (1) it retrieves the

four-byte value at the top of the stack, and sets the instructionpointer (eip) to that value, so that the instructions beginning at thataddress execute; and (2) it increases the value of the stack pointer(esp) by four, so that the top of the stack is now the word abovethe word assigned to eip. In return-oriented programming, the lo-cation of each instruction sequence is written to the stack; when asequence has executed, reaching the ret that ends it, that ret causesthe next instruction sequence to be executed.

One way to view this arrangement of the stack, suggested byRoemer et al. [39], is that in return-oriented programming the stackpointer takes the place of the instruction pointer in ordinary pro-gramming; that each gadget on the stack is an instruction for acustom-built virtual machine; and that the ret at the end of eachinstruction sequence acts like a typewriter carriage return to ad-vance the processor to the next instruction — something the pro-cessor does automatically for ordinary programs.

Our insight in this paper is that many other instruction sequenceshave ret-like properties, and that such instruction sequences makepossible return-oriented programming without returns. Our replace-ment for the ret instruction is an update-load-branch sequence, sonamed because it first updates the global state that acts as the return-oriented program’s instruction pointer, then uses the updated stateto load from memory the address of the next instruction sequenceto execute, and finally branches to the loaded address.

On the x86, we recommend the use of return-like instructionsequences of the form “pop x ; jmp ∗x”, where x is any general-purpose register. (One can also use other kinds of sequences, in-cluding ones where the register updated is not the stack pointer;see Section 3.1.) On the ARM, we recommend the use of “update-load-branch” return-like instruction sequences such as “adds r6,#4;ldr r5, [r6,#124]; blx r5”; where a general-purpose register (in thisexample, r6) is the updated state.

Reusing an Update-Load-Branch Sequence.It turns out that update-load-branch instruction sequences are

more rare than the ret instructions they take the place of. (Return in-structions are just one instruction, not two or more, and are used inalmost every function.) Instead of trying to build a Turing-completegadget set where every instruction sequence ends in update-load-branch, we look for a single update-load-branch sequence in thetarget program, then reuse this sequence as a trampoline. To reusethe trampoline, we select instruction sequences ending in an indi-rect jump instruction whose target is the trampoline.4 The trampo-

4Shacham observed [41, Section 5.1] that if ebx contains the ad-dress of a ret instruction then any instruction sequence ending in






Corrupt ControlStructures






Libraries (lib)

Program Memory

Jump (BLX)


Jump (BLX)


JumpInstruction Sequence

Instruction Sequence Jump

Figure 1: Return-oriented programming without returns

line updates the program’s global state and transfers control to thenext instruction sequence. There are sufficiently many instructionsequences ending in indirect jumps that a Turing-complete gadgetset can be constructed this way.

If, on the x86, we reserve a register y to store the trampoline’saddress then sequences ending in an indirect jump through y willbehave as though they themselves ended in update-load-branch in-structions, allowing the sequences to be chained together in thereturn-oriented style. The principle is the same for ARM, wherewe use blx (Branch-Link-Exchange) as our indirect jump.

The principle of a jump-based attack is depicted in Figure 1. Itshows an abstract view of a program’s memory. The adversary can-not inject own malicious code due to enabled W⊕X protection (seeAssumption 1). However, an adversary is still able to use existingcode of the target program and its libraries. Therefore, the adver-sary corrupts the control structure (CS) section so that program ex-ecution transfers to a specific piece of code in a linked library (lib).Usually control structures (such as return and jump addresses) arelocated on the stack or on the heap. The instruction sequence ofthe linked library is executed until an indirect jump instruction hasbeen reached which redirects the execution to the next sequence ofinstructions by using our trampoline. The trampoline is also part ofthe linked libraries and is responsible for redirecting execution tothe next instruction sequence.


3.1 Update-Load-Branch on the x86Consider the sequence “pop %eax; jmp ∗%eax”, which updates

the stack pointer as the global program state, and has the side effectof overwriting the eax register. This is a usable update-load-branch,and one example of a large class of such sequences.

More generally, we can, first, substitute another general-purposeregister (esp excepted, for obvious reasons) for eax. Second, wecan use doubly indirect jumps instead of singly indirect jumps, bystoring at the stack word popped into eax not the address of thenext sequence to run but the address of another location in memorythat holds that sequence address. A return-oriented exploit that usessuch doubly indirect jumps can be organized to include a sequencecatalog of useful instruction sequence addresses, something likethe Global Offset Table used in dynamic linking. Third, we canuse doubly indirect jumps with an immediate offset (either 8-bitor 32-bit), by adding to or subtracting from the sequence addressto cancel out the effect of the immediate offset. Fourth, we canobserve that the x86 provides two kinds of doubly indirect jumps:

jmp ∗%ebx behaves just as if it had ended in ret; here we are replac-ing ret by an update-load-branch sequence. For the use of relatedtechniques in the context of code injection, see [10, 27, 8].

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near jumps, which take a 32-bit address in the current segment;and far jumps, which take a 32-bit address together with a 16-bitsegment selector. Far jumps allow for sophisticated privilege do-main regimes with restricted cross-domain calls (as, e.g., in thex86 NaCl sandbox [48]). We, however, need only the followingfact: An appropriate choice of segment selector (on our Debiansystem, 0x0073) leaves the code segment unchanged; a far jumpto an address with this segment selector behaves exactly like a nearjump to the same address.5 Because the segment selector followsthe address in memory, we can follow each address in the sequencecatalog with the appropriate segment selector and thereafter use farand near doubly indirect jumps interchangeably. (This introduceszero bytes into the catalog; if this is a problem for a particular ex-ploit, the zero bytes can be patched in at runtime; see Section 6.1.)

We use sequences of the sort described above in constructing ourgadgets. We refer to all of them using the shorthand pop x ; jmp ∗x ,where x is any general purpose register. Pop-jump sequences occurwith some frequency as unintended instructions because of acci-dental features of the x86 ISA; see our tech report [5].

There are yet more possibilities for update-load-branch instruc-tion sequences on the x86. One could imagine a sequence based oncall ∗x , which would decrease esp each time it is used. Or a dif-ferent register than esp could be used, as, e.g., in add 0x4, %eax;jmp ∗(%eax); this is similar to the update-load-branch sequencewe use in Section 4 for our ARM instantiation. Or, using SIB ad-dressing, a combination of registers could be used, with the indexregister scaled by 4 and incremented after each dereference. Ora memory location could serve as the mutable state instead of aregister. The point here is that many possible types of instructionsequence exhibit the necessary behavior and are potentially suitablefor return-oriented programming. A defense that detects some butnot all of these types of instruction sequences would be of limitedvalue, as attackers may be able to switch to a different return-likesequence and thereby evade detection.

3.2 Gadget SetTo demonstrate that Turing-complete return-oriented computa-

tion without returns is feasible in real programs, we design a set ofgadgets each of which performs a discrete computation and can bereasoned about independently by virtue of little or no state main-tained between gadgets. We build these gadgets by examining theC standard library found in Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.4 (“Lenny”),GNU libc 2.7, which is 1294572 bytes.6 As we will see below, byitself, Debian’s libc is almost sufficient. We need a single instruc-tion sequence to exist in the either target program or in a library

5A 16-bit segment selector consists of a 13-bit index, a 1-bit tableindicator, and a 2-bit requested privilege level. The index speci-fies a 64-bit segment descriptor in either the global descriptor ta-ble or the local descriptor table as specified by the table indicator.Each segment descriptor contains a number of bit-fields includingthe segment base address, segment limit and privilege level. SinceLinux uses a flat address space, most of the segment descriptorsused in user programs specify a base address of zero and a limit of4 GB [21]. The selector 0x0073 corresponds to an index of 14 inthe global descriptor table with a requested privilege level of ring 3.6There are actually two distinct libcs on our test system: /lib/ and /lib/i686/cmov/ Thegadgets described in this section and the example exploit in Sec-tion 6.1 are constructed from the former. However, the latter li-brary is loaded at runtime instead on some machines, apparentlythose that support the conditional-move instructions cmovcc (in-troduced with the Intel Pentium Pro). We have verified that thislibc also provides instruction sequences sufficient for constructinga Turing-complete gadget set without returns, which gives addi-tional evidence for our thesis in this paper.

loaded by the target program. We find this additional instructionsequence in two large libraries: Mozilla’s libxul (11857460 bytes),distributed with Firefox and Thunderbird; and the PHP language’slibphp5 (5450680 bytes). These libraries are used in Web browsersand Web servers, respectively — common targets for exploitation.

(Could compilers be modified to avoid emitting pop-jump se-quences? We note, first, that these instructions need be intendedinstructions placed in the binary by the compiler; second, that wedo not require the pop immediately to precede the jump, making thecompiler’s job harder; and, third, that other instruction sequencesthan pop-jump could be used. Modifying compilers is a compli-cated project. We believe that the effort would be better spent de-ploying a comprehensive solution.)

As described in Section 2, rather than using sequences of instruc-tions that end in pop x ; jmp ∗x , we use sequences of instructionsthat end in jmp ∗y where y is a pointer to a pop x ; jmp ∗x sequence.It is exactly this pop x ; jmp ∗x that we do not find in libc7 and somust exist in the target program or one of its libraries. We call this(facetiously) the bring your own pop-jump (BYOPJ) paradigm.

Because libc is loaded into every Linux executable, we gain con-fidence by using it as the corpus for our instruction sequences (ex-cept the pop-jump) that return-oriented programming without re-turns is likely possible in any large Linux program that an attackermight target. We stress that using most instruction sequences fromlibc but a pop-jump from libxul is not how a real attacker would goabout mounting an attack. Libxul is larger and has more convenientinstruction sequences than libc does; a Turing-complete gadget setcould be constructed more easily from libxul alone than from libcwith a libxul pop-jump. However, any program that did not linkagainst libxul would require an entirely different gadget set. Un-like creating a new gadget set, testing that a program contains asuitable pop-jump is simple and easily automated.

Most of the useful instruction sequences end with either a near(resp. far) indirect jump to the address stored in the near (resp. far)pointer in memory at an address stored in register edx. That is,many instruction sequences end with jmp ∗(%edx) or ljmp ∗(%edx).

Each gadget could be made fully independent from the others,but since register edx is so useful for chaining instruction sequences,we ensure that at the end of each gadget, it holds the address of thesequence catalog entry for the pop x ; jmp ∗x . In most cases, thisrequired no additional work. The function call gadget is the onlyone which required the fix up.

Following Checkoway et al. [4], we design a three-address codememory-memory gadget set: our gadgets are of the form x← yopz,where x, y, and z are literal locations in memory that hold theoperands and destination. We use register edx to chain our in-struction sequences; for the pop x ; jmp ∗x sequence in our BYOPJparadigm, we use register ebx. This means that we cannot store anystate in register ebx, but we need not worry about changing its con-tents during the course of an instruction sequence since it will beoverwritten during the pop %ebx. This leaves us with five registers,eax, ecx, ebp, esi, and edi, to do with as we please.

Instruction Sequences.We used 34 distinct instruction sequences ending with jmp ∗x to

construct 19 general purpose gadgets: load immediate, move, load,store, add, add immediate, subtract, negate, and, and immediate,or, or immediate, xor, xor immediate, complement, branch uncon-ditional, branch conditional, set less than, and function call. The

7In the second libc described in footnote 6, there is a singlepop %edx; jmp ∗(%edx) sequence but as we show below, edx istoo useful to use for this purpose. Other minor differences existbetween the two libraries but we do not dwell on them further.

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majority of the instruction sequences contain four or fewer instruc-tions. The sequences were chosen by hand out of a collection ofpotential instruction sequences in libc discovered by the algorithmgiven by Shacham [41].

Loading data from the stack into a register can be accomplishedby means of a pop x ; jmp ∗y instruction sequence:

pop %eax; sub %dh, %bl; jmp ∗(%edx)pop %ecx; cmp %dh, %dh; jmp ∗(%edx)pop %ebp; or $0xF3, %al; jmp ∗(%edx)pop %esi; or $0xF3, %al; jmp ∗(%edx)pop %edi; cmp %bl, %dl; jmp ∗(%edx)pop %esp; or %edi, %esi; jmp ∗(%eax)popad; cld; ljmp ∗(%edx)

The first five can be used to load any of the registers we wish touse as long as we load register eax after registers ebp and esi. Thesixth allows for a simple jump by changing the stack pointer, seebelow. Instruction popad pops all seven general purpose registersoff of the stack (it does not pop register esp, but it require 4 bytesthat are ignored for a total of 32 bytes popped off of the stack).Without a pop %edx; jmp ∗x instruction in the target binary or itslibraries, popad is the only way to load register edx. This is onlyan issue for our function call gadget described below.

The gadgets need to be able to move data between memory andregisters as well as between multiple registers. Moving a word frommemory into a register is accomplished by means of a mov n(x), yinstruction where n is some immediate offset. The analogous in-struction mov x, n(y ) allows for the reverse operation. Movementbetween registers is less straight-forward because while such anx86 instruction exists, we find none in sequences ending in jmp ∗x .Instead, the contents of two registers can be exchanged with thexchg instruction, or by arranging for the destination register to be0x00000000 or 0xffffffff, the source register can be oredor anded with the destination, effecting the move.

One difficulty we will frequently encounter is the need to use aregister for holding data in one instruction sequence and for beingthe x in the jmp ∗x in another sequence within a single gadget.Handling this requires careful structuring of the gadget to ensurethat the register has been loaded with the address of the pointer tothe pop x ; jmp ∗x sequence before it is needed.

By now, the gadget-construction procedure is well-described inthe literature [41, 3, 15, 20, 19, 26]. As such, we only briefly de-scribe each of our standard gadgets and focus more on the gadgetsthat require extra finesse.

Data Movement.The first thing we wish to do is to load immediate values into

memory at a fixed address. This is easily accomplished by loadingesi with the immediate value and eax with the fixed address plus0xb. This takes two pops. Then we use mov %esi, -0xb(%eax)to write the immediate value to memory.

Since we want a collection of memory-memory gadgets, we needto load a word from one (constant) location in memory and store itinto another (constant) location in memory. This is accomplishedby loading the source address into eax, loading the destination ad-dress into ebp, loading from eax into edi, and finally storing ediinto memory at the address in ebp. This is the move gadget.

A simple modification to the move gadget yields the load gad-get. Rather than storing the word in memory at the source addressinto the destination address, that word is used as a pointer to an-other word in memory which is loaded into another register andthen stored at the destination address. In pseudo code, the opera-tion is the following.

eax ← sourceedi ← (eax)esi ← (edi)eax ← destination(eax) ← esi

A store gadget is similar except that the address where the sourcevalue is to be stored is itself stored at a fixed location. That is, thestore gadget performs the operation (A)← B where A is the wordin memory at the destination address and B is the word in mem-ory at the source address. In fact, we can perform the operation(A+ n)← B where n is a literal value. This allows for easy con-stant array indexing into an array that is not at a fixed location inmemory, where A is the array base and n is the offset.

Arithmetic Operations.The add, add immediate, and subtract gadgets are straight for-

ward. They work by loading the source operands into registers,performing the appropriate operation, and then storing the resultback to memory. The x86 ISA allows one of the operands to be alocation in memory which would obviate the need to load one ofthe operands. This could potentially simplify the gadgets.

The negate gadget loads the word from the source address, takesthe two’s complement of the word, and stores it back to mem-ory. The neg instruction, which performs the two’s complementof a register does not appear near a jmp ∗x instruction; we in-stead load esi with zero using xor %esi, %esi, then use the se-quence subl -0x7D(%ebp,%ecx), %esi; jmp ∗(%ecx) to subtractthe value from zero. The subl instruction performs the operationesi← esi− (ebp+ecx−0x7D).8 Since our jmp ∗x uses ecx, wehave to load it with the address of a pointer to the pop x ; jmp ∗x se-quence. This means that ebp must have the value of the source ad-dress plus 0x7D minus the address of the pointer to pop x ; jmp ∗x .

Logical Operations.The and, and immediate, or, and or immediate gadgets are con-

structed in an analogous manner to the add gadget. Namely, theoperands are loaded into registers, the operation is performed, andthe result is stored back to memory. The only tricky part is themovement of data between registers as described above.

The xor and xor immediate gadgets are similar, but instead ofxoring the value of two registers and then storing the results backto memory, they write the first source word to the destination andthen xor that location with the second source word.

The complement gadget computes the one’s complement of thesource value and stores it into the destination address. Similar tothe situation with the negate gadget, there is an x86 instruction notwhich performs the one’s complement, but it does not appear in theuseful instructions sequences in libc. Instead, we proceed exactlyas for the negate gadget except instead of loading esi with zero, weload it with 0xffffffff=−1. This works because−1−x=¬x.

Branching.In a normal program, a branch can either be to an absolute ad-

dress or to an address relative to the current instruction. In return-oriented programming, a branch is performed by changing the stackpointer rather than the instruction pointer. An absolute branch canbe effected by popping a value off the stack into esp. Alternatively,a negative offset from the end of the gadget can be popped into ediwhich is then subtracted from the stack pointer using the sequencesub %edi, %esp; ljmp ∗(%eax) This allows stack-pointer-relativebranching. This is the basis for our branch unconditional gadget.8The parentheses denote dereference, not grouping.

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In order to have Turing-complete behavior, we must have a wayto perform a conditional branch. The x86 has a number of condi-tional branch operations; however, these are unsuitable for our pur-pose since they affect the instruction pointer rather than the stackpointer. Instead, we need a way to change the stack pointer con-ditioned on the word stored in memory at a known address. Ifthe word is zero, then we do not change the stack pointer. If theword is 0xffffffff, then we subtract an offset from the stackpointer as in the unconditional case. The way we do this is byloading the word into a register and anding with the offset. Theresult is subtracted from the stack pointer. The implementation isa straight-forward combination of the and gadget and the branchunconditional gadget and is our branch conditional gadget.

In any gadget set, the most difficult gadget to construct is theone that compares two values and performs an operation based onthe relative magnitude of the values. Taking a cue from the MIPSarchitecture, we implement a set less than gadget that sets the wordat the destination address equal to 0xffffffff if the first sourceword is less than the second source word.

The implementation of the set less than gadget is given in Fig-ure 2. The string compare instruction cmpsl compares the twowords pointed to by %ds:%esi and %es:%edi and sets the carryflag if the latter is greater than the former. As a side effect, it in-crements or decrements registers esi and edi based on the directionflag; however, this is of no concern since we are only comparing asingle word. The sbb instruction subtracts esi plus the value of thecarry flag from esi. In essence, if the first source value is less thanthe second source value, then the carry flag will be set and esi is setto 0xffffffff, otherwise, the carry flag will not be set and soesi will be set to zero, exactly as required for the branch conditionalgadget. The one thing we have to be careful of is register cl cannotbe zero otherwise a divide by zero exception will occur.

With the set less than and logical gadgets, a conditional branchbased on comparing any two values for any of the six relations<, ≤, =, 6=, ≥, and > can be formed. At this point our set ofgadgets is Turing-complete.

Function Calls.Now that we have a Turing-complete set of gadgets, we extend

their functionality by adding a gadget to perform function calls.This gives us two new abilities: we can call normal return-orientedinstruction sequences — i.e., those ending in return — or we cancall legitimate functions. Since we use an actual call instruction,any return-oriented programming defense relying on the LIFO na-ture of the call stack will be thwarted since this invariant is main-tained. Any defense relying on the frequency of return instructionswill be thwarted as long as the number of other instructions exe-cuted between these calls is sufficiently high.

Since calling legitimate functions is the more complicated of thetwo operations, we focus on it here. Calling a sequence ending inreturn is roughly the same except for moving the stack pointer andhandling the return value.

Before a function call is made, the stack pointer must be movedto a new location to keep from overwriting our previous gadgets onthe stack. If n is the address where the stack pointer should be whenthe function begins to execute — i.e., the location where the returnaddress will be stored — then the k arguments should be stored ataddresses n+4, n+8, . . . , n+4k. This can be done using the loadimmediate or move gadgets. The function call gadget is then usedto perform the computation A← fun(arg1,arg2, . . . ,argk) with thestack pointer set to n.

Since the Linux application binary interface (ABI) for x86 spec-ifies that registers eax, ecx, and edx are caller-saved, we must take

care that return-oriented code is not confused if a called functionoverwrites these registers. One particularly tricky point is that sinceedx is caller-saved, once we return from the call we need to restoreit to the address of the pointer to the pop x ; jmp ∗x . We cannotdo this using only the instruction sequences in libc if we care aboutthe return value which is in eax. Continuing our BYOPJ paradigm,if the target program has either a pop %edx; jmp ∗(%edx) or apop %edx; jmp ∗(%esi), then we can restore edx without overwrit-ing the return value in eax. Mozilla’s libxul has such a sequence.Without such a sequence, the function call gadget has to be tailoredfor each application rather than being generic.

The implementation of the function call gadget is given in Fig-ure 3. Some parts of the implementation are rather subtle. The firstthing it does is to load registers esi, ebp, and eax. Register esi isloaded with the address of the sequence catalog entry for the call-jump sequence, ebp is loaded with the actual address of the leave-jump sequence, and eax is loaded with the literal value n (plus theoffset for our store sequence). Next, the address of the sequencecatalog entry for the call-jump is stored at address n. Register esi isthen loaded with 0x38 and the value of the stack pointer is addedto it. At this point, esi holds the address we will set the stack pointerto after the the function call returns.

Now that we know the location on the stack we wish to return toafter our function call, we need to move it into ebp. The easiest wayto do this is to store it to memory (where we will eventually storethe function’s return value), load it back from memory into edi, thenexchange it with ebp. After the exchange, edi holds the address ofthe leave-jump sequence and ebp holds the value we will set thestack pointer to after the function call. Next, we load esi with theaddress of the sequence catalog entry for pop x ; jmp ∗x ; load ecxwith the address where the pointer to the function is stored (plus anoffset); and load eax with the value n. Registers esp and eax areexchanged causing the stack pointer to be set to n.

Recall that the first thing the function call gadget did was to storethe address of the catalog entry for the call-jump sequence to n.At this point, the indirect call of the function fun happens. Afterfun returns, we cannot rely on the values in registers ecx or edxwhile eax holds the return value. However, edi holds the addressof the leave-jump sequence, thus the jmp ∗%edi instruction causesa leave instruction to be executed which sets the stack pointer toebp — which is still holding the address we placed into it with thefirst xchg instruction — and then pops the value off of the top of thestack into ebp. This causes the address of the sequence catalog en-try for pop x ; jmp ∗x (plus an offset) to be loaded into ebp causingthe subsequent jmp ∗-0x7d(%ebp) instruction to chain the nextinstruction sequence.

We now have two choices for the implementation. In the ab-sence of a pop %edx; jmp ∗(%edx) sequence, we use a popad;jmp ∗(%edx), losing the return value. In this case, the function callgadget is complete. If we do have a pop %edx; jmp ∗(%edx) se-quence, we execute that, and then store the return value in eax intomemory. The latter form of the gadget is shown in Figure 3.

4. INSTANTIATION ON ARMIn this section we introduce our attack method and gadget set for

ARM. We also provide some background information on ARM’sRISC architecture.

4.1 ARM/THUMB Instruction SetARM is a 32-bit processor and features 16 general-purpose reg-

isters r0 to r15 as depicted in Table 1. All these registers can beaccessed/changed directly. In contrast to the Intel x86 architecture,even the program counter pc can be accessed directly. Additionally,

Page 7: Return-Oriented Programming without Returns




Cpop %esi; or $0xf3, %al; jmp *(%edx)

pop %eax; sub %dh, %bl; jmp *(%edx)

mov %esi, -0xB(%eax); jmp *(%edx)

pop %ecx; cmp %dh, %dh; jmp *(%edx)

pop %edi; cmp %bl, %dh; jmp *(%edx)

sbb %esi, %esi; sub %dh, %bl; jmp *(%edx)



Set Less Than



cmpsl %es:(%edi), %ds:(%esi);

div %cl; ljmp *(%edx)

Figure 2: Set less than gadget. If the word at address B is less than the word at address C, set the word at address A to 0xffffffff;otherwise set it to 0x00000000. The gadget begins executing with the stack pointer (esp) pointing to the bottom-most (smallestaddress) cell of the gadget. As execution proceeds, the stack pointer moves to higher cells (higher addresses). Each cell is either apointer to an entry in the sequence catalog — which is itself a pointer to the instruction sequence that is actually executed — or data.After the final instruction sequence in the gadget has executed, the stack pointer points to the next gadget to be executed.

0xb + result

0x7d +



0xd + result

0xb + result


0xb + n


sar %cl, %bl

jmp *-0x7d(%ebp) pop %esi; or $0xf3, %al; jmp *(%edx)

pop %ebp; or $0xf3, %al; jmp *(%edx)

call *-0x56000A00(%ecx); add %bh, %bl;

inc %ebx; add %bh, %dh; jmp *%edi

pop %eax; sub %dh, %bl; jmp *(%edx)

mov %esi, -0xB(%eax); jmp *(%edx)

add %esp, %esi; jmp *(%edx)

mov -0xD(%eax), %edi; jmp *(%edx)

xchg %ebp, %edi; jmp *(%edx)

pop %ecx; cmp %dh, %dh; jmp *(%edx)

xchg %esp, %eax; dec %ebx;

std; jmp *0(%esi)

pop %edx; jmp *(%edx)

pop %ebx; jmp *(%ebx)

xchg %esi, %eax; and %dh, %dh;

jmp *(%edx)



Function Call



Figure 3: Function call gadget. This convoluted gadget makes the function call result←←← f(((arg1,,,arg2,,, . . . ,,,argk))) where the argumentshave already been placed at n+++4,,,n+++8,,, . . . ,,,n+++4k. The return value is stored into memory at address result.

ARM processors feature a current program status register (cpsr),which holds the current state of the system. It contains conditionflags, interrupt enable flags, and the current mode.

Although ARM has a 32-bit RISC architecture, it also providesa 16-bit instruction set, called THUMB. The THUMB instructionset is a subset of the ARM instruction set and is in particular suit-

Page 8: Return-Oriented Programming without Returns

Table 1: ARM Registers

Register Purpose

r0–r3 Function arguments; function resultsr4–r11 Register variables (callee saved)r12 Scratch registerr13 (sp) Stack Pointerr14 (lr) Link Register (subroutine return address)r15 (pc) Program Countercpsr Control Program Status Register

able for embedded systems which often suffer from greater mem-ory restrictions as PCs. In particular, the libraries libc and libweb-core which we use as the code base for our attack on ARM containmainly THUMB instructions.

Function Calls.According to the ARM Architecture Procedure Call Standard

(AAPCS) [2], function calls are to be performed either through abl or through a blx instruction. Both instructions perform a branchwith link operation — that is, the program counter pc is loaded withthe address of the subroutine and the link register lr is loaded withthe return address. The blx instruction additionally allows switch-ing between the ARM and THUMB instruction sets. Of the twoinstructions, only blx can perform an indirect jump through a regis-ter. Note that, in practice, not all function calls follow the AAPCScalling convention: Instead of transferring the return address to lr,the ARM C compiler may push the return address onto the stackand perform a direct branch to the function.

A function return is effected by writing the return address to theprogram counter pc. For this, the ARM architecture provides nodedicated return instruction. Instead, any instruction that is ableto write to the program counter can be used as return instruction.For instance, one common return instruction is the bx lr instructionthat branches to the address stored in the link register lr. It is alsopossible to use the ldm (load multiple) instruction to load the returnaddress from the stack.

4.2 Attack Method DesignOur attack uses the indirect call form of the blx (Branch-Link-

Exchange) instruction — that is, we use blx r where r is a generalpurpose register — to cause control to flow from one instruction se-quence to another. As described above, the blx instruction is usuallyused for indirect function calls, potentially exchanging instructionsets.

The blx instruction is not a part of a function epilogue. Hence,an attack based on blx instructions cannot be detected by return ad-dress checkers. Moreover, in contrast to Intel’s x86 call instruction,the blx instruction does not impact values on the stack (or generallyon the memory), which makes the blx instruction very suitable foran attack. However, since the program counter pc can be accessedas a general purpose register, any instruction which uses the pro-gram counter pc as a destination register could also be used for theattack. We selected blx instructions because most of the instructionsequences we identified in our code base end with blx.

For extraction of a Turing-complete gadget set we manually in-spected the system libraries libc and libwebcore of an Android 2.0(“Eclair”) platform for instruction sequences ending in blx instruc-tions. Android’s libc version is very compact, hence, we includedAndroid’s Web Browser library libwebcore to enlarge the code base.Both of the libraries (by default) are linked into the memory spaceof an application to fixed addresses. Note that the ARM gadgetcompiler proposed in [23] automatically extracts instruction se-



Address 1

Sequence 1


Address 2

Update + load r

and branch to

target address


(under control of the adversary)




Argument 1

Argument 2


Sequence 2

Low Memory Addresses


Update SP and transfer

control to Address 1


High Memory Addresses



Update−Load−Branch (ULB)





Register Allocation












insinsblx rulb

blx rulb



ulb jaInitialize r , r


Figure 4: The Attack Method/Architecture

quences ending in a so-called "free branch” (such as blx). How-ever, the gadgets in [23] are chained together by function epilogueswhich allow return address checkers to detect the attack. As weshow in this paper our attack technique is solely based on blx in-structions and requires no function epilogues. The instantiation ofthis type of attack is more involved (see also [11] for more de-tails).

Memory Layout.Figure 4 depicts the memory layout and the attack steps. The

memory area under control of the adversary consists of jump ad-dresses and arguments which are clearly separated from each other.Each jump address points to a specific instruction sequence whereaseach sequence ends with a blx instruction in order to allow chainingof multiple sequences. We misuse the stack pointer sp as a pointerto arguments and need a second register (denoted with rja) as apointer to jump addresses. We use the stack pointer because manysequences we identified in our code base contain load/store oper-ations where sp is used as base register. However, the adversaryis not forced to control the stack pointer. Instead any register (rsp)can be used as pointer to arguments and data. The order of jumpaddresses and arguments highly depends on the appropriate instruc-tion sequences found on a platform. For instance, if the instructionsequence which updates rja adds a positive constant then jump ad-dresses have to go from lower to higher memory addresses. In Fig-ure 4 jump addresses go from lower to higher memory addressesand arguments are ordered vice versa. Of course, if jump addressesare not separated from arguments then one register could be saved.This is the approach we take on the x86 (see Section 3), where itis convenient to use pop instructions to load arguments while up-dating the stack pointer. On ARM, unfortunately, the libraries weexamined load arguments without updating the stack pointer. Thatis the reason why we use rja as pointer to jump addresses which isupdated after each instruction sequence.

Attack Steps.First, the adversary injects jump addresses and arguments to the

stack or the heap (see Section 6 for a concrete example). Similar tox86 (see Section 3.2), our attack method on ARM consists mainlyof three parts: (1) setup, (2) update-load-branch (ULB) sequence,

Page 9: Return-Oriented Programming without Returns

and (3) gadgets which consist of several instruction sequences. Bysubverting the control-flow, the adversary is able to initialize sev-eral registers. We refer to this process as a setup (step 1 in Figure 4).

The setup initializes three registers: rja, rulb , and rsp . Registers rjaand rsp are used as a pointer to jump addresses and arguments. Reg-ister rulb is loaded with the address of our ULB sequence (see be-low). Finally, the last action of our setup phase is to redirect execu-tion to sequence 1 (steps 2 and 3). After sequence 1 completes itstask, the blx instruction (located at the end of the sequence) redi-rects execution to our ULB sequence (step 4). The ULB sequenceacts as trampoline by updating register rja, loading the address ofsequence 2, and branching to sequence 2 (steps 5 and 6).

4.3 Gadget SetThe crucial part of our attack is to build a Turing-complete gad-

get set allowing an adversary to generate arbitrary program behav-ior. Generally, gadgets consist of several instruction sequences,whereas for our purposes the instruction sequences on ARM haveto end in a blx instruction to redirect execution to our ULB se-quence. We could construct all these gadgets using the sequencesin our code base, namely the libraries libwebcore and libc of anAndroid 2.0 device.

Details of Setup and ULB Sequence.First, we describe the details of our setup and the ULB sequence.

Since, our concrete attack directly initializes register r4 through r15by exploiting a setjmp vulnerability on the heap, we assume for themoment that the adversary can directly initialize these registers. Wewill describe in Section 6 in more details how this can be achieved.

In Section 4.2 we introduced the registers rja, rulb , and rsp as thebasis for our attack. The allocation of these registers fundamen-tally depends on the identified instruction sequences in our codebase and involves technical challenges because these registers mustbe preserved during the execution of the gadget chain. For ourcode base we made the following allocation (as depicted in Fig-ure 4): rja = r6, rulb = r3, and rsp = sp. Further, we use followingsequences for the setup and the ULB sequences:

l d r r3 , [ sp , # 0 ] ; b l x r3 / / Setupadds r6 , # 4 ; l d r r5 , [ r6 , # 1 2 4 ] ; b l x r5 / / ULB

We use r3 for rulb because most of the sequences in our code baseend with a blx r3 instruction. Our setup sequence initializes r3 byloading the address of the ULB sequence from the stack througha ldr (load register) instruction into r3. Note, since our adversaryis able to directly initialize r4–r15 by the setjmp vulnerability, werequire no additional setup sequences for rja and rsp .

The ULB sequence acts as connector for all executed instructionsequences by (1) updating rja after each sequence and (2) transfer-ring control to the subsequent instruction sequence. Since registersr0–r3 are often used as destination registers before a blx instruc-tion, we decided to use r6 as rja register. The ULB sequence firstincreases register r6 by 4 bytes (Update), then loads the next jumpaddress (by an offset of 124 bytes to r6) in r5 (Load), and finallybranches to the loaded address (Branch). However, this sequencedoes not directly use rja as branch destination register, rather it usesfor this r5. Thus, we must take into account that the content of r5 isoverwritten after each ULB sequence.

One technical problem we have to address is that most of oursequences use the pre-indexed addressing mode, which means thatsp does not change its value after it is used as base register in aload operation. It would be desirable to directly load sp, but unfor-tunately, we have no such load operation in the sequences of ourcode base. Hence, we use the following sequence to update sp:

sub sp ,#12 ; adds r0 , r4 , # 0 ; b l x r3

This sequence decreases the value of the stack pointer by 12 bytesand as a side-effect overwrites the value of register r0 with the con-tent stored in r4. To preserve register r0, its value could first bestored to memory or moved to a free register.

Data Movement.Data movement gadgets are needed for loading and storing val-

ues from and to memory. Due to the RISC architecture of ARMprocessors, load and store operations are only permitted throughdedicated instructions. The ARM instruction set offers for this theldr and str instructions.9 A register can be loaded through the ldrinstruction. Storing a register to memory is performed through thestr instruction. For instance, the following sequence loads a wordfrom the stack (with zero bytes offset) into r1:

l d r r1 , [ sp , # 0 ] ; b l x r3

To load an immediate value into a register the following sequencecould be used, which loads NULL into r2:

movs r2 , # 0 ; b l x r3

For a store operation we need at least two registers, one holdingthe word to be stored and one holding the target address. This canbe achieved by load gadgets as described above. Finally, the storeoperation is performed through the str instruction.

Arithmetic Operations.Arithmetic operation gadgets include gadgets for addition, sub-

traction, multiplication and division. The ADD gadget can be real-ized with the arithmetic addition instruction adds as follows:

adds r0 , r0 , r2 ; b l x r3

This sequence adds the contents of register r0 and r2 and stores theresult in register r0.

Our SUB gadget is based on the arithmetic subtraction instruc-tion subs as depicted in Figure 5. This gadget subtracts r0 fromr4. Sequences 1 and 2 load the first operand into r4 through r0,whereas the conditional branch in sequence 2 will be never taken,because r3 holds the address of the ULB sequence (which doesnot equal NULL). Afterwards, sequence 3 loads r0 with the secondoperand. The fourth sequence loads the address where the resultwill be stored into register r2. Finally, the last sequence performsthe subtraction and stores the result at memory position [sp, #32]and in register r1.

The remaining MUL and DIV gadget can be realized by invokingthe ADD and SUB gadget in a loop.

Logical Operations.The design of logical gadgets is very similar to the design of

arithmetic gadgets. First, they load the source registers. Then,they perform the desired operation. For example, we instantiatethe AND gadget as depicted in Figure 6.

First, sequences 1 and 2 load the first operand into register r7.Next, sequence 3 loads the second operand into register r1, andfinally, sequence 4 performs the and operation on register r1 andr7, the result is stored into register r7.

One important logical gadget to mention is the NOT gadget thatcomputes the two’s complement of a specific value. We realize theNOT gadget (based on the ideas presented in Section 3.2) by sub-tracting the source register from −1. The AND and NOT gadgets9In addition to these two instructions, ARM provides the ldm andstm instructions for a multiple load and store operation.

Page 10: Return-Oriented Programming without Returns

Result (r1)







subs r1,r4,r0str r1,[r2,#4]adds r0,r5,#0ldr r1,[sp,#32]blx r3

Sequence 1

ldr r0,[sp,#4]blx r3

Sequence 2

Sequence 5

blx r3ldr r0,[sp,#16]

Sequence 3

ldr r2,[sp,#12]blx r3

Sequence 4

cmp r3,#0mov r4,r0beq 212b0blx r3

Figure 5: The Subtract Gadget

can be combined to form a NAND gadget. All other logical opera-tions (such as or, xor) can be emulated through our NAND gadget.Similarly, the negate gadget can be simulated through a SUB gad-get by subtracting the source register from zero.

Branching.Branching implicates changing the rja (r6) register rather than

the instruction pointer. The unconditional branching gadget can berealized by adding an offset to register rja, or by directly loading rjawith a new value.

Our conditional branching gadget is realized by the same ap-proach we used for Intel x86 (see Section 3.2): We compare twovalues and depending on the result, rja is either changed by an un-conditional branch gadget or remains as it is. To realize this gad-get, we need a compare operation. This can be simulated througha SUB gadget updating the carry flag in the cpsr register. The up-dated carry bit is then added to the constant 0xffffffff, hencethe result will be either 0x0 or 0xffffffff. Finally, the resultmust be anded with the desired branch offset. The result of this lastoperation will be either 0x0 (Carry Bit = 1) or the offset (CarryBit = 0), which is finally added to rja.

System and Function Calls.System calls are highly important for runtime attacks. Basically,

they are needed to invoke special services of the operating system(e.g., opening a file or executing a new program). For instance,conventional code injection attacks use the execve system call toexecute a program such as /bin/sh. System calls are also often im-

ldr r2,[sp,#4]

ldr r1,[sp,#16]


1.Operand (r7)

2.Operand (r1)

blx r3

blx r3

Sequence 3

Sequence 1

ands r7,r1blx r3

adds r7,r2blx r3

Sequence 2

Sequence 4

Figure 6: AND Gadget

ldr r3,[sp,#0]blx r3

adds r6,#4ldr r5,[r6,#124]blx r5

pushed r7

pushed r4

ULB Address




push {r4,r7}mov r7,#11svc 0x00000000pop {r4,r7}movs r0,r0bxpl lr

blx r7adds r1,r0,#0adds r0,r5,#0blx r4

Sequence 1

System Call (execve)

Sequence 2

Update−Load−Branch (ULB)



Figure 7: System Call Gadget

plemented as functions in libc. Thus, a program only needs to in-voke the appropriate system call function. A common alternative tothis scheme consists of passing arguments in registers and in storingthe system call number in a register (e.g., on ARM r7, and on Inteleax). The system call is then invoked through a software interrupt(e.g., on ARM svc 0x0 (Supervisor Call), and on Intel sysenter).

The libc version of Android OS implements system calls by trans-ferring the system call number to r7. Therefore all system call func-tions only differ in the movs r7, #SYS_NR instruction. We have in-spected the appropriate libraries and could not identify a svc 0x0instruction. Hence, we can only invoke a system call by callingthe appropriate function in libc. Thus, our system call gadget is, inactuality, a general purpose function call gadget.

Our system/function call gadget is depicted in Figure 7. We haveto take into account that the blx instruction loads the return addressinto the link register lr. Since the bxpl lr10 (located at the end ofthe execve function) redirects execution back to the value storedin the link register, we have to ensure that lr points at that timeto a valid instruction sequence. However, when the blx instruc-tion is invoked, lr will be automatically loaded with the address of[pc,#2] (for Thumb compiled code). Hence, we use an instructionsequence with two blx instructions (sequence 1). The arguments forthe system call must be initialized by load gadgets (not depicted inFigure 7). Usually, registers r0 through r3 hold arguments for a sys-tem call. If a system call expects an argument in r3, then our rulbwill be overwritten. Thus, we must temporarily change the rulb to adifferent register if r3 is used as argument.

First, sequence 1 invokes the system call function with the ad-dress of the system call function stored in r7 (step 1). After thesystem call returns, the bxpl lr instruction redirects execution backto sequence 1 (step 2). Afterwards, sequence 1 performs two datamovement instructions11 and then redirects execution to sequence 2(step 3). This sequence re-initializes our rulb register r3 with the ad-dress of the ULB sequence. Finally, sequence 2 redirects executionto the ULB sequence which loads the next jump address (step 4).

As can be seen in Figure 7, the system call function pushes twovalues onto the stack. Since we separated arguments from jumpaddresses, the two push instructions will only overwrite argumentsand not jump addresses. However, one can backup the affectedarguments through a store gadget before invoking the system call.

10The condition flag pl means that the branch will only be executedif the N flag in the cpsr register is not set. The N flag will be setif r0 holds a negative value. This will only be the case if an erroroccurred during the system call.

11Note that a function returning a 64 bit value (e.g., long long ordouble), will load the return value in r0 and r1. However, as aside-effect our gadget overwrites the value of r1 after the functionretuns. To allow function calls with a return value greater than 32bits we have to use a sequence that preserves r1.

Page 11: Return-Oriented Programming without Returns

5. GETTING STARTEDReturn-oriented programming is an alternative to code injection

when an attacker has diverted a target program’s control flow bytaking advantage of a memory error such as a buffer overflow. Howthe initial control flow diversion is accomplished, then, is orthogo-nal to the question of return-oriented programming.12

All the same, some of the traditional means of diverting con-trol flow require the target program to execute a return instruction,which means they risk detection by the defenses our new return-oriented programming are designed to evade.

In some cases, a different approach will allow attackers to avoidthis initial return. In this section, we discuss four classes of mem-ory errors from the perspective of the returnless return-oriented pro-gramming paradigm and consider for each the prospects for an at-tacker to take control without using a return instruction. Recallthat, in order for a return-oriented exploit to be successful, theattacker must gain control of both the instruction pointer and thestack pointer — or, more generally, the state used for the update-load-branch instruction sequence. In addition, the return-orientedprogram must be some place in memory.

Stack Buffer Overflow.The traditional means of exploiting a stack buffer overflow is

to overwrite the saved instruction pointer in some function’s stackframe. When that function returns, control will flow not to the in-struction after the call that invoked the function but rather to anylocation of the attacker’s choosing. In a return-oriented attack, thiswill be the first instruction sequence in the first gadget laid out onthe stack; conveniently, the stack pointer will point to the next wordon the stack, which is also under attacker control. By this point,however, the LIFO invariant of the return-address stack has been vi-olated. (A single return instruction would not, of course, be caughtby defenses that look for several returns in close succession.)

To take advantage of a stack buffer overflow without a return,an attacker must overwrite stack frames without modifying anysaved instruction pointers. Instead, she should change pointer datasuch as function pointers in a function frame above the one thatcontains the overflowed buffer. Once the function containing thebuffer has returned (to the function that legitimately called it), thememory around the stack pointer will be attacker-controlled; whenthe pointer she modified is used, an instruction sequence such aspopad; jmp ∗y or ldm sp!, {r0-r11}; blx r3 as its target will give hercontrol of the registers and begin running return-oriented code.

Setjmp Buffer Overwrite.The setjmp and longjmp functions allow for nonlocal gotos. A

program allocates space for a jmp_buf structure, which includesan array of words long enough to hold the callee-saved registers.When setjmp is called, it stores the values of those registers intothe jmp_buf. The instruction pointer stored into the buffer is thenormal subroutine return address — the saved instruction pointerpushed onto the stack by the call instruction on x86 or the lr on theARM — and the stored stack pointer is the value the stack pointerhad before the call to setjmp. When setjmp returns, it returns zero.

When, later, longjmp is called, it restores the general-purposeregisters to their previous values, sets the return-value register —eax or r0 — to longjmp’s second argument, sets the stack pointer,

12Also orthogonal are defenses against buffer overflows such asstack cookies or generally against reliable exploitation such asaddress-space randomization. Such defenses, like the ones we con-sider in this paper, and unlike CFI, are ad-hoc. They defeat certainexploits but can be bypassed in some cases. See, e.g., [43, 46].

and finally does an indirect jump to the saved instruction pointer.In essence, setjmp returns two times while longjmp never returns.

If an attacker is able to write the exploit program to some loca-tion in memory and overwrite two words of a jmp_buf — the stackand instruction pointers — that is subsequently the first argument toa longjmp call, then the attacker can arrange for his return-orientedexploit to run. This method of transferring control to a return-oriented program is so convenient that it was employed for testingthe gadgets described in Sections 3 and 4. See Section 6 for anexample of this method.

C++ Vtable Pointer Overwrite.If the attacker overwrites an object instance of a class with virtual

functions on the heap, then there is (in the general case) no hope ofcontrolling memory around the stack pointer. However, the attackerwill control the memory around the object itself, as well as aroundthe object’s vtable, since in overwriting the object she can cause thevtable pointer to point at some memory under her control, such as apacket buffer on the heap. Depending on the code that the compilergenerates for virtual method invocation, then, at the time that aninstruction sequence is invoked, one or more registers will pointto the object, the vtable, or both. The attacker must leverage thesepointers (1) to change the stack pointer to memory she controls, and(2) to cause a second instruction sequence to execute after the first.

Being able to leverage a vtable pointer overwrite to take controlin a generic way (i.e., one that depends only on the compiler versionand flags, not on the program being attacked) is an open problem.The alternative is to generate an exploit that is specific to the pro-gram attacked, the way that, for example, alphanumeric shellcodesmust be written differently depending on what register or memorylocation they can consult to find the shellcode’s location [47].

Function Pointer Overwrite.With a function pointer overwrite on the heap, as with a vtable

pointer overwrite, the challenge for the attacker is twofold. The firstcode sequence she causes to execute must both relocate the stack tomemory she controls and arrange for a second instruction sequenceto execute in turn. It is likely that this is impossible genericallywithout using the return instruction, and a specific exploit must becrafted for each target program.


6.1 Linux Intel x86We construct a complete, working shellcode using a return-ori-

ented program without returns and which contains no zero bytesmaking it usable with a strcpy vulnerability. Once control flow hastransferred to the shellcode, it sets up the arguments for a call to thesyscall function.

syscall( SYS_execve, "/bin/sh",argv, evnp )

The target program, given in Listing 1, allocates enough memoryon the heap to hold a 160 byte character array and a jmp_buf. Then,setjmp is called to initialize the jmp_buf and the target program’sfirst argument is copied to the character array. Finally, longjmpcauses control flow back to the point of the setjmp’s return andthe program exits. The target program is compiled and linked withMozilla’s libxul to provide the two instruction sequences pop %ebx;jmp ∗(%ebx) and pop %edx; jmp ∗(%edx) as described in Sec-tion 3. This is a toy program; we include it not because we areinterested in exploiting such programs but because it lets us gaugea baseline for the size of a complete return-oriented exploit.

Page 12: Return-Oriented Programming without Returns

Listing 1: Target program for our example exploit.struct foo {

char buffer[160];jmp_buf jb;


int main( int argc, char **argv ) {struct foo *f = malloc( sizeof *f );if( setjmp(f->jb) )

return 0;strcpy( f->buffer, argv[1] );longjmp( f->jb, 1 );


The shellcode “egg” we wrote (see [5, Listing 2]) consists offour parts: (1) the return-oriented program; (2) data used by theprogram; (3) the instruction sequence catalog; and (4) data over-writing the jmp_buf. The program consists of a sequence of point-ers to the sequence catalog and values to load into registers. Thejmp_buf pointers are overwritten to point the stack pointer at thebeginning of the program and the instruction pointer at the se-quence pop %edx; jmp ∗(%edx) in libxul. The program xors esiwith itself to clear it and uses this register to write zero words inthe data section as needed; it then restores important nonzero datathat was overwritten; and finally, it calls the syscall function, witharguments from the exploit’s data section.

The pop %edx; jmp ∗(%edx) sequence can be replaced withpopad; cld; ljmp ∗(%edx) from libc. This requires the use of a farpointer which contains 00 as its final byte. A strcpy vulnerabilityallows writing a single terminating zero byte. Thus, our shellcodeegg can contain exactly one far pointer at the very end.

When the target program is run with the exploit egg as its firstargument, the result is a new shell.

6.2 Google Android ARMIn the following we provide background information on Google

Android and show details of our attack mounted on a device emu-lator hosting Android 2.0 (“Eclair”).

Background on Google Android.Android is an open source operating system for mobile devices

which includes a customized Linux kernel, middleware frameworkand core applications. It is used in modern Google smartphonessuch as Motorola Droid and a number of devices from the HTCmanufacturer (HTC Droid Eris, HTC Imagio, HTC Hero, etc.).

The Android platform is based on a Linux kernel, which provideslow-level services to the rest of the system such as networking,storage, memory and processing. A middleware layer consists ofnative C/C++ libraries, an optimized Java virtual machine calledDalvik Virtual Machine (DVM), and core libraries written in Java.The DVM executes binaries of applications from upper layers.

Android applications are written in Java, but can also accessC/C++ libraries via the Java Native Interface (JNI). Applicationdevelopers may use JNI to incorporate C/C++ libraries into theirapplications. Moreover, many C libraries are mapped by default tofixed memory addresses in the program memory space. This pro-vides a large C/C++ code base that we exploit for our attack.

Attack Instantiation.Similar to our attack on Intel x86, we aim to launch Android’s

terminal application. The terminal application is part of the Dev-Tool application, which is included by default in the Android emu-

ULB Address


blx r3


Update−Load−Branch (ULB)

Sequence 1adds r0,r4,#0blx r3

Sequence 2

ldr r5,[r6,#124]adds r6,#4

blx r5

Sequence 3

am s



ldr r3,[sp,#0]

Figure 8: The Gadget Chain of the Attack on Android

lator image. However, we were able to launch a similar attack ona real device. In particular, we succeeded to run the attack on DevPhone 2 with the latest Android version available for this device,Android 1.6 (“Donut”). However, the Android image flashed on tothe real device differs from the image in the emulator in that it hasno DevTool application installed by default. Thus, the attack on areal device would require the additional assumption that a terminalapplication such as DevTool or AndroidTerm13 is installed on thedevice.

We incorporated our target program, given in Listing 1, as na-tive code to a standard Java application in Android by using theJNI. Due to the inclusion of C/C++ libraries, the security guaran-tees provided by the Java programming language do not hold anylonger.14 Instead of using the strcpy vulnerability, on Android, weuse the fgets function, because it allows us to read zero bytes, whichwe need for initializing sp, because our target program always al-locates the foo structure at a memory position starting with 0x00.The fgets function reads the specified number of bytes from a fileinto the buffer member of the foo structure without checkingthe bounds of the buffer.

In order to mount our attack against the target program, our gad-get chain invokes the system libc function as follows:

am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN-c android.intent.category.TEST-n

This command invokes the Activity Manager application which inturn starts a terminal from the DevTool application.

All used gadgets used in our attack on Android are shown inFigure 8. To invoke the system function, we (1) initialize registerr6 and sp by means of the setjmp heap overflow; (2) load r3 withthe address of our ULB sequence (sequence 1); (3) load the addressof the interpreter command in r0 (sequence 2); (4) finally invokethe libc system function (sequence 3). The corresponding exploitpayload is included in the tech report [11].

7. CONCLUSIONWe have shown that on the x86 and ARM it is possible to mount

a return-oriented programming attack without using any return in-structions. In the new attack, certain return-like instruction se-quences take the place of the return instruction. These instructionsequences are rare but a single one used as a trampoline suffices tochain together other instruction sequences that each end in an indi-rect jump, which makes it possible to construct a Turing-complete

13 particular, Tan and Croft [44] identified various vulnerabilitiesin native code of the JDK (Java Development Kit).

Page 13: Return-Oriented Programming without Returns

gadget set without return instructions given large Linux (x86) orAndroid (ARM) platform libraries.

Because it does not make use of return instructions, our new at-tack has negative implications for recently proposed classes of de-fense against return-oriented programming that detect too-frequentuse of returns in the instruction stream, that detect violations of theLIFO invariant normally maintained for the return-address stack,or that rewrite binaries to avoid use of the return instruction.

The major open problem suggested by our work is whether it ispossible to find some property that all return-oriented attacks prov-ably must share, but that is more specific (and therefore more ef-ficiently checked) than CFI, which would rule out all control-flowattacks. The use of return instructions to chain sequences appearedto be such a property, but we have shown that it is not. Such a prop-erty could be used as part of a defense against return-oriented pro-gramming, assuming that it can be efficiently tested. In the absenceof such a narrowly tailored property, it is not clear that effectivedefenses against return-oriented programming can be deployed atlower overhead than full CFI.

8. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe thank Thorsten Holz, Tim Kornau, Benny Pinkas, Stefan

Savage and Geoff Voelker for helpful discussions. This materialis based upon work supported by the National Science Foundationunder Grant No. 0831532. Any opinions, findings, and conclu-sions or recommendations expressed in this material are those ofthe authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation. The second author was supported by EU FP7project CACE and the third author by the Erasmus Mundus Exter-nal Co-operation Window Programme of the European Union.

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