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Kirit Kanyaiyalal Yagnik is born on

30th June 1966. He started his

astrological journey as young as 1998

with paramparic astrology and palmistry,

sarvatobhadra chakra and then in 2007

he started with KP astrology. In 2013 he

shifted his passion to nadi astrology by

joining the Saptarishis Astrology Nadi

classes in Mumbai. He is an avid learner

and wishes to remain a student of

astrology though he is a professional



Kirit Yagnik, India

Translator: Dr.Murli Padbidri

ur Rishis have given many

secrets in the Nadi books which

show astounding results on

applying to the horoscopes. Sri R.G.Rao’s

book on Bhrigu Nandi Nadi mentions

about a rule regarding Retro. Jup under

horoscope no. 40.

“Native will gain fame in a place other

than his native place.”

Which means that natives having Retro.

Jup can have increase in their income and

growth in fame when they have shifted

from their native place. When such

natives continued to live in their native

place, they did not get income and fame

which they deserved [it does not mean that

everyone having retro Jupiter should shift

from their native birth place as other yogas

can also dominate in the chart, which is very


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difficult to determine with our current knowledge – SA Editor].

Some example horoscopes with Retro Jup are being given. Those who left their native

place gained in income and status. Those who stayed in their home town did not gain but

there was gain when they shifted to another place. They lost their wealth when they

returned to their native place.

Ex.1. Male 16/09/ 1950 02:00 am Morbi , Gujarat

The native born in Mithun Lagna has retro. Jup in the 9th house. The native was employed

in Govt. College and had to move from his home town. He had a comfortable life so long

he was away from his home town. After retirement when he returned to his home town,

all his savings was spent in medical expenses. The native shifted to Rajkot, away from his

home town and started afresh as a goldsmith, his ancestral profession. His income

increased gradually .He is now leading a comfortable life.

Ex.2. Male 12/09/1974 04:02 pm Mumbai

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Retro. Jup is in 2nd house in Kumbha rasi of this native born in Makar lagna. He is a

respectable person in Jhaveri Bazar, Mumbai. He shifted to Dubai and earned a lot of

money and fame. After his return to Mumbai, he is unhappy. This is due to the effect of


Ex. 3. Male 10/08/1948 9:49:00 am Mumbai

This horoscope belongs to the father of the native of example 2. He too went to Dubai

with his son. He earned a lot of money and fame there. A few years back, he returned to

India. Since then he is unhappy. The native has Virgo lagna. Retro .Jup. is in 3rd house. It

gave him name and money when he left his home town and unhappiness on return to his


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Ex.4. Female 27/07/1960 17:50:00 Hyderabad

Retr. Jup occupies her Sagittarius Lagna. This lady shifted to Mumbai from Hyderabad.

That resulted in increase in her income. Presently, she is earning Rs.1,50,000/- a month.

Ex. 5. Male 22/09/1961 21:17:00 Colombo (Srilanka)

The native was born in Aries lagna. Retro Jup is in the 10th house in debilitation. He left

his birth place and settled down in Dubai. He earned a lot of money and fame.

For the observation of the readers, some birth details of the natives who have retro.Jup and

who moved away from their birth place are given. Each of them earned good money and


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1). 01.10.1986 , 00.35 , Ahmadabad, now native is in Bangalore.

2) 20.05.1983 , 16.10 ,Borivali, Mumbai , now native is in Dubai .

3) 09.10.1970 , 16.55 , Sholapur, now native is in Pune .

4) 01.08.1984 , 10.10 , Dholka (Gujrat), now native is in Mumbai .

5) 06.06.1970 , 03.07 , Mumbai female, now native is in USA

Some examples of natives who have retro. Jup in their horoscopes and who remained in

their place of birth are also given. They failed to earn money and fame and remain


1) Female 02.10.1986 , 04.12 , Mumbai

2) Female 30.01.1992 , 11.05 , Mumbai

3) Male 21.12.1988 , 11.25 , Mumbai

4) Male 05.03.1968 , 02.50 , Mumbai

5) Male 13.01.1971 , 11.04, Sandad ( Gujarat )

Readers are requested not to take this verbatim but kindly test this with the composite

approach and post their results in the guest book section of the magazine.

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