
If you’re looking to acquire student accommodationproperties, we can help you assess potential purchases,evaluating the assumptions underlying your financialmodels against our wealth of knowledge and experience.

If you are buying new-build stock, we can liaise withdevelopers on your behalf to ensure the product isdelivered ready-to-let. Alternatively if the property youare acquiring is in need of refurbishment or intensive assetmanagement we have a dedicated team who can managethe process, making sure that any expenditure is justifiedby the additional rental value you will receive over time.

Years of working in partnership with landlords anddevelopers has given us the ability to add value at both astrategic and tactical level to any project.

Why Use Galbraith?

We can offer landlords, property portfolio owners anddevelopers sound advice, in-depth expertise and decades ofexperience.

We are committed to innovation, challenging the normsand providing strategic, future-proof solutions for ourclients that will continue to add value for years to come. Wework closely with our clients to adapt and evolve ourbusiness practices to meet their changing needs.

Always flexible and always inspiring, we constantly exceedour clients’ expectations by delivering an innovative andforward thinking approach to property challenges.

You may be surprised to know that if you own anapartment in a block of flats you can take over theresponsibility and decision making of your block. Theprocess is called a Right to Manage (“RTM”) and isrelatively simple to progress. The landlord’s consent is notrequired. There is no need for the leaseholders to provemismanagement by the landlord. The right is available,whether the landlord’s management has been good, bador indifferent.

We do not charge for administering the process on behalfof the RTM Company on the basis that we are instructedto undertake the management of the development onbehalf of the new RTM Company; terms and conditionsapply. Please note that there are some disbursement costswhich will be payable by the Residents in setting up theRTM company and we will advise on these costs beforewe undertake the procedure on your behalf.

Flexible, Professional Service…

Our comprehensive Service Level Agreement’s terms canbe tailored to your property. Our flexible approach catersfor occupiers and clients who have different requirements.Offering bespoke Service Level Agreements allows us toprovide alternative levels of services with a varying costsscale. Our local office staff are always on call to helpresolve any issues quickly and efficiently. We use LocalContractors registered on our preferred suppliers list.

We are committed to innovation, challenging the normsand providing strategic, future-proof solutions for ourclients that will continue to add value for years to come.We work closely with our clients to adapt and evolve ourbusiness practices to meet their changing needs.

Hotel Management

We offer our clients a systematic approach to managingtheir business as if it was our own, identifying businessimprovement and implementing opportunities to maximiseyour return on investment. Our support extends to FullBusiness Management or an unbiased Independent Reviewof your business.

We will focus and advise you on the market, finance andoperations of a hotel to improve and exploit it`s true value,offering our analytical expertise and hands on managementto ensure you maximise the profitability and potential ofyour property. We will work and challenge the hoteloperator to implement strategies that improves profit.

Our services extend far beyond Property Management andwe are able to utilise our wealth of experience to act in anadvisory capacity or provide support on issues thatrequire more in depth knowledge.

We are able to call upon a number of in house serviceproviders to undertake a number of services, including:Company Secretarial Service, Property Related LegalServices, Building Surveying Consultancy and aComprehensive Advice Line for Occupiers and Clients onLandlord and Tenant issues. We can also provide aFacilities Management Review in terms of Health andSafety Compliance and Contractor Management.

For more information please visit our site:

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