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Resumes and CVs

Agenda Resumes VS CVs Purpose of a Resume Purpose of a CV Resume Formats & Content CV Formats & Content Differences Between a CV and a Resume Resume/CV Dos and Don’ts Cover Letters Research Statements

Resumes vs Curriculum Vitae (CVs)

Resumes are required for an Industry Job Search Process

Resumes are the written inventory of your work experience and accomplishments, skill set, career and educational highlights CVs are required by environments that demand doctoral degrees – SAM communities

CVs are a chronological representation of credentials – “the course of one’s life”

A Resume and its Purpose 

 Marketing Tool Key component in the job search

process To get you an interview Resumes are as unique and

individual as the individuals they represent

Tailored to the specific job.

A CV and its Purpose 

Important piece of documentation Key component in the search for

scientific, academic, or medical positions

Usually accompanied by a cover letter and a research statement

To highlight your credentials CV follows a specific structure Only one version of a CV is enough.

Resume Formats 

Reverse Chronological – Lists your experiences in reverse chronological order, beginning with most recent position.

Functional – Promotes and headlines skills and accomplishments, without emphasizing where or when you developed those skills.

Combination – Utilizes reverse chronological order as well as organizes experiences in order of importance.

The Four Ws of a Resume

What opportunity are you seeking?

What is your specific background that relates to this opportunity?

What are the roles, relevant work experiences and education that provided you with this experience?

What are your unique accomplishments?

Resume Guidelines/Length  

Easy to read – Resume should be in a consistent format and the reader should have a clear understanding of who you are.

Easy to find out what you are good at – effective formatting, clear articulate language and pertinent information will enable the reader to access what is important.

Length of Resume – Keep your resume concise – make every word count – 2 page optimum.

Resume Headings

Contact Information

Profile Summary Skill Set vs. Objective

Work Experience


Professional Associations and Membership.

Use Words Carefully Avoid use of confusing terms or acronyms

Avoid use of long sentences or paragraphs

Focus on concise factual statements

Emphasize hard skills, e.g. computer software applications

Focus on specific action verbs.

Resume Content Show a progressive history of success

(increased responsibilities, promotions, etc)

Address specific accomplishments – PAR statements

Identify your unique achievements within


Provide metrics that support these accomplishments.

PAR – Example

Project: Recognized a need for an interactive videodisc/computer database for students and faculty

Action : Analyzed database and procedural requirements and designed an interactive tool

Result : Installed in MIT Libraries

Putting it all together : Identified the need for and led the design and delivery of a database project which resulted in easier access of information for faculty, students and staff through MIT Libraries.

PAR Statement Practice

1. Think about an accomplishment or project that you wish to include in your resume. With a partner, describe the issue or challenges that you addressed

2. Write down the following: (P) What was the issue and subsequent

project (A) What actions you took using action

verbs (R) The result or impact of the project.

CV Formats

Academic CV Executive CV International CV .

CV Guidelines/Length

Easy to Read – line item presentation of your credentials and academic history

Must have▪ Professional ▪ Address ▪ Educational ▪ History ▪ Honors and Awards ▪ Publications

References Length of CVs – no restrictions; 5 - 10 pages is optimum.

CV Headings ▪ Contact Information ▪ Education/Doctoral Dissertation ▪ Medical or Academic Posts ▪ Research – with mentors and institutions ▪ Publications ▪ Teaching ▪ Presentations▪ Honors and Awards▪ Appointments ▪ Committees▪ Other Activities .

References – Resume vs CV Not included or required in a Resume –

can be an addendum Typically required and listed in a CV – very

important piece of information for in academic searches

Consistent list between CV and applications for academic positions ▪ Up to 5 reference letters are required in academic

searches▪ Post Doc mentor and Ph. D. mentor come first –

most important.

Differences – Resume vs CV

Category Curriculum Vitae ResumeEssence A full list of your

professional and educational history

A summary of your experience and skills that are most pertinent to the job

Length Not restricted; 5 - 10 – optimum for a seasoned academic

1 to 2 pages

Usage SAM/Science – Academia - Medical positions

Every other type of job outside of academia and research science

Publications Yes – full list RarelyStyle and Format

Not important; content matters

Very important/Make it easy to read and follow

Number of versions

One is enough/minor modifications are OK

Many version/Tailor to each job of interest

References Yes No

Do Not's of Resumes & CVs Do not include personal information

in resume or academic CV Do not send a photograph Do not embellish your resume/CV

with false statements Do not use full sentences or

pronouns Do not use abbreviations or


Don’t be Shy to Share

Obtain an objective review of your resume/CV

Share your resume/CV with a colleague in the specific department that you are targeting for a job

Keep updating resume and CV

Be true to the facts.

Cover Letters – Industry Job Search Cover Letters – Industry Job Search Cover

Letter + Resume = Industry Job Search Paragraph 1 – Express interest in opportunity

+ How you found out about it Paragraph 2 – What you have to offer to the

potential employer; specific matches between your qualifications and the job

Paragraph 3- follow up and next steps

Cover Letters –Academic Job Search Cover Letter + CV = Academic Job Search

Paragraph 1 – Express interest in opportunity + funding situation

Paragraphs 2/3 – Work/mentors as a Post Doc + work/mentors as a Ph.D.

Paragraph 4 – Future research focus Paragraph 5 –follow up andnext steps

Research Statements – Academic Job Search

Research Summary

Graduate Research (mentor + lab)

Post Doctoral Research (mentor + lab)

Future Research Plans (may include abstracts)

Optimum is 3-5 pages; may be more if abstracts are included

Educational Plan/Teaching Plan may also be required


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