  1. 1. Cocksuckers & CarpetEaters are words I endure, for the taste I'm sure. Carpeteater and Cocksucker all the same, I was Game 40 years ago. I was Bent Over a Few Times, and didn't have to Pay for it. I was the Schizzle, with the Whizzle to DiFizzle all the Drizzle.......You Feel Me? Hows About Sibling Assassination, since I was 2 years old. Serious Sisters banned by The Catholic Church, all worked Hard to Deny Me! Even in My Dear Parents Wish's, I need say No More!! Never Showed Me any Love..... Never Offered Me Comfort or Solace as I was The Death Watch for My Mother, and I overheard my sisters talking about Me and My unworthy status as a person from Hawaii. I couldn't afford anything so I went to an Indian Casino and Hit a $1,500.00 Jackpot. I than hired 2 rooms at the Airport Hyatt Lodge as a Pua Melia Member visiting with a Death in the Family, they only charged me $25 a room per night. My Daughter Ivy was Kind enough to Honor Me and Her Grandma with Her presence. She has a Family she raised to Hate me, because I am The Worst Artist in the World and should get a job in the post office. She found out about The Case in Madison Wisconsin, where A Professor hired Me and a girl from California to model for a class. Well,Nicky was Hot and So was I, as We felt Compelled to Fuck like minks, on the classroom stage, until the class ran out of film. Sheryl Budnik, was the Artist that was sued over Her Painting of that Event. I think Hate is more of the Emotional Background of my Upbringing in all of the 54 Countries I have tried to Live Within. I am a Romany, not some diluted variety, nor your Drama Major. SABO means Brother and my title assignment on Objects D'art and such. Give Me My Share.

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