  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    Moss, Elizabeth UI

    On ma]. MessageFrom: [D t

    HQS-PF- fldr-NIC HQ Situation UnitSa turday, May 15, 201 0 8:57 AMHQS-PF -fld r-N IC HQ Situa tion UnitR: CAT RFI 0455-10-088 De-conf lict Reported Sort ie Missions has been assigned to you.

    Sent: Saturday , May 15, 2010 8:28 AMTo: HQS-PF-fldr-NIC HQ Situa tion UnitSubject: RE: CAT RFI 0455-10-088 De-conflictyou.14 sorties were flown yesterd ay W/ 44,000 lbs of dispe rsan t released .v/i (i3 ) (6)

    Time frame 1 hour.

    Orig ina l Message

    From: HQS-CGHQCAC4

    From:Sent:To:Subject:Categories: FYI

    Correction , 44,080 gal lons , not lbs

    Reported So rtie Missions has been assigned to

    From:Sent: Friday,To:


    SubMay 14. 21 Fi1


    Task URL:

    ortie Missions has been ass igned to you.

    Desc ription:




  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    Sent: Friday, May 14, 2010 8:09 PM

    To: HQS-PF-fldr-NIC HQ Si t uat i on Unit

    Cc: National Command Center

    Subject: FW : CAT RFI 0455-10-088 De-conflict Reported Sortie Missions

    For Action

    Original Message

    From: (b)(6)

    Sent: F riday, May 14, 2010 8:04 PM

    To: National Command Center

    Subject: FW : CAT RF I 0455-10-088 De-conflict Reported Sortie Missions

    Please see attachment from NOC CAT concerning:

    DH S CAT reported USCGs reported number of 14 scheduled sort i es in the 14 May 1800 SLB,however, CAT also received a report from DOD th at t here were 10 sort i es scheduled (seea tt ac h ed e m a il ). Can USCG please explain/deconflict th e co n flictio n in scheduled sort i es fo r14 May, or are the 10 scheduled by DOD included in th e 14 p r ev i ou s ly r ep o rt ed by USCG?


  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    v/ r


    (b) (6)



    Due Date: 5/14/2ele 9:25:00 PMStatus: In ProgressStatus Notes:Have a one hour turn around time lin e

    Do not reply to this email.

    Edit the task itself to add your comments fo r be tter tracking and historykeeping.


  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    Moss, ElizabethFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Categories:

    (b)(6)Saturday, May 15, 2010 2 :4 1 PMHQS-PF-fldr-NIC HQ Situation UnitFW: WHO Environmental NGOs weekly conference callComplete(b) (5)

    v/ r(b) (6)(b ) ( 6)Executive As s i s t ant toRDML Kevin CookDirector of Prevention PolicyCG-54(b)(6)

    Original MessageFrom: Stroh, Lincoln CAPTSent: Saturday, May 15. 2010 2:29 PMTo:[ ( Z(Cc: Cook, Kevin RDMLSubject; RE: WHO Environmental NGOs weekly conference cal l

    (b) (5)Sent with Good ( inal MessageFrom: [0 (Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2010 02:04 PM Eastern Standard TimeTo: S t r o h Lincoln CAPTSubject; FW : WHO Environmental NGOs weekly conference cal lCAPT,Below are th e responses from th e Si t Unit from th e WHO Environmental NGOs conference cal l .Please le t me know if you need me to o bta in addi t i onal g ran u larity .


  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11



    (b)(6)Executive Assistant toRDML Kevin CookDirector of Prevention PolicyCG-54(b)(6)

    Original MessageFrom: HQS-PF-fldr-NIC HQ Situation Unit

    2010 1:38 PMentTo: (b ) (6 )Cc: HQS-PF-fldr-NIC HQ Situation UnitSubject: RE: WHO Environmental NGOs weekly conference callResponses below:

    (b) (5)v/ rNIC SIT UNIT

    Original MessageFrom: HQS-PF-fldr-NIC HQ Situation UnitSent: Saturday, May 15, 2010 9:05 AM2

  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    To: HQS-PF-fldr-NIC HQ Situation UnitSubject: RFI: WHO Environmental NGOs weekly conference call

    SITU,Here are some questions that were sent to the JIC. They may already have the answers.

    Eleanor Huffines, Pew asked about receiving details on recovery estimates or the inputparameters to compute estimates from Unified Command (see email below)

    o Follow-up needed from Coast Guard/DHS (see email below).

    John Lopez, Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation asked about the submerged plume of oil movingonto coast and how to prepare fo r response.

    o Need follow-up (Coast Guard/DHS/NOAA)

    Respectfully,(b) (6)

    Original MessageFrom: (b)(6)Sent: Saturday, May 15, 21 8:39 AMTo:Cc:

    (b ) (6)(b) (6)

    Subject: FW : WHO Environmental NGOs weekly conference call


  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    (b)(6)believe the lANG with is best spot fo r the weekly call. For the other part,looks like the questions should be or were already farmed to the IC . . . p15 run down with ourRFI Watch and get back to Thanks!

    V/ R,[(IW]Sent with Good (

    Original MessageFrom:

    (b) (6)

    (b) (6)Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2010 08:34 AM Eastern Standard TimeTo : (b) (6)Subject: FW : WHO Environmental NGOs weekly conference call

    Im on the road currently, do you have a POC in the NIC that I could forwaerd the belowquestions to?

    Sent from my GoodLink synchronized handhe].d (

    Original Message4

    V/ R

  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    From: Stroh, Lincoln CAPTSent: Saturday, May 15, 2010 08:24 AM Eastern Standard Time

    To: ( b) ( 6)Cc: Corcoran, Kristin CAPTSubject: FW : WHO Environmental NGOs weekly conference call

    I need answers today. Thanks

    Sen t w ith Good (

    Original MessageFrom: Cook, Kevin RDMLSent: Saturday, May 15, 2010 08:22 AM Eastern Standard TimeTo: Stroh, Lincoln CAPTCc: Corcoran, Kristin CAPTSubject: RE: WHO Environmental NGOs weekly conference call


    Lincoln, Lets keep Kristin as primary liaison. Perhaps you can get the NIC staff to answerthe questions Tracy needs answered. Please try to get her the info today. Thanks.

    Sent with Good (


    (b)(6)Message--- -

    Stroh, Lincoln CAPTSaturday, May 15, 2010 07:21 AM Eastern Standard TimeCook, Kevin ROML

    RE: WHO Environmental NGOs weekly conference call


  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11



    I had no idea/forewarning of th e cal l . We can support next Friday., though I hoped to be onth e road in the afternoon to West Virginia fo r a close f r i e n d s wedding on Saturday.

    yr . Lincoln

    Sent with Good (

    Or igina l MessageFrom: Hannah, Tracy (b)(6)Sent: Friday, May 14, 2010 08:44 PM Eastern Standard TimeTo: Cook, Kevin RDML; Stroh, Lincoln CAPT

    Cc: Smith, Douglas AWI-IC Environmental NGOs weekly conference cal l

    Good Evening Admiral Cook,

    The WHO. OEP had another conference cal l with stakeholders today.

    th e two questions l i st ed below were asked which need USCG response. Thisbe every Friday at 2:30, Capt Stroh was so kind to support AS Smith lastCan we get someone from USCG to be on t hi s cal l every Friday?

    Fi nal l y, there is an email below at th e end of todays call notes regarding a p rio r requestto th e JIC th at may need to be addressed if you see it necessary.

    Please le t me know if I can a s s i s t in anyway. I informed Greg Nelson (CEP) t hat we would getback to them so th at they can respond to th e stakeholders.



    During th e cal l ,call is going toweek, thank you.

  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11



    Tracy Hann ah

    Below are two questions that were asked by

    Eleanor Huffines, Pew asked about receiving details on recove ry estimates or the inputparameters to compute estimates from Unified Command (see email below)

    o Follow-up needed from Coast Guard/OH S (see email below).

    John Lopez, Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation asked about the submerged plume of oilmoving onto coast and how to prepare fo r response.

    o Need follow-up (Coast Guard/DHS/NOM)

    See complete notes from todays ca ll and Email regarding the Jo in t Command Center at theend.

    2:30 p.m. NGO cal l:

    Speakers: Greg Nelson, WHO

    Amy Salzman, CEQ


  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    Doug Helton, Incident Operations Coordinator, Ocean Service Office of Response andRestoration, NOAA

    Lisa Garcia, Senior Advisor to EPA Administrator onEnvironmental Justice


    Eleanor Huffines, Pew asked about receiving details on recovery estimates or theinput parameters to compute estimates from Unified Command (see email below)

    o Follow-up needed from Coast Guard/DHS (see email below).

    Bob Irvin, Defenders of Wildlife asked about the dredging situation in Mississippiand further information about the barrier island plan, including any plans for public commentand review by Fish and Wildlife Service

    o Greg Nelson: Application has been submitted to Army Corps and is in the review processright now.

    o Need Follow-up re: public comment. Attached is a letter from Defenders President RodgerSchlickeisen to the President regarding his supplemental budget request.

    David Underhill, Mobile Sierra Club asked about the possibility of a supertanker/large suction pump to remove the oil from the sur face of the water. Are the dispersantsmaking it more difficult? Are there pockets of oi l underwater?

    o NOAA: The oil at sea is very thin and they cannot use a vacuum.

    Chris Mann, Pew asked about an accurate estimate on the leak flow. Even though thevideo was just released, we now know that BP had the video for a while...

    o NOA.A: Nothing would be different in our response.8

  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    Monica Gardhert, Equity Inclusion Campaign asked about the legislative package, onestop assistance, case management, money from the state governments, and if there will befederal oversight.

    o Greg answered. Need Follow-up re: money from state governments?

    Sarah Chasis, NRDC asked about s tudies re : impacts of the spill in the water columnand on marine life. Is there an action plan that can be reviewed by the public?

    o Greg answered: the process has started and the process will include public commentperiod.

    o EPA: has enhanced monitoring of dispersants posted on website- FDA also monitoring healthof consuming fish. NMFS also monitoring seafood safety

    John Lopez, Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation asked about the submerged plume ofoi l moving onto coast and how to prepare fo r response.

    o Need follow-up (Coast Guard/DHS/NOAA)

    Sean Saville, National Audubon Society is working on the ground transport systemsvolunteered to help FWS, BP, and state agencies- Is there increased capacity to expandvolunteer services to other coastal states (outside tn-state facilities). Mentionedchallenges with putting volunteers to work. They have 20,000 volunteers on their website.

    o DOl (Ray Rivera) will follow up re: volunteer opportunities

    o NOAA (Caren Madsen) agreed to receive emails re: training and volunteenism


  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    (b)(6)rom: Susan HarveySent: Thursday, May 13, 2@1O 11:4@ AMTo: Harold Curran (NSB), Andy Mack (NSB); Eleanor Huffines; Marilyn Heiman; Peter Van TuynCc: Ben Greene (NSB); Tom Lohman (NSB)Subject: GOM Spill Recovery EstimatesImportance: High

    (b) (5)(b) (5)

    (b) (5)(b) (5)


  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    (b) (5)___

    (b) (5)

    (b) (5)Tracy D. HannahDeputy DirectorPrivate Sector OfficeDepartment of Homeland Security



  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    (b)(6)Sent using BlackBerry


  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    Moss, ElizabethFrom:Sent:To:Subject:Categories:

    (b)(6)Saturday, May 15, 2010 5:51 PMHQS-PF-fldr-NIC HQ Situation UnitRE: WHO Environmental NGOs weekly conference callComplete

    (b) (5)Thank -(b)(6)

    Original MessageFrom: HQS-PF-fldr-NIC HQ Situation UnitSent urday. May 15. 2010 3:23 PMTo:[Subject: FW : WHO Environmental NG0s weekly conference call

    From: (b)(6)Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2010 2:41 PMTo: HQS-PF-fldr-NIC HQ Situation UnitSubject: FW : WHO Environmental NGOs weekly conference call

    (b) (5)

  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    (5)(b) (6)(b) (6)Executive Assistant toRDML Kevin CookDirector of Prevention PolicyCG-54(b)(6)

    Original MessageFrom: Stroh, Lincoln CAPTSent: Saturday, May 15, 2010 2:29 PMTo : LIWCc: Cook, Kevin RDMLSubject: RE: WHO Environmental NGOs weekly conference call(b) (5)Sen t with Good (

    MessFrom: (b)(6)Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2010 02:04 PM Eastern Standard TimeTo: Stroh, Lincoln CAPTSubject: FW : WHO Environmental NGOs weekly conference call

    Below are the responses from the Si t Unit from the WHO Environmental NGOs conference call.Please le t me know if you need me to obtain additional granularity.

    v/ r

    (b)(6)Executive Assistant toRDML Kevin CookDirector of Prevention PolicyCG-54(b)(6)



  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    -Original Message-From: HQS-PF-fldr-NIC HQ Situation UnitSent: Saturday, May 15, 2010 1:38 PMTo: [WIWCc: HQS-PF-fldr-NIC HQ Situation UnitSubject: RE: WHO Environmental NGOs weekly conference callResponses below:

    Q: What are the recovery estimates?

    A: Currently two mean of recovery are operational and only when the weather permits: skimmingand burning. The UAC has not received any reports of how much oil has been extracted fromskimming operations or burning.

    Q: John Lopez, Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation asked about the submerged plume of oilmoving onto coast and how to prepare fo r response. Need follow-up (Coast Guard/DHS/NOAA)

    A: NOAA provides scientific support including: modeling the trajectory and location of theoil, getting pre-impact shoreline samples surveys and baseline measurements, and planning fo ropen water and shoreline rernediation. This information can be found on the following URL:www. response. restoration. noaa . gov/deepwaterhorizon

    v/ rNIC SIT UNIT

    Original MessageFrom: HQS-PF-fldr-NIC HQ Situation UnitSent: Saturday, May 15, 2010 9:05 AMTo: HQS-PF-fldr-NIC HQ Situation UnitSubject: RFI: WHO Environmental NGO5 weekly conference call

    SITU,Here are some questions that were sent to the JIC. They may already have the answers.

    Eleanor Huffines, Pew asked about receiving details on recovery estimates or the inputparameters to compute estimates from Unified Command (see email below)

  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    o Follow-up needed from Coast Guard/DHS (see email below).

    John Lopez, Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation asked about the submerged plume of oil movingonto coast and how to prepare for response.

    o Need follow-up (Coast Guard/DHS/NOAA)

    Respectfully,(b) (6)

    Original MessageFrom: (b)(6)Sent: Saturday, May 15, 2018 8:39 AMToCc:

    (b)(6)(b) (6)

    Subject: FW : WHO Environmental NGOs weekly conference call

    (b)(6)believe the IAWG with best spot for the weekly call. For the other part,looks like the questions should be or were already farmed to the JIC. . .pls run down with ourRFI Watch and get back to Thanks!

    V/ R,



  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11



    Sent with Good (

    Origina l MessageFrom: (b)(6)Sent: Saturday , May 15, 2010 08:34 AM Eastern Standard TimeTo: (b)(6)Subject: FW: WHO Environmental NGOs weekly conference call


    Im on the road current1y do you have a PO C in the NIC tha t I could forwaerd the belowquestions to?

    Sent from my GoodLink synchronized handheld (

    Origina l MessageFrom; Stroh, Lincoln CAPTSent: Saturdays May 15, 2010 08:24 AM Eastern Standard TimeTo: (b) (6)Cc: Corcoran, Kristin CAPTSubject : FW: WHO Environmental NGOs weekly conference ca ll

    I need answers today. Thanks

    V/ R

  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    Sent with Good (

    --- -- O rigin a l MessageFrom: Cook, Kevin RDMLSent: Saturday , May 15, 2010 08:22 AM Eastern Standard TimeTo: S tr oh , Lincoln CAPT

    Cc: Corcoran, K ri stin CAPTSu bj ec t: RE: WHO Environmental NGOs weekly conference c a l l


    Lincoln, Le ts keep K ris tin as primary liais o n . Perhaps you can get the NIC s ta ff to answerthe que sti on s Tracy needs answered. Please tr y to get her th e in fo tod ay. Thanks.

    Sent with Good (


    St ro h, Lincoln CAPTSa turday, May 15, 2010 07:21 AM Eastern Standard TimeCook, Kevin RDML

    RE: WHO Environmental NGOs weekly con ference c a ll


    S ubj ec t:

    Sir .

    I had no id ea/ for ew arn ing of th e c a ll . We can support next F rida y, though I hoped to be onthe road in th e afternoon to West V ir gi ni a fo r a cl os e fr ie n d s wedding on Saturday.

    yr. Lincoln

  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    Sent with Good (

    Original MessageFrom: Hannah, Tracy

    Cc :Subject:

    (b)(6)Sent: Friday, May 14, 2010 08:44 PM Eastern Standard TimeTo: Cook, Kevin RDML; Stroh, Lincoln CAPT

    Smith, Douglas AWHO Environmental NGOs weekly conference call

    Good Evening Admiral Cook,

    The WHO. OEP had another conference call with stakeholders today.

    During the call, the two questions listed below were asked which need USCG response. Thiscall is going to be every Friday at 2:30, Capt Stroh was so kind to support AS Smith lastweek, thank you. Can we get someone from USCG to be on this call every Friday?

    Finally, there is an email below at the end of todays call notes regarding a prior requestto the JIC that may need to be addressed if you see it necessary.

    Please le t me know if I can assist in anyway. I informed Greg Nelson (OEP) that we would getback to them so that they can respond to the stakeholders.



    Tracy Hannah

  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    Below are two questions th at were asked by

    Eleanor Huffines, Pew asked about receiving det ai l s on recovery estimates or th e inputparameters to compute e stima te s from Unified Command (see email below)

    o Follow-up needed from Coast Guard/DHS (see email below).

    John Lopez, Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation asked about th e submerged plume of o ilmoving onto coast and how to prepare fo r response.

    o Need follow-up (Coast Guard/DHS/NOM)

    See complete notes from t o d a y s call and Email regarding the 3oint Command Center at theend.

    2:30 p.m. NGO cal l :

    Speakers: Greg Nelson, WHO

    Amy Salzman, CEQ

    Doug Helton, Incident Operations Coordinator, Ocean Service Office of Response andRestoration, NOAA

    Lisa Garcia, Senior Advisor to EPA Administr a tor onEnvironmental Ju stice


  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    Eleanor Huffines, Pew asked about receiving details on recovery estimates or theinput parameters to compute estimates from Unified Command (see email below)

    o Follow-up needed from Coast Guard/DHS (see email below).

    Bob Irvin, Defenders of Wildlife asked about the dredging situation in Mississippiand further information about the barrier island plan, including any plans fo r public commentand review by Fish and Wildlife Service

    o Greg Nelson: Application has been submitted to Army Corps and is in the review processright now.

    o Need Follow-up re: public comment. Attached is a letter from Defenders President RodgerSchl ickeisen to the President regarding his supplemental budget request.

    David Underhill, Mobile Sierra Club asked about the possibility of a supertanker/large suction pump to remove the oil from the sur face of the water. Are the dispersantsmaking it more difficult? Are there pockets of oil underwater?

    o NOAA: Th e oil at sea is very thin and they cannot use a vacuum.

    Chris Mann, Pew asked about an accurate estimate on the leak flow. Even though thevideo wa s just released, we now know that BR had the video fo r a while...

    o NOAA: Nothing would be different in our response.

    Monica Gardhert, Equity Inclusion Campaign asked about the legislative package, onestop assistance, case management, money from the state governments, and if th ere wil l befederal oversight.

    o Greg answered. Need Follow-up re: money from state governments?


  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    Sarah Chasis, NRDC asked about studies re: impacts of the spill in the water columnand on marine life. Is there an action plan that can be reviewed by the public?

    o Greg answered: the process has started and the process will include public commentperiod.

    o EPA: has enhanced monitoring of dispersants posted on website- FDA also monitoring healthof consuming fish. NMFS also monitoring seafood safety

    John Lopez, Lake Pontchartrairi Basin Foundation asked about the submerged plume ofoil moving onto coast and how to prepare for response.

    o Need follow-up (Coast Guard/DHS/NOM)

    Sean Saville, National Audubon Society is working on the ground transport systemsvolunteered to help FWS, BP, and state agencies- Is there increased capacity to expandvolunteer services to other coastal states (outside tn-state facilities). Mentionedchallenges with putting volunteers to work. They have 20,000 volunteers on their website.

    o DCI (Ray Rivera) will follow up re: volunteer opportunities

    o NOAA (Caren Madsen) agreed to receive emails re: training and volunteerism

    From: Susan Harvey [mailto: (b) (6)Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 11:40 ANTo: Harold Curran (NSB); Andy Mack (NSB); Eleanor Huffines; Marilyn Heitnan Peter Van TuynCc : Ben Greene (NSB); Tom Lohman (NS8)Subject: GOM Spill Recovery Estimates


  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    Importance: High

    (b) (5)(b) (5)(b) (5)

    (b) (5)

    (b) (5) 11

  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    (b) (5)

    (b) (5)

    (b) (5)(b) (5)

    Tracy D. HannahDeputy DirectorPrivate Sector OfficeDepartment of Homeland Security

    (b) (6)(b) (6)(b)(6)Sent using BlackBerry


  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    Moss, ElizabethFrom: HQS-PF-fldr-NIC HQ Situation UnitSent: Monday, May 17, 2010 9:29 AMTo : NOC IJSCG; National Command Center; D05-SMB-CAA-LANT3OccCc: NOC USCGSubject: RE: CBP SLB Input for DEEPWATER HORIZON RESPONSE - Gulf of Mexico 1200 EDT05/17)10Categories: Complete

    NOC,UAC confirmed that there was 17 hours of flights recorded yesterday (May 16th). None of theflights were dispersant flights.Lant, FYI.NCC IMT Watch/NIC SITU RFI Desk(b)(6)

    Original MessageFrom: flJSent: onaay, May 17, 2010 8:28 AMTo: National Command CenterCc: NOC USCGSubject: COP SLO Input fo r DEEPWATER HORIZON RESPONSE - Gulf of Mexico 1200 EDT 05/17/10COP is reporting that they flew 8.8 mission hours on May 16th. USCG reported that nosorties were flown on the 16th due to weather. Just need to verify which re po rt is accurate.

    vi r

    LT Wayne ChapmanDHS NOC USCG Desk(b)(6)

    From: (b)(6)Sent: Monday, May 17. 2010 7:52 AMTo : ( b) ( 6)


  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    Subject: FW: SLB Input fo r DEEPWATER HORIZON RESPONSE - Gulf of Mexico 1200 EDT @5/17/10

    Please see attached input regarding CBPs participation in the DEEPWATER HORIZON clean-upeffort fo r inclusion in the 1200 hrs SLB:

    COP Office of Air and Marine (OAM) has been providing two P-3 Airborne Early Warning (AEW)wide area surveillance aircraft, which provide advisory information to spotter and tankeraircraft conducting spraying operations, 0700 1900 CDT, daily since 05/06/10. On May 16,CBP OAM flew 8.8 mission hours. COP CAM has flown 157.7 mission hours in support ofDeepwater Horizon.

    From: CAMPBELL) LORNE ASent: Monday. May 17. 2010 7:46 AM


    Subject: FW: SLB Input fo r DEEPWATER HORIZON RESPONSE - Gulf of Mexico 05/17/10

    NOC COP Desk,

    Please see attached input regarding CBPs participation in the DEEPWATER HORIZON clean-upeffort fo r inclusion in the 1200 hrs SLB:

    CBP Office of Air and Marine (OAM) has been providing two P-3 Airborne Early Warning (AEW)wide area surveillance aircraft, which provide advisory information to spotter and tankeraircraft conducting spraying operations, 0700 1900 CDT, daily since 05/06/10. On May 16,CBP CAM flew 8.8 mission hours. CBP CAM has flown 157.7 mission hours in suppo rt o fDeepwater Horizon.


  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    Senior Watch OfficerCBP Commissioners Situation Room(b)(6)



  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    Moss, ElizabethFrom:Sent:To:Cc:Subject:Categories:

    (b) (6)

    Roberta repor ts the follow ing back:EPA is publishing the toxicity test results tomorrow on their website:http: //www. epa .gov/bpspill/dispers ants. htmlThis is EPAs independent toxicity testing on all of the NCP Subpart 3 product scheduledispersants.If you were looking for dif fe ren t information, please le t us know.-Scott

    original MessageFrom:Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 3:47 PMTo:Cc (b) (6)

    (b) (6)co ;Subject: Re: N1C si-i : t est resultsSorry meant to add Megan PAyr(b)(6),ypriji LVt f i.a II_ i.J(b)(6)

    Origina l MessaFrom: Grawe, WillTo: Ru


    j(b)(6)(b) (6) j(b)(6) (b) (6)(b) (6) )(6)Cc: undgr

    sent: ue jun 29 15:41:26 20.Subject: FW : NIC RFI: EPA Test results

    Roberta... ,can you query EPA on a status? You can respond directly to Connie and Joe.Thanks,Bil l Grawe

    Origina l MessageFrom:Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2010 3:37 PM

    Lundqrefl Scott

    (b) (6) Lundgrefl, Scott;Moloney, Megan C; Runge Roberta; HQS-DG -lSt-NIC-RFIRE: NIC RFI: EPA Test resultsCompleted

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    To: H S-DG-lst-NIC-RFI;Cc:[ (Subject: NIC RFI: EPA Te.

    11 4i1Jrr,1W(b)(6)-S

    NIC SIT:Can you please query the 1456 and ask. to know the status of the release of the EPA dispersanttest results? Are there plans to publish those results and when?IL(b ) (6 )Executive Assistant to the NIC(b)(6)



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    u Nc mD # Fo u




































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    I (b6









































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  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    NOC Phase 2- Concern 0455-10 Update Report 43DEEPWATER HORIZON Response Gulf of Mexico

    Current: The US Coast Guard (USCG) reports the second cofferdam is a redesign of the top piece of the existingcofferdam that will avoid the build-up of the clogging hydrate crystals with an expected completion time of up to 2weeks. British Petroleum (BP), Houston continues researching 4 different options (containment, Blowout Preventer(BOP), top kill, and relief wells) to contain the source leak. BP is attempting to install a pressure gauge on the BOPto get an accurate oil release amount. There are no In Situ burns or skimming operations scheduled for today, 11May. Booming and dispersant operations are ongoing. To date, 97,688 barrels of oil water mixture have beenrecovered and 1 175,400 feet of boom have been assigned. Surface dispersants applied on 10 May was 56,220gallons and total to date is 428,307 gallons. Subsea dispersants applied to date is 16,399 gallons.Future: Drill Rig DD Ills scheduled to arrive Thursday, 13 May and start drilling a 2T1d1 well on Sunday, 16 May.The National Oceanic and AtmosphericAdministration forecasts southeast winds at 10 20 knots over the next 48hours and seas are forecast to be 3 5 feet and choppy. The Department of Homeland Security NationalOperations Center will continue to monitor this event. The next Senior Leadership Brief and Update Report will bepublished at 1800 EDT.Other: Shipping channels I ports remain open in the Gulf Coast region. 3 CG cutters and 2 commercial vessel areoutfitted with a Vessel of Opportunity Skimming System and will be deployed to the eastern side of southern tip ofLouisiana to conduct oil skimming operations.Background: On 21 Apr 10, the USCG reported an ongoing fire after an explosion onboard a mobile drillingplatform, DEEPWATER HORIZON, off the coast of Louisiana.

    TimelDate of Report: 1200 EDT 11 May 10 Report prepared by : DHS National Operations Center

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    NOC Phase 2 - Concern 0455-10 Update Report 85DEEPWATER HORIZON ResDonse - Gulf of Mexico

    Current: The National Incident Command (NIC) reports the first cu t of the riser remains scheduled for today.Chock and kill lines, and associated piping, are being cleared away from the top of the well. Drill Rig DDIII is at adepth of 12,090 feet below the drill floor and is 7 days ahead of schedule. The Lower Marine Riser Package(LMRP) TOP CAP has a dispersant ring designed to allow injection of subsea dispersants around its outside, alongwith a wand to inject dispersants into the plume at the to p o f the riser while wait ing to install the LMRP TO P CAP.The US Coast Guard reports 17 in situ burns and 8 dispersant flights were conducted over the past 24 hou rs . Thetotal oily water mixture recovered, to date, is 329,842 barrels; total surface dispersants applied, to date, is 755,893gallons and total subsea dispersants applied, to date, is 225,408 gallons. A t ot al o f 1,949,795 feet of boom hasbeen assigned, to date, A federal mobile medical unit, staffed by US Health and Human Services personnel,arrived in Venice, LA to provide additional medical care for responders and residents of coastal communitiesaffected by the oil spill.Future: A second generation TOP CAP, completed at Port Fourchon, is scheduled to arrive today, 1 Jun. Thesecond generation TO P CAP is more robust with additional weight to increase stabilization and has oil vent portson top to control vertical and horizontal motion. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)forecasts south winds at 10 knots and seas at 1-2 feet. The Department of Homeland Security National OperationsCenter will continue to monitor this event. The next Senior Leadership Brief will be published at 1200 EDT 1 Jun10.Other: NOAA extended the northern boundary of the closed fishing area in the Gulf of Mexico up to the Mississippifederal-state water line and portions of the Alabama federal-state water line. This federal closure does not apply toany state waters. Approximately 126 miles of Louisiana shoreline is impacted by oil, Wildlife impacted to datetotals 841 animals.Background: On 21 Apr 10, the USCG reported an ongoing fire after an explosion onboard a mob il e drillingplatform, DEEPWATER HORIZON, off the coast of LA .TimelDate of Report: 0600 EDT 1 Jun 10 Report prepared by: DHS National Operations Center

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    Moss, ElizabethFrom:Sent:To :Cc :Subject:

    Categories: Complete

    Further detail to the RF I is provided as follows:Question: With the spill and dispersant - what chemicals are in the water?The chemical composition of the oil is provided at the following EPA link:http : //www. epa .gov/bpspill/clata/watersamp-mayl-16. pdf

    Original MessageFrom: HQS-PF-fldr-NIC HQ Situation UnitSent: Sunday, May 23, 2010 5:28 PMTo: DIW

    Original MessageFrom: National Command CenterSent: Sunday, May 23, 2010 11:52 AMTo: HQS-PF-fldr-NIC HQ Situation UnitCc: National Command CenterSubject: DH S CA T RF I 0455-10-110by BP SpillNIC,

    Water Quality Analysis of GoM Offshore Facilities Impacted

    HQS-PF-fldr-NIC HQ Situation UnitJav. May23, 2010 5:42 PM[WILda!ional Command Center;RE: RESPONSE: DHS CM -criFacilities Impacted by BP Spill

    (b)(6) u- i iu - HQS-PF-fldr-N IC HQ Situation Uniter Quality Analysis of G0M Offshore

    Cc: National Command Centers HQS-PF-fldr-NIC HQ Situation UnitSubject: RESPONSE: DHS CAT RF I 0455-18-110 Water Quality Analysis of G0M Offshore FacilitiesImpacted by BP Spill


    (b) (5)


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    Please ensure that the SUBJECT LINE of your response e-mail contains the Response to CATRF I #0455-10- 110 Water Quality Analysi s of G0M Offshore Facilities Impacted by BP SpillDue: 1200 hours EDT, 24 May 2010v/ rNCC IMT

    Original MessageFrom: [K .(b)(6)mailtSent: Sunday, May 23, 2010 11:45 AMTo: National Command Center; NOC USCGCc: OPS CAT; NOC SWO Restricted; NOC TRACKERSubject: DHS CAT RFI 0455-10-110 Water Quality Analysis of GoM Offshore Facilities Impactedby BP SpillPlease find an attached Request for Information (RFI) f rom the DH S Secretarys Crisis ActionTeam and provide your response by 1200 hours EDT, 24 May 2010.

    Please provide the DHS Crisis Action Team with the following information:

    o What kind of testing is being accomplished fo r industry? (i.e. fo r sea water beingused for industry operations like Offshore platforms and drilling rigs that utilize seawaterfo r purposes like - drinking water (reverse osmosis units), cooling water, wash down water,f irewater, e tc . The concern is what is in the water that is being used.)o With the spill and dispersant - what chemicals are in the water?o Any testing offshore to assist operators in making decisions on the use of seawaterbeing utilized?

    Please send responses to (b)(6) and cc: (b)(6)

    Note: Please ensure that the SUBJECT LINE of your response e-mail conta ins the Response toCAT RF I #0455-10- 110 Water Quality Analysi s of GoM Offshore Facilities Impacted by BP Spill

    You may contact the CAT atreply.

    Thank you,


    (b)(6) if you have any question or problems sending your


  • 8/6/2019 Responsive Docs - CREW: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG): Regarding BP Oil Spill: 8/17/2011 - Dhs 8-17-11


    DHS Crisis Action Team(b)(6)



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    National Infrastructure Coordinating CenterCurrent Situation Report

    BP Oil Spill Response - Gulf of Mexico

    Date: 11 May 2010 Incident Location: Gulf of MexicoIncident Start Time: 20 Apr 2010, 2200 EDT Sitrep Update Version: Update #21Incident End Time: On-goingImpacted Sectors: Energy/Petroleum, Reported Cause of the Incident: ExplosionEmergency Services, Food and AgricultureInteragency Coordination: NOC, PSA FOS, On Scene Agencies: USCG, NOAA, BP , DOTSSA Energy, DOT, DOT, DOEOwner/Operator(s) Involved: Transocean, Source of Information: NRC 937680, USCGBP Report, PSA Field Representatives, NOAA,

    DOT, DOE

    On 20 Apr at 2200 EDT, the Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU) DEEPWATERHORIZON reported an explosion and fire aboard. DEEPWATER HORIZON sank on 22Apr, and the ocean floor welihead, located approximately 52-miles southeast of Venice,LA, continues to release oil at a rate of 5,000* barrels per day.On 11 May, the USCGreports a Gamma Rayimaging scan on theblowout preventer (BOP)has confirmed the fourmajor rams are closed.Additionally, a sonic scanwas performed on theriser to analyze the risersintegrity; results arepending.The second containmentdome (cofferdam)continues to be modifiedat Por t Fourchon, LA. The Lower Marine Riser Package has been deployed and the riseris currently being run. The next steps going forward are to run the drill pipe and top

    Office of Infrastructure ProtectionNational Infrastructure Coordinating Center(b)(6) 1


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    Nationai Infrastructure Coordinating CenterCurrent Situation Reporthat. Construction should be completed by Thursday, with installation planned over theweekend, weather permitting.There were no skimming operations or in situ burns conducted today due to adverseweather conditions. The use of dispersants and the application of air dispersants werecancelled today due to safety concerns from the State of Louisiana.Snare boom were deployed today around Dauphin Island to catch any additional tarballs coming ashore. Various aerial surveys are underway along the shorelines to verifythe spills leading edge, locate any marine mammals and turtles, and identify status ofboom that may need to be reconfigured due to weather.The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reported there were unconfirmed presences of tarballs on Bon Secour earlier today and ranged in size from about 1-12 inches scatteredalong a two-mile stretch of beach on the eastern Perdue Unit of Bon Secour NationalWildlife Refuge. Neither the age nor the source of the tar balls has been determined atthis point.

    *Ratio of 42 US gallons per barrelThis information is based on initial reporting and is being provided for your situationalawareness. Initial reporting is often misleading or inaccurate due to a rapidly developingsituation and is subject to change

    Office of Infrastructure ProtectionNational Infrastructure Coordinating Center(b)(6)


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