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    CASE NO. 08-MD-01916-MARRA





    This Document Relates To:





    The Doe Plaintiffs respresented by Attorney Wolf (hereinafter "Doe Plaintiffs")

    join in Chiquita's Motion in part, oppose it in part, and ask the Court to modify the

    proposed request for judicial assistance to take the deposition of Fredy Rendon Herrera.1

    The Doe Plaintiffs agree that the depositions should be postponed until other

    plaintiffs' counsel comply with the Court's May 5, 2015 Order on Discovery. See Order

    Sustaining in Part & Overruling in Part Plaintiffs Objections to Defendants Discovery

    Requests Regarding Witness Payment Issues, R. 797. Although undersigned counsel

    fully complied with the Court's Order, the other counsel did little more than make

    objections to what we produced, not even searching for responsive documents. We have

    already gotten Mr. Collingsworth to admit to the conspiracy to pay Raul Hasbun, and to

    making payments to go-betweens to Salvatore Mancuso, both important AUC

    1 The Doe Plaintiffs take no position on the arrangements for the depositions of Jess Ignacio Roldn or

    Jos Gregorio Mangones Lugo. We have no knowledge about Mr. Roldn and nothing to contribute to his

    deposition. We have already expressed our concerns about Mr. Mangones and would not want to be

    involved in taking his deposition.

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    commanders. From our perspective, it is not counterproductive to point out these issues,

    but a necessary step in the progress of the case.

    The judicial request was poorly crafted the first time, and should be modified to

    allow for more time. However, it still contains provisions that violate Colombian law, we

    will be detailed below, and is vague in apportioning the time between Mr. Simons and

    myself. For these reasons, we ask the Court to modify the proposed Request for Fredy

    Rendon Herrera as shown in the attached reline version in Exhibit 1,2 and to delay the

    Request until Attorneys Collingsworth, Simons and others comply with the Court's May

    5, 2015 Order. The Court may also consider whether this can even be decided until

    attorney work product issues are resolved by the 11th Circuit and the District Court for

    the Northern District of Alabama.

    1. The Hague Convention Request to Fredy Rendon Herrera must be modified

    to comply with Colombian law.

    The Request to take Mr. Rendon's deposition violates Colombian law for a

    number of reasons. First, it's a violation of Mr. Rendon's rights to interrogate him outside

    of the presence of a judge. Second, it violates his rights to interrogate him in a foreign

    language through an interpreter, with an official English record. We have raised these

    issues with Mr. Simons and Mr. Hall, who agreed with each other to conduct the

    deposition in English and outside of the presence of a Colombian judge. This is a formal

    judicial proceeding in Colombia, and the prison in Itagi has procedures for

    accomodating it. A Colombian judge is present, and Colombian attorneys enter

    appearances. By law, the proceeding must be in Spanish.

    2 Changes made to Sections 13 and 15 are indicated in red. This isn't meant to be a final version, which we

    can provide at the Court's request.

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    Mr. Simons and Mr. Hall want to ask Mr. Rendon questions in English through an

    interpreter, and bring a court interpreter from the United States into the prison, to create

    an official English language record, and to exclude the Colombian judge. We don't know

    if Mr. Rendon has an attorney, but all of this would be highly irregular.

    It is in Mr. Rendon's interest to assert his right not to incriminate himself. To the

    best of our knowledge, Attorney Collingsworth has not been working with him, and he

    has no reason to want to testify. Rendon's plea agreement required him to tell the "whole

    truth" in his criminal proceedings, and if he testifies about things he didn't mention

    before, a Colombian judge could find that he had not told the whole truth in his criminal

    case. The reason we are taking is deposition because of concerns that Rendon will soon

    be released from prison after serving the eight year sentence in his plea agreement.

    Therefore, we don't think the deposition will produce useful testimony unless it is in a

    judicial setting with a Colombian judge. Conducting the deposition in English will result

    in the witness misunderstanding the questions to some degree, and introduce ambiguity

    and error into the testimony. It's doubtful a Colombian court would allow the deposition

    as requested, so the request should be modified to comply with Colombian law.

    2. The Doe Plaintiffs represented by undersigned counsel should have an

    opportunity to ask questions of Fredy Rendon Herrera.

    Mr. Simons has yet to explain why he believes Fredy Rendon Herrera is an

    important witness in his case. It appears that Rendon was selected because there has been

    media interest and controversy about Rendon's release from prison, which is said to be

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    imminent.3 However, Mr. Rendon's role in the case is not obvious and needs


    Fredy Rendon Herrera was the commander of the Elmer Cardenas Block ("BEC")

    of the AUC. The BEC had a territory in Urab that was separate from the Banana Block,

    which was comprised of two fronts, the Arlex Hurtado Front led by Raul Hasbun, and the

    Turbo Front led by Ever Veloza Garcia ("HH"). The territory of the Banana Block

    included the major urban centers of Apartado, Turbo, Chigorodo, and nearby areas. The

    Elmer Cardenas Block was formed in Necocli, which is about 15 miles north of Turbo,

    and was where the top leadership of the AUC, called the Casa Castao, was based.4

    With the assistance of men and arms from Turbo (the BEC had one unit called the

    Pedro Ponte front, a reference to Raul Hasbun), Fredy Rendon launched a military

    campaign from Acandi to Riosucio, which are on the other side of the Gulf of Uraba in

    the Department of Choco. The BEC then controlled the town of Dabeiba,5 where more

    than 500 of our cases occurred. The BEC and Banana Block both conducted operations

    in bordering areas such as Mutata, where Vicente Castano is said to have lived. In other

    words, the BEC operated in areas surrounding the part of Uraba where bananas are

    grown. The banana-growing area was controlled by the Banana Block of Hasbun and

    Ever Veloza.

    3 In Mr. Rendon's case in Colombia, the trial court found that Mr. Rendon had not complied with the terms

    of his demobilization agreement and that none of the time he had already served would count against his

    eight year sentence. This was reversed on appeal, and Mr. Rendon is currently back in an obviously hostile

    trial court. If he is released, he will have to meet with a parole officer on an approximately biweekly basis

    for approximately two years, which is how the other AUC members released from prison have been treated. 4 It was no coincidence that Fredy Rendon's brother, "Don Mario" was captured in Necocli. It was the last

    stronghold of the BEC, although Don Mario's men gave him up in the end. 5 Mr. Simons and the other plaintiffs counsel do not have a significant number of cases from Dabeiba. It is

    a small town where one of my assistants lived.

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    Unlike Ever Veloza though, Fredy Rendon has not generally taken responsibility

    for the crimes committed by the BEC.6 For this reason, we wrote to the attorney general

    of Colombia on Aug. 27, 2014, urging that Mr. Rendon not be released until he confesses

    all of his crimes. We believe that one issue is the degree of overlap between the BEC and

    members of the Colombian army and police. For example, for many years it has not been

    possible to obtain autopsy reports from Medicina Legal, the Colombian government

    forensic agency, due to a confidential government investigation. Dabeiba was one of the

    FARC's strongholds in Colombia, second only to San Vicente del Caguan. Nevertheless,

    no matter how inconvenient the subject, it is important to the victims that the truth be told

    about the thousands of murders that occured in their home town of Dabeiba.

    Thousands of persons from Dabeiba and nearby towns have filed claims in the

    Commission of Justice and Paz, including our nearly all of our clients from Dabeiba. Mr.

    Simons and his co-counsel have cases originating in other parts of Colombia. Simons'

    team also lacks personal experience interviewing clients affected by the BEC, and insist

    on taking Mr. Rendon Herrera's deposition in English, presumably because they are not

    able to do so on Spanish. Mr. Simons seeks to exclude me, and my clients, from

    participating in this deposition entirely. We have already been prejudiced by the harm

    done to Raul Hasbun, who is probably the most important witness in this case. We're

    concerned that Mangones Lugo fits the mold of the witnesses in the Drummond case.

    My clients have already suffered extreme prejudice from what we view as a RICO

    conspiracy among the other plaintiff's counsel, in this case as well as in Dole and

    6 I attended a week's worth of Mr. Rendon Herrera's testimony in his criminal case. The Colombian court

    erased his answer when I asked him about his brother Don Mario, as I described in my Responses to

    Defendant's Interrogatories. R. 771 at 10-11. I would like to follow up on that.

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    Drummond. The Court should not allow these attorneys to represent the interests of my

    clients, in the Rendon deposition or elsewhere.

    3. Witness payment discovery should be produced before the witness

    depositions are taken.

    We agree with the Defendant that the other plaintiffs' counsel have not complied

    with the Court's order and should be compelled to produce discovery material relevant to

    payments to witnesses. See Defendant Chiquitas Time-Sensitive Motion to Compel

    Compliance with the Courts May 5 Discovery Order, and Request for Expedited

    Briefing Schedule. R. 837. As the Court already recognized, the defendants should be

    allowed an opportunity to conduct discovery on the witness payment issue, under an

    accelerated schedule, before the paramilitary witnesses are deposed in this case. R. 759

    at 12.

    On July 21, 2015, Marco Simons of Earthrights International produced to me

    approximately a dozen documents, which according to Mr. Simons, is the same as what

    he produced to Chiquita pursuant to the Court's May 5, 2015 Order. It only took a few

    minutes to determine that Simons had not even searched for responsive materials, but

    only made objections to what I had produced, and maintains that this is all that is required

    of him. His position, and that of the others, is that all of the work done by lawyers in

    these firms enjoys blanket work product privilege protection. Simons even asserts my

    own privilege, which I have obviously waived, for a series of emails to the chiquita-ats-

    all mailing list in which I accuse them of tainting Raul Hasbun as a witness. I also recall

    expressing my concerns about Jos Gregorio Mangones Lugo, who is one of the

    witnesses is subject to the Request for Judicial Assistance at hand.

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    The RICO conspiracy has been known to counsel in the Chiquita case since I

    complained about it at a meeting at Cohen Millstein Sellers & Toll in June of 2011, and

    then in various emails until I was removed from the group. Unfortunately, I lost all my

    email correspondence from this period when my provider unexpectedly went

    out of business. However, Mr. Collingsworth, Mr. Simons, and the other attorneys

    receiving Requests for Production from Chiquita should all have copies of the emails

    from this list, as well as any other correspondence they may have had. Mr. Scarola and

    Mr. Collingsworth both maintain that the witness payment issue was "resolved"

    sometime after they stopped communicating with me, and stress that I do not know how

    it was resolved. This implies that they have had further communications on this subject.

    Although I was not privy to discovery conversations between Chiquita and the other

    plaintiffs, the listserve should be searched for keywords such as witness names, and Mr.

    Simons and the others should produce any documents relevant to payments to them.7

    Finally the Court should be aware of the context in which Chiquita's discovery

    requests for witness payment evidence are occurring. Drummond has two pending

    motions for sanctions, and an evidentiary hearing set for September 1-3, 2015, for

    Collingsworth's alleged misrepresentations to the court about witness payments and the

    number of witnesses paid, and about Collingsworth's alleged spoliation of electronic

    evidence. Dole will soon be serving me with a subpeona for the materials that the Court

    is now reviewing in camera. Collingsworth has announced plans to take depositions of

    about a dozen top level AUC leaders in the Dole case. The witness payments have been

    an ongoing problem that requires a more direct intervention from the courts.

    7 The Court has not allowed discovery of alleged payments to witnesses in the Drummond and Dole cases,

    except perhaps in the case of Mangones Lugo, who testified in the Dole case as well.

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    For the foregoing reasons, the Court should grant Chiquita's Motion but amend

    the Hague Convention Request for Fredy Rendon Herrera as shown in Exhibit 1. The

    Doe Plaintiffs represented herein also nun pro tunc join in Chiquita's Rul 37 Motion to

    Compel witness payment discovery.

    Respectfully submitted,



    Paul Wolf, CO Bar 42107

    PO Box 46213

    Denver CO 80201

    (202) 431-6986

    [email protected]

    July 26, 2015

    Certificate of Service

    I hereby certify that on this 26th day of July, 2015, I electronically filed the

    foregoing Doe Plaintiffs' Response to Defendant Chiquitas Time-Sensitive Motion to

    Modify Requests for Judicial Assistance and Exhibit with the Clerk of Court using the

    CM/ECF system which will send notification of such filing to all parties entitled to

    receive such notice.

    /s/ Paul Wolf


    Paul Wolf

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