
Respiratory System

Lungs and Air Passages

• Take in O2• Removing CO2• 4-6 minute supply of 02• Must work continuously


• 2 nostrils or nares• Nasal septum

Nasal Cavities

• Lined with mucous membrane

• Rich blood supply• Mucous traps

pathogens and dirt• Cilia• Olfactory sensors• Nasolacrimal ducts

• Hollow air-containing spaces• Cavities in skull around nasal area• Lined with mucous membrane• Provides resonance for the voice

• Nasopharynx– Contains pharyngeal

tonsils or adenoids and eustachian tube openings

• Oropharynx– Middle section behind

oral cavity– Palatine tonsils– Food and air

• Laryngopharynx– Bottom section– Branches into trachea

and esophagus

• Epiglottis• Larynx• Trachea

• Bronchi-two divisions of the trachea near the center of the chest

• Each enters a lung• Continues to divide into

smaller bronchi• Bronchioles• Alveoli• Erythrocytes• Lungs• Diaphragm

Pathway of Air


• Process of breathing• Respiration– Diaphragm– Intercostal muscles

• Two phases– Inspiration– Expiration


• Inspiration + Expiration = Respiration• Controlled by respiratory center in the

medulla oblongata• Vital Sign– 12-20 breaths/min.– Chest rise and fall

Abnormal Breathing

• Dysp/nea• Ap/nea• Tach/yp/nea• Brad/yp/nea• Orth/op/nea• Cyanosis

Respiratory Suffixes

• -ema condition• -osmia smell• -pnea breathing• -ptysis spitting• -sphyxia pulse• -thorax chest, plural cavity


• Asthma– Sensitivity to allergen

• Symptoms– Dyspnea & wheezing– Coughing– Tightness in chest

• Triggers• Treatment

Disorders• Chronic Bronchitis• Etiological factors

– Smoking– Infection

• Symptoms– Excessive mucous– Wheezing & dyspnea– Chest pain– Prolonged expiration of air

• Treatment– Antibiotics– Bronchodilators– Respiratory Therapy– No cure


• COPD• Any chronic lung disease that results in

obstruction of the airways• Smoking is primary cause; allergies and

chronic respiration infections are also factors


• Emphysema• Hyperinflation of air sacs• Walls of alveoli deteriorate and lose elasticity– CO2 is trapped– Poor exchange of gases

• Causes– Heavy smoking– Prolonged exposure to air pollutants


• Epistaxis (nosebleed)• Occurs when capillaries become congested• Causes– Irritation of mucous membranes (allergies)– Trauma– Vitamin K deficiency– Clotting abnormalities– Hypertension– Dehydration


• Laryngitis• Inflammation of larynx and vocal cords• Frequently occurs with other respiratory

infections• Symptoms– Hoarseness or loss of voice– Sore throat– Dysphasia (difficulty swallowing)


• Pleurisy• Inflammation of pleura or membranes of the

lungs• Usually occurs with pneumonia or other

infections• Symptoms– Sharp stabbing pain while breathing– Capitation or grating sounds in lungs– Dyspnea and fever


• Pneumonia• Inflammation and infection of the alveoli with a build up

of fluid or exudates• Usually caused by a bacteria, virus or chemicals• Symptoms

– Chills– Fever– Chest pain– Productive cough– Dyspnea– Fatigue


• Tuberculosis• Infectious disease of the lung caused by the bacterium

Myobacterium tuberculosis• “TB”• WBC surround invading TB organisms, wall them off

creating a nodule “tubercle”– Organisms remain dormant– Can cause an active case later is the body’s resistance is lowered

• Symptoms– Fatigue, chest pain, fever, night sweats, wt. loss– Hemoptysis (coughing up blood-tinged sputum)

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