
Respiratory Pathology

Lab ImagesSeptember 2014



Pores of Kohn

Lung Absceses

Objectives for Pneumonia, Lung abscesses

• Review the different organisms• Compare and contrast Lobar versus

bronchopneumonia• What organisms are responsible for lung


• Review the four stages of consolidation

Interstitial inflammation in viral pneumonias

Atypical pneumonia(mycoplasma)

Atypical pneumonia objectives

• Which organisms are commonly responsible for this pattern of disease?

• What is walking pneumonia?• Which organism is associated with positive

cold agglutinin reaction?

• What are the features of legionella associated pneumonia?

Caseating necrosis of T.B

Ghon focus

Alcohol Acid Fast Stain-T.B

Cavitatory lesions in Secondary T.B


• Review the morphologic features of primary versus secondary T.B infections.

• review mantoux text interpretation

Bronchial Asthma Microscopy-Curshman’s spirals

Bronchial Asthma Microscopy-Charcot –Leyden Cyrstals

Bronchial asthma-Arrows eosinophils



Bronchial Asthma,Emphysema

• Compare and contrast the changes in reversible airway obstruction(asthma ) and the COPDS

• Compare and contrast Charcot-Leyden crystals and Curschman’s spirals

• Review the morphologic and clinical differences between Chronic bronchitis and emphysema

Saddle Embolism

Keratin pearls ,Squamous cell CA



Lung Metastasis


• Review the differences between the different types of lung tumors

• Review the differences between primary and secondary lung tumors

Honey Comb Lung


Asbestos bodies

Asbestos body

• Identify

• What diseases presents with asbestos body?

Schaumann bodies

• What are the other findings in sarcoidosis?

Pneumocysti Jiroveci

• Identify

• What are characteristic features of infections.

Finger clubbing

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