  • Tectonophysics 316 (2000) 359–

    Resistive (dry?) lower crust in an active orogen,Nanga Parbat, northern Pakistan

    Stephen K. Park a,*, Randall L. Mackie ba Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521, USA

    b GSY-USA, Inc., 2261 Market St, Ste 643, San Francisco, CA 94114, USA

    Received 4 June 1999; accepted for publication 11 October 1999


    Conductivity models beneath the Nanga Parbat Haramosh Massif (NPHM) derived from magnetotelluricsoundings reveal that there is no widespread, interconnected, conductive aqueous fluid to minimum depths of 40 kmbelow sea level. Given the continuing tectonic denudation, young granitic and migmatitic bodies indicating partialmelt at shallow crustal depths, and active seismicity, this result is surprising in light of similar studies in active tectonicregimes elsewhere. Away from the NPHM, models reveal the usual conductive lower crust. We propose that deepmagmatic and metamorphic fluids are produced beneath NPHM in isolated zones but that the active deformationpermits their escape through the brittle–ductile transition. A magnetotelluric survey in an area as complicated asNanga Parbat required the development of methodologies for utilizing standard two-dimensional inversions in athree-dimensional environment. We show here how to identify which parts of the magnetotelluric responses areadequately represented with two-dimensional approximations. Unlike previous efforts, we do not attempt to create aset of generic rules that may be applicable to all geologic environments. Instead, a procedure is outlined that can betailored to each interpretation. One important result of this work is that magnetotelluric data along a profile can beused to constrain structure off the ends of the profile. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Himalayas; magnetotelluric methods; Nanga Parbat; Pakistan

    1. Introduction Zeitler et al., 1993). With the middle crust cur-rently exposed at the surface and geothermal activ-ity in the region indicating that crustal reworkingNanga Parbat in the Himalaya of northern

    Pakistan (Fig. 1) rises over 8000 m above sea level is still active, Nanga Parbat provides a uniqueglimpse into the processes that rework continen-and is an active site of crustal reworking including

    metamorphism and partial melting. Paleo- tal crust.The high peak of Nanga Parbat lies in a north–barometry and ages of gneisses and migmatites at

    the core of the massif have led to the inference south-oriented antiform called the Nanga Parbat–Haramosh Massif (NPHM) created by collisionthat the mountain has been exhumed at rates of

    3–6 mm/year over the past 3 Ma (e.g. Zeitler, 1985; between Kohistan and the Indian plate along theMain Mantle Thrust (MMT ). Lying at the westernsyntaxis of the collision between India and Asia,* Corresponding author. Tel. :+1-909-787-4501;this antiform has been the site of extensive exhuma-fax:+1-909-787-4509.

    E-mail address: [email protected] (S.K. Park) tion in the past 10 Ma that has completely removed

    0040-1951/00/$ - see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.PII: S0040-1951 ( 99 ) 00264-4

  • 360 S.K. Park, R.L. Mackie / Tectonophysics 316 (2000) 359–380

    Fig. 1. Location map showing relationship between MT sound-ings (black dots for those on N–S transect and white dots for Fig. 2. Geologic map generalized from Schneider et al. (1999).those on E–W transect) and geologic structure. The Main Only geology in the Nanga Parbat–Haramosh Massif (NPHM)Mantle Thrust (MMT; solid line) and the Raikot Fault (RF; is shown; igneous and high-grade metamorphic rocks ofdashed line) separates the underlying Indian crust from overly- Kohistan are left out. MT sites are all shown as open Kohistan. Elevation contours of 3000 m (light line) and The villages of Tato, Astor, and Tarshing are shown, and sites6000 m (heavy line) are shown, as is the Indus River. Site num- 15–21 lie in the Rupal Valley mentioned in the text. Symbolsbers between 1 and 5, 7 and 9, and 14 and 21 are sequential used here are: NP, Nanga Parbat; RF, Raikot fault; RCSZ,and not labeled. Site 20 is common to both MT transects, which Rupal Chichi shear zone. The area of Fig. 5 lies within theare shown with black lines passing through sites. dashed line. The central cordierite-bearing granitic and meta-

    sedimentary gneisses south of Tato and north of Nanga Parbatdelineates the region of most rapid exhumation.

    the overlying high-grade metamorphic and plu-tonic rocks of Kohistan and exposed the under-lying Indian crust (Fig. 1). While the entire NPHM granulite grade metamorphic rocks and the leuco-

    granitic dikes lead to the conclusion that progradehas experienced this rapid uplift, the region northof Nanga Parbat has experienced the most dra- metamorphism and melting are contemporaneous

    (Smith et al., 1992).matic exhumation. This region, bordered on thenorth by the Indus River (Fig. 2), has cooling ages Because the NPHM is an ideal laboratory for

    observing the evolution of continental crust viabetween 1 and 3 Ma from biotites in cordierite-bearing granitic and metasedimentary gneisses crustal reworking, it was the focus of a multidisci-

    plinary Continental Dynamics study funded by the(Schneider et al., 1999). The presence of cordieriteindicates metamorphism at depths of 15±8 km National Science Foundation. A magnetotelluric

    (MT ) survey was included as part of this researchand temperatures of 600°C prior to exhumation.Isolated granitic plutons (Fig. 2) and leucogranite in order to determine the extent and distribution

    of aqueous fluids and partial melt in the crust. Indikes are also found in this region and indicatethat partial melting is occurring at depth particular, we did not know whether the granitic

    melts were produced by decompression melting of(Schneider et al., 1999). Similar ages between the

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    dry continental crust as exhumation proceeded or used to map the distributions of fluids in tectoni-by fluxing of the crust with fluids from dewatering cally active regions. Vector electric and magneticreactions in the adjacent crust or underlying sub- time series are acquired at individual sites andducted plate. converted to tensor, frequency-dependent imped-

    Aqueous brines are the source of prominent ance functions (Vozoff, 1991). Tensor impedancesconductivity anomalies in many MT studies. Thus, from multiple sites, usually along a profile, areindependent information about the type and state then inverted to generate a two-dimensional (2-D)of these fluids is crucial to an interpretation. Nanga cross-section of electrical resistivity. MT data areParbat has abundant evidence of aqueous fluids in most sensitive to conductive regions, so geologicalthe rapidly exhuming region. Hot springs are interpretation usually consists of identifying thecommon, especially along the Raikot fault and causes for high conductivity (Jones, 1992). Maficnear Tato (which means ‘hot’ in the local dialect). partial melts, water-saturated silicic melts, brinesStudies of fluid inclusions from quartz veins in the and metamorphic or igneous waters, metallic solidleucogranites indicate that aqueous inclusions are phases, and graphite are all capable of increasingthe most common, although CO2 inclusions are the conductivity of the crust and upper mantlealso found (Craw et al., 1994). The aqueous fluid (Jones, 1992). Within the mantle, brines do notinclusions homogenize to vapor at temperatures wet the surfaces of ultramafic rocks (Watson andof 320–410°C, indicating formation in a dry steam Brenan, 1987) and only basaltic melts and solidgeothermal system in the upper 5 km (Craw et al., phase conduction can low the resistivity of the1994, 1997). Craw et al. (1994) concluded that the rocks.fluid in the inclusions came primarily from circula- An implicit assumption in the transformationtion of meteoric water into the hot rocks. Based of the observed impedances to a resistivity cross-on the temperatures and depths, they estimated a section is that the profile is perpendicular to a 2-Dgeothermal gradient of 100°C/km. A later study structure. The tensor impedance is decomposedshowed that the aqueous inclusions contained into two principal impedances (much as areal5 wt% NaCl and that there were deeper fluids

    strain can be decomposed into two principalperhaps related to metamorphism (Craw et al.,strains), each with a magnitude, phase, and direc-1997). However, these fluids were different fromtion. In the case of 2-D structures, these principaltypical granulite facies metamorphic fluids or fromimpedances are oriented parallel and perpendicularcrystallizing magmas. With these studies, we canto the geological strike of the structure. The modeconclude that aqueous fluids are likely to be aperpendicular to strike is called the TM mode (thissignificant source of shallow (and perhaps deep)is the mode oriented parallel to the plane of thecrustal conductivity at Nanga Parbat.cross-section), and the mode parallel to strike isSurprisingly, our study has revealed that thethe TE mode. We will use this notation for modescrust is resistive to depths of more than 60 kmwhen discussing the 2-D resistivity cross-sectionsbelow sea level (bsl ) beneath the youngest, mostderived for the data. Decomposition of the electro-rapidly exhumed crust. We will show that conduc-magnetic equations for 2-D structure also predictstive zones indicative of interconnected brines liethat can be a vertical magnetic field (Hz) alignedto the south of Nanga Parbat and along the Raikotalong the principal impedance parallel to the TMfault. Coupled with seismic tomography, ourmode only. The transfer function relating Hz toresults indicate that water-undersaturated decom-the horizontal magnetic field is therefore includedpression melting is the most likely source of thein the transformation of impedances into a resistiv-granitic melts.ity cross-section.

    A two-dimensional structure is clearly not pre-sent at Nanga Parbat, and one contribution of this2. Magnetotelluric methodstudy is a methodology to evaluate the validity ofthe 2-D assumption by using three-dimensionalMagnetotelluric studies are a relatively recent

    addition to tectonic investigations and have been (3-D) modeling. Rather than developing a univer-

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    sal rule by which components of the tensor imped- near the high peak required transport by portersvia foot. As a result, the distribution of sites wasance can be interpreted with 2-D slices in a 3-D

    earth, we instead outline an iterative method using not driven by scientific targets as much as bylogistics (Fig. 2). Data were acquired along two2-D cross-sections and 3-D modeling for inter-

    pretation in this setting. Note that the methodol- roughly linear and orthogonal transects, one ofwhich passed through the peak itself (Fig. 1). Dataogy can be transferred to new areas, but the results

    presented here are specific to this area. We build were recorded at periods between 0.008 and 1024 susing EMI’s MT-1 magnetotelluric system. Dataon the results of Park and Mackie (1997) and

    discuss the N–S transect only in light of new data. were acquired simultaneously at pairs of sites sothat remote referencing could be used for noiseOnce we have a model that is consistent with the

    observed impedances, the robustness of portions reduction. Timing between sites was provided bysynchronized clocks with drifts of less than 1.0 ppbof this model is assessed by sensitivity studies. In

    particular, we determine what constraints can be per day. While site separations of 5–10 km werepossible along the Indus River and east of Tarshingplaced on various resistivity structures in the cross-

    section. The first section discusses acquisition and where roads were available, site separations inroadless regions were typically 2–3 km and con-processing of the MT data, while the second

    illustrates our methodology for determining the trolled by walking times between sites (2–3 h).This part of Pakistan has few sources of culturalvalidity of the 2-D assumption at Nanga Parbat.

    The third section presents the results of our sensi- noise, so primary noise sources included coilvibrations caused by flowing streams and blowingtivity analysis, and the fourth section discusses the

    geological implications of resistive crust beneath wind. Site separations of 2–3 km were sufficient toreject these sources of noise in the analysis.Nanga Parbat.

    Time series at sites along the E–W profile wereanalyzed with two different robust processingcodes. Most of the data were processed with Chave3. Magnetotelluric dataet al.’s code (Chave et al., 1987), which usesrejection in the frequency domain of data segmentsThe locations of MT sites were dictated largely

    by access in the rugged topography surrounding with poor coherencies between observed and pre-dicted electric fields. Sites 16 and 17 still showedNanga Parbat (Fig. 3). Most of the data acquiredsubstantial scatter in the impedance estimates afterrobust processing with remote reference however,and Larsen et al.’s (Larsen et al., 1996) robustanalysis was applied at these few sites. (Note thatwe will use the actual site numbering from thedatabase in order to allow future researchers tocompare their results directly to those presentedhere.) This latter analysis rejects outliers in boththe time and frequency domains, and resulted inmuch smoother estimates of the MT impedance atlonger periods. Comparison of results from thetwo processing techniques revealed that averagevalues were very similar, but responses fromLarsen et al.’s code were smoother, and errorswere smaller. We conclude from this comparisonthat noise at these sites consisted primarily oftransient em signals likely emanating from aFig. 3. Looking north from Tato along the Indus River and thenearby village (perhaps from livestock disturbingN–S MT transect. Note the extremely rugged terrain that con-

    trolled site placement. the lines or from portable generators).

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    analysis. We therefore used the distortion analysisat sites 7–9 only.

    Data along the E–W transect are complicatedby the presence of a shear zone crossing obliquelyto the orientation of the profile (Fig. 2). Maximumapparent resistivities within the shear zone (sites18–21) are consistently oriented at N30W. Thisimpedance strike is parallel to orientations ofParkinson induction arrows at longer periods atthese sites and others along this profile (Fig. 5). Ifthe impedance strike and induction arrows wereresponding primarily to a conductive shear zone,then the induction arrows should have been per-pendicular to direction of the maximum apparentresistivity. Because this was not the case, bothquantities must be influenced primarily by anotherstructure(s). As is discussed below, the impedancestrikes and induction arrows are responses to aconductive zone to the south of the E–W profile.

    An orientation of N30W is approximately per-pendicular to the local strike of the Rupal Valleyand parallel to the plane of a profile passing

    Fig. 4. Apparent resistivity and phase sounding curves from sitethrough these sites (Fig. 1). The use of a 2-D16 in the shear zone on the E–W transect. Following conven-model along this profile usually entails rotation oftions for presentation of MT data, impedance magnitudes are

    scaled as apparent resistivities in ohm-m and plotted on a log– the MT impedances into directions parallel andlog plot versus period. Impedance phases in degrees are plotted perpendicular to the profile. At the boundarieson a log-linear plot versus period in seconds. Data are shown and just outside the shear zone (sites 14–16) how-as gray or black vertical lines with the length of lines denoting

    ever, the geoelectrical strike is oriented north (oruncertainties in values, while model fits are plotted as gray orparallel to the local strike of the shear zone andblack solid lines. The extent of the model fits denotes the range

    of periods used in the modeling; data at periods longer than 8 s the MMT boundary — Fig. 5). In a region withwere not used in the E–W model. Modes are indicated with TE multiple structures oriented both transverse and(N30W ) and TM (N60E) labels. The TM response at periods obliquely to the profile, we preferred to use thelonger than 10 s is not minimum phase, likely indicating com-

    local geoelectrical strike rather than a single valuepeting effects from the shear zone and the conductor to theat all sites. For example, rotation of site 16 (Fig. 4)south of the E–W transect. The response at site 15 (not shown)

    was similar. to an orientation of N30W mixed the modesparallel and perpendicular to the shear zone sothat two almost identical responses resulted. Useof the local geoelectrical strike captured the essen-Distortion analysis was applied at all sites ini-

    tially (Groom and Bailey, 1989), but the principal tial electrical behavior of the shear zone as its localazimuth changed.effect of this analysis was to remove static shifts

    only (as evidenced by removal of the high-fre- A similar situation exists on the N–S transectwhere it crosses the locally NE-trending Raikotquency anisotropy between the two modes of the

    apparent resistivities). The only exceptions were at fault zone (Figs. 2 and 5). Strikes at sites 5–7 areoriented N45W, rather than N–S as seen elsewheresites 7–9, where Park and Mackie (1997) found

    that the distortion analysis also removed significant along the profile. While the fault appears as asingle, well-defined boundary on the map, fieldangular distortions. Sites 15–17 also had clear

    distortion effects associated with local structure observations reveal multiple, small faults in thisregion. Indeed, the village of Tato (Fig. 2) has hot(Fig. 4), but these could not be corrected by the

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    Fig. 5. Simplified geologic map from Fig. 2 with impedance strikes (heavy black lines at each site) and Hz transfer functions ( lighterblack lines with arrows) shown. Data are plotted for periods of 0.1 and 100 s. The tipper transfer function plotted is the negative ofthe real component, which conventionally points towards good conductors (Parkinson, 1962). Site locations are indicated with opendots, where Hz was recorded and black dots where Hz was not recorded. Note the consistent orientation of approximately SE formost 100 s transfer functions on the massif, indicating a good conductor to the south of the E–W transect in Rupal Valley.

    springs emanating from one of these faults. Park (1993) showed that this worked as well inmountainous terrain as did independent measuresRotation of the modes at these sites by 45° (i.e. to

    the north) mixed modes parallel and perpendicular from transient electromagnetic the fault in such a manner as to yield identicalresponses for the N–S and E–W modes. Thisclearly did not capture the essential electrical 4. Two-dimensional profiles in a three-dimensional

    settingbehavior of the fault. We therefore chose to use aN–S strike for all sites except for sites 5–7 (whereN45W was used). In both transects, modes parallel Three-dimensional inversion is not yet com-

    monly available, and it is unclear whether it wouldand perpendicular to the local geoelectrical strikewere chosen for the TM and TE modes, be useful with such a sparse data set as this one.

    Trial-and-error forward modeling with 3-Drespectively.Static shifts were assigned to sites after rotation models, as tried by Park and Torres-Verdin (1988)

    or Mackie et al. (1996), is similarly unsatisfyingto chosen geoelectrical strikes (N–S or N45W forthe N–S transect, following Park and Mackie and time-consuming. We instead used 2-D inver-

    sion of data along the N–S and E–W transects,(1997), and N30W or north for the E–W transect;see Fig. 5). These static shifts are provided in judiciously choosing to invert only those data that

    are less affected by structure parallel to the profiles.Table 1. Geometric means of the short periodresponses at sites on similar geologic materials These data will be identified through the use of

    2-D and 3-D models. This is an iterative processwere used to set these static shifts; Hirasuna and

  • 365S.K. Park, R.L. Mackie / Tectonophysics 316 (2000) 359–380

    Table 1Static shifts and distortion corrections

    Site Azimuth Twist Shear Multiplicative static shift factors

    (N–S or NW ) (E–W or NE)

    1 N–S 0 0 1 12 N–S 0 0 1 13 N–S 0 0 1 0.464 N–S 0 0 1 15 N45W 10 0 1 17 N45W 0 20 1 1.878 N45W −40 −15 1.62 0.599 N–S 0 −30 1 114 N–S 0 0 1.21 0.8615 N–S 0 0 1 116 N–S 0 0 1.32 117 N30W 0 0 0.35 118 N30W 0 0 1 0.6219 N30W 0 0 1 0.5820 N30W 0 0 1 121 N30W 0 0 0.62 2.21

    because these 2-D and 3-D models are derived could be derived. They also showed that the TE(E–W) mode of the impedance at sites 7, 8, and 9from the data, which we then test for the effects

    of 3-D structure. The results are models of the could be included in those 2-D models because itwas not affected by the Indus River valley (Fig. 6).N–S and E–W profiles, which are consistent with

    a composite 3-D model of the region. This conclusion was reached by comparing a 3-Dmodel of the Indus River sediments to a correspond-An additional complication with two ortho-

    gonal 2-D profiles is that the TE mode for one is ing 2-D model. Truncation of the sediments to theeast and west of the N–S profile severely distortedthe TM mode for another, and this will lead to

    confusion regarding references to these modes. the TE (E–W ) mode (Fig. 6). We have now addedan additional site (site 20) to their original profileThroughout this paper, we will adopt the conven-

    tion of referring to TE and TM modes based on but have to assess the limits of the 2-D approxima-tion in the Rupal Valley. In addition, results pre-the profile orientation. We will also put the com-

    pass orientation in parentheses after the TE or sented here for the N–S transect reveal that a largeconductive body lies south of the E–W transect.TM label, so that the orientation is perfectly clear.

    Where the profiles cross at site 20, the N30W We must assess the impact of that body on a 2-Dapproximation for data along the E–W transect.mode will be the TM mode for the N–S profile

    and will be designated as TM (N30W ). That same Clearly, there is no apriori way in a 2-D analysisof including the influence of conductive bodiesmode will be the TE mode for the E–W profile

    and will be designated as TE (N30W ). The mode oriented parallel to profile strike. We will thereforemake some assumptions about the limits of the 2-Ddesignation is consistent with terminology for 2-D

    models, while the compass direction will identify approximation and then demonstrate that thoseassumptions are valid.uniquely which component of the impedance

    tensor is used. Our strategy is to begin with the 2-D model forthe N–S transect and then show how the structurePark and Mackie (1997) showed that data along

    the N–S transect were affected by shallow sediments north or south of the E–W profile will affect thedata used on the N–S profile (Fig. 7). Inversion ofalong the Indus River valley, but that valid 2-D

    models of the TM (N–S) mode of the impedance the data along the E–W profile that can accurately

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    Fig. 6. 3-D model of the upper 700 m of the crust showing the sediments along the Indus River valley. For this test, the model was1-D below 700 m. Responses at sites 3 and 9 were computed using Mackie et al.’s finite difference code (Mackie et al., 1996). Thedashed lines are for the model shown, and the solid lines are computed by extending the sediments to the east and west in accordancewith a 2-D structure crossed by the N–S profile. Note that the TM (N–S) curves are within a factor of two at site 3, but that theTE (E–W ) responses differ by a factor of 100. Both sets of responses are similar at site 9, showing that neither mode is affectedsignificantly by the Indus River sediments.

    be represented with a 2-D model is then performed. approximations. Once we have verified that we havevalid 2-D models, we then examine bounds on theThe effects of N–S-oriented conductive bodies from

    this inversion on data along the N–S transect are structures through a sensitivity analysis similar tothat of Park et al. (1996).then estimated. If necessary, the inversion along the

    N–S transect is then recomputed using only thosedata that can be represented by 2-D models. The 4.1. N–S transecttests discussed above will be based on 2-D modeling,but we will also show that a 3-D composite model We use the TM (N–S) modes from sites 1–9

    and the TE (E–W) modes from sites 7–9, inof the cross-sections from the N–S and E–W tran-sects confirm our conclusions based on the 2-D accordance with our earlier study (Park and

  • 367S.K. Park, R.L. Mackie / Tectonophysics 316 (2000) 359–380

    Fig. 7. Schematic diagram showing tests of 2-D assumption forN–S and E–W transects.

    Mackie, 1997). We must assess which modes to usefrom site 20, however. Topography and surfacegeology shows that site 20 lies in a region withstructures oriented approximately perpendicular tothe strike of the N–S profile (Figs. 1 and 2). Thegeoelectrical strike at site 20 is oriented N30W(Fig. 5), which is approximately perpendicular tothe local strike of the valley and the surface geology.The valley is truncated to the west, so data polarizedN60E at site 20 may be affected by that truncation.Previous modeling studies of 3-D structures haveshown that the mode perpendicular to local strike Fig. 8. Data and model fits at site 20 for N–S transect.

    Conventions for plotting are explained in Fig. 4. Note that onlycan be interpreted with a 2-D model but that thethe TM (N30W ) mode was fit with this model because we willparallel mode is likely affected by termination alongshow below that the TE (N60E) mode was affected by structurestructural strike (Wannamaker et al., 1984; Park, to the west of the transect. The Hz transfer function and its

    1985). At site 20, the mode perpendicular to local model fit are also shown. Txz is the transfer function in thestrike is N30W. The TM (N30W ) mode at site 20 N30W direction at this site (approximately parallel to the tran-

    sect and perpendicular to the 2-D structure).is therefore included in our model of the N–Stransect, but the TE (N60E) mode is not (Fig. 8).Additionally, we will include the component of spanned beyond the range of the data but we will

    show only a subset of it; see Park and Mackiethe Hz transfer function oriented N–S at sites 8–9and N30W at site 20 (Figs. 5 and 7). (1997) for details. Error floors of 2.5% for the

    complex impedance (0.025 radians in phase andInversion of data from sites 1–9 and site 20 wasperformed using a regularized inversion algorithm 5% in apparent resistivity) and 5% for the tipper

    transfer functions were used in the inversion to(Mackie and Madden, 1993; Rodi and Mackie,submitted for publication) that minimized the sum offset the influence of data values with unrealisti-

    cally low error estimates. This floor was deter-of the x2 data misfit and the squared Laplacian ofthe deviation of the model from an apriori one. mined from scatter between adjacent points on the

    sounding curves and was relaxed to 10% for theOne of us (Mackie) modified this code to allowtopography in the model and use of the Hz transfer TE mode after initial models had difficulty fitting

    both the TE and TM data. The apriori model usedfunction in the inversion. The actual model

  • 368 S.K. Park, R.L. Mackie / Tectonophysics 316 (2000) 359–380

    PLATE I. Resistivity models for the N–S and E–W transects shown in Fig. 1. Depths below sea level (bsl ) are shown. For comparison,an expanded section of the N–S transect is plotted at the same vertical scale and exaggeration (1:1) as the E–W model. The heavywhite line at depths of 5–8 km bsl on this expanded section is the inferred brittle–ductile transition inferred from seismicity (fromMeltzer, et al., 1998). The dashed line on the N–S model outlines the expanded region. Regions A–H outlined in the models withsolid lines are used for the sensitivity tests discussed in the text. The vertical white lines in expanded N–S section and the E–W sectionindicate the line of intersection between the two sections. Symbols used here are: IRV, Indus River valley; MMT, Main MantleThrust; NP, Nanga Parbat; RCSZ, Rupal Chichi shear zone; RV, Rupal valley; T, Tato; and Tr, Tarshing.

    for this inversion was a layered half space with sites in the next section, but most sites were fitwith rms errors of less than 2.0 (Fig. 8). Larger500 ohm-m for depths shallower than 20 km bsl

    and 100 ohm-m below that. misfits were found at sites 5 and 7 where theRaikot fault had a substantial influence on theThe principal change from model presented in

    Park and Mackie (1997) is that the good conductor E–W mode (Fig. 8). Additionally, several sites hadresponses for which the minimum phase relation-south of Nanga Parbat has moved to the south of

    Rupal Valley and the southernmost extent of data ship between the apparent resistivities and phaseswere violated (Fig. 9).along the profile (Plate I ). This is a robust result;

    induction arrows at sites 18–21 all indicate thepresence of a good conductor to the south of 4.2. E–W transectRupal Valley (Fig. 5). The excess conductivity tothe south has also been modified to fit the variation The N–S model in Plate I has two substantial

    conductive zones to the south of site 20 (zones Aof the transfer function with period (Fig. 8). Thefinal model in Plate I fit the data with an overall and B). How will those zones affect data recorded

    along the E–W profile? In other words, whichrms misfit of 2.33. We will discuss fits to individual

  • 369S.K. Park, R.L. Mackie / Tectonophysics 316 (2000) 359–380

    Fig. 10. Tests of validity of 2-D assumptions for N–S andE–W profiles. In both cases, 2-D model results are comparedat site 20. Solid lines are for calculated responses with zones Aand B (upper plot) and zone H ( lower plot), and dashed linesare without these conductive zones. The upper plot shows thatthe effects on the E–W profile of zones A and B are mostpronounced at periods longer than 10 s; responses with andwithout the conductors are virtually identical at shorter periods.The lower plot shows that the effect on the N–S profile of zoneH to the west is seen at periods longer than 10 s but that theeffects are minor. The shapes of the sounding curves with andwithout zone H are similar, but the curves without the conduc-tor are elevated by a factor of 1.5.

    Fig. 9. Data and model fits at sites 7 and 9 on the Raikot faultzone crossing the N–S transect. Note the good fit to the TMmode (N45W ) at site 7 and N–S at site 9 and the poor fit tothe TE (N45E) mode at site 7 due to lateral changes along thestrike of the Raikot fault. The TE mode at site 7 is parallel tothe local strike of the fault zone at Tato. The fit to the TM(N–S) mode at site 9 is much better because it lies outside theRaikot fault zone, although the TM phase at periods longerthan 100 s is not the minimum phase. See Fig. 4 caption forplotting conventions.

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    modes and frequencies at sites 14–21 are relativelyunaffected by these zones and can be fit solely withan E–W cross-section with a N–S structural strike?A comparison of computed responses from theN–S model at site 20 with and without zones Aand B reveals that both modes at periods longerthan 8 s are influenced those conductive zones(Fig. 10). We thus conclude that a 2-D model ofthe structure along the E–W transect will not beaffected by conductors to the south if it is basedon apparent resistivities and phases for both modesat periods less than 8 s. Additionally, the Hztransfer function (not shown) is affected apprecia-bly at all periods greater than 0.07 s, so no transferfunctions can be included in an E–W 2-D model.The dominant orientation of the transfer functionat site 14 is E–W and not N–S, as we would expectif the response is due to the southern conductor,however. Therefore, the transfer function at site14 was included in the 2-D inversion of the E–Wtransect. Phases from site 15 for the TE (N30W )mode were also excluded from the inversion

    Fig. 11. Computed fits from E–W model at site 15. See captionbecause they violated the minimum phase assump-of Fig. 4 for explanation. Note the non-minimum phase beha-tion, presumably caused by mode mixing withinvior of the TE (N30W ) phase at the southern boundary of thethe shear zone (Fig. 11). RCSZ shear zone. Data at periods less than 8 s only were fit

    An E–W model which fit the apparent resistivi- with the model. See Fig. 4 caption for plotting convention.ties and phases at sites 14–21 and the Hz transferfunction at site 14 (Plate I ) resulted in an overall

    N–S profile? The model derived for the N–S profilerms misfit of 1.17. We show the model to depthsdid not include the effects of zones G and H, andof 28 km bsl only because a sensitivity analysiswe need to reexamine our assumptions in light ofshowed that this was the maximum depth ofthe structure on the E–W profile. We assess thepenetration for periods of 8 s or less. Misfits wereinfluence of zones G and H by comparinglow at most sites except sites 14 and 15. The rmsresponses at site 20 with and without these twomisfit of 1.55 at site 15 was probably due to thezones (Fig. 10). Removal of zone G results in onlyinability of a 2-D model to completely capture the10–20% changes in apparent resistivities and 2–3°response of the southern boundary of the RCSZin phases for the TM (N30W ) mode, and these(Fig. 11). The rms misfit of 1.89 at site 14 resultedchanges are not shown here. The TE (N60E) modefrom an inability to match the TE (N30W ) modeis virtually unaffected by the smaller conductor.and Hz transfer function simultaneously (Fig. 12).Removing the larger, western conductor (zone H)This model revealed a small, very conductive zoneincreases the apparent resistivities in the TMbetween sites 14 and 15 (zone G; Plate I ) and a(N30W or N–S) mode by as much as a factor oflarger slightly conductive zone to the west of site50% at a period of 30 s and the phase by as much21 (zone H; Plate I ).as 5° at periods longer than 1 s (Fig. 10). Thiswould mean that a model based on this mode may4.3. Validity of the 2-D assumption on the N–Soverestimate actual resistivities by a factor of 1.5transector so because the effect of the western conductorwas not included in that model. Because the modelHow do the two conductive zones found cross-

    ing the E–W profile affect the data we used on the of the N–S profile already has very resistive rocks

  • 371S.K. Park, R.L. Mackie / Tectonophysics 316 (2000) 359–380

    fied versions of the 2-D cross-sections in Plate Iand computed responses with and without zonesB, F, and H (Plate I ). Again, we will examine theresponses at site 20 only.

    Comparison of responses with and without zoneH shows that the TM (N–S) mode is increased bya maximum factor of 2.5 at 30 s periods (Fig. 13),which is only slightly larger than the factor of 1.5estimated from Fig. 10. The TE (E–W ) mode isvirtually unaffected. Therefore, our conclusionfrom Fig. 10 that resistivities may be overestimatedin a 2-D model of the N–S profile is still valid.Comparison of responses with and without zonesB and F shows that data at periods less than 8 sare unaffected by these zones (Fig. 13). Therefore,basing the E–W profile on data recorded at periodsless than 8 s will yield a valid 2-D model. This wasalso the conclusion from Fig. 10. Note that thedifferences in the responses in Figs. 10 and 13 aredue to the fact that the former is based on theexact 2-D model that fit the data, while the latteris necessarily a simplified version of the modelsin Plate I.

    We have now produced 2-D models of thegeoelectrical structure along the N–S and E–Wtransects and have shown that the effects of theconductors identified on one profile should notsignificantly affect the model derived for the other.Where the models cross at site 20, there is a

    Fig. 12. Computed fits from E–W model at site 14. See caption reasonably good agreement (Plate I ). Both profilesof Fig. 4 for explanation. This best-fit model was unable tohave rocks with resistivities greater thansimultaneously match the TE (N–S) mode phases and the Hz1000 ohm-m to depths of 2–4 km bsl and lesstransfer function (Tyz). See Fig. 4 caption for plotting

    convention. resistive values beneath. The next step is to deter-mine bounds that can be placed on importantfeatures in both models.

    in the vicinity of site 20 (Plate I ), we concludethat potential errors introduced through the use a2-D model along the N–S transect will not affect 5. Sensitivity analysisour interpretation appreciably. Reduction of thehigh resistivities beneath Nanga Parbat in order 5.1. N–S transectto account for conductive zone H would still leaveextremely high values in the rapidly exhuming The most surprising result in Plate I is theregion. presence of very resistive rocks beneath the higher

    We have so far used 2-D models to assess the elevations between sites 9 and 20 to depths of ateffects of structure off the axis of the N–S and least 50 km bsl. Given the abundant geologicalE–W profiles, but are those models valid? The and surficial evidence for fluids, we would havestructure is really 3-D, and would a 3-D model of expected to find conductive rocks in this region.the structure yield results different from those in What limits can be placed on the resistivities in

    this region, especially considering that there areFig. 10? We constructed a 3-D model from simpli-

  • 372 S.K. Park, R.L. Mackie / Tectonophysics 316 (2000) 359–380

    Fig. 13. Composite 3-D model constructed from simplified versions of cross-sections in Plate I. This model contains the Indus Rivervalley from Fig. 6 (not shown) as well as zones B, F, and H at depths of 2–22 km bsl (slice at 12 km is pictured). Responses at site20 are shown as solid lines in both apparent resistivity plots. The effect of removing zone H from the pictured model is shown onthe left (dashed lines) and consists of raising the TM (N–S) mode by a maximum factor of 2.5 at 30 s. The TE (E–W ) mode isunaffected. Removal of zones B and F and the extension of zone H to the north and south to approximate a 2-D model crossingthe E–W profile is shown on the right (dashed lines). Both modes are affected, although the TM (E–W ) mode is offset by an orderof magnitude. This latter test confirms that data at periods longer than 8 s are affected by the conductor parallel to and south of theE–W profile. See Fig. 4 caption for plotting convention.

    no soundings that overlie it directly? We follow conductive rocks that fit the data just as well. Weinstead constrain the region of interest and allowthe methodology of Park et al. (1996) to assess

    these limits. The inversion is fundamentally ill- the 2-D inversion to find its best-fitting alternativemodel. Examination of the fits to the data revealposed and non-unique. Simply replacing the resis-

    tive rocks with more conductive rocks and showing whether the alternative model is as good. Boundsare then determined from the range of alternativethat the computed responses differ is insufficient;

    there may be alternative models with those more models that fit the data to within the errors.

  • 373S.K. Park, R.L. Mackie / Tectonophysics 316 (2000) 359–380

    Fig. 14. Sensitivity of the TM (N–S) mode phase at site 9 tozone D in Plate I. The observed data and the response from thebest fitting model are shown here and in subsequent sensitivitytests with gray error bars and the gray line, respectively. Notehow the model with a fixed resistivity of 1000 ohm-m at depthsof 10–60 bsl beneath Nanga Parbat most closely matches thedata (solid black line). See Fig. 4 caption for plottingconvention.

    Resistivities beneath the peak at depths of 10–Fig. 15. Sensitivity of the TE (E–W ) mode apparent resistivity60 km bsl were constrained to values of 100, 316,and phase at site 9 to zone C in Plate I. Note how a model with

    and 1000 ohm-m (zone D; Plate I ) and the inver- a fixed resistivity of 1000 ohm-m in this shallow region beneathsions run. The TM (N–S) phases (and apparent Nanga Parbat provides the best match to the data (solid black

    line). See Fig. 4 caption for plotting convention.resistivities) at site 9 showed the largest fluctuationsat any site (Fig. 14). While the variations betweenmodels are small, the calculated phases lie outside Nanga Parbat must exceed 1000 ohm-m, but could

    the fluids mentioned in Section 1 be distributedthe error bounds of the data for all but the mostresistive models. In other words, the inversion was locally in fault zones and not contribute to the

    bulk resistivity of the rocks? This model andunable to find an alternate model that fit the dataas well as did our preferred model. If the trend in the model in Park and Mackie (1997) show that

    the Raikot fault is conductive to depths of 10 kmFig. 14 is extrapolated, the resistivity values in ourbest-fitting model (Plate I ) are still probably bsl (the conductive zone E in Plate I is not needed

    to fit any of the data). Is it possible that anotherunderestimated. We can conclude from this com-parison that a minimum average resistivity of fault zone like the Raikot fault is present and

    simply missed by the sparse station spacing across1000 ohm-m in zone D is necessary to fit the data.Resistivities beneath the peak at depths of 2 km the high elevations? In order to answer this ques-

    tion, we embedded a conductive body 5680 m wideabove sea level (asl ) to 3 km bsl were constrainedin a second test (zone C; Plate I ). Values of 100, and 4000 m thick at an elevation of 2 km asl

    between sites 9 and 20. Varying this body’s resistiv-316, and 1000 ohm-m were again used. The TE(E–W ) mode at site 9 exhibited the greatest sensi- ity between 10 and 100 ohm-m had little effect on

    apparent resistivities and phases but producedtivity to this zone (Fig. 15). This test also showsthat a minimum average resistivity of 1000 ohm-m significant variations in the Hz transfer function

    at site 20 (Fig. 16). Any resistivity greater thanis needed to fit these data, and values over10 000 ohm-m in our best fitting model are 100 ohm-m would result in an acceptable fit to the

    existing data.preferred.Both of these tests show that average resistivities While geometry will play some role in this

    response, the important factor for the Hz transferbeneath the most rapidly exhuming section of

  • 374 S.K. Park, R.L. Mackie / Tectonophysics 316 (2000) 359–380

    Fig. 16. Sensitivity of the Hz transfer function at site 20 to iso-lated conductors beneath Nanga Parbat. An areal conductanceof 2.3×105 S · m provides an acceptable match to the data. SeeFig. 4 caption for plotting convention.

    function is the areal conductance ( length×width/resistivity). When the areal conductance ofthis isolated body was 2.3×106 S · m, it affectedthe Hz transfer function at site 20. Reduction ofthe areal conductance to 2.3×105 S · m yields anacceptable Hz response. We therefore concludethat isolated bodies with cumulative areal conduc-

    Fig. 17. Sensitivity of the TE (E–W ) mode apparent resistivitytances of less than 2.3×105 S · m could be presentat site 9 and the Hz transfer function at site 20 to zones A andbeneath Nanga Parbat. Assuming a resistivity sim-B in Plate I. Models with fixed resistivities in these zones of 1

    ilar to that of the Raikot fault (i.e. 10 ohm-m), and 10 ohm-m bracket the observed responses. See Fig. 4 forconductive zones with a maximum cross-section plotting convention.of 1500 m×1500 m could be found in this region.In comparison, the Raikot fault zone has an arealconductance of 9.8×106 S · m (or 40 times more constrained. Those results showed that the Hz

    transfer function at site 20 and the TE (E–W )conductive than the maximum permissible bodybeneath Nanga Parbat). apparent resistivity at site 9 could not be fit with

    average resistivities greater than 10 ohm-mOne of the counterintuitive (and therefore sus-pect) results in Plate I is the presence of substantial (Fig. 17). A value of 1 ohm-m was too conductive,

    leading to a preferred average resistivity ofconductive bodies to the north and south of theMT profile. With no data there, can we be certain 3 ohm-m.

    An additional round of tests assessed the needthat these exist? Furthermore, the region to thesouth does not simply show one body. It instead for the deep conductor to the south (Zone B).

    Unacceptable fits to the TM (N–S) phases at siteshas two good conductors, one shallow and onedeep (zones A and B; Plate I ). We will show 9 and 20 and the Hz transfer function at site 20

    (Fig. 18) resulted from resistivities greater thanthrough sensitivity tests that these bodies are neces-sary to fit the data. 10 ohm-m for the deep conductor. Changes in

    the Hz transfer function (Txz) were seen at site 20Zones A and B in Plate I were constrained tovalues of 1, 10, and 100 ohm-m. The observed for periods longer than 40 s only; the response at

    shorter periods is due to the shallower conductordata were fit best with the most conductive value(1 ohm-m) but all three tests resulted in acceptable (Zone A). We conclude from these tests that our

    data are sensitive to structure to the south of thefits because the inversion placed more conductivematerial around the periphery of the constrained profile. While there are certainly other possible

    geometries for the conductors found, bounds canregions. A second set of trials were then run, andall structure beyond 5 km south of site 20 was be placed on their areal conductances, and we

  • 375S.K. Park, R.L. Mackie / Tectonophysics 316 (2000) 359–380

    Fig. 19. Sensitivity of the TM (N–S) mode apparent resistivityat site 1 to zone F in Plate I. Values of less than 10 ohm-m tothe north of site 1 are permissible. See Fig. 4 caption for plottingconvention.

    profile are required to fit the data along the profile.We will discuss the bounds further when we con-sider the geological implications of these results.

    5.2. E–W transectFig. 18. Sensitivity of the TM (N–S) mode apparent resistivityat site 9 and the Hz transfer function at site 20 to zone B in The most prominent feature of the E–W modelPlate I. Models with fixed resistivities of less than 10 ohm-m

    in Plate I is the good conductor located betweenprovide acceptable fits. See Fig. 4 caption for plottingsites 14 and 15 at an elevation of 1 km bsl (zoneconvention.G). Sensitivity tests show that the TE (N30W )mode apparent resistivities and phases are best fitwith an average resistivity of 2 ohm-m in thishave some constraints on their distribution. A

    minimum cumulative areal conductance of region (Fig. 20). The limited vertical extent of thisconductor is constrained by the limited periods for1.2×108 S · m is needed, and this must be distrib-

    uted with some of the conductance in the upper which its effect is seen. This test also illustrates thecontradictory nature of the Hz transfer function5 km of the section. The preferred model has an

    areal conductance of 4.0×108 S · m, but a value and the TE (N30W ) mode apparent resistivitiesand phases. The Hz transfer function (Tyz) is fitthis high is not required. Note that the minimum

    value is only 12 times more conductive than the better with an average resistivity of 100 ohm-m,but the apparent resistivities are badly misfitRaikot fault, where our data do provide good

    constraints. We conclude that this areal conduc- (Fig. 20). As the resistivity of this body isdecreased, the apparent resistivities are fit increas-tance, although large, is not unreasonable.

    Similar tests on the conductor north of site 1 ingly better but at the expense of a poorer Hz fit.The eastern edge of this profile crosses the MMT(zone F; Plate I ) show that this, too, is required.

    The TM (N–S) mode apparent resistivities and back onto the Kohistan terrane (Fig. 5), and thissite is likely experiencing the competing effects ofphases require a maximum resistivity of 10 ohm-m

    in the northern conductor (Fig. 19), and a the shear zone in the Indian crust and this terrane.The other notable feature of the E–W model isminimum cross-sectional conductance of 8.0×

    107 S · m is required. This is approximately eight the moderately conductive region to the west ofsite 21 (zone H; Plate I ). Tests show that the TMtimes more conductive than the Raikot fault. From

    both of these tests, we conclude that the conductors (N60E) mode apparent resistivities and phases areaffected moderately by the resistivity of this regionshown in Plate I to the north and south of the MT

  • 376 S.K. Park, R.L. Mackie / Tectonophysics 316 (2000) 359–380

    Fig. 21. Sensitivity of the TM (N60E) mode apparent resistivityand phase to zone H in Plate I. A resistivity less than 100 ohm-mfor the western conductor results in an acceptable fit to thedata. See Fig. 4 caption for plotting convention.

    are permitted by the Hz data. The high resistivitiesspan depths both above and below the brittle–

    Fig. 20. Sensitivity of the TE (N–S) mode apparent resistivity ductile transition, as determined by the cessationand phase and the Hz transfer function at site 14 on the E–W of seismicity beneath Nanga Parbat (Meltzer et al.,transect to zone G in Plate I. Note how decreasing the resistivity

    1998), and no discernible change in resistivity isof this zone worsens the fit to the transfer function but improvesseen at that transition (Plate I ). We assume thatthe fit to the phase and apparent resistivity. See Fig. 4 caption

    for plotting convention. there is an interconnected conducting phasebeneath Nanga Parbat because the rock resistivityis indeed finite and because silicate minerals at the(Fig. 21). However, any value less than 100 ohm-m

    results in an acceptable fit to the data. We conclude pressures and temperatures in the crust are farmore resistive. Possible candidates for this phasethat both the good conductor between sites 14 and

    15 and the moderate conductor to the west of site are partial melt, graphite, and aqueous brines (itis unlikely that there are basaltic melts beneath21 are robust features of this model.Nanga Parbat). A less likely candidate is a metallicphase such as sulfides or oxides. Given the abun-dant evidence for shallow fluids beneath Nanga6. DiscussionParbat, we will first calculate the fraction ofinterconnected fluid needed to account for a resis-Our principal result is that there is no evidence

    of widespread conductors to depths of 50 km bsl tivity of 1000 ohm-m. The rock resistivity is relatedto fluid resistivity and fluid fraction ( f ):beneath the highest elevations of Nanga Parbat

    and the rapidly exhuming region to the north. rrock=rfluid/f n where n#1 for partial melts andinterconnected networks. Nesbitt (1993) hasAverage resistivities in this region exceed

    1000 ohm-m, and only a few isolated conductors shown that the resistivity of a 3.5 wt% salt solution

  • 377S.K. Park, R.L. Mackie / Tectonophysics 316 (2000) 359–380

    at pressures of 3 kbar and temperatures of 300– of 8 km bsl on the flanks. Fluid inclusions frombrittly deformed quartz veins equilibrated at500°C is approximately 0.04 ohm-m. Based on the

    salt content and temperatures of fluid inclusions 400°C, while those from ductily deformed veinsequilibrated at 450°C (Craw et al., 1997). Highat Nanga Parbat (Craw et al., 1994), this is a

    reasonable estimate for fluid resistivity there. With d18O values in the granites and low values inadjacent migmatites have led Chamberlain et al.minimum rock resistivities of 1000 ohm-m, the

    maximum interconnected fluid fraction is 0.004% (1995) to propose a dual hydrothermal systemwith a shallow meteoric system and a deeper(40 ppm). Note that the resistivity of graphite is

    even lower (10−5 ohm-m), so the fraction of system with magmatic or metamorphic fluids.Most of the fluid inclusions are associated withinterconnected graphite could be no larger than

    0.01 ppm. The MT data therefore indicate that the shallow circulation system above the brittle–ductile transition (Craw et al., 1994, 1997). Withinthere is a very small fraction of interconnected

    aqueous fluid phase in the rocks beneath Nanga this zone, the fluid inclusions show a vapor-domi-nated geothermal system. The presence of aqueousParbat. Seemingly contradictory evidence for

    abundant shallow aqueous fluids is reviewed in the vapor is consistent with the high resistivities andlow content of interconnected brines; rocks in aSection 1, however. How can these observations

    be reconciled? dry steam system (Craw et al., 1997) should beresistive. Recharge of this system by downwardWe separate this discussion into regions above

    and below the brittle–ductile transition (Fig. 22). circulation of meteoric water probably occursalong portions of the Raikot fault at the base ofSeveral independent lines of evidence locate this

    boundary at a depth of 5–8 km bsl and temper- the steepest continuous topographic gradient(7 km elevation loss over approximately 28 km;atures of 400–450°C beneath Nanga Parbat.

    Meltzer et al. (1998) show that abundant local Fig. 22) in the world. We cannot exclude thepossibility that other recharge zones (or fluid-filledseismicity ceases abruptly at depths of 5 km bsl

    beneath the rapidly exhuming region and at depths fractures) are present between sites 9 and 20 atNanga Parbat, but they must represent a smallfraction of the volume based on our sensitivitystudies.

    Below the brittle–ductile transition, we wouldnormally expect to find aqueous brines associatedwith metamorphic and/or magmatic processes.Hydration reactions associated with heating of thecrustal rocks can result in brines with as much as10 wt% NaCl, but fluid volumes will likely bemuch less than 1% (Walther, 1994). At NangaParbat, the rocks being reheated are old gneissesof the Indian crust and were likely dehydrated inearlier metamorphic events that created them.Thus, there may be little aqueous fluid availableunder any conditions. Koons ( Koons, 1998) modelof strain at Nanga Parbat ( Koons, 1998) showsrapid advection of rock through the brittle–ductile

    Fig. 22. Interpretive geologic cross-section (after Zeitler and transition. This active deformation should enhanceKoons, 1998) overlaid on segment of N–S resistivity section the wetting characteristics of the brines on thefrom Plate I. Shaded areas are resistivities greater than feldspars (Tullis et al., 1996) and pyroxenes1000 ohm-m, and diagonal lines denote regions with resistivities (Watson and Lupulescu, 1993). Thus, any aqueousless than 3 ohm-m. Only robust features of the model are shown.

    brines present below the brittle–ductile transitionArrows show advection of crust and other mass movement(faults, erosion). would likely be interconnected, and our estimate

  • 378 S.K. Park, R.L. Mackie / Tectonophysics 316 (2000) 359–380

    of 0.004% therefore represents an upper bound for Prominent shear wave arrivals are seen throughoutthe region, although there is evidence of scatteringthis region. Note that higher bulk fluid fractions

    are possible if the fluids are CO2-rich because such that could be indicative of small partial melt zones.Additionally, the young granitic bodies are notfluids are resistive.

    One of the initial questions posed at Nanga widespread but instead appear to be concentratedalong shear zones (Schneider et al., 1999).Parbat was whether partial melting occurred due

    to rapid decompression of water-undersaturated Schneider et al. (1999) have proposed that a smallamount of melt is produced by decompressioncontinental crust or because of fluxing of hot,

    shallow rocks by metamorphic fluids from deeper melting and that melt migrates to the shear zones.In summary, the MT data are consistent with thelevels. Given that young granites are present, par-

    tial melting is surely occurring. Can the resistivity presence of small bodies of granitic melt formedby decompression melting of water-undersaturatedbe used to estimate how much partial melt is

    generated and under what conditions? One compli- continental crust.While the resistive rocks beneath Nanga Parbatcation is that the resistivity of granitic melts

    depends critically on water content, and it ranges were the most surprising result of this study,several distinctive conductive regions were iden-from values as low as 0.1 ohm-m for water-satu-

    rated melts to as high as 1000 ohm-m for vapor- tified on the N–S and E–W transects. The mostobvious of these are the two conductive regionsabsent melts (Wannamaker, 1986). Further, the

    resistivity of the melt can actually increase under south of site 20 (Plate I ). The shallow conductorrequired south of the profile is probably associatedconditions of continued undersaturated melting

    because the water in the melt becomes more with structures in the ductile southern boundaryof the Rupal-Chichi shear zone (RCSZ)diluted. Given this range of possible resistivities

    for melt beneath Nanga Parbat, we cannot estimate (Schneider et al., 1999). Where our E–W MTprofile crosses this boundary between sites 15–17uniquely the amount of partial melt beneath the

    brittle–ductile transition. The high resistivity of (Fig. 2), we see generally lower resistivities atdepths below sea level. Field evidence for hydro-these rocks does permit certain conclusions, how-

    ever. If wet partial melting were occurring, then thermal alteration is observed on brittle faults inthe part of the shear zone in central Rupal Valleythe granitic melt would have an estimated resistiv-

    ity of 0.3 ohm-m (Wannamaker, 1986). If this melt (between sites 14 and 15), certainly indicating fluidcirculation. These fluids and the clay alterationwere interconnected, then the region beneath

    Nanga Parbat could contain no more than 0.003% products observed at this location could be thecause of the prominent localized conductorpartial melt in order to match the observed bulk

    resistivity of the rock. Higher fractions of partial between sites 14 and 15.The deeper conductor to the south may bemelt could be present if undersaturated partial

    melting were occurring; granitic melts formed related to metamorphism of lower grade schistssouth of Rupal Valley (Fig. 22) or to disseminatedunder these conditions can be as resistive as the

    surrounding rock. Because we have resistive rocks graphite in the Sakhala formation (Smith et al.,1992). While neither of these rock types is foundbelow the brittle–ductile transition and because

    partial melting is certainly occurring, we must at the surface, both are found elsewhere in theregion and may be present at depth. The lowconclude that it occurs under water-undersaturated

    conditions. The granites are formed by partial resistivity of this body (3 ohm-m) could resultfrom either 0.003% disseminated graphite or~1%melting of ‘dry’ continental crust caused by decom-

    pression as that crust is advected upward (Fig. 22). of 3.5 wt% NaCl brine. Fluids could also facilitatemelting of the continental crust south of NangaThis partial melting is not widespread, however.

    Preliminary seismic tomographic results show that Parbat; young (NPHM-age) biotite-rich granitesare localized in the western marginal shear zoneVp and Vs values beneath Nanga Parbat velocities,

    while lower than normal, are still too high for a of the Nanga Parbat massif and at the southernedge of the RCSZ (Fig. 2). Koons (1998) haslarge, shallow magma body (Meltzer, et al., 1998).

  • 379S.K. Park, R.L. Mackie / Tectonophysics 316 (2000) 359–380

    proposed a model whereby Indian crust is advected Michael Edwards, David Schneider, David Craw,northeastward and upward into the syntaxis, and and especially Peter Koons for their insightful,it experiences deformation-induced heating and stimulating (and often passionate!) commentsmetamorphism (Fig. 22). These prograde meta- about the role of fluids at Nanga Parbat. Reviewsmorphic reactions liberate the brines to which we from Dean Livelybrooks and Peter Treolar wereattribute this southern, deeper conductor. Dry especially helpful in improving this manuscript.gneisses then continue advecting northeastwardand rise rapidly in the vicinity of Nanga Parbat,which results in ‘dry’ partial melting to form thegranites. Such a model simultaneously explainsthe good conductors to the south of site 20 and Referencesthe extremely resistive rocks beneath the rapidlyexhuming portion of the massif. Bailey, R.C., 1990. Trapping of aqueous fluids in the deep crust.

    Geophys. Res. Lett. 17, 1129–1132.The midcrustal conductive region to the northChave, A.D., Thomson, D.J., Ander, M.E., 1987. On the robustin the Kohistan crust (zone F; Plate I ) is reminis-

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    conductance has been computed for this body, Poulson, S.R., Leahy, T., Hammer, J.E., 1995. Activethere are no constraints on its northward exten- hydrothermal systems during recent uplift of Nanga Parbat,

    Pakistan Himalaya. J. Geophys. Res. 100, 439–453.sion. If it is instead the southern edge of a laterallyCraw, D., Koons, K.O., Winslow, D., Chamberlain, C.P.,extensive midcrustal conductor, then we can com-

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    during rapid uplift of Nanga Parbat, northern Pakistan.1986) but not unreasonable for crust in activeChem. Geol. 142, 11–22.margins. This high a conductance is similar to that

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