  • 1. Know Your Community:Keys to researching your community

2. Foundational principals1. Be ethical & responsible2. Be professional: Identify who you are & what you are doing3. Remain independent & neutral4. Be transparent: Give feedback / release results5. Your research is as strong as your respondents 3. 10 Commandments of surveying1. Clear purpose2. Short and snappy3. Maximum question value4. Incentives5. Cross section principle6. User friendly7. Email properly8. Think about your response rate9. Numbers speak for themselves10. Dont report out of context. 4. a moderators guide1. Guides can be used for focus groups, in-depths and community forums.2. Purpose: the why3. Length: 90 minutes4. Warm up questions5. Sections & logical flow6. Get creativetell a story!7. Include a survey8. Stay neutral / non-biased 5. Running a focus groupRemember:1. Environment2. Professionalism3. Recording4. Incentives5. Purpose & demographic6. Neutral & positive7. Stay on track8. All have something to say9. Timing 6. opening of a moderators guide: Welcome / introduce yourself to participants- Did you have any trouble getting here?- Have you been to a focus group before? Introduce topic Today we will be talking about our localcommunity Lay down the ground rules: Session is being recorded for research purposes. Information used for research purposes only you have beenspecifically recruited because of your demographics, so in a senseyoure representing a large group of people. So please share youropinions through the group because we need you to represent thatgroup. Your opinions are important. So please feel free to speak yourmind. (Fill-in meet and greet for latecomers) Hand out incentive Have each participant introduce themselves to the group interms of:- Name, how long theyve lived in the local area and onething they like about it. 7. Example sign-in sheet 8. Preparing a community engagement forum1. Three C strategy: communication, consultation & connection = community engagement2. Length: 2 hours3. Participants: 15+ people, diverse stakeholders 9. Before the forum:Facilitation guide (similar to focus groups but influenced by three Cs).Incentives.Environment:Cabaret tables preferred for group work (half rounds)Professional spaceLunch/tea & coffeeEquipment:Recoding devicesButchers paperSurveys or voting technologyRoaming microphoneTeam:2 team minimum + a note taker. 10. Communication (20 minutes)This is your opportunity to provide information to your keystakeholders.What are the trends that will impact them?What changes or challenges lie ahead?What timelines and core issues do they need to be across?Add VALUE. 11. Consultation (40 minutes)Break-out groups around discussion pointsBrainstorming on butchers paperInteractive voting as a groupBring all ideas back to the table to discuss and vote onsolutions. 12. Connection (40 minutes)The aim of a forum is to bring diverse stakeholderstogether. Its two way communication where differentgroups have an opportunity to understand and relate.Experts panelsKey stakeholder panelsFacilitated discussionMixed groupsMeet and greets 13. a CEF Remember: 1. Communication, consultation, connection 2. Positivity important 3. Keep the microphone close 4. Timing is everything 5. Survey data and verbatim critical 14. [email protected]+61 2 8824 3422

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