  • Creative Problem Solving in Technology Mediated Groups:

    Do Creative Styles Matter?

    Dr Deepa Ray

  • Purpose of the Study

    Most fuzzy business problems lend themselves to the creative problem solving process

    Identify the multiple alternatives to solve the problem

    Converge to one solution depending on the decision criteria

    Two key processes in creative problem solving

    Idea Generation

    Idea Evaluation/Selection

    Individuals may prefer one phase over the other

    How do these preferences impact the entire group's productivity when groups interact solely via technology?

  • Creative Problem Solving Process

  • Creative Problem Solving Process

    Osborn-Parnes model has a 3 step process of Fact Finding, Idea Finding, Solution Finding. Refined by many researchers

    Model of Creative Problem Solving (a.k.a SIMPLEX Model) is a refined version which has 4 steps

    1. Problem Generating

    2. Problem Formulating

    3. Problem Solving

    4. Solution Implementing

    Creative Problem Solving (CPS) process should be cyclical and ongoing in most organizations

  • CPS Phases in Detail

    Problem Generating: consists of conceptualizing and trying to discover new and useful problems that need to be addressed within the organization

    Problem Formulating: problem focus is understood and various ideas are generated to solve the problem

    Problem Solving: all the ideas generated in the step before are evaluated with respect to criteria laid down by the organization or the team. One idea is selected at this stage as the best alternative solution.

    Solution Implementing: idea is then sold to the entire organization or the individuals that will be impacted for acceptance and finally implemented

  • Phases in Focus

    All phases are equally important to organizations

    Study focused on two phases only

    Problem Formulating: Idea Generating

    Problem Solving: Idea Evaluating, Selecting and Planning for Implementation

    Done to limit the scope of study

  • Individual Creativity

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