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Lucozade is an name  for a 6 series of energy and sports drinks, produced by GlaxoSmithKline in Gloucestershire. Lucozade has a research company known as The Lucozade Sports Science Academy, which has now been carrying out nutritional research for over 30 years. It works in partnership with leading universities, coaches, nutritionists and sports professionals. Lucozade Sport A range of still, fruit based, isotonic energy drinks, designed mostly for use during sports and physical activities that need energy. Lucozade Sport Lite was released in 2011 and is a reduced sugar (70% less) and calorie alternative to original Lucozade Sport, Flavours and variants ▪ Orange ▪ Mixed Citrus ▪ Raspberry ▪ Tropical ▪ Cherry ▪ Lite- Orange ▪ Lite- Lemon & Lime ▪ Lite- Cherry Lite- Blackcurrant “Lucozade Energy lets the good times roll. It’s the quickest way to get things going. Lucozade Sport raises your game and gives you everything you need to perform at your peak. Lucozade has a long history of working with sporting ambassadors, from individuals such as a Daley Thompson and Steven Gerrard, to 19 of the 20 Barclays Premiership football teams. Lucozade Sport Lite helps you to get more from your workouts and stay sharp as you exercise – for 50 calories.” Lucozade Alert helps you to sharpen up in a shot; it’s a two calories wake-up call. Lucozade Sports Nutrition – prepare, perform and recover. The right fuel every step of the way.    

The History Of Lucozade Lucozade is a drink created in the UK and is sold all over Britain. It was created by Thomas Beecham, from Newcastle in 1927. He made it out of glucose syrup in order to provide a source of energy to people who were ill. Lucozade was originally named Glucozade until 1929, when they removed the first letter from Glucozade. It continued to increase in sales with minor changes on the way. Then in 1985 it was realised that Lucozade could be used as an everyday drink, instead of for just when you’re ill, and because of this Lucozade changed its slogan from ‘Lucozade aids recovery’ to ‘Lucozade replaces lost energy’. Lucozade tablets were also bought out in this year.

In 1987, two new lucozade flavours were made, these are orange and lemon. In 1996, lucozade packaging and logo were completely changed, which incojuction dramatically increased the value of UK sales to almost £75 million in five years. Lucozade Tropical was created, along with a new flavor called Wild Berry. Lucozade also created some successful advertising campaigns and in 2003 it created a new flavor,apple. Since then, Lucozade has created a new “healthier” drink called lucozade sport. This comes in different flavours and is also very successful. The amount of caffeine in a 380ml bottle of Lucozade is the same that would be found in a cup of tea. which is about 46mg per cup.­‐of-­‐lucozade.html    

In 1990 the Lucozade brand was added to further with the launch of Lucozade Sport, a range of isotonic sports drinks. In balance with your natural body fluids, the brand promises to ‘get to your thirst, fast’. More recently, Lucozade Sport Hydro Active was launched in 2003 which is advertised to show it as a lucozade sport water..    





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