  • Research ArticlePerformance of Pulverized Coal Combustion under HighTemperature Air Diluted by Steam

    Mohsen Saffari Pour and Yang Weihong

    Division of Energy and Furnace Technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 100 44 Stockholm, Sweden

    Correspondence should be addressed to Mohsen Saffari Pour; [email protected]

    Received 10 December 2013; Accepted 3 March 2014; Published 25 March 2014

    Academic Editors: T. Basak and C. J. Ho

    Copyright © 2014 M. Saffari Pour and Y. Weihong. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative CommonsAttribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work isproperly cited.

    The high temperature air combustion (HiTAC) is an advanced promising technology for heat recovery, energy saving, and stabilityimprovement of flame. Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) is known as an applied tool to execute HiTACmodeling. In this paper,performances of pulverized coal combustion under the high preheated and oxygen deficient air are studied by both experimentaland numerical methodology. The experimental facilities have been accomplished in a HiTAC chamber with coal injection velocitythat ranges from 10 to 40m/s. In order to achieve different preheated temperatures, the combustion air in such system is dilutedby variable steam percentages from 0 to 44%. Results of mathematical simulation and experimental tests present convincibleagreement through whole region. It is concluded that NO

    𝑋emission is reduced by increasing the steam percentage in the oxidizer

    due to decreasing the flame temperature. Besides, graphical contours show that by adding more steam to oxidizer composition, theoxygen concentration decreased. Additionally, results show that when the injection speed of fuel is increased, NO

    𝑋emission is also

    increased, and when the injection rate of preheated air is increased, NO𝑋emission shows decreasing trend. Further contribution

    in future is needed to investigate the performance of such technologies.

    1. Introduction

    During the past decades, Coal has been primarily fueled forelectric power generation because of cheap price and plentyof accessiblemineral sources. After critical shortage of oil andnatural gas for industrial benefits, a world wide effort is beingmade by scientists to develop methods for gasifying coals.Coal contains more or less properties similar to oil, so by alittle modification of previous facilities, scientists can attaintruthful equipment for solid state fuel instead of liquid/gasone. Once these methods are entirely developed, they willdenote major source of coal utilization. The usage of gasifiedcoal in power plant facilities will improve the combustionrate which leads a convincible clean combustion technology.Furthermore, gasified coal produces more efficient syngasthat is functional for other purposes such as secondarycombustion and sustainable heat recoveries.

    Generally, HiTAC is a prominent technique which com-promises a possible solution to pollutant emissions reduction

    and heat transfer uniformity [1–4]. At first, HiTAC technol-ogy is developed in Japan in a great teamwork with severalresearchers in all over the world. The basic feature of thistechnique is that highly diluted and preheated air is mixedwith fuel to form a uniform volumetric combustion. Thistechnology provides higher energy efficiency, heat recovery,and low NO

    𝑋emission. Furthermore, in comparison with

    ordinary combustion, increase of the reaction zone volumeand uniform flame temperature distribution are importantcharacteristics of such systems. The above benefits of HiTAChave been reported separately by Ito et al. [5] andMörtberg etal. [6]. The results obtained by Tsuji et al. [7] showed that theuse of this technology leads to a major decrease in pollutantemission like nitric oxides up to 50% and fuel consumptionup to 30%.

    Based on history of usage behind the HiTAC technol-ogy, such technique was first applied in gaseous fuels. Forclean gaseous fuels that do not contain any nitrogen fuelcompounds, results illustrate very low NO

    𝑋emissions even

    Hindawi Publishing CorporationISRN Mechanical EngineeringVolume 2014, Article ID 217574, 10 pages

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    if the combustion air stream is preheated to temperatures inexcess of 1273K. The opposite case occurs in conventionalcombustion systems where reactions are concentrated in athin flame front. The HiTAC has been applied in manyindustrial furnaces [8] especially fired with natural gas.Furthermore, it was also demonstrated that this techniquemay be used for combustion of light liquid fuels [9] andbiogases [10].

    Combustion modeling of industrial chambers is a three-dimensional instance that involves numerous lateral prob-lematic issues such as fluid and particle flow, turbulence,combustion chemistry, radiative heat transfer, and pollutantscalculations. Achieving full combustion calculations due toseveral parameters such as human knowledge and computerpowers is essentially impossible. Therefore, it is necessary tomake some assumption to simplify the problem and make itmore tangible. Several combustion methods support the newapproaches forHiTAC technology in coal combustion such asmoderate and intense low oxygen dilution (MILD) combus-tion [11] or flameless oxidation (FLOX) [12]. These advancedtechnologies illuminated the attention of researchers oncombustion of heavy solid fuels. Most of the contributionson air/steam injection in a combustion chamber are reportedfor gas turbines and diesel engines [13–15].

    NO𝑋emission from combustion is quite an advanced

    and warm topic among the researchers which work onperformance and pollutant emissions from combustion. Yangand Blasiak [16] have done one of the basic researches onNO𝑋model in HiTAC systems, they showed that NO with

    N2O-route model can give more reasonable profile of NO

    formation and increasing excess air ratio leads to increaseof NO emission in the regenerative furnace. Khoshhal et al.[17] presented their results based on a HiTAC boiler whichtheir observations show that theNO

    𝑋increased by increasing

    in temperature and oxygen concentration. Danon et al. [18]and Nabili and Blasiak [19] observed that the NO


    in HiTAC furnace because the peak temperature in HiTACfurnace is decreased and the flame will be more stable thanconventional systems. Khoshhal et al. [20] investigated theCFD calculation of diluted air effects in furnace and they pre-sented high dependence of 𝑁𝑂

    𝑋emission on temperature,

    and existence of oxygen in diluted air.Objectives of this work focused on both experimental

    and numerical study on performance of the pulverized coalcombustion. The numerical calculations and collected dataare performed for high preheated air diluted by steam in avertical HiTAC chamber. The effects of different parameterssuch as mixture percentage of steam, injection velocity,and preheated temperature have been studied. The maincontribution is proposed to investigate NO

    𝑋emission, heat

    transfer, and temperature evaluation in combustion chamber.Since pollutant emission is significantly affected by fluid flow,temperature, and oxygen concentration distributions, severalfigures are presented to cover them. Furthermore, additionalattention is given for soot formation and total NO


    as crucial factors in the performance of HiTAC systems.

    2. Experimental and Test Facilities

    The experimental facilities are declared as preheater, boiler,coal feeder, combustion chamber, and second combustionchamber in Figure 1. The volume of main combustion cham-ber which is modeled by numerical methods is equal to0.28m3 and surfeit of 2.2m2. Two Isokinetic probes werelocated to collect the ash and flue gas samples for analysis.The temperature is measured by 5 thermocouples whichare installed in different positions near the insulated wall.In order to fulfill the HiTAC system of coal combustion,the facilities were rebuilt and the test facilities have beendeveloped for several years.

    Numerical modeling and experimental measurements ofcoal combustion needs coal properties. Table 1 shows theproximate and ultimate analyses of Helsingborg coal for theexperimental facilities.

    3. Numerical Methods

    The numerical models are obtained from Navier Stokesequations for mass, momentum, energy, and transport equa-tions for scalar variables. The computational domain forHiTAC combustion chamber is defined by 238526 tetrahedralvolume meshes. In this study, fluid flow is simulated bya 3D Reynolds-Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) equationtogether with RNG𝐾−𝜀 turbulencemodel using commercialCFD software, ANSYS FLUENT 14.0 [21]. In order to modelthe pollutant emission during the simulation, the NO


    and Soot models were activated. It means that to modelNO𝑋emission, thermal NO

    𝑋, prompt NO

    𝑋, fuel NO

    𝑋, and

    N2O intermediate models are considered simultaneously.

    During the computational area for the above models andspecies transport of particles, the PDE equations, the second-order upwind schemes, segregated solution method, and theSIMPLE pressure-velocity coupling were used.

    3.1. Combustion and Devolatilized Model. A competing reac-tion based on kinetic-diffusion scheme is used to model thecoal devolatilization rate [22]. It is assumed that there aretwo competing reactions with one reaction leading benefitsat lower temperatures and the other reaction leading benefitsat higher temperatures. After the devolatilization process,the pulverized coal changes to volatiles 𝑉

    1and 𝑉

    2and the

    residual char of 𝑅1and 𝑅

    2. The two competing reactions are

    formulated as follows:

    pulverized coal{(1 − ∝1) 𝑅1 + ∝1𝑉1 (𝐹1)(1 − ∝

    2) 𝑅2+ ∝2𝑉2(𝐹2) ,


    where ∝1takes the value of volatile matter percentage

    obtained in proximate analysis of coal from Table 1 and∝2is given the value of 0.8 to reflect the characteristics

    of devolatilization at high temperature. Char chain reactionmechanism is complicated, therefore some of the important

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    Table 1: Properties of coal structure.

    Coal analysis Wet Dry Air dried Dry ash free Unit

    Proximate analysis

    Moisture 6.7 — 0.9 — %Ash 11.10 11.9 11.79 — %Volatiles 19.41 20.80 20.61 23.61 %Fixed carbon 62.79 67.30 66.69 76.39 %

    Ultimate analysis

    Chlorine 0.01

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    0 0.5 1 1.5 2





    Chamber height (m)


    Figure 2: Validation of CFD results.












    10 15 20 25 30 35 40





    ge (%


    Mixture velocity injection (m/s)

    Experimental oxygenNumerical oxygen

    Figure 3: Validation of oxygen concentration.

    is not distinguishable, the DO model seems acceptable forradiation calculations [24].

    4. Results and Discussions

    4.1. Validation of Experimental and CFD Results. In orderto compare validity of the computational methods withthe experimental measurements, the experimental data arecollected by thermocouples and compared with CFD resultsalong the center line of combustion chamber. The compareddata are accomplished for 10m/s coal injection from the 5mmdiameter nozzle with 1050K and 0.02 kg/s oxidizer injectionrate of 100% air composition.

    Figure 2 shows the collected data from the experimentalresults in comparison with numerical calculations. Scatter







    0 0.5 1 1.5 2





    Chamber height (m)

    56% air66% air

    85% air100% air

    Figure 4: Temperature distribution along the chamber center lineat the preheated temperature of 1050K.











    0 0.5 1 1.5 2Chamber height (m)

    56% air66% air

    85% air100 % air





    Figure 5: Soot formation for different steam percentages.

    of plotted graphs demonstrates a good consistency in totalcombustion zone. Temperature validation in Figure 2 revealsthe heat release from combustion that happened in a balancemode with experimental results. However, a little differenceamong results relates the data collecting from the center lineof calculation domain and near wall experimental measure-ments with thermocouples.

    Species concentrations validation is also considered foroxygen percentage in flue gases of HiTAC chamber. Figure 3shows the oxygen concentration in flue gases for differentcoal injection velocities from the 5mm diameter nozzlewith 1050K and 0.02 kg/s oxidizer injection rate of 100%air composition. Besides, results show approximately 6-7%oxygen concentration in exhaust of chamber which leadsa convincible validation for flue gas composition in a coalcombustion system [25].The comparison of species results at

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    10 20 30 40


    l NO



    Coal velocity injection (m/s)

    56% air66% air

    85% air100 % air

    Figure 6: Total NO emission in combustion chamber for differentcoal velocity injections.

    exhaust reveals that the flue gas gained enough effects fromchemical reactions in reactive zone.

    4.2. Effect of Steam Mixture. Figure 4 shows the temperaturedistribution for four different cases of oxidizer composi-tion. The plotted curves reveal that the maximum availabletemperature is 2300K and the minimum one is 1600K inpeak zones. There are two peak points in all curves, thefirst peak relates the stage of volumetric combustion zoneand the second one represents the stage of char combustion.Additionally, turbulence effects near the injection point andfluctuation of temperature are taking place from 0.2m to1m of the full height of the combustion chamber [25]. Themain effect by steam is caused by dissociated H and OHradicals during the injection of oxidizer [26]. These radicalseasily react in a short residence time because of their natureand react with combusted particle. The reactions of H andOH radicals with either coal particle or flue gas reducetemperature significantly.

    Figure 5 presents the soot formation in combustionchamber for 10m/s coal injection from the 5mm diameternozzle with 1050K and 0.02 kg/s preheated air injectionrate as the base case of investigations. The same trend ofpropagation is distinguishable for all curves, in ignition,turbulence, and char combustion zone. From this figure, it isinferred that by adding more steam to oxidizer composition,the amounts of soot decreased. Therefore, the trapped sootin upstream will be smoother than the pure air combustionbecause of more oxygen concentrations as reactant withcarbon particles. On the other hand, the peak points incurves of Figure 5 present the trapped soot at the bottom ofcombustion chamber. Besides, reliable combustion evaluatesby soot amounts the formation which shows the impurecarbon particles due to the incomplete combustion process[27].

    For further investigation on enhancement of steam onpollutant emission from coal combustion, the total pollutantNO is plotted in Figure 6. All curves show increasing trend byincreasing temperature and coal velocity injection. In NO


    formation, it is concluded that OH radicals react with one ofchain reactions such as N + OH → NO + H and causedNO promotion. Otherwise, formations of radicals occur in ashort time and react with several chain reactions. Therefore,these chain reactions are not the only ones that OH radicalscan react with to promote the NO significantly. Additionally,in this figure, the entire involving mechanisms of NO


    emission are considered. Because of high temperature incombustion chamber, the thermalNO

    𝑋plays a dominant role

    in comparison with the other NO𝑋mechanisms. Therefore,

    NO emission in HiTAC system is highly dependent ontemperature than injection velocity and turbulent effects.

    4.3. HiTAC Contours. In order to show a visible complemen-tary of the temperature distribution, oxygen concentrations,and pollutant NO in our HiTAC experimental facilities,Figures 7 to 9 are proposed. The contour of temperaturein Figure 7 represents the temperature distribution in com-bustion volume. Entire contours are selected from a surfacewhich is located in the middle of chamber on x-z plane.Figure 7 illustrates that the main flame volume is placedaround the injection points, and it continues to exhaust ina defined shape. The main steam characteristic is knownas high heating value (HHV) of steam to absorb the heatfrom reactions, in order to increase its own temperature.Additionally, the moisture in oxidizer composition coolsdown the facilities as well, which provides more eventualtemperature in entire volume and reduces the differencebetween the minimum and maximum temperature peaks.

    Figure 8 shows oxygen concentrations in combustionchamber volume. Contours of oxygen perfectly signify thecoal nozzle and preheated air/steam oxidizer location at topof the chamber. This figure shows that by adding more pre-heated air/steam, the oxygenmass concentration is decreasedand, respectively, causes reduction in temperature as it isshown in Figure 7. High reactivity of oxygen with steam dueto decrease in coal particle and gas temperature leads tosignificant reduction for oxygen concentration in reactionvolume. Furthermore, concentration of oxygen shows theprobability of flame existence in dark blue area, which relatesto consumed oxygen during the combustion process.

    Figure 9 shows the pollutant NO counters for HiTACchamber. These contours are prepared for 10m/s coal injec-tion from the 5mmdiameter nozzlewith 1050K and 0.02 kg/spreheated air injection rate. From this contour, it is observedthat NO accumulated in far distance from flame frontespecially around of it and at the bottom of chamber [25].Thereason for NO contours shape is mainly because of thermalNO𝑋mechanism which is affected by high temperature in a

    thin layer around the flame core. In our chamber, it is alwaysreported that some amounts of NO are trapped at the bottomof chamber as it is visible from numerical results.

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    (a) 100% air (b) 85% air 15% steam (c) 66% air 34% steam

    2.60e + 03

    2.48e + 03

    2.37e + 03

    2.25e + 03

    2.14e + 03

    2.02e + 03

    1.91e + 03

    1.79e + 03

    1.68e + 03

    1.56e + 03

    1.45e + 03

    1.33e + 03

    1.22e + 03

    1.10e + 03

    9.90e + 02

    8.75e + 02

    7.60e + 02

    6.45e + 02

    5.30e + 02

    4.15e + 02

    3.00e + 02

    (d) 56% air 44% steam

    Figure 7: Contours of temperature during the combustion chamber (K).

    (a) 100% air (b) 85% air 15% steam (c) 66% air 34% steam

    2.20e − 01

    2.09e − 01

    1.98e − 01

    1.87e − 01

    1.76e − 01

    1.65e − 01

    1.54e − 01

    1.43e − 01

    1.32e − 01

    1.21e − 01

    1.10e − 01

    9.90e − 02

    8.80e − 02

    7.70e − 02

    6.60e − 02

    5.50e − 02

    4.40e − 02

    3.30e − 02

    2.20e − 02

    1.10e − 02

    0.00e + 00

    (d) 56% air 44% steam

    Figure 8: Contours of oxygen mass concentration (%).

    4.4. Effect of Oxidizer Injection Rate. Figures 10 and 11 revealthe temperature distribution and NO emission along thecombustion chamber center line for different injection rates.In order to evaluate the effects of preheated air injection, coalis injected from the 5mm diameter nozzle with 1050K and100% air composition of oxidizer as the base case.

    Figure 10 shows the same trends for all cases in wholechamber. From Figure 10, it is observed that by increasingthe amounts of preheated air in oxidizer composition, thetemperature will decrease because the huge air concentrationin combustion chamber indicates reduction in temperature.On the other hand, by decreasing the preheated air injection

    rate, the peak temperatures differences are reduced. As itis shown for 0.02 kg/s preheated air injection rate due tothe enough residence time of particles in volume, the charcombustion stage is improved.

    Figure 11 illustrates that by increasing the preheated airinjection rate, the temperature will decrease due to highconcentration of nonreacted air in combustion chamber.Therefore, the direct effect of this reduced temperature leadsto less NO emission. It is also inferred that the peak pointsof NO emission will reduce by increasing the rate of injectedair. Besides the mentioned effects, the turbulent fluctuations

  • ISRNMechanical Engineering 7

    (a) 100% air (b) 85% air 15% steam (c) 66% air 34% steam

    1.00e − 03

    9.50e − 04

    9.00e − 04

    8.50e − 04

    8.00e − 04

    7.50e − 04

    7.00e − 04

    6.50e − 04

    6.00e − 04

    5.50e − 04

    5.00e − 04

    4.50e − 04

    4.00e − 04

    3.00e − 04

    2.50e − 04

    2.00e − 05

    1.50e − 05

    1.00e − 05

    5.00e − 06

    0.00e + 00

    3.50e − 04

    (d) 56% air 44% steam

    Figure 9: Contours of pollutant NO mass concentration (%).







    0 0.5 1 1.5 2





    Chamber height (m)

    0.02 kg/s0.03 kg/s

    0.04 kg/s0.05 kg/s

    Figure 10: Temperature distribution for different preheated airinjection rates.

    are also distinguishable near the injection point of nozzle andprolonged to just before major peak points.

    4.5. Effect of Fuel Injection Rate. Figure 12 shows that byincreasing the amounts of coal injection velocity, the HiTACchamber reaches to high temperatures because the main fuelis increased. On the other hand, this effect on increasing tem-perature makes a huge difference at the bottom of chamberand near the exhaust tube. Before the 0.5m of full height,the maximum temperature relates to 10m/s fuel injection,because during this region, the low velocity helps to increasethe residence time of pulverized particles. Therefore, the








    0 0.5 1 1.5 2






    Chamber height (m)

    0.02 kg/s0.03 kg/s

    0.04 kg/s0.05 kg/s

    Figure 11: Distribution of NO with different preheated air injectionrates.

    volumetric combustion occurs at high temperature smoothatmosphere. Additionally, based on experience, adding morefuel does not always lead to high temperature, and because ofthe limitation of fuel air ratio and incomplete combustion, itis important to keep a reasonable balance for them.

    Figure 13 presents the NO emission by different fuelinjection rates. By increasing the velocity of injected coal,the main fuel increased and NO emission shows increasingtrend. Otherwise, based on coal analysis in Table 1, nitrogenexistence in coal composition means that by increasing thefuel rate, the possibility of nitrogen in fuel will increase andlead to high NO emission. The second peak in Figure 13 is

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    0 0.5 1 1.5 2





    Chamber height (m)



    Figure 12: Temperature distribution for different coal velocityinjections.








    0 0.5 1 1.5 2






    Chamber height (m)



    Figure 13: Distribution ofNOwith different coal velocity injections.

    related to nonreacted trapped gases that cannot easily passthrough the outlet due to their densities.

    4.6. Effects of Oxidizer Temperature. In order to investigatethe preheated air temperature effects, Figures 14 and 15are presented. In both figures, coal is injected from the5mm diameter nozzle with 100% air composition of oxidizer.Figure 14 shows that the temperature distribution in com-bustion chamber is increased by increasing the preheated airtemperature. The main concept of temperature increasing isthat by increasing the temperature, the volume and pressureincreases. After that, injection of this high pressure preheatedair in combustion chamber leads to more volumetric com-bustion. Otherwise, increasing the temperature of preheatedoxidizer helps superior ignition between fuel and oxidizerin higher temperature. The high temperature preheated air








    0 0.5 1 1.5 2





    Chamber height (m)



    Figure 14: Temperature distribution for different preheater’s tem-peratures.










    0 0.5 1 1.5 2






    Chamber height (m)



    Figure 15: Distribution of NO with different preheater’s tempera-tures.

    helps to reduce the differences between flame temperaturesthrough entire chamber. Therefore, the whole combustionzones achieve eventual temperature as it is mentioned inFigure 7.

    Figure 15 presents NO concentration during the combus-tion chamber height, which is plotted by different preheatedair temperatures. The effect of preheated air on NO emissionis completely the same as what is offered for Figure 14. Thesame behavior is visible for the whole graphs during thecombustion chamber except one more peak in 1050K at theend of combustion chamber which illustrates the trappedpollutants at the end of chamber due to low temperature ofoxidizer.

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    5. Conclusion

    In this work, both experimental and numerical studies havebeen performed to study the combustion performance ofthe pulverized coal in a high preheated air diluted by steam.Validation of numerical results with experimental measure-ments shows a good consistency in entire regions for bothtemperature and species.The effects of mixture percentage ofair/steam, injection velocity, and preheated temperature havebeen studied. It is found that

    (i) when the steam mixture percentage in preheated airoxidizer compound is increased, the temperature isdecreased, the NO

    𝑋emission is also decreased, and

    uniform temperature distribution is achievable;(ii) when the percentage of steam increased, the visibility

    of flame due to reduction in temperature decreased,and the flame shape becomes more uniformly withentire chamber;

    (iii) when steam percentage increased, the low amountsof soot are achievable which leads to more efficientcombustion;

    (iv) when the injection rate/speed is increased, twoaspects are happening. By increasing the coal injec-tion velocity, the temperature increased and also theNO𝑋

    emission increased, but when the preheatedair injection rate increased the reverse action wasrevealed;

    (v) when the velocity of preheated air decreased, pul-verized injected coal has enough time to react withoxidizer, then the temperature distribution and alsovolumetric combustion occur more homogeneously;

    (vi) when the injected velocity increased, lower equiva-lence ratio occurred in devolatilization zone; there-fore, the NO

    𝑋emission is prompted.

    Conflict of Interests

    The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper.


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