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Age: We are targeting an audience aged 15 – 30. This is because young audience will not understand very well the cause of Bulimia & Anorexia Nervosa. It would be disturbed by the themes running thought-out and be offended by appearance of the body. Also because the eating disorder happens between this ages.

90 % Happens with FemaleAlso can be target at Males

Target Audience Part Q

Vanessa Justino

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Questionnaire from Target Audience

Name: _________Age: _________Genre: _________Location: _________

•Do you think starting the opening sequence with a dialogue of the 2 girls is a good idea?•Do you think the location(______) where we are planning the opening sequence to take place is suitable? •Do you think slow music will go with the shots (_______) and scenes we are doing?• In your opinion what qualities make a good drama? •Do you think the idea of bulimia is a good idea for a drama opening sequence? And why? •What do you think of the script?•Do you think that the opening sequence builds enigma at the end? •What could be done to create more enigma? •What do you think will work well in the opening sequence? •Would you want to watch the rest of the film? And why?

Part Q

Andreea Cristea

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Feedback from Target AudienceGraph

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10











67 6 4


73 2



Part Q

Vanessa Justino

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• Question 1: most of the answer were yes, because it shows a connection between the 2 girls, and after they saw the script they said it does show the connection because you can see the friend with bulimia is lying.

• Question 2: 7/7 said the location is suitable, because it shows clearly a typical house. • Question 3: 6/7 said slow music is the most suitable music to go with a drama, because it build dramatic

emotions. • 1/7 said slow music, but different songs, so it can be changed as the action goes.• Question 4: 4/7 said close up shots makes a good drama, because it shows all the characters emotions and

face expression.• 3/7 said the sounds, the way is acted, the shots and the way it is filmed.• Question 5: 7/7 said yes (idea of bulimia) because it is a good idea for a drama.• Question 6: 7/7 said the script is good, because it does not include too much talking, therefore it makes the

opening sequence more interesting.• Question 7: 7/7 said yes ( it builds enigma at the end) because the last shot it is very mysterious.• Question 8: 3/7 said to create more enigma there should be a sound at the background that would make the

audience want to watch it more and more• 4/7 said to create more enigma there should be a very slow pace, and when the movie

ends, there should still continue with a shot so it can build suspense.• Question 9: 2/7 said everything will work well• 5/7 said the shots will work well• Question 10: 7/7 said yes, because it is interesting.

Feedback from Target Audience

Part Q Andreea Cristea

Vanessa Justino

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PictureCatalin Nastasia

QuestionnairePart Q

Andreea Cristea

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Video Rebecca Dan

Part Q

Andreea Cristea

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Interviews1 2

3 4


Part Q

Andreea Cristea

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What Film Distribution we would use and Why

Area served : WorldwideIs consistently ranked as one of the top-grossing movie studios

Won a Marketing Award for ‘Best Film MarketingThriller, Drama, Comedy, Animation, BUT best in Comedy and Drama

Because they work with most dramatic movies, and its well known because they been existed for a long time.

No Strings Attached

She's Out of My League

Paranormal Activity

What's Your Number?

Big Mommas: Love and Other Drugs

Date Night

Transformers: evenge of the Fallen

Part R

Vanessa Justino

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BBFC Standards Part S

Vanessa Justino

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How are we meeting the BBFC Standards

Part S

Vanessa Justino

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Style of Titling & Credits Part T

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Music & Sounds After she leaves school and walks home till She enters the Bath room

Why: Dramatic and matches the action on the scene

This is for the end of the opening sequence when she is inside the bath.

Why: Because it starts with a high and bass sound creating that mysterious and thrilling moment that builds enigma for the audience as they would want to know what will happen to her next.

Part U

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1. Looking Back to your Preliminary task, what have we felt and learned in the progression from it to the full Product?

2. In what ways did our Opening Sequence Use, Developed or Challenged Forms and Conventions of real media product?

3. How did we attract / addressed our Audience?

4. What have we learned from the Process of constructing the Product.

5. What have we Learned about technologies from the process of constructing the product and how has it helped you ?

Evaluation Questions Part V

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