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How many of these social networks do you have an account with?

Stand up (agree) and stay sitting (disagree) cards, how many people have:

De-tagged a photo? Exaggerated the truth online? Chosen specific words/images on their profiles to make themselves appear fashionable/moral/nice?Said something deliberately negative about themselves?On social networks sites, we have the ability to represent ourselves in any way we like. This is because we have ownership of them.

We can choose to make these profiles reflect our ideology (values, attitudes and beliefs) or we can present a different set of values.

Are the subjects of newspaper articles able to represent themselves? Or is this out of their control? Why?Representation and The Media 5 minsPage 3 example

Spend 5 minutes reading the article.

Do you think it is unbiased? Whose opinion is represented in the article? Who actually constructs this representation?If this is the answer....

RUPERT MURDOCHWhat is the question? Representations effected by2mins listWorst UK Newspaper Headline Ever?

Answer Straight Sex Cannot Give You AIDS Official

(From The Sun in 1989)

Ideology and Bias Representation in Newspapers

The press is so powerful in its image-making role, it can make a criminal look like hes the victim and make the victim look like hes the criminal. This is the press. If you arent careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.

- Malcolm XDo you agree with this statement? What does it say about audiences?What about journalists?

In 2012, 86% of articles in The Sun were written by men. women as invisible in the media.

Representation and Ownership

Representation in

Learning ObjectivesDefine and apply the concept of representation. Analyse examples of representation in The Sun in terms of gender, considering how audiences might interpret these. Understand The Male Gaze and Ways of Seeing theories.

What is Representation?This is a key concept in Media Studies: you will have an exam question on representation.

write a definition of representation in 2 minutes.

Representation refer to the construction of media texts; what we see is a re-presentation of events, people or ideas. This is also known as mediation the act of going between (in this case, between the real world and audiences).

Take notes during the video of anything that contributes to your definition.

Key Point It is not possible for the media to present the world as it really is because the media constructs meanings about the world.

Media makers (in this case, Newspaper Owners/Editors and sometimes Journalists) change or mediate what is really there (more on this next week).

Key TerminologyDominant Ideology values and beliefs understood and accepted by the majority of people as part of our culture and expectations. E.g. Patriotism is a key dominant ideology expressed in The Sun newspaper

Hegemony (Gramsci) control of the current society by government through cultural and social expectations as well as the media. E.g. Immigration is damaging to the British economy according to The Sun newspaper.



Stereotypes are a form of representation in which groups of people are characterised by attributing to them qualities that some individuals possess, and which later become associated with the whole group.

Easily recognisable to an audience. Often exaggerated, short hand ways of communicating messages to an audience.Very often negative . Communicate an ideology (set of values). Task (10 minutes): Nigella Lawson Drug Scandal How is Nigella represented differently by The Sun and The Independent?In what ways does it do this - discuss content and style of images/copy etc). Is the representation accurate? Consider what has been included or left out?Does the representation challenge/reinforce any stereotypes?

Representation of Gender On your 2 post-it notes write down what ideas of gender are reinforced through the media.

Men are.sporty, dominant, powerful, tough, heroic, aggressive, violent,

Women 3, glamorous, sexualised, objectified, secretive, image obsessed,

GenderGender and gender roles are cultural construct based on biological elements. Asides from our reproductive systems what else is there that really truly defines as a man or as a woman?Representations of women across media tend to highlight the following:

Representations of men across media tend to focus on the following:

Beauty (within narrow conventions). Size/physique (again, within narrow conventions). Sexuality (as expressed by the above)Emotional (as opposed to intellectual) dealings. Relationships and dependence (as opposed to independence/freedom). Domestic maternal role/raising children/home domain?

Strength - physical and intellectualPowerSexual attractiveness (which may be based on the above) more likely to be unfaithful?PhysiqueIndependence (of thought, action). Athleticism?Inhabit public spaces relates to power.

Advertising in particular uses gender stereotypes to quickly convey their message!The Sun and Gender Representation selling sex or aspirations?

Task: 20 minutesUsing a copy of The Sun (or other paper), highlight all the adjectives and adverbs used to describe women. Make a mind map of how The Sun/ Newspaper use language to represent women in certain ways denote and connote! For example, what might the term hot (denotation) mean (or, what connotations it has)?

Things to consider: Is there a dominant ideology (a central set of values) relating to women?Does The Sun/ newspaper employ stereotypes of women and female roles?How might different audiences respond to this representation?

Extension task: Can you find any examples of language that describe men? How are these different?The Representation of Women in Newspapers

Take notes whilst watching the video, noting anything of interest. Consider whose viewpoints are being voiced throughout the video. Representation and Gender - TheoryLaura Mulveys The Male Gaze (1975)

John Bergers Ways of Seeing (1972)

Despite being over 40 years old, this theories still have application in contemporary media texts.

The Male Gaze

What is The Gaze?Describes the act of looking:

Argues women are objectified females as seen as objects and they are there to provide pleasure or gratification for men.

Men as the dominant group are the spectators (the subjects; women the objects).

Images of women from the heterosexual male perspective.

28Things to consider....What doesnt the Male Gaze take into account?

Is it too simplistic?

When applied to The Sun, what does it suggest about its audience?

Criticisms of The Male Gaze

Mulvey doesnt consider female spectators.

Her views are that only heterosexual males are the spectators.

Since the 1980s there has been a large increase in the sexualisation and display of the male body. Ways of Seeing Berger (1972) Men act and women appear. Men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at. Women are aware of being seen by a male spectator . The News on News

Look at this link. What does the BBC news website suggest about the representation of women?Representation of Women in The Sun Sex ObjectsWives and MothersPassive rolesRelative invisibilityToo fat/thin/old/young

Find an example of each of these in your own paper.

Representations of Men in The Sun

Traditional RepresentationEasthope (1986) argues that a variety of media, especially Hollywood films and computer games, convey the view that masculinity based on strength, aggression, competition and violence is biologically determined and, therefore, a natural goal for men to achieve.

Do you think this is still as relevant today? Are there any other qualities of men that are represented today in The Sun?Modern Representation Possible RepresentationsMen are emotionally vulnerable. They should be more in touch with their emotions or feminine side.They should treat women as equals.They should care more about their appearance.Active fatherhood is an experience worth having.METROSEXUAL focus on appearance and fashion, values masculinity in terms of generosity and caring nature.

Men and Representation Are there any negative representations of men in The Sun?

Task: 20 minutes Working in pairs, make a snip-it/collage of pictures of men from The Sun. Make one of stereotypical images/articles and another for modern representations of men in The SunAnalyse the images in terms of how men are represented detonating and connoting. Consider if stereotypes are used.

Extension Task: How might audiences interpret these representations?Homework Exam Style Question Discuss how gender is represented in The Sun today, making reference to your own detailed examples (articles/stories) - 30 marks.

Include a introduction to the article(s) looked at. How are you analysing e.g. what are you specifically looking at?Include theories and apply them your specific examples.

Due next Tuesday!(Remember the 6 point essay plan to help!)

Essay Plan1. Answer the question in one sentenceIntroduce that you will be looking at The Sun newspaper and the articles on . (mention specific articles)Mention how women are represented in The Sun, use specific articles to support and try to include theories (Mulvey and Berger)Mention how men are represented in The Sun, use specific articles to support and try to include theories (Easthope)Conclusion on how gender is represented and why it is represented in this wayPersonal thoughts and feelings on representation of gender in The Sun newspaper

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