
Reporting with CBISA Online™

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For any CBISATM questions, contact Customer Support: (419)-885-4593 or [email protected]


CBISA Online™ offers over 100 different reports

Each report contains information for a specific date range

Data entered into the program is immediately available to be included in reports

All user permission levels have access to the Reports & Listing module

It’s all about Reporting!

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Previewing a Report


Previewing a report is always a 3 step process:

Step 1: Highlight (or select) the report you want to preview in the menu browse box.

Step 2: Choose from the available options.

Step 3: Preview your report.

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Step 1: Selecting the Report

Each menu contains a unique list of available reports

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Menu I contains reports for these modules:

• Programs• Financial Services • Outcomes

Menu II contains analytical reports: new ways to slice and dice the numerical data!

Step 1: Selecting the Report


Complete Summaries offers you different ways to summarize your community benefit data.

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Narrative Reports allow you to pick and choose which stories are included in reports.

Control Listings reports include detailed and specific data.

Step 1: Selecting the Report

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IRS Form 990 Schedule H reports help complete Sections I, II, III & VI plus all worksheets.

Multi-Unit reports allow a System Administrator or Multi Coordinator to run combined reports.

Step 1: Selecting the Report


Partnership Reports track relationships between Partners and other data records.

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Create your own report with the Custom Report Generator.

Step 2: Choose from the available options

Report Orientation: Portrait

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Portrait reports contain standard statistics

Step 2: Choose from the available options

Report Orientation: Landscaped

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Landscaped reports contain expanded statistics

Step 2: Choose from the available options

Choose from specific defaults.

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Step 2: Choose from the available options

Options allow you to include just the information

you need on reports!

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Report on specific programs.

Include one, some, or all


Enter your own unique numeric


Step 3: Preview the report

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Date range automatically defaults to the current

fiscal year, but can always be adjusted.

Check this box to view your

report in a new window that can be expanded.

Select the Preview button to open your report.

Printing or Exporting the Report


Report Taskbar

Export any report to another application. Export formats include Crystal Reports, PDF, Excel, Word, and RTF.

Send any report to a printer.

Move from page to page

Plus sign shows that your report has more than one page.

Search for keywords within the body of the report.

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Sample Reports


Menu I: Program Detail


Shows all Programs with

their associated statistics

(Occurrences) for the selected

date range

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Narratives: All Narratives Including Linkages

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Narratives with Keywords and Linked


Complete Summaries: Unclassified Summary


Shows all community benefit statistics

including Financial Services & Programs

with Occurrences

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Control Listings: Occurrences-Selected Programs


Provides the Occurrence Detail for the

Program Detail Report

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IRS Form 990 Schedule H: Part I Table #7

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Help for completing the IRS Form 990 Schedule H

Other Reports: Department List


Complete list of all departments and contact information

©Lyon Software, 2013

Lyon Software…striving to make social accountability reporting a streamlined process…


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