


Project Title: NEL VENTRE DEL SERPENTE La città-Corviale in un'esperienza teatrale di prog

Applicant: Michele Rispoli per conto del Gruppo Informale CANC

Applicant Address: Viale della Primavera, 27

Applicant Postal Code: 00172 Applicant Town: Roma

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-10-2007-R2

Project Description:

The Project "Nel ventre del Serpente" disembarks in Corviale, an edifice on the periphery of Rome. It is

better known as the " Serpentone", a district in itself, and over the years it is proof of a failure in urban

planning because of the difficulty of the inhabitants to relate to its public spaces, which have been left to

decay. Our project starts with the idea of realising a workshop of theatrical scenes with the inhabitants that

will really grow from the spaces of Corviale, the objective being to stimulate the community to discover a

new dialogue with the space through theatre. Starting with an analysis of social and collective problems,

the inhabitants are encouraged to search for a solution, using theatre, which can be adopted in real life.

We hope, moreover, that the project becomes a reproducible model for any city or community, taking off

from the idea that "places that are today considered a waste of space and time might one day become

spheres of social, cultural and playful interaction" (Stalker).

First Theme: Art and culture

Second Theme: Urban/Rural development

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Roma

Granted amount: € 7.500,00

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Project Title: Oltre i confini nuovi orizzonti: da Partinico all'Europa!


Applicant Address: Via Piave, 3

Applicant Postal Code: 90047 Applicant Town: PARTINICO

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-102-2007-R5

Project Description:

"Oltre i confini nuovi orizzonti: da Partinico all'Europa!" c'est un projet qui embrasse un vaste champ

d'intérêt: la citoyenneté européenne, la condition juvénile, l'interculturalité, la sauvegarde de

l'environnement. =es objec>fs que nous nous proposons d'a?eindre sont: sensibilisa>on de la

communauté au respect de l'environnement, acquisition du sentiment d'appartenance a l'Europe,

connaissance des différentes cultures européennes pour abattre des stéréotypes et des préjugés envers

l'autre.Du moment que ce projet est adressé surtout au@ jeunes, les ac>vités au programme favoriseront

les méthodes de l'apprentissage non formel, ceu@-ci comprendront la musique, l'animation théâtrale,

plusieurs laboratoires créa>fs et la rédac>on d'un pe>t journal.Un autre point clé de notre projet est celui

de mettre au courant les jeunes des possibilités d'enrichissement culturel que l'Union Européenne leur

offre; à ce but aussi on prévoit créer, à la fin du projet, un site Internet qui rassemble et met à disposition

de tout le monde les fruits de nos e@périences.

First Theme: European awareness

Second Theme: Media and communication/Youth information

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Partinico (PA)

Granted amount: € 7.100,00

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Applicant: VENEZIACOMIX Associazione Culturale

Applicant Address: c/o Emanuele Tenderini, Cannaregio 3194/A

Applicant Postal Code: 30121 Applicant Town: Venezia

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-103-2007-R5

Project Description:

U>liser la bande dessinée comme instrument de communica>on, d'interac>on et d'intégra>onCe projet

prévoit l'analyse phénoménologique, mais également l'étude de planches et de courteshistoires illustrées,

dans le but d'e@aminer l'impact social que le media bande dessinée a sur leterritoire, au niveau local

d'abord, au niveau européen ensuite.Nous souhaitons u>liser la bande dessinée comme un instrument de

communica>on et de créa>vitéun instrument qui, consciemment, a jusqu'ici assimilé les préjudices

sociau@ puis les a réélaborésdans le but de promouvoir l'intégra>on des jeunes handicapés avec d'autres

personnes de leur âge.='étude phénoménologique pour apprendre le poten>el communica>f, la créa>vité

pour élaborer unehistoire illustrée qui puisse raconter le handicap, l'intégra>on et l'interac>on entre le

groupe de travail"technique" et le groupe des jeunes handicapés.

First Theme: Art and culture

Second Theme: Disability

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Mestre

Granted amount: € 10.000,00

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Project Title: Nwolc. Clown allo specchio

Applicant: Elena Fresch per conto del Gruppo Informale NANIROSSI

Applicant Address: Piazza Roma 11

Applicant Postal Code: 33070 Applicant Town: Brugnera - Pn

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-104-2007-R5

Project Description:

We are the Nanirossi, a small street theatre and outdoor circus group. We are e@ students of the Scuola di

Cirko directed by Paolo Stratta in Grugliasco (Torino). The members of the group are linked by the passion

for popular outdoor performances - that we creates ourselves - often working passing the hat. We work all

over Italy as buskers but also collaborating with important national theatres. Now our main interest is to

make our group bigger, involving other young people with similar aims but different backgrounds in a more

ambitious project: the idea is to go in front of the audience using the power of communication of a

comic/clown show to say something more important about the message. With other 4 young artists we

want to create a show about the theme of "Diversity" to be performed in the streets and squares of Italy

and hopefully in some theatres. We deeply want the audience to make some reflections in a funny way as

we learnt from one of our big masters as =eo Bassi: a show without words for an international public that

could talk about important values through the art of irony and smiling.

First Theme: Art and culture

Second Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Grugliasco

Granted amount: € 7.000,00

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Project Title: Orizzonti di Aggregazione Sociale Intercomunale (O.A.S.I.)

Applicant: Cantieri Sociali Lauriedd Associazione Culturale

Applicant Address: Via G. Pascoli 2

Applicant Postal Code: 72018 Applicant Town: San Michele Salentino

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-107-2007-R5

Project Description:

Il Progetto O.A.S.I. ( Orizzonti di Aggregazione Sociale Intercomunale ) si pone come obiettivo il

coinvolgimento attivo dei giovani in processi di cittadinanza attiva, finalizzati al miglioramento della qualità

della vita all'interno delle loro comunità. ='attivazione di tali processi sarà successiva alla realizzazione di

una inchiesta, gestita dai giovani partecipanti al progetto, sugli stili di vita giovanili nei loro territori.

Dall'analisi dei risultati si articoleranno le forme di educazione non formale partecipate, per stimolare le

capacità e potenzialità espressive e creative giovanili, in diverse forme artistiche: la danza, il teatro, la

musica e la produzione di cortometraggi. I paesi coinvolti sono tre: San Michele Salentino, San Vito dei

Normanni e Francavilla Fontana, tutti in provincia di Brindisi. Questi, presentano una continuità geografico-

territoriale, culturale e socio-economica con scenari simili anche per quanto riguarda il disagio giovanile Il

carattere intercomunale del progetto mira, attraverso il lavoro di rete, a connettere intorno a temi

condivisi i gruppi di giovani partecipanti per elaborare insieme strategie di azione locale atte ad incidere

sulle politiche giovanili dei territori coinvolti. Dando vita così alla Rete O.A.S.I, per portare avanti nel tempo

gli obiettivi del progetto.

First Theme: Social inclusion

Second Theme: Art and culture

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: San Michele Salentino

Granted amount: € 8.500,00

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Project Title: Il Vecchio e il Mare

Applicant: Donatello Della Pepa per conto del Gruppo Informale I Gozzi

Applicant Address: C.da Noce, 82

Applicant Postal Code: 84060 Applicant Town: Perdifumo (SA)

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-108-2007-R5

Project Description:

Il progetto "Il vecchio e il mare" è finalizzato alla realizzazione di un film documentario - fiction, che sia

testimonianza visiva, e sintesi, delle ricerche compiute dal gruppo "I Gozzi" , atte a riscoprire un rapporto

con la natura e con l'ambiente ormai praticamente scomparso nella cultura contemporanea. Priorità del

gruppo è la creazione di un luogo di confronto, per i giovani di una realtà, quella cilentana, priva di

iniziative valide di aggregazione e che si trova da tempo ormai in una situazione di disagio sociale ed

economico. I giovani sono quindi chiamati a partecipare attivamente al progetto non solo nella fase di

realizzazione del film ma anche durante la preparazione, l'organizzazione logistica e, quindi, l'evento

crea>vo.Sfondo della ricerca sarà Acciaroli, piccolo paese sul mare in cui, si dice (ma non ci sono

certezze), Ernest Hemingway trovò l'ispirazione per il suo capolavoro, appunto "Il vecchio e il mare". Il

lavoro si svilupperà attorno alla alla figura di un vecchio pescatore, unico testimone ancora in vita del

passaggio di Hemingway nel Cilento. Attraverso i suoi racconti il gruppo cercerà di ricostruire il rapporto

che legò lo scrittore premio Nobel con i luoghi e le storie di pescatori isolati dal resto del mondo negli anni

'40-'50. Proprio da questo partirà una ricerca sul rapporto tra uomo e natura in contrasto con l'abusivismo

edilizio e il turismo d'assalto che sta lacerando la costa cilentana. Alcuni inserti di fiction sulla vita di

Emingwey ad Acciaroli faranno da collante narrativo al nostro lavoro video che cercherà di fornire

par>colari scorci della vita dei pescatori e del loro rapporto con il mare.

First Theme: Art and culture

Second Theme: Urban/Rural development

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Perdifumo (SA)

Granted amount: € 10.000,00

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Project Title: "Skenè"


Applicant Address: c/o Comune Grottolella - Piazza Municipio

Applicant Postal Code: 83010 Applicant Town: GROTTOLELLA

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-110-2007-R5

Project Description:

"Skenè" rises from an idea of young people of the Forum Giovanile of Grottolella, with a passion for the

history and popular traditions proud of his own origins and desirous to make everyone taste the

memorable events of an old tradic>on.Young people will be protagonist in this project, 30% of that will be

etnic minorities and group of young not social included. The aim was to create an open creativity space

where young people - could meet each other to promote greater cohesion and a greater social integration

in the Grottolella community. At the end, young people will be protagonist in a "mise en scène". The

activities aim to build a strong relationship between participants to improve their awareness about

European roots, cultural diPerences and common perspec>ves.

First Theme: Art and culture

Second Theme:

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Grottolella (Avellino)

Granted amount: € 10.000,00

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Project Title: “Libriamoci! - book crossing a Settimo”

Applicant: Romaniello Daisy per conto del Gruppo Inf. Zona a traffico illimitato

Applicant Address: Via Gottardo, 12

Applicant Postal Code: 10036 Applicant Town: Settimo Torinese

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-111-2007-R5

Project Description:

Il progetto mira a diffondere e a far circolare l’interesse per la lettura e la letteratura italiana

einternazionale, sensibilizzando i fruitori sulla propria ci?adinanza europea e s>molando

lapartecipazione aRva dei residen> del Comune a?raverso l’inizia>va S=ibriamoci! - book crossing

aSeRmoT. Gli strumen> u>lizza> per promuovere la SculturaT del book crossing, saranno, oltre aicanali

convenzionali quali il materiale promozionale cartaceo, anche la creazione di un bloglinkabile dal sito del

Comune, principalmente indirizzato ai giovani, ma fruibile e di libero u>lizzo datu?a la ci?adinanza.

=’obieRvo di tale mezzo è la creazione di una comunità virtuale di le?ori e lapromozione del programma

GioventU in Azione. Il proge?o prevede la realizzazione di inizia>ve incollaborazione con realtà già

esisten> sul territorio quali la Biblioteca Civica, l’Informagiovani e laCasa dei Popoli, servizio comunale che

si occupa di cooperazione internazionale e di educazioneallo sviluppo, cui sono aderen> 25 associazioni di

volontariato. Oltre ad un evento di lancio delBook Crossing, verranno realizzate due incontri tema>ci che

aPronteranno trasversalmente laconduzione giovanile nella le?eratura italiana, europea e internazionale

ed un evento di piazzaVnale durante il quale verranno scambia> i libri raccol> nei mesi preceden> presso

il punto diraccolta stabile sito all’Informagiovani.

First Theme: Social inclusion

Second Theme: Art and culture

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Settimo Torinese

Granted amount: € 7.450,00

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Project Title: Rappresentazione al limite

Applicant: Beatrice Sarosiek per conto del Gruppo Informale Altre Lenti

Applicant Address: c/o Gorini - San Marco 2608/A

Applicant Postal Code: 30124 Applicant Town: Venezia

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-112-2007-R5

Project Description:

Il progetto "Rappresentazione al =imite" è proposto dal gruppo "Altre =enti", formato da giovani di diverse

provenienze e competenze residenti nel territorio Veneto. Il tema del progetto è l'indagine dello

stereotipo della figura dello "zingaro", attraverso uno studio approfondito delle realtà rom e sinti presenti

in diverse città venete. Esso prevede una ricerca teorica, attraverso libri, riviste, documentari, ma anche la

conoscenza diretta di queste comunità, che verranno coinvolte attivamente utilizzando strumenti come la

fotografia e il teatro che permettano a loro di esprimersi e autodefinirsi e a noi di avere un punto di vista

diverso e non banale. ='obiettivo è quello di elaborare il materiale raccolto e realizzare uno spettacolo

teatrale, un libro fotografico e una mostra, sfruttando le diverse competenze dei giovani partecipanti al

progetto. "Rappresentazione al =imite" si propone di utilizzare la cultura come mezzo privilegiato per il

superamento dei pregiudizi che portano al razzismo e all'emarginazione sociale, valorizzando la ricchezza

culturale di queste comunità diffuse in tutta Europa da generazioni. Fondamentale è la possibilità data a

giovani registi, drammaturghi, attori, costumisti, scenografi, fotografi e grafici di riappropiarsi di uno spazio

culturale troppo spesso precluso alle nuove generazioni, permettendo così lo sviluppo di una cittadinanza

aRva e consapevole.The main theme of the project is the role of the "Gipsy" in our immagina>on. The

project wants to research about the sterotypes on gipsy people. It is composed by a period of research

which lasts three months and then, the production of three art espressions: an e@position, a book and a

theatre show. The research is to be done not by conventional ways like interview or reportage but with

ac>vi>es and games made by arts, theatre and photography.

First Theme: Anti-discrimination

Second Theme: Art and culture

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Venezia

Granted amount: € 10.000,00

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Project Title: Voci che contano

Applicant: Faccin Miriam per conto del Gruppo Inf. VolontariaMENTE

Applicant Address: Via XI Settembre, 9

Applicant Postal Code: 28887 Applicant Town: Omegna

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-117-2007-R5

Project Description:

Il progetto è l'espressione della volontà di un gruppo di giovani, accomunati dal fatto di aver recentemente

vissuto esperienze di volontariato estremamente positive ed arricchenti, che, dopo aver sperimentato in

prima persona il valore che questo tipo di esperienza può rivestire nel percorso di sviluppo personale; di

ricerca e costruzione della propria dimensione sociale e lavorativa, decide di fare qualcosa per promuovere

e diPondere la cultura del volontariato nei giovani del proprio territorio. In questo quadro gli strumen> di

intervento individua> sono molteplici ed agiscono su diversi ordini di Vnalità:1)sensibilizzare i giovani al

volontariato 2)far nascere nei giovani la voglia di aRvarsi individualmente o colleRvamente per

realizzare azioni solidaris>che e di ci?adinanza aRva3)fornire ai giovani gli strumen> necessari per

individuare la formula di volontariato piU vicina alle sensibilità personali, nonché per accedere alla formula

prescelta 4)dare visibilità alle esperienze posi>ve di volontariato giovanile5)creare momen> e strumen>

di connessione tra giovani volontari attivi in diversi contesti sul nostro territorio, per promuovere un senso

di appartenza ad un gruppo allargato, unito dalla condivisione di Vnalità e valori. Gli strumen> di

intervento individuati nel perseguimento delle finalità sopra descritte rientrano nell'ambito

dell'informazione/comunicazione e della creazione di re> tra mondo giovanile e a?ori locali.

First Theme: European awareness

Second Theme: Social inclusion

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Omegna

Granted amount: € 4.800,00

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Project Title: Youth in action!

Applicant: Stefania Macchioni per conto del Gruppo Informale Youth for Democracy

Applicant Address: C/O Ass. Going to Europe - Via degli Adelardi, 4

Applicant Postal Code: 41100 Applicant Town: Modena

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-1-2007-R2

Project Description:

The Youth initiative will see an informal group of young people, born in the "Youth Forum" (YF) of Modena,

realize a video of promotion of the value, sanctioned and recognised at a European level, of the youth

active participation to the life of the local citizens, as an e@ample and stimulus for a wider and conscious

European citizenship. The video will show what a "Youth Forum" is, which are its aims and which methods

it uses, with a special emphasis on the potentialities this instrument has to spread the value of citizenship

and of the youth ac>ve par>cipa>on. For this aim, the shots will be done by the par>cipants of the Youth

Initiative during meetings with the YFs of Modena, Sassuolo and Rovigo, in their own cities. Therefore, the

group of the participants to the Youth Initiative will take part to the events and to the confrontation and

e@change moments among the said three YF, during which will be stimulated discussions about e@isting

realities at a European level of listening and involvement of youngsters (Youth Summit and European Youth

Forum). Furthermore, to the realisa>on of the video, there will be organised public ini>a>ves and other

ones more specific (in high schools, in universities, in informal groups and for associations) to show this

video and to discuss about the youth active participation, starting from the e@periences of the YFs involved

in the project and arriving to the determination of the best instruments that youngsters have to participate

to their territory and to make their voice listened. These initiatives will aim to involve new youngsters to

the ac>vi>es of the YFs.

First Theme: Youth policies

Second Theme: Media and communication/Youth information

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Modena

Granted amount: € 10.000,00

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Project Title: Dedica

Applicant: Paola Maritati per conto del Gruppo Informale ASAL Associazione Studen

Applicant Address: Via Giuseppe Risi, 10

Applicant Postal Code: 73048 Applicant Town: Nardò

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-2-2007-R2

Project Description:

The project, proposed by an informal group of students of the Fine Arts Academy of =ecce, faces the

condition of desease and emargination e@perienced by a group of young prisoner mothers detained in

Borgo S. Nicola prison in =ecce, through artistic and cultural workshop activities and using working

methodologies based on the personal and emo>onal involvement of the par>cipantsThe objec>ve is to

start a dialogue between inside and outside, between the personal sphere and public sphere, with the aim

to improve the cultural and civil growth of the involved subjects and going beyond the discrimination

towards the women.The results of the project are the crea>on of a theatre show to be presented publicly,

the realiza>on of a short movie, the publishing of a photo book and a journal about the ac>vi>es.

First Theme: Social inclusion

Second Theme: Art and culture

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: =ecce

Granted amount: € 9.000,00

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Project Title: UBUREDIO

Applicant: Ivan Talarico per conto del Gruppo Informale FREQUENZE MODULATE

Applicant Address: Viale della Venezia Giulia, 137 int.10

Applicant Postal Code: 00177 Applicant Town: Roma

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-39-2007-R3

Project Description:

Il progetto uburedio ha come obiettivo la realizzazione di una radio indipendente sul web, la cui creazione e

programmazione sia gestita da giovani con l'interesse di creare una rete virtuale di diffusione di contenuti

indipenden> (teatro/video/musica). A?raverso la possibilità di diPusione della web radio (che può

facilmente essere inserita nel sito di qualsiasi associazione aderente) si vuole sopperire alla mancanza di

coesione tra gruppi e alla disponibilità degli spazi reali in questo >po di inizia>ve.

First Theme: Art and culture

Second Theme: Media and communication/Youth information

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Roma

Granted amount: € 5.000,00

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Applicant: Gianfranco Chiappini per conto del Gruppo Informale Quelli che…la valle!

Applicant Address: C/o Comunità Montana Valchiusella, Via Provinciale 10

Applicant Postal Code: 10010 Applicant Town: Alice Superiore

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-40-2007-R3

Project Description:

The project is aimed to give the opportunity to the young people of Valchiusella to meet, proving them

cultural and educational environment The group will meet in a space given by the municipalities of the

valley and it will rapresent the place where activities will be developed . All the initiatives will be open to all

the young people of the community.The ini>a>ved will be addressed to the discovering of the culture and

of the tradition of Valchiusella, a community where such events are still rare. The group will inform

regulary the ins>tu>on in order to establish with them a dialogue on the theme of youth polices.

First Theme: Youth policies

Second Theme: Environment

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Alice Superiore

Granted amount: € 11.000,00

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Project Title: Cultural Hunting

Applicant: L'Isola di Arturo Società Cooperativa Sociale

Applicant Address: Via di Casellina, 57/f

Applicant Postal Code: 50018 Applicant Town: Scandicci

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-4-2007-R2

Project Description:

Creare nell'area metropolitana di Scandicci un gruppo di giovani operatori culturali (culturalhunter) in

grado di avere capacità organizzative e di curateria di eventi culturali ed artistici transnazionali e di divenire

punto di riferimento ci?adino per le >pologie di mobilità europea ar>s>ca con modalità low cost.Il gruppo

che avrà la sua sede operativa c/o il Centro culturale giovanile GingerZone, di cui potrà usufruire spazi,

strumentazione ed utenze dovrà progressivamente divenire punto di riferimento per giovani viaggiatori

fornendo loro indirizzi, itinerari e riferimenti culturali nelle capitali e città europee. Il progetto pone i

giovani del gruppo di fronte a concrete responsabilità organizzative, rafforzando le loro competenze

apprese nei contesti formali ed informali e al contempo li aiuterà ad individuare i contorni di giovane

impresa culturale a dimensione europea. Saranno accompagnati (GingerZone e Istituzione Cultura) verso la

ricerca di finanziamenti pubblici e privati in modo da strutturare la loro idea verso un operazione di

mercato, di sussidarietà e di sostenibilità permanente.

First Theme: Art and culture

Second Theme: Youth policies

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Scandicci

Granted amount: € 8.800,00

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Applicant: Alessandro Pieralli per conto del Gruppo di fatto "ARAXE"

Applicant Address: C/o APS YARD Via Monte Rosa, 84

Applicant Postal Code: 20149 Applicant Town: Milano

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-42-2007-R3

Project Description:

Il progetto vuole affrontare le problematiche dell'esclusione sociale, della discriminazione, del razzismo e

della @enofobia vissuti e subiti dalle comunità ROM, che da anni si insediano nelle città europee ignorati

come fantasmi, soprattutto focalizzando l'attenzione sulla città di Milano e sulla sua provincia. Per

analizzare questi aspetti il gruppo si è posto come metodo quello di approfondire la conoscenza della

situazione dei ROM, sia ripercorrendo la storia delle varie migrazioni nomadi, sia seguendo lo sviluppo della

cultura e infine osservando le loro condizioni attuali in relazione all'inserimento nella società. Dopo una

prima fase di preparazione formativa del gruppo, inizierà una fase piU operativa nella quale intediamo

entrare in contatto diretto con i membri delle diverse comunità ROM e con gli operatori che lavorano con

loro. Questi momenti mirano a scoprire le motivazioni e le esperienze dirette di emarginazione di tutti i

componenti delle comunità di etnia ROM, approfondendo in questo modo l'aspetto dei diritti a loro

riconosciuti e allo stesso tempo negati. A questo proposito vogliamo entrare nel merito dell'espansione dei

diritti per le famiglie ROM di provenienza romena, nell'ottica dell'allargamento dell'Unione Europea alla

Romania. Dopo aver accumulato così numerose conoscenze ed esperienze, intendiamo raccoglierle in un

libro, integrato da foto e contribu> audiovisivi. Il prodo?o Vnale del proge?o verrà presentato con la

costruzione di un evento conclusivo.

First Theme: Social inclusion

Second Theme: Anti-discrimination

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Milano

Granted amount: € 9.500,00

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Project Title: Gattaro

Applicant: Carmine Basile per conto del Gruppo Informale ClaX

Applicant Address: c/o D'Eramo -Via Teodoro Mayer, 23 - int. B.18

Applicant Postal Code: 00177 Applicant Town: Roma

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-43-2007-R3

Project Description:

Il progetto Gattaro mira alla realizzazione di un film docu - fiction , all'interno del VI municipio della città di

Roma, che sia punto di incontro (e di sfogo) di giovani appartenenti alla realtà di una delle pereferie

svantaggiate della Capitale: il quartiere del prenestino. Sia i giovani appartenenti al gruppo informale ClaX,

infatti, che i soggetti che prenderanno parte alla docu-fiction come protagonisti delle storie raccontata,

vivono all'interno della zona circoscri?a nel VI municipio di Roma.Il lavoro di docu-Vc>on ruoterà a?orno

alla figura, molto radicata nella cultura capitolina, del/della gattaro/a. =a figura di un giovane "gattaro"

ventenne, studente universitario fuori sede, anch'egli domiciliato in zona prenestina, che si prende cura di

alcuni gatti in zona e di una piccola colonia all'interno dell'Università "=a Sapienza", farà da collante

narrativo al nostro lavoro video che mira a prendere il largo cercando di dare altri particolari scorci della

vita di una delle piU popolate periferie romane, aiutata, nelle digressioni, da alcuni momen> Vc>on.

First Theme: Art and culture

Second Theme: Urban/Rural development

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Roma

Granted amount: € 7.500,00

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Applicant: Marialaura Ferrandino per conto del Gruppo Informale Le Iene di Kalimer

Applicant Address: Via Fondobosso n.20

Applicant Postal Code: 80077 Applicant Town: Ischia (Na)

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-47-2007-R3

Project Description:

We are a group of young people who met for the first time as participants in a project for facing problems

in alimentation of young people. Together we took part in artistic and music workshops. What we aim to

do now is to multiply our e@perience to the young people of ischia (the island where we live) using peer

education, sport and outdoor activities.

First Theme: Education through sport and outdoor activities

Second Theme: Health

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Ischia (NA)

Granted amount: € 11.000,00

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Applicant: YARD APS

Applicant Address: Via Monte Rosa, 84

Applicant Postal Code: 20149 Applicant Town: Milano

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-49-2007-R3

Project Description:

ENG=ISH TRANS=ATION OF SUMMARY The project involves as main actors teenagers "in proba>on" o

allocated in protect community (art.22) : Young people hosted by Casa Sherwood/Sherwood Home

(Sherwood Social Cooperative a.r.l. Onlus) and young people from YARD social promotion association

together will build the project developing the project's ac>vi>es.Freedom web radio project will develop

into 10 months of activities after whose it will possible to verify if the project's objectives and goals are

fully reached and realized.All ac>vi>es will take place in Casa Sherwood community located in

Cooperativa sociale Sherwood a.r.l. Onlus headquarter in San Colombano al =ambro, south of the city of

Milan.ACTIVITIES :1.Approach to radio communica>on (radio technician Z radio speaker).2.Installa>on

of a basical radio studio usefull to create and trasmit web radio formats.3.Preapara>on of a radio format,

radio transmission (format directoring Z speaking ).4.N.10 mee>ngs on "FARE

COMUNICAZIONE/CREATING COMMUNICATION".5.Produc>on of N. 20 radio formats/transmission (60

min. Each).OBJECTIVES: 1.Spreading and transmission of new languages as those linked to informa>on's

new technologies.2.Sharing of professional abili>es and skills connected with "crea>ng and doing radio"

knowledge.3.Coopera>on among actors for the realiza>on of a collec>ve enterprise.4.Elabora>ng

communicative abilities linked to "doing radio" and the use of communication technologies as instruments

usare strumen> usefull for dialogue and rela>ons among diPerent people, e@periences, worlds.The

young group of people from APS YARD is composed by boys and girls aged between 15 and 25 years old.

They will e@periment theirselves as not-formal facilitators with the objective to transmit and share the

project's various steps. They will take ac>on in the follow diPerent roles :1.Audio's Technician (mainly

referent for the installa>on of the radio's studio\.2.Radio's Director (mainly referent for the direc>on in a

radio trasmission and a radio format).3.Radio's Speaker (mainly referent for the cultural media>on among

the diPerent actors involved in the project and for italian language assistance).4.Radio's Speaker (mainly

referent for the forma>on concerned "crea>ng radio" and more in general "crea>ng communica>on").

First Theme: Media and communication/Youth information

Second Theme: Other

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

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Note: In this project, fundamental role to be rappresented by from young of the HOUSE SHERWOOD

COMUNITY ( : Young held some juvenile prison of Milan at the end of trouble and

subjects prisoners in condition of to enter the alternate and available measure to test concretely the

connection of accompaniment. Minor, Italians and migrating, in "Put to the test" or with placing in

community (art. 22).

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: =AMBRINIA di Chignolo Po (PV)

Granted amount: € 11.000,00

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Project Title: CIRANO E I SUOI NASI!

Applicant: Cristina Mazzei per conto del Gruppo Informale GLI AMICI DI CASA DIETR

Applicant Address: Via Tosi, 30

Applicant Postal Code: 14100 Applicant Town: Asti

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-50-2007-R3

Project Description:

Our project wants to promote the cooperation between two groups of young people already e@isting on

our territory; the two informal group have in common the same desire to share their e@perience in the

artistic field. Why we want to do it? We want give the possibility to these groups to know each others, to

confront themselves and to realize something together, for them, for the community in which they live,

and for other youngsters of the district "Praia" (we called "the Astesan Bron@"). They are disadvanteged,

and far from all the opportunities for free time, cultural events, places for meeting.. But also we want to

make something with and for the youngsters in Mombercelli. We are planning to create together an artistic

event, based on our 2 passions: music and theatre.

First Theme: European awareness

Second Theme: Art and culture

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: ASTI

Granted amount: € 11.000,00

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Project Title: "Senza Fine" - Storia di due donne

Applicant: Enzimistudio Associazione

Applicant Address: Via Buriasco, 12

Applicant Postal Code: 10135 Applicant Town: Torino

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-52-2007-R3

Project Description:

"2007 European Year of Equal Opportunities for All" has inspired this project dedicated to significant topics

as: gender mainstream (focused on female dimension), se@ discrimination (in the homose@ual dimension)

and tolerance, solidarity values. Through out the realisation of a film - titled "Senza Fine" - it will be

developed the story of a female homose@ual couple to the taking with juridical obstacles, prejudice,

illness, difficulty of communication etc. The provocative intent of this project is to arise awareness around

social topic through a double task: one closely connected to an educational aim, finalized to the diffusion of

the movie at =ocal, Regional and National level. The second, more focused on the acquisition of specific

skills: technical (linked to the realization of the movie and finalized to give professional opportunity to the

young participants); management (concerning all the aspects of the project: logistic, human resources;

promotion of the project etc.). We strongly consider this project as a first step for a future cooperation

between local/national structures and youngsters, engaged into the media field: a persuasive mean to

diffuse social thematic.

First Theme: Social inclusion

Second Theme: Anti-discrimination

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Torino

Granted amount: € 11.000,00

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Project Title: Porte Aperte

Applicant: Judo Club Sassuolo ASD

Applicant Address: Via Rometta, 106

Applicant Postal Code: 41049 Applicant Town: Sassuolo (MO)

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-55-2007-R3

Project Description:

An italian youth group of four between boys and girls aged 18-30 organizes a recycling taskforce. This

youth group lives in a very problematic district of the city where young people are living on the street and

have no social life nor interac>on what so ever, other than deliquency. The area, aka Quar>ere Braida,

has been often mentioned last year by local and national newspapers and tv news because of the dramatic

situation there and the difficult life conditions people undergo. Quartiere Braida is characterized by a large

number of e@tra EU ci>zens, therefore social inclusion and discrimina>on are a massive issue.A.S.D. Judo

Club Sassuolo provides the venue for workshops about the theme of recycling. The theme will be

developed throught practical activities that will teach the participants to use household waste material to

make things and to play games. This is a nice way to give a chance to boys and girls of a different cultural

and religious group to interact with the locals and to find a way to social inclusion in order to facilitate

intercultural dialogue. As a matter of fact the project addresses to a minority group of citizens who are

finding it rather hard to be included in local social life and live in a very disadvantaged condition with fewer

opportuni>es, where danger o^en occurs as well.

First Theme: Social inclusion

Second Theme: Environment

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Sassuolo (MO)

Granted amount: € 8.000,00

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Project Title: Alieni a Ponte Mammolo

Applicant: Massimiliano Di Carlo per conto del Gruppo Informale Cinema Station

Applicant Address: Viale Marx, 199

Applicant Postal Code: 00137 Applicant Town: Roma

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-56-2007-R3

Project Description:

"Alieni a Ponte mammolo" ("Aliens in Ponte mammolo)" is a project conceived for a youth group

interested to work together for the social and cultural development of a depressed area: the quarter

"Ponte Mammolo", site in the outskirts of Rome. Many of the participants comes from crunch situations

tied to drugs-problem, racquet, social discomfort and rejection, familiar troubles, etc. The pivot of our idea

concern on the realization of a "mockumentary", a fake documentary able to freeze the hard fact of the

place and the social dynamics that happen in, using the strong leverage of irony, sarcasm and other

mediatic weapons. We chose the "alien invasion" metaphor to describe the sense of alienation that we

feel living in this area. The aliens are the youth guys that have no chance as well as the immigrant that have

few possibility to integrate themselves.. each person that lives here seems like an alien!We want to

realize this project spliRng up the work in 3 steps:-PREPARATION-REA=IZATION-DIFFUSION OF THE


First Theme: Social inclusion

Second Theme: Urban/Rural development

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Roma

Granted amount: € 10.000,00

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Applicant: Alessandro Santucci per conto del Gruppo Informale Zero Gravity Toilet

Applicant Address: Via delle Isole Curzolane, 75

Applicant Postal Code: 00141 Applicant Town: Rome

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-6-2007-R2

Project Description:

The main goal of this informal group of young people is to work as a collective of artists and musicians,

confronting themselves with the different necessary steps for realizing an album: artistic genesis (writing

the music, rehearsing, always working as a group and not as individual artists, e@changing personal

knowledge, instruments, etc); production, recording, mi@ing (setting up a suitable recording room, going

into technical details, recording and post-production of an album still working all together); distribution

(prin>ng the album, seRng up a promo>on, a press agency, contac>ng radios, journalists, etc).In the

meantime, the professional and artistic path would also bring up educational means for every person

partecipating to the project: deeper skills in the discographic business (production, promotion and

distribution of an album as a product); deeper technical skills (instruments, music, sound engineering);

knowledge of personal skills and potentialities for personal careers, facing with a professional environment

on every level, and facing the rest of the group political and social challenges concerning the creation of a

Europe based on people and not only on proVts. The project will develop new partenerships with

foundations operating europe-wide, universities and local politics, and it will set up seminars and meetings

on copyright/copyleft and about the evolution of the meaning of authorship nowadays. Thus, the project

will involve representants from music labels and music professionals, to give a wider viewing angle to the

project as well as a a cross-thematic approach. In the follow-up phase of networking, a key step in the

project, the cross-thematic approach would be the means for achieving a transnational e@change of

e@periences, resources, tes>monies.

First Theme: Art and culture

Second Theme: Media and communication/Youth information

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Rome

Granted amount: € 11.000,00

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Project Title: Stracci della memoria

Applicant: PanicArte Associazione Culturale

Applicant Address: Via di Sadurano, 22

Applicant Postal Code: 40060 Applicant Town: Pianoro (Bologna)

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-64-2007-R4

Project Description:

Rags of memory is a theatrical project addressed to young artists and citizens of the territory which has the

aim to promote, through art's forms and innovative creativity, principles of tolerance and social equality

and to spread values like the peace and the social solidarity. The project is based on the task that a better

historical knowledge of the traditions of the territory of belonging or in which a person live or work allows

to young people to understand their own role and their own European cultural roots. In fact, the theme of

the project will be an historical-artistic research on the second world war, whose the territory still

conserves a strong memory in some places (like the path of the gothic line and the park of Montesole) and

that represents a common worry for the European society, the worry of the war and of the social and racial

discriminations. The work of research and documentation will be led by the young artists in contact with

the more mature generations, establishing in this way a strong connection with the whole community.

Besides there will be the participation of very young people through steps of the project in there will be

demonstrations of theatrical work in which they could participate led by the group and the coach.

Following a cultural process that from the bottom will develop to the top, it will be conduce also a research

on the literature and on the European artists that faced the same themes at an international level to

establish a connection between the memory of the territory and the European historical-artistic memory.

This thing will allow to understand the principle of the identity of the European social values like the

tolerance, the peace and the social equality. In particular, the authors of the European classic tradition

together with the witnesses and the e@periences lived by the citizens of the territory will be taken in

consideration. Then, the documentary stuff will be re-elaborated in an artistic way through the visual arts

(videos, photos, etc.) and the performing arts (theatre, dance, electronic music) by the group supported by

e@perts who will also train the participants, to create a theatrical event, characterized by the innovative

sign, and divided in three parts. This event will be represented in some places of the territory, in which the

memory of the war is still well conserved, but also in national and European theatres and festivals.

First Theme: European awareness

Second Theme: Art and culture

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

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Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Pianoro (BO)

Granted amount: € 10.000,00

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Project Title: FRAGILE - Teatro diversamente abile

Applicant: Tam Teatromusica Soc Coop

Applicant Address: Via XX Settembre, 28

Applicant Postal Code: 35122 Applicant Town: Padova

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-65-2007-R4

Project Description:

PROJECTA team of 8 youth, 6 of them diPerently able and also actors of the group Teatro&Handicap,

proposes a path of theatrical labs and the realization of a performance in order to make public opinion, and

moreover the youth, aware of the problem represented by the equality of rights and the defence of ''frail

agents''. The performance aim is attesting the reception of diversity as a way of human

society.STEPSDecember 2007 - Supplying of a quality-ques>onnaire to the students a?ending the

theatrical activities of =iceo Cornaro,=iceo Fermi, Istituto Gramsci, focused on the theme of frailty and the

percep>on of people diPerently able in their society.Analysis of results to set up a list of star>ng points

and key-topics to work on during the theatrical path.January/April 2008 - Art and Diversity: mee>ngs and

theatrical labs with diPerently able youth and students.The theatrical labs provide common working days

for the youth of Teatro&handicap and attending students. The 6 differently able actors and the students

will share theatrical practices and artistic improvisations on key-topics related to the theme of

frailty.May /July 2008 - Accomplishment and presenta>on of the performance ''frail''. DiPerently able

actors, after the meeting and the comparison with students on the theme of ''frailties'' will work on the

realization of a performance that attests the path and the e@periences lived together. A translation into an

artistic language of frailty e@pressions and differences of human being. The play will be presented at least

for 3 repeat performances in June, during the "deGenerazioni Festival" and in this site, it will be organized a

day dedicated to the theme of integration of differently able people, also in the job field through

e@periences and cultural activities. There will be invited, besides the students attending labs, also social and

poli>cs agents interested on the ma?er, and medias.The search of responsive agents with whom start

related paths, a coopera>ve net, is one of the most important goals of the project.August/November

2008 - Evalua>onPar>cularly meaningful will be the path realized with high schools; thanks to teachers'

supportit will be collected impressions and feelings of the students, a^er the performance and the

mee>ngs with actors.Valoriza>on and Follow UpThe informa>ve and promo>ng campaign of the whole

First Theme: Art and culture

Second Theme: Disability

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Pagina 29 di 48

project will be radial developed, using specific means of information, to involve the higher and

diPeren>ated number of agents.The whole project will be documented through the use of mul>media

and papery supports. It will be spread out with diPerent means to reach the widest number of people.It

will be realized as follow:- a dvd summing-up the phases of the project- a publica>on and a cd rom

containing pictures and te@ts (about labs, any different phases of the scenic writing, analysis and

elabora>on of the ques>onnaire results etc..)- internet, making a dedicated sec>on into the site of TAM

teatromusica ( and specific updating of the project into the web sites of the

involved agents.The awaring ac>on in this way is double: the ar>s>c-emo>ve ac>on raised by the

performance, and on the other hand, the following analysis and elaboration produced by the video/papery

support oPered to the public.The working group:Melissa De San>s - coordina>on and

organiza>onAlessandro Mar>nello - (youth par>cipant to Ac>on3 Z Networking - Crossborder

cooperation "..per un futuro amico - i ponti del dialogo") theatre technical management and video,

coaching assistance.Andreina Bori, Gianluca RaPaele, Giorgio Dal Corso, Marco Tramontana, Miriam

Sech - actors Teatro&Handicap, labs leadersJuri Roverato - diPerently able dancer, danceability labs

leaderCoaching: M.Cinzia Zanellato e Mirko Artuso

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: PADOVA

Granted amount: € 10.000,00

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Project Title: Il giornale dei giovani di Ostia

Applicant: Serena Principia per il Gruppo Informale Giovani di Ostia

Applicant Address: Via Capo Bonifati, 25

Applicant Postal Code: 00122 Applicant Town: ROMA

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-66-2007-R4

Project Description:

The project is a cultural and educational structure with an important function of pretion of young

discomfort.The journal gives the possibility to use forma>ve projects for the youthful educa>onThe

objects are: the development of youth personality, the creation of relationships between young people

and the local structures, the realization of cultural and artistic workshops. The main activity is a young

paper.The idea to realize a journalism ac>vity represents an educa>onal methodology with the

opportunity of aggregation, reflection, relationship, considering actual themes, connected to young

interests and themes about the European community, like his history, population functions, and his

ins>tu>ons The main objec>ve of journalism ac>vity is to create a space for young communica>on, a

territorial analysis to involve young people in the social reality.The journalism ac>vity wants to s>mulate

young people to have a stronger responsibility and public-spirit.The journal represents the result of

discussions and research, an active and participating observation on field, and stimulate the greater sense

of active citizenship through the discussion of social and cultural themes and the observation about the

resources of territory.

First Theme: Social inclusion

Second Theme: Art and culture

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: ROMA

Granted amount: € 10.000,00

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Project Title: TUMBAROS

Applicant: Fabio Ara per conto del Gruppo Informale Marmado

Applicant Address: Via Rockfeller, 67

Applicant Postal Code: 07041 Applicant Town: Alghero

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-71-2007-R4

Project Description:

"Tumbaros" is a project created for a group of young people that live in Sardegna (Italy) who wantwork

together on a reserch about the carnival's tradi>ons in their region.In par>cular, the project is set to help

learning how to work in team and make a good research,both theore>cally and pra>cally.Young people

in Sardegna lives a very cri>cal situa>on because they stay in a place with speciVchabits, tradi>ons, uses

and customs, where it's very difficult to combine the development of thecontemporary world with the

sardinian people's own lifestyle. So we want to help them to accept,study and understand the importance

of their past, to Vnd a way to balance the modernity of aneuropean dimension with their unique cultural

iden>ty.We decided to study the Carnival Celebra>on because it is an important tradi>on of all the

areasand, moreover, because the celebra>on's mood is diPerent from all the others italian

tradi>ons.The Vnal aim of the project is to realize a video documentary as a research on the

carnival'scelebra>on and the possibility for it to survive in a future world, as a tradi>on.

First Theme: Art and culture

Second Theme: Urban/Rural development

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Alghero

Granted amount: € 7.500,00

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Applicant: Paolo Delli Carri per conto del Gruppo Informale Vivi Giovane

Applicant Address: Viale Candelaro, c/o Casa del Giovane-Emmaus

Applicant Postal Code: 71100 Applicant Town: Foggia

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-7-2007-R2

Project Description:

The project springs from the necessity to offer to the locale community, poor in informations and

coordination points, concrete opportunities of orientation in the world of work, free time and permanent

learning; organized and set in network by the same young operative group "VIVI_GIOVANE". The network

will be suitable to the current means of communications, formal and informal, used by the young people

(web-site, e mail, videoclip, video-bo@, etc.) mainly aimed at overcoming the social outcasting of degrading

suburbs and villages. The protagonists of the interven>on will be four boys and girls forming the group

"VIVI-Giovane", belonging to disadvantaged social classes, because of risk quarters, few opportunities in

leisure >me, familiar conbicts and scholas>c problems.The Vrst beneVciaries will be informal groups of

young people living in suburbs and far from centre areas, around the city of Foggia (Arpinova, Incoronata,

Cervaro, Diaz, Segezia).The point of view of the project, from the choice of partners to the logis>c seRngs

of activities, intend to privilege the immediate contact with community, young people (peer education)

and social active agencies (associations of the areas of uneasy, marginality; pubblic istitutions; religious and

laical movements of young aggrega>ons; migra>on).

First Theme: Social inclusion

Second Theme: Media and communication/Youth information

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Foggia

Granted amount: € 8.500,00

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Project Title: "Tales from hidden migration"

Applicant: CESIE Onlus

Applicant Address: Via Gorizia, 22

Applicant Postal Code: 90133 Applicant Town: Palermo

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-74-2007-R4

Project Description:

The project, "Tales from hidden migration", has been written in order to fight against racism and

discrimina>on by apprecia>ng cultural diversity and the promo>on of intercultural dialogue.The idea of

the project was born from the awareness that in the city centre of Palermo, where we develop most of our

projects, there is a great distance between migrants and other people from the local community. This

situation is caused by stereotyping and misunderstandings which come mainly from the lack of

communica>on and understanding between the two groups. This project will achieve two objec>ves:

social inclusion of the migrant community into the local community and an improvement in the situation of

young women from the migrant community. "Tales from hidden migration" consists of the creation of a

book which will collect stories from migrant women who live in Palermo and who come from different

countries and diverse cultures. In this way, we will be able to promote an intercultural understanding by

giving the opportunity to e@press to a group often far away from the public sphere and in some ways

'invisible' to the public eye. This book will be written in Italian and translated into English and French in

order to ensure that the stories collected reach many people. In addition, it will be dramatised by local

street artists (the group will be gender balanced and will involve equal participation of migrant and local

popula>on), so as to communicate these young women's stories to the local community.The youth group

that will realise this project "Tales from hidden migration" is made up of people from CE.S.I.E who come

from local and migrant communities. This gives us the chance to develop an intercultural dialogue within

the group itself and to overcome social and cultural barriers.

First Theme: Social inclusion

Second Theme: Anti-discrimination

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Palermo

Granted amount: € 10.000,00

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Applicant: Alce Nero Soc Coop Soc Onlus

Applicant Address: Via Imre Nagy, 18

Applicant Postal Code: 46100 Applicant Town: Mantova

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-75-2007-R4

Project Description:

The idea of this project is promoting youth participation by fostering some alternative communication

channels, through which youngsters can crea>vely e@press their ideas and proposals. The protagonists will

be a group of youngsters and their coach, attending the "rehearsal room" at the Youth Centre of Virgilio

(Mantova). Their objective is developing their initiative and responsibility, by managing directly the

"rehearsal room" where different groups can practise and prepare their art /music/ dance

performances.This place will be the backbone for the organisa>on of some ar>s>c and cultural workshops

and events, conceived, planned and supervised by the young people for other youngsters and the whole

community, where young people can make their voice heard.Finally, since this ac>on moves from the

large scale project called JAMO (2006 - 3328 / 001 -001) we aim at involving youngsters with fewer

opportunities, with cultural, social, economic and family difficulties, who can take the chance for

e@pressing themselves through the most VRngways.The coach will monitor the group, support their

ideas, support the group in the contact with the Municipality, which owns the "rehearsal room", and

guarantee the involvement of minors and disadvantaged par>cipants.

First Theme: Social inclusion

Second Theme: Art and culture

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Bagnolo S. Vito

Granted amount: € 10.000,00

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Project Title: Artiingiro Un sistema territoriale per la creatività giovanile

Applicant: Artemista Associazione Culturale

Applicant Address: Via Castello, 4/I

Applicant Postal Code: 27010 Applicant Town: Spessa

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-83-2007-R4

Project Description:

The idea of Arti in Giro comes from the e@perience started in 2006 with the UE financed project "Teatro

Hip Hop", bearing in mind its e@cellent results and thinking of new solutions. The aim of the project is to

involve many villages of two districts around Pavia (Pavese and Oltrepò) in the development of artistic

activities addressed to young people which will be held in differents places, but reachable by every

participant through a system of transport predisposed on purpose. Our strategy is to create a network,

which allows young people from different villages to draw together and to be integrated with the whole

community. The activities, as the title underlines, will be linked to different arts (theatre, music, break

dance, dance, visual arts, video and juggle) and chosen by the participants. There will be different groups,

in different places, but always in touch with one another. There will be a period of preparation, in wich

we'll meet young people of each village involved and we'll create the groups and the period of workshop,

that will end with final products, such as performances, cds, dvds, e@hibitions, ecc. Participants will be the

direct authors of everything, with the help of the art operetors, in order to create autonomous planning,

culturals and artistic skills all over the territory. The products will be diffused over the local territory and in

other villages of Region =ombardia. This will allow us to make e@changes with similar youth initiatives. The

project will be supported by many municipalities, at present 18, but they could increase in number, since

we are waiting for other 20 municipalities decisions.

First Theme: Social inclusion

Second Theme: Art and culture

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Spessa (PV)

Granted amount: € 10.000,00

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Applicant: Denise Marcellini per conto del Gruppo Informale INFOSHOCK

Applicant Address: Via Dei Reti, 15

Applicant Postal Code: 00185 Applicant Town: Roma

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-86-2007-R5

Project Description:

The use of drugs is continuously increasing among young people and it makes necessary a development of

a new kind of strategy that can intervene in a conte@t that is always changing. The aim of this project is to

spread information about drugs different effects and to assist young people having difficult relation with

these substances. We think that, through prevention, we can give young people necessary tools to

understand and to limit risks due to drug use. The strength of this project is that it is fully managed by

young, so that we will be able to have an informal approach that will allow us to reach easily people of our

same age and to give them informa>on and knowledge useful to save their health.New ways of using

drugs show a contemporary assumption of different psychotropic substances: being part of the young

world will make us able to understand and to work with greater a?en>on on these new ways.

First Theme: Social inclusion

Second Theme: Health

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Roma

Granted amount: € 10.000,00

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Project Title: U Consulu tradizione popolare salentina sul rito funebre

Applicant: Carangelo Mirko per conto del Gruppo Informale Idra Uxentum

Applicant Address: Via Enrico Fermi, 10

Applicant Postal Code: 73059 Applicant Town: Ugento (Lecce)

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-88-2007-R5

Project Description:

Il progetto di docu-fiction "U Consulu, tradizione popolare sul rito funebre" propone uno studio

approfondito, documentato e ricreato sull'usanza del rito funebre in alcune zone del sud Italia, durante i tre

giorni di lutto. Il lavoro di docu-fiction ruoterà attorno ad un rituale, la morte di una persona cara, dove

l'organizzazione del rito, le piagnone, il digiunodiurno, il corteo accompagnato dalla banda locale e il

cenone di tutti i parenti e amici piU intimi, saranno il nostro centro d'interesse primario. Inoltre, per

completare la ricostruzione dell'evento verranno ricreate situazioni analoghe attraverso fedeli ricostruzioni

da parte di ragazzi-a?ori. ='idea è nata da un gruppo informale di giovani, "Idra U@entum", che,

girovagando per i vari paesini pugliesi in cerca di nuove emozioni, hanno deciso di far rinascere con i pochi

mezzi a disposizioni le proprie tradizioni culturali. Vivendo in un luogo dove le attività invernali sono

assenti, si è deciso di raccontare come la gente di un tempo cercava nelle proprie tradizioni una

giustificazione di vita, e magari di trovare un riscontro o raffrontare le proprie, con simili tradizioni Europee.

First Theme: Art and culture

Second Theme: Urban/Rural development

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Ugento (=ecce)

Granted amount: € 10.000,00

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Applicant: Alessandra Costa per I Lunatici Gruppo Informale

Applicant Address: Piazza Martiri della Libertà

Applicant Postal Code: 12063 Applicant Town: Dogliani

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-91-2007-R5

Project Description:

The goal of the project is to promote youth activity and creativity, enhancing young people skills and giving

visibility their ideas.Another aim the project has, is to include encounters between the various cultures

and na>onali>es that belong to the territory. Young people's favourite languages and means of

communication such as music and multimedia (video making, blogs, music composition for video

soundtrack) will be privileged in achieving this goal.The ac>vi>es will include video making lessons

(people will attend specific seminars), events organisation (live concerts, seminars and lectures given by

e@perts), video edi>ng and broadcas>ng Vnalized to a dvd crea>on.There will be ac>ve involvement of

participants in the organization and management of meetings, the advertising of activities and events,

encounters with local communi>es and contacts with e@perts and musicians.

First Theme: Youth policies

Second Theme: Media and communication/Youth information

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Dogliani

Granted amount: € 10.000,00

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Applicant: Lavori in Corso Associazione Culturale

Applicant Address: Traversa di Via Romana, 54

Applicant Postal Code: 06126 Applicant Town: Perugia

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-96-2007-R5

Project Description:

We are going to make and shoo>ng some video episodes about Europe. We will create a micro-shoo>ng

film studio to make different interview and creative videos about the theme of the project (making

scenographies, pannels, etc.).We will talk and make a confronta>on about our feeling of Europe through

the process of the wri>ng a screen play We are going to use and organize our video and photographic

documentation about more then 10 years of youth projects to involve different youngsters of our local

community in a commune project.We are going to check some of our simbolic objects from Europe to use

and Vlm them into the videos.We will contact other people that in the past were in the associa>on for

youth project, to make a confronta>on. We will conctact the people and the friends from Europe to have

new diPerent videos. We will organize with the local ins>tu>ons some events to comunicate to other

yougsters our work in this project.We will make diPerent copies of dvd to project and give to schools,

youth centers and associa>ons. We will organize diPerent events with the partecipa>on of young people

and teachers to tell them our personal e@perience about Europe, interculture and tollerance with european


First Theme: European awareness

Second Theme: Media and communication/Youth information

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: PERUGIA

Granted amount: € 7.500,00

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Project Title: Muoversi

Applicant: Massimo Incampo per conto del Gruppo informale Passi in Avanti

Applicant Address: Viale Regina Margherita, 22

Applicant Postal Code: 70022 Applicant Town: Altamura

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-97-2007-R5

Project Description:

The initiative wants point out the problem of the architectural barriers in the City of Altamura,that it

represents a serious obstacle to mobility of person on wheelchair. At the same time the project wants to

make aware local authority and whole community,given that these person cann't be indipendent and

freely move as well through streets,sidewalks,public places and shops where the mobility is limited or even

worse.After a census of streets and places, to check their general accessibility, the disabled people will

know the possibility where and how they can move.The initiative foresees, in fact, the creation of a map of

the central zone and the principal public structures of the city in which accessibility will come, through

some activities of photo and video, verified and subsequently trought on distinguishing three different

colors, to mean the degree with which it is possible to enter of it and enjoy the place in matter. To end

project, the map and the other realized activities, will be introduced to the locl authorities and the whole

community in a public lecture. The map and the DVD realized will be distributed therefore.

First Theme: Disability

Second Theme: Urban/Rural development

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Altamura

Granted amount: € 10.000,00

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Project Title: I giovani per l'Acquacheta, l'Acquacheta per i giovani

Applicant: Abbraccio Verde Cooperativa Sociale

Applicant Address: Via G. Marconi, 3

Applicant Postal Code: 47010 Applicant Town: Portico-San Benedetto (FC)

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-99-2007-R5

Project Description:

Our project aims to the enhancement of the rural territory of the "Comunità Montana Acquacheta"

through activities promoted and carried out by our group of young people interested in fostering social

inclusion of other young people, in par>cular of those with less opportuni>es.Our group intends to

analyse our territory from a historical-social-environmental point of view and to collect information about

places and facilities (youth hotels, houses of voluntary associations, sport places, paths, theatres, cinemas,

etc…) of particular interest for young people (also those with disabilities) and youth associations.

Moreover, we plan to improve our historical and cultural knowledge through the collection of old people's

stories, traditional songs, dances and games, as well as to promote those places relevant for the historical

memory. With the collected informa>on we will create a brochure and a website, in order to enhance our

rural area not only to the local young people and youth associations but also, with the dissemination

activities, to those living in the European areas twinned with Comunità Montana Acquacheta and the

municipali>es of Forlì-Cesena Province.

First Theme: Social inclusion

Second Theme: Urban/Rural development

Project Type: Action 1, National Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: National Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Portico e San Benedetto (FC)

Granted amount: € 9.400,00

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Project Title: le noble art de périphérie

Applicant: Mariateresa Bovino per conto del Gruppo Informale MUNIA

Applicant Address: VIA GIUSEPPE DALLA VEDOVA, 64

Applicant Postal Code: 00176 Applicant Town: ROMA

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-100-2007-R5

Project Description:

Il progetto "=e noble art de périphérie" consiste nella realizzazione di un documentario e di un reportage

fotografico sul mondo della bo@e di periferia. Non la bo@e dei grandi nomi, dei grandi giri economici ma di

ragazzi e ragazze che si avvicinano e praticano questo sport. Raccontare e autoraccontare la periferia di

due grandi città, Roma e Parigi attraverso la bo@e praticata dai giovani.

First Theme: Social inclusion

Second Theme: Art and culture

Project Type: Action 1, Transnational Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: Transnational Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: ROMA

Granted amount: € 10.000,00

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Applicant: Les Bas Bleu Associazione Culturale

Applicant Address: Via Savelli, 15

Applicant Postal Code: 35129 Applicant Town: Padova

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-21-2007-R2

Project Description:

The European Young Illustrators Network is a project aimed to establish a multicultural network among

young illustrators in order to stimulate a reflection on the emerging European society and to foster mutual

understanding between young people. These objec>ves will be achieved by: a) crea>ng a Web portal for

young illustrators; b) realizing a 14-day illustration e@hibition in Padua; c) publishing an illustrated book on

the themes of the e@hibi>on; d) par>cipa>ng in Paris illustra>on fair. Illustra>on is a minor art which

develops its contents and forms in different ways, varying from country to country. Due to this peculiarity

it features socie>es cultural backgrounds with their own tradi>ons, according to each sensibility.

First Theme: European awareness

Second Theme: Art and culture

Project Type: Action 1, Transnational Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: Transnational Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Padova

Granted amount: € 12.849,00

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Project Title: "Salta le barriere" - "Jump the Barriers"

Applicant: Artedanzae20 Associazione

Applicant Address: Via Manfredini, 3

Applicant Postal Code: 20145 Applicant Town: Milano

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-53-2007-R3

Project Description:

"Jump the barriers" is a networking group ini>a>ve ac>vity between Greece and Italy. The aim of the

project is, Vrst of all, the communica>on and coopera>on between the two groups and the personal and

cultural e@pressiveness and development of all the par>cipants through the arts, e@ploring the same

theme: Equal Opportunities, not only as equality between genders,but as well as overcoming of

ideological, religious, ethnic, cultural barriers that obstruct to every human beeing the full and legittime

realisa>on as a person and the full development of poten>als and aRtudes in the society where lives.The

project, also, will include the realiza>on of a common event in Milano for the presenta>on of the crea>ve

process of each group, in associa>on with original aural and visual elements. =astly, the evalua>on of the

project through the e@perience of the par>cipants, and the gathering and transfer of the gained

knowledge, conclusions and e@periences to other people, through a dvd, audio cd, printed informa>on

and photographs, will be the most important ac>vi>es of the program. The planning and the realiza>on

of the program will be e@clusively organised and completed by the par>cipants and friends of the two

groups.This is a second part to implement the first networking realized already in Greece with the

realization of an event in march 2007, to continue the colllaboration, realize the same impact in Italy and

more of all to involve new youngsters.The aim of this project is to realize a performance using dance and

video art,including a photo e@hibition as an interactive performance realized with the combination of

materials prepared from each group and a work on improvisation done together during the week of


First Theme: Anti-discrimination

Second Theme: Art and culture

Project Type: Action 1, Transnational Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: Transnational Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Milano

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Granted amount: € 9.640,00

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Project Title: Cambiamenti Urbani

Applicant: COSSET Cooperativa Sociale

Applicant Address: Vico del Serriglio, 1

Applicant Postal Code: 16124 Applicant Town: Genova

Applicant Country: Italy

Project Reference Number: IT-12-69-2007-R4

Project Description:

Prevediamo di realizzare un prodotto audiovisivo sul rapporto fra le dinamiche di modifica del territorio

urbano in Europa e le conseguenze di queste a livello sociale e culturale. ='aRvità coinvolgerà qua?ro

gruppi di giovani in quattro nazioni europee (Italia Francia, Germania e Slovenia). I gruppi hanno una

conoscenza tecnica di base degli strumenti audiovisivi e hanno caratteristica di "urbanità" simile

(sull'utilizzo informale degli spazi pubblici, sul tema degli sport di strada, della musica autoprodotta ecc.).

Nella raccolta di immagini, interviste e quant'altro saranno supportate da tecnici professionisti ed

educatori. Il prodotto auspicato è un documentario che raccolga e strutturi l'idea. =a costruzione del

documentario verrà accompagnata da un continuo scambio fra i quattro gruppi, e da una fase di

elaborazione colleRva di un prodo?o Vnale comune. =e metodologie impiegate saranno documentate

anch'esse, e prodo?o Vnale e conclusioni sull'aRvità saranno diPuse a livello locale ed europeo.

First Theme: Social inclusion

Second Theme: Anti-discrimination

Project Type: Action 1, Transnational Youth Initiatives application

Type of Activity: Transnational Youth Initiative

Venue Country: Italy

Venue Town: Genova

Granted amount: € 12.476,00

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Compendium 2008 rev 1.0

End of report.

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