Download - Remedial 3 2012

Page 1: Remedial 3 2012


Code: H1003 Group: 1Subject: INGLES REMEDIAL 3 Schedules: MON-FRI Teacher: JOSUE EMMANUEL DE LA CRUZ AVALOS

Bibliography and Material: Saslow Joan and Allen Ascher. Top Notch 3. Student’s Book.

New York: Pearson Education, 2010

Saslow Joan and Allen Ascher. Top Notch 3. Teacher’s book.

New York: Pearson Education, 2010Saslow Joan and Allen Ascher. Top Notch 3. Complete assessment package.

New York: Pearson Education, 2010Saslow Joan and Allen Ascher. Top Notch 3.Audio class cd.

New York: Pearson Education, 2010Saslow Joan and Allen Ascher. Top Notch 3.copy and go.

New York: Pearson Education, 2011

Software: Microsoft office

Evaluation policies:

The evaluation policy is subject to the approval of the department director, once approved it cannot be changed for any reason whatsoever.



• Second partial 15 %• Third partial 15%• Oral 10%

• Final exam 25%• Toefl 15%• Listening 5%

• Homework 10%• Quizzes 10%• Oral………..15%• Project……..15%• Listening …...5%• Written ……45%

Note. To get the 15% from the TOEFL you must get 440 points on the final score of TOEFL

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Activities Calendar

Week Date Topic Activities contents


January 9Monday

Initiation Rules and policies SyllabusGet to know each other

Set rules and policies clearlyStudents get acquainted with the syllabus Students write something meaningful about their classmates. Talk about course book and course materials Use of the word” though” as a contrastive maker

January 10Tuesday

UNIT 1 START CULTURE LITERACYSIMPLE PAST AND PRESENT REVIEWHabits in the past Habits now How has culture changed How has the world changedUnit 1 preview

Students assess themselves on the use of simple past and simple presentTalk about changes in culture Review the term cultural literacy Verb tense review

January 11 TAG QUESTIONS Unit 1 lesson 1

Students focus on repetition exercises to Foster the mechanical aspect of the language PresentationPractice

January 12 TAG QUESTIONS Unit 1 lesson 1 Unit 1 lesson 2 PAST PERFECT ,Toefl content ,

Students use tag questions to start and continue short conversations.Practice Production

January 13 Unit 1 lesson 3 ,4,Production day ,Weekly quiz First assignment review guide from last course



January 16 UNIT 2 HEALTH MATTERS Pre lessons 1,Drawing conclusionsFirst assignment delivery

Grammar quiz Students talk about common medical problems and vocabulary

January 17 Lesson 2Describe symptoms at a doctor’s office Drawing conclusions

Go over grammar quiz Review from the bookRole play

January 18 Lesson 3Discuss types of medical treatments

Modals Case study

January 19 Lesson 4Talk about medications

Modals Vocabulary

January 20 Finish unit 2Expressing probabilityToefl content SECOND assignment diary

Students write a piece of journal Reading quiz

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January 23 UNIT 3 GETTING THINGS DONE Pre and lesson 1Production day Weekly quiz

Go over Reading quiz Grammar quiz

January 24 Lesson 2Ask for a recommendationRequesting favors

Go over grammar quiz Other functions for the grammar structure

January 25 Lesson 3Evaluate the quality of service

January 26 Lesson 4Plan a social event THIRD ASSIGNMENT STUDY GUIDE

Students write a study guide on their notebook

January 27 MOCK TOEFL


January 30 Finish unit 3 , Weekly quiz Grammar quizJanuary 31 REVIEW FOR EXAM Go over Reading quiz

Go over grammar quiz They have to create questions that highlight the main topics along with an answer key

February 1 REVIEW FOR EXAMDelivery of first Project

Groups can assemble again and rotate their "quiz" to the next group. The answer key can follow after the group has ~5 min. to work out the answers. Then, rotate again, etc.

February 2 WRITTEN EXAM 1st. partial. Covering units 1-2-3

February 3 Oral evaluations number 1 Reading quiz


February 6 NO SCHOOL! Go over Reading quiz Grammar quiz

February 7 Feedback from exam Go over grammar quiz February 8 UNIT 4

LIFE CHOICES Pre lesson 1Future in the past Regrets wish sixth assignment write a letter to yourself in the future

Unit 4 preview lesson 1 and lesson 2

February 9 Lesson 2Express regrets about decisions Lesson 3discuss skills abilities and qualifications Regrets should have

Students talk about things they regret in their life

February 10 Lesson 4 Discuss work and life decisionsRegretsFourth assignment

Students select a song and write it on their notebooks and translate it. handwritten

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February 13 Review unit 4Finish it

Grammar quiz

February 14 UNIT 5 HOLIDAYS AND TRADITIONSPre Lesson 1 Find out about a holiday

Students ask about various traditions about the world

February 15 Lesson 2Ask about customs of another culture

February 16 Lesson 3Describe a holiday or celebration

February 17 Lesson 4Explain wedding traditions Fifth assignment quoting famous phrases

Reading quizPractice using indirect speech in statements Tense change


February 20 Review unit 5 Go over Reading quiz Grammar quizGo over grammar quiz Practice using indirect speech in statements Tense change

February 21 UNIT 6Disasters and emergenciesPre lesson 1Convey a message

February 22 Lesson 2Report news

Role play

February 23 Lesson 3Prepare for an emergency



February 27 Lesson 4Describe natural disastersREVIEW UNIT 4

Grammar quizCase study

February 28 Review and assess unit 6REVIEW UNIT 5

Go over grammar quiz

February 29 Production dayREVIEW UNIT 6


Toefl contentSeventh assignment write a guide for the second partial exam

Reading quizPlaying who wants to be millionaire


March 5 WRITTEN EXAM 2nd. Partial. Covering units 4-5-6Delivery second project

March 6 Oral evaluationsNumber 2

March 7 Feedback from exam March 8 Start unit 7 -8-9-10

UNIT 7 BOOKS AND MAGAZINES Pre lesson 1Recommend a book

March 9 Lesson 2Explain where you learned something Toefl contentEight assignment reflection on the course until now

Reading quiz

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March 12 Lesson 3Discuss the quality of reading materials

Grammar quiz

March 13 Lesson 4:”Describe your Reading habits “

Go over grammar quiz Survey

March 14 Review and assessment unit 7 Production day

March 15 UNIT 8INVENTIONS AND TECHNOLOGYPre lesson 1Discuss a new product Conditionals

March 16 Lesson 2 Accept responsibility for a mistakeConditionalsToefl contentNinth assignment all the things you would do if you won the lottery

Reading quiz


March 19 NO SCHOOL! Go over Reading quiz Grammar quiz

March 20 Lesson 3Evaluate inventions Conditionals

Go over grammar quiz

March 21 Lesson 4Discuss the impact of key inventions in history Conditionals

March 22 Review unit 8Production day


March 23 UNIT 9CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES Pre lesson 1Ask if it is ok to discuss a topic Gerunds and infinitivesToefl content10th assignment who should win the elections and why.



March 26 Lesson 2Discuss controversial issues politelyGerunds and infinitives

Grammar quiz

March 27 Lesson 3Propose solutions to global problems Gerunds and infinitives

Go over grammar quiz

March 28 Lesson 4Debate the pros and the cons of issuesGerunds and infinitives

Students have a debate

March 29 Review and assessment unit 9Gerunds and infinitives

March 30 UNIT 10 ENJOYING THE WORLD Pre lesson 1Warn about a possible risk Intensifiers Production dayToefl contentEleventh and final assignment review for final exam ,create a study guide

Reading quiz

Students talk about the risks of traveling

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April 9 Lesson 2Describe where a place is located Intensifiers

Go over Reading quiz Students describe one places location Grammar quiz

April 10 Lesson 3Describe a natural setting Intensifiers

Go over grammar quiz Students describe their favorite natural setting

April 11 Lesson 4Debate the pros and the cons of development Toefl contentReview unit 10 and assess it Delivery third Project

Students study a case an make a decision in teams

April 12 REVIEW FOR EXAM Playing jeopardy

April 13 3rd mock toefl


April 16 WRITTEN EXAM 3rd. partialApril 17

Feedback from exam April 18 3rd Oral evaluation

Final oral evaluations and review unit 1 Toefl practice

April 19 Final oral evaluations and review unit 2Toefl practice

April 20 Final oral evaluations and review unit 3Toefl practice

Reading quiz


April 23 Final oral evaluations and review unit 4Toefl practice

Grammar quiz

April 24 Final oral evaluations and review unit 5Toefl practice

Go over grammar quiz

April 25 Final oral evaluations and review unit 6Toefl practice

April 26 Final oral evaluations and review unit 7Toefl practice

April 27 Final oral evaluations and review unit 8Toefl practice

April 30 NO SCHOOL!16 May 1 NO SCHOOL!

May 2 Final oral evaluations and review unit 9Toefl practice

May 3 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!Final oral evaluations and review unit 10Toefl practice

150 hours available Notebook5 words a day with usage Include other possible functions for the structures Going from basic to complex Consider common errors for each structure Clarify with tons of examples Everyday evaluation from practice on Note, every Monday and Friday there will be quiz on grammar and reading In the mock TOEFL if you increase your TOEFL score 10 you will get 3 extra points on the final partial grade We will write at least 5 sentences using common words in the TOEFL exam. That will also be considered part of your grade for homework

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1st project delivery >on your notebook you will imagine you meet a very famous important person for you, you have to start a conversation and keep it by asking tag questions 2nd project delivery on your notebook you will write 10 things you would change in your life, if you don’t have anything you would like to change in your life write 10 things that would have changed your life if they had been different. Be convincing!!!! 3rd project delivery write about the most exciting experience in your life Final project< you have to plan a class for very basic level English and teach it to kids on your neighborhood or some relatives you should tape it and deliver the video. We will watch it in class.

Oral evaluation number 1 options. With a partner present your imaginary conversation project number 1Talk about the most important things that happened when you were born

Oral evaluation number 2 options. Individual oral presentation about the paper you wrote * project 2 Talk about someone else’s life Oral evaluation 3 Talking about the best movie you have ever seen Perform one of the situations in the sitcom top notch three

Final oral evaluation present one of the topics we studied in class

Every written assignment we do in class will be checked at the end of every partial and evaluated accordingly.

Every written quiz will cover one unit it will be taken after the end of the unit after the production day Unit study guides

Assignments are delivered every Monday plus they are checked after every partial revision

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