Page 1: Relationship Infidelity-3 Challenges Created by Infidelity in Your Relationship

Relationship Infidelity - 3 Challenges Created by

Infidelity in Your Relationship

written by: Coleta Stewart

Page 2: Relationship Infidelity-3 Challenges Created by Infidelity in Your Relationship

Relationship Infidelity - 3 Challenges Created by Infidelity in Your Relationship

Relationship Infidelity - 3 Challenges Created by Infidelity in Your RelationshipWhen in your relationship, infidelity has reared its ugly head, you are faced with new challenges that you never envisioned facing. With time and commitment to the rebuilding work on the part of both partners some marriages do survive an affair. However, there may still be certain problems created by the affair that remain long after it is over.

A baby is involvedIn your relationship, infidelity is something that you never get over. If you're the injured spouse, the smallest thing can trigger painful memories for you but you learn how to cope and deal with it, especially if the affair is over and you and your spouse are working together to repair your marriage. But what if there is a child involved? How are you supposed to handle all of this? Not only an affair, but a baby too! There are things that you can do to heal and make life bearable again. You and your spouse will want to come to an agreement about preserving your relationship and how to deal with the other person and the child. You have to start communicating and truly begin talking with each other again.

Rebuilding your marriage when your spouse is miles awayIf travel is a major part of your spouse's job and that is how he cheated on you, then you also dread the time when he or she will be leaving home again. You probably get sick to your stomach with each business trip your spouse makes, wondering if he is going to meet up with his old flame or start a new affair. So how can you repair the damage from miles away? There are ways to rebuild and maintain trust even when your spouse is out-of-town. For one thing, if you have the flexibility to travel with your partner, then you should do so. Your cheating spouse would also want to maintain good contact with you by phone or email to keep you updated on his activities.

Crossing paths with the ex-paramourYour disloyal spouse has ended the affair, it is over, but unfortunately due to circumstances beyond your control, you are thrown into the presence of the ex-paramour – the person who tried to destroy your marriage – on a constant basis. It is hard to heal and repair your relationship when every time you see this person, you are haunted by the affair all over

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Page 3: Relationship Infidelity-3 Challenges Created by Infidelity in Your Relationship

Relationship Infidelity - 3 Challenges Created by Infidelity in Your Relationship

again. For you to protect yourself and your honor, the first rule is to never allow the other person to see you hurt. Try to act as normal as you can and do not show your emotional pain to them.

None of us are perfect and a marriage survives with both the good and the bad. Dealing with the challenges created by relationship infidelity can appear hopeless at times, but you can find the strength and courage you never thought possible to handle these obstacles standing in your way. If you and your spouse get counseling or other help and he really is willing to make the effort to change, you will see that he has changed over time. This will help you as the injured spouse to move forward and further away from the raw pain you are now feeling.

Recovering from infidelity is possible. You can get past the cheating and build a better marriage right now and every day for the rest of your life. Start by downloading this FREE ebook here: and then follow the entire process so that you can restore the trust and save your marriage from divorce.

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