  • 7/31/2019 Reinforced Earth Brochure



    Reinforced Earth

  • 7/31/2019 Reinforced Earth Brochure


  • 7/31/2019 Reinforced Earth Brochure


    Conception and FeasibilityWell meet to discuss concepts, options and budget. Ourextensive experience and creativity takes us beyond the obviousanswers to nd the best solutions or each situation. We canalso suggest specications, construction methodologies andaesthetic treatments to help you achieve your project goals.

    ProcurementDuring the procurement phase we can produce a preliminarydesign that provides more detail on how RECos solution willbe applied. Drawings, quantity estimates and rm pricing canalso be provided.

    DesignProessional engineering is our strength and your benet.Upon contract award, you will see the value o our experience

    as we prepare appropriately detailed and proessionally sealeddrawings, calculations and, i needed, specications. Thesedocuments will not only help you to obtain pre-constructionapprovals, but also will guide you in the construction process.

    Material FabricationOnce we have client approval, the manuacture o specializedReinorced Earth materials can begin. Materials are abricatedat manuacturing acilities that are approved and monitored byRECo and, in many cases, have years o experience producingour products. This work is perormed under quality-controlledconditions to ensure conormance to project specications.

    ConstructionManuactured materials are scheduled to arrive at the jobsiteeither just in time or installation or on a convenient scheduleor onsite storage. A RECo project manager coordinates thesematerial deliveries and assists with on-site construction advice.You will also receive our Construction and Quality ControlProcedures Manual and our construction procedures video,Constructing Strength, or reerence throughout the project.

    The Value of ExperienceThe Reinorced Earth Company has completed over 40,000 structures in the US, building a reputation or engineerinexcellence, architectural creativity, and an unyielding ocus on quality and customer support. With over 40 years oexperience, RECo brings structural, geotechnical and economic value to projects o all types, sizes and complexitiesOur experienced team o regional managers, engineers, and project managers is committed to nding the mospractical and economical solutions or your projects large and small, simple and complex.

    We work with owners, consultants and contractors to provide a ull range o proessional services at every stage oyour project:

  • 7/31/2019 Reinforced Earth Brochure


    ApplicationsReinorced Earth MSE walls are economical gravity structures having high strength, a limited ootprint, theexibility to distribute loads evenly, and a wide variety o creative architectural nishes. Owners, engineers,and architects save money, time and space by using Reinorced Earth technology in all orms o transportationconstruction, as well as or industrial, waterway, commercial, public and even blast-protective structures. Thebenets o Reinorced Earth structures are especially evident on projects with challenging design conditionssuch as very large structural loads, extreme height, restricted space, obstructions within the MSE soil mass,

    poor oundation soils, high or variable water level and seismic loading. With more than 40,000 Reinorced Earthstructures constructed in the US since 1971, the applicability o this technology to a broad range o technicaland economic challenges is unmistakable.

    Highways & RoadsHighway retaining walls are constructed to address many design problems and Reinorced Earth MSE walls are almost always the perect solution. There simple ramps and complex grade separations at interchanges. Many cuts and lls are needed within highway rights-o-way, between highways and adjacproperties, or along rugged terrain. And there are challenging landslide repairs on mountain slopes. Reinorced Earth walls along highways and local rorequently include structurally-integrated trac barriers and a standard or customized architectural nish, adding beauty to unctionality.

    BridgesBridge abutments are considered critical structures and the unique strength and load distribution capabilities o Reinorced Earth address that criticality ineconomical and structurally ecient way. For many bridges, a spread ooting bridge seat can be supported directly on the reinorced soil, thus eliminating piles. When piles are necessary, they are easily tted between the reinorcing strips or the strips can be pivoted to clear the piles, resulting in a simple retainwall surrounding the abutment structure. In both congurations, the shallow oundation depth typical o Reinorced Earth structures and the limited use

    cast-in-place concrete lead to signicant time and cost savings.

    Railway StructuresReinorced Earth technology is ideally suited or support o track bed, bridge and trestle abutments, or earth retention structures adjacent to rights o wand or deector walls to protect bridge piers rom impact in the event o a derailment. The load-carrying capacity and resistance to both vibration and stcurrents make Reinorced Earth a preerred solution or use on light and heavy rail transit systems and or reight, passenger and high speed railway project

  • 7/31/2019 Reinforced Earth Brochure


    IndustrialIndustrial projects oten require loading ramps and truck dump headwalls which are subjected to extremely high loads. Reinorced Earth meets these needmines, power plants and manuacturing acilities. Slot or glory hole bulk material storage acilities, having a V or a conical shape, respectively, are mo special sloping panels to provide live, gravity-retrievable storage o material such a coal. Traditional retaining walls and bridge abutments are also oundindustrial projects as part o general site development and roadway systems.

    Protective StructuresReinorced Earth technology is a proven and cost-eective solution or protective structures. Tested against both US DOD and industrial standards, ReinorEarth walls have a demonstrated ability to deect or control explosive blasts and to resist thermal excursions o over 2200F. They are used or ammunit

    storage magazines and igloos on military bases, as well as to provide secondary containment walls surrounding oil and liquid natural gas storage tanks.

    Commercial and Public FacilitiesReinorced Earth walls are constructed to support buildings and garages, to create access or provide a saety runway, and to relieve earth pressure or otloads that would be applied to buildings. Commercial and public acilities such as airports, hospitals, apartment buildings, hotels, manuacturing acilities department stores have all benefted rom the strength, economy space saving and sthetic benefts o Reinorced Earth technology.

    Waterways & DamsReinorced Earth walls are oten used along coastal highways and riverbanks, or docks, sea walls, dams and spillways. Flooding, tides, impounded water arapid water level drawdown all create complex hydraulic loading conditions that beneft rom the open acing joints and ree-draining backfll characteristicReinorced Earth structures. In addition, the precast acing panels can move slightly relative to each other, giving the wall system exibility, resiliency, and ability to resist storm-driven waves, debris and even pack ice.

  • 7/31/2019 Reinforced Earth Brochure


    The strength and stability o a Reinorced Earth structure derives rom the rictional interaction between linear metallic reinorcements angranular backll, producing a permanent and predictable bond and a unique composite construction material. By ofering three reinorcemetypes, The Reinorced Earth Company can customize each client's project or maximum structural eciency and lowest cost.

    High Adherence Reinforcing Strips

    High adherence reinorcing strips are hot-dip galvanized steel strips with ribs perpendicular to the

    long axis and a single bolt hole at one end. The strips are structurally connected to the galvanizetie strip embeds in the acing panels using a high strength nut/bolt/washer assembly. Advantago high adherence reinorcing strips include their high tensile strength, high pullout resistancand their ability to rotate in the horizontal plane to clear obstructions such as bridge abutmepiles and drainage structures. The sandwiching o the reinorcing strip within the tie strip limiexposure o the interior suraces o the connection, minimizing metal loss due to corrosion.

    High Adherence Reinforcing Ladders

    High adherence reinorcing ladders ("HA ladders") consist o two parallel round steel bars weldeto a series o cross bars; one end o the ladder has a at connection plate welded between thlongitudinal bars. The ladder is hot-dip galvanized ater abrication. The single hole in the plaallows the same bolted connection to acing panels as or reinorcing strips, so HA ladders ofe

    the identical advantages o rotational capability and metal loss protection. HA ladders have aextremely high pullout capacity and are most advantageous in structures up to 20 eet in height

    Welded Bar Mats

    Galvanized steel bar mat reinorcing elements typically have our or more longitudinal bars weldeto evenly-spaced cross bars. Bar mats are attached to precast acing panels via a clevis loop embeand a steel connector rod that simultaneously engages loops at the ends o each longitudinal roBar mat reinorcements develop a high pullout resistance and are especially advantageous in loheight walls and where select ll has a relatively high ne content. Structures using this soreinorcement type are sold under the trademark Retained Earth.


    Steel Reinforcements

    Construction o a Reinorced Earth structure begins with delivery o pre-manuactured components panels, reinorcements, asteners anjoint materials.

    Rapid: A crew o our plus an equipment operator can install 500-1,000 sq t o wall per shit, including backll placement and compactio

    Simple: Pour an unreinorced concrete leveling pad. Set panels (brace bottom row only), place and compact backll, attach reinorcementplace and compact more backll. Repeat these our steps to top o wall. Finish by adding coping, barrier or other top-out eature.

    Predictable: Manuactured materials are easy to handle, crew size is small, and construction processes can continue year-round in manregions. Building a Reinorced Earth wall uses repetitive processes so crews can learn quickly and erect the wall as ast as backll supply anplacement allows. A predictable bottom line is the ultimate benet o Reinorced Earth construction.


  • 7/31/2019 Reinforced Earth Brochure


    The Reinorced Earth Company ofers several standard precast panel shapes and sizes to meet the structural and aesthetic needs o moprojects. Our cruciorm and square panels are nominally 5 t by 5 t, while the rectangular nominal size is 5 t by 10 t. Custom panel sizmay be possible in certain circumstances.

    Panels are erected in an ofset alternate pattern, automatically creating a distinctive and pleasing appearance in every Reinorced Earth waYou can urther enhance the beauty o your structure by using one o our many standard architectural orm liners, or we can customize a lin

    pattern to meet your needs. Several examples are shown here, but contact us or more inormation about the architectural result you desi


    Rectangular - Ashlar/Fractured Fin

    Square - Custom Cruciorm - Custom Mural Rectangular - American Flag Mura

    Cruciorm - Raised Relie

    Square - Custom Brick

    Rectangular - Custom Mural Square - Custom Lattice

    Cruciorm - Fractured Granite Square - Fractured Fin

    Cruciorm - Ashlar Stone Rectangular - Smooth/Fractured Fi

  • 7/31/2019 Reinforced Earth Brochure



    Visit our website for locations

    and contact information

    San Diego, CA619 688 2400

    Chicago, IL630 898 3334

    Vienna, V703 821 11

    Boston, MA978 664 2830

    Atlanta, GA770 242 9415

    Denver, CO303 790 1481

    Orlando, FL407 226 2840

    Dallas, TX817 283 5503

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