
REIMS’ARKABLE • Dare to make the session remarkable •

Issue 4 15.16. 07.2010




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Something you will Reims’ember

Good MORNING reimsWhat’s happening in the world?

by Gabriela Mamon• Cuban dissidents arrive in Spain. Seven political prisoners reach Madrid after being freed by Havana following deal. • France is staging its annual Bastille Day parade, amid criticism at the presence of some Afri-can leaders. A human rights group has said that some of the troops and leaders should instead be facing trial for war crimes.• France’s lower house of parliament has voted to ban the wearing of face-covering veils in pub-lic places. The bill, which has received overwhelming support in opinion polls, must now be ratified by the senate in September to become law.• Police in Italy have arrested at least 300 suspected members of a powerful mafia in a crack-down described as the biggest in the past 15 years.• Polanski escapes extradition to US. Switzerland has set free Roman Polanski from house arrest, saying he will not be sent back to the United States to face sentencing for unlawful sex with a 13-year-old girl in 1977.• Nicolas Sarkozy has urged a minister at the centre of a furore over alleged illegal political donations to step down as treasurer of his ruling UMP party, but said he had been cleared of any wrongdoing.

Observed from the outside, words and images is mainly what you would have found in this newspa-per, but in fact, the Reims’arkable is something more than just that. All the issues don’t mean just hours and hours of work, but also efforts and especially, feelings. There’s love, there’s passion for writing, there are memories. And this is what we want you to keep after the session. Images build up the memories of our own experiences so this is the reason why journalists are needed in EYP sessions: to capture the spirit of the event and be able to com-municate it to all the participants. They have taken part in the majority of wonderful moments that you’ve experienced during these days but when writing their articles they

have taken into account what a former director of the English newspaper “The Guardian”, C.P. Scott, said one day: “Comment is free but facts are sacred”.We really hope that this Reims’arkable compilation means to you as much as it means to us. Have a save trip home!

Benoit Viault & Adriana Díaz Martín-Zamorano

Reims’arkable · 9th EYP-France Sum

mer Forum

· Issue 4


When the lights go down

by Elina Sairanen & Marta Valls

As amazing as the session has been, Tuesday night crowned everything. What a great job, PEJ, to organise a firework just for us! Seriously speaking, the concert of Celtic music matched perfectly with EYP spirit, it was all about pure energy and lively atmosphere. When the day was failing into a night the sharp-eyed event reporters duo realised the other ef-fect of the concert. It was not just about dancing, enjoying music and feeling the Irish Spirit going through senses, but also falling in love. The dark-er, the more couples. At first we were amused by a Spanish group, who were playing music with wind instruments, for example with bag pipes. After the land of bulls, it was the turn of Ireland to jazz us up! To be hon-est Ireland rocked the night. Celtic dancers were

smoking hot, especially male ones. The music was incredible romantic and touching. It was not just about the amazing music, but also the coloured waterfalls and fireworks. Frankly, it was awesome, there are absolutely no words to describe the beauty of the night. Sadly, as we are in France, in the land of slowness and strikes, the journey back to the school took almost one hour! Positively thinking, we are EYPers and for us there are no obstacles or limits when it comes having a whale of time. French people have now experienced EYPers doing Big Fat Pony around a bus in the street full of cars. Vive la France. Oh la la et merci – we had a blast! The night EYP at its purest. Amazing new expe-riences, jollity, love and singing.




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The Debate of the day:

The Unites States. Most people think of the USA when they hear this, but very soon we could hear about the USE, United States of Europe (aka- the blob that ate everything). A balance needs to be struck between a Federal Europe and an Economic community, one where benefits and independence are given in ad-equate amounts, and I feel we have reached that bal-ance at the moment. I am not against the idea of the EU, but I’m a strong believer in “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. A ‘Europe of Nations’ as proposed by Jaques Chirac in 1999 is one that we have now, and is the best model. A further push towards this monstrous blob will lead to a dramatic increase in Nationalism in European countries. Populist politicians with xeno-phobic agendas will gain support, and possibly come to power, making life worse for minorities in society. Much like trying to build a shed around a hive of bees, it will most likely piss them the hell off, leaving you with not a great shed, and lots of angry bees. So Gior-gi’s vision of Europe is a crappy shed filled with angry bees!? This would also increase tension with world powers, especially Russia. Think about it, a superstate made up of it’s traditional enemies? Tensions would increase, to the detriment of NATO, and its possible collapse. Furthermore it is unlikely that former USSR countries, having relatively recently gained independ-ence, will give it up again. Say no to Giorgi’s bee filled shed! Say yes to partying instead! Whoop Whoop!

Federalism, if taken with its classical understanding comes from the USA and is quite often misinterpreted in Europe. It’s true that the EU has far exceeded the frames of an ordinary International Organisation, but this tight cooperation was exactly a reason of the development and strengthening of Europe. That’s why the enlargement in the post communist coun-tries was/is so popular. The majority of the European countries cannot be successful without strong eco-nomic and political ties with other countries. History showed that solutions are found in stronger coopera-tion and delegation of more power to the EU institu-tions certainly brings more democracy and prosperity to the countries of Europe. In 21st century, there is no room for Nationalism. It is already empirically proven that economic and political cooperation always end up in success and the EU is the best example of it. We do not need to go back to past which was full of enmi-ty and blood, the EU was built up on idealistic pillar which has been put into practice through pragmatic approach. Delegating power to the EU institutions with the cooperation to the governments of member states is not a threat for national identity and after 60 years of unity one can claim that Europe is even more culturally diversified as never before.

The European Union is indeed a significant project that brought peace and prosperity to post war Europe. Supranational way of government implemented in unprecedented manner brought enormous changes in the old continent. Though, there is not a common stance about the future of the EU. After Lisbon Treaty went into force the EU appointed the president and established External Action Service. How far it can go? Forward to Federalism or back to Economic Union?


By Cormac McGuinness By Giorgi Tabagari

Reims’arkable · 9th EYP-France Sum

mer Forum

· Issue 4


Reims’arkable · 9th EYP-France Sum

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· Issue 4


International negotiations are under way to draw up a United Nations agreement to govern global action on climate change after 2012, when the first commitment period of the Kyoto Pro-tocol expires. The European Union is playing a leading role in these difficult and important negotiations and wants to gain proper results as soon as possible. Proper results mean a com-prehensive, ambitious, science-based global and legally binding agreement.

By Elina Sairanen

Being green means destroying?

The European Union has come up with a realistic climate change strategy, advocating practical actions to prevent temperatures from increasing more than 2°C above pre-industrial levels. EU’s priority is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to control and rationalise energy consumption. The European Union launched a large-scale consultation based on a Green Paper and has adopted an Action Plan to make energy efficiency and energy sav-ing a key component of European energy policy.According to our policymakers by 2020 a total of 20% of European energy consumption will be met from re-newable sources. To achieve this goal the EU has adopted measures aimed at promoting renewable sources and developing the markets in the biomass and biofuel sectors. I am very thankful to be European, Union’s goals are accessible and rather realistic. Still I find it very hard to accept that the European Union does not regulate enough the amount of nuclear power used in the member countries. The Finnish parliament made a sad decision two weeks ago. Two new nuclear power stations. Careful and thorough actions are needed to slow down the climate change. We need courageous and determi-nant decisions to save the earth. Does cutting speed equal to creating huge amounts of dangerous waste to next generations?

Every citizen may therefore speak, write and print freely spoken in 1789 by the French National Assembly expresses what we are used to in Europe in general, however we also harshly experienced censorship amongst the ages and fight against.Nevertheless, that’s not the case of Belarus which was n 2006 listed as one of the 13 “Internet enemies” by the Reporters Without Borders.

Let’s speak freely and cherish that !By Gabriela Mamon“The free communication of thought and opinion is one of the most precious rights of man”

Imagine that your fellow Belarusians EYPers have no access to the music they like or even facebook. The very interesting fact considers your dear country darling French; according to a study conducted at Harvard Law School, the search engine Google practices self-censorship in countries where its search engine may display hits for sites whose content is banned by national laws. The study compared the results of searches on and vs. searches conducted on The results were telling, with some 113 sites excluded from and that were not excluded from similar searches on Reporters Without Borders added Turkey and Russia to the organization’s “under surveillance” list published in the latest report. “Taboo topics” for Turkey are quoted as mainly related to Atatürk, the army, minorities and the dignity of the nation.Don’t be passive, keep on involved in EYP and check out great organization as Amnesty International is in your own country! Help those who cannot speak for themselves in case you would be in such position some-day.





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Sketchy Night! By Cormac McGuinness

With the occasional quiz show type question to mix it up, each com-mittee stood on up and made royal asses of themselves. Well done those delegates. EMPL set out to explore the meaning of love, but ended up doing dodgy impressions, and the shmexy scarf dance. Both good! ECON then made up some mad story about a vampire , which somehow ended in a frog turning into a princess, causing everyone to “keeess her!”, which ended with everyone dancing like a pill head on fire. LIBE 1 then turned the pages on the story of a king and also managed to kill off their chair. Mission complete, and I eventually realized the moral of the story- Ben is a dick. LIBE 2 also taught us valuable lessons- internet dating will put you in hilarious situations with not so funny consequences. Rape by transvestite for example. AGRI made some controversial turkeys in Germany jokes, which the Germans in stitches, also providing by far the best Turkish turkey impression of the night. REGI was possibly the trippiest sketch of the night. Santa, Maria, and the Godfather were united in a very... different story. Points for originality, giving the most hilarious way to answer a policeman when he asks for your iden-tity- “Santa?”. SEDE showed their European army vision, a multitalented, Spanish speaking, dancing rabble. Very nice! To end things with a bang were the chairs, who, after a brief rendition of Justin Bieber (longer than the journos version, and not as outrageous!), promptly ran out the door, leading to a toe accident, and eventu-ally a very loopy Anar! The orgas ended things with a bang with a fantastic rendition of Womaniser. Safe to say this sketch night was a roaring success, and one we can remember for times to come!

And so it was that the wonderfully embarrassing sketches took place.

Clash of the(committees) !

By James Barnes

General Assembly started off with the traditional opening words from session President Maria, followed by a rendition of the European anthem : Beethoven’s Ode to Joy. With the official bit out of the way the assembly could begin in earnest, the debate began with LIBE II, the committee on everything Lesbian, Gay, Bissexual and Transgender. Delegates start off with feriocious speeches, and points of debate. Though once the initial excitement of the beginning, the traditional EYP problem of sleep deprivation began to take hold.No such effects on the Brown twins Ben (vicious ant bite sur-vivor) and Dan, are ready and raring to go (UK for the win !).

The coffee break revitalized the Delegates, their contrasting opinions help to colour the debate. Committees using their arsenal of paper cards to battle, not scared to jump on in, the direct response was used frequently, keeping the de-bate alive and engaging. Unlike other sessions where interjections during GA can be almost completely about definitions and explanations, Reims partici-pants all have something constructive to bring to the debate. Comparaisons to the world cup final help illustrate points, yes a small hole in the dutch defense is comparable to a resolution. Well guys deadline is up time to hand in this article, just one last thing to say: anybody curious about what the Board are writing about?

Last & exclusive news !

Reims’arkable · 9th EYP-France Sum

mer Forum

· Issue 4


How to survive in the heat of Reims?The European fashionistas show you the way

In the other issues, we’ve showed you some fashion high-lights of the session, but now it’s time to go further: Eu-ropean polititians also have a place in Reims’arkable. Let’s take a look at the best-dressed and most stylish politi-tians of our conti-nent!

by Elina Sairanen

Highheels make you 150% sexier

That’s in fact the truth proved among the del-egates! Let them be classy black leather stilettos (slim, high once) to the dress and you’re going become the hottest chick at the party darling. Wedges (high platform like) goes with jeans very originally but you can try them on the beach as well with the skirt or shorts. Last but not least, the shortest ones are kitten heels – sweet and cute gonna rock his heart at the first randes vouze. Be brave girls!

by Gabriela Mamoń

Nicolas Sarkozy, the dazzling president of France has is all. A well-fitted suit, trillions of amazing ties and the smile. Guys, note! The best acces-sorize is always a beautiful woman. If your sweetheart happens to be one of the most beautiful women in Europe,

could for you!

Mara Carfagna, former show-girl and topless model, present politician, knows how to look good. As we have said, black looks hot and gorgeous, oiling yourself guarantees a bunch of looks. You go girl, I go with the


Die German, Angela Merkel, is not known for her clothes or amazing style. She is more like an inspiration to down to Earth women and work-ing mothers. You can lead the world and still wear clothes that are not so

big deal, in good nor in bad.

David Cameron is playing in the same league and Sarkozy, meaning he also has an amazingly gorgeous spouse. Mr UK is one the guys who wear ex-travagant and delicious shoes and the

perfect suits.




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Has it been REIMS’ARKABLE?

So many adjectives come to mind when thinking about this session; words such as unique, awesome and hot, so very hot.Are all sessions the same? Definitely not and this Reims forum is no excep-tion. First of all the ambiance gener-ated by the two Football world cup games, Germany v. Paraguay and Spain v. The Netherlands was simply electric. Who could forget the numer-ous water fights that took place in the courtyard outside? Everyone was fair game and believe us anyone taking part got soaked. This was entirely nec-essary though, it’s been incredibly hot during the session with temperatures of around 30°C most days. This was a real challenge for all the participants, blistering those who attempted to walk bear foot outside, as well as making it difficult to concentrate (on articles for instance) indoors. But hey, as long as

the sun is shining and there are EYP songs being sung and games being played noth-ing can disrupt the wonderful atmosphere.What made this session great? How about all the entertainment? Every evening the organizers had something planned: Quiz Night, Eurovillage or the European party. We even were treated to the history of the Roman empire, fascinating wasn’t it? Not to mention the translation... I mean, come on, “Vestige” ?!This session has been so tiring as well. Everybody has been working so hard and partying even harder still, but despite this everybody has still kept on smiling.The orgas played their part doing a home grown haka or their Orga-orga-organizer, organizer dance.To sum up (like a resolution debate) we would like to thank everyone for being a part of this totally awesome session, it would have not been the same without you!

by Cormac McGuinness, James Barnes & Florian Marandet

Reims’arkable · 9th EYP-France Sum

mer Forum

· Issue 4


Reims’arkable · 9th EYP-France Sum

mer Forum

· Issue 4


1st – Become a member of EYP France, take part in the decision making and have all the first hand information got to, fill in the form and pay a little fee of 10€;2nd – Meet your dear board members at the party! Marco, the President; Fey who is in charge of Na-tional Sessions and Forums and Damien, the coordinator;3rd – Go to the National Selection and be picked for the International Session, like upcoming Frank-furt, that’s really prestige! So try to be on Lviv and Athens International Sessions.4th – Look up all the upcoming EYP France events and enjoy the ending of this one thinking about the future.

How to stay involved in the EYP...By Gabriela Mamon & Giorgi Tabagari

Reims Forum is approaching it finish and we hope you had an amazing time here. Many of you are already experienced EY-Pers and for some of you that might have been the first ses-sion. In any case the aim of the EYP and in this particular EYP France is to maintain each and every person who had ever had acquaintance with EYP events.

So, here are some tips how to keep in touch with the EYP.

Post Eyp Depression a.k.a Putain que c’Est Dur...

Marta Valls Esteve

If you have already been in an EYP session you'll certainly know what am I talking about when I say that P.E.D is probably one of the worst diseases someone can get. If not, sit down and I'll try to give you the clues to suffer as little as possible.EYP is not at all a superficial experience, like a party you had a blast in and when it's over you feel exactly the same as when it began (but with a huge hangover kicking your head). EYP becomes part of you, and that is both, the biggest advantadge and draw-back. It's amazingly awesome how good it makes you feel, but at the same time how empty, when the session gets to an end. You leave a part of yourself behind, but this gap will soon be filled with a feeling of mature eagerness. It filters within you how lucky you were to be surrounded by so many interesting people and you will silently plan to be part of it again. Don't lose contact with all the good friends you have met during the session. Keep on enriching yourselves from your beloved EYP-mates. Don't forget to attend as many EYP sessions as you can (practice makes perfect, they say). Start an EYP-coach-surfing network. And don't believe those ones who tell you the typical most-known sentence in EYP, what happens in EYP stays in EYP. What happens in EYP stays on facebook.Unfortunately I have to confess you that there's no cure for the Post EYP Depres-sion. Try to keep yourself busy so you won't think that much about how awesome this Forum was. You can only learn how to live with it until forgiveness and time cover the upper part of this huge iceberg (the painful part of it), and only good memories will remain.

No, it’s not over yet !




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MY CRYSTAL BALLS by Cormac McGuinness

GEMINI 21 May - 22 June

Love: I see an awkward en-counter with a goat in the near future.

Family: A meteor-ite will crash into your house, but on the bright side, it will be made of CHOCOLATE!Job: You live on the street, drink cider, and shout TIIGGEEEARR UPPER-CUT at people. That’s a job, right?EYP: You will hug, laugh and cry with your fa-vourite EYP tonight.

TAURUS 22 April - 20 May

Love: Some wild cowboy/cowgirl/cow will steal your heart!Family: Will ask you why you look like a

Zombie Vampire. The answer will most likely be late night corridor waxing/sleeping bag races.Job: Showing your appreciation to eve-ryone who made this session amazing.EYP: You will cross Europe to meet your old friends at future


Reims’arkable song Reims is pure bottled awesomeness

Don’t be sad that it’s overBe glad that it it happened

We started off, a few days agoAll set for EYP, all ready to go

But now, we are at the endWe’ve had a great time, and made new friends ( like Mr. Brown Bear and


Staying up all night, shaving legsAnd having pillow and water fights

Barely slept at allProbably to avoid the vuvuzela wake up call!

The orgas were amazing,They brought us food when we were fading

Very well done, now go home and sleep for 27 whole hours!

Eurovillage, what delicious foodPity there were no potatoes

World cup and Bastille day- the best by farThat of course, and in the club saying BAILLARRRR!

But now, we’ve got PEDNo more friends or big fat pony

But don’t worry we’ll see eachother again,At the next EYP session

Reims is pure bottled awesomenessDon’t be sad that it’s over,Be glad that it happened.

Reims is pure bottled awesomenessDon’t be sad that it’s overBe glad that it happened

by Cormac McGuinness

Reims’arkable · 9th EYP-France Sum

mer Forum

· Issue 4


Grandiose Gossip.By James Barnes & Florian Marandet

Welcome back to another edition of the best Gossip around, so here it goes with the latest and greatest rumours from right here in Reims. In this edition, you’ll find out a shocking revelation about the session Vice-President, Vivek Gathani, as well as the creation of surprising diplomatic alliances

It has come to the attention of the Journo team that one of the Vice-Presidents has a rather sinister secret, one so dark that it’s very nature could threaten the integrity of the time space continuum. Vivek does in fact know ALL the lyrics of Justin Bieber’s songs. Yes, you read that right MIND BOMB! No surprise Zahra and Anar are extremely jealous and have been listening to JB CDs non-stop to try to obtain the same level of enlightenment. Everyone the race is now on, get some of Bieber’s hits, before he is sold out!

Did you notice the large amount of people going into room 107 on Tuesday evening?! In the end, when people knocked on the door, J.L. appeared in his boxers shouting: “Get out of here, it’s an orgy, we are f**king !” …

Franco-British diplomatic relations improved on Friday night when Vanda and Callum, two delegates from AGRI, met on the dance-floor. They danced together but also shared a passionate kiss, or even two! However, since that romantic moment we haven’t observed any other chapter of this story, even if they’re sitting together during CW and meals. Who knows where they’re relationship is heading. If you know please tell your closest curious Journo!

Orga love Geometry : Episode 3

1 : Sonia, très ouverte d’esprit, entretient aussi une relation pas-sionnelle avec Dani…

2 : …Ce qui ne l’empêche pas de jeter un œil sur le corps de Pierre !

3 : Et bien que tout le monde soit au courant de la relation entre James et Laëtitia…

4 : ...très peu de personnes savent qu’elle a également une relation parallèle avec Dany !

5 : Trahie par James dans leur relation, Jean-Lémon tente de s’essayer aux filles…

6 : …sans succès, car s’il ne manque pas d’imagination, il manque encore d’expérience dans ce domaine !

La vie amoureuse et sentimentale des organisateurs est sans fin… Malheureuse-ment cet article plein d’émotions, de suspense et de drame sera leur dernière aventure illus-trée !

Behind the curtain...


REIMS’ARKABLE • Dare to make the session remarkable •




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James Barnes (FR) Elina Sairanen (FI)Gabriela Mamon (PO) Giorgi Tabagari (GE)Florian Marandet (FR) Marta Valls Esteve (ES)Cormac McGuinness (IE)

Adriana Díaz Martín-Zamorano (Editress, ES)Benoit Viault (Editor, FR)

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